The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 06, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Food Talks for the Ontario
Women Who are Hooverzing
HV Till DOMWIfO WUtmCU iwMiiTMr:T.o!x-T.xRioHi;HHWwi,
The Christmas Store is Ready
The Amvl.-an Nation MMAl tritnefcr of food-atuffR Oft
now. a tank much hnr.l r tl.iin that different miction of the country, and
of orjtnnlr.lnK "i 'i l-plnjc Mattva llilx puis M "v.rv futility the patrl-
ari. .,, mmliM tl. food hah- sjUa miwdty of Increaelnir far as
lt f , f ,Mir people an poKllil- thr UK" of food stuff lro
tn., I anppllcn l ii. -! locally Tk-gf CoN use local
of food may g furnUI" l And only v-Kttahle and fruits and those from
thru llM --operation of the nation near by eourrr- rather than thoao
at larae ran thin hn n compllahr-d I trannported Ion distance Thla
Am MMaa mimi Iiavc more food meann "uae In aeaaon " I'aa fooda
than IfcK ian ralae. and we miiat that :ire grown In thla count rv U
aen.l more thnn we n readily spare, have an Bhundant supply of ni
I,, Hi r..iilM' a few definite J potatoes, tomatoes squashes and nil
change In our d.illy liahlta The aorta of renetahlea and frulta Whv
money of tliia nallon cannot bring not iry rooking these fooda In aoine
It inn nloim Neither can our on - new way? They will add variety to
ducr-. JMlOT not MMMH Only ' your dbt and give you a new food
hy M "l" ration, unlveraal. generoua. l out of an old For If we are going
whole -aniiled. deceive can we do It. I to conaerve food we muat find new
Thla co operation muat begin In the
home Housewife, father and child
ren mum be equally concerned.
The 1 tilted Bt.itea Is the greatest
food prodiirlng country Russia ran
o longer !' I ! n 1 I upon for help
Knglainl and France 'an not raise
enough for their own conHiimp'b n
It la up to u to furnish the shortage
and If we are going to help we muat
reduce our own consumption. The
economies we muat practice are not
ardahlpa Wn will not atarve. but
what we muat do la limit our uae of
certain food stuffs which the Alllea
need, and make uae of our own local
production whl. h we are unable to
ship At the preaint lime there la
no actual nhortage of food hlnffa, If
are were only to feed ouraelve. but
to supply our armies and our Alllea
we mual save on certain fund up
ptfha The Imperative amounla of
owe Alllea are twice the amount that
r have to send them Our Immedi
ate duty IhM la to aave and aend ov
er the MM, approximately 450.000,
O00 IiuhIh-Ih of wheat when we have
onli (WO thirds of thul amount to
ipar'' If .'H' h mm of u liould eat
tin. .ml on. h.ilf slices of bread
for every five slices we each have
Imnmi in i ii' i. mm. . I to. the dealreil
and unusual waya of combining and
cooking thoae local producta.
Try theee reclpea tested and ap
proved by the Domestic Hclence De
part meiit of the Ontario High School
Next woek we Will have more reclpea
for von to lflr
All measurements are level.
Apple ami (VirtfMeal oae
1 rape of com meal
2 cupa chopped apples
1 teaspoons melted butter tihll-
'"l Aiaon
1 teaspoon Uaklng Pvwler
7 cup boNlog wai.r
Tut the corn mea: Into a boa I,
cover frith hnilfn whler and mix
until" smooth, cover with I cloth;
wgN 'old add the well baten eey ,
iiii. I beat for 2 mlnut.'v and the ap
ples, butter subatltuie salt and baa
ll.g Jowder and mix well Itrush pie
Una with butter HUhatlt'ute. pour In
ll. e mixture and put In'" I moderate
ov.ii Hake for 2.ri or 30 minutes
Kerve warm with fruit ayrup or tart
apple jell.,
Potatoes An tiralia
Hllce thin, then chop the potatoes
i do not thru food chopper. I no'
result hoiiI.I he u.ih..l. the lctor- a ahitrp Ktalfj To lour or five ni.'.tlum
tons comliislou of the war would L alia, otaifae, .How on" medium
assure.!, and lena of thousamlN of iliod ujfioii mined, one groan pepper
Nan TtWrb the a4a have been r-
vNI, and nlHiiai'a up mil of rich
lltl '. w sprlga of fwa (flopped polalues.
onions, pcppi' lnf of Die ctieeae.
miiiI a liiblaswou,'.) Hie uilurud -pur,
. Im.hI. in 1 u.'ll noaapp
with plenlj ..r ri .yn.l pepper silr
III 'he li.Ullirsf, 'a '"'''' VOPfoll of
ll .1 Imp i(.-milstll HI"' or oilier
ilrlpfMafi l rii h ii n well greased
cnSMorol. nr hikltig nish Cover with
finllk Sprinkle tfie kaUttxal of cheeao
hit rtre top mid hake In a slow avM
nol less flhin on hour, longer will In
prove ll llemove rrom Ihe oven and
prlnklc parsley across the top In
deaths Iroiji starvation nil.l he
lloit We M.i Wine
I. Ily use of Local Kood Sluffs
'2 I'se perishables to conserve
rtii.H. Cm.!. mi I'rodiii It. I lr hi. I
Prodacta, Dairy I'rmJufta, mid Poul
try I'rodiicis
II Kllllllllllle l-.l-le
4 W haal i on i tl ion
I, Food I'm .M.illoii. i unnerve
pel t l.lhl.M, III
prevent waste, lesHCii Ihe use of sta
ples and Increase v.irlely In .Ihi
I e Ism ill I ...kI-SI iiITk
All Increasing .1. tnmid for the
I ransporlullou of supplies . n n . i . . I
wllli I lo' war has interrupted the
I spoil of Siikiii lo Niillon's Allien
Causes sU-mdIii Here
.. Ne I ...... Ihe Soliller Means
1 1. .H He Is Ml ItlKbt
Home s.sIIoiin oi the I'nlliid Stales
are tempornrlly short of sugar he
e ihe Nuiloii Is partially lilling
Ihe Imperative need- ol the allies and
siipplvliiK sugar lor Its troops In
Frame In IVIT Ihe lull. id tUUM
IBOrtad ner IS times as much
II I. a. I aveiaged III the iln.e years
AllholIKh the llllllle I.. I.-. .Iv. let I'l eceeilnlg Ihe WIT
ters from men In the not The world's sugar crop for 1816-
pleasani lo relatives mid friends ut 17 w II -nly IJMIU.unii Ions less
lioin Hie ...luge in. news is ih. in that ot jvii-ii A greater
news'' ieei was nior. Hue than lit hortaa'e howeler. atte. I- llie Klllop
in. .ni The report of .n.i ... .oil .an allies he. aiise their own pioiliu
ty at liome of i- mini. .ll.itel Hun l,.,s hi ei acaM cut, and prior
wiled or cabled to .initials at Wash- to Hie war lleiifinfn and Ausli being relayed from there ported each year approximately 1,-
wltlio:' loss of llin. to He . ni.'i '.i tons In prewar limes Kim
gen. i address ol the soldier or sailor laud tec.'lTe.t' M pet cent of her to
a" cried It Is also .it once release. I i a I siixar supph Itoni Ihe eiiilial
for publication In the n vhletl I" now supplied I1..111
o 11 v .11 ...a ..I 1. lias 01 will he ihe I ntled St.if.s- . mroea.
held up I While Kurop'sn alllea lire lielnn
No mall III the sen).. I,..- i.-.eiw.l niaterlall) aldidwllh sugar from Ihe
orders not to wrlie In. on ; he li fnli.-.l Si.u. s. they are far from el-
,,il;,,l ,11 the .ontrary to keep Hug more limn their share at thaeei-
I11 1. null wllli rehatlvea and friends ' pense ol ihe 1 inen w ho on. u lu a
The in hiunie lone at 1 heir , hlle may have lo drink his coffee
disposal Map cards giving general unsweetened The uvurage vouaurup
Ini. .11111.11. ... in regard to health and Hon of suiy per capita In Kglud
the 1 Ipt of letters and parcels, ' before the wur , was more than S
which mu.v be illspalclie.l w It hunt ' pounds a yr 'Now Ihe maximum
payment of postage I flattl la ! pounds, with some llkell-
t'are la also taken lo see thai mall hood of Mini being unobtainable In
Intended for soldo-is and sailors France the limit Is 1 a pounds per
reaibes ihcm prompt I Where tl... .'..pit.i III Italy II pounds
rotfiiucnial unit company designation ' '! -' conau inm ol sugar
f u ,,,in, 1. mil known it uiav be per e.ipiia ipthe I 'nit. d State ta still
.1 a gJwUekliOB lo The A.IJu- about 0 pound.
taul tlonelal's Onii.-. W iiikIoii. D . -wj
In on. w..W I '..t lalltl will V woiuun 9ii vwars old has written
iusuftl. lent 11. re.eiie.l the womuu's oiiimit ttte of the I'oun-
laofnee 1 in 1 I - the addresaea ell of NaUonal Defenae aaklng tor
were completed mid Ihei were for war w ..1 Its aeeause. she aays,
warded 1 : 1 were returuud to aend- son is too old lo bo a soldier." A
win to ii.. I.i.l letter office girl 9 yuarxt olvtwant to gn to Fi
baxvause senders' uddreasea were not measenger In the lied
ii. 1. and llie balance were held rvlce.
with Ihe new thul Hie u.l.lreiuiaa
might be completed later. Pupil nuraee needed at HttJ
1 1 ,'.. not under 20 year of
. will do Job I'lluiiiiK age and one year High achool. 44-8
1 i JsjWrV
-. UP
Of Wool Velours, Silver- Very Special
Vol,, in Special lines of Fashion- Milling.. at rtjitly Re-
VUIUCS HI TW. f,,r TKricf. (lUCPtl IVlOW.
tone Hrtiadcloth, Velvet) Handsome Fall and Wint- - fa Dn f New Xrnah (rkwpr
0abardine--As you know er Coats. Many new Mix- Serge ' S;ltin sik ' an(, jjew gJMjg
are the Season's most tuivs for Storm and Mo- Combinations of Satin ar.d N.-w- Xtwrs Fiir:
wanted Materials. tor Wear. Silk with Ceoiyctte. New XmW.V;iis,ts
Christmas silk and daitty cotton underwear, both robes, kimmons. silt. :md wool dress xpods-19 (act there
are hundreds of practical Chrwtmas presents at this store for your selection. '.V . .
Depaxtnteht B0YER BROS & CO.
. lt ...
. ...
Thirty yeara ago the telapliouo wu a tmury. Today,
through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It has bacomo
a neceaalty within the raaoh of everybody. Whero one a bual
neea pad but one telephone with limited talking rang, today
that buaineaa hat with a rang three-quertera of a conti
nent broad, and ev,ry branch of arvHBu4rneaa la linked to ev
ety other by an Intorconimunlcatlng telephone syatem.
The telephone has earned Ita reaponaibt place and there are
now s.iinU.UOli Hell telephones In thla country, over which go
:r,,uou.oOO talks dally.
Every Bell Telephone in a Long Uintanre Ktation.
Malheur Home Telephone m.
This is the time to'.sell horses
Hay will be high ami it will be expansive
to feed litis winter. The market is right
tor horses now.
I want to get good sonnd horses from ;
to 10 years old Iron. 950 pounds npwaul
Mules Wanted, Too
Will also buy good sound mules liom ten
v . its old, from 14-2 upward. Address
A. McWilliams
Ontario Oregon
Buy a Liberty Bend
and help yeur country and
help yourself.
Finance and food
are the trfnewg of War and by
t he proper use of both America
and Justice will win the war.
Our SPECIAL Customer' Safety Vault i at
your service free of charge for storing- Libert)
KondH and other valuable".
Read the Argus Classified Ads
Nutliuig, beta ily, baa quile
the xante- quality of real friendship as
i.ur photograph. Time does not
duHpoll nor IfHsea Ita value. Your
inv.i.l. ion Int. . VBDlllim you c4H
.give them -eieapt vour piuitevgraph