The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 27, 1917, Image 1

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SO. 25.
Gigantic Efforts Needed to Save Fruit Crops in this Section
Ontario's Help is Needed.
Mis r.xc.i mkkth dkkeat in
v to work nT
Tom l-on' BjajM a Hhii
H,, nil H. Inl K.vetita Adileil to
Ihr inii-iiiKiil of Hn Closing
Day tJatlicrlnn; Fair a SaaMSga,
Malheur County's eighth annunl
rounly fair closed Friday afternnnhu
with one of tho bent programs titer
given on any day of any fair. The
fair was a success, from every view
lolni The directors will be able to
pay all bills and may have a small
balance willi which 10 mart nut
year's work.
The closing day crowd helped ma
terially to thl result, nnd the crowd
waa repaid for Ita presence by one
of the beat program ever staged
Tin- wild liorae race, the laat event
preceding the auto race proved the
Umax of that program. Pendleton,
Cheyenne or any other "round-up"
city never presented a wilder horae
lace. Kvery horse fought like an
outlaw and not a alngle rldar mad
the trip roiiml Hie track without
leaving hla mounl at least one
W.ilter Shltnp Of Ltttle Willow
won the event aft. r (lie fa in oat exhi
bition een hero In year. After hla
naddlr came off. unaided, roped tin" j
horae, hog-tied lilm. waddled li'.ro and
finally got the cayusc under tho wire
a winner. In the meantime every
OBO Ol the olliir It-rec riders were!
entertaining the crowd with ball
all round the track. The boy
all game and stayed with their horse
until iin- finish
The aulo race waa Intereitlliig
while It laated Under in hla Saxon
won and wan In the load all the way,
tho at no time waa the dlatance be
tween the earn great tin the laat
lap the engine on Hambo's King car nftyeil an ,M pori cars,
i I overheated and stopped on. According to the plans uud spe-
the hack stretch The time was :3r. rtctloii Mm loilldlng whi.l. Is to ba
for the Ave miles. Itolh cars ald-;7S fw,( - oreKon Hlreet and 120 on
deal considerably.
Several added events were given
for the beneut of the big crowd. In
eluding a race between the McWIl
Hams and Ifaynea strings and
waa wan by the Uaynee atrlag rid
den by Mlaa lloae Maynes, who de
feated Miss Alfretta Sagw.
Kent Utile Dick defeated Tun
ay's Light foot Quicksilver Ind ow
ned ly Jim Hlanton won the three
eight lis for three year olds Sage's
Dora D won the three-elghtha, free
for all The llayneH string won the
Mil. karoo relay. The harueaa race,
the last day, was also lulereatln.
the llimdrifkhoii horses, Dibble's,
Payette (llrl and CUrk'a Veda
Sweet furnished cracking brushes to
the wire.
Tom lagan's race arouad the
atake, first for potatooa, the aecond
whero the riders took off chaps.
to a secoud stake and took off sad
dles, returned to Arat stake and don
ned chaps, back to second stake and
ra-aaddled and then rode to wire waa
a corker. Tom I-ogan won with Mi
mar King, secoud, Art M.OIII third
nod Joe Hrosnan fourth. The po
tato race Tom U.gan won, Joe lir..
uan second, and Art bJaOlll third.
Mr. aad Mrs. J K Blackaby want
to Boise to aaa the fair on Tuaaday.
Ontario Head Youacewt
fndencraduata to V. of l.
4 When Hubert B. !.. son of
Mr and Mrs. W. B Laa ma-
triculatea at the Uaivdraity of
Oregon Monday he will ba the
youngest student ever to hare 0)1
registered at
State Unlver-
eity. The young man who law
only fifteen graduated from the
Ontario High School with the
class of '17 He will enter ihe
collage of liberal arte. Daaplte
hla youth the youag man has
been a valued member of the
Ontario Concert Band and will
continue hi- musical nt.rk la col
Over on UV Fniitl:in.l Bench hundreds of tons of peas? ,p apples, prunes and other fruits will h. 1.-st un
less the peopfc of this section go to the assistance of the ftun-liers. In this un national crisis wh.-n ojM of the
,-i.K-ipal weapons f offense and defense p d l: L United States is its food crops, i fforl should be
put forth to save this -rent supply. The saving nml rfing ifl (he lirst Autj Of Am-ricans. it is tlie fat duty
... Ontarians. The effeets ,.f a loss on the Kruitland Bcucn and about N.VSSS and Ontario will be Lit in the winter
to rjome unless aetkn is laken NOW. On-ario business m- n haw started a moremeiil to Mean help from the
interior. There aiv many youu- Women in Ontario and some men who 6811 serve their eoiintry in D01 ,
manner; who , an show thrir pat riot iym; who ran. at the sain.' tune, be WU paid for their etWls hy going to the
1-nntlan.l , net for the next month or six weks to help save the -rops. If neeessnry arranjren.t nts will
be made to tarry rv, rVi'- from Ontario to and from the bench h auto. People from hte outside are urged to
brhsj bedding with them The raaeheri ean supply plaeeji to sleep but have not enough bedding. Nearly JOO
pickers are neede.l. The eall is an insistent one. Delay will he fatal. The help is wanted now. Let those who
can go at once to the Association Warehouse in Kmitlaud where they will he assi-ned work. i R io, there
ia ,i,,i SS nickers, on the F.nitlantl Bench the wages are 35 cents perhonr. At ttysfj the parment is hy the
Ihe Awns is making
i. .
that the serk.usiH.KH of the
WhO if he or she can QOt J?o
hovs at thf fit nt.
A. Iharr o Hull. I Structure l.ot
(VMrr. and Stak.K llriten 'flits
.k Kuildiiiu to He I lo-iii.-l
in tut Daa,
J it Blaekabjr on Monday award
ed tha .ontrail fo t In- it.-mioii .r
tho new garagleWlilcli will occupy
the corner of Oregon ,inl f'olorado
str?ets to J. A Draper. The Itaild
Ing when It Is finished (0 daya from
now will be occupied by
Colorado street will represent, with
the coat of the ground, an Investment
of lir. .nun.
Ssiurday waa the big day at the
Njraaa Hour mill I' M. Warraa
lulled all preparations and called
them good, and luned on the elec
tricity that aat taw) machinery in mo
tlon This staria our cttyu pon the
caraar of becoming the flour and
milling center of this section ' tlie
. ..untry.
The mill Is a modern and e
s.t of machinery, capable oi iiirr.iinc
out l 1-X barrels of dour dally.
t'ustom grinding will also ba dona
for tlie farmers Mr. V M Warren,
the owner and miller, la a man of
-suability aad exaarlear" In ilila
line of work and can ba fully de
pended upoa to give the right kind
of service in making good flour. Tlie
laud around XyKxa produces from SO
to bushels of wheat to the acre,
and we can nowe at bread and bis
cuits made from our excellent wh(,at
Samples of flour were given to vis
itors, so that all who vailed proved
the Hoe quality of this flour by actual
: tost. This project merits the sup
' port of the people of this section an
.that it will be a eeeeea.- Nyit
Honor Usvard lo
There will be a meeting
.. Hi.
'"-- " -TT7 , " V
'"ouor u.u . pa- .
I u-u.... All tt lha nunaBSri
"'w -- - "'
a i are argeo u piw.- ... --
a is of tbe first aid claaa have I
.cuiinatlon after completing
text bixik work and ihe practical
I . .slnga and are awaiting their di-
aad Mra, I Adam want to
,sday to gee the Idaho
this apnea after consultation with the leading fruit men
situation in this National crisis will appeal to ,vc,, kiyal
to the tm.elmH i willing to
I'liml-Miik- and in nil lire of (arte
II.. ii-.- Will sold t V u. lion
Io Confine l Mention to
Wiser liitrreats.
It (' Wliitworth wtio has been the
linn of the Carter House for sev
eral years and who left here two
years ago to take over the manage
ment of the llot.i imlilngtoa at
Welsar Is to sell out hi local hold
lags. With his auctioneer, Walter
H. Bplker. Mr. Whit worth had an
kjVwltor) of tlie property made on and will sell everything
la the building a week from Hatur
day. Mr. Wliiiworih will In the future
,l i bja to his Welaer In
tareats which have grown to a large
degree since he first went to the
Idaho city.
There was a general readjustment
of engineers on the local runs this
week due to the changes recently
made In the pony schedules Charles
Straight formerly on the pony took
lha Crane run. with tlie Sunday lay
over In Ontario formerly held by
John Itaaamusaen. the later in turn
bumped Al Roae who had the layover
In Cra lie Mr
Roaa moved to Nam-
pa where he continued tbe bumping
process on an engineer there who, no
.ioubl, has kept the game golag.
Mlaa Marllia Ijiuibert of Jordan
Valley arrived in Ontario on Sunday
to register aa a sophmore at the High
School She is staying at the ho
of Miss l-avlne Smith
Marcus I'luuey son of Mr and Mrs.
W J Piaaey left with Haul Van l'et -
tan for Seattle to enter the Culver
sity of Washington
off In Pendleton for
going on to the Sound
They stopped
a visit before
f.l . - . .IM W -I ! W P l-l Wl I '' " " ' . ! - - '
Town Topics Tersely Told
Mlaa Narle IMnuey came down from Saga left Monday for Bugene to pr.
Boise to see her brother. Marcue off P" their sorlety house for th. Of
for college. She returned to HoUeJunlug of the I'nlverslty next weak.
- , Mlaa Nettle Peterson la among the
Mlas Irene Hader left Thursday Cat untaii.. Higli school
Eugene to eater tlie Culver.
oreaouff She will register for the
college of fine aria.
After spending
gating Malheur eo
lands. I'.
ii'ght t:
go t the orchards to help sav
Hae HjiII l.aiue nrt and llance
I. On llie I'lonriim Ontario
i- -kc.l I.. Help.
Nysaa Is golliK to M I big Ttd
It-, i, iii I'rldsy. In ti
i, will be a ball gamn ba-
twaan the Nyasa team and one made
up from tlie Montana soldier boys,
ulio are guarding the bridges. In I
I lie .'venlilK tlieri- will he a concert,)
lollowed by a dance. A special M
chestra of 10 pieces will furnish the j
Nysaa wants to aid tlie Saw
cause and wants ont.uiaiix to eagM
to the big time and help, too.
program will be enough to guaran
lea ii bir mne. The Nysaa Had
Croea society recently withdrew from i
the aBker chapter to Join with on
tarlo In the work
K !. Ilalley, formerly superlu
leiolenl of schools here, now a real-
dent of Elgin. Oregon, saw the events
of the closing day at the fair Sa.ur
day and Ju.Ik-,1 Hie races for the
rla all eitreinely dry
season in that section of the state.
Maor C i Wilson waa numbered
among the Nyssa folks that took in
the evanls of tlie Midway Crlduy ev
ening. o
Miss Alpha Onutt went Io I'orl
laud and other Wilamette vallie
eitiee this week on a business trip,
o -M.
II Bawling of Central City,
Nebraaka Is here the guat of Mr. and
" ' '
( Mra.
... ..
K Secoy.
Kelso Newman of Jer..m.-.
la in Oularlo this week tlie
guest of her parents,
Ueorge Vanderiioof
Mr. and Mi
and Urate
' ' ' ' "l
week at () A. C
111 register neat
She leavaa for
Corvallls Monday.
..iio grad
..a or '17 o n
jnday eve
on the Bench iu the hop- in this seetl
- the f I tbtVl n,;. ai.l the
lUiiAsiiii' so in: pan
Kills Car.ia wrn for the past
Mimmerh as workedw Ith Km
ory Hill on the llurney county
roads gfJM Ml Ontario tlil
weak tu attend school for the
Inter, nr until lie cull BlflJ
the arnn ii"' voiing man has
4 tried lliree times to rolantf.ei
I. ill ilue Io the fuel Unit he lis
I n nlic to get IiIh ell
1eiiHhlp piiperM he wiih r. i
Mr liurcls wus horn In rlpaln
In liiba That ha tawM "rlglif
in this great war was Indlcaie.l 4
by his statement. "I want to go
4 witli Hi- ..llier fellows and 1 do
not wunt to lie itrnfle.l M
Sjwtaaa rolk BJgSaatf Make Malliear
loiiiil) Calr a K.l Hu. . .
(ommI NeialilM.rlliie- IVIIn
lor Kraree.
one ..I I he ini.-i pleasing Incidents
of the fair last week waa the pre
ence of so many folkn from
.,.,, ,.,. ,, , .,, m,lti had
0lUrl ,nJ ,,.
ci.iiiy was Kla.l Io welcome I hem
waaS Welser ih Io huie Ml
h Oregon Trail lioiiud-Hp with
John Spain. Mabel iK' Ituth
Carton and sll MM ' aatl raleM I"'""
I' limy are going lo stage
a real ahow and have a big time ev
ery day and every evening. A afCf
e of iielghlMirllncas eliould
prompt a large number of Outarlaas
io ho present ai tlie Ontario day at
Welser Thst sll who go will lisve
a big time is assured byihoi.e who
know Welsar.
Mr, and Mrs. J. S Milllklu re
velved word ilila weak that their sou.
Ha ii K Milllklu, of dKMktou. Cai
Ifamla, had aaliatad fr oanrtoa
MlUlkia win. Is a graduate of O A
C, was first exempted by reason of
his work iu a traitor factory making
.war tractor and because of skill
a draughtsmap. later he asked that
iiililiou be reversed ami en
was assigned to take a
..In. .mi. in to Ai...
Lake He Is the of Mr.
an. I Mra Milllklu lo eattOt
mi w i i si ssiom ori:s with
100 KNHOl.l.KD l.V III,
Orotund for Domestic Science. Man
ual Training and Commercial Nnb
JaaJM Show Where tntoreat Pra.
Pour hundred and. nitty of Onta
rio's promising young people laid
aside the pleasures and duties of a
summar'e vacation Monday morning;
and responded to the call of the
school bell sixty two of thoaa are
Just entering their school career, and
are rapidly acquiring wisdom from
a source heretofore unknown to
them Of theaa beginners 46 hava
entered In the weal aide school aad
17 at the east side.
mTEm wl?h Z ,,.
achooi no pupil, rtlatarad for ,u-
telage in the sciences and practloal
things of Ufa.
Of these 1 10 high school students
63 are Freshmen ready for Initiation
Into the social curriculum aa wall aa
the student body; 3R are Sophomores
who accumulated much knowledge
of the ways of high achooi students
last year; It are In the Junior year
and it In the Senior. K
have taken up Ihe coBHOftttal
our..., in the college preparatory, 11
the home economics, ft scientific
nml iiKriciinure und ilia teachers'
i ml ii lug One Ktudmit Is taking us
initiate work.
Son new features In high
achooi work ihst have been M
duced Oils year Is a class, In tha
study of Ihe Spanish language; an
advanced claaa In domestic sclenca
und a ttoM i'' manual trulnlng Thle
latter class has so large an enroll
ment thst It has bean neceaaary bj
Iimni two division; one dIM I
Inking claas hour In I lie morning,
and the other In Ihe aft.i n.-oii la
II ilimiry (tag m n til Oi" lilgh
.1 ban '"' "' egoaptlon of ona
are enrolled
The claas iu ugrlrulture In lha
eighth grade re taking InslructlonB
uuder M H Thomss. profeHor of
Hence and agriculture, at the high
If the pre.ent number of eighth
ri,j,.rM nomplele the year's work, a
aa tog dig ajgjgg of forty-one paplla
wj ,, IMlw() (iielr diplomas nest
aprlng when 001 ! pro-
grams are popular
Xn in ilure of the Ontario
IomiI bj a whole Is Its abaenc
foreign .u,,ll.. the entire hIu.i.i.i
b4"' h,,,n "" r"","eu " """'""'
..r ihe.e however, tliere are n.ui
o-j fM , (h .,,.
,.,ird and ona
in ihe (earth gru.i
ii.erlni. -ndeni Douglaaa and hla
asaiHtants jire iiiui oitlinlsti
work and have entered u,
their dull. wiih an ciithuiiasm that
11111.1 iiiHtiii Ho awat dull with tha
plril of
The fa. ully Is mad.- up of
Bupeili, ten. lent, H II Douglass.
High S. Ii.m.I.
I'rlneipsl, t M Ii her, who alan
has charge ui n.e manaal training
.1. nieni
I lll.ior, I. I. 1 u I in iion
Bataace and agriculture, m b.
. ..i.,ii,errlal, H A lilies.
Language and music, Miss Maad
Household economics, Miss LOOgJl
Mathematics, Mrs K.lua t.ilfn.i
Kugllsii. atlaa Katherlne foaway
. 1 a. tea.
Mlaa Emma McOivarn. nth
Mrs l.ucy Ii Kov. 7tb
Miss Jennie Whiilaker, 0th.
Miss Maa Piatt. Dili ami
MUll M,.M Hlggs. nth and
M)H , ,H 411,
as,M(l,g (u(, iurc.ll, trd
M(iHI lora M. Nulty. 2nd.
Miaa Lueila 1 allio. isi
Hast Hlilr.
Mrs Clemenl 1st and
n Page aeveuj