The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 23, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    nm AWimaft ABfttMtOH 110. OBttOON, THURSDAY; AUGUST 1H
alb? tttarta Argiw
( Established 1891)
GEO. K. AIKEN. Editor and Publiahw.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Orcgou,
md entered at the Ontario poel office for
jJUstribution as 2nd class matter.
SUBSCRIPTIONS; One year tL50. Sin
-utlie $1.00. Throe months 60c. Single
I pledge my aliegunce w
the Republic for which
u-;f.i1-. .n. nation, indivisible, vvitli imci-
r and justice for ail.
The Pledge.
tfv Flair am! t
As never before in its history del
undergoing the teal of fire these days
the lint of rlaims for exemption are be-
ming known, the people are witiioauhig the
revelation of thoee who thru motives oi row
.,,.,. . greed or maudlin sentiment the en
coring tn .-rape the highest duty 11
tisenship. Sol sJl of those who seek et
.motions arc actuated by these
, stives, of course, bui thai there are some
i dent to even 1 1 1 uninformed.
s the authorities have indicated the
.,,,. of exemption for those pnmouueed
uhysicalr? fit is dependency. Aewrdinn to
these authorities the measure of dependen
daney is thai h the withdrawal of the earn
Dfiofthe man seeking exemption tbosede-
pandenl upon him would beeom public
.hm AmpUfing tins the authorities
indicate thai if the parents o1 the wife, or of
t husband ere eble to support her, and the
children, if there be such, then no dspen-
....,.. mm .o :ou I the .-laiin is a spurious one.
That is the legal phase of the question and it
-Mould rover most of the eases.
There are, however, moral and ethieial
-rounds, higher than legal status which
..Ii..ull promo the loyal young man of't
. iii.-iK eonilih with the law ratlin
than to eseapi service in tin- greal war toi
..vermin nt. !! has eigoyea in tins
il privileges and opportunities given In
greater degree than anywhere under the
sun. These privileges while evert American
in lu. - thnii inherent were won nnlj at the
t of thousand of lives at untold sacrifices
th. hrros if '7. They were preserved
.ui.l thru mmim bmadened hi -till greater
nrhina ufferiug from ' (1 to '
The heritage w.m and preserved bj the
generations r the past were nol enjoyed by
thamasthei have been bj tins. Then if the
n of fight inn age of todat are unwilling to
movie as their forefathers did democracy
failure and Americans todaj are nol
worthy of the blessings that have enjoyed.
W hat Im. I- there who has not, in his
tudi of tin revolution loathed the Tory as
, disloyal citixent Was not th. lesson plain
that the Tory was " traitar to the cause uf,
freedom and therefore the just target for
the scorn of his fellow men I Who has not
been tirr.d b feelings of repugauee at the
( 'i.pperhi ad- iif the Uehellioii .' Kveii the
iiesluig balm id time has not removed entire
i the odium that uttached to Ktich citizens.
The mi -nioi-x of a ra.e i a loiiy; one.
i. ..pie do not forget disloyalty. u the
lillg akin t.. hate and loathing foil.. wed
tin Tory and the Copperhead, ho to., will it
follow the slacker of this dai who by falsely
plaiuiing exemption make- another man
serve where he -lioiild serve in this war "to
nake the world .-aiv for democracy." Such
U heritage HO manly man want- to leave to
children and no woinaiih woman wants
to be the forebearer of i race of cowards.
I'lie law of heredity leaves it- mark, even till
(I the third and fourth generationx. If he
.in braen himself to stand the seourful
,i,e - of his eoiiteinporari. - the slacker
iild think twin before dunning bis chil
dren for generations unborn,
course he raighl have liked to flatter hint
self tO helieve that the ease in times of
peace. Bui these are not times of peace.
The whole nation is now watching those
who are trying to escape service. Whih
public may have a feeling of leniency for
those financially poor who try to escape ear
vice by shooting off a trigger finger or tak
ing dope, it has only disgust with those sno
ot' the wealthy who would evade the law In
hiding behind4 a woman's akirt
It' those who have thru-their money en
ioved i -e of the advantage of life, had
most of its pleasures and ns ..union seek
to escape the universal service, eau yon
blame the Socialist or even the I. W.
Dangerous as is the lvd Socialist and the
I. Y. W. then arc not the menace that is tin
rich young slacker. He by his actions turn
ifthes the grounds on which the I. W. W.
justifies hi- fiht against organised govern
incut. If by any means the son of the rich
gains an unjust exemption those who aid
him are sowing to the wind and will harve-t
the whirlwind.
There should be no class consciously
in this .ieiiio.rae and it will lie a BOH) dill
for freedom when such a condition i-
brought about. If bj the use of their wealth
the rich esrape service, the r arehouml
time to raise to destroy the means which
made injustice possible.
Tin rich can do nothing to increase the
number of Red Socialists and I. W. W. in
America todai than lv endeavoring to es-
eape the duty they owe not only to them
selves, to their state and their nation hut t
the world.
K.xcept in the Gould ease the nation at
large has not had its attention called to cases
of this kind. The puhlieitv which has been
giVdl the lists has had its effects. And to,
let it be said in justice to the sons of many
of the richest families in America, they vol
unteered for serviec at the first call is the
Not only that but iiianx of them with
the chivalry of their foreberers entered the
armies of France. Rllglaild and Belgium to
avenge the atrocities committee bj the Pros-
sian hoi-ds. The deed- of Lieutenant Thaw
of Pittsburg will go far to char that name
from the odium east of 1 1 airy . All the SOUS
.f Rooseve)1 rushed to the colors and two are
in Prance. These are but two examples.
They could be multiplied In the thousands
A- in England, -.. hen in the United states
and Canada the men of the leading families
have justified their positions in life by be
inn willing to sacrifice everything for the
cause of hiiinaiiitv . We believe that men
like yotuuj Gould will he conspicuous by
their scarcity, And it is to lie hoped that
the publicity given their cases will cause
them, like him. to withdraw their elauns and
he enrolled among those men of honor now
in Prance or traninir for service there in tic
near future,
ZJheyirgiM Sradc-aUiom
Ontario Stores
Ontario Stored
The man who is willing to advertise his goods, had
good goods to sell or he would not tell you about then!
it Will Pay yOU W invcou.6, wtvvu, oum uy triOE
r ru .lea f Vipgp rolumes. Thev will sprvo v
III HIS WUU UOV w w, . "' . "
withHc-ood goods, at the right prices.
You Can Get What You Want in Ontar
A (Jooil Hunk
In a Qtot ( ciintry
i imc vvhon it am
. tplUl i Sinpluit 1100,000
UchU Htovw Furniture. DUher
No w Mtd 8coml Hand Oooda
IIuukIU nnd Hold
I.lnotoumn. Ulcyole. Bwlnr
Mni'lilnfN. Trunk
fJyiHSlI nd Jol ITiitln
The Art Studio
. r Kldil. 1'rop.
IMiDlogrepli. Portrait and VIwb
Never Stops the Onward March
of Progress.
riuli of tin (iuiilil I'aiuiU ' I'eeeiit nun
-. to iiu Italian artist uttrafU'il t li- ;ii
to lit ion "' tin piililn- and I'm mli il a iihi-
of iw'ws ami ciiinineiit by "elaiiuing i
emutiou" from the selective draft beeause
ilepentii-nts." the Hole (h'ieiuleiu beUljj
,ite who t her work had hitherto -u
ported In ii'Ii.
luwevi Uw vil"K "'i," limited hi-
miiid .tiler the "' 'ul.lieit i hi-
1 1, uuld ii"t su.stain the itini
taken His m l d. -pemh-nt unmi
n h aii btreiijth i iumjfiuatioii, Uio
it is cuiiitiii tiiiL' tu nut.' that the eitv
"Ifieials are ettin started oil the urupueit
mil in eniureill- sewer COlllU'elllUlB. I II.
start the Week, whih- imt envenn all the
field, has the element uf a proper iM'inniiit;
and it i boMd that tin piud wmk will 0OU
The iclmol j ear la about Ui beKiu and it
i iniM.itaiit that ;.ll safet nieasiiiiv fortbe
protection "f health be taken at onae. V.
erj ear tlnif iHimes frono the interior a
niiinher i' familii win. wish tn take advan
tasje of Ontario educational faeilites for the
benefit if their ehildren. Their preaence
is most desirable it is t.. the distinct ad
vantaue uf the eity that the liiiinli.r he in-
ereaaed. The resulting trade enhances the
business uf even store in flu- i-ite Tin-
i.niiii- of theae families also makes resident
property more valuablu, creating a rental de
mand out uf the ordinal
The improvement uf health conditions
therefore will hrin ; twofold result. More
are hound to come here and property values
and biurinem will he established. From a
pureiv merceuary motive, therefore uothiua
liould he left undone to briny ilu result
Freali and Salt M"uU
II II Tunny. Prop.
Our Service Will lleaae You
Pantery I'niifectlonary
. it am BAJa ii
Makera of
Krrnm Krum nrend
i. ron BMrSaa 'Top.
8pefhil l'liverlrii fur all
Wagon 1 1 " u Munlea
an in iiki it linos eon-
roll ti ion in i iwii.
'I'liere are None Belter Than
the Saudebaker
Kxpert Heparins
Watchea Clock. JewUrjr,
Cut Olaaa Uold and Silver I'late
We Invite Your Buttlne on Hie
HalHl of Security and Accuracy
There is no i , ,1 fur that specie ,,)' t
Kenua homo, the bubo, these days. Then
no iie..i for men to he hunting jobs, when
Jobs are hunting men. The chances an
ten to one that the-'tonrist" who is ,,nt ,.f
work a foi a 'hand out" is an I. Y.
and is then H
one of iln uentr uumes to your baek door,
dou'l iVed him. U'epoii imii t,, the poliuc
and the will , In is given work or
Hood ('owe Good Bn MM
O HlliKMhulli. I'rop
run KuruUh Milk or I'uaiii
lu Large QuuiilUex
Kodak Siatloery
The Corner lirute Store
The Rexall Store
Fountain Service That Pleaaea
Ontario's Only Tailor
Have Your Suit Made Just 1 or
Glaaaware, Crockery, Tinware
C. K Coniuilnga. Prop
In our Lines We can Save u
No Order too Large None too
smaesi linos.
The Grocer
No Loug Walts No Short
Ridicule, Paralysing aa Wall a Amue
ins. OHan Oratifiaa a L"OI Mine er
an UAganareut Tempar The tale
Plan la Alwaya e Oe the Teak The!
Lkaj Naaraat Ut.
Ii'. ini'nliiiU nlvviiy apprrxlai.'
Ilnlr advanliign! Would a friend of
thi men limit n dsalw uavg aeul hla
Hrat order to u stragaW who allowed
.l inrrx IikIimoI of iiooiU. who talked
on iiiimt lntoad of lu. - to fm-e. who
il.-iii iiidiil pg in idvame lutiad (
allowing ii more unlimited credit had
tin- iiieii'iniiit hi advan
tages T
Ought le Emulate nival.
It would Hi'.iii ill it ifiio iinn expe
rience of lonu ilcl.iv.. iiilli. oiiiiiiou
mid lo ii grsal ci. -ill iiuioolilalile In
Big wll' aawll oiili'i houHea, after
m-ii. .i iiiinim thing to
fgtkst for lilins,.f. after one .m
hence of walling for a nlaaiug part.
the friend wolilil not e tsken Ilia
I. .ml, I.- to order liv mull from a traa-
Kcr had the loivil ini-irlimit or dealer
nlway iintroe hln oiHirtiniltle
I '. ertllilug I lull hgppgM to ui leave
ggggg Irec ImIiiimI II; i-vii ) HiIiik
iiii.nt.' Iniperceptlbl) to form u. Yet
often It U dnugeroua to tske a strict
hi or that, for either wo grow
proud mill negligent oi downcast mid
illih lii'il mid ImiIIi are equally In
JiirloiiH in Ihelr ioiiiiiMiieuces. Always
the gate I'lmi U to do Hi.' tank which
Ilea iieurrnt u ami which will augur
or our heat Interest and thoee of
If BMcessHi ran lie attained by the re
tail mall order kotutea, working under
diaadvuulMgea. why cannot the local
'merch.iiit who ha none theae dla
'advuntagaa, succeed He eau by linl
lallug Ihelr meihiMln and practtcea, by
allgwing undlaturlied lune-Uoa of
gooiU and by polite and courteous
treatment i nil lsltor to hla atore,
IIium creating new ciiatomnra sud con
I lulling to apt old ones.
In a certain Indiana town a young
niau ordered a henliug atove. price
liaS, When the alova cam he was
very much dlagppplnts The atove
wsn Huiall, while the picture lu tbs
calalogue uiade ii appear largo and or
WOllUI. Hail IliU y0UM man visit
ed hi local ileal. ! .mil lnpectsd Ule
W.U6 stove be would not hsv bought
It. Imt would have ailected one for
fl'.' or $14 and would have gol the
right kind and one Unit would nave
oalUded hi uecdo i
A Uluueaota funnel ordered five
roll of barbed wile After II came
and he bad paid the freight be d
ered that be could nine luiugln the wire from bi Imal
dealer aud could haxe .ired $1. also
much time ml trouble.
Mall Ord.r Pence In Woedsh.d.
Auotlier man living In a village or
dennl moiijk wire (lining Irum a pic
ture lu a catalogue, and w lieu It came
it wa mi cheap looking tlul ill
would not allow him to diittigure hi
ground-, wiih Mil, h u fen, e, mi lie ter
ed it lu his woodshed aud bought what
he wauled iiom l,i IgcgJ dot .
A lad. in u huh- tOWg In Miosourl
aeul lo oue of lbs Urge Dial
bouses for a pair of shoes. In
$1 U7 with her order aiii-i i ..o weeks
the shoes cuuie hy freight, charges
ware -J.'. cegts, which aba psjd After
lakinn ih. .-1 1. . , houis she iniin.l they
did not tit, so she repacks! them aud
eni tlieiu bgek hy eiiress, aud aftei
miolhei !,, vuel,M wall auotlier pair
" ssx ,, Height with mors
hurges uttin h.M T tluj lady' ilia
may, theae ah,-.., uere uo nearer a lit
I luiii the drat ixlll She then aave uo
Ited her hwal dealer
K her lu vestment ,.f $
1'Kl At the right puce
Th Argus Otflce.
We uliould like to auggeal to I he eon
auuisr that he I hi Imucst with himself:
rl hone; he!;. lUpfMirl Ii
'""" make bis m more val-
iiahle !er uan mm
Hlt'Ail tt I i
- " I l
U. B. Tirsst A.,,; uM
THK KOItll i,tm,
Kriile llainea, Massp
'Agent a for Kurd Motor
e s e ,
Developing I'rsSJ
Amateur FinUhlnr Prw
enlarging rj
...., ,t
Itey (Irttn
Saaki. Puultry
(Asu IIM O0M
A. S Brown, Aitol.
It'a An Idsal CM
Breeding Stock
Poultry BupaiUi
on lltlo I'ltolilil i al
Geo. Iluwe. Masafg.
Wlioleaalera In roultryisil
Bbinlng I'srfor
ii oei.i - ittmn
Wm. Tailor Pn
ladles and Ooatl '
Work liiuraatsa)
Steam, Hot Water, A I
U. S. PI. I Mill Xl. HM1
I'luuihiiiK ami Sheet isall
ludluii Motorcycle I
a a '
Cleonlug. rreselgg,
M C lieainiuari
Suits Msde to
. - . . . 1
Corset Art I
Oil Painting.
mm i iNKIti ASfl
HULL llAimBi
Koyal BotSfJH
f '
Call Ag'!
V',11.,.,, PhouoCaaaaaal
W. L. Tl as
RM Ustate. WM
Sheet Mumc
Oealeri h
Farm Machtneix'"'!
... Hon
ma. kbo. ....
Mill III.'"'
. u; nnd fhtf
EsUblUhed lu S"!
in the Veaf
Wood Work
...blal '
W." '
gM'OII'l U'"1"
U'l.e n..r U IlighMsl
article ncii ""
needs with one
If ita J"
will please you.
ou Tool hiiu
irailiujj nt ,