The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 22, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Oil? (Hhttann Argua
(1 8.)
OTO.K.JLCKEN, Editor and Publisher!
Published Thursday! at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution as 2nd disss matter.
SUBSCRIPTIONS; On.- j car $1.5G Six
months $1. on. Three months 60c. Single
oy 5c.
The Pledge. I pledge my allegiance to
My Flag and to the Republic for which
it ntnni tiai on, iudh isible, with libel
ty and ju (ttoe for all.
Hating before it the niter made l V.
P. Davidson of Oregon Western Colonisa
tion OOmpanT to loan it the funds necessary
for the purchase of the reservoir site the
board of directors of the Warmsprhigs Lrri
pation district should not hesitate to pro
ceed with oondt :miaiiiii proceedings.
Mr. Davidson's offer is but another of the
many indications he has shown of the desire
of the Company to hasten the day when the
land in this section which is susceptible to
Irrigation shall be under water. The hoard
should congratulate itself on having thus
found an cas solution of what might other
wise have been a rexihg problem. There
are no, many districts which have their
trouble so easily solved.
The one thinp that might cause the di
rectors to ponder over Mr. Davidson's offer
is the fact that the are to ask the Tinted
States Reclamation Service to build the pro
jeet. and the directors think that with stakes
so lueji that it is list as well to wait and set
if Unele Sain won't hnv the reservoir site.
as well as hnild the project.
Looking at it from that p. hit of view
some might agree with those who would bee
tate, but if Uncle Sam can be induced to
mild the project, that alone would cans
more jn in this region than anything lave
the fall of Merlin.
In the meantime the director! are in a
position to advance the project one step fur
ther by having title to the reservoir site, and
that will he an additional argument with
which to induce ConirrcBS to take the final
Step which will make Malheur county more
prosperous bv Increasing its crop bearing
lands. ... , lr.j
This is the time of year when the Good
Roads Enthusiasts should be getting to
getbei' for action. Of course this is not the
time in which to huild the good roads, hut it
is tin' time in which 1o line iii 'mint y
Courts, and the Slate Highway commission
for any given piece of highway. That i
providing of course ihat there is any chance
ti Ing action.
(cr in Barn county thej redlisc this to
he the case, and have acted accordingly.
.i representath e to Portland to
see the members of the stale Highway com
mission thev hae secured the promise that
the Post Road from Bend io Burns will he
surveved in the immediate future. The
commissioners informed A. Z. Oosad, who
interviewed them in lichalf of Harney
count; that the engineer would be in there
within thirty days xnal sounds sometmng
like act ion.
Would it not be the part of wisdom for the
Malheur ci. niit court to send a representa
tive to Portland to see if that engineer while
over in llariic Continues his work OH thru
Malheur and bring the road to its destine-
nation, the M Idaho Line." Now is the time
to act, In the spring if actual road building
is undertaken it will he too late. Then Mai
heur county's representatives would he in
formed, "the program tor tiie year was pre
pared last winter and we have not aDOUgfa
funds to add to it." or words to that broad
and general effect.
Grocery Service-Fresh Goods B
The day of high prices Is with us. hut the da of big prd
passed. Our Government is iwinifeeting a somewhat pe
lati d i. ut commendable interest in the matter of abnormal profits,
This is as it should be, hut perhaps hardly enough so.
Neither Speculation nor hie, profits are a part of our method of
operations, hut rather volume and the elimination oi wasie. w,,.
Customers participate in our profits in the form of better values
1 fresher goods, We hope for your continued co-op. ration.
The Grocers
" -.r a
mii hi I in -'. a- s, arc Tills
t nMHII X. .1. Slnnott Inc.
writli'ii Tim Argils Hint he lint been
iiirormnd ly tin' liureau of Plant In
ilustry at Wellington Unit tln allot
iin'iil of vcgatnhUi and (lower Md
made to each mnnibar of the SMM
irxintativei for distribution
In hi dlatrlrt will he 5.000 parkage
fewer thin year than it wan lent year.
Kor Hi l rcHMim he la even more
anxious than usual to get the seeds
allowed him Into the hand of tlioae
who can uae them to the iMtat ad
vantage and dealrea to receive the
name. The rongreaaman hellevea
that the iniMlii'il Inst year of
making the .ll.itriliutlim through co
operation with Ilie nierx in li It dis
trict In the more surccaaful In bring
ing a ho nt this result
Therefore. when the needs are
ready for distribution, vfeM will
not he prohahly until Jnnuary or
later, nupply will be nent to thin
paper. At that time a package may
he obtained aa long an they last,
either by calling at our office or re
iiiieMtlng a package by mail. OMS
rennman Hlnnott will alao retain n
amall part of bin allot ment at bin
office 242 House of RepreeenU
tlven. Wanhington. I) in order
that any of bin oonntituentn finding
It convenient to ga din needn In the
'iihnve iiniiiin'r iiHiv obtain a package
' by writing directly to him at Wash-
II H M I old) M, mi;
Mm i iT the Dead
Ol I'lnt renlon wan In Oniulo Weil
neHilay. Bhe reported that they had
recently reiolved a new tractor which
ban already convorted a targe section
of aage hrnnh nlto plowed ground.
The Hupert ranch wan one of those
on the dry farm nectlon of that dis
trict that rained cropn and they are
em ImiMhMIc over the prospects there.
Already there Is a flno stand or fall
nown grain on the flat.
The tieiinan Am. rieini who haa never
. een 'ie-many and lias all of his information
at t!ie Hands of parents who left the If hint
fear- ago to escape militarv Bt'l" i' V r for
greater opportunities IS the vet !in of self
IWptiol1, aecoldino to some of tiiei I rest ill
formed men.
(u their minds i ye tbe.i picture the Ger
man., of roinaiH and fiction. They see the
happy German gathering in the evening ;it
the heer garden with hil family about him
listening to the opera stars sing the great
master pieces. The) conceive the great
Cities as the only ones on earth where DOJ
evil does hot exist and that therefore the
government which brings about such oondi
lions must ..f necessity he the beat on earth
I 'Mf..i.tiin:it,.lv- flieir oictiire IN over
drawn. Instead of being without poverty
before the war Berlin had thousands of .-iti
m li ins '" congeatod districts, while the
German heer garden and the opera
were often the eonjurillgS of imainat i -i.ds.
so far as thousands of Hermans were
I'liere was a time when to a degree, at
st such conditions existed, hut that da
, asse.l long ago. If that condition had been
ill existence during all the years from 184H
to pill win di.l so mam Germans muni
grate to the United States 1 The answerto
that question is simple Th.v cam. here be
cause thev culd no longer Rtand the .-..ndi
tions forced .m them b the (iennan govern
n.ent. Thev wanted greater opportunity for
self expression. The, wanted to avoid mili
tary service. Th.v wanted a freedom th.v
,.,ild not have m Gemiany. and all the talk
that the pro German makes now of te
wonderful Gcnnan government is bardlj ec
curate. Tin- view is confirmed bi the writ
ings of .such authorities as J ames W.tieiard.
,! Ackermaii ami even some ol the tor
The puhlic has already begun to forget the
recent acgitation for better health condi
tions. But the City officials are getting un
derway the program which they outlined at
a recent meeting for tin inpulson use of
the sewerage sysem.
The public, especially lie American public
is alwavs inconsistent. It insists .very time
that a public condition is revealed to he eoii
trarv to what it should be, to find some one
to blame. The puhlic likes to make a "goat
of someone and seldom does the puhlic think
of hlamiiie; its self. Yet it is true that the
puhlic is to blame. However there is slwsj i
a dut.v for the puhlic and the puhlic officials
to perform aJ well as the dutv of the law
abiding portit f the citizens to encourage
them in their efforts, In making Ontario
the cleanest, most healthful city in the
Snake riv.r vall.v there is plenty Of wmk
lor all. Now is the time to start the cam
paign. It is not the time to .start forgetting
that Ontario has hail two serious typhoid
epiden ic o' two rears
Now that the m.n of the City Council of
Defense have given their endorsement, the
women of Ontario can Iloovcrize to their
hearts content. Of course the women could
have done that anyu.i. io fajSJ most of the
hollies were concerned. .
When the OnUnt. 'oiirt called lor bids for
the new jail which is being erected at Vale a
number of taxpayers criticised Th. Argus
for not having given notice last tall that the
County Court had included that item in
the budget, so that they could have then and
tin re mtered their prot
The ArgUS had to plead guilts and cite as
an extenuating einuunstance that the Edit
or was then, almost n total stranger in M.d
heurcoiiiitx ami unversed in its turbulent
political history.
However since that 'oiirt I lolls, is so im
portent an institution in the County, and it
is important to.., this occasion i- taken to
point out the fact that in the county budget,
a copy of which was furnished all of tin
papers out the Argus, ami this otnee was
told t seek its information at one f the
other offices, there is an item of jfO.l M M i for a
beating plant.
Also we have been informed that the
County Curt intends t.. place a concrete
Moor iii the present 'oiirt House. I hat i all
the Court House information that is floating
about this end of the eoiuity at this time.
The Russians .just cant stop having rev
olutions. That should make it necessary
f..r the Kaiser to keep a si.ahh ann in
that theatre of u at
it Qooveri
And Likewise to advertise.
If the women of Ontario really want u
new citv, water system the. can have it.
I Painless Dentistry by Nerve Blocking I
DR. CRICHFIELD, Boise. - V& Building I
VHBWW' lUbI aw A i 1 i J vD
V A Fuel coniumaal onljr aWaRaBaWslalLi " "HjaUili-. JaawlBaaW
4 ' vkiicntiri incjj no Biitff3SHiHB"
sJN' J f iiiiolc of odor. JT I II PaBrf'
I dpAdi RaVUdfl bv
-c V "-''' Im Wf ,b
Kroessin Harness Co. McNulty HardWavre 04
McDowell's Exchange Store.