The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 15, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 46.
vni, xr.
. M. Small of Wllilorlm- Narrow K
cnpe From Nerluo Injury tart
Hat unlay Kovoolng Roy
K. M. Small a Wilder storekeeper
had a narrow escape from a aerlou
Injury tart Saturday evening when
I ho auto truck ha wa driving over
turned on the trade croaMng of the
Oregon-Enrtern on the Boulevard.
Hln only Injury waa a pnlnful
apralned ankle anil a number of
Mr Smnll waa returning home
nhout 7 10 with a lon.1 of barrel fil
led with gasoline and rar.rhed the
rnllrond rrolr.K aa the train pawed
eastward H- started hla ear and
then hesitated thinking that, perhaps'
In the dull light of hla truck, he I
.(Mild not he certain If the entire train
had passed him MM he eould
aDiil" he hraken after stopping the
car atarted to hark-up and in doing!
an went to t li Hide and then toppled'
over Mr Small wna thrown In
audi a manner that only hla right
foot wan caught and that the only
memhrr Injured.
Alex Stavonann a 11 year-old boy j
who accompanied him waa slightly.
Injured. He waa thrown clear of the
car and Immediately ran for anela-,
tance, but not until ho had tried In
vain to lift the load free from Mr.
A paalng auto waa atopprd hy the
boy and the occupant freed Mr Small
and brought him to Ontario where
Ilia Injurlea were cared for He apent
the nJfM MM nd 111 the morning
hla wife (MM and took him home.
Women Honor
Rod Cross
Guard Olrls and other adulta
"dolna their hit" please take
,,,,ii, ;,lldren have
cuught Hie spirit. The pupils In
Mrs !.m fn grade
room decided some time ago
ihc want'-d to M l"',r share In
furnishing Christ nuts cheer to
Idi.r-. So ten menihcr
of the class were elected I" lake
ell., (ion each morning for
At tl ml of t lil-
H $tt r0 had been taken up
enough to hu fTiree Christina
boxea for the Stfrhmle and yarn
and needle, tn start the girls In
knitting A. the two wno uu the largeat ainountH.
Hick Adams and Cecil ThonipMin
had the honor or taking the
auraar "" ,"t4,K ,u P"'
Canvass of Held Oiirlng part tew
MC-k ic-ulf. Ill lining or old
lime note-tllTUen. Iiapin
im wa. no little Joy In
MethodlM Church congregation last
l pleasure VM due to
fact that no longer dotsa the aoelety
rest under the burden ot unpaid oh
.,i.,.n Th cloud waa llfteo
the work of committee and the;
Keueroslty r the memberehlp, the '
member, ol the commit tee were
W. V
Doane, Edmuna nuuer
Kev. Bar" M Hanna
The committee louud in Ita work
that It was merely a queatlon of aah
Iiik ror fund, for the prosperity of
member, ha. evidently ao Improved
that ihey eagerly nought to relieve
tbe situation.
. ..... . lain on 111
lu nonor oi me .
tmmmelled state
membera of the .buret, are to o
.k..(i. slnimr Friday evening
(TinuiB,,.", - -
November 38 to which the membera
and friend, of the church are Invited
U Helup ol rtead Ox r' will eontaJn a knitted outfit In
Mr.. C
Was an Ontario viaiior ...-
aid that a recent
letter trom nor
rt.uahter, Mr. Hlllman.
ho I. 0
-,,-11 known here having been a atu
dent at the high achool for navera
!!! gave an Interoatlng account of,
M. in Italtlta where .ha Uvea, now
fife in Seattle wnere
Horn of Mr aud Mrs H I
goa on Monday, a daughter
Mr W. W. Hlnton received
h letter from her son. Irvlnit Har
rla, who In now al Camp Iewls,
Taroma Washington, which la
like the letter of other On-
tarlana, a booat for the great
work of tbe Army Y. M. C. A.
for malntalnenee of which On-
tarlana are being naked to co-
tribute thin week. Among nth-
er thlnga Mr. Harria Say:
More Mke Home Than Anything
I go to the Y. M. C A. build-
Ing all my spare time. It la
the only place I am contented.
It In more like home to me than
anything here In camp.
"Don't wcrry about roe. I
am getting fttt I have gone up
to 14! poundK. Oh! we get a
little' to eat here In camp. Iota
of exercise and plenty of work
I aure feel fine, ao don't worry
about m. Wea re getting lota
of experience and that helpa
Bona .
Caac- Reported Thl. We-
it. are Recovering rapid-
No New
ly ami None Reported In
Serious Condition.
The typhoid epedemlc Iim appar
ently, panned It xenlth. The physl
rlana of the rlty believe that the sit-
uatlon will grow better from thla
tlme on and that no new caaea will
be added, unless the prospective afjg.
urn Is Infected now and haa been
the germs for some time
without being actually clck.
So ,w Caea were POOOHoi this
week and MM " 'hose who are 111
reiorled In serious condition
i r the strnnce things In counec-
Hon with the epedemlc I th.t dls-
i.iie tb evidence that DM epedemlc
glvea of the preventative propertlea
or typhoid vaicnie. there bus been no
rush on the part of thoie who
not been vaclnated to receive a tree
treatment at the expense ot IM Ml)
The 400 treatment, arrlnved thai
week, and while a rew have called on
,n nt) Health oOlcnr. Dr II II
.Whitney, the number ia been l
inost negligible Thl. Invlewof the
ruct that not a .Ingle person who
..' '! -cilia ted laat year ha. taken
at ihiK 100! '"I only about 30 per
..hi or the population la vaeolnatod
I (..I Notice Herveil
formal notice, were vnrved on a
large unmber r property owners on
Tiie.drv advl.lug them to connect
exiating toilets with ( ts mains or
Uterals. The penalty fm falluie hus
been Indicated and the oftUlul. avow
their i.'.tentlon to art City
C. M. Steam, said that beside the
notices served by James
Conwaw thin
week that otliera were,
forthcoming aooa
()mttirU,.H Midler Hoys will or Warni
ed with HMealera, Wristlets, Hel-
mits end Hearts knilted by
Tbaae are bu.y day. with the girl.
Ol the Honor Guild uud the teachers
'of the Ontario High School If they
are not busily engaged making .
M-rao book for Hie boxes that .re to.
1 u... ... ik. Ilni.rin unldler bovs
tlh - y , ,t home hnltling oa one or
i tk .i.
that will go with the ecrap
a Chrlatma. preaent.
' "e ""
book for
More than 30 boxea are to be aeat
to Ontario boy. in the army and each
...a.- Hhaikiak iuh in rour aieoea aweaiaw.
helmet, wneneis aim .. . ... ..
. . . .
any of the Ontario boya take coro.
tiii. winter It will not M Moauee tne
lln lienor oiiard irl. did not
remember bu need for warm wrap,
at thla time.
II i Whilwortb of Weiaer wna In
Ontario on bu.ineaa Tueaday.
Y. M. C. A. FUND 1$
Nyssa asked to take territory In It
vicinity anil committee goea there
to Inaugurate campaign-Will "On
Over The Top."
Malheur County will not full down
on Ita ahare of the Y. M C. A fund.
The rommlttee originally waa asked
to raise $:1000 hut since Hint time a
OOOnd order came forth asking for
$4. sou Of this sum Ontario and
vicinity have from II.ROO to ll.MO
to ralae while Nya' ahare of the
revised estimate would he from 76
td 00, with the balance to tie
raised In the Vale territory which
comnromlses the remainder of the
Starting Sunday with the union
I at the Haptlat church whlcb
was cdilressed hy Rev. Sheldon Rlxaal
of Bnlae and llev Cunningham of that
" '"" ommlttoe under the leader-
shin of Mayor W. K lloman naa
at Mayor w. r iionun n
(cthely at work Supt. H. R.
- aft.. aa.a.Waa atul
been actively at work. Supt. H. R.
Hougtaaa marahalled the speakers aud
The "
nigh, here haan a meeting
velnle trio"; Messer A. K Hid-
die, Byron Turner and Hershall
llrowne. furnished the music.
. ArfBIi. Tuesday evening ad-
. (, .i.nvcnrtl tiy h v. Bw ig-
Mlll) ,. , (jiaghor When Hie
Lg, ,. ,..., ., ,,. ,.,! nub-
,.,.,,,,.,, W.MM tm, ,i ,en In tint
, lnltv ,,i,i n,,,, nould hp
Increnned At Valley
gtrOBteg '"ih I
prootnl and no ' '
, nntod
iieii KcIkhiI I'linil uu mioiiu
, High Mhool lOJf and girls have
mill" wonderful re. ,rd I
an( faculty is In the rac-to see v.iilch
nioiiey. Too
gapfcj , re leading now with $4 and
with .. . Hie
oHinr. being M4 Tho UJtnl
, Ba High Mhool alone Is $'2 1 I and
w,n i. over $1100 by Monday night
i in Ouli loo
With the High School a. part of the
llt ,, t ..I only 11100. ho
,),( there Is uiucli work to do that
,,,,. ,nv nhull not
tall In getting It.
.hare ot the tMlig The campaign
cloaea Monday and the committee I.
anxious that everyone come torwatd
io .ml the rauae.
A in. mi; the speaker who are en
listed In the .ampalgn ure AHornev.
I gf Me nil,., h. ft W Wood, It If
Hwagler and c McOonagill, Dr w I
.. m. .J el... - - - . titan "ttairi.k !( I lie ,,.n.....
churches It.i w llrown llei.
Karl M HaniiM, Itev II II l'.lvliig-
'"' '
II lllom
which I. solicit lux
I he couinilfle
,-ines. dl.trlcts Is couipoaed of
i he follow ng Irving Troxell. Virgil
Staples. J. T McNulti.W V I
II ii CocWruni l A Mile., J. R.
Hlackahy. U Ciilberlaon and Kldon
M.,.i..i, have driven the campaigners
to the ms-ellAM.
Ontario Auction Cwnipaay's monthly
.Mir to or feelurol lit Ver-
let) rather than any partic
ular 1 .(((((,, Mill .
Mauri farter A Clement of the
- M.I.. I 'a who l.ava licull
, l0ndu.ting the regular monthly aleaha billed ror Thanksgiving Mary
here in .pile or the tact that every I I'ickford 'a rlal ror the aBection m
OM ha. been too buay to .ttend such.Oniarlo screen follower, never had
ranction. annonoce that they are
have a real anle Saturday November
that tint there will be no,
i ai
J,., ! hut . wide variety or
( ... - w.-.i ... ..k.. '....(.. .i.u..uih i,up. un,l I. Intl. nu a
gooua win n ui ...k.
. . ... -a (..(,..(.. Ik...
already oeen n.ieu i... m..... ...i
aet. of harnean. one pair ol aeaaon lio resell price, mr
work m.rea. a full line
J"y ' r old
-.liking, one Herelord i
full line ot ruriiiture.
cow that
one Hereford to and calf
and olber offernlg. loo numerous in
Three (rewi are now at Work Clean
ing Pitches and otherwise putting
t'anal In hac for next Hemin
MOD Land for Development.
Order were laaued laat Saturday
by the hoard of dlrectora of the
Owyhne Irtlgatlon district for a
pmnplug plant
which will Insure
sufficient watnr for the Irrigation of
Owyhee land at all aeaons of the
The order was pr.rcil . 1 1 i E. M
Orelg lor MfMttMN dci'-.-rv lot
that mean rome Mr Matt Mil M
plenty of line for 11 Irrl
hi-ason. The apeel "cation of the
(rder call for a t unit plnn' ln
r'udlng two motora and MM pumps
nhincd capacity of whl.
be 17,000 gallons of water per
minute It I eatlmnted thai the cost
of the motor and pump will he
approximately 116,000.
Heslde the pump and motors of
which Is to he erected, and Ihta pipe
line will r(wt about iH.liOO, while the
col of the pump house and general
' '" """""'" """ "'' '".r ,, has an active Ited Cn.H.
stallatlon may take another .... .,
" l'''l""-""""' r'
,h" 'Mtollf Of 121.'
. s this, however the dire.
c. In) the entire) opolMn oe
I'hree crews are lit 4TOI
i... .. .... i uti.l hm Hit lii
now .,,, so .--
l!llN 1 II IS Mill
that IIk t . .t .. 1 . Ilture will be In
. ;,hrli..o.l of M,
Thla expenditure, will enable Hie
Owyhee di tint to malnialii II
M ,,,. ,,f the tin. r-i irrlga-,
iciiih in Okkoii With the
, ,, . ,! Hie d"
,lj(, ui.lcleut water
,,, ,,. for every fool of land within
,,, boundaries, that la
in i) I
to luipro(
ureaenl tUM ''' are he
( ( boAtta
Irrigated from the DwyMt ' nMW
and Judge ti I. King, who for yeara
haa been aecretary of the district be
llevea that there are at lea.t fr
.im, in &.000 acre, which could be
Irrigated fnnn lM OwjrhM i.nals
i Sen not all the Ihii. I in the ill.
trie would he watered by the system are aeveral IM
III 111 the Own! IMtfl
w ii on DRel
this utile (.1
the dlxlrt. i i 1 Ml
nd. too I- sen ShoH-
strltlk uml ti"1 N' Dltclioa.
rhe .ui... of the .in I
ordering the pumping plant was not
to rurnlsh wuter ror a greater srea,
tin. that Is a poM-'billty, hut to In
anre every rancher under the district
sufficient waler durlug the entire
.owing .eaaun V.llh the new
plant In operation and with the
canal, cleaned and the laterals o
the nnchea sufficient to care for
their i.eds there will be no need for
complaints on the Owyhee neit rag
ao the director, are d'termlned At
least they Intend to do their share
to eliminate am h troublea
........ ...,.'. ullVClll
IH hi.i "...-..
Marguerite Clark in one of her
..n latest success I. Hie olferlng
.ii..l liaaaeer Jaauisll of I ll eain laud
lie, better vehicle than the r-.mune or
Kill. In which .he win ne seen on
Turkey Hay
Manager ha. rw ently ad
rfe.i Hie lllueblrd altraclloa ror reg
a.o, ,...e,.-.- ,-.. - -
-- - .. ...A,.lul fttuloiu. for lllff will!
aerwai " ea." - -- -
i service due i..
natural im Teased
laleosls of productloii-, nod with
war taxes of three kind- levied on
the theatre, make, the rurnlshlng
..niueeoient theae daya a hard one
MCD iimss w i: UAH PAST
in i: MOinn ih MMflMB
In the Red cross Campaign
In June, Malheur County sub
scribed in the Red Croaa War
Fund ft 2. 17 20. Thl waa a
tine tribute and Indication of
our patriotism. The acid teat,
however, la not what we any we
will do but what we actually do,
and It appears that there are a
number of unpaid subscriptions
In the County of Malheur. All
of the aubsrrlptlonn to thl fund
wot supposed to have been
paid on or before the let of
( tober.
The State Campaign Chair
man. Mr Henry 1, Curbed, of
Cortland, Informs us that the
National office In Washington
h ' pounding me on the hack''
every week for more funds and
I nm becoming embarrassed be
lt)) canto so much iiionev Is still
uncollected out In the counties "
All pledge which were due on
or before October 1st should he
paid at Mil time to the County
Ti cM-iirci
igealed that If the meat marketa aolil
Kellef work In Kaatm-n Miilhem Co-, t'" MM M that day. they would fol
io, i, Ih mm Nearlnjc High Htalr low Hie custom adopted In Other
of efficient Oigaiilnlloii
Idiixdi Ikiiinl ninel.
sen lement In Ka.tern M.I-
(( nilll'e ((ID lllini (!(((
itall(( Chapter llh
iinaiu.n oi ine lerruurj
In It care '!ir work hns bevfi
n 1(111 .
an :iii
hazier ll .u I. ii i .1 Orange, work
di point w lore a brain h
orgunUallon waa Hie logical Olgf an. I
M led to the organU.tlon or
.rk III Ion of the
I in. t Mrs K M Orelg. secret -
Mrs Itay
Wilson have spent the past raw weeks
otlng the organliatloii In tl ut
iilux distiicts
At a recent nimtlng ol Hie direct
or. Ol the . hapler the u. lii-oii I I
wa aolertml, represeula lives having
ii added fioin the different m (
rltory under IM Jm
.Ii. II. oi ..I the i -hapler Tin- lollow
in. Is the coinpl.l. p. i -oniiel ol I he
beard: Or II II Whin. .v. char
man; Mr.. Irwin Troxell Hi t m.
chiiniiin; K A, 's.-. I ,
chairman; II C llocr, third vi. i
,,, l all N M.'l.. lollllh
ilrinau; Mvlno) board Ml
I, -.,!( ..II, 'alle I'W . Ml
V V,,'i Iteadon lloiiletHid Hr.nge;
i.,.,k Moiksii. Kingman Kulon;
ay JoluiHoii. liig lleiid; Mrs
I', ,,ik iL.ii Muni Mi J l ml
,i i v.l,.,,, Mrs. Krunk
i; i N W tatngg Mrs. Kay Wll
son, Miss l.s.ine Snilili. Ilr A ti
H M I A r. Iti.ldle
and 0. K Aiken ot Ontario
Imh.I lloanl t.PU to Mo mill) f4tiM-nd
of I'nlagogea anil Adopt New
-I'm of I'uu baslug Hup
pile. Mr li C of I. may be
lo any or Hie School M ami or On and have a chance to be greet
..I with lewt thau a rrown TM Ng
sou for Ibis Is that after giving the
altuallou due cunsldeiaiion lor aome
lime the m.iiibers ot the school board
.rauie.l a Hat increaae all aloug Hie'
line io ihe leaching ft
I Is not all the hour. I did to th.l
snaaton, iiowever, lor II alao adopted
a new plan ol purchasing supplies
i. h.t,, i. dei.ti niig auyllilug
. io be charged against Hie district, a
merchant must receive a duly author
ued raonkirtna ahowlu lor what pur
pane and to what department the
god. are to bo i acd and chart,', i
Mcniie.s Dggra anal eatJoaa Itayo
I nl i (Kill Into I, Ifc ol ( Illens
la Patriotic Duty.
A wellfed, propei i nourished
I'reuch ilrltlsh or Italian Soldier 10
Just a nnoeaaary to the aucoeaa of
American arm, a la a Sammy In
that condition. In fact If by supply
ing the neeeaaary food America can
maintain to their hlgert efficiency
the troops of her alltaa, the will In
fart save the Uvea of thousand of
her 01 OU.
That la why l'ncle Sam I asking
the hotiMwIvea of America to Hoovor
lie. It mean life or death to Amer
i.oys and Ameilcan men, whether
the women of America adopt the pol
icy of wasting food admlnlitratnra
While Mr Ontario I not Instructed
In this matter, he I. never-the-lea
, . Iti.lly
mi ell, as the paitweak
haa shown him. Mr Ontario took to
the meatless day with a whoop. Of
I some .,r the women, "forgot"
and served bacon lust Tuesday morn
ing, hut made up for that slip during
Hie week.
r'lfer'a wa the only reiturant, of
the ilty to observe the government's
regulation The other rerturant aug-
Meal Matkets Willing To 1oM
W Inn asked what they were doing
toward the observance of "meatleaa"
''' '"" Proprietor, of each of the
ii ...itlnued uu Page Two.) ..
Dn oii Ibluk toiinu'. Vaine
. a ol '- lnw I'ronreaa?
Ha i,.ii think that Malheur,
leu! hiiurl Is the .1 ih th.t
la hoMMg i ! "'
region' Hue ,.i IM
aarl) progi i I lora ol t he
, ..null does Ihl.. I. whul .'red
J Klesel of Og.len. Club who
aattlad Mm M Im mrli day.
ill Ih one of the heavlert
in Hie .oillllv
1 notice In your l.ue or the
tk, in 1 1 net which say
II I olllllV Otll) .
Which HM Not Shown Heuiand
I',,, land ' Tbl. will alway. be
UJ Il Villi .lie i.o.l
When .( ke.t tor Ihelr opinion
.i...l with Mr. Kleael Ibal
the u. me iiUKhl linve a delerent
a that
,,, . au I I I" fM liad fjfgj
,,,., ,,. Malheur meun-
II. at Ii , .... i I.
h, r uotl ma i" M
li.v. hi i. ' nothing In .
one-lion- lli.H I'lopeili nswerl I
rraili. a Ml" Im tease CMa
In ki t oii-lileiatlon. t
Curve Ills, ore Not II Why eon
apple oi.l. aid I I ars old hat .
in. prof while otMfl in th. .ii.
eality, of the -aim m'f uud on the
ullle w,,lr are heavily loOlMI
Why aMM ii'i I'M'- tend io have a
crop every yagl while olherK do oi
Have you e.ei 1 1 led open pruning
an. I no koi know when and how rw
do it '
an you lell when a tree is .tart-
nK into a ,1'. hue'
Do you know how' oon your trees
will ease hearing well unles. fM
afcMM your melhoda?
li.. you know the best to pal a
inn down prune orchard on Us faetT
ii,, ou know how to gain a year in
bod) bulldiug ot jour young
and tiring them MM be.iing a
How long will your fruit .pur.
, ..iiiinue lo hear?
II you waul 14) learn the .n.wero
to these and other lug question, of
i io i nardiiig come lo the
O A c 1'ruutpg viubnr
III lo I