The Oregon Agricultural College vt, "I iparlaltsia wlrt aed.ra Ut miwlH '"1 adrqaata qnlpsit 1a l Dnrllxn ifadlag aellaglala dagr.aa l ih. MprtN waesni aaaiCuTTUBB, wttk IS dfparlw.Ma; COMMFIirB wilk llMMMI fjaiMtr.BJWO. Willi daparlm.ala la (wllaf '' ' ' F Ir1r irl. Hlfkwa., ! irti I"1'"1 "" "l" """""I a-glriartg; rOr'1T.Y mi Hiding I-i'gfiag Fngiaaat- inr ITONOMIOl, will 4 Mjtir 4. part I,,,,!, mr1.. cling iraiaing in ih I'rxlira ajfglNO wtlk IHraa naparlaaata, laclad I riin ileal I ngmaarlBg; nUMUCT. run school or areata aft... in, If,, la la. prinrinal daparlaaaata ,1 ,, ppl (ainirrirnlal nniltfl. THf. MIMTAKT DBFABTatBMT. aar.ll.rl jtH rxdi in 1 1' III IT. and won t.r, .,,, n Ilpti,! (.r II A r tram tit. uv.i.rn I, .p.-, ani ' " I' War I'apariwiaM a aa f tlli.ra dlallngtilahrd latliliiilona" af lllfa.r '" '" A" adla will I. fiiraiikfd ItMfl'i nnif.'rma ay Ih 17 H Uet.rawrnl I i iiimrr and a.nlnr carina rnmllrd I ,h ii T II bf glvaa i slatlag Iff k.iwnrt .ll m all Iraaaparlallna, a ad aiatfar. at Ih. all ' Rumaar naiwp. UOIITSATIOaT BEOIHS OOTOBBB g, alt; latoiaialloe M raqo. Addisaa Oragea AgrlaulUukl OaUaga, Oiagaa. ONTARIO, MALHEUR Q0UNTr OREqoNt Tmyggp SEPTEMBER 6, 1917. (liii rnim ! ni... .. -.., w nuui, nt trie hour of - - c.ocg iD it, forenoon of said da; II l public: auction to the hlht o.aner ror cash the following describ ed property to-wit i The Eaet Half of Section Twenty Kour. Towrul.lp r-lfteea. south Rang 'rty, eaM 0f Willamette Meridian In Malheur County. Orcon. Taken and levied upon as the pro perty of -aid Grovar Wilkinson and Mable Wilkinson, or o truer, hrrsof n may on neceary to MtJgfy the juugment in ravor of V. Ii Fanning ami against the Defendant with In terest thereon, together with all coats wnd disbursements that hare of may hereafter arorue. Dated thla 20th day of August 1817, at Vale. Malhenr County. Ore. Ben J. Drown. Bherlff By B. H. Teat, Depe'y. Hrat I'nkUoallon August S3rd 1117 last PaMloaUoB September 20 1117 PAGE 7 .1 L THE BULK OF AN ESTATE By HELEN APICRSON 0T: OK IMM NAI.K Or' rWDPIK-OHKOON' Nl,ri: ikkk; .tion oihtrht. .NOTHtt OF ANNUAL KIJWTlOX OF TMB MALUKU! IUIAIV AOE DISTRICT irgtrd In Mnlheur Count), Mate of ( irt'giin. 1'gtil i "Vlopk p. m. September tl, 191". de board of director of I i'ayi-ti-uregon mope irrigation rt will receive aealed propoetla tfielr office In Malheur County, ate of Oregon, paid office being lo- iteg la tho one story frame dwel- gg hmiae or the eald district more tfoUxrly deacrlbed as being locat- la th oi!tinnat quarter of north quarter of Auction I, townabtp 17 th range 47 KWM la Mslhnur BbBV, Oregon, for the purcliaae of ail of the nild ilLUrlrt -ui follewn: iTWwnty year nrgotlable coupon d. of Payette-Oregon Slope trrlga- IMairl.'t In the gum and amount lllio.floon on to rotund, cancel and (Ire all nutnUudlng lion da of the treat aa well aa all outatandlnc MOBS cn bonda and all warrant d for Inlnreat OB benda: aald re ading hnndR to bear Internet at the If of kIi per cent oar annum In- at p.n.,i i- the fl-at day of Jan- ami Juh nf each yenr, the h.inda Hiring icrlally after i.-e flrili . n I nnn: I .nnuunta no r to be ai kilmali'h immiuI iirlm IdnI and In- and it. rem iii'gotlHlilo coiinpon ivc tie nrogun Slolie Irrliru- rr-ilv k' ,1 I ditarid in i lie miiiii nnd Hi.idiiiii l,. nun mi ,,, refund, cancel and Ire all ion i ii ml Iliac wnmml. i.f Hie Tin .ill i i warrant Imued for ' i uM MBtg liimd . I i In r Iniereil nl 1 IX I . II II ii m irt p vulile Hi- ml liiU i.r eiicli year. Hie ImiuK I lie firth ii a ti lie ' 'in.ii (i":ni'inil ami in Notice la hereby given that the Hoard of Supwrvlnora of the Malhenr Drainage Diatrict hare designated Tueeda. the fourth day of September. 11T. at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon, a the lime, nnd the carlo School Houae m the place for holding 'be Annual Meeting of the land Owner of the Malheur Drain age District, ai Bald Annual Meat- lag tie lead owner of the said Mai heur Drainage Diatrict will elect one Huperrlaer to acrvo for the terra of three) yearn, aad transact anch other bualnaea aa a hall lawfally oome before eeid wiMtlBg Dated at OaUrre. Oregon, thl lath day of Awgnwt, itll. JOHN F. WEaVBR, Prea'dent f atoard ef SfAMrrlagtrg. C. R. RMTSON, Heeretary '- ' OTK16. Wheraoa the Com moo council of the Cite tt OtUrlo, Oregon did on August tlth. 1117 by ordinance Re. 3(4, adopted and approved on aald date, order the conatructloe of a oon- crata l.1e-walk - follnwr Ida- Old Mr. Harlow wag a qneer old woman. 8be had .roierty aulB. lent to Bern bcr in comfort, and if abe hod any more no on iimm h.r..if ... awar.. of ( r, ,D, (i,r(l fmff plainly Wie had One sun. iioni he treated In anWi mannei aa to lief nrenare him to out for himself an honorable m- loliri Harinw ... nn. ,wi,n.i. aa waa forced to work for eTery ilt of oeket money lie ient. When John .gniaats years okf Be wa, offered a H,ton In a Ulatant tr. and It w. .onaldered advlaablo by hla innlhor and blmaalf thai I.. ahenld arceH It. Mr. Harlow had UwgfJ SO long In her horn, ih.i .K. . fisered not i leave It, and John went lone to hi new field of labor. Ill mother, being lately ft,.r D deper inre. adontnl the ihli.i of n rri.n,i ..i,. dlril, Mary ChsmberUn, twelve years When Msry became a woman abe showed a rare Judgment and Mrs. Bar tow consulted wiih ber constsntly In miking up her mind In instlere of Im portance. The girl Lad the girt of common seose. which probably la as rare and aa valuable a gift as can be neaiowfd uxn allT one. While John Bartow was passing Ike period from eighteen to twenty-six sear from bla mother Mary Chamber. Ho was pssslng from twelve to I went v In close conhei lion with that another. After Msry bed lived with Mr. Bar tow aonie sis or seven years Ibe old lady was pussled te know just hew to leai t st ber destk soms l-ti.OOtt she tToaaegeett. Jbe Income was sboul suf cJeni te give Mory a living; divided it weuid nn John waa doing well In gad did not need it Bill John was Mis. Bsrtow's own son, snd ska did at like te deprive him of ber properly st her deeth, especially If she left It te one in whoa he hod no in terest. Hot said nothing as le tkls to either Joku or Miry, and ll fa ones tlouabla If sltker thought about it. Finally Mra. Barlow fell III Jobi went borne qolte often during ker III sees snd wss greetl relieved, when obliged to deport, to leers her nnder the care of Mery Chamberlln Indeed, he was conscious that If ke kad been able to remain with his mother he A Poet's Cuatard Bath. A coatom which lia now dleeppaared ued to afford much amueeTnent to the guests at the banquet on lord mayor's day. In (be hou-ehoid of the lord mayor there existed the tiflk-ee of jester and Its laureate On the day of the feast a luiKe iiuakiaar ciiesard waa mads in a lih ns large sa a bathing raacbana. it ws the duty of the laureate, clad In "Uli lal garb, to spring from hi hair lata the dcpthi of the custard, aplasb i"K the contents over the tahle ami the n'lircat giieats. In return for Ilila fest the laureate ivna iillimed to eat n inn. h of the cua lard aa be wlMhed. w IH. h was probably rarj llttle.-liondon Tatler. FOR SAlAw OAWWlNa I'KAt CIIKH. QoUvM Orange of lite Crawforda 3 mile eal of Ontario. :! mile north of Fruit I i;.. Phone 7-12. JOHN Hill THMAN Adv. pd. IS 4t. . On th north rlrtn of hlnek IS aw ho Ave between Oregon and lllchard- 'ould "ot hre nnmeil her aa Mary hoii ma whore conarete al le walk I' M 'I" IK MJi I. mis Idge lirir V, M J ih i. (.in tto r Miller M MiiiiIh rd ot im , torn Slupo Irrlgatloa of Payette-Ore- Di. in, i rt Puhllrallon Aurtuet II, ttl . MI I' I,' I, .1 1, in HonlaniKar 17 ftrTH I OF I Ot Al.l HON imi m i- i:rrK-oHKi.o I'1'! IKICIl. tTlnv l,llv.llili l aWe Is hereliv ilvan that Him of I Mre tor of the Payetla- Slope Irrisiition lliritrltl will "egiimiiig tend on Hentember 18 1st the ofrice of the dimrtct which one atory frame dwelling hoii .-e PI' pumping plant located In lh ;ai, f (tie- uortbweat pimrt- Bee.lm, s Township 17 aouih '( r;M Within the district Mnlheur county. Orecon for rpiwe of equalising the regular "ut tor the year l17 on Hie ttliln the diMlrict more parti ' ieacrlbed aa follows, to lt eglilur aaaeasanani to orovlde ' Ml for II,- It.. ml Pnnil rlH0 for the General Fund aid auenanieat was made pur- "' "'e order of Ilia llnnrd of rs for the year ltl7 I' M ItOAIJl Mary of the Hoard oi ry lie Oreatm Slope Irrlsu- Ict Puhln all,,,, a.iiii.1 S 1B17 ""ii'aiioii September II lwl 7 la not now built; on the cnat aide of block 2 2 on Hlrli:.: rtiim at between Idah.i and Wiahington Ave.; on Miiulh aide of block 2 2 on " Avo. betwuii Hi. I ..rilaon innl Virtu" Sta , where concrete :lde hI, Is But HOW hllllC Unit in tic ao'llli xlde of lilork II, to hii.I 2S7 on Washing ton Aw between Virue iini Morton Hlr The plan . : i, nnd (H- le-wnlk are on file i.i i ol Hi- Cllj ii. In Hi" City Hall. In tin City of I I Oregdn. N 'II permum ire Riv en an ipp .iislru ' lB chIiI bIi l ii pro perty under muI.I ordin inri within l 10th, 111 1 7, nnd If any or ull Coll of so doing the walk will hi ted bj the City and the if iiaseasad to the different pieces of property at feeted r.nd ooIIih- ed In t':e uau-.l nanner a provldod for by the Charter and Ordinance of aald City. d at the City Hall, Ontario. n, Aiiei-ei lth 117. Cl.AV M STKAItNB. city Reosrder r MIKItll-'K'M HALK. rlttas f n ogocution In fore- isMued by the Clerk of pWU'ourt of M. iiuiy. 'lateii the I Mil. il.v .it Aiiru.i certain action In Hie rir Ur' foi aid county aud - " i' Fanning roooverod nor Wilkinson ,ul'' w'llkiti.sou. for the aa "iniilr.,1 i), narHi vm, inter reon from n, lav of ''. .ll Ml. .-.. nl .1 nu. .M.i md the I'urthur auui of Hollars Attoruty Fees. i.i Hollars 'uriHininnts herein fore aotlio Is hereby given. "" on the ilud dav of Saa- "'( at i i,IMiu en- ' 'he court house, In Vale, la Mull r Of MAI.K OF rHCAI. PRO. PfaawTf RV ADMI.MMTKATOR. Not lee Is hereby given that the un dersigned, administrator of the eatale of Thomas J Johnson, deoeaaed, will under aad by virtue of an order af the County Court uf the State of Oregon for Malheur Couaty. bearing date of September 4th. 117. from and after iha f.ih dav of October 1117 at the hour of Ik o clock a ui at tke Law Of floe of 0 McGoBi-gill In Ontario. Oregon, offer for sale for kman In band all of the real property belonging to the estate of the aald decasaed. d aerlhed aa follows to-wlt . The N H , of tke 8K V, of tkeSkJ of Bee. 20 aad NW tf of HB of Be. 20 all in Tap Is 8. B. 47 B. W. M in Malheur County. Oregon. Data of Flrat Publication Sepleui ber Ha, Itll Oats af last Publication OsBweaf 4th 1117. T. C. JOHNSON. Admlalatrator of Ike Hat. wf Thomas J. Johasoa, Daoaaaad. FOR PAINTING. Paper hanging. and Calclmlulng -Ftrat Sasa Work, Kricea Heaaoauible rnone a. a. U'Uilom. 20fiK4. . ZU did. Though he bad retarded Marv aa of practical value to Ills mother, he had not before realised what there was In Inr. One dey John n-. . i,, meaaage thit Mk inoihcr wa at the point ot death, lie tim : ted Inline, but did not niilw. In time In lad her iillie Mrs Iini '.im s .huh i.Miinl in atTe.t Mary iini,.' i ban ll did I'diii. The one hail liein In coiiatant . .ui nun, I nil, iii in, tba other had baaa lap ' I nun bar, nn- u bard an roa, Mary," said John i,, it milt In di-,i intf Mm f ,, to u h., iii inn are nil .. Iir.l. but In your Mm in him im t i,..ii m aha Inui ,ii. I IkoBRal of HiIh. but iniiil.. no Baal pouiBSti Inn iniiii ..iiiiiiii.-.i i mil -,,,. thnt von get oi. When Mrs Harlow - win waa onm eii it araj i.i.imi ,., ,,.,i. -i ,,,,. ,i utiniiuili mi ihcii'v milllgaia bond. of i in. it. i.. nn. i i' rnllraad i" Mai ChainlH-rllii. w ho but luun beau a daughter to me. The reahlue and fai more valuable pan of my rHuiie I be queatb to un baavvad urn John Har tow, boiling (hat It mm bring lilui aa muck comfort aa It baa me. He will Bod II lu a Im re u drawer In my bed room " Jehu lotigratulaled Mary on beluj; left with aa lo'-ome. st the same time ntenlfeatlng surprise tbst bis mm her bad left an estate ae large thai she should alee hate been able to leave him the nasi valuable part of ber pretwrty. After ngra Dilating Mary be went te i he bi'ieau drawer to poe seas himself .if Ida Inbei Italics When be came lack Mary waa walling for bias, eager to know what be kad foou.l Sol John, who did not ahow by hla -exureaalwu that he had acquired a for nine aald mulling Mary waa not Ibe glil to ask hire iuealious ami refrain ed. John however, look her band and prase ad it. as lumb ss to nay "Do not fear that I gated your Inberllauca I em well aallaMed with what my er baa doaie." The house in which hla mother bed lived ltet.uii.-ed u John He lotd Mery ska wa free to remain In It without rent If she chose. Ske aald tearfully that alio would be loo lonely there aud We want so much to pnt one of sur electrically operated Apollo Player Piano la a home la Ontario that we will make a big discount oa - first one, knowing that enough orders will follow to warrant the s rlflce. It plays by hand aad pedals also. A letter of tqulry will do bo harm. Or yon may ask Mra. Weeae In Ontario. Wise Plana House, Boise, Idaho. 47tf FOR HALE--At Calfi. a Iraet of land, apprnxemltely 37 acres II acres In apple orchard, varieties, Wlnesap and Johnathan. treea S yean old; I acres In alfalfa sad 7 la grata. Good hoif-e. shede aad stable, tare good well, IP eharew.Owyhee wetar. For I'nrtlruler Inquire ot Mm. J. J. Toole. Payette, Idaho. Ade, 114 t. "Prosper Jr." the tab Pernhatwn StaUlaa will be at tbe K. 8. D. Ranch every Thursday, Friday aad Saturday. Terms, 111 tl bring colt "Prosper" siren tbe kind of colt tbst bring tha big moaey at maturity. You will make ao mistake If yen decide to use this stallion. t T-tf I FOR HALK On upright Hamilton Piano. la flrat class condition At a bargain. Bee W. T. Diagman. one half wile wast snd one puarter mile I south of Ontario. 11 It W.WTKH A girl for general house work. Mr. J ll Hlackaby. FOR BALK Abiingaliiw on Main Street three bluckn norlh of III.- Moore l,it. I li.r information oall at thla office. I Ut nana i.ii'.u u i i-i.i toam with har- . . XMII N MM VNT A MFJ4HKNOKH Can Siipid) ..ur Needa TIIK sWITtltV llMtllllt BBOT Bfl-w .The place where the Service la the Beet, where the Raths are the Newest. MAKWIIIA M HIM AMI KKI'AIH HHOT 4V. W. Maraasew, lmp. We do all kind of repair work from a pair of acteor to the the heaviest kind of machinery. Bicycle Repairing aa well aa Automobile work we can alao put your gaa engine In good condition. Lawn Mower Urtwdlag a Sae. tally af i ' fcjK sntBam-l aW vB. WMki. , ,l-a m sV at . uaiaa DNUw4USVa m PWwpla H.W. Ti ABF WIDEMANN BOAT MILK CO. ei.,.,....a sg7""aaaw t would seek snot her home, but where iliat home would tw abe did not know Then John lold ber that if she would ma try him she would Mud a home so far ss lie i.iuid make It one She de murieilNtn Ibe grOSBal that be uiudc ,, "i.i it love for Ids uiolh.r rntloi iban for her Hut John aald In- mtil have no fear of that: be need ed IiiT lU'To than abe needed htm. He in mis ready to leave she bad .1 Ida .nVr. and when lie went aJhf Wend aplk lit in b'ol i"i - "ficr they were married John's wife saM to Ma: have ueyer said am thing mi'Ibi-r U-it you lu '' ' w ll J It by fur the m r.- i-alu ertv. II ' it. Whare a inirriar. -tie aald. 1 in tbe bureau drawer i took the bint agree wlib mother that 1 gH bulb uf the estsbs." iaKSmA kawe- Ta js,V al RMJ ' . TbbbbBsbBLI fflSfins'io ivjimansiiiiii TRAC TOR Deelgued by Itolllu II White, deelgner of ibe tasMaS White Motor Trucks. Mr Whits bss built the (lev Went I Traitor to I., i form all of the iiiunv taskh i,l ing power ou overy fain; He bss made It easy ,u operate, I tn run. easy to i for aud abaoluteiv dopeudabla pamtlon i-i H. I. AT Tilt. HKAU II tit ii n p. r phi: pi i.i i High Apeid. In idnui mcl, I cylln I'll apriug M 2750 lbs, I SO iu., if tn u 12 in., traction surface. 0w I p We entry i lotnplete line of Part LID, OHIO Pit lock Hlk- . . . Portland, file. Bradatruei The Ontario Anjus aUktm ClnbvltaC AmisMJBIBBt WHas The Oregon Fanner Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers AMONC, oar large drde of natters there are a great many who arc in terested directly or indirect!) in fruit growing, dairying and olher hrnnrhen of farming. All of tlicne naturally wish to keep in done touch with ag ricolturaJ nctivitien throughout the state; Ml to know about aay fight which hi being araMRBl for the measrartm Oregon fanners want nasi auriuawt all mrta aaf awh savisaa thai ssrr oVtHmenLsl to the peofa aad gsxrtcultiiral i or tats state. . Ws hare, therefore, made a ttadsdaJ chthbim-r suiaugeguent with THE OREGON FAbC fnrner or fnrltai aw m is am af oar resrsjUr sataMTAars aa4 whs) as mam a sanawcriher to TIW OREGON he ontitled to receive TUB hi combiiuitiian with at th aaume rato as for this pstpar FARMKR wa OwWUOrf FARMKR SSSBSBB TUn offer aashwi aVUa -mtT acVeVVa I TsaM to all those who renew or as wall as to si so Inli isnlasl sbV iwadjw sr toi 1 1 tlj in Orogon agrimRnm, dts MBt BBkB this amshsaml samortunitr. baa hi OIMON FABMBK h tk cat is 4mrmUmm tmwH escJamrratr lasBr WBasBh sw aaa snanansr nsnirifaas aad Inisasta BJIBJ It ham a big sxbtatisa gah- Bfckl ttW Manor importance to fsjTiiatn, ssmVysasa, timitmiwwm. stork raireara aasl Bssaatrrasmn; nad H has the harhbesse to at- rsshag abar to awaha thin We are i an fat ant wsH rnssgratntate msasar Bs. i mmHWIfflN' Two' Papers for Price of One $1.50 - 1.00 7M By our special clubbing plan, both for $1.50 Idnhe auhcriber may bays Ihe Idaho Karmsr In stead of the Oregon Farmer by ao apcclfyitg. Ontario Arcus, onr year Oregon Farmer, one year BrTaBm bbb emsaamnaBsaaBsaa A aamsaamaaaml MM BBB. Bibahw rMt i J'Ji' IImSiIcM 4b1 Sam earn H flsasdsBt ail i aim Ami AIM iMmtMMt . limiFS$RiM BUI alLa. j Wf xS I i Iw .A uBwf 'IV sWsBs '- , JHB YmWmWIIJIM , IP ' mm a vjj e i .., am n " . r 9K. . MB aaaBlfc adlllLaaaagfgSMaBaasasSssasssssssssssssssaasssIm f ammmV ll The Beat Liked .22 in America American Boy or the PkllAPS die. i. a kT m waui family wle, wnlr nefaa . IUsausi UMC ii ot lua kvn as pu4 baa an swf wah iIk odwr iallowi ai iIm rata club. Thara k) a patau huwat fee all J t calaSar work akwui iUa. Rcmmeiun 1 'Mt as' dial no aw caw aaaaafc wranhar sails Auiwloaduia rid. iIm SkU Ana. aitgl ShfX wsawli. U rpaain, of iIm Suigli ll may aurptaa vwat w thai sea a .a) k-aaamajio IM.' far and asswfaaaca to mat I 'Mi. raw rrniar anniah kv wlufcr ler yen h .a, awa KtM Oil W lnkw atstaf flOsf fl IHIU I jmrngmm mm ., tWajsvf aaw.a TMB". M I'Nion Ml-TAI Ut C A THIXj oMCaNY, ka I iSmmmJmmttmmn mt A. --.-. Atmmmmmnmm, im Imm Wmmid BoiUeansi. Nan. , mrh Horses Wanted War borseB 14.3 to 15 bauds bih, rid kiIim untl urtilli'iT aiiiniuls, full fed, i'ivi' to niiif yeaafi .sound. Also mull s Prevailing pritJif. Bee A. McWILLIAMS ONTARIO OREGON Use THE ARGUS Want Ads. They Get Results. ! i S IpBI