ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY. OKEOON, THURSDAY. JULY 5 1917. PAGE 3. EASTMAN KODAKS prescription specialists ararmoiirDaiiL 'imniann 1 1 J itses! " "'-' & r Tmimmm , cZm 4 few) II s The Ontario Pharmacy SEE THE MS SPECIAL MM Ol SOAPS AND AM, KIMMD OF TOILET ARTICLES NOW ON DlS- B T nT.LwAV.'f KST N" BFST "NK ,N ' WNTY AT PRICKS WHICH ARK NOT ONLY KICJHT BUT REASONABLE. WE CAN SUPPLY TOUR EVERY WANT IN THIS MM The Rexall Store Ftl.MS AND Ml PPI .IKS LIT A ItKWl.L REMEDY CURE THIT lM,D MOW UNCLE SAMS WANTS SOME MALE TYPEWRITERS NOW NCrril'r-: (II IIOND KI,ETI Ol F ETTL-OREC.ON laVOIl III RIOATION DISTRICT. Detroit Vapor Oil Stove This Stove Burns Oil or Gasoline YeH, the "Detroit-Vapor" stove works ike i gass stove. Simply light the burner md set the kettles on at once. It has no wicks. jThe hoi, sinookless lire burns direet- v agftinst the botton of the cooking utensil. IrVhen you see this store you will want one. rliey sell at very reasonable prices. Come o sec this wonderlul store, Ontario Hardware Co. Horses Wanted v War bowel 14.: to 15 hands kirn, rid ers, cols and artillery aiumuls, full A. five ti nine years .sound. Also nudes. Pi-evading prices. See ,, A. McWILLIAMS ONTARIO . OREGON rii cniiMti state civil service MM number or mate and female Monographer-, will not In' siv firi Horn the exHininiilum in lie held Ji in. 1917. to iimm'I thf needs of tin- public MTVtoW 'in examination lias been s-n m cod lo ho hold lit 40 of the prlnel- PhI clllee In lb northwest on Jut? 7. Mm typewriters without a know lodge of "tonography are desired es pecially In ronnertlon with the Quart ermaater Corps, V 8 Army, at an en trance salary of $1000 per year. A majority or the clerk In the Quart MM Corps. 0, B Army, are being selected from the typewriter register, and all male typewriter who ran qualify are urged to apply for the ex amination July 7lh Arrangementa will be made by l lie District Secretary to examine all persons who write to him. subject to the aubaequent filing and approval of application, provided! h request I: received at Seattle In time to arrange for exam hint Ion at the place nearest to the applicant' residence where the examination will be hel d Inquire roncornlng the July 7th examination Hbould be uddrel to HKRRP.KT F WARD. RRC'HKTAKY II aWlHIII civil. SERVICE DIB THKT, Itoom :i0H. I'ONtonVe Big , Seattle, Washington. EASTERN nl;i CiON LANK MWM.IH ISITES ONTARIO William MarKeuxie, general man uper of the Kaai.-rn Oregon Iand Company, with headquarters In Tort land, left hore Sunday evening for Portland Mr MarKenxie waa sc oot ipanlod on hi trip hore by hi nun Win!,- lii Ontario Mr. McrKauile .and the roni anlHH local agent. TkMMI Ctuggetl Inspected the I nun mi wlid h tbo rompany I improving near Nytaa. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ego the telephone waa a luxury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It has become s necessity within the reach of everybody. Where once a busi ness had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today that buainess has aervlos with a range three-quarters of a conti nent broad, and every branch of every business Is linked to ev ery other by an in; nommunlcatlng tslepbone syatem. The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there are now 8,000,000 Bell telephones In this country, over which go it. 000, 000 talks daily. Every Bell Telephone is a l.rong Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone l,o. W VRNINC. TO THE PI RLICI My atteutluu lias beau called to the the fact on several occasion, that the local distribution of the t'hevor let Motor Csr liavo made statement tbut the motor In till car oontsiii-.l Run k valve In tlio head Motor. A comparison of the two cara should satisfy the public Ibat this Is untrue, iiml mail .-Imply io deceive the pub lic Into thinking they were receiving llulck quality In addition I will quote from bulletin No. $f issued liy the Buick Motor Company. iimok valve iii iioud Moior are built entirely by the Hunk Motor Co In its own shop si Flint, Mlsli ex press!) and aolelt for the Hunk motor earn, and are not obtain!,!- t,,t any other make of aiitnmohlli- II. K hoi Rules sud Dodge Dealer for Mal heur Counly. Vale, Oregon. Notice ll hereby given htat n:i lion will In ln'1,1 i,v the elector of Payette Oregon Slope Irrigation Di On I 'iii Hi,- ii i ii t li ilny of July, 1917. to determine whene'er or not bonds of aald district shall be (nsued as fol lews: Twenty year. lx por cent . roupon bond In the Hum and amount of $190,000 00 to refund. retire and cancel all outstanding bond of the district aa well a all outstanding roupon on bond snd all warrants laaued for tbo payment of lnteret on bond, said refunding bonds to bear lnterot at the rate of six per rent, per annum Interest payable the first day of January and July of each year, I he bond maturing aerially after the fifth year In annual amount o aa to be approximately equal, principal and Intereat. Twenty yesr, six per cent , coupon bond In the sum and amount ot$3f, 000 00 to refund, retire and ran, ol all nutataudlng warant of the dis trict other titan warrants Issued for the payment of Intereat on bonds Raid refunding bond In bear Interest at the rale or six per cent per nunum. payable the flrnt day of January and July of each year, the bonds nistur Ing serlslly after the fifth year In an nual amounts ao as to be approxi mately equal principal and Interest. Kor the purpoue of aald election the said district hall comprise a sin gle election precinct, aald precinct having for It- exterior houndarlea the exterior boundaries of the ditrlrt and the polling plare mIihII be at the office or the iloard or Directors of the DlNtrlrt u! and In the one story frame dwelling bouse located neur the pumping Ntation and power house of the district, which said dwelling house Is located on HK', of tbo NW'4 of Sec. I. T. 17. 8 R. 47 E. W. M., In Malheur county, Oregon. The polls will be oponed at $ o'clock on the morning of Lie day of the election and will be closed at 6 o'clock In the afternoon of said day. s i.attk;. I'res., c W, JOHNSON, A A il I i.l.KIUillxiK. OTTO C Mil.LKIt. 1' M. ROALH Hoard of Directors of Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation Dltrn I' M ROALH. Secretary of I'ayeile Oregon Slope Irrigation District KlrHt publication June 7. 1 17 l.uxi publication July S, 1917. INSTRUMENTS fILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE DURINC WEEK ENDING JUNE 30 DWbwi firnyro li Thompson of vlr to flll bert Van ThoI1; lot 1, W 1-2 lot S. Blk. Arcadia; June 20. 1917; $360. II Ii Fillmore to Mrs. Minnie Flll- roore; HW 1-4 8W 1-4, 17. $4. It Dec. SI, 116; $60. M S. Mead et ux lo linnnl Cousin; 14 Int. In Combination A. Shoe QuarU Claim; March 16 1913; It. Trustees of Willow Rlvor Purchase to Fred liar, -ell; SB 1-4 NW 1-4 NW 14, 2(1, is. 4.T. June 12, 1917; It. Jordsn Valley Motel to to In, inlngo Viutri. Lot I. Rlk. A. Pioneer Ad. Jordan Velley; Msy 4, 1914: $100. Jordan Valley Hotel Co lo Horn In gfj rUaffi; x)t I 2. and .1. Rubdlvl Ion R of Rlk f,. Pioneer Adn , J V.; Nov. 7. 1914; $126. Ontario Advancement i ,, in Prank L. Mandley; N 1-2 SB 1-4 8VV 1-4 8VV 14. 9. 13, 47; April II. 1917; $1000. C'orge M I'liinoy to May M I'ln i.i lulu Ifi lo 20. Rlk. U4. Onlario; May 24. 1917; $10 M ii. Mope el al to Mope Rro : 1-2 in! Lot 29, Rlk Mi Hope lb, I land Adn. Vsle; June 29. 1917; $1 Win M Harris et ux to F Rverly; N 1-2 NF. 1-4. NK 1-4 8F. 1-4, 4, 19. 44; June 21, 1917: $10 Geo W Latllg to Lloyd L Cullnit hoii. t 7 s In 2$, 1$, 47; June 27, 1917; $1411. Orvlll Chatflelil et ux to Lloyd I. nihertson; 8 1-2 HK 1-4 NK 1-4, 22. It, 47; June 13. 1917; $2000 I.,, ill,, II Charles et vlr lo J If Kill Lot- 13, 14 and l.r,. Rlk Hadiey's Snd Adu . Vsle; Msy 7, 1917: $100. i Rj i ,, lo John 0 (;or,l,,ii. NW 1-4 NW 1-4, 11, $3, 39; May 17. 1917; $610 Complaint During Wee:b II II DDuArmond et si vs Samuel J. Bean. Injunction . June 29. Marring. Lleerisea: I- s Welttonhlller and Mlra Han sou: June 16. t. NOTICE Ol SLE Ol ONTKIC NSS. IRItlt.MKIS IIIMI'W) DITCH SUM Iv Kill DKLIN Ul I I SMENSI MX. Notlos Is hereby glvn timt theOn tarlo-Nysa Irrigation OssjIfJaMl will on 'l'iiedn . tlio hovonlb day of Aug tit. I HIT, at the hour of two o'clock n Ibe afternoon, si Hie office, of the said company In Ontario, Oregon, sell at public auction, to tbo highest bidder for cash, ninety share of the Capital Slock oT the Ontario Nysss. Irrigation I'oinpan.i which Held stork was IsNiiod In thn Oregon and Western Colon l.al ion Co and dedicated to the following ilcHi rlbeil land, to-wlt: N H of NK4 and K NF-K of rtH M of Sec. 21, T. J8, R 4, In Malheur County, Oregon Said stork being represented by three certifi cates described as follews: No. A. 103, dedlcnt.,1 to the NEU or NB of said soollon 21 and No A. Je9. dedicated lo the NW or NKU or said section 21 ami A 322 dedicated to Hie KtOf NEnf NW ', of said "ii 21 Said sale to bo made for the purpose or collertlng delinquent a ' iiIh sud penalty now due against Hie s-ild hlock, aiiuuinllng to Hie Minn of $ir,C I 73. ONTARIO NVSSA IKItlUATION COMPANY. By B M HltKKI, ReeTOtfnfw. First piihlhiiiii.ii July 6. 1917. Lssl piililicatlon August 1. 1917. M. R, tllllU'H. 10:00 s. lit., Sunday hcIiooI. 1 I 00 a. Ill, l'i, inching. Huhjort. "Nalhanael " t:30, union services at Congregn II, uial eliurcli. I II. inn.,. Pa .lor. Miiii-i, , i.ii I I'.n Notice. 'I'lic union , i . i, ., iioxl Sunday will be ,n the i ong regal I, mill church. Rfa linker of tin- llapllHi ihureli will preach the nermon The service will begin St 3:3(1 p in iiiHlosd or X00. WA.N'IKD I'onlilou a cook or general house keeper In country, dia anee out no object it le'lsfnctewy call or liipulre at Curler House. Ml Mortens Wells went to Raker Friday, morning to take the civil ser vice examination, which I belug In that place WHY DON'T YOU SAVE MONEY win -n in want of Tableware, 'liinawuiv, (lluss waiv, Knaiiiclfd and Tinwan's, 5e, 10s, and lety everyday useful articles and liuiid i't 'd of otlicr items h lni tug from THE VARIETY STORE Ontario, Ore Pric'PS the lowest Develop Your RA W LAND KAK.M I...ANS madk FOR THAT PI KPOSi: O.N 1KKKJAT- iii i.AMi POR a THRU TO TKN VKAK TKI'.M THIS 1N ( l.l'DKS I.AM) UNDRR THE o 1 IUO NYfltU HITCH AS WKLL AS LAND I'NHKIt It HIT! HI 11 t- paymeut privileges. Apply to Harry II Cockrum, First Nationui ll.,nk, (lutsrio. Oregon, or J llnmfeld. Uener- I Agent, Mortgage Company ol America, No 2 Alnsworth 111,1k . Portland, Oregon Hatlfactory Argus olttee. Job Priuting at the Pl'rU'HAHUKl .mh krTAIXION. niiiA mi him Ml -1 M.l II Mi (an Nuppl.i lour Newl. lilt -.Wllllll litldll I! SHOP H.VW Die place w lure li Is Hie Heat, where the Baths art- liie N- wti 'I'ln, horse bUMiu.is in Mullieur c ii niy baa been Increasing al uch a i.ipi, I rule that Hie stallion sulesmeu have l" ially atlreciid to tbl locality thia saesou In buying a ti-lliou Ii U always advisable to buy Oregon raised stallion, whenever i.osalblc These siuliiou-. eai: be bought direst from the biei-,1, , are all acclimated to Oregon c milium, and can always be pur- cliaaed at u reaaouahle pn buying a stallion II l w H 10 htm ex.n iiin-,1 by tlio htsllloii In ; pictoi and have in. pedigrc ciiecked by the State Stallion Regis tration Hoard M His! lliere is no iinilil Inn Hiul a llieuse to slaud for public BCrrtee can be obtained. If the stabion t pur based at a gtgtj , aliuot olitatn a In I -i .md for public eerviee it i at a cou idernble lose to ibe pun priced stallion. Any information 14904 horse is LXpocte.1 at a t.e i on.muuit) Theststelee reii. Stallio , Ktlou H, rail to refuse license to Mallnm l"ul b coin , unsound l, loft year i Pc cannot i l adi liuible lo con uli-i all ol I a high lalllon Auy In fol will be glsdly fuilllfh, ,1 by I,r A (i by tin- Stallion H.-giht : nil at 'orvull goli fJTAMJOK RKOI8TRA BO - U E RICHARDS. Se.rutary 4 If COOHP parjnpMpjrjRapjj pj p wiTti m 1 PEARL I ECONOMY An oit cook-stove it cheaper to buy than a wooii M coal ltOVS ami it's much ihesixi to operate. If call in a jilty, and a cool kitiiicn in SUII1M1CI. All the convenience of gas economical for alt the year 'round i, ,, iking. Hake i oasts, toasts. Steady, evenly-distributed heat, the beat for cooking. The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and Smell. In 1. 2. 3 an-1 4 burner BlsM with oi wiiiiuu, ...ii.. Al.u t.b.llft aiodtlt. Ak yuur dii tuay NEW P&ECTiON OIL CiOVE FOK SALE BV Kroehsin Horntss Co. McIjohvU's Kxthaiiiff Store lead it in the Ontario Argus