The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 13, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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PAGE 3. '
v ,X BPrgeinT " vV'fcJirnn
fl V swn . I I j ' t I IV fc
J a C i a f I II V n Sj.x 9 mmlM 1 IV V
Redfern i Beautiful New Colors and Styles pmntzess
There are many little things in styles about our new apparel that will interest
you. Each model has some point of distinctive charm and exclusive style. We are
now ready to wait on you. Come as soon as possible and see; them.
there is a wonderful display of fashion throughout the store and the Tightness and variety of the Garments,
Wool Goods, Silks, Trimming, Buttons, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Shoes, etc., are certain to arouse keen
feminine interest.
An- of the latest Pall st 'leg and Materials,
including oombinatioiia, Satin, Poplin and
KiT Willi leOTgette 'Vic SlccVt'S illlll
'ollar, ur Satin Trimming and Pancj ''l"i
ill Ktnluoidrry.
. . These m.i nights will make you want
a new Bwoator to lounge round the porch
ur riding. We air ihowiug I large assort
incut f popular priced ai wt U ai real fane
Swci'iri-s for Men. Women and Children,
which will iv' Vuii .-. I hlUN roiiifoit.
Never were tht Blanket) so pivtu a
ilniM' just opened up. There arc Wool
Naps that you ran't hanllv tell from an all
pool blanket We hare theme in all prieea.
Autumn Coats
Tailored, pleated and belted models,
plain or with trimmings of fur,
plush or velvet. Fabrics include
suede velour, durella poplin, broad
cloth, kersey, yosemite, pom pom
and luxurious plushes, in all the
newest shades. Many are beauti
fullp lined with satin or silk. A
reaLwonderful showing a Coat or
Suit to satisfy every desire.
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
is now being shown in the n w atMortnu
for Autumn and Winter. Tins Eloae is
perior quality and reillforeed to insmv sal is
factory wear and unci tin dc niand of he
will diisscd woman.
Women's all Bilk Hose in Black, White,
Putty, Tuxedo Tan. Silver, Light
Hold, Champagne, Brooke, at 86c is a
wonder. AIho in the above hadea at
$1.25 a iniirh heavier Hose.
School Shoes
That Will Really Wear.
We have a grand line of Gun Metal and
Soft Kil leathers, for your wlin'tion, when
liiiniL; out toe girl or boj foeeehool.
We arc proud of theae Shoes and will
give you the best of satisfaction in every
roMpeel wear, lit and appearanee. Taking
it all in all you will find Radero "the best
place after all" for SI mi
Ontario, Oregon
RADER BROS. CO. Department Store
Ontario, Oregon
Town Topics Tersely Told
Mies Mayme Heugu of the high
school faculty reluried to Ontario
Sunday evening from her vacation at
bar hoot Id Oklahoma. Jl
returning she took a trip to Kurt
HUM. Texan where there are 42.O0U
men In khaki trulnlni; 'or wrvlce to
go ucrosa die pond While the Weet
In not emotional iu lis patriotism
as in the South aud Southwest, aya
HIm Heuge. she delighted In telling
"tht home folks" that Oregon was
tht ittale In the I'ulon to nil Ha
uuoto, bv tolnuteors, which it
flclent evidence of the calibre of the
Weet'i aitltuilo toward tho wor for
MUx Fanny Taylor who has been
III with lnfUinatory rheumailaui for
the past two weeka was taken to the
Vale Hot Springs aanltan
Meat on Wednesday
Kmory Mill of Harney county la In
Ontario thlx wrrk hating tome down
to atteud the Fair and visit with his
family wliu are here for thtj achool
year. Mr. Hlil spent the summer
looking alter rud work for liaiu. y
inunly. IU- expects to uiuk.
back luto the interior before coming
out for the vtl
Krlenil of Miss tl-iher Carlson who
waa employed at the local telephone
luring the summer were
vised title week (hat she la III at
Caldwell with typhoid.
Mr. and Mrs. W 11 Totten and
daughter motored tu Kiumett on Bun
day to vlelt relative. The aawnill
town of the Payette la the boomlai
ly of tlil aecliou. la the word they
aria hack.
Mra. 1 . 11 y li Fin rtiirii-tl Mn
. ii I UK from an MttOSeVH v'"
in l..j whlih Iu. luiled nlopu at the
lake reaorta of the llawkeye atate
Um hi Ik iuk tikltmijl t-nd Cuear
lakea With her i Hither, Mr lUr
uetl Mra Kox will attain occupy the
realdtiute on Indiana aruue in wlihh
they lived last winter.
roumy SMiMM I I l-'anner waa
in Onl.irl.i mi liUHJui'H. Wtdnesday.
and while hern dlCltMd the i.
ail ion on the Snake Itlver brldK"
which haa bePn aulng Krlef to tin
autoiatH all MNMMhT thru the pulling
of nalla In the plaj
Mrs. J. A White ami- Mlas Myrtle
While of Nampa arrived hoi
. i .peud Hie fruit pu kinc
keaooa. They expect to spend the
winter In this section.
Mrs larl V. Khune of Juntura Ih
the gueet of Mr and Mra I' J Oal
tacher this week while her little son
la reosJeinc medlcnl attention at the
Holy Rosary Hoaplul.
Mr. umi Mrs v I. ipi nulc retui u
ed rtuturduy u v.-iiiuk fr mi Humiuii
where Ml Hproule ban had
Ilia florkH of eh- i p fe. dliiK I'll" Mllli
inur. K'pliilum lli'.rrlot returned to on
rlilay from lilarkfooi, Ida
where lip hail apetil the summer
Mrs. W M Itrown lm nat pnoa .1
1 pai 'Hi at the for
some inn. i able to her
on Su'ui
Mra. I a 11 Uunruii of lroiilt!e Is In
Ontario llu hlM Mr 1 1
ur Jury duty at Vale.
Mr. and Mra. J. K lilaikal 1....1
orod to I'arma Hunday in vlait with
Mr. aud Mrs. Auto Hlackaby.
It Is rumored thai with the eultlnf
off of train aervlor due lo the move
sent of fruit trains that No. 17 and
IX will lie iuik tin n miller to Ko
btto the dbicard for the time being
I leal rtuudit)
ed with IiIh family I
Mr. and Mrs. II II Tunny liae
nit-, one of the I. Adam
on Sunt li l(l hardsof stl
I . in who Iiuh been viall-
IliK frlemli- In llolite lor llie pahl three
weeks Is expected home on Hat unlay
1' It. Kliihwiu lef, v, dni-Kday fur
lo look after a hunch of Ilia
I" that liute boon round"'; up 101
Krof. K H. Neilry of NynM wna one
yUItorH in OnUrlo during the
we. k.
K I. rtlewart who is at the hoapllal
lialiluiK with typhoid is repon..i 1
l.e making aatUturtory progresa toil-,
Mr. an Mra. Juniee Ouertn left yes
terday for Newport, Oregon where
they will spend the next six weeka
vlKiting with their daughter.
Mrs. W It. Hiiliin and duus1
Margar. -. ..1 1 iv.-. 1 Hi: real for a
with with Mra HI1I1111 p.. r.-n t . Mr Mr 1
T I Hi" I, tlilH
wwl to ll.ik.r Hall who -xp.. 1
ship Bast ns soon gg iar 1. .,. 1 . .
11 I..11 ke, who w;i- the y Ic
tlin ago Is uhle to !' . I" lit l.iwi. ukuIii.
Mr. and Mth II r W bit worth
II ed 1 iioin w 1 1 .1 . ,.
day to look ati.-i Imal IgvtajWet,
l.imea Lawrence 01 I 1:1..
gun U in '
in --
M. K Niwtou this week
11 of the in
terior with his II111 of hlo.
Mlaa Ituhy KenwnV of lor dan al
ley alllveii 111 Onlul'io dneday lO
atteud the Teasher Institute.