The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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5Jtj Gitalin Argua
i Established 189f.)
GEO. K. AJKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
nd entered at the Ontario post offlcfe for as 2nd clsjs matter.
"SURKCKHTIONN; One year $1.50. s.x
.. ths $1.00. Tlitve months Ofa Single
7? c
i?. !-RkB
The Pledge. pledge my allegimci bo
My Flag nd to the Republic for which
it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liber
ty and justice for all.
net the lii.inciiinker on his feet. It is co op-
oration of this nature, eonstmetite in its
purpose that will make possible the develop
ment of the W i st.
POT several Weeks n .lit illlloHS 1:1 1 ell i' 'II
lias been directed bi these columns to the
niiiieetii.ii in Ontario. So far M
letical results are rortcre I nothing has
11 :i, , iplishe.l. The only satisfaction
i baa been gained is the bearing of words
approval from eiti.eiis who have some W
I ml for the health and comfort of their fel
I .v citizens.
It Bright be added, too, thai we have
,nl level eiti.''iis in diseUSSinf tlioqui s
ii pass their opinion eoneernin the eitv
ll'i.ials who are apparently unable, or nn
rilling to 'I" t hir plain duty and enforce
I lie ordinaiiee passed with so iniieli palaver
fall. While it is something ft! a pleasure
,.) bear these words that gets nowhere.
It is I'aet that a number of citizens
asking rather pointed questions about
In- enforcement ot' tile seWcr ordiliallee.
They can not see any justice, right of de-
, ,ii, u the part of I eity adininist rat ion
whieh orders new sewer laterals at sncli-
i. . on the part of some eitisens, and then
.tctually ignores its plain provisions. This
oinsr aetuallv confers a benefil on those
who wish to Ignore the law and thus en
danger the health ot the entire enniiniiuit J
Tin- ina not be the motive that
lates the administration. The Argus
does not believe that it is, but unless there
-mi, ii some e nlcliee of activity to brilU
about I measure of justice in regard to the
ih. iidinin.stratioii ntUSt .Idniit that
the penp', w ill have i right to think that in
jltstioe is b'ing done w ilfnlh .
Tile eity hcaltfl ..I'tieer receives the u
sigud'ieant sum of fi per nth. All 'ha
te can be expected to d for that sum is to
keen wine health stati-ti. -. He call not al
f..rd to antagonize people for that sum.
therefor' he has slight interest in geting the
seui i problem solved. The mayor gets no
Salary, neither does the eoiliieil - but the
Hayor on seeepting the honor of being the
bead of the eii govertUDOnt, took an oath to
i nfoive the law- ot tin state and the ordin
ances of the it v o Ontario
The people do not expect the MllVor ill
peratlU to get Ollt and enforce these ol'illli
auros, but they do expeel bun to see to it
that the oldilialiei s ,ue ellfoleed b the pro
i.. i officials. It the employes now working
or the eitj have i"" tnuoh t" do with their
pIVsellt duties. ,,lld therefore rail not see
that the health laws are enforced then mini
Per should be increased. Certain!) every
right minded cittsen will coiumeitd the so
i illustration In such aeounie, if it is needed.
i In- bale; on d.i s for the far
inr. Following on the beaU of the Federal
'arm loan act which gives him uioiiev at
the per cent, or si. while ordinary morals
II worship at the ten per cent shrin. .
uts come the greatest era of high
prices the country has . i known.
Illiistratu u the bil.ical adage that, "to
him that hath it shall I., given," the I uvgou
in lias niadi a iniKiue nroiiosition for
ale ot its lands. On the pa incut
v. small sum the cuiupam gives
inivli.. deed to the land, which in
I permits him to borrow half the value
i propert ironi tin Federal Fann loan
J which be pays the cinpauy and it se
e of the balance.
it li crops t j i guai
It often takes a stranger to point one's
faults. This is very often the ease with coin
mUnitieS. I'eople will paj more heed to the
Comments of an outsider than to the studied
observations of neighbors. Such should be
the reception given to the observations of
I). li. Hubbard of Kiinn, who is here to in
vestigate land values on behalf of the Fed
era! Farm Loan bank of Spokane.
It frill ,.i th. ram In is of this region
to heed the words of these federal bank
bank agents. I'nless atteiit ion is paid to their
ad se this region Will be crossed On the list
Of sections in which desirable loans can he
made. It musl be rememberd that the Fed
eral loan are made on a long tune basis
and the federal authorities want to Uin.w il
the rancchrs are addicted to habits which
will tend to reduce the crop capacity ol the
sod during the life time of the loan. I bat
iivliv Mr. Ilubbarddeelares that this sec
tion is injuring itself by permitting rank
injustices to be committed m tin- various
irrigating systems.
No word has been said bv and outsider
that should be uiven greater consideration
l. the ranchers of tins region. It ny per
mittingoiie man to have more water Hum his
neiirlibor is to result in depreciating tin- loan
value of the whole district, the directors an
working to the injury "1 the people tin re
i, resent. This is dislinetlv a problem for
the directors and managers of irrigating
terns. It is directly a problem t" wnicn ins
ranchers should give attention. After al
lowiiiL' even consideration for envy, jeal
ousy and undue suspicion, that there is some
truth in tin repeated stories one Dears 01
r.-.voi-itism in tin s steins, must be admitted.
or a man like Mr. Hubbard Would not draw
such coiislusioiis after viewing the land.
Ijflmiriees lor next ear's . rop one or two
cHU pav the full value of the latin
This a great age. It is an age of para
doxes. Just at the time 111 which, folk. wing
the had of our renowned President, we are
etidesvoriug t rid the world of German
fashions m government; Malheur county is
introduced to one of Kaiser Bill's very best
little freedom stiffling devices, known as
lese Majesty. The first victim of the new
tangled Prussia n strong arm is Editor Hack
ney of Jordan Vallci who bad the temeritj
to tamper with the dignity of the I'rosecut
lug Attornev S office and that of the Sheriff.
For bis reward The Jordan Valley publisher
had a trip from Ins mountain home Moiidav
to Vale to tell the (iranil Jul? all about the
sonnvbi-ooke of .b.rdan Vullev . where beside
it. Inlilieul milk and honey' there flows
i iii i' .:.. .....l lii..t . n..i I.. It .
oodles anil oi lines in iihhm mm mo '" " 'i
iu I ie, according to Ins reports It has
been some time since Mrer Hackney has been
out from the Valley and since tin trip this
tiin was at the County's expense, it oughl
to furnish him the idea by which he cap take
an annual va ation.
There is a big difference between "lied"
and "Yellow" Socialists. The former are
direct aetiolilsts. The) believe III .ili lllealls
to 'attain their end. The "Yellow" Socialist
so .idled b the Reds who hale tin in as bad
l as thi do capitalists, adher to the princ
iples of collective ownership ol baair in.iiis
tries luit desire to attain their end by means
of the ballot. These Socialists, like
tlw. I.'nii.l. in il Mi, -dish Socialists are mam
testing their lovaltl to the ( io clllH'Ilt III
its effort to piepetuate fleeilolli ill the World.
The public should note the distinction be
tweeii these branches of Socialists. There
is also a vast difference between the plain
Socialists and the I WT, W ..Tiny shoiil.i
be thoilghi "I as bcmS identical.
Over in Idaho the are anticipatu
hot eampaiuu next fall with tin North Ha
kota disciples ol .ii I'artisanistu as tin
lers in the fight against the old maclm
While the N'orth Dakota system has done
tllUlgS in that state the eieruneiit has not
gojie for enough, as vet, to demonstrate its
ciiratixe powers as the panares for the jh.
litieals ill of that oiiee boss-ridden state. It
has shown that it can make tilings unph
aut for the old line politieans. Ibm m I
. too, n is said that the in w th.oix will
endeavor t. gel a foothold, but Oregon ia
ed to baviug in W idaes icoioraleil ill tin
ballot. Tl lUeh of
that sol I of th
of an tiling that looks lily, a cure all.
9heytrgu Sradc-aUiemc
Ontario Stores
Ontario Stores
The man who is willing to advertise his goods, has
good goods to sell or he would not tell you about them
It will pay you to investigate the goods sold by these
firms who use these columes, They will serve you
withijgood goods, at the right prices.
You ;Can Get What You Want in Ontario
A (loud ll.iiiU
In a (in...! uuntry
Capital and Surplus 1100,000
Ilmli Stovw Furnltura, Dlihcr
Na w end Sacoml Hand 'looiln
BouRht and Sold
Mnolauma, Hlcyolaa. Sawlnr
Machlna. Trunk
Commercial and Job Prntlng
The Art Btudlo
in aSW SIV1M0
J f Klild. l'rop.
riiotocraph. Portrait and Vlawa
Kraut! and Salt Maata
'l. I Mill MAHKKT
II II Tunnv. Prop.
Our Sarvlce Will Pleaaa You
PuHtarj i uiii'wllouary
ri kit SASSBn
Makom of
Kram KriiKt llread
Iaon Kldrdge. Prop.
Spi'ilul ni-llvcrlwH for all
Wacona Haiku - lliiHlra
s UIKI BSSSl eolt-
l'OKTH ol i l Ml
There are None littler Thau
the SMkMalkSf
Kxpert Keparlmt
u. v. Mfssas
Watch- Jewlery,
lut lllaae OoU d Silver Plate
We Invite Your Rualnaaa on the
Balala of Security and Accuracy
Oood Cowe-
i; Service
M Ml llt
I. liiiiKeliiui. ''
We can Kuinlali Milk or
in I urge Quanlllea
KodaWK ..loery
OSTAIllo I'll Utl
The Corner lirugc Store
The Retail Store
Fountain Service That Please
Ontario' Only Tailor
Have Your Suit Made Just For
Ulaaewurc. Crockery. Tinware
uru Intra, Pro
In our Lines We can Save You
:der too Large None too
No Long WMi No Short
Somstlmtt a Nobl rilur 8rv th.
Werld at Faithfully at a Ontinguith
ed Suoceat Lack of Capital and
Patrenegt Farmtrt rtqutntly Fail.
He Who Maktt Ne Effort Exempt.
r..po luhir.l on in- Tiioii.a J Sullivan I
He only la eieiii.l li...n failure who
maker no effml
In Um !' ".. ol .o. mil. wblrb falf
reservee for a lirlgtil inniiliuoil. tbrre
It ii. k.i. h wild a full It comes later
In life
There are eo many reasons which
aaa sUlntlj ami iimlifully I sU
ragMS an m linen nntrlliullng M Se
.... ii,iiii. tlmt I will eudeavoi,
to analyxe olil.i the n ln ll ones -the
liiminenx fullin."
failure l a lp lo success;
l.-ii . i. ..ii i.f what la false dl
saeaj in e) hat it true; every trial ei
hauals tonic leuipllug form of rrrtu
Not only to. hut tvan-ely any altein.i
It i-nilrely n rullure. acari'el.v auy the
. Ilia result of Kivtily thought, to
bet raise No tempting form of
error It latent ebarni
Ml I I HI I.
on U. In t i.'iiw. the highway
..Mi.ii -liiii.'i.i lii.i-iinii'h as every
ary .,r wlmi It fultc leads ua lo
seek ear neatly after what It true, ami
.in.i i.iio- potato "ut som
fni in of ttfgff lih h thtll afterward
ufafnllj grold
In ISM in U' ' mil UietlMU'e
,! IihIimiIuiiI catet or their
in no can, but will deal altogether
willi i in. ...nun. -H-lal tide of the quet-
li. in Hi,- inaiiit-a full
i in the mott general and yin
m, .ii elite It lack of capital. Many
iiieii VMitur Into business wiih Jutt
enoogti ui..ii' m "itwluu" the euter
prlae for u umutli. al (lit gflal of win h
Miif iln 'i rvn. i the new butlnea to
r supporting, it tidoui la, and
nn. iM n I una t financial
cripple lh turn Huh:. k nusj i,, htpiieo
utinott Rtquirod.
II may le tald lu patting that coai
bind with Hi ii.-. f"ini of failure
there are two others, lack of bualueaa
luatlm-t and butlueet experlenc And
these Ihri'i' T frequently augment
ggjgsiaj dtngvroiit lu
bnalneat, ami that It eugaglug In t
bualueaa of whl h ynu hav no know!
ege or lpfnrg In N man can hot
lo tin civil in any Hue of bualnaaa
where bit pilaris)! iualimatloua Br
aaaeta and i
Hut wiibmit atlgl the tuost pro
ii.iiii. .s,.- ni inioiueta failure la
.m hue or iu ajj . .iiiuouulty Is that
of lack of i So liiialue con-
cfiu, proftttthunil man, church or
echdbl can loug eudure without patrou
age llcnu-iit Merngl wltdoca hat de
. iv'iil IU.IUI tlioiihl 1'ifi -I mil In
iiimmI sj iihii
The beautiful rett lu the
asjBtsaSg l he gt-iiilf aeed
the atroug to tutluiu ilu-ui at lun. h at
rock tluwera uvi links to grow ou or
the ivy the rugged wall which n cm
brace I'rtrousge la i urn of
biithfea. ami without II failure follow
Jaat as aureiy at death follows th rock
rt.,ci iiii.l the ii . -i beii their aupport
it wlthiiruw i.
Farmtr Froqutntly Fail.
it UtM who
nili inn la i..' raruter, the
. H ndu el "1 n - .ill ' lie failx
ut of
mil other In. Mill. -, iiieu !..-. ante of
i have
been I mm aud reared as furuiers aud
III the iillallllcatlon
lo follow nut racallM It
It not iittiint
and a
full leiilU.iliou of I he iiiH-e
hit I in iu lontlitute
the tlrtt principle of the tu
h.oe not t-u olillueU
, - "f tlie Ictal luer
. IllUt llll'
I'Mi'liil i I. ,li!
.i in. reliant Is
..nil .i ie. it.
iflloKUi- lloUsea
ilntajs would it
,0 at the right arte ali
Th Argua OtRoa.
HlOVt 41W
to rally to the aid of toe man who
equaled bj
..ei aud hit
U. S. Tire Auto Uvrjr
I III I oll (.All SSl
Krtile Hay nea. Manager.
Agentt for Ford Motor Cars
Developing I'tintlng
Amateur Finishing Price List
Knlarglng Copylai
Hsy Uraln S4
Saskt. roullry Rupplle
cash ssun oosvairi
HAM'N sl,r t).
A S. hrown, Agent.
It's An Ideal Car
Breading Stork Incudators
Poultry Supplies
lien Howe, Manager,
Wholesalers In Poultry and Kggs
Shining Parlor
I KOfl.LM I'lltxHMn
Wm. Tailor Prop.
Ladles and dents Tailoring
Work liuariinteed
Steam, Hot Water, Air Healing
i otsnun
I'liin.l.lni: ami sheet Metal Work
Indian Motorcycles and Rupplle
cleaning, 'renting. Heparin;
Beamguerd, Prop.
Suite Made to Measure
nrseta Art Needle Work
Oil Palutlngs. Noveltl
Royal Society Ooods
Call Again'
Kdltou Plioiiographt Sheet Mualo
W. I. II RSr.H
Real Eataie, Reutals lnturano
Sheet Mutlc Iteoord
Dealers lu
Farm Machinery, Wagons
Hlacksuiilh llnrenboelu
A in, I Win I, yells,
Established In Malheur County
lu the Year of 1884
ik a Spacialty
I .ii ing In Second
iy a IiikIi price for a new
w lieu w can supply your
nedt wliii oue allgutiy
Setiuid Haud Store
i.iNK J
If it's Job Painting. You i
will please you We are ready at i
times to quote price ou all you