TIIEONTAKIO AKIIIS, ONTARIO, OREGON, Till KKDAY. JUL? II, 1017. PAGE I 'tings tunc without tniinlicr. Oil tin Tt rl 1 'i-i iLxtr witiartii rniii-,,,",.v f ;,,, it-tion tin- muncn iw ........ I'dp impelled sonic citizens, attains their will. to put for trunk sewerl and tor laterals. Tin council, therefore Ims no rigtal to pla.v I'nv oritics and permit others in tin- snnie contra Published Thursdayi at Ontario. Oregon, pari of the citj to Ignore the plain statutes. ( Ksl.'iUislied lh!M. ) JI-:). K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher and entered at the Ontario m t iiatri but ion as L'inl class matter. Hi nmcc for BUB RIITIONBj One year $1.80. six noofchs $1.1x1. Three iin. nthi 00c. Single yipv .r)e - Minilloii sense, ii sense. I ileaeencv nun sun stantial justice demand that the regulations for safeguarding the health and happinem of the people be rigidly enforced. Ontario has a (food council. The men on it realise their obligation. Their dis mission d' such matters at the ineetin apparently sincere, earnest and hijfh mind I'd. The trouble is that nothing results front the discussion. The ArgUS believes that sump tin fluid sln.uld be found to trans The Pledge. I pled-,. m allegiance to ,.,,,, . f .,. intn ,1,.tiull. My Flag and to the Republic for which Whal members of the council or what ands; one nation, indivisible, with liber lienlthlawsf Whose duty is it .' Let's get ind justice for all. official of the ritt should enforre these down to brass tacks. ho is shirkins Let the council answer this question, if the niciniieis hi ine council as me overnin if he lArm ffradeatcm T-k i J d 4 at T3i. Ontario Storesful wwllli Ontario Stores! The man who is willing to advertise his goods, J n.-vnln i- , , .-X 1 I g W V f ltrlll1 HT 4" f I I tTAtl ..L....I ll gOUU guuus iv acn ui nc wuuiu uvc lcu yuu clUUULineill It will pay you to investigate the goods sold by these firms who use these columes, They will serve you with good goods, at the right prices. You Can Get What You Want in Ontario BACK UP THE FAIR With everv one of its neighbors pro ding with all of the activities to which iidv thru the inavor are not icsVnaibli nihil v.. is given before the war On the enfnreemeut of the laws let them natne trio is going t . keep its ine. H,,. 0ad who If after warning act rlV business men of other communities ,,, -ls taken the council should proceed are looking lor. ward to the best business to hire an olbcial who will. enjoyed in years, this fall They have T.n. is st,n tltll(. m wli(., tn s;m. u,,. even reason to entertain thai prospect So S(.Ml,,.Rt. rn visiting many homes. Bui too have the business men of Ontario. U,;, js fll . ,,,n. .must If effective, be don. Conditions were never better for good ,niiekl. business during the fall than thei an today. The crops are going to be above the average THF si aptcfr of the past tin c;irs.The acreage is greater than for manvveurs past, and the prices " ls Poble that before this appeal which the rancher will receive so far exceed '" l P ""' llsl "' ,llus' ,all,(l "lM' " mrf anvthing the ranchers have ever known that ""' """y" "' t,,r ;"mv w,n ,,av'' ,MM" '''' i.iisiv fin- .-...mmrisMi, is l.i.Lu... termuied. It Will be evident then wlletllei I p. I'nit llluiti I v thi' iii'iilc nf thr Imsiiii'ss tin ii i.nin. tested Xiu.ulav cveniim Won Id n,.t n.i M"' 'he liuilihcr of slackers who will claim mi Bank III ii limnl I inihtn i n;si n tio i. iuVk pita) mid Siirplin. Ii, .,.. si,,..-. r'urnlture. nlnher . til s, ,,! HhikI UihmIm SMgfcl nixl SsM M.IKIWI ll.'S I II W(il IMH UMhtM lilryolm. Sawlnr Mw tilaaa, Trunkn ' HYPOCRISY IN LARGE PACKAGES i'oiiiiiiit. Il iiihI Job I'nilliiK Tim Art simllii THK AltT STI'OIO termilied. It will be evident then whether J ' SIS PfSS or not Americans are to be called to blush '"""'Ph. i-orir-iu and vi.-w. mil the Malheur (Wy Kan Association to ;xemptioiia on account of 'conscientious e p. vs ,.wa. Men who have lie "it on v h: I' J" """" I he Quakers, the Dunkardh and other sects have long maintained as one of the teimets of their faith a positive belief m the futility of war. Hut it is true thai fair!in practice there were might) few mem : hers id these oruraiuzat urns and none of them lived here iii Malheur countv. beartedh interested in the fair during re- cut years have given aasiirenee of their active assistance this Vear. It will not be as in the past I Job merely for the directors. I hat is it should be. Tin is a .u a incur count v uisiiturion. and a pcei al favorite to Ontario. The neoide of tin county have put the proposition up to n The poaitiou of the "coucsientioua ob ii.rio to presenl to their ueighbois what the J'00'" is moat illogical one He who count can can do. If the lit fails in the & M assumes a aupejrior attitude which . it slmnld uev.r again ask a favor of .iu '" psradojrieaJ when examined to its logical pari id the County. Get behind the board "fluclusiotL of directors and make the fair a winner! " the Pilgrim father's bad entertained conscientious objections against fighting, .. .vimricji would stil, be a barren wilderness aim government, "of the people.bv the pen i i , 1 1 a i I. ...I I . , . i : i ... .... louilll I ii.im .ii, i iiiieiinc ill pillliu lever. I lll'l i PALAO MKAT !MllKI I ii ii runio. I'luii Our Him-yIw Will llni You NOTHING DOING YET? fall, it will be remembered. Ontar were mmum rabli of the dread dis- ol ille people WOUld have lieell . I si where on this ulobe. but not in America. Going farther back had not the Barons of old England being willing tn There was a wild panic among mam " T, '" fm nemg wuung .. ct.zens over the condition f affairs, and ,1Kh5'"ew "d have been no Runnymede such talk ai.out the necessity for act,,,,, !'V "? ( lmr,a- "" wh"'h thv human. ,ry I'onfoctlonary CI HITV llKI ll Maker of Kreani KruM Unpad I I.OHIIHiK IIAIItt lon Kldrdgn, CTOf Special DflUi-i ii-H fur all i Wacom - Haiku Huk HTt OKIIAkKH llltos olt- POSUVIOJI oi i i mi Tlier am None Heiti-r Than tin- Saudehakrr Mured li Nipular opinion the city council took action A health Inspector was appointed. Pora few days orders were Issued i', r a "clean up", n number uf the .rpert owners did clean up. The others ignored the order entirely. following this tin council ordered that all peiNi.iis living within a given district be required to connect with the existing sewer. Thru ttn imjM-rs .; aid on the strength of tlie amended cit, oidinauee.s that action w.ujld be required of eitisens to comply with the aw. Notices have been prepared for the enforcement of the law. and some uf tin- c oliillleil linertv o nreseiit ic lUTiitimiu mi f. Had the fiillnwers of liai 1. - I , , t . I I, coiiscielieious objectors'", the battle of Tours would have never been fought and all Europe, would have been conquered by the Saracens, ami the light and learning which makes life worth living would have been postponed for cars. The conscientious objector is ninety jM-r ci nt shame and coward. Nut onl that In is an UUgrateful wretch win. is living amidst pleasures ami opportunities for whiah other men have fougnt and are fighting to main tain, fhere la but one svst m of handling him. a evidenced bv the failure of im- Ki.n KepurlliK w. unsos Wateliea I'locka.Jewlory. i'ui i;i Gold and Silver t'late v I THAT CIVK SKI( Ii i: HKItVKS" ONIVItlO N TIOVl. Ltk We Invlie Vuur Itunlneoa on the BaUU of Set urlty and Accuracy Jiuve been Ki-i.t ..ut .....I U... .. - '" . .'1... IF. 1 I llll.. Illll .1 . . ... yet there ,.s aupaivntlv ifo'gvneral deaire to PfI,,mM,; '" BMChmd where the Blacker comply with the law In those who are know t 7"u!"'1 ,l '" w,"'k " '"' w,n ",, uulv Violating it ustead ..I incarcratiou the Slacker who There must be some reason for this , Ul" H",,,l r,,rhe lll",'1tv w""1'1 &) dition. Or is it just that the citizens of ? I"n .hcr the privilege of fighting or Outeri. nt.crlv ignorant to proper "'-'"'""t ;; U after he is hungn tan conditions that the v are satisticd i' l2 A , i M l,,f" ""' ,""s"""- to p. i-.u.t the present state of affairs , ev- M J1"4 ""f1 to sllMai" ;1 s"'li " The Argus can not subscribe ... that Kfo . tlleoix , till, it Would seem to In i I'owa 1 Good Berrlre oviWIlo DAIKt O MliiKmiuiii, Crop Wa aii r'urnlah Milk or ( riani in ljirf QuMiiiiifN Kodakii Siatloery ON I IUO I'll MtMM Tlif Coiini liritri- Slure Tlie Hifxull Sinn- K.iuuliUu Service That i'leaiaa the case. is rieiieve tliat llntanaiis. Saturdav Julv 14 is the anmversarv of Bastille, the Frenchmaii's From its fall their l.n ath ed round the world the spirit of the French Involution "Libert . Equality . Praternit " for civilisation owes a bcav.i debt to Iraiicc. Aiueiicans can do im better thine N does the Aruu uioie lawless tban .iti.cns o t other cities in ,;l" '' '" .vbcie s;uiltai .oiiditiolis are elifon-ed and Polirth of Jlri.V, taken to piitei't the lives of the p. pic til id heart V co operation. Oi might just as well face the question of sewi mncctious now as later. I In' season tor typhoid epidi nm m- """lav tiian to pause to honor the da rt hand, i no home that can " ab '' tbinkin- of that with the French out . hitch safe from the invasion uf the dis armies will be tightjuK that Liberty, Equa- uiibr the pre.seiit condition.-.. l'nles l;,x MidFraHiniity,"niay not bctMn'ie imre . is willing U me of his eiiildreu stiff lv a" ''"' ' )'biue lipped b men bowed mi .ml willing to take a ehauee of suffer "er ''"' vv' 'l,t "' German Kulture, hilUSA'lt', ti nan has a riyht to refusi to ' ,ak,,: bi .ird When men walk up before a Justice id the health It tin peace and plead iruilt. t.. v. ..I,, The tini for talking about this matter the liquor Saws, it is hard to find much I. . have l-ceii too l.u: ; mi talk patbv for them, while it is amusing to I already. ,,i, the attitude ..f injuring inn., is violating the law ceeiice. I i might just as wel ' too. The j alise isw as anytime that they will be look -ed at tin .uuiieil ' iii down on b) all self lvupeetin us OnurioH only Tailor i oei Have Your Suit Made Just Kr Vol Qlaaaware. ( Tinware im Hill H STOJ ll.Ul in our l.iuw- S sav- You Mini. No lnler t.H. I.r Noue too wii.son aaos. Tiit- Qrooerv LaS wu ii,ort ibu euovi e j -l'HOSK I J Hulllvan.l TU.' ii 11 Ii" atoie tin' Brarj ' Sm euari iMSfta to aero- Um Ati II In. Soiiii' ni.ili' b.i';ik at If nr)K-rltra wire iinilliinl nnl.r In rilliioii. Iml Ibey ai eo-r. lu-o-. pttftt n.leud lug (o wi'iillli lien Un' Iiiim nut a liMMii I-, aaaiinilufl haoa letlge al iiirii 1 ii, i mi. liiiiiiiiiliin a .ul lure llit'jr ho- Iii n'lii'.Mil 1 1 urn. ailnpl IIIK OpillldlM III-', llu ll"t ll'ilil Mini 'l" (1 Ii'iiiIIiik li'ui. .i l.iulueaa rulea hIiI'Ii are rnr riom tin- 'k'Hlmalc. A ii mini I, ni". 0M, III lliMt .rti pin linn In' li i . . in ln iuii,i-.i'il iijiiiii alerfelti 4 la pnptHttu K II! HI I llllN I. f.ll.l till llllll Willi ll b bore irli iiml Imiii-i i linn guld In iililmrs Unit lr,.. nv. i.hi.li ! but tin riiiiiitiMfi'll Ijriliu bafMTfl Iin- iilrr la thr acme "i laj ll In ii alalaajtta ot one "f 1 1 mil niil.-r linns,.,, .md ,m mil- page llirce lag in i.-lilm-. are ailer tlaed. Iin' in. i i- iii-, I:. i in i, in,. "eaoal iii fr, i aawtos m.i, liln mi ib marki'l." Hi., . ml g ggg lo havr "lll'in- y, , il M'M.llil IlivMK 1 III. UK illii'i n lilli- tin- llilul U ruUu-d aa brim! "Ui,. in,, -i iiiliertor ki'iug ma illll ii tin- iii:ii I N" "i.i'ii nf 1 1 niji-lilnra really l tlii' bsatl S l.l Ii ll.niu la a gooS in tin' ass your ri liill, -i nulla auxl guar . ,ain,. - i in :.-,, i, i,i,, ,,r tin. above . trluiu. Irate of nil. tellT Moat aiaur .ill.v Iml . I Im I.".-, n hIi'.iii.i i. flail tn nil wlm ilotnea They run lain gloa ug di rlpllona nr "' Mfftten nf iiii.n.'v iin inn km.w wli.il t li.- in- K. r.ir tln-lr m i when Ibey hi-iuI u tu m uiall or der Imuaa. Qeeda In Slain Paaagt. Were ll not m tarloui it would be aigaSaS '" riinl ,n t lln- auiooth argtiuieiiU Ibe caulogue houaaa ad . ram.- i.. ihrlr r.-ailrn. In ai ladui i ilnin in aend In ,,,!. aay that gooda are aent In plain i age btt-auiH uiiiny iuvr.'baua wlm Im. , uf tlii'iu to ell again ul.j.-. t (a havlug' iluir uaiue BfgaMir on ilm boie. W kuuw we are gate In aaylng there la aot mm alngle luenhaiil In the whole ate Sim,., !, eer ordered any t good frouj tbrae .on. vru. The atale u.pnt U luailr lu an ..fror, lo mM. the ' bellVTe that be can boy aa jeSaanly a l,l K'al nmnhant ran mil printed matter that will a..ll good la within tii. power gf alinoat . an kfcal retailer Moat all the eipert t adrtca u State awra Stea empty eu eralUlug almni aoaeaaasUala, It la not , Utorarara, retaetnliei hm adrertlalug ( that you want to writ Kiiuwi.Hlgeof w..rda and tyi. au.l the at.lllty to write tint- lulindu. n.r iMragiaplia ami ini.iuK iT1laga are ooi to i a r ...in,,., but ih faate, uot fau.-y waya of gaykua Iheaa. are what indu.-e the people to apeud Ibelr money lu tlw local torea. ln" "" kiiowlur ut hi. lore, bla good and I lie people U mora than an offaet for au lack of ability to coin cat. by plirH,-., or to uae tecbulcal language in lelllues Um. .nnie, bnw h '! "We to ha.e i, HX.U. When the mercbunt -n- ,wu to write bla ad in- gaoaid Imagtaa thai hi liaideat .'.utuuier lo gall t,, u aeUl ed on tin- acta Bhte of hl ,ieak He Hboulil wile l,,,t lK talk would be " '' Ke a aale I" II...I MMMOatai Inn in . miismh. Uaata ..t mowi u, ,i,11,i,i ..,.. all down, um,, axk ii in bla Oeak for a tea l.oura, late cut oat all the uper tluou word and print the fact out any trtininiuuo Paraonahty Bnnga Trkda. ' ll .'.in ' ri'1' """""- '' wwno . Ike in, talk tl. more U will uga aim your t i ut Ili.Kleri , , Make aure thai ' Will inl.r. i A k' m ' ..... , . ' " ",t III u i i. a. nroa Auto lj mi i licit i. ii l rhlei IU ins. Maaga, -Agi'lllH fur Kuril Motor Ileveloplng jifi Amateur Klnlchliii; I'rka THK III Ii III I I MTrote KiilarglugL r. ' ' ilruln Sank. I'lmlirr Baggaal CASH i.llMN . OMPAR1 Kiirwanlliu ...,,, r A HAX SAXON SAUK in. A. 8. Iiin.iii Agaal, It a An Ideal (at Mrcaillng Htmk IncUaSa I'miltry HuppliM ONTARIO I'ltoni i Oao. Howe. Mauager, Wholaaaten lu I'miiir) n4Bsu Shining Partef eioi'i.i s i-KKssAsr Win. Tallnr ITop I l.udlee ami lieniH TaUeSal V 'ii k (lunranlael Staaui, Hot Water. Air I N I'll MHIM. A SI 0SVAM1 ITiiiuhing and Sbeel Mat Indian Motorcycle" and t All Kli.de of Second Half I O. I. KUNklJM lluuglit anil ft Sacoud llanil aHata See Our Hargalnc ( ' ileaolag, Creaaing.' 1 O.MTAHIO MOI.Uts ' W. C neatugtiard Prof. Sulla Made lo Measure 0 C, Corawl Art NeeJI oil Painting, rfoveltha MH.IJSKin A AMTSfOal HIT. I. p HAKHBU iioyal Soaleo Uoete THE STOKK THAI' SAVaS tOl' Mo It IOKKH call Agal BaUaoB ITioiioKitiph, Sl.eat Mia W. I IT UM" Keel Kaiatu. It.nlulh lnraaS sn. Ketgan lo I'llOM .1,1, I.MI'I I Ml N iwllerw lu Kurm Machinery, W-l 'liilWII, V i plain tic. ltlarkHn.ii h Hoi ..I . KSMI i i; w 111 M '" ".". ' IVlul.l, ... U. Will I , , III 11.0 YI'UI in .1 S. right prloa at '! If II will p a are Tig. ii-j -I'll.