PAGE r, THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, SKl'TKMl.KK 0, 1917. foregoing prfiule and by virtu the authority In me vested, I. Jamrn Withycombe, Governor of Oregon, ilo herehv proclaim Saturday, Septemb er 15. 117. aa WOMKNS' MRUS' TRATION MAY, and I do earnestly link that all patriotic women regltT on Hint day for patriotic aervlce. IN TKSTIMONY WIIKI1KOF, I have hereunto set my hand and rauseil the aeal of the State of Oregon to be her.' nnto affixed thla let day of Septemb er, A. IV ltl7. JAMBS WITIIVrOMHB, Oorernor ALL WOMEN WILL REGISTER FOR SERVICE Hi. ml Klver, Oregon. AugnM 4 The WoHM'l OoamlttM cf tic I god Council of Defeat, through IN chairman. Mr. ChartM II Canter of 11. .) Itlver, hna designated Saturd.o. September IS as official reglatrati Ml day for the women f the slate. Thla registration Is wholly volun tary and la for the purpose of the fed eral gov. 1 1, iik hi lie '('tiling familiar will) the woniiiii power of the stan Hating .ill llrli ami n. both train ed nn.l untrained, for work In the goi "' I """' I hould it be found neeeaaarjr for tin Bntioi to call upon the women of the noi itry to ki the plat m of mi In Industry in order that men may I" I otol It la also aaentini so Hint trained tenale help may d for ko ernmenl po. loaa ilirei n connected with mllltar) aifal P be filled by women 600,00 train miles per annum, or .i A properly printed card la to ne bout miles per day, in the filled Min In ami on territory department In the Central la) "i i (ration all assistant w.-di rn and Southern mlllitir .! will be ' i (llllnir the nrd parUBtWa dlvlalons of the I'nlted Local con re i n forme i tatea, A anvloM anaouneameni In Marl all ! ttiC Mat.' for reduced to the extent ol R, the putpi' ll( for t ill work OP Central Hepartment alone of fi.l'iut, Septeinlier II and Governor rVlth 000 paaaenavr train mllee. '.e. bMI i-i i if Hi' lm . , tutee In the nillltarr depart- l this mi Illinois. Indiana. OJilo. Ken followlai ion- ,,.,.;. Mlohtsan, Wan- r:i .! i i in. Minnesota. , . men In thla state for wrvl.e. I locomotlvea, so that, the.e Important NOW, TNKMaVORl In view of thelelementa may be devoted to more neo- f'essary transportation aervtee during the war." aald n. U onair man of the oomrolttee. COt' .ICtti OK DDKKRJWIK Tt hoiji KJUnUVQal WHKK1.V At a meeting or the Ontario Counrll of Defence laat Sunday It waa determined to change the or der of meetlnga from the call of the offlcore to regular stated meetings nvery Wedneaday night at o clock at the city Mall. In the Commercial club rooma. A larce number of new member have been lidded to the rolls late ly and the membership la now nearly 100 with many names ap proved who have algiillled their willingness to Join the organUa-tlon Kino three foot photog'iaph of Com pany t made at Payette Sept. 1 ItlT, l. SO mailed to any addreea. THH DirRHRt.l. HT-I)ll. CHURCH NOTES WAR SYSTEMS MAKE RAIL ROADS WORK , The Mlaaes Ernestine and i'null.te SI. Paul. August .10 Slnrc " Qajalnj returned thla week from war begun, passenger trains HWrlea i,,lr home t. id la the Interior been rdueed to the extent of 8,- "Ulivr HAI'PRNKI)Tf).MMll ' The tluatratod attempt to dodge Ood aa fascinatingly pictured In the story of .lohn, the ancient problem drama "III he talked about at the Congregational church aervlce neet Sundi.. morning. In the evening a pleu for personal preparedneaa will ha taken from the aooount of the ex perlem " of l he "five wlae and the Ave foolMi " This la n fine time to form the church going habit, and 10 cou neet up with the Sunday School ork. II,, place for all who come at the 1'nngrcgatloaal church We announco to the public that our aooUtlon will speak In the eveaiaj. A pastor waa returned for anotner yoar m,v, '".,, wm-n r the p)ii1e by the ooafereoee. Plaaa are being ! In their behalf. An lnviutiCB tan laid for the i-omltt TOW TBe J ear leatora io an. Is full of uop If all will put their shoulders to the wheel. EARL MANNA. Paator STRAYED- A white rat; pie i phone o 1 1 4-W. MtTHoDIST CHURCH MrTKN. lundaj School '.t 10 a. m ,. ciiliiE at 11:00 a. m.. subject. "Th Hour of Crisis" dnderj s on p ra rre.irhlng. subject, "la S5 It Atn rice christian " UNITED PUPMBVTKIUAE CHVRCH Attention la oalled to the fall open Ing of the preaching aerricea after vacation. Preaching at 11 00 a. m. Dlblo school at 10 a. on. A hearty welcome to all of tlMM nervines. The DeMosa Family Entertain. will give their high clasa ealerUln iiiont in the chareh Monday night It you like good music with variety should he present. W.N. BROWN, Pastor l B. DAK Fit, Pmu HAITIMT CHttKCH NOTEtt The beginning of the fall raeeii Sunday was greatly Incoargtag. Larg crowds attended both servtose. It ulsr serviose at both hoar eeil Hm day. While the pastor will aot be In his pulpit there will be services lt E. O. Otto, the missionary of this Aa- RPMOOPAL. Kev c. H I'oweii, general efc. slonary of the plr.copal chun b la t let of Eastern Oregon, will hold services in Masoulc hull next Huud. ai Hi 45 a. m The auhject of m! OH will he. "Rellgloun Tnan i Undeveloped Mm. I Alio, cordially welcome t ITTtM DAI s.W morning at 10:00 at the Aim. . nun . near the grade re' OOltOHMAYlOMAL HiRct. In School 10 :i)0 . n. ' it at u n in Song and praise service at H p. , ( oinr. CATHOIJC in ttcit Siiiiilin STlies. I III II A i AM I'd. Pssfc, PRO! I MATIOH, Stale of Oregon I e. nil. i 1 1, i mini nl. Hsleni. September I, HUT ill id vs the wi I in.- ca, as well .i- the n n a ' i now p. .iii tit aarviee; and win lee of tl 1 ' i Is i i end Will.!. I National 1) aa the din I.. i Dakota, South Dakota. Kansas.i , ; lorado. The South-1 nd ArltOBI The, Mont- , , and California i- hi the I . due n the i i loni , i I snd HORSES! HORSES!! This is the time to sell horses Hay will bo lilgli and il will lc expensive to IW'il ilu's winter. I n i i i tor horses now. I want to u! ROO to li' j -lit from ' tipwi Mules Wanted, Too Will also bay uoml sound mulenfroni ten caisoltl. ffoin 1 1-- npwai'l. Aildros A. McWilliams Ontario Oregon SPECIAL OFFER A Springer Ironing Board A Springer Sleeve Board A 6 Pound Iron ALL THREE FOR $5.00 $2.00 Down, Balanse $1.00 Per Month, as Long as They Last See About it. IDAHO POWER CO. The Ontario Argus BJ MAKES CLUBBING ARRANGEMENT WITH THE OREGON FARi. jf Offers Unusual Opportunity To Its Readers ?lMONG our large circle of readers there are a great many a tl tia who are interested directly or indirectly in truit grew: dairying and other branches of farming. All of these nat urally wish to keep in close touch with agricultural activi ties throughout the state; and to know about any fight which is being waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that are detrimental to the people and agri cultural interests of this state. . : therefore, made a special clubbing arrangement with OREGON FARMER whereby any faTmer or fruit- t, who is one of our regular subscribers and who is not a subscriber of THE OREGON FARMER, will be en- titled to receive THE OREGON FARMER in combination this paper at the same rate as for this paper alone. This offer applies to all those who renew or extend their sub- 'tims as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this lal oppc but send your order in now. THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is Iy to the farming activities and interests has a big organization gathering the news ol nee toBarmers, dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and iltrymen; aid it has the backbone to attack wrongful methods td combinations and bad legislation, and support honest leaders and beneficial measures. We are confident that our readers will congratulate us on our being able to make this splendid and attractive clubbing offer. TWO PAPERS FOR PRICE OP ONE. ONTARIO AROU8, one year ., M OREGON FARMER, one year ' jjf t . . r Ttv Our a.u,.i rn..kk; m uw .ov $ I.lahu HuhHcnhtmi ui) liavc ttu- luho Parmer inM.-ad of the Oivmm Karnur b v no T4 J,