The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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: ( nntliiu. ,' trod) lb i I 'in
Hoi hold. Virgil 1.. Cord, On-.
Wlllsnn. rredcrlck Bradley,
Motldv In in H. Hrn.-gnn. Ore
Aatrobue, Harry Forest, Broarn, Ore
I rum. H . Ontario, lire
Dooms, George Allen. Ontario. I
Boyd, w 1 1. Vale, 0
: Inn. Ttavlcl Ell, Njraaa, Or.
Anderson. Oliver Krank, Hoiiltu. On
Kinney, I.lny.l Russell, Vule.
7.lMim-imnn, J.iIim RMMU,, Ifiill.
rsvi, Oeorge r . Vale, o
Arnold, I ,,rl" ()r''
POB', l.enminl. iHor. lit: . It.
Bohlupe. w :i r A, Harper, On Chai lea W 1111am, Ir . Brogaa,
I, Prank, Ontario, Ore
Thayer Morton Harold, Vale, Or.
Bmlth, Mi nnii. Ontario, ore
ett. Charles CHatra, Oaurlo,
iin- it F n
1Ir,.1,,V, I """ r" 7' onrt
Amarhaattgnl, Frniirisco, McDermitt,
Noi .
Ml I'- 'Mil". s
Korrostna, Juan Bautl it a, Wei (fall,
im-uti. torn, rUrereUto, On
Zatlca. Juan, Mi lietmltt. Nev.
Mam liaoa, .in. in. MeDarmitt, '
MuTltgan, Philip, Brogaa, or..
(,'rlarta, Tadaleclo, Ironalda, ore.
i. id, Hi.. John. Bh ki ill-, ore.
CanlgH, Julian, Vale I
Hermexoln. Bablno, Jordnn V'olli
IniMi. William, N
Miicnia, Leon, .It.rdan-Vallejr, n
Ysasl, Jo Jordan valley, (ire
Hallen. Oaorft, Ontario. Or-'Ron
Mi,,, Id, A rthur I, . Onliirlo. ore
Heraandi . Jaatnto, Ontario, 1 1
(. ,11111111 Allen.
BxeRipted wllli, ml pliy,.
hi Inn. upon ii ihowlng of being ler
man alien
i'irvi,r(. Hoary Julius Potor, itn.
anti. Ora
.loliiiii' .i-u. I' I oiiiirli-. On
I Miiiilnr.l Klsewlnrl.
These men reglntered Inilw rounty
., " ' I
Jou)n Topics Tersely Told
Cany, Oeorge Huntington, Vale On
Kiiini" i i ph. v ale, Ore
Hamilton, Victor C. . KoBtlBijtoB,
Oool Aitiuir i.rH'iv. Juntnra, Oi
Onrlund. '-"I,.!,! Bib l
. r. On) irto, On
Wlllmin. t'lnude lliililmrd. TBia m
Kinid. Carl Albert, Oaurl , Ore
CmvIii.hh. Job! Ilorlln. .Iiiniura. Ore
on,. ,,n Potato William, Nytea
i-r, Frank. Hrngan. Or
Broaa, loaaa LlaweMya I
Boate S
Dtinran. Jearl iMllra. Nysrri. I
tlardman. Oeorga, Jamlmon, "
Anderson, Oeboni U.wery. Njrssn.Ore
Zehnar. Cbelee Oliver. Boatta, Ore
laimheth. Olmid Hiiinii'l.
ii,ir reoui ,rd luis autborl
.,i their xiiinln:iiloni iiy hoard In
t plaeaa;
Naohloade, Jeeaa, MoDemtltt,
fcrrlBebalage, Joae, McDermitt, Ner
pialdi William J.. J ' "e
ini,. ruin. Bj ' I, Crowlj
Beaaoa, Aatonlo, MoDannltt, Nai
i, , wiiia Walla, B
beaga, Polli urp,. Mi Dei lulit, Net
Jorgenaon, Johannes ingoii. oni-in...
Hull, Lento) La . Jr . Oat
araaaoagb, Babh, Vala, Ota
BdMBBBOOB, Arlliur I.udlow, On
tario. Of K t II
Trout win.-. Pttd W . Mrlrrt:t'"
Arr.-Hiililitn. ivdro. Mr norm it i.
i,, of tl Ul" ,'r,'fr "' H
haa been tUttlbg ImcI. . ml fortli and TbOBtM Ia-1 o( BVttfl
taaea Ontario ami Wau Whiii. in Ontario miu1h tad. la pru
in luppoaed '" lie taking :i thi ntlon ( siit tb evidence la i the re
i.i i. i,,r..i.i,in u,i Mfiiniriiinliv for Uttraa of Hhoemaker. the Hlipooaiiear-
bin father In Welter and ('. 8. Wntaon ',r wio was killed at Rrrereld
hero, to tiikn tlilnn easier.
.1 l l, inner of Wilson llron. wan
taken III lat Saturday with a severe
' o
Mre.. Homfr Aederaoa of i
mm Html, of Rlvm-uld" formerU n
Free Speebh is Only a
Privilege not a Kight
, , ,
attack of taaallttla i'r day r in raatdaat or N) Wjrmaatli,
he baa heen ill tlmt Mri Conner lin,iiiwiis for a pretty afternoon party
waa vuitina; relative at BMgffBffiao I gad laaabeoa reeterday aftarooa, ai
wn Ham for, aad aha raaahad Oatarto whlck the kaaarad gaaata were iter
Taagdjai old trieada al Now Plymouth, i
ii.iut Ladiee' Aid eooKay
ir'i.'.rri.erj;;;;, ;.,. s -;"
Der.lek, Claaaa A . Jamlaeon. Ore a,.ki... i.,. Meii.-rmiti. Ne
White. Tllglinian vale, ure . M,T
Camp, Howard RobaoB, Httrper, Ore ,.', ,,, ,, , .,. o,
-- 1 ..! troiixlde. Ore
Lofton Mirl V . Ir m Id- ire
rhrUtenaaa. r"rod P . Vale. Ore
Itduli.'ii M . .1 mil
i i, ,tm n Ironside, ore
Claim IVmllnK.
Th . paadlag are oaaea
In wiil-'i Hie Sffld nil- 10 VD T I
man, John, !' ngollano, Ore
CiiIIhIi.I lt4-fon I'o-lliiK.
Tha following have entitled slnre
ntiiom. Charlea A . Iroaataa, Ore.
Copple, H'tcii W . oni.
Iiull.l, Carl laekaOB, Vale. Ore.
Braaaaa, Ernest. Oatarht, Oregon
i I Kninkllii left Wdenesday ev
ening on a huntltiK and fishing trip.
He will he none fpr a week or tan
dasy. ,
,.,i h r v inaaf " aa tin
Mhk IBM this week suf Coring '
lumbago pain hi
.,ihi,iiu ri.nulr w:,irk n t his Intnl.'
,. II ,,.. ..,, . .f , 1. .. f iiithr, llrUff A r .. t !. t..r ti.i r, tf I'll,., I it In
I lllll ,,,. ', '. in, ,JM,,,. "-- i ,i,,ni i vpnun v. i r .-.-.. j
. h sliort hiiHlncss trip tojWB a,lo to be on th BBjl
.... At. - ft. : -. ,, - i-
I irtCtntl atiil niiii'in ner um ww.i(ip anernoo'i trnvun;. iirmnirr, in
end lie left hern Krlday antl Waa.liw
v.. haaf "i- rlKlit of free M
discussed a Taat spagth by dltari
sjg :in,l upon divers occai-l
Whero does frwe peach end and
begin: When the right of
gaaett waaNetahlaihed iv the
mtaan of ihl Nation, and guaran-
i,.,i ii tat CoaaUtatloa af tha Daltad
Of thf sevrr-l state- Bf hrteMh tha
Tnlon Is roniposed?
it was goatamatahpfl that
i ,,r tha United state should
tha thjhl to expi- hi I opinion
free from restralut. so long as he did
not transgress any of tha laas of th-
Iniid In o dotag. or Interfering with
a like prlvltage ol another Bvaa in
rhthl to agataai bla opinion
in public, he is raatiictad to non-ln-tarferanee
altb the rights or huai
ness of others. And la limiud to have
daa rernrd for the rights anil opln-
of others lite right of rreo
,h do.'K hoi .niit.'iMpiHte that any
L pt i,.,ii be prlvllaaad 10 force
his opinion upon " other, Tfct
'ii itpln-
jlOg upon mi other Ii- "ling
for the reverse of fi P '
Su.-li BB iniposltlon is a nreclea of
,,,,.,,,.1 lyi.ini). which i intolerable
ooaatry, and Is contrary to
(Coattaaad on Page )
I Kelael of Ogden, Utah, own
er of th- l S. ft n ranch waa In
hark at work on Tuesday.
i, it 1,'i.i, M . ,.l .i f..t
n i m ii ii nun.-. i"-i. ,...,. ". Mir oi in,' i n. c i. m,i, "-
,,. ,,i vImII nl In r old hniiie neur , ii.inri.. l,.mlui fur e iilinrt visit
"TT ---' -. --"-
while Here looking aner lorai inier
eats. liipuly Sheriff K. H Test was lu
Ontario oer Sunday to spend the
week end with his family
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Tmteu aad
daughter Wllnia arrived In Ontario to
day from Ok Klum. Waahlnaton
They motored over from the coal Held
and reported rough going over a
large portion of the Journey Mr
Mr. ii r liiinklin ami . hlldren
came In Monday everflng from l)n J
Valley where they spent a month wlt'i
Mrs. Julia Cook
II A Cagtaa Urfl Wedneaday
mnrniiiK for lloise to l- pres.-nt at the
funeral sen Ice of HI. Hev. A. J Qtofl
III win ' -
the claim had aa! '"'n ftlad bj Tin-, iimwiiiK. Lather Bldoa, Oatarto. Ore
a fill a L Villi Mr
(lay morning i'"". "'
Traeey. Oner n Hoaadala " Caldwell, J Uaoll. Nraaa, on
Bralnard Pau Porter, . ., ' Rumpel, Henry. v ala, 0
N ii , i ...i Wair-u W. iser, Ida. rtalley. Kay. Ontario, ore.
,;,,,,, I. uke. Clifford T . Weleer, Ida it .
Chandler. Osnlel. Crowley. Ore. UnherlH. Hnh. Ontarln On
T-..i.el. Henrv Mien. v mi. Ore f--Hetl IB .l.M-r
' Hall. Wlllanl.
. James. Weslfall
i Jlundall. Pan 'I.'
Aaron Roherl I Boalla,
Ml Oltl ,. . I Mmiii, Nj '"
Hmllh, Oor.lnti Leslie On' lo Ure
Loagmlre Blaine, Hi .run. I
Johns,,.. Bthan ri trlaa, Onti rlo, Ore
LaapPB, lister W . Jill n Valley.
iImI loaeph Kninklln. aatoar, Idn
Morfn Albert ,nl . Mali anr Ore
I-mIi. ! in Paaa the Baaatlaagtoaa.
s, i mi rtaai I r Westfuii. On
The fi llowlnit filled to pa
liliv I I mil
w,,ir. treble th W ei Ida
Mill !" On
leariin Si, ,..,,! InrilliM .1 1 1 . Ofl
mett, Itol
rlo n W i-.r Ida
Iteed. i 'art Clin
),,, Prank, Jordan Ii llaj On
lllll, Jacob Pelor, Ir . I
Pinch. r. William IMward. Payeti.-
Oglo. tills Hn M I",
Oram Hi i,. Ontario, ...
K, eli I I ruiiklln, ale. (ir
I'ln follow Iiik failed to appear or
to the i... in- i theli exeaaVtloB alee-
mil under the rearatattoaa win
rtlfled to the lilslrlrt llonrd as
qualified for military aervlce. after
tin dll 1 1 nil. ,1 .1- nl BOtlaa the first
I alreadv h-en certlfl-d
In llculah
Robertaoa, Laalla, Toao (faaaV
Suit, Inhn II . Nyssa. Ore
Sloiigli. Clayton N . Wesifiill. Ore
Knyourt. Jesso Alt In. BJvaraMa, r
Powell Kn-,1 I' . It; ker. lr-
Smith, Hov Miitnii. Oraaua
ekvllta 0
i, ii.nin.irii. Msrat a, On
kronantegul, lo 'da.
i in, I, c.u in ala, Or
w llllani Perry, I
in. Jui, i ura, r
Tin- ,,muu of the W C T 0, who
work.:., at in !-,. - r. .-. ()rM,
. 1 . ,11 .... II. A II .f.lwl
i name .i win iiii-wi i nw ......"
chiireh next Tueada; afti rnoon
A. E Brown , aaatar I" In the
oily for a few .1
o -
K, W f th
.'oiniuiny i t UM first of the week home
on a trip thru thn Idaho landscape
Welaer. He returned home
in i . evening.
K. K I. UUmore of Juutura who
was on Ihe Orand Jurv during the
earraat aesalon oame down from Vale
Tuesday to spend the event ix hi OB
Cisii drain larlo and left on Wednesday Bat hU
llXI-lfsl till ItCH NtrTKH
Tha union garrtoai for Sunday ev
ening are owr and the regular even
ing services resumed at K o' elock f.,r
the next urn nth Let ew-ry Imdy nnle
K.Im ir 1 I rank in, ale. Iir- , , , . ,,.,,i
..,..L , .,, -. ...i... -,.. , the return and attend the sor .
.1 it K iilllil. rtimn in., 'i nn i -, m
I, v , raataa for next Hunday Hepteailier 5
I. M Jnrilun Vul i . m Our 0 BWB) Sah.ith.n
ley. in.- These addreaeea will denl with the
Hawking. Kri.nk. Oularlo, On ,1,.,-a lu which we live The public
Bhrader, cii.- Whliton, Creetoa. nuies to wnipn we nv v
la eepeciauiy '. "
i these addreeaee.
Cnii.e iii.w ami let us reas.ui lo
gathat saith Ihe Lord, though oui
-in lie as scarlet DJaal liall he aa
white as snow, though they he red
Mrs Art Duuniick waa operated
upon nl the hospital IhU week, and
il reported to he tanking I satisfac
tory reco
Atlorn-i ami Mis R W Wood
and family roturm ,1 Sundiiy evinlui
'aeaatat from lllue Mountain Springs
thai spent their vaaattoa The
return trip was m. Baker r- thay
-inidii.tMl III the l.'i a I " I" phoa ' office
.1 lor a day or two
I nit RAM OH fMN O I Stude
haker 10 horae power B passenger
louring car Hi ajBOw midii Inn. cheap.
Addreaa box 401. Oularlo. Oregon.
tape. Jam,, Hear) I ''re.
William. Ilarnei . i
Ijtckey. Kred liem . II ..-.--. iin
Aglular, Jesu.-, (ml.,, 0 -fii.ui,..-
ml. Ore
Null. . Klrlu Harper. Ol
.i..i,i Charles A... Ontario, Ore.
Skinner IIUl K Jordan Vallei
Donald John
ii Valley. Ore
Ionian Vall.i
i i n i
Hrowa 'i arh loraaa Valley.
Aiialh: Pedro Ontario, I
l.,n,l Kl um IB I'.n.lte.lda.
Beldwle, Roberl v Ido Oal
I, la.
w tiiiam. w it fall, Ore.
Poena. I'hillu. Weitfull, Ore
Hlai irl um.,
Holti It Martin Pol
, .ck, William frank. Ironside, j
Oril;. Vletortl a V ,lle
Mason. Orlea o Joraaa Val
Ham I.I It , Cake. Ol
Pea. Ida
Hani. Isoil V Hid, . '
Oavlola. I! Bkull ipi i
i.air.i Pollyfarm
B.I.II Oularlo,
The f . I ! . i i
Hi-Kin the fall season with I
church atlemleuoe, ' tome Witt, us
ami we will do you g I
like ecarlel the) shall lie as wool
Meu of Ontario llt-n to theee ap
Cniue and see where we are
,n the world's history
A hearty iiivilatlou U I I
one and all
II f. HA K Kit. Pastor
t mii H I'm s.n riiiiiv em H H
Itil.le school at 10 a. B.
No preaching ser vises this
W N ItltOWN, Pastor
i villi; UA1 INTH
,11 achool
nun ahkfl I If "'i t the A.l
i near Ihe gade ic'iool cm in ii
SuuiUy SerUew.
Lptg Maaa, :M a in
(U a. m
Anion J..., pi, Lyoaamltb ol Jordan
who liua for some time been
working in the IVmllelou union gpt
a.,in,.i lust week thinking that, per-
ie had boeu ordsred before the Tuesday
J. M. Itwla returned Monday BbBBj
a three days fishing trip on the South
Fork of the Payette According lo
Ihe report he brought home with him
the ilshlna Was fine At least that
Is what he said.
Mlaa Bel her Carlson who haa been
for time past resigned her position lo
taku effect on Beptemher I She will
return to l,.r home In Tacoina.
Bag Karl llannu of the Methodist
church left Wedneaday morning for
Kmniolt hi attend the seslon of the
Main, .nnfir.nie which will be held
mill Monday of next week. On
i of liis absence there will ht M
services at the Method, i church Sun
exemption board, but the notice had
never reached him "' ,,ft not like
. Hug of uncertainty t ud
It he packed his grip and started for
hmue When he arrlTad In Ontario
he came to the Argua and found his
-einl number lo be US. but he will
lOzlth man called up In
the oouuio Unleia he takea a
n,,, r,,n to eolisl it is unlikely that Mr.
l.yonaujlth will be requested to report
i,,i more I ha u a year lie ueed not
have made ihe trip lo Ontario for
some in.i-
J..i.e of Vale was lu Ontario
This the driest season the country has ever
known -More fires have started in fields and
stacks than ever before.
It -mi li.i iHirii.Nthrii tl"' ITOrkofoil I.W.W nl thru
,u- wlh.lf crop i- fonoi and Living will
high. We can. at a triffling co-1 to you humre you
against Loa ftor a Mmtai or Bw ; e aryin any one ot
or ciht of th.- biggesl and best' Inauranoei n-
pauies Ui Amerifu.
S. F. TAYLOR, Manager
Saturday September 8.
' .Uu Valley
MKMMAOr n t tiNtiltl t. V HON! I
OfOoBfi ntiiwhaw aad frleads ol
agatloaal aharch ur.- gal
ii,- i nut our pagaaa nf vaca
tion from ihuroli activities ends .vlll;
the end of August and that BOW I.
the time tO Kel hus) ill BOM
I Km t fall In Utead the Kail I
, The Soug ol i
l oe the morning tin
.... mm ... ii i
l lie l i .um rni-n, .
will be discussed at the even ma
m night a'etoah
inn t'blt 'u
The Public is Most Cordially
Invited to Attend this Event
MiKt;t iHiii .
Fall Millinery Opening
A display of my well known
Millinery Models will be on
exhibition September 10 to 12
Exclusive Styles
The Osborn Millinery
The Home of Good Good
Ice Cream
Is America's National dish.
It s the finnest thing for that
hot tired feeling that it is
possible to get. This especil
ly true of the -.kind we serve.
Get Under the Fans
Where It's Cool
And you will really enjoy the
excellent service we accord
our patrons.
0. 6. Luehrs, Druggist