The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 15, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Million Letters In the Mails Today
Bearing Magic Words "With the Colors"
Keynote of the Splendid Work the Y.IY1.C.A. Does Among
Our Men In Uniform Is Keeping Them In
Touch With the Folks at Home.
Multifarious Ways in Which the Association Appeals to Tour Boy,
Your Neighbor's Boy, or Some Boy You Know and Love
Creates a Helpful Environment in Cantonment, on Way Overseas,
in Front Line Trench and Beyond First to Aid as He Comes
Tottering Back Give Your Share of the $30,000,000 Required to
Accomplish This "Last Evidence That Somebody Cares."
3T was evening on the broad
Hi-mpHti'ud Plata, l.oni Inland,
where Ih KhIdIkiw division was
apein ling Its laat night bofnre embark
Inn for r'rance It hail been raining
har.I In the B a cold, steady
autumn do Md Home was
Ig to auRU'wi the rainbow In the
outward aspect of the .amp Lin
and Hum of t , nvaa huuaed
t7.000 men, gathered from 27 dlfforent
states. Tue ground was dotted with
p. ml and quagmire "in wet
can van It was damp and cold, with a
penetrating Skill by flickering
oandlen, the tents were far fr.n-i
ful ahelter for a man's laat night In
bin native land
Hut there were .even big tente
Where elertrlr light, number and
fr'eudllne.s made the night pleaaauL
awBJswaSTB - flt tfwJmwJmwJmafl
Muaic, Oamss, tiood Reading end Correapondsnoe Facllltlee In V.
In ear
i rieg.izlne-
wriiitig tellers boar id "'"
raiaed lOuuter at one end i
iwsjaa smi arete buay passing out
l and enve i
tamp snd weighing Wcb
the men were sanding home Ona ot
the aoldlara aald to me as 1 atood Id
the tent ued chiefly by men from
Iewa: "We came all the way hare
from Dei M-lne, and we were, IU'l,'7
lonely Then are poind tola Y M C.
A on the Job. and Ifa bean a home
an I more than. a borne to ua It gave
aa what we wanted wljen we needed
It moat Well never forget It The
boys" bast friend to the Y. M 0 A"
ring. cTainC ot. Upstanding Felowe.
How close thoae beucue were pace
ed with men, binding over the long
tahlea absorbed In tb.dr writing!
WluU n appeal to the aympatblas
thoae great groupa of aoldlere mahel
JFtna, clean-cut, upstand'ng fellows,
ome ot them m.rrt boys, one thlnka
tmmedl.tely of the. sacrlflce they have
Bade for the real of ua and how pre
uro lo sjme one back home.
Somewhere. In far off farm or village
r ettf atre ! there era parents w
or wlv.a who would gWe ell
.oeaesa for one glloiya. of lb""
auuburued faraa aa you and l sea
them aa their Is H night before going
across And It waa with a throb f
the heart that I watched them, bent j
over their letter paper. In one after
another of the !
Tbeae were the tenia of the Y M. l.
a. On that laat nlgbt In America the
UMclattea "to lh"''T,
lu the beat of all waje g vlag I
,-mopnortaatty to write home On
pSv lour nights they bad e,,Jovd box ,
lag bouta. movie., concert.,, dramnttee
.d a .core of healthy entertainment.
aa well aa religion- meeting. But oa
this laat night home tie. were strong-
at. Aud perhsp. that . tek.ynot"
f the aplendld work the Y M
I. doing aasoi.1 out me, In uniform- .
keeping them In touch with n
M.glo Words. "With the Colore."
ib meee stakes thai Ns
tare that mean m e to ua IBM any
we have ever read before. They are
written on sheots of paper atamped
with the Stare and Stripe, and the
raa trleagL ol the Y M C A , and
S, bear the m.glr word. -With the
Color." There are many more thaa
b million auch letter. In the mail, now
ajgdja yuu nad tbi. Perbap uae at
IS on Its way to you Bach one
Of our 16 canlnm Ikjsj new
kl army la being trained, is
U'lltu mora than n rn .lion iheets of
this p' ii. In tun draft
armv aloue that in in 10, 000.000 II ln-
tr.ents of love every . ichlng
On) fn.m the gie wnere
1 Into thn
atl m has ever
I mem to the
' M ply that by
fl vg In
DS r ' . nil tli" IiIkIi Mean, In arse-
I raising eampa and
In all thete
wrltlag fcoail Thoae
S aheeta of not (-paper
gladden mllll aa o( hearts a da.
Tbey lova from one
-. StV
M. O. A.
part ot the rforld to naorber than shv
can oipreee. Btatletlee are
pretty poor anyway when, I cornea te
ing In terma of love aad bumaa
tentlerueas Let's put It this way:
That the Y M. V A la the blggeet gf
press company the world baa aver
and the percale It Is handling
are the lovaa and devotloaa ot haas .
World1. Best Leved Trademark.
Thla war "jaa mads ua think bard
and fat Your b v or vour neigh
boy or some boy yoa know aad
love bai h . to do iiU share
! la the big Jl.i ot policing the world for
, dmucrac and human liberty, la U
any , omfort to yuu to kaow that wear
. erar hi. dut; may cUI Mai your boy
will afve 1 frletid that will serve him
i. k.lj tn'nX tsa anulY Are Toa
Tad to gaew that this friend will place
books and magailnes at hU dlapoeal,
organize claaaea to teach him what
ever he waul, to learn, give blm a
i teatameut and Invite bla to
join rellgloua meetings of the faith
that he aa brought up InT Did you
realise thai the asaoclatlou provldea
, .ulpment for bla favorite
gamoa. teache him game, tr be knowa
none and MM H le,iuia.
movie.. Bible ilaa.e. dramatic eater
Ulnmuut. and every kind of whole
UBaeetaeat to keep him interest
Ate you glad to know that this
friend will go with him overseas, help
tu shield him froui a ecore of difficult
aad daugeroua temptatloua and follow
him right up to tha front line trench
and heyoud it? Tbe last content the
toldler haa with thl Ilia he lovea so
well la a cup of tea given him by the
Y M 0 A (rat Just before be goes
"over the top" to a hand to band atrug
gla mi1U the enemy. And aa he cornea
g ba.-k from No baa's I-and.
wounded, but strong eaough aud
j plucky enough to keep on hi. fe -t,
..., h.lum his wouuds are
the Y M C A is waltlug for nlm with
tea and aweet chocolate, the great com
loru of the man In tue trench- I
tou wonder that the Red Triangle Is
called the best loved trademark la
the world?" One goW
called It "the last evidence tm.t iy
kody cares'
II every it. inking dt.zdn cou
with bla or bar own
I tbe actual work batag '
lien by tbe aaaoclatlon there
BO question of tbe Y M ? A havl ig
to appeal to tha public for uum y.
Ra'.nr lb" let 'hi. potential w. k
Baiter lor an Instant rich men SMI M
all helr motorcars, poor man wo Id
ferego nanretnd pnsansalona or area ae
ceaaltlea. The work muet go oa. be
cause there la no one thing that con
tributes so much to the spirit end ef
ficiency of the troop. The Y. M C.
A. I. working night and day to help
the government win thl. war And
evwri penny that is given to aid the
work Is a direct aaslatanca to the
health, happlneu and atrength of your
nd mine.
Snapahota of Keleldoacoplc Work.
In all the big cltlna In France where
eur men pus through In large num
kara, (he Y. M. C. A. Is operating
hoetela. where they can get beds and
nieaN at a minimum coat. In London
lerioaa f. M. C A. naa erected
a l.i r,n building for our sotdlera and a
taae for American officer.
am Y. M 0. A dugnute right
behind the front line trenches, where
the aoldlere csn get hot drink, crack
era and other comforts at all hours.
Over MM men who had been POjeot-
leeaaal at phyalral dleahlllty
have been able to get Into the Urllili
amy by raaaoa at the physical work
of the llrltlxli Y. M R A
A fir i Car i lnava the big
Y M ('. A. hsadqrjsrtSfS In Iondon at
nililulght ery nlKht to pick up sol
dlofi who are wandering about the
without any wholeaome lodging
In which to apend the night These
rar era operated bv RnglUhwomea
of position and refinement, who report
meet any dlecourteay
lauda or the soldlera The Im
porlanre of this aervlce can be esti
mated by the fact that at least 60.000
are on leave In Ixindon every
week. Over half of these aleep la T.
MCA bed. every night
Entertainment on Vaat Scale.
The Y M C A haa erected a big
auditorium, .eating S.000. In each ot
the big draft I asapa, and huge Chautau
qua tents, .rating 2.600 In the otnar
encainpmcnlx Thn aaaoclatlon U ran
nlng a 12 weak entertainment circuit
among the niiipa and la paying IS
companlea of intnrlalnera. who are
traveling to 80 campa performing be
fore the man
In each of the draft campa tbe Y.
U C. A. ha. ten .acretarle. ngaged
In educational work Tbe aaaoclatloo
W aeelng to It that every mat wfeo
cannot apaak Kngilah la laught to do
so In many of tee esusips the aaao
clatlon haa a alnglag director, who le
teaching the men to etag the popular
and martial atra that do ao rniai te
keep up their splrlta.
Of Y M 0. A mea at Oastp
Dlx only taree are being paid fall eat
eries In ell the campa the majority
of the Y. M C. A ssaa have left laosev
tlva positions to do thla work simply
becauee Ita appeal la lrrealetlble te
any rwd blooded maa. Harry Leader.
tha famous Scotch singer aad noma
dlen. now on hU farewell coneart toar
Id the United Htatee. Is giving ell hie
apare time to tha aervlce of tha aaao
clatlon and is alnglng to the soldlera
at all the campa he can reach
In one of the draft campa tha T M
r A Is atipervlalng athlelloa on lie
playing Belde. providing full athlatte
equipment The winner of the Inter
regimental game, will play tha ckaja
plon. of the other campa
One of tha greate.t aervlcaa render
d by tbe aaaoclatlon Is tbe saaklag
A Red lnangl Dugout In
out of money ordera by which the men
can annd their pay home to iheii lean
Mag In aonie of the big BBBtM the
Y MCA 1 providing banking faetl
ltlea for the men aa well
Do Vour Bit With e Tenner.
Thl month I. Not ember I tb Y M
C. A uiuri mate 36,uoo,uoo to carry
n Ita work among our aoldlere aad
tbelr alllea until next July Of thla
I-J. noil IMMI about l24.0UO.uou will be
,n the work with our own troop
tt aoout .1" lor eveiy mau iu i-ncie
Sam'a uniform If everybody who ha
traSB aoldier aud aail
or were to iutilbute tin the task
would be aasj Are your boy'a health
and happlne.-a and clean aoul worth
Your taejra mayor, your parlor, ywar
tabeSM -up' inteiideut will know who
renaurer of the campaign gSJBJ
Btlltee in .i.' coiiuiy or town Other
t.V ; i luck or inone) order lo
(Iceland H Uelge, tie,uier, 1Z4
Baal Tweaty-elghth alreel. New Tork
Only aaerlflclal giving bv million oi
giver will make poaslMe Hie coin in
oance of tbia vast work for Am
KilJiitJ aad lor thoae of our alllee.
xi7 lv WMr I
S 1 M m
' v tt armfl -ami atDmTaTM
fjA'M fy Q e
ffke rtrgiut ffradeaUytcme
Ontario Stores
The man who is willing to advertise .his goods, has
good goods to sell or he would not tell you about them
It will .'pay you to investigate the goods dsold by these
firms who use these columes, They will serve you
with good goods, at the right prices.
You Can Get What You Want in Ontario
e A Good Ilnnk
la a (rood Country
Capital and Hurplus SlOO.uci aaaeae
Bedfc Stovci I'urnlturo, Pi
New end Second llimd (ioods
liouglit and Hold
MclMiUI l l. s i c ii wi.l
Linoleum. Hlcyclet, Sewing
Machine, Trunks
t'ommerrlal anil Job I'riitlusc
Tin- Art Studio
e nil 61 : I l MO
J 1'. Kldil. P
Fhotogrepli. I'ortralta mid Views
Fraah nnd Salt aft
H. H. Tunny, 1'rop.
Our SerTlce Will Please You
Pastery Confectionary
rt'KiTV AKswM
Makers of
Kream Krust liread
KIJlltllM.l awaaaU
Ieon Kldrdge. 1'rop.
Hpeclal Dellverlea for all
e MM awPJ
Wagona Hacks Buggies
MiiiKiitKiii mtoH OOaV
There are None Metier Than
the Saudebaker
a e e
Bxpert Heparins
Watchaa Clocka.Jewlery,
Cut Ulaas Uold and Silver l'lale
OtVI skiivh k
Wa lavlte Your Business on the
Betels of security aad Accuracy
-Oood Service
O. Blngaham, I'rop.
We can Kuraleh Milk or (rtam
in Laesje Quanillea
Kodake Statloery
The Corner Drugs Store
The Itexall Stora
Kountaia Service That 1'leaaes
Ontario's Only Tailor
Have Your Suit Made Juet r'or
Olaatware. Crockery. Tinware
0, E. foinmlnK. i'rop
In our Line We can Suva You
No Order too Large None ton
The Urocera
No Long Walts No Short
I'Hofth- 4l-J HUONh!
I'Ui.MiM. pi the right price at
Argu. OfBce.
. ...
Christmas Mail Ordar Ship
ment Proves NightmarR.
After Unpacking Oooda, Quickly Ooea
to Home Town Store, Ssea What He
Buy. and Make Vow Never Again
te Patronne Catalogue Houae Ne
Mora Wender Beok Stuff.
l"oi ilghlod. 1514.1.) Thomaa J Sullivan)
KgiiTleure la the name men give
theli toilli-e mid lliclr aorrovra. It la
(ho auccoaalve dlaem limit incut of the
tbluga f life
it la raaaaa sarteMtl by the stoiis of
tbe heiui At leuat that Is Smith's In
terpret ut Ion of expel Icllfe
Diaagreeable Brand of Watneae.
one DeeosBl as H Matejaal ttiai the
VaataMS i iiined lu inn-pint with
tbe mall onloi mun He lurnod out a
dJeagm-iililc lirunil of nelnvaa that fill
ad tbe funnel ultli a illtiiato for the
"ommi roud" tlnil David QlBJSOa ao
opiiiiiiiiiiiii araJaas in sii aaaa
Hut all t ir.nera are not optluilatlc,
I'utiii.i suiitii iiked the aaaaflaM af
his sheltered t la be aaturaMj
was mini' i i bj aa laritatJoa
the uiuii nidi kaaaa H M flaws in
au eesy rhmi ai lata tM lag end aaiaat
hia OMsatatas sappllee rrom ' pages
Of a wonder IfHik left ut bla front gate
by the It 1' I. mini.
Wond.r Book Selvea Problem.
Tbe Idea aeouiml mighty uttrnctlvn
'and couifortniiii lie tMatjM '"' aBfW
as well oxieilineut aaaa iinywuy.
I Bo be and bla lfe linil a nice time
ailing out tbe yellow order llp accord
ing to theli neele and revenue
I Then they aeiit It on IU way lo the
i (rn whlrli ii lo'il thatl thrilling bar-
I galna Id all liuoa of uiercliaiiillau rrom
I ptaa to palace.
Tha Minltli bad made one trip o
town. The day bad been characUriaed
by baste, liungur aud worry. They
hadn't had time to buy what tbey
Ho tha catalogue eeeeoed to solve the
problem for tbeiu It eeeiued aa If It
wera going to aare them Iota of time,
energy, money and brnln fsg.
Shipment Arrives.
ft waa a lieiilillflll pre brlatlliua
dream made up tu four muasuroe of
comfort, coninli m curloolty and bopo.
The ewekenlug SSBai nflerwurd. Ilko
wlae the dlalllualninuent.
Their ahliuneiil arrived two daya lie
fore CbrUiuiu. Thla waa very reea
eurlng. Hut It uecoaallnted e spe lul
drive of ulue uillea to the noaroat
Tk. o I), eroreae cburgua were
unexpectedly high. Tbe tlil iBwkM
Hon f s uilatnke came with tha real
laatlon that tbe eSBJsaa I
ceeded tbe differcic m artaa i
borne atora aud culalotru MBM aril
Traffic had been congealed and KM
paaaage rough Ha mage wue vlalble.
Hwllb boM-l II wumi'I wrtou. but he
took bla aiulf home wtlb niiiloaaeiit
(orebod I that nlghi when the
family waa aaleep be aud lit wtfo
opeuod tbe puckage lu tbe kitcbeu.
Cauaad Smith te Swesr.
TBara wua a lot of excelaloi p un
pack, but when Hie work as MM "i"l
,!.....! reveehwl them wa u
I irks diiluy on the i
smith, arbo forges BJt aa afeMMM tatat
tu was u deai on in the church, and
Mr. Hiultb' tear were Ulltor.
parlol lamp wua a nun D
uibelliabmeuU were livid enough tu
light a colored Dapllal chinch without
the aid of in elv
1 Ii. nnudcraft Hatteilbcrg looked aa
if It bad been made on a sweatshop
gajteatoa BMaaeas fur overall The
guaranteed pan w.m.i vercoal asaur
e.l theiii ai it gill me bow thoroughly
they bad breu fleeced.
I'aaaliiK up the belsare of the "al
loajed burgalna." tbe Iglbjr'a ktm-klnit
waa tbe piece lie reHlaluuce of thatl
Cbrtatmaa feuat. Il a tiirlaliiu af
,, ,,,.,, win, Kn,i, ami red
I -am htseawa sad llUsd with junk that
I .,,i.-.i in,- il.- i'l of u ona ccut
(Coatiaued on 1'age J
.Ontario Stores
U. 8. Tlrea tttta Livery
Till I Oltl (.Mt(.K
' SattTMa, MiinnKcr, ,
: . - ;-. r: r: ;
e ee
Developing I'mitlng
Vinatour l-'lnlalilng 1'rlce Llet
Till in MU ii H i'lo
Knlurglng iac
Hey tiraln Bead
Hasks, I'oultry Htipplles a
S l Mil I I O.
A. 8. Ilrown. Agent,
It' An Id
Dreading ; lixudntora
PftBltrj Supplies
dm tltlo I'ltoin l ii. e
(loo. Howe, Manager,
Wholesalers In Poultry ami Kgge
rilOI'LLS I'll I SVItY
mid papa 1 1
and Oeni
Alt '
in. II.. i W ii.-.iiing
I p, III Mill W 111 VIINO
COafP vn
11 ti in i Melal Work
Indian Molon j i i and Suppllee
i laaalag Pi Ing H' paring
IT 0, .1 i
Sulla Made lo Meuaure
rstM Art Needle Work
Ikll I'uliilliii-.. ii v ill laiM
VIII I I i.v .v tetl vitHtK
Itoyul Socn i il. niila
i hi: stouh rn i BATM YOU
n Pboaograpbs beat Music
w i ii urn d
Ileal i I urauce
rmoxi i " iiaii i stiun i .
Healer n
Isakaiiiiii. "K
I'Iiimi It i.i ' M "ol
., and Win l.vella,
d in Mai " ty
iu tlio V' .a al 18 "
Work a - laity
,.. a
.mil lliuul U"
a I
. when wi ply y-
with i"
II. 1 IHVMvllN-
Second Hand II ' "
1IIK v ''J'J
ir it's Jak Prta '''
win alaaas rag We are ready at all
io iiuou artoaa on all year