The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 15, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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$20 Suit and Overcoat Event
A Vmmmw
.bbbv&u f' vi BPci Pw
v . a HManaa
1 -K! ma x
Kfl'-'v"v''- .a &I0
' -r EsW Stylwolu
i 'ft CI o t n
For Thanksgiving.
Twenty Dollars for Suits and Overcoats bought to
sell at $25. They represent full $25 in materials,
make and style. Priced at $20 this week for the
early Thanksgiving dressers.
High Art Make and Style
Regulars, Young Mens, Stouts, Slims and
Extra Sizes.
Oregon Woolen Mills Strictly all
Wool Men's Overcoats at $15.00.
in Splendid Variety and Styles.
Special Offering
Holiday neckwear-Extra full
Cut, wide end and reversible
four in hands at 25c and 50c.
In spite of high Price talk
this neckwear equals in qual
ity all previous showings of
Popular priced neckwear.
Shirt Offering
Complete showing all
styles mens shirts neg
ligee and Golf styles.
All coat cut, all fall
and winter patterns.
It Will Pay You To Shop NOW!!
. J m g nmmgg-m MHaH
A. 8.
Mm k il Ifc'l Mau la laMal IXHMM
Iskeu over by IsMgJ Manager-
liangc effective IliU week.
A. 8 llrowii went to Boise Wed
u md) in complete the details uf lb
transaction by which he came into
Ihr ownership of the local Saxon
Hale, agency, and in .hop eyu.p
maul at wall.
The local agency we eMtabll.hed
here early thin aeaaon by f A. Uor
don who placed Mr Brown In charge
I that lima Mr Brown look po
aaeaton of the plant on Noveuibe. I
but the detail were not worked out
until icientlj Mr Brown haa de
termllitut to extend Ika activity of
Hie local agency and to increase the
capa It ot I lie plant
Co. I. to uiIm It. Apple ion will f Instead Ontario' help
A prlxe with every purcbaae of
oue dollar or more Saturday at the
Millinery and Art Store
Make thai a "Picture Christmas ."
de ih. problem now and arrange
tor a altliug "IVIepIn M
An active campaign la taking place
on the otheralde of the Snake river.
Tin purpose of the campaign la to
.ee lo It that every member of I.
Companv Is remembered at Chriat
ma. lime The folka over there In
tended lo .send Hie boy. a whole tar
load of apple., and I ncle Sam wa.
to take care of the transportation
but the boys have been moved aince
that plan was inaugurated and no
I aaaurance could be had that lha car
load would reach it. item (nation, ao
i lo- plan waa dropped In lie place
a cash donation lo the meae fund la
being rai.ed
,1'ompany, Wiluier Buyer, who la the
Ontario ha one member of the
loinpanv, Wtliiu-r Buyer, who la (he
oiupanv Beaffk, while there are a
ii umber of boya from Head Ok Plat
wlm wltli the Krulllatiil and w
Plv mouth member are well known
In Ontario
To gal to the company in time fOJ
i nrtatalM cheer the fund will haa
lo leave Payette shortly after Novem
ber .'.'. itiiil nil i ontributlona aent to
Supt I timer of Fayette before that
iiiiio will he appreciated by the
in. -iida or the company. .
ar Time hiiautii) la w.hioa..
,tr seem to have affected every
iii-ni of dally life and dreaa I. DM
Hie least conspicuous of theea til la
curious how much lha latest My lea
have resulted from lha
economic, of wnr; II la noticeable
in Hue. in material, in color, In trim
ming To quota from au article In
tiood lloueekeeplng for November
"Although there haa been ao decldad
iliange in the silhouette, tbe winter
cloth, can be distinguished by inalr
nanower akirt. And for the woman
who makes her own i lot he., there la
noihing quite M aallafylng aa to Had
ni..del that are .tmple enough la
line to be easily made, and yet smart
enough lo give lha appearance of
Homing from the beat Naw York
shorn The long-wal.ted line
gathered runic with the deep band i
of fur. and the tighter uadareklrt. '
are ih neweal note of the aaaaM
I'h. top coat worn with the one-place
- leplailng, to a great extent, ',
tin tailored suit "
ml price, ou everything Sat
urday at the Millinery and Art Store
Mra. Homer Settle returned
.tine. day from a short visit wlih
her .ister in N'anipa.
Sheriff and Mri II. n lliown re
turned Monday from Portland w her -Hie
Sheriff waa caled to testify in tho
McCarthy Slacker caae
I. Koberta, formerly telegrapb
operater at I'ayeita, haa been trana
ferred to Ontario.
Mra. Dud Kutherford haa ex
tended an Invitation to the women
or ih W C T. D. to meet at tha
. home on Tueaday November it.
A. Uramaa left Wedneedey for
Southern Idaho where ha will vialt
for aeveral daya.
M K Bain, formerly editor of tbe
Argua came dawn from Homeatead
on Saturday and went to hla Big
Bead ranch for Suaday returning to
Ontario Moaday. Ha left on Wednee
day tor Howeetead.
See tbe Saturday .pedal, al ihe
Mlillavsry and Are store Adv.
Mra Kd. Urlag wbo baa been Buf
fering from an attack of grip la
able to he about again
County Clerk A. M Moody was in
ihe city on bualaeaa today.
tin.- Hull Soldier Hoy vour photo
graph for ClirlsliuuH Telephone
your appointment. Only all week
The Burrell Studio, Oulario, Oregou
titio Miller of the Dead Ox Klat
region drove thru the city today with
a uiiinlier ol land seeker who are
looking over till, valley. They come
here mini Twin KallB.
Huatr'. Splilcr Cora Cake
1 lt i upa corn meal
- cup. .our milk
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon aalt
3 egg
2 table.poon butter.
Mix soda, aalt and corn meal; grad
ually add eggs well beaten and milk.
Ileal frying pan. grease aide aud bot
tom of pan, turn In the mixture, place
ou middle grata ot hot oven, and cook
twenty minutea.
Lecomotive Whittles.
Ak e.i ii .mi. uf a i umpau) of fifty
iM-oiie in rtaa aearatelj mm rraialg
slanilliiu ftaf one miniile 'I'hii, will
be mi. v diiTciiiii rvcorxU rarylui
It'll lo atltj si. .. lids Ask lell work
men each to In tug von a .holt and a
long hoard and you will get twenty
diffcieut length, of Imaitl These illua
irstious sre uimhI by a railway uiau to
euipba.ixe tbe necessity of a me- ban
teal device lo eliminate Ibe element of
uncertainty as lo wbai inn. litotes a
ioug" or a ' .hort wbl.lla by a loco
txullit H is nut right, be ssys. to
tiusi ibe safely of a tialuluad of pas
seugers lo a guess upou a guess Bi
An Allaulic I'nri An American pa
.eager steamer la Ihe cueelwlae erv
lev went aground In a ahoal off tbe
Vi-vt Rngland ranat, hul was flimied
Hpparenll) uiiliijured after eight
hours The ia..iige. and crew re
mained on
LOST Folding book antohel some
where In or near town. Pindar will
please leave at thta office. Adv. tf.
and Calcimlniug tint Claa Work,
lrtcH itesuMautble -I'hona B. A.
Wisdom. 20SK4. 1-tf
Miss Ksielle Currey announce, that
he has returned hey clasaea In
piano. Studio one block south of
the High achool. AdvtO St
U. S. Need Stsnegraphsrs.
Ws.hlugton. The ifoveritment Is In
urgent need of stenographers and type
writers. This fact Is wade known In
a circular leitr .cm by Or A. Howard
Shaw of the wonuiu's committee of the
council of national defense to the
ehnlrnien of the state division.
Requisitions Space on All Vessels.
Paris. Pr. sid. nt IViin ure at ii cebl
Hit meeting atgaaul I decree ui.vlt!lng
fill 111 lillll-lllolllli
mislution. on nil uch, nl-
. of lb.
gov .-nioi.'tir.