The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 25, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The United States Government Food
Administrator Says:
u Baking Powder Breads of corn and
other coarse flours are recommended"
Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse flour breads
IS tsss taer
' neigne wit
4 level UtifMU Bri Baku Paw 4m
t Isllispnai eeewr
I tss alia
level UMpnii eyel Bakl.r r.wtar
IS '""" salt
IS toys milk sad walar
S seeer syrsp
I cay ttarH MM test tee ev I
Wit tkar.erklT dry larretleets- e44 rafT and le4
ktiM 4 kM awae ' trasses "
Haa la kt ee akeat N wleatoa.
Hi tagotkeT ieer keklar saw4ee aa4 aalt i aat atllk
aat wster. eager ar cera eyre aa4 aataaaato ej
rslolas. rat lata greased laaf Baa alia u ta4
M ailaataa la vara alace. Bake la axaafaa area
44 te 4t alaatai.
Oair iW. asMfe ewtef Wa Nasties, "Seal War Tim ffarJees" eeetf eeVifavg aoWlf eenef oimiasr rarv'avas. eenf
rree e raw ueef. AaWrese ffeyei BauWrig rNtaeafar Cemaauvy. fleet. . sVWnam Sfreef. Mass r-r
coxobfxjatiowaIj nn Mm
The llrautlful Mty.
A special service et the Congrega
tlonl church Sunday evening at
7:30. Program In part:
Bonn. "The Beautiful Iale or rlnme-
Ron. "The Beautiful Ule of Some
where." Reading. "The OHf Four
Square." 8olo. "The Holy City."
Mlaa Viola Heasted. Recitation, "The
Beautiful Cltr." Jainea W. Riley,
Ethel McWIIIIatna. Song. "O Moth
er Dear Jerusalem." Addresa, "The
Gram! City of Our Dreams." the Paa
tor. A cordial Invitation to all.
l-eo Thorn peoa. 14 year old graad
eon of Mr and Mra. Wood Tbompaon
of Ontario, writaa of hla eiperteacea
in gardening and of hla trip to tbe
Mate Pair al Salem, to which be won
transportation and admlaalon ea nest
prise for heal club ethlbtt at the
Malhrur county fair in Ontario in
joined the
What we are Kspevrtest to do lor oar
10 00 a. m ; Sunday School.
Preaching at 11 a. m.
7:30 p. m. Preaching.
Ror. W. H. Rwarti of Shoshone.
Idaho, will preach at both morning
and evening services Rev. Swart
preached two good sermons lent Sun
day to good The public la
Invited to bear him again next Sun
day. The church choir la planning a good
"time for all Hallowcene night.
f, A. ! lVTrrlr. -
a Hkll11C" dB
n Haw
Kvery home that aign the pledge
card for food oonaervallor,. puts the
uniform of the Country upon Its in
mate, and fills the ranks of free
doma army.
The food shortage ia an interna
tional problem and upon America
ability to solve it hangs the fate of
In the year of llt
vegetable garden club.
In the spring I planted my garden
avert They cam up la a week or the star
two 1 worked hard through the I with this fart admitted by all na
aammer for first prise, and when fair ; none, the President of the United
time came I took my vegetable lo state wisely sought the service of
the Malheur County Pair, and I got ' Herbert Hoover, twho had prooved
second prise and my brother first. Ibis ability to feed starting Belgium.)
I joined again In 117 on garden- to mobilise the food-saving foreaa of
Inr the nation.
vlthout pay.
I and the force under him. etcluslve of
clerical aaelstanle. could be employ"!
Iast (all I had fertiliser put on. Thia be consented to attempt.
the ground and had it ploughed and Tiding ha could serve
this spring. April. I plant"! my gar
den seeds My garden plot waa lit
feet long hy IX feet with I planted
It to arroi. Iins. tomatoes, pep
pers, corn, egg plant, melons, on
ion cucumbers. Mr
I nsjekjajl through the autumer hoe
tag and irrigating my garden When
fair time rame It waa my buateat
lima because I bad to get the perfect
vegetables and put In the wagon to
lake lo the county fair ground Id
Ontario wherr I would get then
sdy to be Judged
on a volunteer baala. Today the
buleat people of Hie nation are lay
ing aside their personal affairs and
(filing their entire lime, whole
hearted and free In thia service.
This season the world failed to pro
StM (he annual food supply, equal to
the world's consumption, snd upon
this shortage war'a wanton deatruct
Iveaeea la taking Its daily toll When
ma win Ihore wilt fall UDon UB mil-
I llous of atari ing daeeadanta. who are
When they were Judged aad I found no fighting with submarine destrur-
tue blue ribbon oa my club work I j lion. With our wealth In foods, suit
urea very glad and when I saw It I ' faring tbla crisis, w are naked to --on
tm- tkan that I aould gat a free ''serve tbe wheat, meats, fata and au
trip lo the State Fair. igar for humanity. Pledge card eeek
Friday afteraooa. the last day of , la from October it to November 4. If
the county fnlr. I helped pa. k sky no one call at your home, write for a
vegetable to ead lo the Slate Pair card It la all volunteer, ami an
I Salem, and thai eight 1 alerted ; greater service can he given the world
for Salem I traveled all night so or mora patriotic duty to your coun
dtdn'l see the nrat part of the Jour- try, aad it Is to be hoped the leaeoa
a). Whea I soke up In the morn- of rcoaomy sad wrongfulneas of waste
tag I found myself riding slong in- will endure long after the war is md
I'olumhla river The scenery along ed
thia rlier Is grand There MM UKO. W. McKNIOHT
ewe pretn fasklllllh M taM o.polt Coeety Chairman
aide of the river 1 traveled until.
three ...look and then reached Port- The fviaaral of Juatus O'Connor oc
lamt Slave, 1 over night HaafS and rurred from the Parley undertaking
rtarted to Pair groiiul Siindsv morn- parlor iaat Sunday afternoon Mr.
Ing r. rhln there at noon o i onnera death occured laal week
1 helped llx M. Ilieur couaty's due lo cancer of the Momsrh
booth that aflerniHin I slept In the a
IJafU :' 0mm last! night and was (;ut VTelgla of the Kastera Oregon
(ha Hr-i !.. to reach lnd (ompaay office, returaed today
There were two good atted tenia roBs rorlland where he apent two
(or the boys lo sleep la sad ene big ka visiting hla wife who ha been
round one for the girls There wa .-nil, all III with typhoid fever He
one tent the site of one Ilka the boys ; a() her muck Improved
for Hie boys and girls to eat la There
and ai-.ui av giria ,. u .., ,Mar.i -' '
p and had to bara thro cooks I fc ta-io,,,.-! i-burch la lha
We were entertained very nicely etj-Mrc of aj,,,,, Orefo. will held
(he ramp 1 had a Sue time at the' .j ltw ,. h- aj,!,, ball aeit Sava
fair grouads Idas at it 4k a. m. All are cordially
Hew Is Tact and Prepare It i
II Should Se teevee.
All Bali sail! of 'ourse. I aSTsflat
fre-h If It Is easily pulled from the
ha aj K I a sure sign the fish la stale.
Die i. Tightness of tbe eye la another
lest of frfslibcss and that rannot
lie rnnedlel srtlflrlBll.-. For this tvakson
a fur. Iiair shouki be aasurcteoa of any
fib from whli h the eyes have ierl t
moved or 0h oSered for sale without
tbe bead. The akin should he aaaonlb
bihI iiu wrinkled and the osor fresh and
eiear. 1 1 In s skiing water for a few
sveoods la trinoe tb- a- ale or kth
Always soak aalt Hsb in sslt wa'er
inatead of freh wafer The strong
taste naually eodlfBrull to destroy will
be entirely removed aud Hie flh will ha
aore palatahla than when soakevt in
fresh water.
IkIi i at lain the same kind of nutri
eui ss other food materials. When
ai niMiiiled hy l-read and I'litter. po
taloe. creen veretadlea aud frill, they
prol.le a diet will ii-plr all tbe
driuand of the lJ All aorta of fish
rosy kg MM) steemid. Iwked. plank
ed, fried. tuffnl. aiwlk4eil. aervevl in
cream, msile Into rsiurkiii. -rtueltas.
nI..i- sggvaal bbv) ar cuM In jelly, pet
ted ami pi kle.1. At a nveatleaal
dlniiir f-li follow Hie tvaaW) and may
,l with atatees and cvaTtaapear
Md t a house illuner It
he ,ilui-e of mral. ln im ervr
a aw ret ar heavy deaaert at the hsse
of a nh dinner, as the .aaslilaslkei la
-I i .jr. aiaj iw eriei
tea at la lr sokleri after It.h N
Balfaa Star
KAItl. HANNA. Pastor
Sunday School at 10:0 n. m.
Morning Worship and preaching
service at 11:00 o'clock. Rveniag
service at 7: SO.
A cordial welcome to all.
tfAPTiirr nn'sm
Sunday School at 1000 a m
Morning Service al 11 00 a m
B T. P. U. at 1:41 p. m
Kventng Service at 7:10
Prayer Meeting Wednesday avaa
lag at 7:10 .
CHAS B. HIJM. Paator
vi hii ii . m i;i it
lxw Masa, :30 a in.
High Mi, 10 J a m.
H. A 1MPO.
Caa be had by any ambitloua young
man or wontan la the Held of railway
telegraph). Wa waat a number of
young men aad woman lo prepare
for the telegraph service to Oil va
caa lea caused by the unusual draft
ing of young men for Signal Coraa.
Prepare lo help your country Write
today for particulars
Use Railway Telegraph leadlute.
Portland. Oregon.
Spokane. Washiagtoa
Adv4t 7
1. H. PARLET Pwaerel dlrectei
aaa embalmer Lady aaarstaal Pkeae
111 w Oatario. Oregoa
" aaa thia atalHea
Thia 's Hbw Ns, Is 1Kb Works's
Stflest Aris,al aJafM
I'erhai- Hie k ggeet an IS- lal HgBt la
the .rld I the .aita..i..i andie peer
ar light iuatalle.1 at the falls of Mag
ara bee thk gtgat.iv. Iwaiaoatsse
waa made ll ea aliased le be the
aesreal aHra.-B isiisi a -w -w. ..Tr9tw Jr ,b- ,, PerCheron
devl by assa. . tea. --y .re-. K. S. D
et It is M'leresnag t eBrerBB. . -
poiue. bw much N fell stsast- Jr oW I -war. Thura4ay. Prlday aad
actual output ef lighk 7 -ae ggeet SBAvlay. Terau. Ill 00 briag colt
un.iuary. and. etreaget, aasBagb. tkaaa ("Preagu" airaa the klad of celts that
srv gguree ia asiBaveee wbtefc eaaWe i oriag the big meaay at maturity Ten
a umpartao i be asaee. Yet may u, b,. ao Mtataka If yea deride to
ts alaled at uesw laal lease agawve i .. t-,j-)B T-t
are ao slupeeduna aa le lea re the
UMU Blind aheolntel? " the via V
Prafmaasaf YoUHg made a al. ulsiiue
gaaag year age tasaed .erefUl
aud ir-raie,l rVrilas-BI ef the latal
uauiity al aaalasei flvee out by esjr
auo. aad be feeud It re le- a ossM
tuy repraaaeisd by .eadlea reaaasg e
taeuty eighi Ogiirea candle a'wer be
iag the oaai lal uuit
Hue viaa? lights equal le the Mag
ara utaiaiiallou weuM M require
mat.w Hease .Vat usee keg irwtalaHtaai
ehkk aw wen aaeve tbe nurlaee net
raajadarly ear by day Mere bag la
aaaal n would require gi on.atei
umhuuuuisi ugars jua aa nit
the biageat asBB baa ic oBsprVaae.1 Nns '
hla . So evee I fc hy Sam will
u..e to try agaiu The Mease. Miu Xhe kiml of treatllrfnlMfUdy
uiiBaiMw ia weass iMmt. bur aei
at equal u itues savd asm half qjimrfl
f ibesn ' -I'aeraee s v e.s l
Pkeaes. OM.e
rilsea Bldg
Raa 1171
Expert Service
Charges and
I have tar sale Mra W. H rieellt-
tle s household furaiture Mra W C
Jotbsob. a roaa from Moore Hotel
Adv. It
There were two exhibition halla.1
ee for the sehoul eihiblts for aaehl
county of Hregon. aad the ether tar
farm prt!uit for each ouaty la Oregon
Wats woa nri prise tor1
beet booth and Malheur woa aaeoad '
la gardeniug I won Brat prlte which
tueaas a tree trip to orvanis aeii
autumer and two weeks' reMMaa
Agriculiural College, which I am
looking forward to with much pleas
ure - inning the prlte I have
aolil 140 40 worth al vegetable aad . ptaao Studio aae Mock
Comb aad
A B Cala,
OBtarlo. Ore Phoae 104 J I Adv4t
POK S.AI.K Singls
ia tbe w hMO Leghorn Pullet
still have a lal
u vs Kll io Mrwi. Small f
ad house, la IsBg). write bog
SOS. Ontario Oregon Adv
Mlaa Kateile v array s a an a aces laal
alia baa resamed her rlasaaa la
MUlti at
Adv40 .it
the High
WiM'l'D u saaae far eat lea thia
three years. 10 lo 40 asraa. improved
or uaimprered. 4ita good waiaV
rkgkts aad arivlrasm a barlac Wrlta
ffa Karveoa. 110 CallforaU Ave.,
Oalarie Aivtf
custjomryrs sVawrve Is the
principal upon which w do
Takee op Sorrel gelding brsaded
oa right hip. Oeaer aaa have aaasa
by paylug eeet ef keeping aad ad-
veriieameat C. S Seeay Adv4lt
lag by Mra. M-
Wheeler at Mra Odeil'a. WiN
bv the day ar take garmeata a
AoC44avavri( carried for ail
kinds f cars.
Gasoline. Lubricating
and Supplies.
Bulldlag ad aarpeaiar work of all
klnda Haaaoaaele prices. Write or
call Wm Kerebea. 00 Califorata
Oolaxka. Advtf
rOK PAINTlNtJ. Paper haaglag.
aad l Hclmlatag Hret Claaa Weak.
rrirea Miai laikli Phoaa
WiadosB. tOlKt 1-tt
Ontario Autu Co,
Phone 134
Your Grocer ,will deliver
v.. --;-.,! it at T.iimrinii and other dLscc
now you want your family and your gueata to join
you in trat aamc pleasure. That's oat of the jojra of
serving Bevo to hear your gursts say how good it
ia then to Ustan to their arguments aa to Juet what
it ia. II they haven't seen the bottle they'll all agree
that it la something elae If they have teen the
bottle each will have a different explanation lor Ha
Bevo ia nutritive pure through peeteurigation and
sterilisation non-intoxicating, wholesome and thor
oughly refreshing. NeeeBcvo should be served cold.
Se-wo lha all-ycar-'round soft drink
Oat aVaeat law. t t SMBBSBa. gwW. 4paIBHBl sed area etarss. parkt. aula faaariata. d.aa ... JJlie
aatsa. wat eaasv a lain ebara iifiioaasa kttai are aaM. Owsei
ZSmJZSSSSTmMrt the kottb avaswd leTwtl W yea.
. .h,
U ssM la bstHaa awrr aae la baerte earlaBtearr B
V. h..lcale !)..lrt.
in want of Tablpwaiv, Chinawarr, Mass
ware, Euan h led and Tinwares, 5, 10,
and 15s? evci tl.iy asefal articles and hund
i ttls of other itoiiis by buyinjr from
OaataaliO, Olf.
Prices tin- lowest
Thirty veera aga the talaphaaa waa a laiury. Todag.
through pereoaai laltbUlta aad prlvata enlerprlae. It haa beoama
a BBceeaity wlUla the reaah of avaryeady. Wbara oaoa a bwal
aaaa had bat oaa telephone with a limited talking raage. ladejf
that bvawaeaa baa servioa with a raage tkree-qaartara ol a eonti-i-at
braaaaV aad avary aujasab atJM baMgaaa U linked to at
by aa intoronatm aalaauag telapbane eaeem
leiapboae haa earned It raapaaelbU pUoa aad ihare ara
uou ' e0 Rail telaphoaea la tela couatry. ever wbbsh go
11,00s -oo ulk dally.
E.trj Hell lrlr phone ia a IMiS DiaUat Statiea.
MalHeur Home Telephone m.
This is the time to sell horses
Hay will be l.itfli ami it will le expensive
to feed this winter. The market is right
for horses now.
1 want to get good BOUDd horses from 5
to 10 years old Iron, iir.o pounds upward
Mules Wanted, Too
Will also buy nood sound mules Iron, ten
years old. irom 1 4-2 upward. A.ddrfJM
A. McWilliams
IP IT le MK.U I I.ArtaED ftUM'IM. I Ol IKK AHI lUj.