The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 27, 1917, Image 5

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New Suits, Coats and Dresses
for FjiII and Winter w ar. ui assortments liav. already reached a remarkable
. of eompletencw considering how early it is m the season. Women KNOW
thai thej can choose new apparel a1 tins store with absolute assurance of its
being eorred in style and line and modish in every way and as to OJ'ALITY
that, of count, goes without laying.
New Fall and Winter Suits
Hundreds ol' Mnait suits for women's and misses' Kail and Winter wear.
YoUthfulneSS is everywhere in evidenee and a military smartness. I.enilinu ln.i
teriala are wool relour, broaddi th, ser;r, gabardine and tweeds. Colors include
navy blue, black, taupe, plum and gray. Loots?, semi and full-belted etTeets.
many with Urge fur or plush collars A delightful new assortment at prices
ranging from $12.50 to $45.
300 Fall and Winter Coats
An unparalleled selection for women and missei. Handmme new coats in full
length models with fullness tempi red to dispense with the flare hut losing until
iiiH '" grace or effectiveness. Full lined, half or unlined garment. Such gar
ments as serge, gabardine, velour, Bolivia cloth, Burella cloth. pluahcH and
tweed mixtures. Black, inivv, tan. green, brown, plum and beautiful mixed
shades. Fulh three hundred coats for Fall and Winter wear. Priced from
$6.50 to $60.00.
Serge and Satin Dresses for Street and Afternoon
'The latest and finest assortment ever shown in Ontario. The new Empire and
Princess effects. ) i-iskiii and tunic models. A tine selection of evening ami par
t dresses, to,., in Georgette crepe and net and in all the leading evening shades.
notici ok mom) nam.
ok payktti:-oiu:;o slock
irrigation district.
Uratcl In Malheur County, State of
I'ntll two o'clock p m. Sopt.mi. r
29th. 1917, ta bonrd of dll .1 t
the r.iyotte-Orpgon Slope 'irrigation
District will receive scaled propoRtl
at their office In Malheur foutitv.
State of Oregon, said office being lo
cated In the one story frame dwel
ling house of the aald district more
particularly described 11.1 being locat-
eil In the soutlioanl quirt, r of north
. went quarter of section 2. township I 7
th range 47 KW.M In Mall
inty, Oregon, for the pi
bondi r th
. oupon
bondi of Payette -Oregon slope Irrlg.i
tlnn Dlstrlrt In the mini nnd amount
I of $ 1 no. 0000 no to refund, camel mid
retlm nil out 1 i.h bonda "f the
.1 ti.t riot as Well ai ill outstanding;
coupoa n bondi and all wan
Issued for interest on bond; said
funding hnndi to bear It'tereal at t!i'
rate of six per cent per minimi In
j tprest payable the fi 1 dav of .Ian
and July of each year, the 1.
maturing aerially nft-r te fifth year
In nnnunl amount to r.s to be ap
proximately equal ptliflps.1 and In
(ere, t. and
Twenty year negotiable Oonnpon
bondi of Payette ureson Slope Irrlgu-
On 1 dltsrlot In the sum and amount
'of 135, -000 Oil to refund, cancel and
retire all outstanding warrants nf the
dMrl. 1 Other th ll wurrants lrsue.1 fDI
payment of Interest on bonds, said
refunding bonda to beM Interest at
the rato of six per cent Mr unnom
intereat pnyahW' the flrpt day of Jan
uary and Jttl) ol acli year, the !.
uiiiiirltiK serially after the fifth
r In annual amount'; ao aa t be.
IDproxImatel mclpal and In
i.iar.i . 1 Dlreetora or
ii lope Irrigation DIs-
irffe w. LattiK
(' M J 1I1 MOn
A A. Giittaildg-
Otlo ('. Mill. .
I Ileal
Hoard of Dire, tor, of Payetl
iope Irrigatlua I1. 1.
First Publication August 23. 1917
lnst P.'h'lciilon September 17
week In the "Ontario Ar- Nm.
1 omrhenriiiK with the iaaue of
September 20, 1917, of aid newapa
per Kirst publication !s OB I
30. 1917. and laat inn I
1st, 1917.
lsldlng at Ontario. Oregon,
Allnrue) for Plaintiff.
. Mrs. I (I .
Rnrkfollo 1 M
. (illl.erl
Hlfby, 1.
Kelly, Mrs. Anaabetl
Miller. Otto ('..
Miller, ott.. G
Miller, otto C
Front, 11 1
I'ront. 11. D
Pront. II. II
eTsn m; KTl'lM teacher baring lieen retained after being especially skilled In their par-
KOB HIGH bfllOOia previous yeara of satisfactory work tlcular capacity.
here. The auperlntendent. however. .
aa la aleo Prot Horn her. I'rof Mtaa Katelle t'urrey announeea
uiu itails Collin. Ird and 4th Thomas. Mlaa Katharine Conway aud that ahe baa reaumed her claaeea la
The entire force la an exception- Miss lleda OallJn, are new material piano. Studio one block south of
t Continued from First Page.)
NonOM OK ham-: 111 Kt. 1. rno.
illy strong one, the majority of the In the field and all give promise of the High School.
War Schedule for
Ontario Deliveries
Be Patriotic, Help Us That We May Help
Uncle Sam Win the, War
The National Council of Defense has ordered that de
livery expenses be cut in order to save Man Power and
Gasoline for War purposes. Therefore the following
aces of business will go on a War Schedule for Deliveries
Notice la hereby given thai the 1111
deralgned, administrator of the eatate
of Thomas J. Johnson, deceased, will
A,vt under and by virtue of an order of the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
foi Malheur County, hearing date of
September 4th, 1917, from and after
the Sth day of October 1917 at the
hour of 10 o'rliM'k a. 111 nt the Iaw
Office of C. McUom'glll In Ontario,
Oregon, offer for sale for Mas In hand
all of th real propero halnstlll to
the estate of the aald deceased, de
scribed aa follows to-wlt:
The NH. of tl,.. SE', ..filieHEH
20 and NW H of HUH of Sec.
20 all In Twp Its I; 47 K W. M
In Malheur County. Oregon
lste of First I'tililicMtli.n s.pi.n;
her tilh. 1 W 1 .
Oute of I .ski riil.ll.illi.n October
4th 1917.
T. (' .lolls.-'
Administrator of the K.i of
N'OTICi: There Is delinquent ,.u the following desrrlbed lands In
the I'ayetle-Oregon Slope Irrigation District. ..11 aooonal of the asseeanient
for the year of 1917. which aald aaaewamvnt was levied liy the Hoard at
lli e tore for aald Dlstrlrt at the regular meeting of the Board In July,
1917, the several amounts as follews:
Description Acrea of l'onaltr
,WH NW', Sec in, Tp 1
8. Range 47. K W M 20 $122 B6 $6.(8
s Hange 47. E VV M 20 122.51 I t..t
8K', 9K"i NW,
1 i 17.
Itanae 47, K. W M 90 490 24 25.01
SVfc K, AK',.
Tp IK. S Kg 47. K W M I
uii'l Li" . Tp. 17
s Raagi 17 I W M 14 85.79 4.7
W; u , XWit Sec 36.
Tp 1. S Hg. 47. K.W M 20 122.54) rt
K. Si: 4 Sec 35. Tp. 16.
s Range 47. K W M 39 231. tl 12.4B
NVi NK'. Sec. 23. Tp. 16
S Range 47 i: u M 80 490.24 25.1
c. 26. Tp 16.
S liange 47. K W. M 40 246.13 12.7S
sv ', swi Sec. 25. Tp. 16,
S itsime 47. K W M . 40 246.12 12 7S
Tp 1,
I. Range 47. D. W. M 80 490 24 25. tt
N 64 A NW SW See',
26. Tp in. s Rang. ".
K W M 64 392 19 20.11
.EH NW Se. I, Tp 17
S Itauge 47. K W M 74 4F.3 47 23 It
Johnson. C. W RW, NK', and NU
8E4 NE"a gee. 22. Tp 16
S Itauge 47. K W M 60 367.68 18.
Johnson. C. W WH BWWHI 22,
lp 18. S Kg 47. I.W.II 20 122.56 6 61
Johnxn. 1 U Wi, K'j SV K Sec.
22. Tp. 16 8 Kg. 47, E.
w M 16 61 21 : ,6
II. rr. I'hus. . NH SW , HV. 1 :i
Tp. 18. S Rg 47. E W M. 20 122.56
llerr. (has S V, SW, SS'. S, II
Tp. 16, S Rg ;. K M II 112.66 6 6t
Martin. 8. II E44j 8BV, su
Tp. 16. S Kg 47, y W M. 20 121.5 S
23. Tp 16. S Kg 47. E .
W. M. 10 61 21 3 :.
WH W 8 1 lac 11.
Tp. 1. 8 Rg 47. KW.M. 20 123.66 6.63
EH BW, SW, Sec it.
Tp. 16. 8 Rg 47. K.W M 20 ltt.Ct 63
8W, SW. Se. 14. Tp 18
S. Range 47. K W M 3t 181.84 t.6t
WH NW Sec. 14, Tp I.
8 iuuge 47. E. W M 37 226.73 11.86
8K' NWH 8ec 14. Tp. 1
8. Itanae 47. E W. M. 40 345.13 12 76
.NBH SW, Sec 14. Tp. I.
S. Range 47. K W. M 40 346.12 12.76
Wlndle. Oo NW4 NEH c. 87. Tp I.
8. Range 47. E. W M 4 845.12 12 7
Wlndle, Oeo WH WH NE'4 NEH ec.
27. Tp. 1. 8 Range 47,
I W M 10 t.2S I U
Wlndle, Oeo WH 8UW He. I . 1 ,. 14,
8 Range 47. K W M 80 490 24
Fields, A. S NEH 8W Sec If., Tp 16,
V M 40 145.12 12 7
Fields, AS 8K' 8K ' ,
. 47. K ' 36 314.48 11.31
Boweii. Mrs -A P.I.ullce Tp 1,
S Range 47. I W M II 11.3.30 III
l, Knink EH HK NW '.
Tp 16. 8 Rg 47. KWM 20 133.5 !
Cram Fnink NH NW .
Tp LI 17, E.W.M 20 133.56 I :l
Thorn. Matilda 47H acres of W ' SW ',
Sei If.. In I .. I
47. K W M 47 H 31.06
WH NW U, See I i Tp 16.
Thomas J Johnson, Deceased.
The hours of delivery will be as follews: All orders
that are in the stores by 10 o'clock will be delivered in the
forenoon. All orders that are in the stores by 4 o'clock
will be delivered in the afternoon.
In order to put each place of business on an equal
footing, each business represented has guaranteed to the
others that it will strictly observe the hours, and each
place of business hereby agrees to pay a forfeit as follews:
$10.00 to the local Red Cross for each and every time it accepts an
order for delivery after 10 o'clock for forenoon deliver), and after 4
o'clock for afternoon delivery. Provided, however, that when a custo
mer "doubly insists," the firm will go fifty-fifty, the customer pays $5.00
and the store $5.00.
Hotels, Restaurants and the Hospital are exceptions
to the above. Please remember only two deliveries each
day at 10 and 4 o'clock, and all orders must be in bylthat
time or they will lay over until the next delivery.
Yours very respectfully,
Miller. A. C
I.oone M. E
Hargrove, 0, 0.
Stout, Mrs Myrtle
Blood Richard at Co
HI..... I. Richard lr Co
Rlood. Rlcliard Co.
In the Circuit Court pf lb Htate of
Oregon for the County or Mal
lieur l.u.ies S Stark and Marietta Stars.
IMallllltt. .
Minnie II Siiillh, (ieorge f Siiulli.
Ihira S l.ockett f M Uickett.
C li Stark. Belle Stark. J. P
Stark. lues Stark, Rary Stark. Sel
by Stark, AoneUa Mi Donald, and
Charles McDonald. Defendant
To Dora 8 Irfickett, K M Ua
eit. K 1 1 Stark. Belle Stark, Helby
Stark. Annetta Mt Ixtnald ami Charles
McDonald, being seven of the above
named defendants
In the Name of the State of Ore
gou: r4J and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer tbe
complaint tiled against you In Hie
above entitled autt on or before the
first day of November, 1617, the same
being the last day of the time pre
scribed by order of tbe court direct
ing service of summons In aald suit
to be made upon you by publication.
and If you fall ao to aaawer, for want
thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to
said court for the relief demanded
In the aald complaint, to wit
Kor a deeree of said eoarl qalel
ha plalntlV'e title to the North Half
of North weet quarter of Section 14
aud North halt ol Northeast quarter
of Sectioa 16, Township 16 South
Range 44 C W M . In Malheur
County. Oregon, aud adjudging thai
you aud each of you have no eatale
or Intereat la aald lands, and that
plaintiffs' title theieiu I good and
.slid, and for all other relief de
manded iu said complain'
You are further notified that this
numinous Is served upon von by pub
In at ion under and by virtue ( all
order of tbe Hon DMm Bigg-,
Judge of tills Court, whli li aald order
was made aud entered iu sui.l
on the 16lh day of September, 117.
and dlrei'ted that this summon le
published 01 ' r
tttanvn. Minnie K
Beach. I. It.
Orcutt, W. ...
Prindle, F.
urc, a
I.auer Bros
l.aur Bros
1 1 ii :,
25 nl
Fields. Veda (1
8. Range 47. R u M 60 40 24
Anderson. B. W NH BK, So. i
S Range 47, 1 W M NO 4u 14
Anderson. B. W KV, NIP. S. 16.
S Itsnge 47. K U l SO 4'JD 24 (II
Wilson. R I W '.si 16,
S Range 47, K W M II 1M8.84 6t
l.allome. W. K NKi SW, s. . i y ,
S Range 47, K U M 8.11
Webb. Jackson C. 17.
l 111. S Hi; II i: W M 877 2 14
Miller, Ueo 8K KWI, Se. , !'p 18,
S Range 47. V. U M i VI 82 II
Swanaon, J. M KW1 sw. iai I Tjj LI,
S Itauge 4T. R W M 1 2 Vi 760 l.ll
NW '. SW and SW '.
NWK Sec 2. Tp 17. S
Range 47 M 70 438. 21
NK1, SW', Bee : Tp 1 ..
S Kange 47. R W M 4o 246.12
NK', SK1, Se. I i Tp II
8. Ran, 1 Li 240.12 12.71
W 8V4 NW, SW', Se. 28.
Tp l. H lt 1 . i: U M l" 61 28 8. SI
Tp III. S Range 47 B.W.M II 73.68 4.18
R . I.
::n ..1 1 0 ;
S Range 47. I' W M
8 8W Se.
8. Range 4 7 I I III I 1
8H 8,i N I
Td 1. S Id- I
Ijiuer Bros MH N4 K , N'
See. 8. Tp. 16, I III
47, K W M
Tyree. II NK'., NW 14 Tp. I.
S Range 4 7. K W M 14
Cabot. Oeo. H 8 NW ', NW .
Tp II, I Rf 17, 1: W M. 26
Cabot, (leo II NH N M, NW', 86.
Tp. IS I W M. 10
Orant, Oeo SH N 'i NW ', u '.
Tp. 1. S Itge 47. K W M LI
Jaeoba, Joseph NW ', si. . I,
8 Range 47, P W M 40
Jacobs. Joseph SW '., NK', Bat II, Tf 1 '
8. Range 47, E. W M 40
Jacobs. Joseph Lot II, Tp
8. Range 4 7. E W M 1"
Jaeoba, Joseph N'W , NK'. S. S In 18,
8. Range 4 7, K W M "
Jacobs. Joseph NW, SW I. Tp. ,
8 Range II, K U M 86
nuark SK'4 SW ', ft 1,
8. Range 47. K W M 40
Kuark NH NW ', Sec L'4 Tp 16.
S Itauge 47, I W M 7H 42S II
And unless the assessments dallaqttaHll, lOgpMher with (48B6 and
rentage, are paid, the gforgoalrt raal propertj apoa srhlak aaaeaaaients ..ra
a lien, will aa -..! I ' Pbl Hon ou tba "h day ..f tntoi or
on the succeeding di ilch I map po lie, al the oflh
the Board ot Dlreetora of aald DiHtrht. in II. !. lliuii
hou.e near the pumpluK pi .in ..f the District, more particularly drlbe4l
aa situated within lh si :, of NW : -Hon 2. Township 17. S R
47. E W. M., In Malheur County, Oregon, imiweea the hours of 1 06881
' "- "" " ,, wtKy R jATTW
Dated September 10. 117 ,,, c'
Klrst publication of this notice September 13, 1117; laat publlc-tioi.
October 4. 117.
'.' IS
117 07 7 11
128.56 6 63
ill 3 II
24 5 12 12 71"
24-12 12.71
24.-, 12 12 71
214 48 1131
24612 1271