ONTARIO, MALHEUIt COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1917. .1 ' m ' ' PAGE THREE KAHTMAN KODAKS I.MS AND Kl-PI.IKft The Ontario Pharmacy HI I Till MO BPSCIAIj l.ll OF H4IAPH AN AM. HTIIrWIr OK TOII.F.T AKTIC1KH NOW ON IMS PUAV THK UKMJK.ST ANI IlKST MNR IN THK 0UUNT1 AT PRJIIFH WHICH AIIK NOT ONLY IlllillT BUT REASONABIJL WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR KVK11Y WANT IN TIBH IJNK. The Rexall Store I I T A RKXALL tlKMKDV . l hi THAT OOLD NOW prescription hpkoiauhtr v They are Here-1918 Models Elgin Capable Six guilt Like a Watch Chevrolet 490 The Little Car with the Big Features Ask for Demonstration CARTER & STAPLES Phone 171 Repairing Ontario, Oregon Gasoline Oil Livery Buy Security of Life and Investment r nixii their labor. Ailing their lives; older men and wo ol MO Ml are I""1! SOO) 'nd ,nelr money. You have thrived because of liberty. You have lived tlinusund joys because of her. Render her your gratitude Ml ..r i in- Mill her freedom and equality of effort have ,ni nake Huy U S Covernnient Liberty Uonda. Go ! iir post office, your bank, the ueareat office or alore .lltnii I .U.. rt y Honda, and buy. 1..,. ..it. buy tin-in u mall aa 60. and pay for them by I cent with order; 11 per cent November ::il7; 40 per cent December 15, 117; 40 per cent Jan uary 16. 118. It you have bought, buy more, and aell two bonda to two ..ther good Americana. Remember a V. 8. Rosa ia money that Intermit It In the aafeet security for your saving. I -omul ned with the beat return. Moreover, you are leading to Liberty, and helping your o.uuiry make tin- World safe for Democracy and your home. Buy U. T. Government Bonds Today SECOND LICERTY LOAN iilriuuted b) MiMHIIII OIL OOoWsasTfl (Csdlfornia) Buy a Liberty Bend and help your country and help )ourrielf. Finance and Food are the sinews of War and by the proper use of both America and Justice will win the war. Our SPECIAL CusUiBMsre' Safety Vaolt b at your service free of chart: for storing Liberty Bend and other valuable. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK UNCLE SAM WANTS 10.000 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITERS AT ONCE Washington. H C. Oct. 24 Now that Uncle Sam haa the young men of the country In training for mili tary service, he finds that he nptls 10,000 typewriter operators and stenographer and typewriters, both men ami women, for the department at Washington. The Civil Service Commission has notified all of Ha .1,000 hoard of examiners that hey should put forth their best effort to secure thee urgently needed work ers. While examinations are now held weekly In 450 cities, the com mission statea that arrangements will be made to have an examination held at any accessible place where a small claaa of applicants can be secured. The entrance salaries range from 11,000 to f 1.200 a year. Promotion Is reasonably rapid to those whose services prove satisfactory. No ap pointment can be made to theae or other positions In the Federal classl Med civil servlre unleaa authorized by the Civil Service commission under the civil service law. Any Informa tion to the contrary Is unauthorized Thla la a splendid opportunity to serve your country. Full Informa tion may be secured from the secre tary of the board of civil service ex aminers at the postofflce In your city. HOW TO KNIT HELMET TOR THE SOLDIER BOYS F. RRITTINHAM Truck Transfer 4 4 Phone 167 M HELPS RED CROSS ggsr 44P fli r E Wife . - tK ol w 1T V Ww. a, bbbbq sxai t! ' 7 LB f J&CLrk 'V W ,-, 1 r 9ieirev aoejn For the benefit of many Indies who are interested In making knitted gar-, tiieuts for the soldier hoys hut who not l lie instructions we give the directions ns they are sent from head quarters to the local Red Cross So ciety. To make the helmet one hank of yarn ( Th ) and 4 Red Cross OjffsJIfl No. 2 are required. A number 2 needle Is 17R-I000 or 7-40 of an Inch In size. Cast on r. rt stitches loosely. Knit plain for eight Inches for front piece nml leave on extra needle. Knit an other pi. mi. If . 'orri'sponil for gaff. These pieces must he at leaat nine Indies wide Slip the stitches of I. .Hi piece onto three needles, ar ranging for last two stitches of hack piece to be on beginning of 1st needle with IIS Mtliilies of front piece added (making 40 on 1st needle). Ml Ide rest of stitches on other two ; 38-36. Iteglnnlng with 1st needle, knit 2, purl 2 for Inches Then on 1st needle knit 2. purl 2 for 18 Inches Bind off 22 stitches for face opening (Try to keep same arrangement or etltchea on needles for further direc tions). Knit 2, purl 2 forward and back on remaining 80 stitches for 1 t-2 Inchea, alwaya slipping first stitch. Cast on 22 stitches loosely to complete face opening, and knit 2, purl 2 fr t 1-1 Inchea (ad)uat atltches by slipping 2 from end of 3d needle to lat needle, making 42 on lat needle I . Knit 1 round plain Knit 2 stitches together, knit 11. knit 3 stitches together, knit 1 Repeat to end of round. Knit 4 rows plain. Then knit 2 stitches together, knit . knit 2 together, knit 1 Repeal to end of round. Knit 4 rows plain. Continue In this way. narrowing on mvtiry fifth round and reducing num ber of stitches between narrowed stitches bv 2 (as 7, R, 3, etc ) until you have 28 stitches left on needles Divide on 2 needles, having 14 on Iff aeedle and 14 on the other, ami fin ish the same a for the toe of a sock. in I. M I T ONTARIO, II J Fsrrell. trouble man In the local exi hange of the Mountain States telephone A Telegraph company, ex acts to leave today for Ontario, or agon, where lie ha been transferred K ili coinnanv Mr. Kurrell has beeu here over a year and likes It here, but his little daughter ha poor health here and consequently ha will move away In hope of benefitting her. Mr. Wyman ha been transferred here from Caldwell and arrived on the I stli and ha taken the place of Mr Kurrell News Miner. Halley. Idaho. Mian Margaret WiU.ui. dsugiiici of President WiUoii. who ha aided the Red Cross fund b) oiiglng at many -nlcrlalumctil. Cenjufai Amenities. Bbe 1 wa h fool wbeu I married you lie Aren't you a fl (tlllt See -No. I in 04, Ue-Tbeu you should be thankful to oi for reformiug yoil -Ijudou Tit-oils. Yea. The secret of success baa beeu fairly srell kept, vuuslderlng that so many IH-ili! sr anxious to tell sbout lt Pu. k Bailiffs. The title bailiff waa formerly very ide. and tne otuda) waa vested with loan tuiKrtaut powers. Home is the seminary of all other la stiiuUuiut. -Cuayla. MO 10-3.0 (40 800 acre of number one level wheat and hay land In south central Idaho (lood terms Prices 140 to 880 per acre Will consider lui'ome or acreage In or around Ontario Oregon Addreaa J K VAUOIIT (airfield Idaho. Adv. 4X- WANTKD--Two or three furnish ed rooms for housekeeping Coso in Jry two adult- permanent people rant mast be , reasonable. Address P o Box 514i Ontario. Oregon Mr. John Rastuueaen and two children are visiting wltk Mrs Has mussen's parents at Moutpeller, Ida. FlthHHIr-.M ON I Xltk sJATYKDAV MOMT The O II 8 Freshmen passed s delightful social evening- Saturday nirlil at the home of Mr t o Ralley at her country residence weal of town Three auto load .md a truck tilled with the hupp) 'Osmi people were In attendance anil the evening was featured in the pursuit of games A laaahaoa consisting of sainlwiii:. I and lc- and cake was s-rw-il at the pnipei hour. Mr- kllOT. Hw D 1 1 Kertoot ana air w nwosi ed a- 'OS during the evening Your Friends can buy anything wu can gte them except your Photograph. THE BURRELL STUDIO ONTARfO. ORECON Only 8 more weak Until Christmas Don't Put Off the Time for Ordering Motors and Pumps Pumping equipment will be very scarce and many of you will be disappointed when April 1st arrives and no pumping equipment on hand. It is hard It is hard to get material and it is reasonably certain that orders placed after November 1st will be unfilled when the hot days arrive. Idaho Power Co. IpieM - M SI W0fWsj .jHH TIDSftAL RCSKRVKOS ' l'l9il lgeSYSTtM OflTTt The United States Government Cooperates with the 7,600 member bonka in maintaining the Federal Neaerve Bunking System tor the pro tection of the buaineea interettta of the country. Through the Federal Reaerve Board in Wash ington it supervise the twelve Federal reserve banks ; it appoints one-third of their directors ; it deposits its funds largely with tbeoi; it guar antees the currency they laaue. Thla cooperation greatly increasea the value of the system to ua and our community. If you are not already linked up with thin new national eyetem an one of our depositors you ahouUl delay no longer. First National Ban lllllllllIllllllllllllillIIIIIIIIIIIIIH.nl