The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 22, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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"Notice, In hereby given to at!
holders of warrant c . t (he payptte
nregon siopn irrigation District to
send name at once to the Payette
Vitlonal Bank, of Payette, Idaho,
fog p.iyment at par wtlh accrued In
mreat to the date of this putiHi-nthm
Pv order of the Board of Directors
of the Payette-Oregon Blope Irrlga
i ion Dtatl H
.'. M BoaN, Secretary."
For a Weak Htomarli.
Aa general rule alt you need to
,m Ih li) inlopl ilti'l siiIIimI to jour
age and occupation and koop your
' regular When you feel that
miii have eaten loo much anil when
lonstlpated, take OM of Chamher
1 .lu'a Tablet!. Adv
Call and nee tin- new Vulcanizing
rflmp two doora north of the Mnorn
l ntrl We have one of the bcit
i liilppod adopt'. In Hip North West
llepalr work guaranteed for the
life of the catling or tube.
Have your old tlrea made new.
Ontario Tire and Rubber Co.
All kinds of Una Carpels noil Hug
ttlrn. Mrs. N. Burklianlt, Wioin
Inn vo. W. near t.rant Ontario.
4 Truck Transfer
I'linne 157 M
Ontario, Oregon
Office In New Wllaon Block
Office houri to 12 I to
OR. w. o. nowK
Photei Offlce 117
v-llioo Bid. R ini
J H. FARLEY Funeral dlroctot
ad embalmer. Lady assistant I'lione
1IJ-W. Onurlo. Oracon.
PRESS HHti all trains
IB Hip County Court of Malheur
County, Oregon.
' " latter of the Estate of Johr.
Shearer and Mail;-" Slieiirnr. mi
nors. Nancy K Shearer, tho guardian of
the person and eatatp of Jpnn Shear
ier and Madge Shearer, minora, and
nun residents of Hip HUte of Oregon.
mm wno nave real estate within the
Rate "f Oregon, and who have no
duly appointed and nualllied nnd act
ing guardian appoint .1 under tin
laws of Oregon, having, under tlM
provision of MattM ttll Lords Or
egon I.nws, filed hpr petition In Hip
above pntltled Court aaklrtg that a
he granted to her as such
foreign guardian, to sell Hie real ea
feM tears, situated in Mal
heur Ciiiinty. Oregon, and which ft
llllon is accompanied by certified
copy of necessary papers from Pro
hate Court of Washington County,
Idaho, showing that sa.d petitioner
Is the guardian of aald minora.
And said petitioner having alleged
In said petition that It la necessary
to sell aald real estate for the main
talnance and support of said minors,
and that It la for the best Interests
of aald minors and, their estate that
MMM he sold and the proceeds
thereof applied to their maintain
ance nnd support
It Is hereby ordered that the next
of kin of said minors and all per
sons Interested in ssld eatate appear
before this Court on the 3rd day of
December, 1917, at the hour of one
0 '.hick 1'. M , aald date, at the Court
room of this Court, at the County
Vmirt House at Vale, within Mal
heur County, Oregon, und then and
there to show cause why an order
I should not be made granting to aald
guardian license and permit lo sell
said real estate at puhlh or private
It Is ordered that a copy of this
order ahall be published at leaat
once a week for three weeks prior to
aald date of hearing. In the Ontario
Argus, a newspaper printed and pub
lished at Ontario, Malheur County.
Dated this the 3 let day of October.
County Judge
Flret pub. Nor. I. l17-4w
Miss Tingle Makes
a Cake. Sans Ev
ery thing Dessert.
University of Oregon Eugene,
Nov. 19. "Oregon War Cake" or
Mine Tingle'a "Sans Everything Des
sert" Is the latest thing at patriotic
dinner tables. It Is the true successor
of Mr llnover'a war bread, which all
are hereafter to manufact
ure. Wheat, meat, sugar and fata
iii" I he four things the government
wants the people to conserve Miss
I.llllnn Tingle, head of the depart
ment of household
arte at the Cnl-
vorslty of Oregon, has succeeded in
making a cake that contalna none of
I these, except a single cup of white
flour As the cake has been de
clared delicious wherever It has been
taated no one auspects that It does
tn.t contain plenty ol sugar, butter
or flour. Here Is the recipe for the
eggless, butterless, sugarless, milk
less, but delicious compeund:
cup Crlsco or other shortening.
V4 cup honey or other thick acid
1 cup apple srup or other thin
i acid syrup
1 I up raisins, or other dried fruits,
or a mixture of fruit and nuts.
ty cup rotted oats
H cup cut rolled oats or coarse
1 cup cornmeal. barley meal, or
fine oatmeal
I Vi cups flour
The United States Government Food
Administrator Says:
"Baking Powder Breads of corn and
other coarse flours are recommended"
Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse flour breads
9 cap corn mo1
1 ', up flour
i to 'noon ' t
4 lcol toaspoont Koysl Biking To-wdtr
t tablftpooai sugar
' milk
5 tablespoons ihortonlnr
' 1 milk ami Tnlt4
HI. Jliko In ffrMaod mvfli
ttni lo hot evsn abuit SO minute.
9 npa ,' 'shorn f nr
B lovol t ntpoono Boil Bsklni PowJar
.-.ipoc salt
1' mpi ii.Uk sod vtttr
xr or enrn tyro
nod "Utt (nt loo fllol OT 1
.. .. vriaaj sol 9ouro4
Hit toff thor Hon-, bikini pow.lor and salt si I milk
snd wotor, otijsr or com syrup snl sstmosts or
riilm Put Into grrtMt losf pan. sllsar to oUnJ
89 n'sstot In warm pltco. Bi la modortto ovoa
4J to 44 minutoo.
Our iW, whit and blue bookl.!, "Set War Time t-cfpti" containing adJitionml :imttar rtcipw, tanf
raw on roquctt. Addiaw Royal Baking Poietirr Company, Dapt. H, US William Siraat, Hew York
(according to th r I
Expert Service
Charges and
The kind of treatmentSteady
customers deserve Is the
principal upon which we do
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars.
Gasoline, Lubricating Oils
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone 134
kind of flour ui'.l
1 Vi lovcl traapoons soda.
I tttaspnon cinnamon
1 Vi teaspoons salt.
thai maple syrup A few cranber
miii a k mi ri
1,1s lln.lli.KH and told ttia , ,,.
for Irrigation be brought to the city rlM
in plpea.
;li The dairlw which supply
t!o- milk to thw city must be ri-ftular-
ly Inspected and samples of the milk
ilrliila, wtiiit. In his opiniim
must be B4NM In rictlfy the sltuaton
I'lire iter I irl KxentliU
Klrst CleatiHe rlly water supply.
.mil (onilemn ll roiiml unclean
Boconil I'titll Is done boll all
water used for ilomesllc purposes
r That Is for washing clothes, washing
PudII nurses needed at Holy Ho-!.llBlies or Imihliig, as well as for
H imtlnned on Column Six.
ary Hospital, not under 10 yeara of drinking.
age and one year High school. 44-Si Tliirn: Rutfiure dirt
olrmnl up anil kepi clean
Asld" from these .prwlflc reconi
. .illntiK lir Holt discussed the
ml prolilem of health protection
uiiii the council and while recognli
, Ing the difficulty of securing the en
forcement of heslth lawa told
nixniliern as entitled that If It was
ssary to do ao the department
I would And a man who umilil enforct
I I. .. KAAaaso, mtt PbbiiIuIIiiIIs
'"" '.'- . ...... together oer water Allow them to
HO aaut tnai n wouin oe iar wirer
may be used In placi ot th
oTHni ini roll UHK.vrri.KMH
Wlirulli-.. I li) lleelM
I cup sugar
I I ;'. i tips rye flour
i n isri h
4 lea- piMiim liiil.lnc powder
Vi teaspoon aalt
t egga
ci.p milk
Vi cup hiitterlne
I aquares chocolate
1 teaspoon vanilla
First melt hiitterlne anil chocolate)
number one level wheat and ffay land
In south central Idaho. flood terms
Prices 40 to ISO per acre Wilt
cnnalder Income or acreage In or
around Ontario Oregon. Add rasa
. Theater
Friday Nov. IS.
Kingdom of Hope
I. Illh Mi Ulster
The Miory of Plymouth It", k
Tlie Mailc of Hprlna
Kalrfleld Idaho.
Adv. 4I-
Saturday Nov 14.
Wax Model
xi.. i VMM Martin
Itlg V. tmel
Sunday Nov tl.
The Hidden Spring
titer Harold Isxkwood
I'stlte Newa
HteMi ItoroUu I'Mllil
I niwTMil toaued)
Tueaday Nor. IT.
Grew Ghost
I urr.-ul Kvents
Idmk 0tw d lriuu
Wednesday Nov. tl.
Winning of Sally Temple
IUiii. 'I' Holme I'ravel
Star Marguerite CSM
A Hplrndkl Coagli Medicine.
"I iiav ..sed Chamberlaln'a Cough
Itemedy a number of tlmea during
the paat two or three yeara for colda,
cougha. and hoaraeneaa, and am
pleaaed to say It haa alwaya given
me prompt relief I conalder Cham
berlaln'a Cough Itemedy a aplendld
medicine and have recommended it
to many of my frlenda, who have
used It and likewise pralae tl high
ly." writes Mra W. F. Franti. Col
dan. N. V A4r
for tho city to aolve Ita problem and
clean up than lo compel the State or
the Federal authorities to come In
most be cheinlciillv ... Ontario for that purpose He aald
seats covered and ven Hint unless Ontario did clean up that
Kuurtli I 'pen loll" ' must he u
handoned as soon us possible and
those used
treated and
rami while preparing other materlala.
Sift dry liiKitillents, add milk, beaten
1 teaspoon tumeric.
2 cupa whey.
I'm the shortening, ayrup, ralalna
and whey Into a sauce pan. and rata)
dark at all tlmea ao that flies may be
kept away.
Fifth: Manure from llvary barna
and private barns must
Hlxth While all of the above
measures are for the nin
mate relief of the hIIiiuiIoii, there !
also a prcnitiK goMs (t ' new and
adequate water supply that ran he
k.-i'i clean by a Alteration and cleans
Ing treatment The city should ui
'' Ing
l'i. member's of the
be haulnl eltlgsMM ' pinicil out Mcrof.iifil Hour for Hume i was among the possibilities that
. k- l- ..H .n.l v.. ill kcol tl... eltv would beuuarlntlned and th to milling polul Meat In the oat-
...UN. W C,. m v . .
would be con- meal ana cornmeei mm i
minute, or until It thickens slightly.
council and Uemoe and cool, men oeai in ins
a hay stack flour, slfteit miii. i r ury ingreni-
sikI manure - i.n lllchardson street ents. I :H. n ur.ip naner
i I....L .....H. ..r ii... citv Hull ul nine In hot greased muffin pana.
and declared
should not be permitted and that the greased paper
immure niles about the livery stablea i Hint or Two.
., M mm n.o.i I... .!.... i. ...I uu at1 The tumeric mav he omlltad,
I'tileas this H ' I " " ' I ' ' i'" "'.I a slight
, tut l Ih.- i m phaMiiK flavor with honey and cln-
ii.. i I
Mich oondltlonaiOl In a squara baking tin lined v.lth
ou ran have that ptaava,
p4ayer, UtroU. KUIsan or
olhrr nm-lcl In-.trunient you
want. Onr easy IrrnMi aaaka
It possible. Onr (rowtti to the
largtw.1 musk hoawe la the
lata le the result of omr mm
price, square deal
Von lake ao chance when
I ratling al our store. Liberty
ii.. ml- taken In trade same a
Sampson Music Co.
KteoliUaa la Mliak'.
HIM Main HI. Hutu.
HTATK Will, i ovi
mi U " DM LSI
luu.'.l fii.iii Klrst Pag
million linn.' iniieii ...... i
i In. I maybe Hand In place of the
i he whey la used after
1 1 ease haa been made from
l.uiiermilk or sour milk Tha mp-
, may be made from elder or
hi hulling apple peallnga In walar
'once take ateps looking to Hie si-, m
Ing of a good supply of witter.
Seventh The open ditches for the
Irrigation of the city lawns are a
source for breeding fllea. They
should be abandoned and the water on,Hr wr,s. the u.-.l Cross Christ
mas seal campaign, which begins all enough to rover Concentrate a
WANTED to laaaa for not leaa th tn . nvsr (,rn, December 1. must pro Mllle of the mice thus ..hi slued and
thraa yeara. 10 to 40 acroa. Improved llllC(, fjn.oOO this year aa compared mS with thick gluroaa or sugar, or
or unimproved, with good water L.h ,e gooo sought last year y thin syrup to the consistency of
rights and privilege of buying. Write j A , Mllea. President of the aa- nags und Maturing; stir wall, add ft rat
Wm Kerokan, 010 California Ave , ,clatlon and of the First National mixture tjtgg thoroughly and bake In
Ortarlo. Advtf nMni, ( Portland, has no fear of the m,rute oven
Corn-Meal Moullle
H cup yellow oorn-maaJ
I pint milk
1 tablespoon butter
. i.ooii salt
I egga
V. teaspoon paprika
S tablaapoona grated cheaaa
Speck of pepper.
Heat milk lo bulling point, add
,;i.nlu.illy sift In-
,,, ,i ,1 .,,, ...1 i.Mik .mill of
the i'i.iir-1 ii of mush; remove
We Can Supply Vour Needs
The place where the Service la
the Heat, where the Baths are
o the Newest
campaign's aucceaa "The amount
jof 10,000 for all of Oregon la very
g4naH" he said, "both compared with
o ih.. state's willingness to give toward
M. practical a patriotic service and the
amount of work thai will be gft4
The entire additional amount for Mil
iars of sodlera will be expected with
...ii overhead expense of snv kin. I
"Another element that alwuys ..Li
the appeal for the gjMgfV "ed Cl
Christmas Seal la the fact that tl
who buve but a penny or a nlcklc la
This is the time to sell horses
Hay will be high ami it will be expensive
tt5 feed this winter. The inaikH is right
for horses now.
1 want to get good sound horse- from 5
to 10 years old from 1)50 pounds upward
Mules Wanted, Toq
Will also buy good sound mule from lou
years did. from U-2 upward. Address
A. McWilliams
Ontario ""'-""
Buy a Liberty Bend
snd help your country and
help vouraelf.
finance and Pood
are the sinew of War and by
the proper use of both America
and Justice will win the war.
Our SPKl I AL (Jualtsgaera' Safety Vault' is st
your Mtrrfcc free of chance for storing Liberty
Itonda and other valuable.
,.- helping the cause just u fl Bfl lil in beaten Volga of
thataa who have dollars The high agl I, eooi tnlBBU lunaer anil wbeii
HtaVes caused by war haven't hit the ,,,, whllea of
.. (hey silll sell for a penny each ,,K,.A ,.i r, lieeaa
ay t I the Wf pr..vnl.'.l ft the ;i, ,,! ,, n, h. ill. nil baking dlelt.
..I eala last year iuhercul..-U gi( dish In pan of hot water anil bake
I surveys of great value In controlling i,, Ml, ilrtjf mluutea.
jllio disease have beau msde In l.sii"
Mullnomah. Ilsker. Jauason. Wwh
in. I matllla. Marlon. Colon. Clai
.luv and Josephine counties, and par
UgJ surveys have been made in (iruut
ad Wallowa CountUa Trained nur
es hsvo made systematic visits to
atjraea here Hie disease was fouml
laalriicilons In oare of Hie afflb
and In hygene lia been given Milk
S1 eggs, food necessary to strength
en patients who !... lubareuloaoa
have been provided where they have Hi.. -d iM'ta
Intfked ibe financial ability to buy of
MtfiaVM-lw'" Work has been
iMIiiali' ally done through Hie scliools
aiul H"' slate ha be u In a
uiultltiidM of ways
Wholesome oare I tread
1 quart butleruillk
1 . up ii. .uu .1 honey
2 tablespoons sail
1 1 in meal
2 tablespoons baking soils
2 teaspoon.- baking powder
. ups graham flout
Mix dn Ingredients and add lo but
,ney hake in ino.l. i
... i, ,,i,.- .mil MM tialf hours
amuuui make three madlum-
im.wn moM otun i wt
fc-e Harper who lives half way
I.. W'lser on Hie le;ol t) h In l
, II.. r. ports that
riviiuiiii'i ,iry land rarmari in that aaotlou Ii. I
cluing on ah
,,f,i H 1 r ba f in Turkey
II.. I
t of r'rultland,;'-. I'ay
ie H f P M0 1 Advtf
Building .. ier work
kinds Iteaaouable prices Wrll
nil Wm Karsham, 20 Calif
Ave. Ontario Advtf
that la growing fine.
II, I'l.lllO
,1 will for bees Alsa
is at reasonable prices
, write A It MeCartf.
pa, Oregon