PAGE 2 THE ONTARIO AUG! 8, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1917. OJljr (Shttarw Anuta i tablished 1896.) GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher. Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entered at the Ontario pool oflee fo distribution aa 2nd class matter. BUWHCIUI'TIONS; One vear $1.50. Six a, :tis ?l.uu. 'three months MEN, REAL MEN The Pledge. My Flag and to The men .t' Outai i" Who are first on the list of those whom (Jlicls Sm il to entrust with the 1 1 1 1 of ''making the world s.iiV Tor demoeraoy," have the proper spirit. With mighty tew exceptions as the came to the Argus office last Friday to learn whether Of not they were drawn, they de clared, "well I am ready, how will I know " - i . . ... .... . . (jQg Sintrh H'1"'" Tll,,.v want me r I lie men drawn win. " ..I.. i ... t i ti.. i.... ....... iimi ikii mite hum oi it e. ii rsjiiiin were few indeed. Glance over the list and knowing some of the men hosen tile resident of Malheur eonnt has every reason to congratulate Uncle Sam on his good fortune in winning She 2tr$M Srade-aUftcme I lilediie m allegiance to the Republic for which some of the count) a best young men. And It stands; one nation, indivisible, with liher- inej too are to oe congratulated on Demp ty and justice for all. called to the ;irm oil whose shoulders the making of history will rest. Like tin mem KEEP THE FLIES HAPPY bers of tin Grand Ann of the Republic, they will be the beores of generations yet Notice ii"ed not lie given to Outarians to come. boncerning the vast increase m the flv pop Department. Patronize Ontario Stores Patronize Ontario Stores The man who is willing to advertise his goods, has good goods to sell or he would not tell you about them It will pay you to investigate the goods sold by these firms who use these columes, . They will serve you with good goods, at the right prices. You Can Get What You Want in Ontario uiaiion during itie pant tew weeks. Ontario just naturally furnished these (ties with the nicest breeding places, furnished them le fare on which they can subsist and makes life complete for it gives him pleut) of dis case germs to Scatter around, that helps to keep the Mies happy, and the course ( mtario wauls happy fins. The mere mattei that I lew thousand citizens are endangered with typhoid fever, that the f I of inaiiv citizens hum be used a- resting places for th.! nlthv th is SI 'li rely heside the point. We must keep our Ihi-s happy, we must nof ask the citizens who think so much about Hies and BO little about children to spend the aecessarj mone to make sewer connections, because the Hie.-, if the most Importance. THE SQUARE DEAL A Good Bank In a Ootid Couutrr PUSH TIOl. II K Capital and Surplus HOO.OOi) GET EXHIBITS FOR THE FAIR - tin word of those selected for the selective service armj came to every same to even town iii Ainrica last Friday ami Saturday even inhabitant must have been impressed with the justice of the method persucd. Certainly the sytetn takes from the demagog for all time his hlateiit un truth, that one .hiss alolie alone furnishes the men for Army service. in the list in Ontario, there was tn distinction evident. The banker's son. the rancher's Imiv. the young mechanic, the store keeper. wen- to In found eipiallv distrihutd 00 the list. To no one class will the honor of win ning this great war for humanity be given. THE HUM OF THE HUMBUGS DON'T FORGET THE FAIR 111 Stove Furniture, Diaher N w cad 3ooo.l Hand Oooda Bought and Sold MrlHiWKI.l.H KXCHANGK StUM Linoleum. Rlcyoie. Sewing Machine. Trunk Commercial and Jab Prating The Art Sludi'i THK .tllTHTI llo J P Kldd. Prop I'lnitograph. Portrait and View .1 Start now to I t for the fair. You can not use a spare minute to better .idxniil aye for cit of Ontario and the CbtlUty of Malheur, than to aid in making its annual exposition just a little better than ever before. .11 CI The 1 Won't Work boys should bf , hut who wants to takle the Job. pad- Ontario I.. tO he the hostess for the peo le of Molhciir c.iintv this fall, at the annual fair. This is the Old attempt Ontario is lnaknic tln- year to furnish its part of the oosamunitj pleasures of the eonutj . and the effort should he successful. . .There arc two things that make the tan Itself suecess; thej arc; g I exhibits, tdciitv of them; and good raSS. The hist of these the directors can not provide, un less thc have the support of the people. This is especially true of the ranchers. It is stricth up to them to demonstrate what this loiintrx can produce. i baving good exhibit at the fair, besides winning Bprfnldlugtliestreetobwrtainlyavast h prize the ranchers increase the demand Improvement over the previous condition. for Malheur count lands, and with that but there should he some method hj which increased demand, increase the value of it can he done w ith reducing the water pivs their holdiii SUN to the dauger point. Kciiu lulu r liclj. now. the Wed Cross needs oiir Fraah and Salt Meat PALACE MEAT MAItKKT H. II Tunny. Prop. Our Service. Will Plata Ton l'aitery Coofotlonary ci un aasssM Maker of Kream Kruat Bread Dellvarlae Kl.llllllli.i: D.US1 leon Eldrdge, Prop. Special Dollverlee for all ooeaaioa OUT Mill .Mil I. Ik liberty. Wagon - Hark Buggte sti dkbakkr Hiu mi:- POHiTION Or' ITAH. Thar are Noue Better Than the Saudebaker Ice Cream Is America's National dish. It 1 firmest thing for that hot tired feeling that it is possible to get. This especil ly true of trie-kind we serve Get Under the Fans i Where It's Cool And you will really enjoy the excellent service we accord our patrons. 0. G. Luelirs, Druggist Develop Your RA W LAND FA KM I.oaNS MADE FOR . I It lO'O.SK ON 1HKIUAT KU I.AM) FOR A THREE TO TEN i r. iKKM THIS IN i LI DM LAND UNDER Till-ONTAIUO-NYSSA HITCH AS M I l.l. as LAND UNDER OTHER HITCHES Special re puirui privilege Appl to Harry B Cockrum. Kirat Natloual Bank, Onurlu. Oregon, or J Humteld. Uaner al Ageut. Mortgage Company o( America. No. IS A In worth Bldg . Portland. Oregon . Expert Itepariug W W. LETHON Watche Clock. Jewlery. Cut Qlaa Gold and Silver Plate Wh THAT GIVE SKI. SERVES ' ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK We Invite Your Bualueea uu the ' Balal of Sacurlty and Accuracy J I Hood Cow Oood Service iiMli;i DA1R O Blngaliau Prop, i We rau Pumlah Milk or ('rum in Ijirge Quanltlaa HOW WAR CAME 10 AMERICA - o ..iiiinii,,) fron, 'UK,. thr broad priucipnU of axtun ..( Horses Wanted , War horses 14.3 to 15 hands high, rid ers, oobs and artillery animals, full aged, five U nine vsaxi .sound. Al mules Prsvailiug A. McWILLIAMS ONTARIO OREGON wholly aucoaed In tt purpoaa. Il aa at laaai u honeat at taunt to arrive at u aaraamnni m . . Plata International r egg. mutual ounaent and no; j tbeaaal of coi. .,.ni k, I., ., .i nlion of l.oixl i,.. i i..,i,,-,i i,, n,i. BrtUah PgrUa in and aa thai po. .in gtwpw ',(.ii apoi . i, utlua could not j: , fUtallug I lal, r i'ijii(:w, u..l l.i make. The go Iherr lindou IkcUlauou huvuig hm. iectad by lh uiariin r a. ludurMMuant aa poau all II a other cwuatriu u, i - . i . Kodak Sutloary ONTARIO PHAUMAOY The Corner Druge Store . Th Bexall Store Koirtln Servio That Praaaaa Ontario' On.'. Jailor B. COPS - Your Suic Mado Ju( ol Oloaaaar. Crockery, Tinware THr U,lt.i i SXOS nimlng. c In oor I.luua We can Save You Money No Order tub Largo Noate too HIIJMI.N iik,.s Tko Qrooara Long Wail No Short Weight VHO.NK- 4U-J -I'lltiM i! . liar -ggjOjH PHLMTINO- at the right prtca at ' riusOe. vk PHoaa Catalogue House System Off spring of Humiiuggery. On ci.fl.ilu o- I'.mlon hiom boy llioughi tli.'.v PAMM play trick on tbe gr-Hi uatiirulmi, Onrwln Tbey ciugbi i aOgUo, giued varloo part or oth-r lajoMa opao it bead and body, hgagoj u in Hniv tmi and humbly kaorkfd l Durum' door. aerkiug to kaWW wlii tig ivai aajga nil t.'Hi vvoii.l.-i'fiil tiug llicy bd ni.HiinuiHl Mr liarwio looknl R over vary crtt k-ally and tha hwjra aerlou ly. Dili Una li'ig hum wtien you .aught Itr V... .r n limumad a great iI.miI." tvplil tha iMiy. with ly i wlill. i mi , h oiii.-r "Ihim UHa iiiu.i ih a bumhug." aatd Darwin It I U.....-. i!,, i sin waa tb original biitalnig, hm ajeja (bu mall or. der boiiw haaa iim, nlbllbed be i ha bail to take haeS aeet, ami ' among ao ajauy i, liuiirovemegta ,' he iniMt r.-oi diradfully' uaelaa and t , ( Lev te S Humbugaag. ( Thii Hi.- Viii.Tuiu iH-ople love to be hfiajhttfj i iaca b paed into , ' a irort 1 n, kaf may be called t iwwettlng ala II aptiear u be In the v.-ry air we breath... W lake to It a naturally a w. il,, (., natUJN Our eutire no, In; icm ban Iuiiiom atu . rated a lib It. Even al tiuifa It ma , iueradi under the iimiiii. or ilurlty. i whlrb. like a well dlled inirae. oovara a . multitude of alna. , Thgra are varton kind an.1 claaaaa . of fakera and trl.-ki.M inn ti, prln. r of I hem all. Uu- i Ufa (-nation of fraud, are tbe edvertUlug humbuga. who, wlii-u trliied of Hi,, augar coat lug by which tbey Impoan upon lb publl. . are (Imply proror of falaa ; hand Weald OS a Liar Dead. , Tha aactaat acrtbaa tell ua that the lord once aUaaipled to check tha . humbug habit by atrlklog lha llara . dead, but when be looked Into toe , rtuure and aaw Ut buga catalogue botie looming In the dUtaoce he reluctantly relinquished the Idea, aa be . aaw that auch a plan lu tbe congealed ( j center would prove more fatal Ibao a I aacoed flood 1 ' mil order botiaeo word their ad verUaiag ao aa lo appeal to tha ereda lity aad waakneaa of human nature, a it la geueraii., kaowa that every ou oi .om an, i .iuhter of Ere no j a diapoallion to reaort to gamaa of rhauoe, an In. liuation to gat aome- i In uic for nothing Peaaeea th G.mb i,na 1 A noted gambler once aatd. -Uf IU In Uklug cbancaa. Providence , ha IniUlled luio tl,, ,i.,lud tnn heart I of men the bcttUu; Uatttaot" So wlen tbama(l order liouvea came Into exlat aik-a (befit iTti.te opened up au wiiub . for tbe development of humanity' , well known weeklies a deaira titr 4 gambling. . M A the catalogue bouaca pawed from cbc elementary and eaperlmenial .tag.-. to that of a pariuaaeul ami pronounced , no.,; uie gainoiiug Ituiiuct of tba .ouaumer kept pace with the humbug', 1 , progrcas Il 'i'br (duiiiiiimm. k.j ,i , .... r- . , " ue uewitchlng ' ""-rtiiliiiig tbe many wouder ; ful bargain,: Uiey ruuhlMi tr. the huge catalogue lu bewildering Saw-aement. The angel of (louU hover lug near wbumered , ... .h , faadoaled bnycr. hut the god or chance wa. betkooaag from tbe dUtauce, and tha order waa eeatf forward. Cheep. ai.mi a.ndi advartUiIU humwag-. advert! I nt. aad ,aUlogu Vf4ct hi. Bood!, aa MaethlUg awr.-. u..7 cN. UbU. couaSaa ,., ., f,.,,, heater. Mr hl,b pIK!ar ,u . .T uadaomely carved plecvw of - iuiuk ,u, che- mmmmm wrusu dalir i a..i iHtof.' dark V. S Tlrea Auto Llvary Accenaorlaa THK Hlitll OARAGE I Ha) ne. Manager. Agent for Kord Motor Cars Developing Printing Amateur Plnlnhing Prloa Llat THK Bt ItltKI.I. STIDIO Enlarging Copying 'Hay drain S Saaka. I'nultry 8uppllaa t'ASH ORAIM OOSSPAVI Forwarding GET A SAX" t ON N I A. S. Brown. Agaat. It'a An Ideal Car e Breading Stock Incudatora Poultry Supptlaa Ontario numeric tx. e Goo Howe. Manager, Wholesaler In Poultry and Egg Shining Parlor PKOPI.K'S I'lllsMin , Wm Tailor Prop Ladle and Ganta Tailoring Work Guaranteed Steam. Hot Water, Air Hoaliug 17. S Pl.l MBINO at HKATINd COMPANY I' uud Sheet Metal Work Indian Motorcycle and Supplies All Kind of Second Hand Oooda O f. H:MLI.VS Bought and Sold Second Hand Store Saa Our Bargalu Cleaning. Praaalng. Reparlag OSrlAJUO MonntN PRKSSAJRV W. C. Baamguard, Proa. Sulta Made to Maaaura ee a ' C. C. Coraeta Art Needle Work ' Oil Palutinga, Noveltiaa ' M1LI.1NKRY M A KT STORE HULL O HARREI.L Royal s,.clet Oooda THK STORE THAT SAVES YOO MONEY ' Call Again! i l'U"Kigrauli Slaat Mualo V L Tl RNER J Real tta, Raatttli lnauraAOr ' Shar-t Mil. it.nord ' t'ROV l.l.l. IMI'1,1 I Oaaier lu Farm Mm l.iuery.Wagoua .rk Black., llwraaahoaaug PMXntKR HI A( K.sMIrM KROP 0 W aud Wm l.y Eatabllahed In Malheur County lu the Year of liiM I Work a Specialty afMa the au.. - -- an -- - . . . ""oc a be nature of aome coa.umers ,ht wfcaa-o - .! ad they aauin iw " aguia thaar t.- . 1' "" "" b aautiiar ,.L.r ..... . .. Poaad upoa. and ao aaTlg 1HK AltGUS PHOXE t-J li it'a Job Printing. You watt ! Pleaae yoa. Wa ... at ail Otuaa to quota ariaaa on ail your prtatmg.