ONTARIO, MALHEtm 001 NTY,0REG03 THURSDAY, NO RR 8,1817. ta;i;tvo br Ontario Attjittf ( E tabllsbi i 1 GEO. KAlKENjEditor and Publisher. Published irio, Or and elitered at t be 0 for diatrihuti.. r. 8UBS(,HTl'J K , fin,-, fthijjlc I I pled tin R .- for v I it stands; one natii n, i . with hber- tv ami ju-1 ice for .ill. Tlit Pledtre. My Tlac; a FACE THE FACTS. rntario in Tm h fm e wil li the serious preblem: " Wha1 I ro do ji I 1 1 1 tin typhoidf" Thai is it ; uWha1 aw we oiug to do about it '." Oertainli thew hi hi en sufficienl on ersation n-niiM--.iv the problem, but thai i not enough. It requiti - a don, Wlnit all is said Ontario is going to tun t ohiod m kn has filth. The two go hand in band. Bi i Mr urn leas than half witted knowi that. The rerj first thing for Ontario to Wo ia to elean up filth, and that means, to... the actual foreemenl of the sewerag eoiineetioii or dinance, The nexl thing, 11 went ei the eitj must regulate the water supply, or do something to insure a pun and adeqt supply. And after tha city once ut- clean it must Keep clean. WHERE IT HURTS. The There is no use tl lug to fool one's self. ostrich is tin- .nly tiling that tries to hide its head in the sand as a defense, and. even the ehihlreii recoiiise how foolish is an ostrieh. It la an actual fad that today, with the typhoid scare on, pmpert.i in Ontario is worth far less than 11 was three mouths ago. It i- alau true that there are manj 1 1 dents of the cit.i . some of them business men who are willing to sacrifice what they be lieve their property is worth rather than louger eoiitinue to live in a community Which aiinuallv has an epidemic of t phoid. Theae are facta, hitter as thej ma be to some. o one PCgn tS ha iiiu to print Mich statements iitoiv than the ArglU. For mouths this paper endeavored to arouse of ficials and the public to action to meet tin situation. The action taken ma not have been tiinch for this year, hut there are other years coining and a start must he made to ward ridding the eit of the menace which rrrer ihaddowa Its future, and clouds the lives of many citizen- y .j, TRY A FEW PROSECUTIONS. riuii' are some thiugs that oan be done to solve the" Vphoid piohhni. There are some that caiMK'' he done, The question is to t mil the pro'! course to pcrsite and to proceed. f 'ertainly after ordering the connection with sewers the Council took the proper step nil Miniilax llight wl.vn instruct iou.s were uivcn to proceed with the enforcement of i In ordinance. Xo official was told to pro need, hut it baa Intimated that tlm city in tended to take action ami in the future to adopt tin- Kilic or taJting IHe uelintpieiits before proper authorities and aaaeaaing then heavv fines for failure to comply with health regulations. Such a course will get action. It is just the course that should have been taken years ago, A few conspicuous examples Will help to educate the puhlic to the need for, and the advisahlitv of cleanliness more NOT THE OREGON FARMER. i bay Is en charged thai while the n idents of the cities and towns rallied to th all for money for the Libert It that the farmers, -em rail; speaki held back. This was - nerally tnie in the Middle w. i : If this i 1 rue it I t to be deepl I i bell i- any class of citiB i. in the minds of the urban dweller, profited )i reason of nit ion seller lit -i . and I lie. fat U1 the western state did ivi I ; UI I'll vhieli the ei the farm the Muhlh Wi si ' . J is thai the 'i ' d 'it ieii is a persistent ei In Dine o t In uiosl proapet M iddle Weal that not a gle farmer returned b statement calling for the pa; mi hi of an income tax, when it .i i r.i'b I : bal man; of the farm of thai driving high powered ear- and showing other evidences of sub stantial pro p pity. Thai Is the case agaiual the farmer as drawn bj a number of tin leading publi ions. That i the indictment drawn oy linn dreds of people riding the suburban trams I'- it if tie ii were nothing substantia which to jiiBtifv such a feeling, never th . the fact 1 h.it uch a feeling i he peace and safctv of the nal Rotated section- the ranch W t i: states hai e teen loyal as an; men in the nation. In Oregon the rural sections wen- uo i whit behind puliatmcnts. 0 goll farmer is wit1' tin government I mi; section so far taken. How many of the Owgou farmers who should pay. will attempt to evade the income tax law. of course iiu one can know, hut the proportion ate number will perhaps be smaller or at leaat no greater than any other section. among auv class of citizens. Tin far Western farmer can he fcbsoh cd from tin charges being laid at the door of Ills Middle Western hlothels while Hi have I iim ., with the socialistic idea that 1 n imeul os thiiiu v. he , ing, not i deetl to i etti ,i . i that it - ii, ,1 ral. Tin i.iIK niakinu even one realize thai it of the goVctlllueul iieinu obligatt d 1 t; prof.. in. I N huh ia tl ill other wi d all owe to ourt ' hi loyal to ourselves and he lo. al to - .. I, other, There can lie iiu class pr jinli, , that is not prejudicial to the lilt- I'CSts of till people a- a W liol Tile I'nited Stati is iii this war now and the sooner the people ';et to-gether and forgcl pett; dilVeli llees the hetter off the nation will be. Tin must u. t l.e made th. ion for soine to l.M at the expense o others. s DON'T BOAXO YOUR FOOD. Zfhotrgutf 9radeatstcme department Patrtoni Ontario Stores Patronize Ontario Stoi The man who is willing to advertise his goods, hfi good goods to sell or he would not tell you aboutthem vill p iu to investigate th firms who i theee columi They will with good .at the right prices. You Can Get What You Want in Ontario "1 Hank in :i Hood CoMtry 1 DMT N Tlo. l, li- irphl f 100, (KM .-.in Knni'.IUM, Dl N I tl'l S'Moiel lliuel (..i.i u-lit uiul Sold M DOW i I is i II wc.i BKMUJ Ltnolvumx, HkjcJei, Sowlug Iiu-, Trunk : THE CREOILITY OF . . IND Catalogue Houses Quaek Doc tors oi Goiiiinorca. Commercial and Job PnttM TIM Art Stuiii.i i in i. i STI DK) J I' KIIU. I'rop Photograph, I'ortraltii unil Vl PROMISES, NCI GRANTEES 1 Soil Meat v i mi i N UUtl i Our Sorrlc Will 1'leaao You Pastarjr confectionary I'l IUTV U.KKH Makers of Kn ,i:n Krimt Ilread Dollrorloa I I I'CIIK.I llllt Letm 1 :iii r.u. i i I Ivi mil who doing Urn a 111 lliaii Jiuyntlur siuulc thin- i ntKI do, 'I'll. it lias iltiuoiist rated tliat it ran enforof the pmliiliitioii laws li lianillinu mit nt'l funs until lioutlcuLii'rs mf iniulitx rliarv Sboilt their actiuiis. It' the naiUO inethiMl were UsvA toward violators lf the health laws, is it imt ivaM'iiahle tti helieve that the saute rt'Mult wttuld Im1 obtained .' M I I I M It' sunn ri Jei-iiiaii traitor tells VOU that t:n- lod I'nw work i imt needed, nsk hint to prove it!1 Also ask him, who told liiiu -mi lli. i - Ism. Th- IHotit hv only in l.iliertx I; there i i shown l ! inu their In i tv Loan In.' snanie in. out of alun Tile cm i isc. Hut these are not the worst mi. We have the Uo German, out and out K.ii sente and I'i '' t ol'-kin, the Am, riean man or Wom.r w ' . iolatt'8 tin n prulal u the food ad i li iterator and hoaitls the foods that' i l, voluntary r .1 in Ontario. Ho - tiie rout, tWeell sllell , 1 - :, ' w.inu II Ol I77(). li" -ti ; , U. s i hat the men of th. armies might I , hd. It may he that the panic stricken individuals who have he.n (futltj of hoarding sugar, for example, do not realii that h so doine the are activeh aiding the Kai or, Imt it is a fa. t To win this war even man and iall even vi man, nniM eo operate with the food administration to secure a inst and fair distrihtition of the world's t supl anion- tin American people and their allies. tVilou llucka lluKglea i BJtKBB SaOS oil Coil V llo ol I I ll are KoM B4 MM l'huu 11., U'llllUk.'l . rlag U . UoTSOS Wuti lira Clock. Jowlii Cut Qtaol 'iold and Sltvur t'lata "wb otvi saavica that ONT.UtlO VATION.VI. li VNK i' invite Youi BwlMM M tha iracy iUiO i-Mia . Milk or Crtam k ,!ilea Siatloery i irusu storo -toro ontarlo-'a Only Tailor a roii ilava Your Suit Made Juat For YOU Cluvsware, Crockery, Tinware Till V Mill! v MTOKK Comiulnsa. Prop Iu our Line We can Savo You Money No Order too Large None too WILSON HMM The Grocers No Long Walta No Short Weighta A Mail Order HoMI Baron Never Shevee Hia SoteNI Leathor Shoei Un der a Peer Man' TahU Hi Vctrnii Extend From Ooan to Oen From unriee to the Laat Chine. (i ,,), iuii. ,i i ; i. by i baeaaa J aMUvaa. Soai I il.'O'i ,iiiitk I" a pilioi ikinx in, II, iii.iny of thi- iii lui; nnililtiiili'. do ,ni Niipi. . appro clati? youi boMotj of unuWataod the ) Impualtlona of iimHm Not uiurv thiui MM I" tcu." waa tba annwor. Wi'il." mild tin- iuui'k. "you may have till' one I'll tukv Iiu- lilin- . I Thin i-. Ifea ajntom upon hl,h tin J mall onli'i geWM oprrute. ami liotliiuu III. II- ll'lklll -It Mirir.lt IIIH I'lVlllllllj of maiikluil thuii lli-lr 0MMM IftMCti ery I a thing iiulvoraal and uulver ally OMTWOfSL In iuMt cuae It la llii-nillj true thul no Iiiihm1Iou la too gi.ii for Hi- cradslttj of man The Quack Doctor of Commerce. lli- retail mull ordi-r liouac I tbe quuck doctor ,i coiumuri'e. It prom Im inui'li und guiiruiiti M4MM Like pali'iit aMdiciMOBt MM StrWttMM are ulwuya on the lualdf, uud you iiiimi buy a uoiiifturnahli.1 pui'kage iMfore )ou .nil llml out what they are. The mail order hoime neter heled t build Hi- lit t It- white ai'huol lu your di!r, t or turnpike the road .i-t ).,nr door. No mall order house ever took you by tbe huud tvli-u you were In dlativaa uud told you to let th- little iii'i'oinii run until ufter harveat neit year. No mull order houae ever aold you a vehicle and ieiit every cent ot It protlta lu tbe coiuiuuuliy where yuu aud youi' nclchhont could get It ull bark agalu. No mall order buuae ever aboved lu pateut leather ahoea under your table uud rejoiced wltb you vi hen you were glad, nor Hike en coiiraglng word wbcii alfllctluu vlalteal you, nor stood with uncovered bead beelde the gratea of your chlldreu. Sentiment la Unknown. That flie uifll order house are after t,...r ii...,,.., lu an mi.llai.iiliMl fmft Kvery dollm seut to them leave your ' ....l.rt,l.,. !.... ..I " Th. H..II - t. i ,..,..' .,. ," ..-,-,. a hit uia.i i.iur. bouse may boar ujiou lu fac the -eiiibl. in, e of friendship, but no human heart beats under Us cloak of hypo rlay. Sentliii-nt lo It la uukuottu The whole luntltutlou Is aa cold and bloodMM us I MM '1 here never wu a f.irni In all Chrlsleiidom whose value vol lucfeaa ed by tbe mall order houso They are paraaltea to tt In, li life 1- ttorth) of "iily while they can draw the financial blood out of the ooWMIUlUoo, .to Hie upbuilding of whhh ili-t -on Ii I loiter nothiUt,- 1 hey i rente no local market lor tin- pr,nlii-t of the rmtua They JjMve aO jiropert) In the ouulry which caH tar asao-d to help U-ar tbe burden of Utxatlo. Can Duplicate Every Oflor. lu et -r.v town inthe country the loj cai retail meixhant tanOa ready to duplicate every offer .seductive!) aet forth iu the catalogues of mall writer buoaea, aud more He will truiuw Ike j beet trick Ibe mall order houae eter e . ,,i , . i - - in ..... ., U. rf. I I U.-ry mi: i nun i. HI i.i: Mrlile Maine, Miiiihk'T, , 'Agent for Ford Motor t'nrt Developing Printing Amateur rinlahlnf I'rlru I. lit Tin: in i;ni. i, i. m i mo Kul.irglng i , iptlng 'Hey .tin Semi Hanks. Ponltrj -Suppllc CASH i.lli i OMPAJfl i 'M i. dial eooe 'o 4 P A SAX' I HA stl.ls i Q A 8. Brown. Agent, It's Ao Ideul Car Breading Stock Incudaton Poultry Suppiifi ONTARIO PRODlt K CO. Ooo. How. Manager, Wholesaler In Poultry and Kgg o PBOPLK'H PltKSMAIt and repair work. Ladle and Ueota shoe ahlulng parlor In conui'i'tiou All work Ouaraie Steam, Mot Water. Air Heating f. 8. Pl.t MHM IIKATINO OOMI'AW Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work Indian Motorcycle and Huppllee 000 (leaning. Pressing. Heparlng ONTARIO MOIIKIIN I'KHHNAKY W. C. Beamguard. Prop. Sulla Mad to Meaauro C. C. Cortota Art Needle Work Oil Paintings, Novell la MILIJNKHY AUT MTOKK HULL it HAIIItKLI. Koyal Society Uooda THK 8T0R: THAT 6AVK8 YOO MONKY jf- HAOtRH' Call Again' Ldlaon Phonographs Sheet Music W. I.. Tl KNKIt Real Ktat. Reutal Insurance Sheet Mualc Record t'HO.Vt- i-J -P1IONK played if ou Mill put dowu ot Uab uua accept fioui In in a class of goods devoid of respecuhle iiiuestry and uwu which a reputable manufactur er's name cuu be fouud. but in which tbe disease germ of prison made goods r secr-tiHi lie , uu sell cheap goods if yuu will buy them from him with tuir gffj but lie can meet the beat price ever made by a mail order house It you will iilank aWWl yor mon. what lie give you wuh.mi Uiestiou aud tt ithout recourse Mm ton uiusl i,t eiM-ct him lo MJ in his place of busiuess every day iu the year, ready aud ttillmg to make good au dere.t, i-eady aud willing to Maud back t ctery article he sells with hi own reputation and the warranty of a TROXKIal. IMP! KMKNT CO. Dealers lo Farm Matbiuery, Wagon ooo t ou lloov trued this week? PRINTING at the rlgbt prlca at I"uaible compuuy. Argui Offlce raoaa -j rWHoi oeo Blackamlth HorsMhoolag PrONICMK iu u lUUMfTH 8MOP O. W and Wm Lyolla. Eatabliabed IS Malheur County la the Year of .88 Wood Work a Specialty We handie everything in Second Second Hand Uooda Why pay a high price for a nw Ohio when we can supply your need with one altghtly used? o. v. vuAma Socoud Haud Stor THB ABQU8 PHONE -J If it' Job Printing, You wish W will please you We are ready at all time to quote price on aU yoac prlntlag