The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 05, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    9 PAGE 4.
2lf dhuartu Argus
(Bstabllsherl lftM)
fc K.Aikcn, hUHUn anil I'lil.H-li.-r
Published Thursdays at Ontario
Oregon, and ntorpil at the Ontario
post offlrn for distribution an 2nd
alas- malt it
On year 41. BO. Six month $1.00
Tore months AOc. Single copy 6c.
Tin- PMe
I pledge my llloilooi 1 la iy Flag
and to the ItppulilK Tor whli li It
otand. one nation. IihIIvIhIIiIo. with
liberty and Justice fur nil.
AMerofttl .n.rythlni; If
now for tlto . iillln l the color of
the men needed to fight Oermony.
Within hut n Mlmrt lime tho llt of
men Nflerteil l Ihe IrK drnwlng will
be pnlillslu'il mill Hie liiinril provtiloil
will pa upon tlu-lr rate.
Acordlng la UM regulation there
liaa been every effort made to
the drawing frno from favorltl
There I apparently no ehnnre for
polKlral or personal "pull" relieve
H man of his duty and Unit gradual.
It I in Into the slacker clues. Norn- "I
the local board will be permitted to
paw on the oaae of any relative, and
In face of the proclamation of UM
President which admnnlaheK thorn
"In remember that they are called up
on io iidjnillciite llio most .uirrotl
rlghlM of the nnil to pt"
aerve untarnished the honur of Hit
nation," Ihely will not go wrong
In thl Instance, too, the fate of It
many men renin In the hand Of UM
board lhal every clllcn who liaa a
member of bin family liable lor
lOO, will follow the ml Ion of Ihe
iMiard carefully, for If an iitulorserv
Ing man Necking lo frauilub nil
Cape from ervlce auccii-ils, on
) i kin may have lo go In hi place
Wore a cry of favurlllHin In I
lecltvo or ice lu be ruined no member
of a local board could ever live lung
enough lo gel over the effect Much a
cry would have on hi political (M
tune. If II could be eiiliHtnnl lull
proven The ineinherK uf the !
nil realise tb Ihlim- l I) aW
that on thom will ho centered the at
Inlloii of all poplo ;uol .f Hi'-" not
lnplred with the spirit .,1 p. tiloilsin
which Ioih marked every at'
taken DJ Hie null, "in.- on.
It,.,. ...uiul Hllll lieall.ile before
t rtft In w v li 'i the law.
And Ihlf 1 II H SOOOM '" for not i
breilh ul -up'iion in iimI folio .in
action ul lh" hoard Ihriioiil Hie na
tion lu uphold "uniarnlnhcil the
honor of Ihu natnui
Ontario, Oregon
Offlce In New WllBon Block.
Office houra t to It t to
vTlnon Bid
One night at a masquerade ball two
pOfOOM hph:iii'iI. man and a woman,
who excited coiialderable Intpreat. The
man repreaentpd I'mul, the woman '
Msruherlle. Presently a third peraon DR- W' - HOWK
eiilcnil. represent Iiik McplilstuplicleH
The IntprpMt win lioliilitonetl by Jlf
phlatoihplp and 1'hiihi talking togeth-
i . I ...Hi Hi the hbiiip time i listing
glum es at Marguc
Tlttit girl will loe her heart," said
a gup) i r.i '""'nt Ink' li"li Hoy to an
other dressed ii Martha Washington.
Ihe leliow t up aa Kaust la a lady
' Vinl I kti" the glil," ald 1 1 1 her.
li I n ii-i tin Lie Iter she'll make him
I It."
i II nil ."i vtlrtl m do. Tell Mar
guerite in fu fur I'utiit. Mi tell I
In no foi her IM l"t tOO. .i il'.cu pun I
of flOVtt ayaloet ii li'H of c-lgin. llmt
I win."
The Let lum liui'le. Ilmugli il vn ex
po ted Hint II Mould nsull In a ilraw,
f..r Ii win not 111. ell thnl a ilciliillc re
mill rotild ho obtained. Iiiu-t luiliitally
grai limed tow ml Marguerite, god Ibe
Office 117
Rea. 1171
l ll it I 'A KIM.
J. H. FARLEY -Funeral director
nd embalmer. Lady aaalRtant Phone
13: v Ontario. Oregon.
Meeti all train.
Attorney at Iaw
Will Practice In All Court
'" -"l-l-and in nn n,ir,c,,uei.ted N pubUc offlce Qnr p0(,tomce
pint of Hie house, "hole OCCMIOMI
paaaera saw (hem Kitting trio n tele.
Ulimakeil, They Heemeil very much .
rtlisot bod III ''in h "Ih.'i
mi. worn. lis URKATMMT
I Kll.
drawing of the name of a nul
lum men lo nerve lu army under the
aalcottvo ner vice :t will be. Indeed.
Hie greateat lottery the world baa
ror known.
Kurtunatel' Hie drum-, will all
lake place In Wealiingiou D I
i"l lu tho great uiarhl. opllod
i rum. on hiiildlnga, away fruin the
crowd Hie jur wb" I. .till turn and
tho number which will tall nun in
evoi v i' IbO 41 ItOlQg will he
lurntM out On every turn of the
heel, poihiip:., t he Hum ..I I tl
and in. mi wir. hang Talk al.uiit glgfe
I oe, cull one imagine a grootar
game'' Vivid lOMftaatlvi lutuu'ieora
whu ihppa.illy tell of the high roller
el M IBM i'. ill" a Igl l million-, "ii
mo ura of i oard ote "i Um
i. oil. Mo wlier'l never linugined a
rltta atekoa m high im me
live of nllllODI it inoii
And ih' i. ill.' t
. pruptmod lu a d. inui racy lta
'. r.ppeala, too to m.'u who aro
liable under Ihe law ,ilo nll'iii. the
1 1 no do you Mippo ( v I oubl i
peace within our hoi.!. li
it were nut lair the men liable would
mil tolerate II OOfoi ' li lit.
I'll.' avlilild" of Hi avi i- i'i. in.ii.
Until um lor the In the
aplrit uf Ihe game, fur in d
(I I. one ul
aa 1 1' . "innioii "It II b
.ink to bO drawn ' or "well. I'm
willing lu lake u el
little old box roll
I'm road " Tills i.. i :
tOO game, and It rt undo
i ill lie) vol
lolofod mu u a l.o ko thai
will I'l'i' until
Mr Wllliun II
feel the yank in
liiiiti loft Marguerite to keep aa eu
KHgcliienl In diiiue lip hud broken two
OBgOfOnoOte for Mnnriiorlle but th.
woman wiili whom lie had Hip third
nine, for him and Mpptiltophpc
Joined her. When c'niml UnMicd hi
dniKp he .Bine biek In .onlliillr tbn'
I. e n lite niul. Mulling Meplllitophilc-.
ill Ida place, . ..wlnl MeililNuphelei
".nliil hark Margiiciilo gave in.
hi Hit a ii'Hl Indl. tiling that ahe pn
; i lie foriner, nnd
w "in h w in milieu
Ijller Marguprlle danred with Mi-
pliltiiMioh. while I'hiki w appti
landing apart, evidently In no good
hlllllol Win lielil Ihe ruiiple whirled
hv in unt Mepblatopbolea gave one of
tliuKP "ha. ban':" for will, li the devil U
fni I'iiiikI In voliinr : lly lingered
tin' jewel hilled dagger in hu belt
Hi iiii time ihii rorotoa of ttM oooai
of I iiii-I ii. .1 liiteiided by Hie author
Inuuii to Hittiii't Ihe Niteiiiliiu of a
miiiill i oti'ile who were lu the aeeret of
Hie b.i
who knew Ma If! lllO let
Wile of Ihe ..pinion that ahe would
plunge r.uwi down lata Km ler fur business.
nine wllhoui Hie mighto! lulury to
OOtOOlf, nnd Iheie were ih..e who eon
Nidi-roil lior a mill' li foi the devil
II I- ii -l..iiKhlng how in ii n . wh
niiule mild In woniiin, will furget that
In- I- an lulellli fin U'lug And
a hie i." iline la re
iiilred to turn hi hoiul lly ..uuiuou
in.iM'iil Milium I He Him left t" her
lover Of Hio pui in Mini Hie purl. i.
whom he Inui iold hit goal To all p
Rooms 1-1-8 Flrat Nafi. Hank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Attorney at Uw
Rooms It, 14, 1 6 Wllaon Bldg.
Ontario Oregon
C that ahe pre- t-i l f1
MephiMopheie. Expert Service
Charges and
Attorney General Geo. O. Brown,
State Engineer J. H. I.pwI Superin
lendenl of Bank '. H Sargent, with
Attorney I'laude (' McCulloch uf Port
land, attorney for the dltrlct, came
to Ontario Tuesday to Investigate the
Snow-Moody Irrigation ytem which
I seeking lo re-Issue It bonds. I'nd
er l lie new-law the three state official
form a "Blue Sky" hoard and all
bond Isnues must have (heir approval
before being Issued.
With the Htate offtclala was Olln C
Miller of Head Ox Flat and Mi Mill
er of Portland a hoiul buyer Afer
louring iiularlo the party wi-ni t"
Vnle nnd then to Nyssa.
I'll" loliowlng are the pupil in the
mrloiiH chool district!, who succeeded
the solving Ihe mysteries of the
eighth grade examination given in
lilHt. No. 4 Howard Hatch, Edith
at Swlgert, Walter Saholoa, Irene
Plst Nn. :i Alice Btovell, John
nt Ko. 41 Harold Hrlbbln, Donald
Plat. No 38 Nettle I'rosby.
I'l-.i No. 6 Raleigh Van Buren,
Ivy Wlae.
Plat. No. I.lllle Crolg, Floyd
I'hrlslansen, Henry Jnhncon, Homer
Maddux, CalherlneEllxnbetli Nelih
Dll No. 16 Jay Kimball James
Mu omha. Mildred (illham.
HlNi No. 4 Elisabeth Marie
Keller. Ode Belli Mlckoy.
Hist. No 38 Robert lam
HV VIRTUE of an execution In
in. . loHure duly lasuod, by the Clerk
The kind of treatmentSteady,"' n.e circuit cun of Maihour oom
customors deserve Is the
principal upon which we do
AocftnorkM carritfj for all
kinds of cars.
pearanie, I',,u,H,.en,,'d lobe playing ,;as0ine Lubricating Oils
til- iwtil well, but Mi philophclo.. wik ' "
and Supplies.
evidently paying, ojora aiteuilon to
Mnigilerlie Hi. in djOM hi pio.ipe lu
tho poem or III lo'tiiiod fnilinii opera
I'nilal. Iioilead of being under Meplil
lophi'h' Intlueii'e. si'ineil lo Im' an
lMgonin-il bv lit III
It Win Hll.'lllv befo
ore Hip first glim
lii.-r uf dawn, when Hie lUii.ola were
-tl their gavol that Msiguerlle wenl
Up lo one of Hie men and ex. Iirilly
HiiH..-iiil omelblng In Ills ear The
man roMot another Hie two hurried
ly left Hie I. In nimpnuy with
MrKiive Aa atauaaa they were out
of althl and heai lug uf Ihe daie pis she
till iV Ih'-iu hurriedly
T t mo i i an- going lo kill
e.l li oHiet"'
'The lUril!" el.Ulim-,1 , uf the
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone 134
We want eo much to put oa of
nur electrically operated Apollo
Player-Piano In a home In Ontario
that we will make a big discount on
i 1 1 1. -ii one. knowing that enough
. ihe "I aiid I'ausi Ml Hur ' orders will follow to warrant tho o-
uei and Hi rU" riflea It uUva hv hand and nadala
also. A letter of Igulry will do no
harm. Or you may aak lira. Weeee
lu cii'arlo . Wlae Plauo Houaqg
'H hat foi V "
"Well. I miiMe k's nlieil me. C
quick! Slop III. 'in' '
' hi. li way did the.
Bolae, Idaho.
"They re out on Ihe tciinl eouil
The two in. ii ihu eul lliroilgh a hack
It was Juki light ciiotih to see
two dim II i. u nt on Ihe tennl- "nil
tmiklng at e o li "I her Willi Ihe hott
lh.-. I, ol worn in Ihelr Im-Ii-
.l.irl.,., ll,.. .,.,,, .1,,.. 'I'I,.. In .. Ill.-ll il. i, I
II,.. ,l.i .- lo wh Lev were .,,,1 X' VrX ' " ' !
II. I. THE Vr Alt ItOlMi
Oregon Short l.lue week-eud and
Sunday rales have been eo popular
hat they will he continued Indeflnlle-
kini; about .lu t H
ell at lis naeetlag Monday night dla-
euaaed vurl tag the ,mt ,,
duxi, report to prifkllug 'T . the onl) girl ll..
baa been too much for the do
tin- Boosbaraata, aaotoj tool Ham) bod
alira. UhI aitPiilloii deslsied. 0
a Im had Interfered took Faust
lo loo in in. mid the elher. a large
powerful leliow took Mophlitnphelo
by III.- '.II ,'inl led tliilll ha ' k til th,
houae and Into Ihe ballroooi
,hiiu tnu had .cased, and th,
duueers irere proueuodlng or reelllia
i in aeelug I .nisi and klepblalopbeles
,1 in like I we oaughtj acboolhuys
lore i u i,r laiicMor. Mm
, elite made for a ibmr, but she was
' aught gild IuoiilIiI I
Kveu Ihe Hl.siitillty of Ihe sluiallnn
ili'l not piev ,1.1 lln rivals from
lug al ea. h other, and alepbletopbeles
u.i in , In, 100 I
i - , eel i-'ii
"Hello J uat I .-alii one ol his i liiilus
wiieii did you route up front below 1
Jim oast ii lualevolcnl clime at tin
spoaker. tun in.uh' i ii 'l
Kale." sai'l Hi lady who had inii'le
ere a nun
ii, bi.i i . u.iu i ihu,, re
,- i,, Hie siipp. cried
the llllili who I, ml lost Ihe
I e roaal for roo all."
Ihe livals and the girl lOOJ hail
fought fut vera pushed Into Hie supper
rhey are for yiur conveir-nce; uae
hem requenlly Aak O. S L. agenta.
Down Town Olliec
ty. Stale of Oregon, dated the 2nd
day of June, 1917 In a certain ac
tion In the circul't Court for aald
county and state, wherein CrHtal
District Improvement Company, a
corporation, recovered judgment a
galnat C. T. COULTER and ROBERT
( DII.TKU, for the aum of Three
Hundred and Twenty Six Dollar,
wlih Inter.'! thereon from the S7th
day of January 1917, at the rate of
ion per cent per annum, and for the
further aum of One Hundred Dollars
Attorneys fees and for the further
sum of Twenty Sevou and (0-100
Dollars penalty, and for the further
sum of Twenty Two and 70-100 Hoi
lara aa coata and dlsburaementa here
in. Therefore, Notice Is hereby given
that 1 will on the 10th. day of July,
L17, at the north main entrance of
the court houae In Vale, In the aald
county and atate, at the hour of 1
O'clock In the afternoon of aald day.
sell at auction to the highest bidder
for cash, the following deecrlbed pro
perly lo W II
All of the Northwest quarter
of station Nineteen (II) Town
ship (14) south Range Forty Bight
( 4M East of Willamette Meridian.
Taken and levied upon as Ihe prop
erty of said 0 T Coulter and Robert
Coulter or ao much thereof as may be
necessary to aatlafy the judgment in
favor of Crystal District Improvement
Company, and against aald defend
ants, with Interest I hereon together
with ull costs, penalties, and disburse
ments that have or may hereafter ac
Um.', I litis 2ud day of June, 1917,
at Vale, Malheur County. Oregon
1st pul'llcatioi June 7th.
Last publication Julyiili
Just lu tot Hi" illy col ucll r ilie
that mere la u war on aud that liul
oil Is in deieuiid the Sti'iidard Oil
company informed the cuy fathers
y would have in look else-
uil wiili which to lay
Notice lo Fanner, and lloraeinen
Our pure hred Percheron stallion,
(Rowley) will stand for tho season
of 1917 at our ranch, one mile south
,ii. I one and one fourth miles weat
of Ontario Color black, weight 1650
pounds Terms $10 00. Insurance
Come and link him over. MePher-
sou Bros 15-tf J,
How ,, make one cli dollar ,1,
two dollars wurih of work ou the
t to be
Mom which is jivi:
HI I'AIH mi,
V. W. Marwleii, I'rop.
We do all kinds of repair work
from a pair of sclaors to the
the heaviest kind of math;-.
Bicycle Repairing us well as
Automobile work we can also
put your gaa euglue In good
l.rtMii Mower t.itiotiug a Shh tally
ofre. and Mr Bea Tama.
Sunday In Boise
That Save Your Eyes
Just the thing: for wearing
when the dust blows or the
sun shines brightly.
0. G. Lufthrs, Druggist
played to hnortttnl part in the recovery of
liininN,s troiii the adverse conditions follow
ing the iiiitliiciik ol' the European war. ami
is still helping t keep business on an even
r1''''- ..- 40 -,. gUf.SJO '. .
This lyttem, with its immense 1 1 minWI,
is tflWIII llfllieilfi.l to the hanks which .in
members of it, and will assist them in ;in
liniincial requirements which they ni,i be
called iipim to meet
By depositing your money with us yuii
receive the protection and the new faeitities
which our membership in the svstrni en
ables us to offer .you.
Member Federal Reserve System
MftJ 1st, lb, i), &, 14 30;
June U, 6, ft, i:t. 16, K), S3, ST. 30;
.Inly 4, 11. B, S3;
An-ust l. s, lfi. 22, 10.
September ". and 13, pm,
Special low tans t.. Dinvei-, ('.,,, rado
Nprin-s. Omaha, Kaiis.,, Qitjjr, CSlJeegO,
St. Lonii, St. Paul, Minneapolis,
M. -inplns and main other pointl
L0O limits; divers,- r,,i,t,
stup oven
Asko. s. i flfentelorretei
and further details
Vale Hot Springs
Board, Rooms and Baths.
Massage, Diet, Rest
DR. THOS, W. THURSTON, Superintendent