The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 01, 1917, Image 1

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    niurt0 eKtm.
NO. 43
lame Will Be Take By Local Cap
italist Thru Hank Paltli la Ooun
Iry Drmnniilrttcd I Kxcerrtlonal
At Thl Time.
Whan bond of all klnda except
United Stated government Issues are
having ft hard Mm to find purchas
ra. It U remarkable to note the aale
of tbe Malheur Drainage Dlatrlet
bond. At :'iat It I not the only re
markable feature about the ale. The!
second 1 the fart that the aale tin
made locally; the First National bank
of Ontario l.olng the purchaser
President A. I.. Cork rum of the
bank In telling of the purchase said '
that the offer of f. for the Issue has
been arrepted by the board and that
the bank while underwriting the Is
rue hsd prepared to distribute the
ecu rltleo among Its clients Further
he declares that the Issue would all
a In ihe hanJs of Ontarlsns which
la a condition which speaks volumes
for tbe stability of values In this
action. It demonstrates the faith
that the loral institution purrbsslng
the bonds and Its clients have in this
Members of the board could not
be seen before the Argus went to
press to lesrn lust when bids for ths
work would be sought bat It Is known
thsl It Is their Intention to get work
under way aa soon as possible.
Ontario Boy I
m. a a.
Kubarribe u Y.
"Beat Thing ft
The following letter was received,,,,. ,h. H,,, a. ,,, ,u. Mudents
.. - 1
by air, u. B. i-urceti. rrora ner sua
Rarl, a former graduate of tbe On
tarlo Mill. School and who Is now ,
I. tbe aviation service snd at pre-'
ent stationed t Mlneoia. N .:
Minaola. I. 1 . N. Y.J,0
ii. tober ii. 111".
Deaj- Mether:
Here we are again. I got the ap-, Aaa't Bualneaa Manager, Homer
plea and ay there was never any-; Maddux.
thing ao welcome ever arrived here I Associate Kdilor. Gladys Kmlaon
When I got the box open and aaw Advertising Manager, Tbel Unip
those tine big beautiful apples I Just ' kin.
Jumpe.i In the sir and hollered
mediately there was a rush becauae
moat of the fellows have heard of
the famous Oregon apple and wheu
the scrap waa over I had half of an
apple left. It aure hit the spot tho
We gel some fruit but believe me
there was nothing M good ss those
Tbe big Italian biplane waa here
today It was au Immense thing, ll
earrlea about a doxea paaaeagera. It
la aure some boat A bunch of Ital
lana were in it They ceuld not talk
Maglish at all. But they could fly
and thai is enough They do know
how to handle a plane.
Tkere has been s war oorrespond
ant here Mils evening talking to as rear. The publication will be one
He told ua all about the Huaso-Japito be treasured by aludenta la future
war. Also about Ihe Par Bast It year and should be an advertlament
era was interesting He was a f0r the school and city
splendid talker aad I enjoved It 1m- To prevent books being unsold It
mensely. 'was decided to publish only many
Yes I am carpentering again Hut books aa are actually subscribed for
ting In shelves aad building side-' and to limit tbe circulation to four
walks now 1 am very wel content-1 hundred it la planned to issue
ed I don't expect aver to go serosa! the asuual some lime during the laat
the poud now, though wa may 1 1 month of the aehool year,
doebt it very much though. Wa are)
auppoaed to be here until the end uf p IrtTKRK OKK. POWNH
the trouble aa a training squadron, il I. (Ml OVKR THri TOP
so don i worry I'll be home some;
day and everything will be all right. Attorney J W. McCullo.h return
"I'll come marching home to you " ed Saturday from a campaign for
I guess 1 bad better close now aa It
m time for the lights to go out, so
goodbye until I call again
Tell everybody to subscribe to the
Army Y. M. C. A
thing in tbe world
It helps to Keep ua
It's the beat
for ths soldiers,
ison ten ted.
To Have Ht With aas Many Stars aa
IWije Who have Weat to School
here aad are bow la service.
Student of the bifh school at a
meeting tbta week appointed a com
mittee consisting of Superintendent
Douglass and the presidents of the
Seniors, Amy Cenfield, Juniors, Char
Senlos, Amy Canlfleld, Juniors, Char
lotte Daggett, Rophmores and Homer
Maddux. Freshmen, to select and pur
chase a service flag similar to those
being used In homes over the country,
where one or more members are In
the service. The flag Is made up of
red border and a white renter on
which are blue stars, one for every
representative In the army or navy
servlre. The hlgb school flag will
contain thirty-two wurh stars. Follow
Ing are the Ontario High School
Honor Rell:
Lee Maddux, fltenn Brown, Arthur
Moore, Henry Casaldy, Harold Rproule
Karl Oriffln. Irving Harris, Rarl Pur-
call, Ernest Oramse, William Black-1
aby. William Plnney, Oeorge Maddux, i
Kstus Morton, David Sanford. Harold
Thompson, Lynn Dlngman. Karl Land
Ingham, Damon Mllllken, Stanley
Mllllkon, B. A. Trousdale. Wllmer
Iloyer. A. A. Hall, Dewey SUndlsh,
J W. Prater, Oerry Oiras, D. C.
Petrle, Kay Boyer, Earl Bull, Ray
mond Jones, Clifford Canfleld, Harle
Jenne, aud Bd Draper.
The name with the before are to
oertlfy they are ex-teachers of tbe
Ontario High School that have Joined
the color.
li I Mailer and Krfmunri I '
Clrvl.xl to Head Slefr Knur
Hundred topic Pledged
In si u, 1. 1,1.
Ontsrlo High School la to Issue sn
annus) this year. After some discus
sion at a meeting held Mouilav morn
dBc(dlMi , ,,. , publication aa Is
ilona ! Ilia larvar tilarli mOinilu atnl I
llBj.,.d ,nP ,,,, four hundr,i na !
w,g ,,Ve copies to Ihe newly elect-1
tjvuv its i t. iaini I a n iwa i
,,.,.. wh w,.re chorea as fol-
Kdttoi -in chief, liernard Rader.
llualneaa Manager. Kemund Kraser
Literary Kdltor, lone
Wit and Humor Editor. Abbe Wine
Art Kdltor, Derrell Howaer.
Athletic Kdllora, girls. Mary Mease,
Hoy. Cladut Cbrlstenaaa.
circulation Manager. James Bigg
Treasurer, Krnia Von Haedon
Representatives from each claaa I ,
lo be elected later.
The annual. Ihe name of which
baa not yet been selected will consist
of about a hundred page of material
Including pictures of students and
fa. ulty, building, board of education.
athletic and debating teama, clubs
and organisation and will be pic.tor-
ial and writtsa history of tbe school
the Liberty Loan which took him.
into Imatllla Was. o and Morrow
lcoantiea. Mr McCulloch repawh
'that every town In which be and
members of bis party spoke in ba-
Ii.tlf of the loan reported at the do-
tbst tbe maximum assigned that sec
lion had bean exceeded
Millions of Dressings Needed
To Bind Soldiers' Wounds
Unless there la to be a serious ca
lamity, thru lack of surgical supplies
for American soldiers In France the
women of America must swske to
the needs now manifest to the men
In charge of tbe work In the war
II Is a question wltb the local Re4)
Croe.t whether or not the women of
Ontario and vlrinlty realise the situ
ation. If they will but resd the fol
lowing message received this weak
from Lucy C. Hilton, of the Seattle
headquarter. It Is believed that an
adequate response will follow. This
Is the message:
Millions of Ked Cross standard
surgical dressings must be sent im
medlstely or serious calamity Inev
itable American women must pre-
lnag Delayed AdjotBcatioa of ill
Right to Malheur River Water So
Occupy Atteatioa of Kiamlaer.
At Vale next Monday Ono. T.
Cochran, superintendent of water
district No. 1 will resume tbe taking
of testimony In the contested water
right sections for the distribution of
the waters of the Malheur river.
It Is anticipated that two months,
or more, will be conumed In the
hesrlng of the many eon test pend-
Ing snd thst during this lime the Mr l-lumim r made s strong sp
hlstory of settlement and apnroprla-' Paal lo the high school student to
Hon of water In the valley will heihelp In the campaign In wnnoinlie
thoroly covered. A IiokI of attor-lthe nation's resources, and made it
nays are to ha heard In the various1 plain to Mum that a little done ha
actions, some representing large, ever. v hod Maa day toward econo
groups of property owners, while, mixing food will have a surprising
others hiive Individual rases. atfat upon I lM l"tl I I "l'l'l.v ln-
The hearing of these rase has
been set a number of times hikI its)
ranchers have been anxious to have
the iiiieattM settled altef Ioiik
Batata the case were aet for hear-1
'ln on Mav 14. of till vear. but had
been underway but a sliort time
when Mr. Cochri.ii became III aud It
was necessary for adjoiiriiiueiii Now
that the hay cropa have been cared
tor, however, ihe rancher will have
P'"ny of "'" ,n wMrh "' ':
.n A ...I.L...1 l m iiHk
ln" P"""" "" ""
of lime
f A : flniii ClllW
H1'10 OeS WCT
But Just
Ontario and vlclnltv is proud of
what waa accomplished here last
week lo the Liberty Loan drive.
While the district failed "To Uo
Over the Top" on the maximum of
'the allotment,
It did far atoeed the
nilntmom and came so close to tbe
maximum that the difference was
slight indeed and chairman J H.
i lilackaby and the members of the
committee are Justly proud of the
I reword wade.
Tha City of Ontario itself did
aih. If Indeed It did nol exceed the
maximum, bet the country district. - company haa resigned and a.icpied r We M, a"1 that It girt a com
where the population waa a.attered a position with the Pacific Telephone '"" stardard for all n,,.. .,, prtv.-in
did not respond ss It win hoped H ".,paiiy at San Kranrleoo. '" """ f'".undergrsdlug
' ' 'VwtQgaBBwBmBBsHBBaP
aaaaaaE Paaaaaaawaaaama. Jleaaam..
gsmmmmmmtmmmWlT I smmmi
i BSiVwWBst bi',W Tat
".wTtsfl ? , . tstixr
stfla. liHaal lllsim.1 mMH
V B .... .
pare with greatest speed dressings
which mean life or death to our boys.
Please give widest publicity calling
II possible workers. Letter follows.
While only a comparatively few
workers have been lalthtully devot
ing their time and strength all sum
mer and fall the Ontario Chapter has
been able to aorompllsh a great deal.
Those who work only wish that oth
ers would help, for there Is so much
that must be done. Ontario rhapo'er
this week sent one box of knitted
goods end will send forward at once
two t ne of surgtrnl supplies. Wo
men who would "do their bit, '
should go to tbe Ked Cross rooms at
O. M. Ptummrr,
of State I t Co
'.minim. , Ad-
Food conservation and (be saving
of Cats, meats aad sugars to pre
serve life at the front was the text
of sn address given to the High
School and Eighth tirade student
laat Friday morning by O. M. Plum
mar, field agent of the state food
.innervation committee.
"One slice of hresd less a day will
afford thousands of loave for roal
WatlaTl t"wJ In names' lr sal IM
people In the country enter Into the
soirlt of llie campaign," Huld Mr
"One plei f meat saveil by each
one of you. and by your fellow atu-
dent throughout the country will
mean heller nourishment and MmaW
for your brothers ovn J
lift tt I III II III
Misses Maximum
woiilil Pew of the workers touud
oped opposition lo the loan, but did
eaeouator a great measure or mlsln
formation and lark of ki.owl.ilKe
concerning the need of the goM-rn
tl.K III 1 fllK M N l 11
Walter I'owera. who for several
years baa been luanaser of Ihe Vale
exchange of the Malheur Telephoue
Dreweey Hoclallt. (; Heating At
Hand of Red I Vims Worker
Keel In High ta ((immunity.
Frank Upton, of Dreweey, receiv
ed a thoro drubbing at the hands of
Alex Murray of that community last
Saturday evening after he struck
Murray for a remark Murray made
criticising those wka would not con
tribute to tbe Ked Cross campaign.
According to reports of the affair
received In Ontario young Upton was
nmong s group of men smong whom
young Mnrray was soliciting funds
for the Ked Cross, and during the
course of which Mr. Murray severely
stigmatised anyone who would not
aid the cause. No names were men
tioned. Upton, advancing from be
hind hit Murray on tbe side of the
head. Thst was all that was need
ed to open the ball. Murray went
at his assailant with a vim that soon
demonstrated his willingness and
ability to bark his words. After Up
ton hsd been knocked down he de
clared he had "had enough," but
Murray thot that It was he who was
deciding thst question and while the
crowd approved be further adminis
tered punishment.
Owing to tha fart, so It is aald,
that there are a number of socialists
in the Dreweey country feeling for a
time ran high but the beating given
young I'pton Is ssld to have hsd a
suliltory effect
It may also he sdded thsl the
Drewsey patriot did their bit to
ward the Ked Cross and the Liberty
I mill UN well.
. card of pupils In the OB-L
tarlo schools hoing sent nut this Week
explains u new aytom of grading.
which was adopted by the It
at u meeting recently. The
winch Is comparatively new Is said to
be spreading rupldly among public
schools, It Is uaeil by a
ollogoa nn.l universities. In. In. ling
ii.. I i.lverslly of Oregon, which wit Ii
the I nUersliy of Missouri ws one of
Ihe rirst to ...topi It.
t'niler I lie new system ths pupils
are dlvl.le.i I ii i . three group I'upll
ranking In the higher ijuartcr of their
class are marked a 8 meaning Super
tr, those In the lowest quarter as I
j moaning Inferior, those between as (1
meaning flood Students whose
work I decidedly Inferior receive K
meaning Palled Occuslonly a stu-
iieni whose work Is unusually ex-
.ll'-ni is given the honor grade of B
meaning Kxcellent, signifying thai lie
ranks at the top of the claaa.
Among the advantages claimed for
tin- -vsiem are tin' fuel that I lie stu
"" "" parent know from the
reue me comparative rank with oil.
'" dM
Mis Rath Howe, Daughter of Oeo,
Hovte, Nnecnmbe to Disease That
Has Had Its Urlp on Many
Aitlio Ontario had suffered from
two successive epidemics of typhoid
in the put two years until this year
no rase of the disease contracted
here proved fetal The second vic
tim or the disease was Miss Itutb
Howe the 17-year old daughter of
leo. Howe.
The young lady who hsd been 111
for nearly two week, died Wednes
day evening. The funernl services
are to be held tomorrow. Miss Howe
first felt III nearly two weeks ago
Imi r mi tin tied to work st one of the
peeking plants until last week med
ical sld was summoned. The fever,
however, had secured too great a
hold to be shaken and she paestd
away Wednesday evening. Miss Howe
was a student at the High school.
Weil Known Youag Couple On
linker tltr for Welding (
moay Hut Did Not Tell Their
Friend on Ketura.
Ontsrlo this week became ae
qualntnd with the fact that at Iiaker
ion October 14, oecurmd the ceremony
which united Mis Helene Crooks
and llerscell llrnwne, In marriage.
The ceremony was performed by
County Jiiilso liuby
The new of the wedding, which
I was nol lata by the bride and groom
Ion llielr return, Just ariidiiully be
ne known, as those things will,
Mr ,, MrB Ml,,wm ,rr now
receiving Mm belateil good wishes of
their 111..11V friends Itoih Mr and
Mra. Browne are well known In On
tario Mrs Browne who Is tbe
daughter or Mr and Mrs Wttllarn
Crooks of Chilllcothe. Missouri, but
formerly of this city, ha lived here
two year and gradual. .1 from ihe
Ontario High School with the class
of 1115 l.sst winter she tsugbt
school at Ills Bend and since has
been employed st the Ontario Phar
macy The groom Is a native son of Mal
heur county and has resided in On
tario the past even years He is
also an alumni of Ontario Hlgb
School, a member of Ihe elaae of
Ik I 4 Since his graduation he ha
be. ii eoiplove.l by Mover Bros Mr
and Mrs drown.- are making their
home with Mra. A. A Browne
staata Pulleu in I .ll Ke, With
trsva or SVI.1MIMI Worth aj Hay
No lii-iiiHixc ,,n Hiai'k.
Noble. Ihe IS year old son of Dae
I'ullen of the Owyhee Is In Jail await
ing the result Of a hearing oil the
charge of arson v g bMsBM
agalithl him The oung aisa was
arrested last Kinls. .- ihe rswall gvl
a tire whirli mailfnfml the $ (too
stack of ha belonging In his fa'ksr
and lo Hub Wallers
The Maf si said lo hate qusri. II..I
with his tataar and that ahortly fol
lowing lo have set tire to the stack
There waa ao losurauce oa the bay.
Mra William Hblnu and liule
daughter, Margaret, returned c
hottie la Montana Monday after an
extended with friends la Ontario.
J Iteed. represenllag Ihe Hers
llbgion Arms Co. and formerly an
lomarin resident, Was la ths city il.l
' seek
Attorney VV II Hrook. reiuimd
Sunday from Drewsey where he speiat
1 the week securing data to be pre
aented ai Ihe hearing of cases in the
, Malheur adjudli a Hon hearings.