The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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The Ontario Phapmacy
si i baa mo siM(ii, unkh 01 mam ma am. khibmd nun unwui now na
PLAl Till; III... . I VI l iikmt iii: IN TIM 001 MY at PRI0B8 WHICH A HE NOT OM.V Kit. HI
111 i itK.soMii,K. i WWWtA oi ii i:iin uwi i mis UM
The Rexall Store
i i 1:1 in r COLD NOW
The United States Government
with the 7,600 member banks in maintaining the
Federal Reserve Banking System for the pro
tection of the business interests of the country.
Through the Federal Reaerve Board in Wash
ington it supervises the twelve Federal reserve
banks ; it appoints one-third of their directors ;
it deposits Us funds largely with them; it guar
anteea the currency they issue.
This cooperation greatly increases the value
of the system to us and our community.
If you are not already linked up with this new
national aystem as one of our deooaitoro you
should delay no longer.
First National Bank
mmiiimiiiiii. iiiiiiiimiiiiiim.iu
played an Important pact Lnihc reooi
Imsiii.'ss from iin' adverse condition follow
lag tbie outbreak nt' the Buropean war, and
till helping t.. keep busilK'88 on an even
Tins system, with it- Imn
is a torn I rength to die bank; whicb are
inciiiM. . and will assist them in auy
linancial requirements which ftey o
I'alltil upon i meet.
depoaitiiig jrour, noney with m ...i
reoeive t 1 1 - protection and tin- new t'neitities
which (i:i membership in tl cm eu
ahles Us to offer yon.
Member Federal Reaerve System
Vale Hot Springs
Board, Rooms and Baths.
Massage, Diet, Rest
DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent
in v,
war " '
and 1 1 huild-
How the War Came to America
A Bit of Diplomatic History
Bj ' ftlhliu Infermal:
Eren at this lata day tbors ai v.nericana who have lout sight of
vv lead up to the dealaraUon of n state of war
between the t'nltnd States hih! tba Imperial German Government.' To
i the memory of American and to refute the slanders of thoao
whose heart la with the German ckukc thai series of artlclaa by the cotn
mltt. M I'ltbllr lnriirmatlon la being prpsenled. The next laaue will carry
i in- history of (lerman transgressions of the laws of natlona further.
-litis el Ihn belligerents were' alike In law and III fart. be free. The
now becoming clear Krom the oul freedom of the .teas la the sine qua
break of hostilities tha Ocrmsn tin BOO of posts, equality, ami CO)
eminent had claimed that It wasitlon" .
fighting a war of defense Hut tin- "It In n problem rloaely connected
tone of Its recent proposals had been with tint limitation of naval arma
Ihat of a ooniier It sought a peace ment and I .Hon of the nav-
haaed on victory. Tha central as k I ol Ho- world In keeping the seas
plres aspired to extend their doml-, al mice tree and safe And lb- Bl
nations over other races They were lion ol Hmlilny mini aranc
wlll'tig to make llhcal lei . uy opens tha wider and perhaps mote
one of their enemies, In a separate illihcult nuaHtlons of tha llnillni Ion
peaee which would free l'ielr hands of armies and of all programs of mil
to orush other opponent itui the t : i , praparatloaa.' Th n
were not vllllng to aooept uiy peare ,.. no "in of sr.'tiy and jqualltv
which diii not. nil fronts considered. iiupitirf the natl m If great atanoad
leave them ptorn and the ilomlna- aratlng armamonta are heneeforth to
tings Imperial power of Europe Tha continue here and there to he built
war alms of the Entente showed a up and maintained."
".. tothrt thlsainl.ltlon BSBJBBj1 may not make
! '"' ' ":""' peace -..rule It Will I.S SbSoluteh
A""' " '- ''":'" pinn-in that a fore be created as a
.ggraesal.m the K uuril., , ,. r ,,, pr. f ,,e
r.ntenie rowers ooerea a pian tor "It lenient ml., greater Miun the
uowld malto th. , IU1V nnll(, en,Hred or
any alllstiee hitherto formed or pro
IBM B0 notion, no pr.
combination of nations, could face or
v. hoi., secure.
At this Juncture the ! rident read'
hla addreaa to the Senate, on Jan
uary St. 1I7. In lntmnd If ,, ..ny
"" "r "" I to endure l. must be a
' J"1" " ,R pea made secur. m taa ..rraniEi
Ma word, were address not ol fmm if ., Mlicl
I the Senate and '.his Ni Hon hut to the
...i- .., . ii . - If there were un douhi
ifrrw'(V tt ( ii ' "Him n-n,
"May I not add that I hope and)
i at I am In SffSSl eakliiK
. f,,r lltw.rnl al.,1 frlnnfly .if I. lllllMlill V
,, progran ... """"' r8-n ' 'hl1
Ubartyf I would fain belUv. that I l-realdont. For while 0E-
I .tl,... u... uLsa I , uinia nulla iW II
am saeakl-ig for the ll.nt mass of "--" - - - "-
.kind everwhern who have BS
ti ti . I no place Sr opportunity to speak
t;.).i niiont had noi then been
In Inn f, under the. gu
tiieadshlp and the eloajj of false proi
Inos, It had been prcpnrh.
at tar k
(Will be Continued t t rVeek.)
s i; Mint it. im
Itlll SOI till lis IIIWCI
rsppetl and uiinddrsssad
magaalnes, ptepared. one cent,
for soldiers and taller of the
l lilted Htates expeditionary for
ces In Eurepe: Official order of
July 17. 117.
When you llnlah rending thta
magaaloe place a one cent stamp
on this notice, hand the same to
a postal employee and It will be
placed In the hands of our sol
dier, i and satljrt At the front. No
wrapping, no addreaa. By order
of Postmaster Oeneral A. 8.
, Expert Service
Charges and
The kind of treatmentSteady
customors deserve Is the
principal Uon which we do
business. . lit lit II Ol lilt
Itegular Servclea- First Sunday of
each month Low Mass at 1:00 a. m.,
High Mass, 10:00 a. ro.
All other Sundays -High Mass at
10:00 a. tn.
Hospital ChapelMoos dally at
:S0 a. m.
Baturdays Catocblsm, 8:00 p. m.
KKTiiAY Nonoa
I nl M Kstray cow In ou pssturt
April IS. branded on left o.p, dew
lap on neck. Owner oan have same
by proving property and paying si1
expenses incurred.
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars.
Gasoline, Lubricating fc0ils
and Supplier.
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone 134
minds aa to which Bf the great alli
ance was the more in s input h ith
Ihess Ideals, It waa i.-u...
their real hearts out concerning tie
death and ruin . I e BBS lo
already upon the persons and I M
' .tear
The address was s to those
who still cherish dream of a world
dominated by one nation. For the
psass be outlined waa not thai of u
victorious emperor, It was not the
the peaee of feasor I' was in l.e
ballf of all the world, and It war a
Peace of the people
"No peace can last, or ought to kM
wi.i.i. doss not rooogjiUe and
the principal that govoramoal
all their lust sowars from tin
I tbe governed, and that RO
right anywhere exlats to hand people
al.cuii from soveregnlty to gotrei
ty as If th.
"I an. proposing, as It
the nations ahould with i
.1 Mou
lii Hi Ulan and France, It was plain
that so for oe tho people of the
Entente wee concerned the Presi
dent had been amply JustKied In stat
ing that he spoke for all loreward
looking. Ilberalnilnded men and wo
It as not ao In Germany
The people, there ho could be reach
. .1 a...) whoso hearts ware bUWsw PJ
this euuu.lation of the principals of
a people's Vesce, were loo few or too
oppressed lo make their voices beard
in the councils of thoir nation. Al
ready, ou January l, 1017, unknown
people of (leriuauv. 1 1 -1 . Hsj
merman, their Secretary of Foreign
affaire, had secretly dlspstche.:
. minister In Mexico. laforntlBg
him 4f the Oerinsli Intention to re
IS the HiikM-t i.l.-.lge and In
tig him I..
Mexico and alilsM
If Mexu ' Mould join with Japan In
. Iiik H.e I'ulteo States.
rooi ol HIT. as through
JM Save Waste "1
Sia, ' 'j,
J& jMbBb4bsbbT1
ammmF- :'
l.a saved
IS "A, tav d
roe aa the doctrine of the world; that 'our acceptance ol ur1il leKponslblll-
no nation or people, but thut every uhs ao plainly In. In ltd Nl the Preai
BSOpIe BBOnld PS lafl SI'S utterances in reasrd lo i
mine Its own polity, Us own way of league
development, unhindered. UUthl
ed, una among with the
grat and pow.
mi proposing that all
.ugling all
them lata
ol nelflell rlvsl
... a con
, art oi till unit.
.ll-Hrl '
ell w :
Irawlag nearer to a full
lth the powers of Um ...tenia; and
U on tlie other hand .- t.oiiid mil
uitii-e bm .utraged al
conducting war' hrulal
peace of Vori.l;
all, as ' sr and
clasa Bars Bis muiilf.nt in
Tlir saving in uirat shrinkage bv Moiling IS inillcateil at tlo
I. it Translated Into n thai
- i-.iin.l rooei
pound, i In in. it will
i in spat fut-1 ili in
a Brasonl prices.
Won't II l'..v You to Cook
With J-iiY, unity?
Idaho Power
,,irl it d to Mr i
Read the Ontario Trade-at-Home-I)t -pnrtment
Ads, they supply your wan
MT Of self
Thirty year ago the telephone was a luxury. Today,
through perodusl Initiative uud private euterprise, it baa become
a uceaslty within the roach of everybody Where once a busi
ness bad but one telephone with a limited talking rangw. t.
that business has service with a range three .juarters of a oo
Boot broad, and every branch of yry busiutats la linked to v-
iting telephoue system.
has aarasd Us rosponslble place and there aro
Bf which gu
2S.00O.00tt talks daily
Kvir It. !1 I i-lt'ithtmt- is u Lou"; !). ,n.
Malheur Home Telephone 10.