The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 27, 1917, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Utyr ODutano Argita ,'
(Kalabllibed lt)
CkKt K.Aiken, Editor and Publisher.
-. ....!
Oraxmn nnd
. .. ... .
I at mo Ontario
oat office tor distribution at Si
lass matter.
1 i- Rl Til
Otin year 1 fh $1.00
fhri-e months 60c. Stogie
Tin- Pledjje.
I pledge '
Mid to the I 'or which It
iTlMtdO, wltli
liberty and jm-iicc tor all.
The .Malheur County Fair which
h. . i i i;m worthy of the
effort. Without detraction any mama
tire of credit from the many citizens
who i ontrlhiitcd to Its IQCOOOO, tor
II who worked and who deserve
credit are not known to the. writer,
flow ever, r pi i i.i I ' edit Ik due to
the hoard Of direr tor I DO) did
not undertake Hie mirk until after
oth.i-i ., k. d to (to 0 refused, and
it was late In Hie MM 00 hefore they
got I mI
This, however, Juat adds glory to
their work. It rnuxf lie renicmh.i 'I
too, Unit all of the directors an- nun
acthely engaged 111 business. IhO
natm- or which made ih.-m sacrl-
lie- in i onal affairs to look after
the inn n i - ol the fair. Many of
thiiu were (oil or Ibo city for a U
hut the otherM look up the work'
nil I arrled It 00 To them pi
course more credit la due Presi
dent IV II KmlHon. Illrerlors Wal
tOT Glenn, A. I. oik rum and P. J.
Gallagher hate durliiK the paat siim
nier t rlormeil worthy public
in. for which the thanka of the
i. unlit Is due Secretary 0 M
Steams shares with the dlreriori
i I If of havltiK CHrefully pre
pared the detiiih of I he fair, and
the) are multitude, aa Ihoae who
tamillar with the institution are
awaie. and w xeneral puh
He can liiov hut a "light knowledge
wore mom
lallv assisted hy a lout of -1 1 1 '
tho not hh many aa might hat.-
I, many men gave freely of
their lime ror daii. Inline and dur-
Id k the fair. If thOJ not named
here, thru lack of knowledge or un
totonttoaal nveraloht, may the knowl-
edge of work well done bring them
forward again All of Hie iipcrln
tendeota who worked, all the men at
Hie galea who look llcketa, aold
I ta and otherwise aaalated will.
out i.a. Hi., men In "the field." Tom
HroHiiuii. I'ranl. Lovelace. David Mi
mil. A M.W illlaniM. Tom Uigan,
Mm MarciiH, and a ln.-.l ol olhera are
ei.iv a HrWOf "f strength to the
in n.d thoro are olhera we
know not ..I who did e.uall .dl
The county owea thanka too io
i . , Payotti .. moo a no oooofhl
their MlrlugH and worked hard all
v.c.1, ror i oniparatlv. I Miiall puraea,
and lo Hie Mr llano-- and Mr. Hage,
Mr Hllintoii and the oilier r..nip.ll
tora. ThO muiiy young fellowa who
lode outlawH every day, all rt
leaa and workeil taOMM Itaf liked
the game rather than for big re
And in thla liaaty review of
' ek, i In- iM-ueral public la de-
ri-n lug of thanka for Ita loyalty to
the fair. Ho- itoekOMO who exliih
lied and all the lanchera who ili.1
iiki'wiae damoaatratad the right ipli .
il. the aplrlt thai will .arr the fair
along UBtll It he. omen, an il de
ea io he the biggest institution
nf Ha kind lu Raatorfl Oregon.
( K VSS H.Milt N I '
It Is to s.o II..- lOOOt an .hll.i
Hon of i-rans Imioraiue for Hie uia-ll.-loiia
BftrOOO Io .rlll.lse the w.ok
of the women or the Iteil CfOOl
The Argus has been Informed that
thoro are oik Ontario OORttlO
lion a iiilinher so deiold ol a
of patriotUiu. mi lackiiiK in leellng
tor ihu rights of others, so pro i;.i
In. ii in I heir st iiipal hies that
are Indulging IhO most in a I inn and
damnable bualaoaa ..t ' ku... king" the
li.-.l i'ii. a, declaring the wonun's
work In Moi't-essart , that fact.
oiilil do II I. .-Iter, etc
'I'o properly chanu h nieu
mid women uud keep wilhiii the
hounds of polile BO00b donoJtdl
iit.i powering leslraint WON tkO)
wh.-ie tbO boloai tOOf mUhl Willi
aofet) yell Hook der Kai.-er I
do mil Lclotn; here in Am. Oca.
Pray, . u.i do i h- ... .- the
loin. Hie luilgtnenl. tin- knowl
-.Ii.. of coiiiiiltous tthii h permits
llii'iu to set llieir .iiiit Jiidguient
against I hal of l'i i.l.ut UiI-hii, of
nil i . ials of II
1 1, hi-.. .a. of Itolieri M l.otell. and
the otlur no. ,ute militia of
America todut ' On n noi I I
tin-ill on Ho- ground of Iguoi
tho II be I lie dial liable Ihlug to do
Tliw.t know. - .me who can
aaJ i that the work of the Rert I
'tv.. tnmra In necessary, that It In 1
HI efnrlent HS niimanc nomas cnn
nink It under prem n! conditions;
and they know tOO, that the factories
..f America anil her allien are burled
hfnenth the orders now on hand In
.I...I.. flnnli.mnhMli nfforftt fn Jllll fill1
""-.. "
r and Mo gang. thojr ro tata"
lng the work or I lie uou i ross. i ney
do not come out mid do their work
in the open. They whisper It here
and tliere anion the women, telling
1'ieni that there Is no need of tvork
Int. that the roods made are not
need, that factories ran do it hotter
If, and they know It. Those
jwho are doing thla here In Ontario
are known Lit this he a warnliiK
to thetn. They know hy thla what
tlo' v.i I majority of the . Itlons
think of thetn and their work. Let
ii.ii he advised that they have
about reai lied the limit of the pa-
flon if the people I,et them keep
their MattmOaU tO themselves, If
ih.-t would continue to Urn with the
will of their fellow cltixens.
c Continued from page three)
I, J. J. Pleaa.
-I. J. J.
. F. C,
tool pair I'eKtn iIiicks i
Walters; , Coetl Tin. mi-
,., p,,r Kwn ln,nin lnnwr
,m.K:, i , (- A. Adama.
Heat pair Toulnuae geeae - t and
;'. Kat. Mil
' pair Itouen ducks -1, Kate
llicl.ei ; I, 'arl l.uelir.
pair lloiirhoii turkeya 1, S.
F Tavlor. WOO Plymouth.
f. argent turkey- I. H F. Taylor;
I, Chaj- Milliard
Heat dlaplay of poultry rained by
cKhibiior i, i; Porta.
pair of geeae 1 and 2. Kale
ril play Heiglnn llaren 1,
Curtla Whari.m
Ih I dlxplay white rabblla 1,
Mra V N Hrown; , Chax llodln.
' show of chlnoae pheasanta -I,
Mark CbrtoUOBOOO
oat illnpluy guinea plgn tat,
Mra. I co.dey.
Knrni I'MHluctk
Onlona, red I, c K Leinoin
larlo; t. liana ort. Ontario
Onlona, yellow I. liana OH; 2,
Wood ThompHon, Ontario
OiiIoiim. while I, J Y. Watanahe
Ontario; I, Wood ThompHon
OiiIoiih, pl.kllug white I, II. i:
Oft; ". ' I TttOOIPOOO.
Ileal ill-.puy t varletlea of union
I, HaiiM on ; 2, A. VoO RoodOO
Heal collection of I'otutooa 1,
liana Ofl 2. A VflO RoodOO
rod i. Wm. Strad
i.-i, l-ii oia I, John HoHwell, I'arnin
l.ale PotatOOB, hlue 1, John Him
.11, J, .1 Y W.ilanabe.
Karly I'oi.iioea, red 1, Main
K.-nt, I'ayelte; . A on
i Hiliirlo.
Kleld Cum on Jtalk 1, A Vol
n; I, cima Donkey, Oiitarlo
Heat ten eara yellow corn I. A i
i'ii.. Holly, MTervtOV: t. Frank
i . I'arina
i ten eara yellow corn I, Ar
thur Holly, interview , -', PlOJIl
Adair. I'arina
- ten eara while coin 1
Kmil l.anolr, llrogan; 2, K. C. Fry,
N'yaaa. ten eara
Von Iteadeu.
urn on
Mini coin I, A
stalk 1. A. Vmi
Keaden: I,
Ilea) ten
ry Sn
f Mill. i. Hitervlew
eara nroot corn I . MM
i I W I riioinp
Popcorn ttolk
on; 2,
S 11 Mender. Ontario.
Boat ten ears popcorn 1,
riishuit, Carina. 2. Jiuiies II
in onlarlo.
i. i:
(.to i
Ke-. aix canes
sorghum I v
Vou Heudeii
Heal uuart aorghum I. A
I'olllal.- I I I .on lln.W II, I'.. I m j
2, Wood Thompson
Water loM 1. Io ThoinpHon;
. ;l I hoiupaon.
ThoaapeM: 2, Wood Thompaon.
i .inijloupe- I, Uua Kelch. On
tario; 2, II 0. Jolinslon, Nyssa.
Crate cantaloupes, parked I '
S .il.uial..
II. .i i -ii. ami., is I . Wood Ih. nop
sen: , II on
picklinn . uciiinbera I, Mrs.
Vt m Wells, Ontario; I' F.
Country man. Ontario
.. it. I.- li.-eii- I. II..H- oil .
llo. i nanoa Milliard. Oiil.uio
I Mrs II P I u
ing. Frullland
1. Wood Tli
I, Tom Hrown, Parma.
Heal parsnips 1, Mali Oft.
Km, ice Holland. Ontario; 2, II. II
Itainlio, Ontario.
Meat ca tillage 1, Willis Megor
dau. Nyssa; I, II Allison. o
I.J Will'
Krg plan: I
Wood Thompaon;
2, J. Y. Watanabe
(iren peppefa 1,
son 2, Tom Hrown
Klpe peppers I,
Wood Thom p-
Wood Tliomp-
Pie Pumpklna l. R, Rl Over
alreet, Nyssa; 2, A. Von Roadoo
Siimm-r wjlianti 1, Wm. Moaea.
Nyaaa; 2, Ou Uelch. Ontario.
Winter aiuaah I. I rt. Hrum
boot. I'nrma; 2, Harry KKenl, Paj
Hutahagaa -1, N. Smith, Nysaa.
I I lick Ten sen, Nyssa.
Winter wheat 1, K. II. Hriim
harli, I'arina; :', K. I.. Tate, 1'armn.
Kprlng wheat 1, A. Von r
2, C. B Auildon, Ontario.
(lata I, A. Von Keaden; 2.
Harley I, A. Von Iteaden; t, I..
E. rillshurry, rnrinn.
Ii. .ana. while K K. Countryman;
2, Wood Thompson.
,,,iored 1, G. T. Elate,
i iniarlo.
Alfalfa seed 1, J. I). Lackey,
ysKa; 2. Ie Hoyd. Nyaan.
lover i.-.l 1. It T. Holly, Rlv-
Sweet i lover lOOd I. . Von Ren
firaln in Sheaf
three sheaves wheat 1, Jim
Kwlng, Nysaa; 2, A. Von l;
Heat three aheavea oata 1, A
Vmi Iteaden; 2, Frank lloawell,
I'm m. i
Boat throe sheaves barley
Vi.ii Reed 00
Alfalfa aeed on atalk 1,
K.nt: I, Von Headen
Alfalfa need In bum h 1
A Von Head-ii
Hit Farm
-1. A.
1 tarry
II. i
aheaf barley I.. Ilenrt
general dlaplay 1. R. A
hiindle ilfalfa- 1, K. A.
kaffir corn 1, R. A. Heeler
sorghum cane---l, E. A
Soudan graaa 1, R. A.
Dlaplay farm DFOdOOti I. A.
Keaden; -. Wood Thompaon
Dlaplay farm prndtlrla from
loinmunltt I. Hoiilevard Coinmiiiii
it, Ontario; 1, V. V. Illckox ( III
Road), Nyaaa, It. II
I Will he Cnllioi.-.l NOkl Week.)
M m:i H Hi InITN
CITY mi: ll Hiil'ltM
Klrsl l.leiilenaut Kldon 1' King,
D, S. A . son ol Judge Will It King.
I. n no -lit of tills rlly, spent a I I
hours In Ontario, Tuesday, visiting
old time Irleuda. l.leui King was
a realdeni ol Ontario when his father
practiced law here a few years ago
He graduated irom West I'olnt this
spring and waa given a second lieu
I. n. no t bin lius since been promoted
to a lirsl lleiilenani In- was eu
roule to San Fram-laco II.
Tuoaday evening on No in for Halt
Lake City, going that route lo the
I'Wtl.F.V ItOOMIM. Mill x
I. iisincas change ol Intel
Ontarlana took place litis week when
J. E. Long the Interests
or his brother 11 vt Long, in the
eslahllshinenl and assumed ooatrol
ange of manageiueui
place on Sunduy. Mr. Long will
coin lutie in manage bis farm near
Cairo. 0. W Long left Sunday ev
ening for Dobl P. Oregon, where hO
expects to locate.
gfa ill lussi-s and do H right, eg
acilt rlgbl
!iu p.-r i .-ii I ol kOOdOObOO aie i aus-
.-.i io i e character of i
STRAIN. If you are aft. . I win.
headaches huti- .ur eyas exauilued.
When your eycu cause you any trou
Ide. like blurring of letters or lines.
Itching or burning, you iuu- i
ber that is llieir way of t.-lling you
that I hey need attention
One pair of eyec is all you will
...- HK FAIR Willi TIIF.M
We . iiange lenses wiihiu one year
wilhoul any additional . om to ou
w are registered In two Statea,
Idaho .noi Oregon, which coupled
wllii an expi : It years makes
R possible to care for estrone rases
Wo i town n -inlarly ev
ery nionlb. At Hotel Moon on
larlo. i ..ber 28. Adt
Viieiiiion ol butch- rideri is call
ed to the pi... i Ordinance
No 2: which prohibits the riding of
ea on Hie sidewalks within the
.itt limits TkO penally for tmlal
lug this ordinance is a tine of from
."i in $1011 Complaints having been
made recently of infractions this no
given and Hie ordinate
..reed rigidly In the future. Bl
eye'ee should take warning
II C l-'AKMKK. Cut Marshal
ffhe(rgu 9radeaU2tcme
Patronize ' t)9wnMwjHnt Patronize
Ontario Stores-f7"' imK'Wl Ontario Stores
The man who is willing to advertise his goods, has
good goods to sell or he would not tell you about them
It will pay you to investigate the goods sold by these
firms who use these columes, They will serve you
with good goods, at the right prices.
You Can Get What You Want; in Ontario
A Good Hank
In a flood Country
Cspltal and Surplus $100,000
Iiedfc Stoves Furniture. Dlaher
Now end Second Hand Goods
nought and Sold
Llnoleiima, HlcycJei, Sewing
nines. Trunks
Commercial and Job Prnllng
The Art Studio
nn; IIT HTt MO
J. I' Kldd, l'rop.
Photograph, I'ortralta and Vlewa
Frosh and Salt M-l-i
. i mi I m m:m t
H. II Tiinnt, l'rop.
Our Sorrlco Will Please You
l'usrery Confectionary
Makers of
Kreiim Kruat Dread
lon Kldrdge. l'rop.
BbOCtol Hellterlea for all
Wagons Hark ' Huggles
l'Ol(A'mo tF t TAIL
There am None llelter Than
the S udebaker
l-ltpnrl Iteparlng
1 U II I -.ON
Wm .cks.Jowlery.
Cut Ulaaa Hold and Sliver Plate
vi: OH R Rl '" Vl
We Invite Your Hualneas on Hie
Italsls of Security and Accuracy
Oood ("owe Good Service
oM'Altlo liWKV
O, Hlngahaiu. Prop
We cau Furnish Milk or Crlain
in Large QuanlHes
Kodaks Stailoery
DM'illlll l'IIAItMii'
The Corner Oruge Store
The Rexsll Store
Fountain Service That Vleases
Ontario's Only Tailor
m. oopb
Have Your Suit Made Juat For
Olaasware, Crockery, Tinware
C. B. Couiiuings. Prop
In our Lines We can Save You
No Order too Large None too
The Grocers
No Long Walls No Short
iKlNriNO at tbe right price at
The Argua OBoa.
ICeiyrlghleO, lslv, fiy Thnmas J Suillvaii
If you would he known uud iml
know, nutate In n village. If you
would know and not he known, live ill
the .Itt
Cod made the country, and man
made Hie town What wonder that
health and tlrlile should n l.oiiiul and
Ibioaloood iii MM mill grovi I
Hut. while man iiuide Hie . niinlry
towns. Uod la to be Ihankiil for Hlml
'I'het hit.. Imoii aa latiia of life alnuu
Ha- pathway of humanity and religion.
Williln them 0jr'iit men hive la-en
I unl uroBt mind . l and
.li-v . :. :. 0 It.lilinl their walla freedom
baa fought her noblest hnttlcs. I lay
hat e Stood "II the 101 1. 1 f tB
. tbwali . -. lelllui: ha1 k nr
turning utldo tbe - elllog title of op
i. i ,ny on us bate bpofl Ih"
craillea ol liuinaii Ills ny. They have
Ih. n i he active
chur. h and atiite rofortootloo,
Towns Not Daad Only Slok.
We t. I lie. i
oua towns, not plans that an
ami i. ...It I.. i II - d rllea. Of
course there me iliuiii loWOO w Id. Ii
are mil dead, on , he.t iiia-d a
tunic lo mui Wen tin o , c. Hi.
g. -io nil liealiueiil b i .iiiiliiunlly
gpocloUot 01. heCcr Mil ih.-v should
onsiill t In 1 1 i ale ii ml till n - ....
and awaken to a full i.alUail.m of
Ihclr poolttua ami rondlllou
I he looking- for the
baoi maikei naeeible foi his prodoct
Il will iiaiiiially tlini It in a lite
tow n wh.-ie Hole are Inc. up to dale
m. i. h.inis and business men. Tbeao
linn are not OOJj BsObllH H'sal inn-
r Hie I. Ii uier I. Ill He til l. It ill
l.-iestisl In Hie OrotfarO "I the entire
town and suit. mil. ling ci.ii.inuml t.
Far Universal Oood.
They see Let. .ml Hit- roettta of one
'day's trade and lentigo (hat there la
something an.ic in life II1..11 MM
money making They arc a.lltely in
. ,i in bettering rommuutt) I M
i. . 1 1 i ... I . social,
in, ui i as well us no. in. i. ii ataadpotot,
Kfloll In Ibis line is not lined In
the tow ii alone, as Hie iiiugiilli. eiil
la-n.-iits extend i.eton.i Hie corporation
llmlia i In inw ii la n. luuiiil.v Ma I- .' .i i.niuers us well
. I ro tlieie Is a lively
ii. i makoo for tool
il i a iM-aullfii Until wbi. b our
(..refill I a hen Hi Hie
. d iion i.iwiis tin-) erected a inar-
1 ,-l .i.i l.i a. I ..(h l.uii-rs
Hon l" ruie He -ii a. lions and
Ham tut gains hy the reaeon-
. of i lie cross.
Stsndsrd Oood Boar Trado Msrk.
I In- lite low n I mulshes a miukcl
for all kinds ..( Inrin piisluce. It also
becomes a center of OMtaRRO which
OPPtlM i-ii-ij human reiiilreinent
from a needle lo a steam thiasla-i ..i
iii.- luxurious automobile. Misieru
in.-r. hauls pnde Hieuiaelt'ns on Huh
ability 10 serve the hutliig public
Tbe) nil their ti.r.- with men I
of a -laintaid .iialilt tt hi. h should
make uud Rl
lu pr.-t ions artk-los we bare shown
how n u I town contributes to higher
fu i In tuluea ami how farm pr..sierlly
mat he diie. Hi and greatly iutl
bf Hie prOOOO I . ROOd town 'Un,
la-lug Hie COOO, there la a natural rela
tion between . no. lit ami townspeople
. which uiauy prhapa have not thor
ough i,-,l
timt Qoods, Sam Prioe.
A live l.nii, wlih lle lui-ivli.inr
...iid.-il uout.'h to liaik
... ills invariably
iffe t laud ability
of the countryside as a place to lite
i Ian li'im-ml'i ii'il tlial standard
made gotala hearing a . trade
uiaik aoU r..r Hie MOM price the
lover, ami the manufacturer's guarau
J too of quality stand behind Hi. in In
the village store aa well as lu tbe large
city in. niporium Ufa. -luring .-oiiiern which
Will permit lisi-lf to la tempted Into
turning out gOOdfl whl.h do pot bear
Its iiaim- .a trademark U a migbi.t uu
reliable mslitution If Its dealings
with the mail oi.lei bOOOO 0TO fair and
boiuwt. why doea H try lo shield Itself
from pui . or) J
Price and Quality.
The lower grade goods and "sec
si-r's uaiue
aad are sold iiliaooi as "
U. 8. Tlroo Auto Livery
Krble Haynee, Mannger.
Agents for Ford Motor Cars
Developing Printing
Amateur Finishing Price List
IMF lit Kill I Ml IHO
Enlarging Copying
Hey Grain S 1
Saska, I'onltry 'Supplies
CASH l.ltIN I Illll'lVi
v ' )N!
SAM IN sl s i 0
A. S. Brown, Agent,
It'a An Ideal Car
Dreading Stock Inrudatoro
i'onltry Supplies
Goo. Howo, Manager,
Wholesalers In Poultry and Egga
and repair work, Ladles
and (lenta shoe shining parlor
In on.
All work Guaranb
Steam. Hot Water, Air Heating
V. h. Ill Mltlsi. as III AI'ING
l'luiublng and Sheet Metal Work
Indian Motorcycles and Supplies
Cleaning, Pressing. Reparlng
W. c. Uaaiuguard, Prop.
Suits Made to Meaauro
C. C. CorseU Art Needle Work
Oil Paintings. Novelties
Royal Society Goods
Call Again!
Kdlson Phouographs Sheet Muale
W. L, Tl KM it
Real Estate, Keutals Inwuronco
Sheet Moalc Keoords
Dealers In
Farm Machinery. Wagous
Blacksmith Horseshoeing
0. W aid Wm. r.yells.
Established In Malheur County
In the Year of 1884
Wood Work a Specialty
We handle everything In flgrood
Second Hand Good
Why p.i high price for new
article when we can supply your
needs wltb one slightly used?
o. t I iithl DPR
Second liaud Store
K ii job Printing. You wish Wo
will pleas.- tou We aro ready at all
to quote prices on all your