ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER G, 1917. PAGE THREE KAHTMAN KODAI.H FvIiMB AND HUTPIABB The Ontario Pharmacy rhu tub ma srivciAi. mnf op naaph and am, kiniwd ok toii.kt autict.kh NOW ON DIH- TIAY THK BKJFXT AND BKHT LINK IN TIIK UiVlll'K AT PUUIKH WHICH ARK NOT ONLY RKillT BUT IIKAHONABI.H. WE CAN KITPDY TOCR FVKRY WANT IN THIS LINK. The Rexall Store II T A IIK.VAl.li RKMI M n III THAT OOI.D NOW PRESCRIPTION HIK(TAMRTS IM I.I.1NO TIIK TKKTII PIIOIH OK TV- Ish war waa marked by aerlous epi demic of enteric fevere, and In the r wiir. which lajted les than The report of Colonel Sir Berkeley larag BtN, there were 57,884 rar Moynlhan, aenior conultlng engineer0' typhoid anionic Brltlah force, of the Brltlah army, that that bjavg "'" "022 death. It ia eatlmated been only 022 caaea of typhoid ln,,ll:,t ,f "", """ aanltary method the Brltlah forcea ilnce the beginning prevailed today aa In Boer war time. of tha war. with only 292 death . i the BrltlRh would hare loat 100. onO confirm the obaervatlona of Ameri can physician and Juatltle the men ly typhlod 'fewer than 300. prophylactic meaaurea adopted by Thla waving of fever. Inatead of the clTlllred world Onr own Span- almost wholly to life haa advance In due com paratively recent year In anruni now . omparntlvely aafa. i When modern bartcrlolog- Thp Rnmp ,mmunlty wM1 be ob. Ih(m ,IIh. ow-red the ci.uhc of the dl- ,,,,. ,,, ,,,.,,,,1,, ,onrn tnp vnI ene and nlljlr.ed the knowledge by!,,, ,,, Rr,1(in ln MnlUry ,ffalr. p-rf.- iItik the rwMtaa which lanowj,,,,,, . ,1,r,,Mtr ,,1P prejudlcea of uaed a part of the routine prepar- ,,, dvldim! to the good of the i. lion "f the mildler for hi duty, they drew tli" t.iih of one of the worat 'oiiragea of camp life. It ta no longer true that 'disease kill more mi ii than bullet," aa It waa In the whole community. When vaccina tion of the Mildler la ordered, he la vaccinated without more ado. When ha la commanded to abataln from drinking opectcd water, he doe ao daya of our Civil War. Unleea they of auffer punishment When Army actually meet the enemy, our men are sdrgnon dlaeover a aource of In P 1 ties thr being an son CUIIUTA The Ontario Argus fcr MAKES CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT WITH THE OREGON FARMER Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers MONG our large circle of readers there are a great many who are interested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and oyicr. branches of farming. AtUfihese naf- ciTaiiy uisii to keep in close toucn witn agricultural activi oughout the state; and1 to know about any fight which is vaged for the measures Oregon fanners want and against s of schemes that fe.detrimental to the people and agri- I interests ot this state. r We nave, therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with THE OREGON FARMER whereby any farmer or fruit grower, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not now subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination with thifltpaper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub criptions as weH as to all new subscribers, If you are interested directly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual' opporturity but send your order in now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of Oregon. It has a big organization gathering the news of importance to farmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and poultry men; and it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods and combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures'. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and attractive clubbing offer. - ,4 ' - t.f j. wu rArctifi jrujrt rniiE u unt, f ONTAaiOAJtGUS, one year : . $1.60 ; j a OREGON FARMER, one year $1.00 ' $21 1 9 By Our Special Clubbing Plan, both for $1.6v ' ' -' lititlui niiImiiIm'i ma have the Idaho Fanner instead of the Oregon Farmer bj to Z ipeeifyinjr, 0ltltt dLftil UliUb.iM.m .llfc.i , fectlon. they enforce a quarantine and the danger la abated Kquul result could be obtained at home If Army methiitl were poaalhle The volunteer ytem ta alower. but It I not to be depnrled of. There will come a time when the few who ohHtlnately withhold cooperation, at the expense of their neighbor, will be compelled to rail la line OoM pleta railicntinn of typhoid a a menace to human life la wall within the polbllltlea of the coming year NOTICE tlgg la hereby tflvmtt. to all holder of warranta of the Payette Onafloa Slope Irrigation nialrlct to aeqil nam at once to tha Payette National Dank, of Payette, Idaho. for pavyment at par wfUni oWif'la tereat to the date ot thlaTpunffeatlon By order of the Board of Director of the Payette-Oregon Slope Irriga tion MaU'tt llISK ( PITM8TH To in ii.n inn.iiii.Mi "ontlnued from page 2) M Boala, Secretary. MOTtCK The fllitte Teacher' iuiHtaatluual will ne conilurteii at tho ( onrt Tloue In Vale on December II, 20, It and 22. is i . Following I the program for Mal knir County:. Wedneeday Arlthmetlo, lliatofy, Oeography. i people. Ixxtal men enlarged tipn the Intent reaourrea of tha vicinity that niiiMt nwalt tr.i'tsiportBtlon to develop them; the present proapneta for tonnage waa touched upon tha idvnntuKc of the virgin territory ta many respecta that would appeal to the railroad builder. However, thlt waa not neceaanry to an experienced man and no doubt Mr. Pierce knew b much about till nh)ect before a waa' told him at that time, but It wt well to cjfll ntfentlnn to them fa our own benefit. Aayol i.n presided at thh meeting nnd Hinted lli.it tie Ur iiuthorltlea were ready to conalder a proposition at once and that It WOwaa lnv" their e:irnet thought. There ' waa nothing more that he could aay at the time. There Is reiimin to believe that tha prop. i .It Inn will lie In the hand of the city council next week and that Immediate aeth.li will he urt . ! Jamea K v.t.,n. the man wba hn lieon on i lie Job lnce lat fall la I'onn.etlon v.ltli don of tha railroad line wvi Invtfaw hf Mr to nie.-t Mm In 01 win In and Mr '.ton waa hi panloii iliirlnx Ills entire tour of the e'rrltory, going back with hhn a far I'liuraday- (irammar. Clvt1 'Dovt1(, crHnP Mr We-loti feela ea- criinient, theory mid l'raitli School Lw; , rrldaj Mtc.l.iii. Willing, OrthaftW rapliy, Comnaajtloa, piivhi. 'ioy,JmMili Kenilingl'livslciil (ieogririmy I'uiu tier wliiiing to write .tor i il, r. 1'iimury or g wl fa i'nr- tlneate will uaxa mukw..f1t)ei laj ar riiugeineiii.t ulili Hie nwaklty uper tat -iiil ni No tAtoiiar wo- inmi fur tlrla wnrlt ill ' . TrTiuted I' v J'l VliK I'olllltv Sllpl'l llllelldellt fit SlilloolH ' hology COUMged over Hie situation and bt Iteve we are g'lng to got that rail road without delay llnrriili for CAPABLE CAST WILL BE SEEN IN MEN PICTURE In of the Shadow," the Metro wnndcrplnj In v lilch 1 vVehlan i. on of M lor a Weak Sioinacli. .niri's will he Introduced to a new Am a geneml nil- all Von need to iodine man for llila pi tmlur atar. tO adopt a diet nulled to )nitr :;u-enc Srl'iiv. who MM to age and . ,iiallon and ki . p font . after Miluildi howeN regular Winn oil ti I ""', r,.n,., on li Ml Strong la ou lone eaten too much and whew'j Kn,,wn fer hi work lu vnude- i .hi ilpated. take one of (hauilier-' V w,err fui twfl ywarl he beaded Inln Tablet. Adv ' 00l,,,,;li,y orgiinlied by the lute Paal MtroaCi anil fi-atiirllig tliil Kplen.ll.l Coiigli Me.ll.hir. rK'.i nccea. "All for tha 'I limn ,.e.l t'humberlaln'a Coilgli Hl(llH ,,r Olrl." gfOTOOVW he ha lie ly li number of time during .,.,1 pi, n ire the paat two or three yeara for cold, omul nf iiu, and hoaraeneae. and am'i(.mv H , t. beat pleaaed to ay It baa alwuya given l,11i)W villain In lllg aUagll drama, ta me prompt relief I colo-ldcl I ham ,,!,,,.,.,! ,,. ,nn.lill lo'e u( I h.ilaliiH ioiii-Ii l!.mid a HpleiwUd )),.. t ,e oui la Mri.1 i.a a nauva gea m.. h. die and have recommended II , ,, fugitive front Ju- to many ot my friend, who lime ,,, wln , laurel. iiH.d It un.l likewise prulae tl high- pt , ., ro,oi uccxe on tha l. ' den v riles N N Mr. V f Krunlx. I'ol A0V of work o-i tin In 'liie On i 'j.r-- . , ,, ahlcl upplanu i ' niuny y. I r rh PIANO rlllt HXI.H. , , . , ;,, , ,. M lor Imineillale Hale w. tH gall ,n i, iren .ndously cheap a lew Ugh gr. ik , urrli r. a f.atured plnyer .1 nl Ontario Liberal!,,,, ,,: , , L. . iWJ in I respoiiHlhl. p.ii I v Qual . .,, , ,, ,,,, ,, ,ir.elly In the '"" I " ml'reate.t In a father ol iylvlfl piop.iHliioi. of thin kind write Till: .,,,, DaWVlH aftmiC COM I. a well taw g) I ''"I" al i I .l!ru ,,., w),i, ,),,. r,,,. f ,; f " Ing hi debut aa a I'Hll and ee Hie new VillraiilHig x, ,, , , ,, .olu.llon shop twV dooiH gag I ,,r Hie Moor.- xlci v ,ui m lni hol..l We hme .ne of th. I., i ,, arl ,ll( ,,, ,UlU. , Mr, ,,,, .uulpped Bkafg In Hi North Went ; , kH wl0 itep.nr work gnar ni.-ea lor ini no Introduction to Metro life of the t!ulug or nk trdpa Tie Trail nl n a rthHih... nave your ..in me mane new b ,r(...,lMi Kundu Onlarlu Tire and Ituhber Co. In P ' will er- Polt IALhI lotn from a to Hi In Uoall ITI near high action! f Mi, per Ini If token ijni. k Addr.iH box 47. New Meadows, Idaho. '41 llon-eliold glMldn for huIo At Inline vaalaga Taraa Uoaka north of the Moure hotel l'roperl of K I ope, who IH lemlu Oulurlo If KOIt It I N T 4 luifilslnwl I, on keeping rooms with two Hcrefnrd pon hes Price reaaoiigble laqulre Ontario, in. gaa H if KOH SAI.K SI do.u ll . pullcU no ready to . on laying Apply II K llei.l.. nr. half ot ..i I-1 ii it land; addreaa I'ay D No i Aiuf A Piano or Player For Christmas Hlial can ou grl lliul would make m. glorious m lnl ini..- ii eaawl a a lilgli-gnxle pUm. ol plmii il there l nine In luur liollie ' If )m ant r.ulppeit ollli a piano or plax-i I lien a l.lroln or a New Kdlson We Baaka M Miallil li) our ..! p.iioo ol pl.tn fug you to but. Bag In-n iioienl iou waul Home of the VI.H..U .ml I ill.u 4 A jaak for ralelug anion n If tiff . r ouie'A hll i helueeli llllt.ill.i Sam oho n Munii Co. Iil.ilio- I .lMl Musi. It.'UW. 1)1.1 Main M I 4 4 and I. ime aoutliwtwf of . ollfy Argukl ;t' ArtTR rilOXK gov -