PAOEfHBC ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1917. IA1 roil pra jinl 1 be con lie. for lie tin to orj to Til tl Hi. ha re Ot III n U vr I ll N g ol Im I IV tl ( tl 4 GOOD BEEF CHEAP Owing to the high prico of hay and wanting to out down my stock of cattle on my feed lot, I am offering beef at wholesale prices to my retail customers as follews: Front Quarter Hind Quarter ... I U-rrsv4- CL-vvinw;i t kJCl Y 1VC Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatmentSteadv customors deserve Is the principal upon which we do business. lie per lb. 14c per lb. The meat here offered is from a bunch of exceptionally fine Bunch Grass Heifers and Steers. ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN! Sheepmen and those who are buying in la' e quantities should take notice of these prices. Also they should note that we arc open for contracts. We can care for your needs as long as your stock is on the feed lots. SPECIAL PRICES We also have a special price on Hams, Bacon and Laid. We pay the highest market price 01 CASH for HIDES, FMLTS and WOOL OREGON PACKING CO. H H. TUmrr. Proprietor. IHE AllO ARMIES GU4 VI).IUA (flMUMiN flora Plrwf 'M ) n(ID DIDT HI CrrnllfP ' or the enuntry daring tka noiHMixkmAiMmir in Tl I 111 I (P"" "' The Increase la csUtle '.hlnmaai I. la &. At. a K .. !"", .w j irm. ui.l w WW VVIIII ft 1 1 market tit animal becanae of tbe high price tbet have ba efrtat far tkaaa. eaagded U. tn freadly laoriaaiifl prior of fneds Horn dairy eelaialt bate andoaktedly hawa mar ketad Cor tkaaa ranioa. tcUier j farm ehoal.l k provided villi Ik aeoaaaary took) vita wblca to do tha ordlaary jka ot repatrlag. " nlra oa U part of tbe dairy WMk a little ualalaa, together wlth" keag. "V hlgh-pradiwtaA-k aMiwary tool aad eugpliaa. H la ( k) fH ( at cavtU Uni atmpi gaaUar to tuaka repair1'1" ka progtnMe aw mUk pvw about tha noma, maod aoma of the I "near. tt fat aa aansaaily broken part of ram Binary, farm lm-,r at kog aad nap lmni ami karaaM. and hnlld . arKatw: la reaaoaa to high fence, barn tuilldluga without hired halo. Much of tha soar time bwiiavag to raftraaaat rathar a ra in winter and on dlaagreoebl day ! 'I ka aormel movement equipment and amall ric- ' 'oalpt at tko aleak tout tba aid of trained f" a"" kraaaat 'VW ara Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. Gasoline, Lubricating J-Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PETE Dl FORD. Prop. Phone 134 K. HHITTI JIOII m Tnh TraamTi Phone 1ST kj e orb rnmziNo wenui Oatarto, Oreare OfJoa la New Wilaofi Bleak Oats kaara to IS I to I OB. W. Q. MOWS omcnoT Phaaaa. Ofllca HT FOkaa tld Sea IIT) ftto aa4 aarata a aa to ka aiaat ilaaiilaaa ta ik tt.. -- .-.. . H. PAAUIT raaarai ditartar a04 aabaJaiar. Ld trrfirTniil Pkoae UU-W. Oajtorto. aar. ran aaa aaa Utaraalaal to our raUraad arojeat rraaa ik mm kailaaiaa wbaa tba aroaoaltlaa aa nt n to klat. It raaa arar ftae ajra. Ptoroa td Hdtoaar C. J. Praaklla. tk latter kala tk aa I ' aaai Ift lanaadtaiafr aa tka aak-f viiaa oatalda work la not poaaible ran b fnt to profitable aoe If toola nil laatarlal to work wltb are handy. Toola abould be kept tocnthar la a r.inv nlnt ptaoc. Nerar la It aatU factory to have theiu acattarnd about tin- Imunn or barn whore they will tan! to dnd when needed. A .linn or other eulteble place whore repair wrl. hae rained many hnAl than a dlatlacl falflac ol in tba np- pir Ooabto PraaM Irva kJLaraa 4 krood itara oa tba farm la a aoarc of two proftfl It la not un commna to bear ot aoma remarkablo atara on a particular farm that.ibe- ' aides dolac bar ahare of tha farm ) ot Mil tall, aa I TW VU -K. 9WW ajaata al) 6raj, JOltN UaMJDJNOHAJi CHTISTMAS We are pleased to state that we have LrffD able to get together a larger and mort1 varird line in Christmas goiids than Usual, consisting in par of childeren's wagons, carts, wheel barrows. Velocipedes, kiddie curns, doll buggies, shooflys. dolls and toys in great variety, Christmas cards, decorations, etc. ,et". We have a large stock of Tableware in i patters to choose from and our tables of decorat ed chinaware art: loaded with choice pieces. Also a fine line in glass ware, teapots, combinets, Jardineers, hanging baskets and innumerable other things. Come early and get first choice. THE VARIETY STORE Ontario, Ore. aa area mm tiHi wrr 4 kUtlttktYUaat a Una tual, T work cwn be oarrled on durlna cold aoll"r" rrth of rolte. To obtain and stormy weather la elmoat ax Im portant aa tho toola and material wltb which to do the repalra. A mall building devoted exiiualvely to Hop purpoauit u dealrable, but where tha (raateat raturna, nearly all tba work animal maintained on the farm ahould ba mare of thta character, a ow Varmere' nutlatln . of tba foiled Htatoa Oepartiuaat of that la not available a portion of one Agriculture. f tbe regular bulldingi ahould be "Horaes alwaya are needed to do net aalde for thta purpoae The ebon 'farm work." eaj the bnlletln, "and tliould ba provided wltb a work feaerally ibey ajaj be ralaed from enrh, via, and enough wood-work-, farm marH more cheaply tliao tbey (ng toola to moot tbe tndlvtdualjtoa ba parcbaaed. while the aurplua, rimkI of the owner If work la to be 'if of proper breeding and' llberallv done with Iron, a dull preaa. anvil.. fad on amiable balanced ratloaa. will Tka aikoa wkarw tkw tka Seat, whara tha atatka . .tka Nawaat. .. e iact being broached leal fall to auke raaart oa tka araaoattia. Mr Kraalliaa report waa uBtrti laf 1WM ATIXAAr ma ana tng mwttox - k paaa under nuaalderatloa arat elaoa. Coa- "'" utb oeaa aacn teat It waa Iraaoajrlkla for either Mr. Pier.r or Vr. Miliar with whom ba la aaao- olatad. conld aot gat over and make a aeraoaal toapecUoa. but racaatly tkay aer.t Major Head Ufa report waa aleo favorable and naally Mr. Plerva haa coma aad la convinoad The trend of egpreaaloa of thoae alio ware nreaent at the matnnr M farther indication of favorable neaa aa it aeemad tf Individual praaent waa rrady to back tba city council up in any mora toward tka axtnaaton of tho road While in the oity Mr. Plerca and Kngineer Franklin bald a eoniuiu- llon wttb tbe city autborltlra aad have a thorough underataudlng aa to ear Itaaaf Change of Finn 0 Messera Woolman and Bunker haro pur chaced he Cope City Pressary, and hope by con tinuing the Hm high quality of work as here to fore done by our pmlccesson, to mend your pat ronage. All hand pressing. Shape retained m ubrauing, Suita Mutdo to order. Oooda called t or aa deliTered. u ara Freight is mov ing slowly now adays. There is the freight embargoes. On January 1st tlie New Edison, ' 'the phpnofrraph with a Soul," will be ad- ondltlona. They are to deal direct- VaVJDCed in price. YOU Will ly with the city aad have 8rat kaaul wnt to amt vntirat rwafnM Inforniailon a to what aiay ki da.w UrB DIre forge, aad other iron-working toola are naoeaaary. krvary ahop ahould ba provided with a aupply of paint, suit able pigwgg of lumber, a uanlit.v of nalla, rivet, ncrewii. etc. In di'idlug what toola and mater ial lo pun have alwuya give prefer dnd ready ale at good price baoavaa tbay wtU have tha characteristic that aaggaat iba ability to do work atiafactortly and profitably It la pointed out that breeding work mare placea double duty oo tkeai. conaequently they muat b ro- the freight situation we ad vise you to buy it now I here will be ao lacraaaa la Iba Ml to thoae iiumi frequantlr aad fcu,t 'v'1'ala properly conformed. argent!) ueedvd. paaaing over thoae "" "' " ,a goad care and With two aourct-M f pro- 01 from one animal, farmer can well afford to pay mora for audi tuck. faad It mora heavily, and give It ape eta! attention. The amall farmer la meat likely to gat tka beat reaulta from urn li a plan bacaua ha uauully work hla own lea not or la in a poal tlou to watch litem cloaely and aee that they are not ill treated. The to outstanding raquireiuenta in profitable rami maraa are that they be breedem and worker, aay tba bnlletln Aay mare thai la aot at leaat of high grade ahould not be conalderad Tbe particular breed or grade would depend largely ou local that will be rarely uaed. Under moat. ''''' uiiialaiici-r. It will pay to aecure i.m.I. of good quality, although Una exterior nniah la not eiaontlal. Toola of vary inferior quality are offered at low price, but they invariably prove dlaappoliiiment to the purchaeer. Many people regard working with tool a recreutlon and take pleaaure in making piece of furniture for tha Improvement about tbe houe Oth er conalder a well-equipped abop a aeveaalty for making repair, especi ally during a buv aaasoii when aa impleuiMit bleak.- down and to iiara time to taka It to an eatabliahed re I'.ui t-hnp might mean the loan of a . top Tha ui-e of toola la of great by aurli MUthoiitlee without farther i January 1st. On aCCOtMlt Of unieudmeutH to tha ebartar or delay lu vtecllona, tharwfora It i oarldently Hp.-cti..i that the propoaltloa prom ie will be reasonable. At aay rata T'ZTr' V !??? r 0t'h' R.r..ttn.. Par- ne. to back the ,ounil In any propo- ,herr' '-V " m anion that will appeal to them as tk ICdlaoa Laboratarlaa by aipraaa in being right. ha , of a frelehi iaaaM Flare your order now for project of auy magiutudn j Vmu Jlivrv wkil aa be undertaken at this time! Amm" eilTerY WHIIP We av them in atucft II Bl II I - ' '''"''"'' mg lii" gg in , a I llakjnHMMajgjaHapv' ' WjjpcaeaaWfcaW-t--. - -" -t 4!&JM& II bw ejal a vara ' B 1 - kaHfc " to aaioy watk tbe Vthf' M m UBUBNBaaarCaJ "bet bard" IJ W I ,-fl HliT BaValeVaf "- drtnk aa that I10wa ' vfl Laaffi. Wk ejxlciaaa aaaee. but aba iw v af! iMffiS Brdarat. auppiaat apw- & ? A-aagteaaJ gf: fK Uaar 1glrteMa-- rick Ki liR ! ', Wi.V I Ma apaTaV aawtrltiTa SWaWsaBeaaeaaaB; jQ" H aaraada aad taaaavUd BlV vfvij bop. IVO afl j ' aaaW aaakaa aowat ikaai a aa B Jl Hpfl 1 taat better I . I ' ' oweaaklul. jlWOilwHESHBrJ kVb ' bbbV.1 laiiiauaaa auaca " aBDKmaw!aalWS gJJJ B u.o.a. a. II t I ..In ... educate..! hiur. avaw... iu a louimy wnere mere peclally when tha work la carefully ,M " l1 hora "-'a1 u a gwawallj performed Ihe b..ya ahould be en- " " " pravalll couraged lu the uae of tool, hut type, alace by ao doing, aalea ara afiould be held raamoaetbl both for,',,, lha ..rvlce of high cieaa aiaiitona are practically aa their care and lha baratei of tha work which I done. Tha tool outfit will aid greatly Ig keeping tba boys' employed and contented to remain at' koae Mill I- lu St.Hk ltr..lfl. onirial of the Hureati ot Market rad lu many caaea lUiougUout tba ounlry automobile owner have learned 10 drive their owu ear or i bare glvaa them up entirely that Ihavlv Hl.anOAiaik. ,uluLt ks l of the United Slate. He.nrlm.nt of "7 """ a-" aw .eiaaeeu o awliraa ualuuhl U.A1I1...I Agriculture find that a number of " . -i-t-ieiiaeu r cauaea have hnuriiix on Ihe Increase i-e lo the Army. la Ilia receipt, of cattle and decree KOK 8A1.K Two mjl Hog. A for hog aud he.p In the live etutk JAI.aiX SMITH. Oalario. Oregon Up I The war haa, rliauged fliian. ial condltlmiH to such an ettent that a railroad could not becnu.e of finance, but aci-ordlng to Mr Pierce, the level country to be traveraed aud the eay conat ruction would not require audi an auiouut urn couni oe Handled by the two m aggaj iiy lutercatcd. therefor tbe financial end of it i not going to aland in the way ot its aaeceaa Mr. Pierce diverged In hla remarka to the extent of diecuaslng other de velopment, of thn. Immediate terrl tory aud to venture taw assertion that should Mr. Millar taka ap our railroad project ha would aa doubt lake a further Interest ia tha develop i men! of the country by saatstiag la other aateraxla (hat would help build up the commaaity. Tha gentlemen recugnUaa tha vaat resource, of tula territory, tba itiuitiea in the immediate fatara therefor are ready to Jon as ga puahing our aertlon of tbe country to tbe front aud giving it an oppor tunity to expand aa the natural con dition Justify Several local men voiced the eeati meuta of the people of the town to ward the project and Mr. Pierce re turned to iioise with the assurance of the enthualastlc auuoorl n.. HOME COHTOR? Cogf, avaaariul wariath inataatajr. Poranaaa. Iawv nomual. Faal uaaaaaavd only wawa haat ia aeeaW aw west. No eaaoke ot aalag. Turner Music Shop. (Continued ou Page Six.) BIOUBBT aUKfJAJN KVKK t. KKKKO. Kvary aabacrlkar of Tba Ontario Argua wbo para a year's aakaciip tloa (a Tka Argua fraat this time oa at $ which ia the regular yearly rate fur ibis paper, will also receive a three yaara' aabacrlptloa te Tka Oregon Paraaar without aay antra cbarg Thia almost unheard of bargain ig made puaplkla by a radical red u cue a iu tba aubacripttoa rata of Tba Or go farmer for the purpose of re lealag a large number of men from it army of agent for una la other industries aad la the military eatab llrihmaut. Just read the detaila of tbl woad erful otter. Ontario Avar, one year gl V t'iwsua Paraaer, S yra.. old nwana ago My r Special clabMajj pie. ail few oaly $1 .V 1 I ..ft ' 4 B naaal A. gravflDAAO oar -VJ - - Tn 7 g y I rngaa uu fffifc fi ' i iMW .... i:T w yV i I ll . . aargwaTa i IT BBTraaaawriaaa Ai fct i .kHBBaa aar leaVaaaaaBKglJvtl 1' 1 gi!1! gaksaikf' rJSj RW I PEARL )M . vlgJajpl'j on, JBj-, PERFECTIQN OIL HEATER roeaaui aaraeja go. McHulty Mard amuayvweu s kajicnajaff) gUoro. Try la ARGUS Want Ad -a-as..y,