The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 22, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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War Department Prepares Plans
to Enforce the Most
Rigid Economy.
Effect of New Plan It to Turn Into
Largo Profit What Hitherto Hat
Been a Very Considerable
Washington The nr department
has I ii k iii I'lnli'H id' iiinl i prelum
"lie pi'i'i rnilhins in pi . v .'in mUJ In
Hi.' iirmy cantonmenta, w I i . i win
i mini ii' Hi. iii 2,000,000 ini'ii, hii'I
In I he iriliiii Uiiinni i iinii. Ill III''
fi iiini; nf tin mi ii amata trill ba mini
toad through the DM tintl tha i i
uiii in prepared under Ilia diractloo
nf tin - - rooks, Mrho iii in' iiniiii'ii by
i cuuraea in amy cooking
i in' nun ii training ntrapa bars mi
iinn undar Hi ntrol of tha war da
i Hni'iit s fur Hi tin' i i mppllea
in iiiifi i in ii, and tha iranta in Ihoan
cojtnpa baa boon doa tn tha Inch "f
-I iii' 'i in. in, if nt in tin' handling
f f I. A rniiiinliii'.' repreecntlug tin'
War ili'iHirtiiiiiii iiinl ili- I tilted Sniti'N
food nomlnlatrallon mil bum neeta! in
log wliii problems of eliminating
'i in' t i iiiiiiiiiiUii.itiih had fa
retired 1 1 mil ike secretary "( wnf u
in. ii M .in. ni of a Ihocougli goM
plan for conserving nil tha wasta ton
terial nf t in- Niiiiiinni arm) camps,
Which "ill i. -nil In Mlraglng innny
ll ilnl'i nf tlollurs.
Collecting the Waata.
Tha army's Srst consideration In
tanning this arorh hni been tha aaaj
inr nnii hygienic prohtatn. Al each
rHiiliinini Ml the imsies villi In' Collect
.'.i nnii ..I .mi tn n atngta "irana-
ll I -lllllull III. ill I III. .Ill II III III
in iii i i iiisn.. inr. Throajgh tin uao
of tlir tun-run system, waetea m be
tightly aajcionad ihmiigiiiuii lhall eel
I." llmi. Sim llli'il i mii will In- mil'
atltuted fur i in' tuii'ii egoaj nt tha
hltchena, tin' inii-iiin.' of dlangraanhla
odora and dangi r i mm gjaa being ra
in i in n M 1 1 nt i m in M Kiitj aprp in
iii,. aroaaaa nf reclamation and utlllta
iinn a enrefull) safeguarded and hi
iiini, r tha nil", imi- iin'iiinii ni ii aaaj.
Imry (in., and itractoc lielug
p i, . , urn I. i I,. BVJ honda,
v iii.- ii i -imi., n. iin' umataa
mi' turned over In a muiim inr, Mrho
will HiiiiiM. iin-iii iii ii iniiiii iii bnud
I, Ml I In i V11 ba mm
pi, 'hi.. I
i. i in
il nlinlll lii- I
... nml I.. i i. ii I in- hillaa
ni dead animals arlll be re red and
,,' .'!,, . I lit-. I In I -I III., I
i in- chief llama "f a-nate will i"-
... nml the manure h I
. that i here are i Jiu nnlit
oath i iiiiii.iiiiimii i hiring lti lusv
ni in .mm. ,. i ,ln. Al Iin' dale id
Hi., i. poll llm iiiiiniiiv limn I I ' .in
t.iiiiiii'iita huil l.i.n aold for .SJM'.'.'1
Big Saving Through Oaibag.
ii.,- gaanleei stamen,! oi saving i
through iin gnrtsxge Tbli baa Uaati
x.,,1 iin- mi annual prica of -in;.
ii,. . at iin
aantunmanu will be uaed for feeding
Ii a iwilmati il un Ihe basis of
Mparlaaanta ronducied al lha Chilli
rathe eantonmeni. lhal lha garbage
i i in i.. I", in. n iii toad mi.'
hog mill enable Il In add I" Itl weight
ni.. , i, mi, i per dnj Al thla rats, tha
garbage from Iheae i i euutuumentii
MII III.,' p. mini- ,,l pull.
pi Mill.
When n.n uaed for feeding, lha par
i ..ill h.' "reduced " thai la, cuokeil
i, i. ",ip, I'.iinii' lha -i auaa as
i mni Hi,' remainder gronnd and
u.i'. i i. .I- I'l'inii'.i i or i" da,
III Iin- in, llm, I "I m in, rill. m lor
In, ill III II
nut utilv would all Hie-
iin waate matortala have boon
dootruyad. bni ll wogld have coal up
pruxiumtel) STdtMiufl fot iin- Inatalla
llmi ,,l iut-luciui.u plants ami mi nn
mini ebofge ol najirmilumielj loWUhaj
fur iiimr aprratli n When w add i
tlii. aavtag IIm Hinmmi annuallj N
iviuii h the gnvemmcnl from Iheae
woataa, lha nail .i i- lha lent yoni
urn i tu IVTOTJMO
The effect ol thla ueu plmi thoeo
f,.rv. hi '! onli lo eonaorva 'urg.
qnantltlea nl valuable food M'aetet
Hllarra ate., hnl In tun. halo a large
pi'..iii wi.m baa hitherto boon rarj
Clllslll.Tlllil.' '" n
Germans Deceive Chinese.
.n.m Vurk i .. i iiinii iiriipagandaala
kepi lha riiinese frmii knowing the
liuili al,, ,ut Hie vuir tut inure than a
V'nr aald lW ' lroatou alngWOU, head
el itw Tnugehun lluspllal of the Kng
llab I'reobyteriaii church Vuiuy.
"Ihey were mill lhal 1'nria Intil full
,,i he -al.l "mni llmi Kiivliind bad
i.iaili.l U) a grant uliny bjeh
h.ul London in Ma Ii'
"Tin' I'linuiv whs the ttnuouncentant
uf iP n litis Our
uight the walla nt many piuees were
, i,,i with the-,, i, -nils printed lu
liuili e i'omi I'hej aor
iniiiii wonderful leraw with ti.nuauy
j;elllnk ull Uie POOl of U."
Ida1 Fiftean Yean to It by Simply
Learning How to Live.
ririi'.:i year i- the imiiii of Uma
nn' mni mill in but life hi apiitylng
wlinl W nou kUOWU uf p"i i.iml In -
i Mi., iiatetttenl aa tnada bj
itiuii commlmloii
in Hi report m national viiniii.i. Tha
,,r i ba , ommtaslon reveraed
Ihe Impfeaalnna of generation agn
lhal the average human lifetime waa a
Bird allotment decreed bj fata II
li'in In-. nOK Hull mn il I- ii i Miln
hi.- iiiin . nml iiini. it N mora laaa h.
our I"". m i i. imi.
lug linn in iivi. ii tha aw mi r
in, ona dm) add fifteen year lu lil"
llle Inilli IiIiihI lnKl''m m Hie li.i
gletui of leraonal bablta, according to
Il minis-imi, contain! poaalhilltlaa
,r Improvemenl fur beyond what
in r peraoui oni nf n hundred
lava aver reaHaed, in other worda
mil i par i mi of people lodaj know
in," tu iir. i ii- ., in ! BO por ran! an
nf iinpn mt iii init batrfta and
llm i uatoma uf our bo iatel h II
Iii... have imi learned to order their
Uvea according lo iiirir phyalcal naada
Tim, urn coutenl to tolerate bad air,
i, .ui f I. imi..iii"i teeth, wrong poa
Inn' linpiupir clothing, i uiisiip.iiliiu.
-.ii drugging, nl, niiniisin mni .iiiin ui iiie arernga life.
The 00 pat i"enl who bava not lanrn
ml Iium iii IP i' Dm commlaalon.
ni,. i , -1 ,, uimI l..- fur the liu ri'iiii- uf 4 1
per rnl In llm i miiiiii a ilinili rule
from Muni- nml tear dlaea lea In twenty
Waa i and lenr dleenaea are
-in. I in Iin llm livpimltii I of H lllnllmi.
imi llmi i h illill Inn Ih all Wrong lull pi pin limn nut ni lanrned londV
0 i i Imi. lis nf IMiiu; tu Hi ile
The "Olory Song" Wa Not Written For
Financial Qaln.
Nothing '"ii ba mure linpli liitf tliiin
tn hear a grogl ' unu'ieinlluii -Iniclnii
Chnrhja n Qntitlal'i revival nymn
kin. wii as the lilmi Sum:" It la nne
ui tha inn-i rni'iit of tha hymnj ur
iu character, bartng inmie its appear-
in ' In MM
'I'lif uillln.i WM bofli in lha ml ll
IfllM of lha piisi rantnry, in Iowa
ami NH'nt iiU oarlier yanm on farin
In lhal Millie Ills lin-lislli's mh- pnpn
In i'
I nn Ina; I In, i'hi'Ii summer uf 101)11,
wiiii,. hi. yi if iniiiitf wiih a Culcnga
pnbllaher fm wham he Wgg at the
nun. preparing mauuacrlpt, ba said tu
Iiiin. "Tie uul a suiiu' that Is fulim lu
liter lie then aatfa tin- title of and
imiili' lu ief ..i. t mi Inn from "(I thai
Hill Ik. gtOt) '
Ii win doubtlaaa lu uf gttaoaal tu
-I ii.- 1 1 i'ii t Ii- miili i i Iwil only lln
fm ih.. copyright and aala uf it,
ami tills Hill-. lull's the fin I Hint gaapgl
si'iius ni.' imi alwaya wrlttan fat uulu.
i hnl.- M Mi'vmuli'i', tlm hIiiitIiiu
rrej Aleaomlar fame,
,...,' famona
.ii-'i language t- sp.,
nidi r iiiirs thai in his kiinw i
. . ..n" iius boon Iran
'ulisl lit . nt It'll -.1 lllteeti Inn
. i three Indhta bmgnagot Detrotl
Thrived an Stone Diet.
ThS nm-i hi imis ui all illvis Is that
am Iii nn ulil vuliiiiie uf the
., I liiiitin t .Muuuallie I rrail the other
,1 of tin- ill-, ui cry of the sl.uie eater
"iii a northern Inhabited Miami" bj 'ho
i. a uf a Dutch atrip Thay bi.iiiii'ii
iinn p. franca hi Magi '""" ! be
im.s siiluiillleil tu all kinds uf arllM.'lal
i. -is was juuii'il that be thrum
bet let on atonaa iumu uu.i other finni,
unit Ills tllmiei' UOnglly i.nslstMl of
large si. si niuis. with poweWod mar- s ii.r dOOaOrl Hi hat Bang h meat nt-
ii at lu-iii. mni. ir galbertuga
llln'le he ulnllsiil the uilesls l.v siini
lowing simies mni aflat at nod raarrlna"
inn them iinn than u- nn de. epiii.ii
i.i making them rattle in his stunia h.
liundea AdTortlagr.
The Sacral.
".m i.uiiw iinn ear I Uuia-iit isi
in, miii began lha pnrvhnoor
"Yoi Wlml nf II'.'' uskisl the dealer
i -n i ii a pood -
seen muse lines lillt It enlnc"
a Iiiu mn from being hut yona aajonl
H li -elil.'.l il In Is'
mil -e il lines Win . lii.ui allie
If uiir ears were us good as lliHl we
, , ul, In i uaed lu ciuploj .it.-nis to sell
tliiin Ne urk Wui Iii
A Dismal Room.
All ii.enlll.' . III illisl ill l.oii.lun
:, , (I lha n-i nf niiM'lv
niie. Ioug boforo his death he ordered
his un ii eullln nml ha. I II pltieisl lu but
bedroom, which waa liuug, h) " " "'
piiliiHs, with the fuiuiiil eanls of bis
liii'inls. 'I'liis preniiuliun OsOOM tu
have had thd rCaol f longavtt mi llaf
..I.I man fur lu sille of his grawaOOM
lit he llMsl !ull In.l.illll I lie
u-iial span.
'liiiueiulN'i s.iiil Hie limn walker
si e. uiy "tha usiutuei h alwaya right
"Hill, sir" expustulaiisl ihe , lerk. "Ii.
In., ise I ph f. Isltif a prtvlleae lu
lit. h 1 am einliliil
"W bat do jmi me.iii
'the laily I uiiiliii; v Is ui.
wife." Itliniiii. llUIII v. Hem' I
An Explanation.
l vvnuilii tin iiuili.u' iiienni
,vhi' t.lkisl lllinllt that Ss jk-
I .'iii-- lie meant wlml you iinn'
he.ii arbeti deaf and dinub anoojoi talk
- Italluuuie Auierusn
ure isjtieutly la a
ke) i luanethlug Is-antll we ogghl
They Don't Make a Man, but They Cov
er Nine-tentha?of Him.
Ctotbea do maka a fgHerence. Tbej
ahouldn't, "f i uin -... fur ir 1 1 worth baa
nothing lo in itii i h'thcn nm wc
who ntei'i fuik raaun mual JiiiIlt
let'v often b iippi'Mi .in i'. tliirKatvl K
,r. Jr . 0 files in tha hri-liun
V i:iii vi llh ii til, .use un thai Is tits
teiusi in ii sn iii v pin biatead "f u
imitiiii I- rarj often labeled "eloppy"
in mil iiiIiiiIm. Bltbotlgh UOt linfiu let
in. iv lie lieuUliliil. A n Willi n
week'a mod on his is nut rarj
ill. ei tu ba given a rca'ionulbla pnsi
lion, bot auaa n is qnlta incii al to nmtre
mn lhal a man w In fleil i Ills aboaa
in neg1r i in wort tpo P hspa tin
mini, deaplle Ms aboaa, Is n vei-y inn
s. leullona worker, lint how eon the
i iiiisei . ni' know I
Many perfect I aekeepera ma) wear
iiiiini'i n iiippi'i -i in Hie in i ak iii ii
Ida; but, t iiouii timic bomoa may ha
Immaculate and I heir children wondoi
full) brought up. If . I worn Han
riiooatiig tin- woman fo trnai arMh m
in, mi- and chlldn u l d lw bit lined to
-run h I, if I lie l ulililll ivllu Inul.eil flisli
mni ii-p nml .Iniiiii mni Miiillnir aa
sin- , in ni my morning I'ldTee,
"i I, illies do luit lilnke il limn " So
run llle "III 1 1 . 1 1 1 -1 ' Hut. mills il III. Kl
ein clntliiuir mh ii li-i inenl. "thev im-
ei nine lentlis of hllill"
Educators Now Recognise lie Farraaoh.
ing Cultural Value.
An lutein;.'! nl interr-l lu iiiusle nf the
higher it ,i.-i I- rrarywbara bar simr
eii rounded ednratora bava long atnoo
recognraed tha (hrreachlag cultnrnl
Villi f llllisleill Hit 'I'liete In iiu ruin
phi location without muoja, Thnl is
nn ontotnndlug mot in tha moal en
Hghteued countrbw f Rnropa Un
is mm i i 1 1 j lo bo apprachitod by all
lllilll iillluls III. nllllisl a lilt sehilul ... ..I
kkgO 01 k III Alliel I'll
I.Ike all Hpliiltuil Ihuik's. huiinuii.v bus
its psychology. More, n has lis mum
mar ami Its rules nf analysis ami 000
slim i., .ii Me!, sly that allra the emu
timis is the nuadorned language of tha
Muni. Harmon is hitetlertanl to tha
lust degree, hul ntehslj ami harmony
aolled ii.iitilliiile to the I me ami the
beautiful aa tin utber eilm-alloiml i
II e It la that all Institutions of
learning are giving so mueh attention
tu the otrtoua slmly of musl.', eaiss'lallv
themi ami rmnpusllluii Suiue of the
eiiui.e-i literature pnhllahod lu roaohl
years Iiiin been mi mimical tuples The
nnii m slues are nuiklng a feature of lee
lines onala uiuii. than ever. Blr-
iiiliialiniii A(e Herald.
An Oriental Rue.
It wax mi Aiik. o, iiu:i, that Ah.lul-
iiiiin-ii llm All was elis suliaii uf
ea-leiii Afi'li a b) the foUoafhag strata
I, in lln ins' triilnisl ii ail rut nml U
Hun, he oaaamlitad lha chlefa In hot lent
un. i arand nana Mmoi lha annthM sf a
mill of their grWW Igg empire In the
mlilst of their ili-IIU'iiillui.s the piirtnt
pert had hbnoatf aaaaj ana of the pules
Of the tent nml pruiiuiini isl illst lin'l 1 1 ,
"Victory mni powet to tha lot of lha
Kli.iln Alslulnuineit uinniiiinler of
the faltlifiil." The lluii then insile his
way ttWOOJgh IhO tarrlSod assembly,
llikisl Al.ilul's hOOd ami lay duwu at
his feel Doapi Impressed with this
weiuler ami the manifest interference
ur heavrn. theiiallies iitianlmoiialy pen
elalmeil him sultan.
Old Wall Slrs.l.
Wall si reel lu tin' days when SN ash
tuition was the Itrst president of the
t'nlteil Slnles When Welelider llemll
imi ami Aaron Hurr were rlvala at tha
liar, m.ik perhas the uioal jnpuler and
pupiilmis lliun.iiuhfare lu New tml.
It was ho named because il CoUoWOd
the line of the . ItJ ttrl dOfOBOtVO
atorkado ur "wall " ami thiminbuut lt
BMngth were enaitevl lumn s. inea thai
are pint nf the hhII.iii'h laitfer hlslnri
Room al the Top.
I ii He .leiiule liml been eating very
hemilh hut she asknl fur anutbar
plat a of . like
"Jennie,1 saiii her gatthar, "I don't
believe I ou I II lo yog on
mil as full h a llllle tlrl tan
lie ii.,rtur inuuthfiil and
w.u'll s ) liiirat.'T
"Hut uiaiuiiiH, my inik left yet!'
siilii i'ii- Hiile girl persuasively. Ki
Beat Him to It.
"I ml you lell y.air huea that yuu'd
simply haie lo luive a raise- Ulil you
till him lhal .mil WON wearing last
ii in s ilulhesf "
"No; in- foii'staiiisl uie wiih a long
wall al I Ihe Inarms of haling In use
a insi apgaon'a oar," Umlavlllg 'ur
ler Join uul.
Incurably III.
,i ion ssi y, u uu lonuer aleep of
uIhIiis- i.v don t yon coaeoM a do'
11 would do un good, lt'a not ii
s, .iniiiii ilmi keep me awake, lt'a the
liilln '
The Correct Word.
"Ilhl HroMii won I live lung Ha has
one foot in the grata tlreaafj
"imi meal, u ue i.h.c Iii the grave."
",, In-s gaOgg 10 lie i reunited "
Roatou '1'iaiis, i ipi
Quito Lively.
I'lly Ito.i Rnl is It not a hit lour'. rue
( .muni lloi lib not at ull
wiii. .mil yesterday I was aim.. by an auluuml.ile with six people
in n' Life.
The aiau who doeat yuu a wrong ha
uead uf pitg'
if he y(rgu ffrade -
OntlXLresP.Ontario Stores
Theman'who is willing to advertise .his goods, has
good goods fo sell or he would not tell you about them
It will pay you to investigate the goods Jsold by these
firms who use these columes, They will serve you
with good goods, at the right prices.
You Can Get What You Want in Ontario
In n Oood Coontry
i at and Surplua 1100,000
Dixit, Sloven Furniture, Dlaher
Na w end ggagjd Maud Uooda
HoiikIiI and Hold
MIMIVi;il.H I ( II
Llnoleuma, lllcyclos. Sowing
Machines, Trunks
(uiutiierilul and .luh I'rntltig
The Art Siinllo
J M.I.I. I'tnp
I'hnlnKriiph. I'uilnills anil Vlewa
nml Salt M
I'AI.Ail. Ml t I M UUU I
II Ii 'lunm. 1'rnp
Our Service Will 1'leuso You
t'aatery Confectlouary
Makers of
Kream Krust Itread
Kiiiitiix.i nviit
lon Rldrdae. Prop.
Special Deliveries fur nil
art ,,
Wagons Hacks Bug lies
There are None Bettor Than
the Ssudehaker
Kxpert Iteparlng
. W. l-KTHON
Watches Clocks.Jawlory,
Cut Ulaaa Gold and Silver Hale
a oooonoa
We Invite Your Hualneas an the
Balsls of Security and Accuracy
Uood Service
(iood Cows
O. Hlngahaui, I'rop
We can Kurnlah Milk or Crtam
In l.asgo Quanltiaa
Kodaks Stattoary
ONTAHIO l it l km u l
The Corner Druge Store
The Reiall Store
Fountain Service That Pit
Ontaxlo'a Only Tailor
Have Your Suit Made Just For
Olaoaarare, Crockery, Tinware
C. B. Commlngs, Prop
In our Lines We can Save You
No Order too lairge None too
The Grocers
No Long Waits No Short
P HON hr-
in I
PRINTINQ at the right price
The Argus OBce.
How One Iowa Town Checked
Catalogue Houses.
Old Lady, Daughter About 'o Se Mar
ried, Couldn't Buy Wedding Present
Others Who Patronned Mail Order
usinees Unable to Find Market For
i'.i.i ilelile.l. IMI. kg Tliuniss J Rulllvsn I
It la imi vleiury t tint makes the Joy
of noble hearts, but the combat The
greater the the more glory In
overcoming It, and dlill.-iiiUca are but
the mnlila of liuiiur to set off the virtue.
The elTocts of couipetltlon are won
derful This-e tiro men who rise re
freshed uu beiirlng uf u threat men to
whom ii oil-Is iviiit'h mtlmldstes and
paralyses (he majority comes graceful
ami holered us u hrltle. Competitlun
Inrlsiiies the enihiislust snd drtvoa Ulm
on to mil, ui
The Making of Men,
It la tmt eiise. but effort, not facility.
but illltli ulty, thill makes nn n. I 'here
la iKrhiips nn station in lire In nlileb
dllll ulil s have uul In en elieulintereil
t and oiereuuio before any ile.-iili-.i
' of siiccosa WHS Bl'llluvill
i' BooognhTlng the retail cam
hmise as a worthy foo, a ioinp,iiiui.
I the local retull men iiunl. In piepariiig
f,.r battle mtiat lake nn Inventory of
bis ninny advantages over thu mall or-
der bouse.
I First and foremost, be Is always
working umoug friends and a.ipiulnt
ancea. The mull order houas must al
waya work aa a stranger.
Did any ona ever suggest to blm be
fore that perhaps he neglected or over
looked uisny things Important to busi
ness success ?
An lews Cure Per Bed Habit.
I am oot an adept at suggestions, so
will refrain from making any, but will
. I tall of a plan that worked out succese
. ' fully In an Iowa town.
. I The we re hauls of that town were tw
, ' Ing Imposed upon by mall order buyers
a stiil orgsulted for thvlr own protection
t sud determined to csneel all favors
( i and credit heretofore extended to those
I attending cltlaaojo.
s It developed tbut the first applicant
waa a lady who bad recently purchased
a sewing uischlne from s catalogue
t i house. Her daughter waa about tu he
married, and alio wished to present her
I with a parlor set ss a present and, llmi
lag her husband abort of ready money,
asked credit from the local dealer.
The Doaler Politely Dochnsd.
. I The dealer politely dwllued, sdvtslng
t that no doubt the mall order house of
Chicago from which she purchased bur
. sewing machine would be moat happy
to exteud to her the desired credit
I The good Isdy, somewhat perturbed.
hurried over to the other furniture
dealer Here she met wltb the same
suggestion. "1 stu sure the mail order
house will grant you all tha time you
. ask." said the uierchsut.
. The Isdy knew different, tbougb, for
! she bad read the catalogue and retneui
t bared It said "fash tu advance.'
Mail Order House Decent Buy Eggs.
When Mrs. Farmer, ubo bad offend
ed. came to town with hutler and eggs
, the imer suld "Itunlly, Mrs. Farmer.
. the butter Is One, aud the egga are
( fresh, but I stu not ncedlug say today.
( I I would suggest, though, tbst you send
them to s I'hieago mall order bouse.
j It will doubtless he delighted to receive
them lu exchauge for another box of
groceries sm-h as you purchased from
It Isst woek
e Mrs runner straightened herself up.
gaie Ihe niereliaut a look w utch meant
that I bete were more groceries Bu lowu
sud started out to itud ibein.
She did. aud they gave her the same
advice she received at the first place.
Th Turn About Game.
Farmer indeH'tideut drove a load
of corn to ton n ami waa offered about
6 con U lees lliau ihe market price. He
protested. The grain man suggaatad
that tn-ivi... it NM order house of
(Continued on Page f)
U. 8. Tlrea Auto Livery
Accessories i
THK lOllll (iAKAt.K
t II mo".. Mnnager,
Agents for Ford Motor t'ara
Developing I'tintlngl
Amateur Finishing Price Llatl
niK in Kid ii si i mo
Knlurging I .pylngl
'll.y drain I ll
Saaks, Poultry Supplies
cash i.hun nosjiitn
A. 8. Brown, Agant,
lt'a An Ideal tar
Breading Stork Inrudatoraf
Poultry Supplies
Goo. Howe, Manager,
Wluileaalora In Poultry and Kggsl
PLOl'l.l.'S lltl still
ami repair mirk. Lsdlee
nml Hi nl line -hilling pallor
III i ni, n. Hun
All vim I, '. in atiteed.
Steam, Mm U'aier, Air II I
C. S. Pl.t MHIM. a iii lllMi
I'luiuhliiK nml Sheet Matnl WorgJ
In. II. ui -M..I,. i ii Us an. I Supplied
Cleaning, Pressing, lUtparlngj
0 lleamgiiard, I'rnp
Suits Made to Measure
niseis Art Needle W
Oil I'aliitluga, Noveltlaa
lii.yal Society Gomis
I Again'
Kdlson Pluiuographs Sheet Mux
V. L. Tl R.N' EH
lieuiula lusurau
Sheet Music He.or
Dealers lu
Farm Maehluery, Wagons
Ulucksiulth Itorseshoela
G. W and Win Lyoils,
Established In Malheur (ou
tn the Year of 1884
Wood Work a gtSOllsHl
e a e e e e e
Wo handle everything In Booed
md lluud i
Why pay a high price for s nl.
artii '
needs with one slightly ua
tl. 1 . I HANhllV-v
id Hand Store
m. m M j el
If It's Jnh Prtnllna You wl
will Dleaae thu Wa are ready
tiinus to quote prices on alii