The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 22, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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-Town Topics Tersely Told
W. F Kong of Kninietl Is hep t
Itlng hla brother of the Mandarin
rnataurant. Kmmett Ib n btMSJf lown.
ay Mr. fOt,
DMtld Miller and v. K. piervice
the Bolae capltallat returned to!.,
ran ttiirnn where tliey went to vle.v
lie railroad alt nation from Crnne to
I urns.
o -
Mr. William AIL B "f I1 I Utile
etalhosf in in Ontario visiing her
alsn-r Mr Hi, in. Vim Bum
Mra Kirn gwotl Of .liintura I the
gueat of bet mother M 000
Mra. .1 II Carle) win. gag I" n ill
with IbO typhoid It able to be up
o -it
L Peter on wb 1 1 phlod
citv Ma I H P n
wrestling with the typhoid f
"tin- In. pi
i', loot
tllllllltl trolll Wale-
i r Hil
Willi . I '
tin. On
Onlario high OOhOeJ haa an Infor
mal fOOtDOll tMtl After a week's
fun of the game the
hi offer for a game
v uli tO l M High School which
rythltig thlM
The game vv.ia played nt N tj .1 I.i. it
II wna over Ontario
.. h0 long Owd f :!n OJ 0
. 1 : t : 1 1 ... 1 LhO green
;ii the game were hlggT anil heavier
lli.iM Nycaa and m.ide tl
.,,11111 Moth leama Stayed
bard football ho far u thOJ knew t0
Ontario goea to Payette to
morrow for 00 Informal n me.
.r tin Oryetal lib;
... holding their annual I
hero today among thooo wbo an
to attend tl etlng at the "fit' of
Wlomey It W Swagler are: It D
has . Arohte Kulrhorn. ot v
Man Katherlue ol Jordan Valli 1 ,. ..rye Cunningham of I'linna. H Ty-
ling the week
Vln.' Smith.
at thO him f rat of New York. I W lliilloway, F
M. and Kurd orlhup of Head "v
The dlroOton an cnnalderlng plana
Mr. Lambert of Jordan VstM) g rir enlarging their plant
tilling her daughter MImh Martha
rt at Mli Vine Hmllh'a.
Mr n .mil children left
Saturday v,!,ing for a abort vlult ul
(JIciiii'k I-.
JamiH K M, W'holliT In hark in On
tarlo again to pane? the win Too li.llea, Ore. Nor. It. Cong
o rnaaman X J. Hlnnott. whoHe uctlvl
The WV.lio dOJ M4M Oloh StSt MOO have given the Oregon Jackrnb-
thla week at tho hoi it Ml J D bH a nallimal reputation hint turned
llllllngahy ThO I luh thai rSSI I SWaf the order for 500.000 Jack rub
meeting every twlee I mouth and I hit -klue. recently received by him
a patrloin .. raro la not n frost a lurgo eeatern hat manufac-
rreelunentH liiHtead the bOOtOM ut turer to It. A. Ward of llcdniond.
each meeting glvea fifty cent to Hi. OrOOJOOj, County Agricultural Agent
Red ('rose I 'or DssshwtSO and Crunk com
.n' Mr Ward Iiiih heen III innfiiiuce
In. Timim n of NyHHa liroin i , siuuoti lore ahout the
young "on to Ontario to put matter Thooo dastrtong information
li lln un.l.r Hi. I ,,, I,, BTOtgWO thO Ainu Otfl
throat trouhh- It 10 l,,r ' hoiild write It A. Ward ul Rod
the utile riiuii to sadarge aa opors- moad, or..
tloii for Ho i iiiov .1 1 i.t Ii.iimIh and ,
Mi and Mra Otto Blnokabj aad
duughter drove up from Hoi
to upend Sunday with their parenta.
Col i.. i M altera of Welner wus
an Ontario rlattOf on Tueaday.
V llhMUl nt Hie lllg lletid in un
irv wan in IHilarlt, loday.
Deputy SImih, h II Teat remained
,. . r on Monday after hla weekly bdt
with hla family to nerve Mime papera
In the Dead Ox Klal region
Water rnmtntaaliinur tleo T. Curb-
ran accompanied BJ a nuuiher of at
Inrneya and hit. st, eographOI p., ad
thru Onturlo Monduv ciiroute to Mid
vale to take (he l.-l Imoiiy of Dull
tin i ton an 001 1) N II lot "li tin Mal
heur win, wai to in to attend tht
Ion at Vale.
Mr and Mrc llert Itogera of Unh
laud. Ortanii drove thru Ontario en
mute limn Mamna to thell boaM
pnborooa cam,, down from lb
in. I. Il.ii i.m.h mi Sunday
n.iiie vim, i.i motored la from the
interior Sunday
Mr and Mra A I llrown or V. na
tor arrived lu Ontario Tliuraday
IIKI.T WANTKD Kor laundiy at
he Holy Itonary liopltal.
A Caia of Fight or Marry That Had a
Happy Ending.
i til Kcnil. k. a I'.'': . -iiirc fen
tleuian of 100 yeara a.'n. left hla iro;-
erty. which win i oiisldcrable, to an
only daughter. T'. : yomig lady had
mind of her own and, finding none of
her OttMon hi her liking, limply d i
. to wuit until the right gentle
man hould como along.
Iiapi led that one day she at
tended a wedding al Reading, whore
she met a young gentleman ii.innd
I'., i i-Miiln i 'hlld, He wiim n .
torney, With t'liM bandaooao young
man the young lady tell rlole
in. e, lull .u!l s!i .- i , a'':, ii She
reeeoned with hereelf I : daya,
trying to altakc In i lelf free of Ibe and-
leu p.i .Sinn. i. hi all 1,1 miIii.
Then 'thing rnnai
he done, but unable from ronfuaiuu of
mind to d' per com
tool, the extraordinary atop of ling
the f tng man l "tlet demandui
lafnt Hon f .1 Ml np-
.loiiited a time And pi i fur the boat lit
n . 'Hug
Mr. Child waa inn h aurprlaed and
iuii,. at i i . to c . c .'i . w ho the
hnlfenger athl be Bj the ndt i
a friend bo df hied to i1
in.' pi . be we met bf the
.,..ii. v.. mm, who, inu. li to hi Br-
i ..i. ;., ,i be t M have to fbjjH
her Of ''' " ".'. !,cr He i I chose
. . 00 the
lived I in!
rwK hai,k ttoadarfl RoynJ Typo
I writer, never Imen used. A bar
gain, and on terma. Apply to the
Argua Office.
Onn 8ur 3i,.n I Said to B an In-'.Va.-.'lino.
VVI i I W Inn are
lir. bal, In. a i, atlff ki abort"
: breath, ind .. oa An eastern
iinihoriiv rejeeta all of Ihoeo aa prmifs
doctor to proy e Hi ii
in. two Invariable ilgne aa in-
: waisi line and a de, reiiao of
physhal ag.llty These Indlcutloin unit
n. ,1 bOW Iheiiischcs until a man Ik
forty oi llfty. Inn they may manifest
tbemeelTOe at twenty-live Wh. never
I'm- i i i.i.-. the 111 it ii la old
This is rattier an arbitrary ruling, but
It baa a aaue luisU no doubt. There
Me, ninny men. of i oiicae. who ly loree
of nature rather llinn any gang of their
own. retain a uireuc. of llgtir ill
they are far along In life, and uaually
wiiti this eUjgaeaa i activity of mote-
meiit. lint the average man not i'ii
gaged In active phyaical lalair that
superllitoiis llesh down la ex
treuiejy likely to develop Increased
girth In eoiiipurntlvely early year, aud.
whet bet or got ii rdaaaej blm among
the i 1.1 or . eti ,-!.. rly . It dOOO tafcg bliil
out of the realm of youth Haweroj
youthful n in maj feel, no ewe longer
re him for a boj when that big
ii .me. ImllanapoUa star
Peraon who took wheelbarrow rrom
In trWBl of new Kurd Oarage, please
teiiirn aaanoi " ' badly nejgdMi
No qaeotlonaaerill I"
William Ueeder.
LOST Nil ' Medal Of 8t. Al
plmii iih Training School of llolae
Kngraved ,ylth name. Mary Hatfield.
finder glOOOO return to Holy Koaary
bo pltal and receive reward. It
POM SAI.K -A good wool Ingrain
. X 12 ft ! I'hone JI5-N-4.
It MltS It J mOKaWhV
I'or your friends who are far away
anil lor tlnee who lire near, there la
BO i ink best gift and thlx I I
photograph Huriell Studio Ontario
WANTKD A Aral OlaOJ man
ent a good well Improved rami of inn.
i... bddrOOl Argua of
fi, No I.
POUND! A 1'8. Auto Tire and rim,
without Inner luhe,::4 X 4. on Pay-
Ida of rIfOf. Kinder apply to
K I . D rnnch and pny ggot of thla
nihcrtl -. m nt
M'l'IM. IN i ONI t:l,M
( sl IS SI ( I I SSH I,
nioiii! the declalona of the Su
preme gggol roeolrod thla week that
of the Coin bin, i 00BO wiieri'iu a. a,
dm i lino ot at iH I thO remtlt of an
affray on thO Mult' vnrd laat fall
which Ho Supreme court rerereed
ii taken by the Supreme
il. Wlleli
I iullKlu.ed I v"r Km" " ''
iieuuveiili illy s in,., eauipa. one at Palo of Oregoo, Eugene,
No 18 A claaa In the art of
camouflage" hae been atarted at the
Inlveralty Under the peratateooe of
three membera of the atudent body.
Dr. A. K Caawell ot the department
of phyalca. baa atarted an elementary
rlaaa In the art of "making thing
not aeen when they are aeon."
The claaa la, a amall one, having
hut three membera bo far. However,
Dr Caawell saya that the atudenta
base made application to be enrolled
In the cainoulliige unit of the Ameri
ca, i ,-iigt ring corpa. Tho cor pa la
having but two
Alto, California,
D '
Ml Irene Solomon, who plays
dr Ju T Wellington, the yoimt
MwlOMM "' '" ",k,-v Abey" that
alayi at Pmtlbbi Theatre on iur
,ta November J? will he remeii,
,,,, bOt Kt .Ibiit InterpretBtlon
of the part of the OaaatOOa in "The
igfOJ Slaye." ulso Shliiev Rg
In "The l.iou und Hie Mi
nejgf M4M II Muhh. who i
hla excellent couipauie, ha Ihlb
ii lungwort M' sob.n.i.i
with a comiiativ of mualcal com.-.'
artlat of uiiu-u .1 biilliuucy in
new edition oi "Ibej a
Can It be that Jordan Valley Kx
pn s wuiiIh all of the Nevada Sunny
brook, or doea Kdltor Hackney want
another trip to Vale for the January
term of the Urand Jury? Thl la
what Ho Kxpreaa had to aay on the
siibp-ci l.o.l week:
I.UADKI) lor I.K"
The alory come to The Kxpreaa,
..n ov elleiil authority, that a well
known rancher and stock man Irmi
'down ilnybee rlwr way. a few daya
I ago mil a man oil the road who was
.led for McDermltt The rancher.
i greeting the man and learning
'hi dcHtinatlon, nald. "Well. av.
can't you bring me up a few bottle
a you come baeht" The man re-
plied, with a tone of regret, "Can't
do It, Krank; lam LOADING h'Olt
VAI.K thl trip
Miolher big ranch, r complain -that
he cunt keep a crew of men he
cauae of the eraxe to go Into Hie
bootlegging bualneaa, which la re
garded as abanlntely aafe In Mal
heur He It nnderxtod. thla traffic la not
all for Jorduu Valley, which la one
of the rleaueat towu. morally. In
i .my other atate.
(lur Sunny brook tlow merrily on.
hut It I very careful not to lop over
It banks, uowuduya. There'n a
Faint and Shy
lu In V Soldier',. M, lllolles.'
i total a tjrpl-
ll was during the Boar war, wlicn
I icy cuiiie I
' . emlou iiiv s in,..
.. gaiberetl to and the other al Waalilnglon
. off your i an; they are ghOM
a "
Baid l.udy ,i,l Kipling.
"So. ihev Thcv are eheerliiv.
Take off your ai"
Mi. 'ii eoBM one at their elbow aug
"1 think the) are cheering you buth '
In leap, ii both, clinging cloae to
gObhOI for OBWWart, abyly tiatk off their
inualcul nuuibt . will b. Uxtrod
a., well as iii.u.v novel gjd gtOCbgWil
al utu! electrical eff
lii I hla laaue appear the adver-
u ut o( SunipHiiu Muic ( ompaiiy
of Itoli-e, the lurgeet mualc Uouae In
state of Idaho
paoi vi u.o- Coinpniiy la a do
p.utmeiit store of musical merchan
dlae and every thing from a abeet of
muak to the tnn.t player piano can
. be' l.iuiol in it spaciou eatabllah-
iii. ut at :i i i Maui ii
vi.iiois to Hoi , should make ll a
point to vls,i S vIiim, Coin-
no ara&ki al
Mill;- Vou ale alway WOlOOBia.
The Handy Mae.
The "jack of all trades." know a fa
iiilli.iilv as Hie handy man, la a aerl
ai iliavv1,., . lo Hie In, Inst lies of Ibe
liill.'.l Mul... because hl knowledge j
ami i mini.,, are not baaed ea Hie fund i
iii, -ol, il iiilcs of any .lull Such nieu :
are Hie banc of any Inilllsliy and uiore '
,ssh, i.iiiy oi bun grade rnaehhM -shop.
for thell work cannot be relied iiikjii
I i . know
aouietbiuu ghoul everything, but the
pet fed uns li.inic and high grade fore
man Is th,. niiu who known everything
e O) f.owla lu i
luduati i.i I Munageiueut.
Dave Maglll who Uvea aoiitb of the
city had a two acre potatoe patch
that cornea pretty cloae to the record.
Mr. Maglll dug hi apuda the other I
day and tinda that he baa wnred
over 40,000 poiindh on the two aerea
which at the going price of $1 40 per
hundred gave a return of about f 300 :
per aere. Tlila la Juat apother ot un
man) proof to offar for On, l.-Milny
of Malheur County landa.
Freight is mov
ing slowly now
adays. There is the
iVciiilit embargoes. On
A Cood Trick.
y.. in Meter vW
be il un III a IlllllUle. Willie That
good new. I thought ahe might rafawa I'lini'irv I l I lie iU'
lh llri u .i.lllll.ll IM Hit -i m
Willie Not this ilme. I am mad at ilPrliMnn "th
beg and I played a tibk on her Dwab CiU,au,, l,,t5
away What did you do' Willie nil with U Soul "
niiii illy, I ! you .I'll" auuill
feitow Pearnan'a Weekly.
" Vie
work V
He t the club a niolion was I
to buy u handsome velvet .aipet
it was laid on Itta table.
She Wlial a iplcel pla. e to put
I'eiVOl Aineibaa.
ire '
,, . .vered
, H IM.
J. . .... .. I I I si ll.
" '" " '"" ranch thla week spending a tea weekaj
with tie
will be ad
vanced in price. You will
- Tjndfin i tdTni want to get youi-s before
K"u""f "'" ,mkl for ,,,ur January 1st. On account
That why I'm not doing ui.v :Ua fraiirVit v ! t no t ,. .,, ura nl
bet Work Seeius to me 11.J...I) ever ' 1
I willing to iay enough to lliel out Jut yjgg yfU to 1)UV it nOW.
how gil 1 can be" Detroit fm ! w. hM ,- , ,,,.
of KdlMou He 1 real 1011 Kur- 1
theruiore, they can be shipped from
the Bdlaon Laboratories by expreaa In,
the event of a freight embargo
Place your order now for
ir an a an
Annas delivery while we I
have them in slink.
Turner Music
Small Waiat.
"The Idea I for ever, Iioukcw Ife !
in i.e tin- wasie aa small as noaaMo '
Well, Ihev can't leal my wife for
11 lit I.e lug Kautaa , ttj JuuruaL
aa lit
Juat th Sam.
.'Ic. led bis vv it..
w nl, lck out a motor, a 1 "
And he has Iwu bajaj buyuig acces
ao ic ever aiuce-" I'uck.
W cannot koep photographa In atock
they muat lie made to your order.
Avoid the Chrlatmaa ruah. Have
your sitting mmle now
Ti: Ki-i.-sTiDrti. Ontarha,
1 .
The United States Government
with tho 7,000 member bonks in maintaining tho
Federal Reaervo Banking Syatem for the pro
tection of the buainwes Inter eat a of the country.
Through the Federal Reaerve Board in Wash
ington it auparvkeoe the twelve Federal reserve
bank; it appoint a one-third of their directora;
it dwposrto Its hands largely with them; it guar
antees the currency they issue.
Thia cooperation greatly incroaeee the value
of the ayetem to us and our community.
If you are not already linked up with thla new
national ayatem as one of our depoattora you
ahouhl delay no longer.
First National Bank!;
Thirty year ago tho telephone waa a luiury Today,
through pergonal Initiative and private enterprlae, It baa become
a neceaatty althla the ran oh of everybody. Where once a bual
neaa had but oaa telephone with a limited talking range, today
that buelaeaa baa aervloe with a range three quarter ol a conti
nent broad, aad every branch of every bualneaa la linked to ov.
ry other by aa latorcomniualeatlng telephone eyatem
The telephone haa earned Ita reaponalble place and there are
now X. 040.000 Bell tetepboaeo la thl country, over which go
"x. 000.000 talk dally.
Every Bell Telephone ie a Ixmik Distance Station.
Malheur Home Telephone C).
g 1
While the Klectr
Ic Washin-j Ma
chine is doiim the
work you are
free to knit for
our bo) a in khaki
The Electric Washing Machine
Washes your clothes Speedily.
Economically and Successfully
Just put in the water, clothes and
Soap-Turn the Switch.
THK ItlKT Ol Ol'Klt.iTION I- hMU.l.
C'mu jou olli.rtl to be Htil, out an electric U iber?
Idaho Power Co.