ittot0 t$m. m )l;. l. ONTARIO. MALHEUR COUNT OltEUOX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 117. no. :$6 CONUTY TO GIVE DEPARTING SOLDIERS ROUSING FAREWELL ;- hiiikctohs or run untv ltH MeNSTii: V 1 n;loTH di:mstr mi I STANEIELD WILL RE ORATOR Members of in mill 1m- lim-vis ,,f Kalr Muniim-rs Vale lien. I Will Furnish Music Demonstration nn W'l-1 r TIllH ' In order In provide a suitable faro Troll fur Hm son of Malheur Cot who Mill Jim n'.-k to Join '" Sam's new nrmy to right that "I In- world might be safe for denm. racy," the directors of the i' m Fair have irmnml for a patriotic re n... nutation at the fair ground next The date ha nut bum at. It will be held either on Wednesday of Thura day. TM Min rinlnty la dun to the Incoinplci.' .ir i . i,i- in. B for Iheaol-dl-r boy departure Hon H. N. Stan field ha accepted tho directors' .Hon to deliver I hi- address. Tim Vain band ulll he In Ontario to furnlMli tln music and people from all L) will Join In the patriotic tUCellM. Thn day will kg ona long o he remembered The ilcpurliiiK oldler vvIM I"- tM honored guests, and tlM Montuiia who are I. en ruin dins the brld- i loo. will bi guests of the fair tmanl all week IS ORDERED TO REPORT Bnrltiitloii llonl.l IMi. i lo.iilv- four of Malheur County's yuoiu to Anneiol.l. Wrsincsilu) .v.dncsday the unction two of Mallo ur ioiiii , iiioU for tin- in Natlonul Army a i ir de pari iii- io vin.-rlcan lake. The lo cal -toiiiiiion iiourd aeleeted the fol lowing, and they nrn tli :n-n whoin tlo ii i v will i.onor with a patri otic ili monitratlon at thn RrouuilH ejewa ttoll. Arrilolii IHoiiihIo, Jordan Vull.-y. Oio , KiiKl.iiul. 04OW Hiirroii, Hro Kan, i hi. William .kiln. W.-tfall. OM : loikrum. re H. unturlo, Orn ; Turnmau. tiiurloM. I. , lroii-li!i a, ore . I Tlioinaa M , (iniurlo, On- : DwaV i Warren. Jonlan Vall.-y, 0 KlKiii. KVIvard Robert, OaUrto, Hatll. Ani-oi. Il.ii n . IIiouhii , HarrlH. Irviim Arllmr. 'tM ar, Otto ii. pi aa. Ore.: fooda, William I nil.. .iiwin. wiiiiaiii Tboaua. I'aruiM. I ' 'ank- lin. Welaer. I.Ip : HemlcW. I I'r., lira. i. Ion, Henry I'ale, Wbimo. Ore . w'oriiii. well. Vul. Hon II Or : UiihI. Iln o.l, .re. H aide. Ore.; Tate. Krank Ijiwreaee. Val. Kullede-e. Adrian Hhaf f.i Ii .ulta. Or.; ItwU. William Kpl, -pauldlM. Jack -ifHll. Ore . Mmilir. Charles Oeorge. Woalfall In aM of auy falluro on the part of Hie alKv to leav that day H.n following have called to hold theitiaclvea la readlaeaa to act aa l terpate mid 34 -wuat leave from M l heur ceunty: Inknnnn Icnuoell SilliniOIIH. Olila ri... Die ; Hi..-, T.nipleloii, I'ayettn, Ida : Woodwar "leb, Weat- fali. Ore : Parker. Koy, Vale. Orn ; .i. BatU Leonard H h'aulkner, Bernard I . Vale, After a residence In Ontario for a number of years Mr and Mrs A. Ja- hecome residents oi Mr Ja.mlsL Isatl Ontario this week for the Idaho capital and Mra Ja quo.h and daughters will follow him ika. near future. nt to Cald-' Mrs. vi w i,winii .. HI for a few days vlatt. 'READY TO CLEAN OUT OLD OIL WELL HOLE MaehlaRej H llenn Ttioroly Ihir- HM ami pin In Hliapn for llir Work Nevt Cable OrnVrvd to Start Cleaning. nn Kichmann, aecretary of thn fnnnnlldalnd Oil ('. company of which linn an option on a lot o Crnperlv hIioiiI ilntaloand la atari- Ihk operation on the old oil well of the Ontario OH I'ompany wan in thn city Kriday and Katurday of lanl wnnk rtMrtag thn proicreas made ao far on .a nine of the oil well prepart the rleanlnR of thn oil well prepara IUrIi eohool Hiiilllorluni I cltl- Thla impreaalvn bit of patrlolNin Hum oe It Turner whlcli M written lory In explore for gaa M Inleremed In Dili work ire In- j wan revealed thla week with Ik on l,l,! d ni Halifax. The company haa already aeon lo attend the lciure. formnl op. ulna of the iiume'a train-' Nova Scotia The letter waa optlonii on a Rreat deal of properly Two of thn big feature of InR achool or the honpltal for In the and merely aald they were enr.Mii.- H hln a It mile radiua of Ontario 'he Ininuie appreciated mnt' were lint of "Indent nuraea appeared the ror France The young man iiIhi. Some of thla la In large block while the exhibit by the puplln of the dlf nmne of Mr A. M. M. t Jun- ald that he bad written two i many of the option cover only amair ferent nrhool of InduatrUI unjl lo- tura Without hyaterla ahe ha given a few daya prevloua. which lie auriulH parrel of land Tim option" are for mnalc aclnnce work. Thn Oetarldj IiIrIi her baawaaal to her country and I ed hi parent had not received, the abort periods with renewel clause , glrla Rave demonstration in balima, prepsrlnR for ervhe herself. It Is ho.-, entertaining the belief thn' and have attached to them liberal the glrla from the Owyhee gave Jfrte cot beyond poaelblllttee, that thould letter nlllna of Hielr depariur prloee on volume produced. bould monsf ration In canning, and f'cll the war last the wife will he mini betas! held up The Rueaa waa cor- il etaVlml -oiirIiI be found In this Thompson, state winner of the veg-' bered union- those who will serve, , ,., i for the i.-ners have not reached nabln growing project, gave a(stir- "somewhern In France." md this waa the first v ha expended a con- Pr'"lng talk on vegetable growing. Beside Mrs. McKennle and two Bis received In eflM tin hlderal.le um on the work done so "'a' would Iirvc don. credit pal on r i here am enrolled In Hie classes Mr Turner, or rather Bertount 'r and MM not .siled for tin per I wlce his ynare ' Miss Msrsu'rlte lloffiuan. Dreon Inn"', i a nieinher of a hospital coinage of subscription provided In There are many educators of Ml attge BaM Orlep, Frulllaud; ' "" .made up . mirelv i the agreemei.i aateted Into with local on the program, and the teachers are Ml eta I' llagei. Twin FuIIh. rejalt) wen who p.ople Mr. tlavln. the company's Mi here sMin to take up the work hut in tho moan time the plant Is lining put In shape for work when the data needed has been aecured. 4 ... three A.s Itoinex are Find bn an Inviiuliaru Nyaea reeldenis apparently am iii.ii ke, I loi ii. mills b a strange iireiiiig Three homes have el on fire In Hie same In that .liv during t i iiiilmil in Mime meaiiH ill each ease .. no lunate find Inge of the blase In ear low uould have resulted. i.,..i of ihnae fires oeiiinel .'iiliig wloii i H Baal I I Hum, who Itvi " each other ho first wag tin ; of Iii J. J. SaraM .. il. viellm iif tin ssvern I weeks ago As In the Sarasln case, so In the latckey -lid Hunt fires the in. einiury aaaked niatireeaea and bed clothing on beds located on sleeping porches wlih oil and aet (hem on Ore Mrs I.. al her home and, after screaming, fuliiied Hi- ught neighbor who extinguished the flame was set shortly after 10 p The Hunt fire a UiMovered taiully as tbej returned frnin the picture show. Their opportune arrival eared then home Like the other this Ore was set In u bed ea a sleeping porch Aa the result ot these three fires Nyssa folks are now abandoning the sleeping pon I. No clues have been found to indicate the author of the fires, hut i hey have heea raaorted to i he ...unty authorities for Invee- gatlou. MTsM'K laMI-ll I MM I aW .in m ion i in- sn HAI 4. Two big stockmen of I'uiou W ...uuty will l represent d sltli v hear: r'alr next week They will also hold Iks I s for the big pure-bred sale wlii. h s Ontario Aucimii . .lueany la e 4 distance is that of a stockman the Beven Devil', country in Idaho These with the near herds la Idaho ond Oregon will make the sale the biggest t !. of 1U kind ever staged In W sectlnn I NOTED EDUCATORS LECTURE FfDAGOCS ,il, THOMPMON (H'TfM'll a. itn i i n'RiHT i li 'Isim; TALK UN CITIZENS ENTERTAIN VISITORS OlrN From Ontario and Ovt-ylii I'rartlrnl Heinonsi rut Ions id Wink Done In ltomr-.ll. xrt 1 1 Stale Superintendent Her. Ontario him for It jurats this : week inn leai hcra of Malhnur lounty. BaaaaawM for thn Annual County In UtotO TIiIm body of men and women In In aeealon to dUeva the ihohI proKreaaive meana ami method of training the yonili of the county. Taw meetlnRa are beliiR held fortunate to have the opportunity to har theee leaders In the school work ,.r nreuon County Supt Mlsa Kay Clark Is presiding. Among the 1. Hires are I'rof K I) Hessler. oft the nregou Agrli lilmrsl College, whfvc lectures were both Interesting ami Inspiring Or K 8 Conklln. of tM in, K.m. a specialist in ''"" l,Jy- " ,l'" "acher mam poliils on menial .III. I. in v. II lure on "That Tired FnellnR" being; especially good I'rof II 0 Itf ur. of O A. 0 , leader of II.. ys' and Olrls' Industrial clubs gave a v. cnllenj "" "" gi'-ut work which Is hetlig done In that line, and which Is very ininii needed at this time rtupt Churchill, nrgaiiW.-r and lead- ; .I of the . tent of Orecoa, gave several lectures on ndu.silou Supl Churchill haa done s wonderful work In rslsliig thn standad of our .. thai in iv. liny compare fs- with tliose of aj He for h.iier eiiuipinent, higher sfilx M ' I aalarles "f "" :1 Sl'l)l " k iiougiuss oi Oi f i" i' Hrnlnard of Nyssa and IT. Killing of Vale aalo took part In tM various program Ontario fhov.ed ll . noil will ward it h . iridlWg e. form of and awwrtOO) possible. The Harent-TeacherH Kociailoii gave a reception at i Moore Wednesday evening ond the i ..miner, ittl Club will enieiiam llli . ursloti thru the valley by auto this evening, after which Ihe evening, will lie enjoyed at the Dreamland in e.iiiK "The Byes of the World s t IMllo MMMf H tMTM W W I I - ..Ml isllolls TO BR "A MOM' w A cordial welcome awaits all : s visitors to the fair. The Mer 4 . autt of Ontario want you. Mr 4 4 and Mrs Fsir Vinlioi. io "make .ourselves at home." Checking privileges, telephone service and I every convenience of the stores 4 , .r r. unman. 1 Their Mocks are ready for your li Hon If )'iiii needs cun I" anywl,' be here In Ontario I'M are welcome to look them over too see what they In. W WOO do. The ill close from 11:10 iiutt every- all ' . it' 'J . " ' , Mrs lioiirk.- a aonie U improved - HUSBAND OEF TOM WE BECOMES NOOSE WW 1 11 1 irisnm RKVKALI I) I ri mm. iic HOSPITAL imm; hchool ran m n rm mis u I ' ENROLLMENT SHOWS: GROWTH Mi- . M. Mi Im-miii'i- or tiniiiirii studies Oaf of Hick and Injiir-ril Mni'o Her II ii-h.itiil iiliinteeml i m inavj s,-im-. Ontario la onn of the scenes of a wsr iii Irama for in Um Holy Ho hiii) hsopltal caring k and studying for more extended duties that. If the war IiihIh may take her to lln- battle front la a woman whoae I liuahand anvcral montha into left to dura. wiw IV.iiIIiik A Krvlngton. Hovel- stoke, lirltlMi Columbia, This la the largest Hat of student enrolled at the irultilng school and la In keeping wlhi the growth of the Ihhi ii miou JOHN HUNT VICTIM OE CAS ACCIDENT io Help slr.oiile.l toloKI He. Mill- In lire I, inn- M ,. ami I Car. John Hum the I. .nil tuxi driver is suffering from the rexiilu of hi tort In BJ I of lie rlamarltun" to a strunde.l near Cald well Sunday evening Mr ,,, ,, tt. H, ,,,.,, ... ., mile- t in ,,, v. ,. ,,,. for -nine gas.. cgjdwell Mr Hum lo. fruu ,,, cur , ,p rtajtwj around to put it Int. ,,, i aevcrely lunds I trangei tin KuiHh.-r in either car. Mr H,lnl ,, ,,,!,. hia Injurle ill ,wrd hoiue. but hen he found that h- wo becoming faint, near New Hly- mouth he secured aid and was driven home. Medical attention was reoelv ed soon after he nvaejieil the city and while the h.iii.'. are painful be la re covering. ONTARIAN STARTS Off AS SERGEANT IN ARMY t Mrs W W Howard received word this week from her husband who was in the first of Malheur county's quota 10 the new army lo go lo American lke. Having had years of experi- h drilling at O A C wh.i jrose to the rank of captain or 1 Mr Howard was assigned to duty as First Sergeant of a nimpany in the 1st, Infantry. M the nine word was received lion. 4 of Ihe Malheur county boys had taken ihe required physical examination and where, therefure, not certain . heir disposition Mr Howard de- M-rlbed the life al American lke 1 at Mlaa I ivlue rtiulih . board imeresiing there lag bo 1 Mrs. Van Patten leti being ueer! 4U.000 men at Hie camp for her old boiiie in Central l'enn aud mure siiiving ever) day , sylvanla MANAGERS PROCLAIM FAIR COMPLETE ROSCOE B. TURNER IS NOW AT BATTLE FRONT Ontiirio II. i Wlih i lie Vain Hospital Corp Write III l'amnt I i Shipboard Wfr lcvlng MllllfHX N I V! Inst onn Ontario hoy la now : on I..-I II w.-r-'ii I I oil. no! from Ihn roar of tlm big gun on Hi French front There may bn nlher i no but definite Information It larking mid reporta reoelved hi not In- verified. Mr and Mr W I. Turner I ed it letter llil week from their son, vim in ine spring ami nave nwn in . nl New Haven ever since . iniil v rites " enjoy Hi" work and h iiiiiiI-kIoii before a greet Ii of time. Rig Henri uill be mil Itepresenteri at Fair V Illck.lX. the lllg llend Ii r whose record lor arrang ing exhibits at the Htnte and tM mni fairs Is ii n-ii r passed ittl days this seek In I io srnniglng for space for i If v.nieiy or prod WOt that his- Iroin thai BOJ Hon I lo give an Idea of whin M.n. I. Is are going to do I arranged for an BfW I .mil the community that beats them this year will have li . I) lie- "tug I heir prod lire Hie lllg llend (oiks o lo show I heir In- II ii iwt) p" iiiou. m a. in. m lllg llend real estate. ni. I tiuurl . nllt at rit-1 plana Ihe land value, with f rights In the uelghl.or.lood .. ,n n Mr Hlckox ariatigament for I Ing his lilg cn.p i .eking In. The apple crops, like all others HI I he lllc llend be de. I.I I' he . v. silent III l.ii IL t.l-T IH T lM iMMwsT i nit nn. tin. i ilH . Al llr i club i . hum Tutniiu light urVsilgeu.eni W were made for Ihe last big pop 4 ul.. . 'air Tin 4. directors called altenlton 1.1 the pruiiilHe ma. I.' hi Onlsrlans last spring thai If Hie) would man age the fair Hie business men would see thai every help wsa given The directors want n 1 '..i p. off) MM made rood Here Is your . huiice to help mo loads, with Ihe baud will make the following trips to wear by I owns On Frldai cteiilug (be trip will include Frultland and New IMiimmlh I In Salur day night It will be Vale and Nyssa, and Monday night lo an.l W .1 HM He with the crowd lioosi ihe Fair, It is 011r duly Van ivinn and sons. Paul and Krsnk hsve I 1 hu summei OR 'K Hit; Ii l I.UUN ' CI n. ckoi; k- m. MANY AUTOS COMING TO SHOW live I oinpleleil Work anil are Aealtlnn OimnlnK Ogvta Uiih flood ItomN IteMililim from Haln I Hrenklng thing Ik in ".i d lo make the Klgtli Aniinii ' niniy Fair a it thing Is it big crowd day. The work ol I m la ( mn- plil. have done their part. The rancher, the Moo km en. the In- i al clubs, the schools have their Ua rndy to he moved to the Krounda. tut., slum the Heat ore . In the Ml 'tilts the feature Interest of mlestnen Of the great Joy this year will i. . iito show. The producer i . been manifested Spare haa been sold In the big tent and the are dusting up their hOW the peopi- the .oiii.iy Hi" blue lihhon space Ihlleton ' will be cars of all kinds to fit every purse, as the ad say This will be really the rasa r..r there lll be a host of iroin Ihe four cylinder varieties, Mum Ihn Hlxes and up lo Hie eights. II. ill.. .. ii s,enlon Hall). Sound Ainu' einetit company. I- to furnleh the arnrr t Kranii ii H I 5 IGOROTS ARE COMING WITH BIG CARNIVAL Maui Vim llin. I Ioii ibb-il KM ..I tioiiseinrul Company's IMIeciOLs- Ho. Bit 1 lllg Ml.n1ll1.ll. 'i he mid hi ilf will lie Hie .'.'III." of big doings. tlllb Ihe close of t III Intel Stale Fsir at Spol. S 1 Ihe blggesl drawing ired in iM siuiol m for Hie show nk. This with lis strange tuhahliani froi.. liilllpliies Jiiiisi.a The. in .1 Ing stunlid haaHUUM win 1 mm) In their .iiiasc, with weird hwts 1 will ralr Sin III li. the HI Lopl t. .ave ' 'ired all i expoMll i ie these II. attractions Among them eT eot Ho- "Jumping all." the big animal i-n i In. in Spok me where it played for big irowds, Hie '41 show will lie wlih its pli tun ol pioneer d. linn ili.n ...II I.e. 1'i.rls after Mid night." a pantonmliri Ion of world's ruuHierpleci h posed In real lite lo .li..,. p. .1 llgllles I'M has been a big attraction were nu it waa -how n Iii ihe i oiKisslons to amuse the pleasure - rho likes lo n ills luck be tin (lame of "Ar' hery " show lllg bow our sineslors IiiirIiI. the Indian tluine with li lui WW) nlfn racks, of course ihero will the populsr Teddy t'-. sml lilg lldby dolls, and Hist -. .ck flame" where you pick you poi.) and back von iudi;meul on his ability The dm k pond offers variety and excitement In the effort pture a squawk 'These are but a part Mne that page sdd of the a lira, lions It will tell you how he enii'iiulned from the I House Willi its chill to 'rtsst the Kaiser," a popular game tnese days, and nuke girl, and Tiny, the smallest horse alive The will all be r. on the Midway. OPN V