I - (JNttarw m vm. vol, XXI, PREPARATIONS COMPLETE FOR EIGHTH ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR voith to : lM,',, N,,v ' P! MIUiKM Of SKF.IXO THAT PHDMttKD I VHIIIITN Allli ON THI (.It'll i. fl BUILDING PUT IN SHAPE sat,. ini Acrobat!' A.t ui II , l'inr Canl of llorw Hjkcs I niHi Stunts Heuilv l rifdw i I rowils Kte. ( .1 Mr, proajra lias I n mud to M"l uting the Mnlhenr County iMr lie I'll' i lion 'I'll'.' dlro I heir nt Imvo bra putting the final . mi tin' program. New aero- mlH li ' duleil for btfWI Hi grandstand villi ih balloon If vlll furnlHli thrills along with tin- . Ml Hill till' I I llllllH iii r . ' tin word! uf Hi" otraua ipealer "Ware will b something to amuse. mg to thrill -nu thru anil thru v . t.i in ni -ion r in tin groat Tin' principal thing th dll now have In mind U th securing of ill the exhibit promised. Sufficient tlpta h have been promlteil, id fill the buildings Th director of courao nl vrj exhibit In place before th lite awing open on Tuesday 8pt- reber II. It la In this respect thai jttty arr asking th co-operation uf Mb rancher and other exhibitor Ton will help make the fair a suoceea. Nfiiu tvlll help make It a pleasure for who ure li Vim will iki' the fair a plaaaure to yourself wme by getting your ex- sottled on MonMsy. By 'inn' to fix the display an ni II wnir rliiiin i m of success are fraiiT iimi. The vsrlous auprintmdMKl have (heir Hork In Inn I t'i have charge "I I In lldltiit and it will In ii i redlt tn tlm it In furl mil- of the thing" that giving la th. i mm hii that i iph aianl - aud ma xt season tn hate i. inui'hliiery hall T'I t i is done the director are boat they can With ull I Uiiiiinn: ofl i of rrnlt. Iihv nnd grain an wall h : breaking . ilmi uiid big nr bin.' rtbbon atoek. th will K the moil satla- r Htagud her. HEN FOR NATIONAL AW ARE CERTIFIED lHh line Man on l.l.l Who -ked t-M'n, ,u, in Quota is .10 Hul tomil I.Ktwl liii.lnr of tin ruin Tlie Argil-. Ilea Uro M "hod back to (h I by tho District li I aUmudc hlle the ioiiii ,T qa ,,i, .,., ,,,. hoard addod u In oaa any of those higher In the list fall to Itullf, but one of the. Laa B (iniurio, are man who l.iim for uaeiuution with the td The caaea of tea other f this catecorr. aa wall aa all the "lam sunuMlflil rr.ini i lit. IocmI board. w still n the hands of the district fd The local board finished Hh Vision., on exeniption claim last I i Argua haw i i-iihtons I'robably by unit In- diatrb M all u.e men eiamlned in thn- "u"ty win ii. avillabi, In which U will ba p ll the ""f to mak. up MulhuuiV quota on '" llrst call, to go to iruiuiu; t oath 60 men wliu. ONTAUIO, Twin Falls Boy Steals Auto Almost Escapes lleoaime he told i onfllctiiig ". .mil dnuinimtriited that did the conn Kusell Karlf of Twin Kails Ik in Washington (iiiinly Jul! ut .nil Kith stealing an auto lie caught b a ork of llepuiy Sheriff, Lee No, who followed him by phono to Buehaaaa station in iiu inuiitj. whore he u.h apprchi nili'd Murlfl almoat landed bin 'it Sunday, for whii phoning tn i r;i 1 1 in, in tin i dl . i Ihllig the ear. Karlff. scenting danger drove inn nt the garage winl tin' proprietor wa talking to tie aherlfi With thai dwlultv In formation it ., an euay m.' to ra. rugillv. II popular make, wa BtOlrn iii Ui-Uer Sattt. night and was driven thru on turln esrlv In the tt ornlng Tb Idaho Ilcenhe wh'rh it cat; waa taken off and a California license unbuilt HI I'd Dtit waa Informed of the theft Bnt urda and Informed all th loral official . ' n Sun day lie phoned to house ahum th highway and get ured the In formation that u young man wltli a oar klopped near Westfsll and Inld u woman that he wait drlv frmu I klliornla to Salt Lib Till gave th sbarlff hi Brat ! root clue and by telephoning Drerwwey he aiao caught tba man Ihore. A Harney count) official hiouglil UM xiung man back, in MALHEUR SENDS ITS QUOTA TO NEW ARMY , W. W Howard, tlicsic II ..H- anil l.iii. . .illlle N)lli. are I to l-ae for American lalkr. I lirsl of ih. M aouatj aaoia ba be called io the oi ors of the new National army tad 0 lain. 'i .In. day evening for Ta.oina , will Join Hie gathering crowd at American Vke Mr. Howard wa the. first called i because of previous military asp ence. ba having rlaen to the rank ot captain at ( A tt 'heater H gd of Vale, who is a ok and James Car lilt. Syuie asked the Io. ption board to send them first They all wauled to go At Vaie Wednesday a program was r the new army boya and at .......I.. nuaihsr or Deoule were a rf. . auui ... I.. I. hi i hi-iii u ii(ratrcr inn-urn i.i. ... - - district Hoard Mu.llli Sherln Hrown lectMil from Hi. ,,d iha result of Ita work j . .. on Malheur coui.ly and returned 11 to (Continued on l'agV three PARK ol II CAB H T Tilt: I l HH SAVS MAHHHAi. To avoid tioiiblt, with cars baching im the trail lally durlug Hie fair when th streets are lined with cars Mar shal H C rarmer has promul gated a new regulation which all autoista should observe mg a car againit th curb Mamhal Farmer order that all ears ba backed ut. ttt ., at an angl of 6 div wilh tho right naiiit back la ichiug -be curb Tin i. und to be tba uiost when it comae lo .tuning aaaiu .-III .IAUI.-I1I'. ) Mate' ""' ' t,H'' l atuiK tho rorb increabcd Ontar- ianM ,.rt the practic so that strangers coming to ;air will obaerve tb,a practlaa a ii. I f . . MAiMIKlHi CIUNTV, OI.'KiON, THURSDAY, SKITKMIiKU (i. 11)17. JAKES REAL ACTION ON SEWERAGE CrnZK.NS WITH BOTH HRWH AMI WATKK MAINS HV.Ti PROPERT1 MIST MAKK COKNBOTtOm. Mm OT CITY IS ORDERED iti Heionler uthoiln-d to Ikrtii- mini' l.uu Mum lleehlenre t an I'ov. able diii itn- uf newer mats or lati r In t'onin v httaUlM tioue ,or realdenVe which Ih Hltu.Ud within a reoiu able dlatance of both main nr later al and water main or latora! make i nnni'ction therewith luimori- lately. That wan tin U'clilon of tlie City Council at.lt meeting at HaJI Mnnday oveulng. The queatlon of proprr health reg ulatlnn whm tlic principal matter dl i at the meeting lr II II Whitney, health officer reported that nut lit tiK Hint could lie done now would be of great baadflt for thin neaaou but urged that atep be taken toward bet terlng condition He explained In nun II lli work that would b" nMaary hfot it could i frmlne Who could ninniTt with the KWr. lnce In aonie pianos where Uiere l aawtara. thare If no water, while the i reverae la th rao In mauy icllun ..f h. m4v . ,,i. ...-. ,k. The i mini II detiTinlued that tn City Mirihall haa enough to do with hi work aa street cotnmlaaloner a well aa pae officer, ao It waa de termined that the illy Recorder M ompowered to hire muneoae tn make a coniplaie survey of the city and on the report made to lasue the neoeasafy notice lo property owner and to ix .h . .Uh iAM.1 mtmmm ahould tho ..rnaertv owner, fall U con.pl) with the oVo vlIon of the ordlnaaoe. A number of InaUnoaa wall known to 'the officials will ba taken up before 'thaaurvey U made and the nulaau- jeoa absted at onoa. City Marshall H. C. Farmer and ' rity Heoorder C. M. Stearns told the i.,. II ..f the effect of the high cost .... i .... .-a ikai or living op umir i..t-" ' wore each granted an Increase of 110 if;l( sl0 WM ,,R.. day t ri... ! IiiIIn were uald. Th usual bills were paid. RACING AUTO HITS ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE VALE PRIEST'S CAR' BRINGS HEAVY FINE How tK.upai.is aawaajM S.-1I..U- in jur) Is Myster) Hold urs Hail I) INMoage.1 a lteiill ol I olllsk.a. Raw ft Mor!urii of Val nt victim of an aul on California lre.-t. a hull inii of the hospital ltkt Tl.ui lag. His light roadster was Mruck t . i..Uv riniaii. ut driven by M J lij a u.. .... , of Uith : Joyce How Hie wfljpMto or Joyct ' ... . i . j ..t i iniurv s at i n l n- , cmrm mmammma winru" ...j-.j - i. ....... tl... sut.il I III a - lo tnose who ..." (Ue collision Joyoe wllo WM accompanied by Miss Maggie Murphy of Weatfall waa , had lil car ruunlng at naar l u (uilea an hour, racing with the big eight-cylinder oar driven by 04 ... it. I'oiM-elmos of N'yaaa. Father Ifmlarltv who waa returnlug from a Mo larlty kliWI ..'. ,1Bd vlait at the Holy Kokar) Huspltal had Jual lopped Hie hill when ba faced taa lights of two cars. He had no choice but to turn io on side, which be did und stopped This perbapa BaWad both him and oy iron. iuj.. I oar was kumked into tne ditch and like Fi.lb.er Marlarltys car was badly injured Conoelmo. by ap plying hla breaks stopped before hit ting the wreck. VANDALS It H IHW ' ' If HU HOI I ln I'AHh Some lime iy night or -j in. .ruing vandala .It. w. ii the flag from the polf In the city park. Duly a nan .trio uov. d:iiglc.- ut top or iha pola while '.he re man de. of the dag was 1 1 rewa into a trea The ol daad waa done by u ... klrf while aw ...l.irallv bellOVO-Bftt an I W PLANS IMPROVEMENTS FI OWYHEE DITCH IHBJBOTOM MKKT TO CTONSIDKIt NFF.UH M)K NVNTKM M T t:H-n-:Asimi r t Rite IMIV Ml I'I'IA UlSt t'SSK.O. WATER SHORTAGE CAUSE LOSS I -linuilcil Slirlnkuge I'luicil Hall loo ler Arrr or More Uuui fjWO.llOtl for li: .HI, I rump Would fost AlM.ut am.iNHi. How to protect every acre of land under the Owyhee canal ao that It will have all the water needed during the entire growing aeaaon la th prub- loni which la being considered by the director of the nmip M ,, M,PrtnB of w pany In dlHotOTl lat Ratitrday morning the atatement waa ad lot aot kaaa than a hair ton of hay per acre ii m to the Miortag of water thl iiui mer At th preaanl price 'that' mean a loa of more titan 10,00(1. I'lillowlng the ailjiiiiriiiinnl of the foriuiil meeting th il aOU-' ed th nltualinii irankly and the ma jority appeared to lie In favor of the lntallatlon if an Auxiliary pumping plant to b placed at the Hogback. Till pump would give a head of wa ter after the river get ao low that th gravity ayatem can not. aupply all " , ., , the area. It wa atated that thl pumping ayatem xan he Inatalled for 111,000, or leaa than ft per arre The company haa outatandlng ahnraa for 15.000 acre but not that much In In cultivation. At a meeting of the block holder rol-.hwt aprlng the.dlM.lor-. were glim pdwr to proceeo wuu a puinpiiia Plnnl If thai II wine. Itather than lie precipitate In the matter the oirectora are ?,.... .. .... ........ ..- stockholders together again to gat an expression of opinion on the subject wl'"' " ' b"""U """ ' "' ., A - ..- ,lllaB I.A rancnera w... ii.m ... vv flat I HaaMhOOd that those uear th" headworks. who have good service miiHt of the lime, might object I'rea- wi"'" uunoan director John Hay, Thou and A tiriime with secret .elm,: t; I. Kliin were at tin- I'"" 'ray. Ueoraja iniio wn RBaara ( haraatar Is (..in I. t.il ill Selling Wlil- U ( onliari Io Mi. I lite i.ims to Jail. i;...rg.' Irwin who on blng arreat i iiootioggiiig lust Satuni... triad to escape when released on his 'k'liixaoce Is ruelng his rushnaa. Ha la m 0 with a sen- tanoa of i day und $400 cash tin.. j e ' '" """' " ,""" m"y " royil.!gulah in "durance vim io .ai.siy ...e, majesty ol the law Irwlu worked for a time at the cigar store of a local hotel and had ,,i.i siispi.toii h the offioar He waa caught Saturday and lakeu berore Judge 0. M Stearns Saturday morning. Tb trial waa poatpom un t fl one o'clock He waa parmitted , .! b.ttt link, ul.li, .111 !. oliil a- lmmed.a..l he took a car to i elte and then to W'eiser When failed to appear Sherln Hrown wa lllljaad and Iraee started which ra sultad in his capture In Welaer. li a as brought back to Ontario and on Tuesday he was sentenced as aav atated and tn tile afteruoei: Night Marshal James Conway escorted him to Vale Tba combination of and Jail seateaoe makes lit Hie heav-iinit-iit indicted in Malheur county and perhaps lti(llie -late and) will serve as a notice for hi con' porarles not to ' iiioiikei " wtth llo owl machinery of Ju. nifty person li is a garioi the days and If the guilty per iod It will h. r..rtal.le for iiim Marshal Far big flag belonging to the illy t tha p.. FATHFR TAKFK ' unT. rT, numtrt id Stored Hay to be Put On County Tax Rolls Itevernlng the custom of form er vear Count Morg an Carlllo haa te li. plice on the aserr'n' rnllfl crop that have been stored from The nit. t pro iioiiiu ed eaaa or this klad i that of the hay stacks, of Kllas Tun $ son of Agency, who for the paat five years has stacked 111 lia) and refued to aJ it man) tl even when th pi laaa o were ower the market At pr. It Is estlinatad that Mr son lia In tin nHghhoi 176,000 worth or uuy at III place, which will ba added to the tax rolls. I ba i '.unity official tuke tho I onlt Inn tlmt w bile . .irrent year n uiiiuliited ero art' pre .mil . party and should be treated Jii'.t i.M other per -on a I piop.-i' troatod. If Mr Thompson feed the hav to cattle or l they have been taxed, there! hi hay hhmild he tl It I hald Hint Mr Thomp o store his hay ao that when the hay cropa are low In the valley he I able to care for the lock mi ii aad reasons that the pria he demunds are merely the price or the crop when It I rut plus th Interest on the adrumulale In vestment If that Is th case he can add the accumulate taxes, as well, argue the county official. While Mr. Thompson's 3,600 ton of hay for which he waa re cently offered $20 per ton, are not now on tho roll, the board of equal Isatlon la to lasue a citation to blm to ascertain If there Is any reason why his starka ahould not be pet thare. CLASSMATES FIGURE IN AUTO ACCIDENT in Hen by Mis. Mil, an Arthur t ockruoi Hit on Haw turn Trip rVoin HayaU Mat unlay Ki awing. .in the trip liome from Payetle last Baivyday araajlai the ear driven gj .in. I'eleisuii and ArtbUI ' wi'l rum. both member of the 0 II class or '17 eolliil.d in.- i ockriiin car paaaed th ear Mils Peterson n drdlng , I in- IniDael Ol the ..us . I'etaraon to lose control of the wlni I and' while putting on the brake lot car trurued lino the dll. li abrlKtllf u fence post and some barbed wire I'LL lorn the wlndkllteld slid toU off , . , . ,. ,.,, t in- I aim nutiiii.'i ..... . . nerwlse caused ao damage. w)Bi ()) WMB w, , )n rW fvvl (l( H leU,puolie ,,,,1 . wl(ip )f lh,,y i,,,,! ,i( l( n,ght have vi lllotf or at least injured th. pMUt, m Peterson was aco H(1 ,,y her miuer .Mrs C. It V" j ur .,,, Mrs Pt Deford With (Coalluttad oa Pag tl II. .Ml i.l AKH HII. I. I'lslllMi IAI.KSS MKMHFHS 'ITHN HIT, The Ontario Ho 'in pany will disband betore It has baooaie well started unless the macobers show m than I hey have so far Only a half doneii or more have be. n out for drill which lake I" every Tuesday aud Friday I -lugs Sergeant Sea well of the Montana National Uuard at the bridge lias been sendiug bis I io islait the (Kiy on I heir way, but owing to the fact that ao few have been out Hie guani that no gaud can be ac bad. vary on who believes In Hie Uuar.l should attand the meeting tomorrow night aud alio II really iuterested la th worthy . mbt. NO. 35 SON AFTFR Z n.,nnu miw mjoiuvt rtU.VAI. I 1.IMA. ' JU VOSMM SK KNITKI OMKKM STTtnr t Ml RATI IUM1 IA I IMJ.- EFFORT TO EINO CHILD FAILS enu- Imm.m- who Takes His Son Wg IUIIe.e.1 tn Have l.a.l A. ooinpliaW ' in Stranger Witt. Automobile StaW III s,(l Two i llniuxe lit t'te married lib bf Mr. and Mrs. "sB it e well i . a iii Outarl took place laa,t Saturday The fir occurred In the l. 1 1 nt court seaalol at Hie City tbill'ln the fureuoon win Mr Hefoe wio divorce ana given ,'hlldi 111 o'ul .i.renr oil itholll a . in tlu evening, when Mr I n-foe secur ...I the pn. .. .-loll of their oldest IOH Id, and .' tin parts unknown Krforts nr til ofllcurs Io locate him haie since rail ed The mil. trioe that TM had ol him was il. t .1 up at Caldwell Sun day where. Is was said, a man and a little be) i.e. weilng the general de scription ol defoe and hi little were seen board No. Ill east bound Tho Defoe look his own son th charge Is a serious one which rarrlea , slirr peunllN He secured possess ion of the child by a ruae. He met J. A. Draper. Mrs Defoe's fther.wbo waa walking with the hoy and the Morond old." t child on tit street w Mrs. Defoe and her mother wre at picture nhow He wax given I' mission to take Ho- child lo a candy hlore for an Ice cream com- lie r luined with both children, and then asked to take a walk with little J lie look llie ' I ll.l .11.. nil, , the corner by lh po Pd. It i u of tl ffieiala that when he got mound tho corner he met his ace plleo. a stranger who In a small bile bearing a Kugene penti ani defoa had I '- tarlo iti.it. to locate either Da fore or Hie stranger have- failed ao far. WILL NOT BE ISSUED Hires tors It.J.i I till I l...k-lv.n- l.ill C pain I". Issu. Will Will AW. At I s Irrigation district ,:. r '! lb Clark M .mpany of Ban Fran- ,,d to lake the le.n.K of the distrht at par for lb. siritctiou ... lb loservolr. und the ... 'iii.- hoard aft .dorian tlbl ' thai in the fact that a raao; d boaa paaaed at a previous meeting to wait until it coul If ly leioiiiiineii or not I "' aid eould I, l( would be. butter lo p unit promise Tim budget of the reMauiulloii ser- Vlo is made up in () tot. year and i ol t K S Wood and W , dreg. in .n. have empowered by tba district to put if nation li. for the ofllclali- ilngton I'litii uhl.: to do ll.l- the board will not act KOIl VSD i.l N (II H Will HI VOH TO I'lllt'l ' i I ' Itod gad Out aldb whtcli W "IJ l( W Jones u ar cbalruiiiii Is anxioiis lo en. U III Ih ' !' are lit " '" and uave ba club is lo lak P si Iha (fri I I . .'