The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 13, 1917, Image 1

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    triori mwk
NO. I!
RHIHTKBN (oMMirn:i:s to GOV-
Kveryonc In.'"! In I. .In for IRIH
Campaign UpW for Hnake Hlvrr
District Is Set by Campaign
Manager, A. I.. Cockruin
Heady for the signal that will start
,,,,., ()11 ,,,,,. .n,her r
right-.. ,. committee working nn.l.r
the dlrwUra Of c .impale,, Manager
A. I. . kriim will lUrl the Ited
Otom caristn nasi Monday
aforo Christina eve ha. gritted
Mr. Coakrou aajnaata to hart It i
lr.toi Red I t ' r In aWjtwm
Malheur i .mm. wltl In tha terrl'orv
,,,, ,
Nysra will organize ' 'rW l'
IttH aaatloa under Ih, dlr -Hon ol lr
J. J Surann and Mra. "rank Hall.
fJayMl ' ""
work In Ika IHa H-n I wMa I
rlfekoa I Mr frew N organ will '
dlt'Mln II... commutes li the Kln-I
""m i cross Pbrlatmaa"
and 'Kvcry Man ami Woman a Hed ,
cross Member'' art .he combined1
slogans tlw.t will spur the worker.
With the team In lha lower end i
mentioned ahoved tin- following learn.
will cover the district
No i Mra It Baa, Miss
M. Dunbar and Mr. Fler. Work
irom Baal elt) limits to rtrat
Mr. McWllllaiua.
Mra. Frank Drap
Mra. J. A l.iu'k Col
railroad, woi k. lag I to t lif limits.
Trim. No Mr ,',l", Johifon.
Mr Dunn and Mra V III Raaaa Work
aile) View School Hl.irli i
Team No 4 Mrs. C. I
and Mrs Herb St. wart Work the
Orange s far North "'
., Mr. Mrtllll and
Mr. Frank llaidn,.,,, Work North,'" " " """""
Vaey VI latf rail mad track '',e,c will he ah.,,,. ,.,,. or tweni,
Team H Mrs John Weaver. ve suits oulMhl. week The
Mra W W Hon.. rdon and ' PMP ''f W "-"""1 ' ""
m irlhnleil the iminev for the v.rn.
Mra. Keefe. Work .Norm oi mn
running eaal and win, by J. Weavar'a
Team No. 7. Mrs. Chas. Tbom-
usiiaandMrs McCarly.
.... .
Team No 8. Mlaa Pansy Muitei
and Mrs lluffman.
nelll. llienl
Team No. . H
Work White
w Swagler
Work Head Ox Flat
Team No. 10.
Mrs. Human and
Mra. Fortler Work eaat of Virtue
to railroad north of California Ave
Team No LI. Mrs J It Hlai k
.i.. Ur. .... siuuie. aim mr. i.t-u
.treet we.t
Chrl.lenseii Wurk Virtue
I., tlramee anrtb to Colorado Ave
Koine No. II. Mra. Cockrum and
Mra. Weeae. Work north of Calif
ornia Ave to Washington mreet, to
west railroad.
Team N ' " MrH Frarer, adn
Mra. Chambers Work Washington
Ave. North lo ld city limits
Team No. 14. Mra. Mil
Mra. Uleeu. Mrs Billl'ig.ley and Mis
Wood Work wc.-t ..I King at)
from Washington North t old cily
limits Illinois .treat.
Team No. IS
Mr.. Van I'etteii,
Mra. McCoy and Mra Finney.
When Mr. W W. Letson .lid Mrs
14 O Drane, who had charge of the
alle of Clirlaliua. Ued Cms. Seal.
oumpleteJ llieir work la.t week iho
knew for a certaiuty that Oularlo la;
In the mtl u" nd '
and willing t aM " '' "'
tuberculosis right In lust a few
hours they sold all the teal, they had.
,la( , 111(,re and the Held
was not blanketed at that.
More than twloe the number of
aeal. were sold this year that ware
old laet aud before Christmas It la
certain that the record will I sar-
passed If you were miaaed before
the supply was exhausted be sure to
get some of the new stock received
and placed oa sale g V IT. Lataon's
Jewelry atore.
Ml Cornelia Marvin, state libra
rian ma) with the local library hoard
evening at a meeting in
whlrh Superintendent H. A. Douglass
and Miss I.Mona ltadr of the Dm
nee Department ware present.
Plans were formulated for a food
conservation campaign whereby the
library will carry material to aid the
I. '.ii keeper and the school and
newspaper aaalat In the work.
Henri li'sen' "A Doll'i Rotas"
'" "lll U Intcnacly emotional
l'"ur for devotee of Ihe arreen al tha
lrenmlnnd theatre on Monday. H. I
,7' Ai"" "..roti.v Phillip win inter
'"'' ""' l"1'' ' Nora HfcM, made
IWBOWi p,, Ita stage hy Mr Flak.
WMtoota, ki..,,- Muse and many
Othar favorlto atara of the drama.
Mary Hhaw. In "Hbost." ha led th
n movement consistently through
seasons past, and despite the vogue of
tt.l ureal author II ha remained for
BlaaMrd Photoplays, Inc. to bring
"A """' '"." Ihe greatest of
ns work, for the first lime to ih.
A ineeUng of .Ike Honor Ouard
Olrll will he held at the Library
I hi. evening; fity-Hie purpose of com
idetltig Hie boxes lo be sent the On
tario soldltn .btcts a he are Mt III In
Amprtc,- ; ' Hii'Yinr0 tnalerlal
lo be placed In the boxes are urged
to have them at the Library In time
for the Bieetfoaj. '
The knitted suits which the Homes
tic Art class I making for the bojn
Homer Maddux. Kd Fraaer and
ll..ii avl . a. j. ,. puI finiii I Ini
' "wm "-'" "
.,.,.. II.... !'.) h.M Hi I.
' -
The high school student, and
pupil, of the aeveuth and eighth
r'"1"' -"l'- jff!
morning wnen rwrgeani wens ...i.,i
lo them of hi. many intereatlng ex
perience, al the front Alter the
talk Sergeant Wells Inspe. ted tin,
Cmt"t Company and Ihv Irem In-,
which tney are con.irucung on inn
scIkmiI ground.. Ha also gave lha
corps a few point, on liavouet fight
ing. o
LOST U UteUMUrlo High School
a liasket nail nail. rinuer picas.
( ( h-oJ al, rewurdd
by aeolng some good basket ball
gum.--, when the teams get In I
O r
Ontario High rWhool's spirit of
patriotism wss well shefwn Friday
ll(ti1( , ,(,,. ,,1,-turc .how given for
the benefit of the lied Cros. A chor
ua of high .(l.ool student, under the
direction or Mlaa Heoge aang several
aelectlons Those taking part ware:
Viola llu.ted. Mary Meaaee. Gladys
Kinlson. Helta Hill, Kruil V.ill Head
on. Myrl Hingham. Mary Horvln.
Helen Ml. mi. Claude Christiansen,
I in i .11 How-er I lo 1 l-auibkin, W.u
dell Holland. Ileruard Hailor, I'.ul and Dwlght 6oa
The glrla uilereeled ill basket lull
'" ' Mr H1' ,00, Thursday
"""'" The maaagera and captalna
of the daaa teams ware elacted and a
practice .bedula was mad out. The
problem of aetmrtng a hall la which
" practice Is one that inaat be set-
tied in the near fut,.
K Kimball who baa for some time
Ikh 'cd wltli the Pa
Stales land ulflce at Vale paaaed thru
Ontario Sunday evening anroute for
Vancouver Barrack, in order that he
might there offer his service to I
sVm' bund, of "MM Cleansers "
Mayor Proclaims Red Cross Week
WHKIIKAS the American lie, I Cms, through It President, Honor
able Woodrow Wilson, Ita Chairman, Honorable William II. Taft, 4
and the Chairman of It War Council, Honorable II P. Davison, ha
called upon all loyal and patriotic ritlaOM of the United State to
affiliate with ld organization by taking membership therein, and
W1IKIIKAS the week of Deratnbcr 17-24 has been designated by
the aforesaid as the time for membership affiliation, and
WHrtHKAS the State of Oregon ha been assigned the quota of
240,000 member, being SO per cent ol II estimated population, and
WIIKHKAH to fulfill Its quota It I necessary for every man and
woman In Oregon to Join the American Hod Oroas,
THKHKFOHK. I W K. Ilniuan, Mayor of Ontario, Oregon, do
4 hereby I'lUH'I.MM to all rltlsen of the Oft) of Ontario. Oregon,
that It I a patriotic, duty Incumbent upon ench and nil of them to
affiliate with the American lied Oraaa during the aforesaid week of
4 Herein her 17-4, to the f n) that the City of Ontario and the State Of
Oregon may sustain our beloved nation and I he American Hrd Cross
4 to the full extent required Kvery man and woman III Ontario iim-i
heroine a member of the American lied Cross during the week 4
nained to fiillll this patriotic obllgullou
This proclamation by me Issued on Herein tier 12, 1917.
4 C. M. Steam, Clly Kemrder W. F. Human, Mnyor.
Indicates If Heller That wucH are
lo Illume for loipurltlrsi He-
s. oda Notion l4i nilorloHe.
l n Ontario Water 4'opipany will
loot attempt to purify Ita water aup-
ply. Il claims that the wimple
w 111. I, Its employee have taken, while
they show trace, of Impurities urn not
aufflcletiily la T.."lrc purlflca
ton In a letter to the Public Service
i omini.slon of Orugon Vu' company
t,r ihe t,'Mts rrf am-
ii-li Us official, secured. Three
do not square l a wldi raaaV uiiii the raaalta obtalaa4 froai
amples tjiloti B tlM 'lly hialtli of-
pT II II Wi.ltlov. o, lo IT
,,i i, in- H i: L Molt,
i or tiie stiii.. board ol health,
,,m. i d. id.illv marked, and new
sump!. from all over the city are
being taken
In giving the resulla or Ita own
taata th' "iipnn offblal. declared
'that since these taata allowed so .light
ill and gaa form
ing hacrill that hc would not install
chlorine plants at till. time.
K. colli tirade l"nills Coinlilne Work
In Kiciils" Will, Tlial of
Willing I 'w I'reea a M.slluin
To keep directly in touch with
what la happening in the world the
pupil, of I In- Seventh tirade room al
Hie (irummar S hool taught by Mr..
. i Kox arc lug new.papers.
They are not only reading Hie pa
io Lain what Is happening, I, ill
I hey are comparing the newsp..,
lo learn from then, the differenl
ways in which editor, write Hie uw.
.ml interpret II
are studying the ada lo see
how the mercbanta tey prospective
customer, what they have to offer,
and thai Is not all they are writing
-lorlea and edltorlala for themselves
as part of their language study.
Argus tlils week la printing m
number column lli b story of
Thanksgiving wrltteu by a pupil in
I lie das. and from time lo tin.
gong to let the readera of the. Argus
know just what Ihe pupil, are doing
.ml of what they are thinking hy
presenting their beat offering.
editor of the ArgUs a-. in..-,
'agreeably surprised at the clear, con
manner in which the pupils
wrote various compositions, while H
uae of language also wa. astonishing
to him. a no doubt it will be to many
readers. .
John lUssiimssen returned Friday
from Montpelier where be waa called
by the death of hi. father-In law , Mr.
' Stalley, who was one of tha oldest
dive engineer. In tin- 0
service Mrs Ita.siuusaeu and child
i, ained over for several days
Vale Men Come lo IMscu. "Cash anil
Carry Home" IMan of I-'imhI Ad-
iniiilsli slor
Ontario and Vale retail grocer, and
meal men met In Ontario Tuesday
... , .. . .
evening ftir the purpose of discussing
i -.?' i .. , i l- in i,
Food Administrator It r lllcknell.a
, ,, ,, ., i . . .
"Caah and Carry Home program.
, . .. ...... ..
I in lliefiill. nn nil. -i -Bi iiih nil. i
oulnion helwi'.- m the liter
Chants. It I said that Mi. lueuitxiri
ware bIhuii e.i,.i!l divided oti lha
pjlaD While all wallli'd to "
Adinlnlsiri.' .t pa4zva aj v
merchants waul to install , it single
dfllv.ri pat day plan
Mr mesne,, s ,., ,- ,.. ,r , ..
unless pain lor ,iv ini' cusicv
The Idea Is to make a plat
charge of five cents for culi delivery,
be ii an order of .'.u worth ef gro
ceries or a rake of yeast. The afcjaat
of course Is lo .ill out Ihe .1
for more ,, led service
Individually a large number of the
local linn, have written Mr Hick
neli declaring their Intention of ad
option of the Ca.h and Carry Home
I'l.l, ." It Is proposed to follow the
government's request and do this on
'January I
Two plan are offered to svold
..infusion and unnecessary work an
.that men may be relieved for gov en,
ment work' One I. to give the gro
cery aud meat man a check on the
first of each month for I lie approxi
mate amount of the ,, ninth's pin
Chases; the other Is lo give a thirty
day note tor that sun, Ontario ui.'i
discussing the problem ap
parenlly favor Ihe cash plan
The meeting here no ague
ment so Messrs K A Fraaer and II
c Hover and Frank Hade, c
Thursday to discuss the siiun
II. in with Mr III, km II Hay A II
sou alien, led Hi.- recent aieetlnga In
i'"'""- """ ' " "'' l'""1 ""'-
chants Mr Hlckuell'a plan
il.ill -stll.m li II. I
Ihe Coin, ,, III... appolnled lii make
the Christmas stocking. In which .11
will make ihelr offerings on Christ
i mas eve for Ihe destitute Armenians
and Syrians send out an appeal for
material. Cretonne or other- niiinii
stuff of bright color, whether Used in
new i daalrad Plea ml
Saturday or Monday lo Mrs II II
Iiilm y or to City Hall Ited Cros,
MO CltOHh till isiltl
Hy more thai, $IU' the treas- 4
ury of the Ited Cross was ell-
id ricbed by the Theatre Hem-lu 4
at In. auilaud last Friday even 4
lug The program of picture 4
god ii iialcal number waa en
4) Jove, I by the audience The 4
Kingman Kolouy nrdie-ira
came frou, ihe lo,r end ol lb
dlstri.t to lake pari and added
to its . High 4)
4 Hchool i liorua. MU.r. Sinllh 4
and Conway alo made a hit a
usual. lied cross ooatara
worn b .' pit
tureeiiue tou. h to Hie program
. . . fcfc ni.-.. .imJiinj, mrl Ontario would eapreaa at
demnn.tratad n marked cliff flrencv nrjj Tctr.v,
, ,, rTree in Hie following'
William M. House, aged 38, wa
found dead at the house In which lie
was slaying several mile weat of lha
rin on Sunday. When he died l
not known but presumably not not
long prior to the dlacovery of the
body. Heath being due to natural
muses no Inquest wa neceary.
Mr. Hou was horn In Clay conn
ty Kentucky, ivtoher I, 1 H79 and
came to Oregon In 1907 from Kan
sas where he wa married In 1904.
lie is survived by a daughter, two
'son, father, four brothers and
three .inters who live near Arcadia
Funeral service were held 'edtn -
day from the Haptlst church liev c
II Mlom officiating. liilcnnent wai
made In the Ontario cemetry
Commit I n Municipal I'hrlslmas
lleieises i In- I sunt l'ro(ram-ln-
leail of Iteielvlng, Kverjone
May (.lo
I he committee which I. arranging
the municipal Christinas tree at a
..... ung Monday evening decided to
make (lie collection to he taken a
l i r..r i ,.i,..r ,.r 1 1,., ,.M ii...
and Syrian clilldren who are starving
, '
Rai II.iIi.ii II l.lvlngs:on one of
ih in in i f i aipregaad the con,
mlttccs Idea of Ihu kind of i
llo von want to he Hen fa clau at
li'- Mifulclal' Cbrl.iaias. 1'rea on
Irris, . I The preal-
dtaLEJV1' ' ' '' ''a" r
in Ihal cap. 1. il
I upon in put on the
.nil and bring Christina
fouf u thauntnA
ia and Arimnla
ilnli'l Want calld ol klllrk
kaacka lliey want I"
million in, hnndieil Ihousancl
ArmenlaiiH and Syrians Hre daatltata,
thousands starving each day.
'of the del .Mullens .nil iiersecut
(f ,;,.,, TurkJaft army In weal-
cm Asia.
Tlnre are four hundred iliousand
orphiius Tlielr parents have been
mur.l.ied I'helr I ics desl i .,, e.l
They hsve been driven from their
native towns and provinces They
ale holm less, lo. idles, helpleaa.
The work being carried ou by Ilia
American Committee of Armenian
snd Syrian Heller has been in, I. tried
l.v I're.l.lenl Wllsnn. hy act of Coin,
re, and by (he leading men of Ika
Allied Nations
The people ,.1 Ontario are ssk-.l la
make their Christmas gifts to 11,1s
great cause.
In conn... lion w,lh I he M ,
Christinas Tree gifts of money are Ii.
h. ins. I. i..r Hi e rtdlef of Ihe War suf
ferers of these lauds
i man anil woiioin. every girl
and hoy Is appealed to lo play Kautu
Clans lo Ihe liuiiKrv orulians of
Svr nd vrmcnla
Mglil I', .11, email Jamea Conway
who has guiiidcd i ne peace and wel
fare of the riiueii- of Ontario has
gone to tight lor demo. racy. Mr.
Conway lelt Ontario Tuesd.) eveuln.
and will proliaid) -.ek HPTsM In tin
SI, nine, lie having had ih.mous mill
, a member of im
Cortland Naval l(.-.i.'s oiiiaiin
will miss Jim tor his (.-nor v....
slug iiiani,.. In which I
popular songs always made a I, II wilh
local audi, i
I till) ol III INKM
.- wish ,.. aafwaaa aor ajajoart
,,ppi . laiion for the many kll,ll,cr- -Jiiiiii
us by frn in!
.no I neighbors in our sorrow for the
..f our lieloved iiusliand am!
father, doth K. A Laavltt.
Mr. I I l.i: Will aud family
Mr ami kfn c c Uuller
paiiied hy Ih .li daughter a,
n their car Thursday from
Vale laision Mullei Is now Sar
gent in On I S. Army and I.
same evening for camp Stevens.
lllltrCTOK.s Ol- IIMsltlV,S
lltKK.V IION Ills I Kit I I KI
HI ol I l I iMinti us
Committee fJlven I mil X.llournment
of Congress to fteenre Oovernmcnt
Monej-rrlTiile tlffer Was IVmllng
At a meeting of Ihe due. tor of
ih. u uruiHprlng Irrigation Plstrlct
at Vain Tuesday n resolution was
paaaed endorsing the request of the
in." ling of landowner for g-
ul aid for i In, projeci Judge
on lt!i:,'s ,i,,l C V Malletl were
named as the .ommlllee to present
J the req it to the government fo-
lll and Congress. It Is believed
I men will .i.e. -pi the ap
pointment Ihe due. I,,,. ,. further. They thai they would give lha
loinmltlee until the adjournment ot
Congress lo secure the i ion.
This action was taken after a long
ills, iisslnli of the situation with W.
K I s. i: i . ., in. Hid. repraaeat
lug Hie lainlow
II devidopeil duilng Ihe disillusion
thai the lale Inliii lllghv. when see
v Of the hoard had negotiated
Willi a bond hanker for the sale of
the honils and that a private offer lo
inn nun a an earne of
good fain ii mad.- However
Ihe !.' 'I .I did DOl I. -I' Itself
, bound in this niter, which had bee
ctlr.'lv informal, so decided In favor
lot government uld
who favored rovereaieat .!. tared llial If ills p,, ,,t i .ing
ress rata to aid tha project that
a, il, I, I unite Willi lliose who
disagree Willi tl and further every
.11. .11 i aka a favorable snle of tha
i, on, i to privatt ..pii.iiists.
K, light-, of Columbus Initiator Hon-
irnlr tblllly l tin- H.oind I'p
III) -Work on IM I nodlilale
Seven tired sleepy, hut otherwise
responsible illUens reluiiod to On
tario Monday noon from I', ndl. ton
Tliey were nieinhers ol Hie degree
team of Hie Knights ol Columbus and
II,. t bad -I" e' Siinilav In H,e I ill. til
ls capital for Hie purpos. ol demon
stratilig to the gallic, lug of Kasi., ,i
oiegoi, Knighls how to put on the
third ,legi. I
Judging In ihe f hai II H
ITuniiv. on. oi ih. eieiiiher. w.s un
it, mora ' liaa land la bgadMMT'
i in--. I. I M . dn v isiiors
did not do all i In- allowing. Ilov
. ven Mi I inn . ,. ,..., ,e. a good
thn ad, Hilling that II 1 a larg.
In initiate al one sesaioll
ineiuheih w In, made On- trip
l.v I Inn- Ivi.u- P I t.allagh'
I I i VI. . . i , ' C l. .,.
i O Sinll I. lain. I'oliwa), it
I Han
i Miss Manila Kl Isabel h i
aged 41, who for several years has
b. a '...a . k..p.'i fio snuatn,
II V PogtlUI mi the lioiil. , ,ii .1 ih., I
I of apoplexy la. I Friday. The stroke
Is believed to have been hasl, 4
thru worry ov.r Ho- i... i n.ti she
had eaten some corn, which I
she found it decaying, .he fed to
chi. ken- w III, I ne i. -mil
15 out of 42 are said lo have tiled
Funeral seniles wet. held at the
ii ol Key. Karl llauna aud
Mr I'millua look the hotly hack to
Kansas for liiterrjieni
ii ol Portland
a few days with Mr and Mr. Hay
tO eillhl III 11.
heavy artillery d
Ham's army