f FAGE ONTARIO, MALHEUfi COUNTY. OKEOON. THtTRKDAY. .M,LY f, 1917. NEW METHOD FOUND BY WHICH TO STORE EGGS The Week With Ontario Citizens ( Local Peroael ) MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS ARE IN DEMAND YOU WILL WANT A COUPLE WHEN YOU SEE OUR I'ATTERNS AND PRICES. Summer Shoes Largest Stock, Best values to be found in the city. Do you know it? If not investigate August McCall Patterns Now in stock. Make your se lections early. Fruit Jars Fruit Jar fixt ures. Largest Stocks to be found. Buy while we have goods assortments. BOYER BROTHERS & COMPANY J Purr i vai" iiia ii it a a Goat Milk 1 fuiruhl,' lltthy tutff I Food for invalid M in rawf'. r-Hrt i ih U tthrMf tm lapt)tWp'w-ltn m BBMlMfn T MHO OHUOQIIT m GOAT MILK CO. imiii-t 'N " s -' ; It MM li' prevented Iiy strict economy In I In- kitchen snd "buying by the -uliraltili ing of the more plentiful fill foods, and by conserving by dry Ingnnd canning the large iuanlHea of Irultn hihI vegetable iliul ordlnur lly go In aaat. Mr Howard stutes thai demonstrations In cunning mid drying would bt held In Ontario In a ikOfl time by representative of I III- Slut Agricultural College. vmHrisron? ii: 480.845 37 :;ir. llcner BWPORT OK CONOITION OK FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ml Ontario. In tin Htm oi fir.'gon, at tin- done of husliicsn on June 20 KKHOIIUrTH. 1 a laiaun and Htncniiuta (except I hone Hin mn on 1 1 and o 3 Overdrsft. unsecured, Slfi.SR V H bonda (other than Liberty Bonds of f 117) .a I' H. hum! .1 in secure circulation par value IfeM honiW mill certlflcutrH of Indebted owned ami unpledged in nun 00 f Total D H honili-( ollu-r llian l.lherty Honda I mill iitIIIIi hIch of Indehtediiess 81. SOP 00 w". Boutin. Securities., etc.: ' I- nili.-i ilimi I 8 bonilH pledged to secure poatal ssvlngs deposits v l h and securities plwdged as collateral for stale, nr hi her deposits (postal .-. hiili-il i or bill payable. Heearltle oilier than l'. H bond (not lu- MttdlDI i locks I owned unpledged. . 30.t73.l8 .1 bonds, i-i'i urttiea, elc. Stock of Federal Kwith- Hank (50 peroeat llf HUll-U'llptlOII " In u Value ol hanking In.n-.- II Cnrullure ami fixtures 13 Net aiuoutil due from approved reserve agentH In Now Vark. Chicago. St l.oula t.tlt 31 h Ni-t atiiouiit due Irnin approved reaerve iigeniH in other reaerve est lea a2.HOH.sr 14 Net uniotiiil due from b.uka and hankara ml her than i ii 1 1 a. . . i in 13 or 21 lb tfirhnng- for clem inn house 1X7. aONlalde check and other itema 1 ..mi tit) n, 000. 00 37.178.18 :;.ooo.ot 3l.6St.il 7.413 43 IMS! 1 1 83.tttt.88 26.10l.5t rraa I i urroney, S'tcklo an cents V77 III SI I 33 S4 at at e-I, I .-.:i I If I mi I a 75.S3t.tl 1.136 00 $771,681 la 16. 000. 00 0.000 00 7.134.31 31. Mm mi 1.418.77 371,173. 84 tl.0tt.57 6.0011 on Nine ml oilier mitlon:il banka Latwful reserve In vault and net aiuouiit iuiu Federal rtMTM Hank I . - i. iui- mi. fuiul witli I' H. TreaNiirer t ami ilue from I I I'reaaurer IHTAI., hlAIIII.ITltW. 'apli fefU ln . Surplui- fund N .. I'n.llnil.,! it.,iu , 11,761.81 b Iea current eiainn. inlertwt. and ttuea ulil 10,831.08 i u. nialuiK nolo oulataudlng . . . iinouiil ilin- lit bank and banker oilier than Included In II and oil.-.. Ik-inaiiil iMJMttt miI..-i In llaaerte: IniliMdUiil dapoaltK Hubjeit Iii check i uilliate ol ilepoMt due In lenw than S i uilii i llian loi iiioni- lmiroedl . Slate. iouui oi oilier ii,uniciii..l di poalta . nreil b pledai of rTlt of llii bank loial ili-nimnl dt,i.sit, .nhjixi in Ueaerve, ami 40. . . . 4S8,3t724 itopualta aubjei I lo lti-eri I payable alter 30 dua, or aubj daya or nun i- null- 411. ( ,-i .-- oi daftoaltt wiilii-i than for nioni-v liurioa ad .... 4J iiilit-i unit dciKn.ll ... i.il ol II .Uhje. t lu liiwiw. .a i i 201.683 06 I uii.al m.ii.- iK-iiohIIh, not huI.. . i lo li. -.If , 851.78 Total. 1778,581.111 State .0 in ... i oiiul) Of M alhour. m: the above named bank, do aolemuly an nl M lr ne to tiic ivcm iii my auowieage ana 11 b 0OCK.B1 OaMkfetff. A i.woru to baiort me ihla 3rd day of July, 1817. QMM W.W W( ,a Kill M. Notary lublu I l llll. I. IN , I. DRY FEEDING CAHLL Advantage of Thi Method of Handling Over Pattering tb Animal. At the recent meet I m of the Kanka kee County (Ml i I'nif Irleil Caftle Breeder aaaociatlon rlattor were given an opirliiiilt of comparing tba benefit of tba o called dry feeding over tbat of paxture for cattle, aaya Hie orange Judd Kartuer. N M Uiluhl of Mnnleno exhibited --.. In-i.lt. one tilt h had been ralaed ii blue gTaat pa . they nara laiBJB en. nuh mid another wbli b bad WMM led on allege, alfalfa, bay and col loii will anil which had neu-r run on paatur In their lire. Atlbeacaof twenty to month Uic herd of elevan caltli- whn h had U-i-n dry fed aver ascd 1,400 iMiumU ra-h. and at (be aame a.-- bg ii.-td or cattle which had run on gotnj blue1 giaa paature avar aged a Utile lean llian .ik finniln eacn. The follow inw i. tin- diet of tha calf until he I laige enough lo eat the dry frill line pound led dog (lour, oil IMiniid of -oilnlih- I.I'mnI (lour, one pollud of ground huuilny meal and one poutnl of lluieed Ml ml Mil t'luclher lu oon gallou of water for one leed The dem onxirallou ahoweil that more cattle it. ii 1,1 Ih iai.eil by till luetuoit oa fra r a i re of laud lliuu by (lie old tae i 1. 1. -ilr. I .. ... , MEASURES OF CONTROL FOR DOCK FALSE WORM (Prpard by liiH.d ritaia. dapai tment of agin ultur I A green woiui, ktiuwu a Hie dock rale vioiui. wini-h cguaea roaaldarabki daiuaue I., apple croi, I fuuud lUroughoiu the northern sectloa of tba I idled Mtatc and la noticeably preva- biuglou. Tba auiculioii planla an. h aa Ihe doil. kuotwead and biiidwr.-iU When iln-.r occur la au on hard the worm make ll way up the triiiil. of ilu- ireu and burrows Into ill,- fruit, taualug it in io'. Tlif i an In- little in no dunuei from thl lit- e-t In i -ic.-iti mil vahtl on-burd or la It wli.-i,. lis final plant do act 'ml v Campbell who on acoau.nl ol III id to abandon the I. ii. e of law, anoaral araaka ago re t'liin'il, to Ontario Monday evening Mr. Campbell Itae apent the past alx aaakl In a lumber camp In Baker i-...iniy and how a vaat Iniprove ii. -nl In lo-alth He will remain In thin vicinity for ranger service In 1Mb vlrlnltv tor aeveral day In-fore i porting for dun with the foreit rmiger service In Wallowa comi't I.- wlih li be has been recently appolntad o .Some wanka a number of our eit- ll Nlgtid pledgna to co.ilrihutn tan- .ins to 'lie Armi Y. M. In ti-.a rtraea of a caaiprign nurpoaaa, overlooked ;i d will up- 'nte full peymi-nl from as man) a an coiivleneuil) in kn It, hand or si . I- " 8 i- lloman and t John itli hardaon a well knowii ruueher of Ihe lloulevard died Wed taf night having failed to rally a mi operation for appendicitis which was performed on Tuesday i Mr HIchardKon became III Tuesday. ami was taken to the hospital In the nopes that an operation might glre relief. He leave a wife and several 1 several children o Miss Justin" (lark Clark of Nmupa formerly of HiIh illy was the guest of Miss May I'latt on Sunday. Mlea 'Clark Is now employed aa steno grapher In Ihe dispatchers nin. at N'ampii Month' li liwlnn of llolse came .I. .a ii Saturday morning to sea how ' nun li water was running In tba O- I wyhee ditch and Incident ally to louk after other local Inters!. o City Attorney l. J. Gallagher left Monday for I'rane where he wa the orator of the day at the Fourth of .Inly celebration lu the terminal gat O Hon II K. McKlroy a prominent HoIho attorney, had legal bualneaa In I'ninrlo Monday o Mia Baasla Hope returned lu her homo at Vale, having eoovered rroni liar opeailou. I'leiumlng I tit I'n-H'-riei Wlllioul ( i.Hiks Without Water. Without Trouble Will ItMtM Kgga Mri- anil I'rewli . ....... i-ip , . m II IIUIII " yi n, iln- .isjof Wablu IiiimsT rVeuii UMm Ce'rliju I o Mlaa Hulh I'lckhall of Tuakan. , Arlxoua arrived here till week to vie- It her tun:. Mm John Woml a " Thus W Claggett and A (). Faul kner spenl (he last of the weak in Hi.- Iluriit Itlver country. - 0 Italph KmUnii Isft last weak for a visit with relatives at Portland O A. O . Faulkner went to Burns Wednesday lo apand a few days. o Mrs C. kl Beery and ton of Burnt arrived In Ontario Tuesday to apaud a couple of waaka wltbMr. Baary. IOHM ItH'HAUDSON DIM o l)r lUlgar h Kortner left Hunda for I'ortland on business. . The flnit payments on the aM Cros-t pledges was due Bunday. The looal officials of the Red (rots are somewhat at .-aa a to the manner of procedure to care for collection" There are over 600 pledges on the partial payment system and It will be a task to keep the record atrHlg in )n tu,.M. ,)ilVH r therealened food The Portland headquarters ror tne ,hort.l) Hnyililng thai will help pro It. -I "roes campaign has sdvlaed Iht V1, (, ,,,rr l.y of Inveatlga locnl official that directions for Iht Ml)ll Nn alien agff itc compar- I of oollecUng euhscrlptlmi' ,.h(., gbaap ll tba i - In shleh lo STOna bt forih coming soon. hut asj,,1)ri, ()),M ,,v 4()ll, ,,,,, ,, tal, no word bus Imhmi recclvd In , ,(. t ,,,),!,. u,., ,,st , t in. ,tat, ., the meautlme ninny are brlngn ilorlmj eggs i- thai Hot l-maml . on t a mars, can mil ba moved ivl steal un! hen a. ihe pm kago i--.i in.- egg.t ntual i"' ued st inn I This i not Un lining Kgg . siibstiinri which keepr Ihe nggn freshfor months The Hem- Iiik un cut ion In n simple paste, It la I easily used ami aThaa nine appli. .1 tii" eggs maintain all their value until i. -oil I'nllke most stored eggs, those preserved bj tilt H'ltn'llig not hod imiy he SSfvvgl fol pur John MeOlvara enme down frmr. 1"' nelly rresh eggs are used. crane and has been transfered lo lbs sln'" "'" liorernmenl offldalg are Orogon Hhorl Late ami will lie !- urging I .-.m ggg rl . ury vegetnliles.it is Itilerestlng to know Dial the KlemlugKgg Preserver John Wood left Wednesday forthe" ,",,l ' "domed b many of ihe Interior, after s faw day visit home. I Agrlcnltursl College to which imrthy Jaqulsh went lo Cayette on i mples have been sent for expart- Weiinaaday morning's pony "u l'rpes If you deelre to , 'learn more alsiui Us simple use write Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas llouser, and ' the Klnnimlng Kgg Producer Mra and Mr. Bou Jade, of Cow Creek. Sub- iin-ron. or mil on Ihe local Harney County are In Ontario for un ..tore where ll in for sale, extended stay trlhullons to the local Bad quarters where they are beln reoalv ed temporally Kittle Mloe Margsr.t Blsckm tttaod Saluday evealiig f'om Milton Iowa where I six week vltlt- Ing with ro;allve As far ss oho abone she was accompanied by Miss ( 'alien of the- boitl nc.hool lacnlty who Is to spend the remain. 'or ol the sum mer in Idaho before riiinlin; lo OtttSJ in for the achonl year. limed at New PlyinouHi o Miss Kreda Jltnmoraon of I'ayetlc tpent Sunday In Ontario 'he guest of frleinl- Or W J. Woeae went to Weal fall loil.it on profteeaional baslaase i 144.771 10 3N r ii. n a... k teas Omni in spptos It aiiuwu In ilia sac id in Hlu.niala.ii. li.in.liioiu.il,- baattiia ihw tit What Hs Missed. Tlieie no ne lalklng about It, when you get Hit- pul'llc to the Hilnt wbere It iiielei tainU one kind of art you ought lo lead Ii l.t easy Mage to the scx( higher variety Inm I spring ll all at oiut mi tin-in A (aO da.i ago we asUI lo a iininl ol otira test you ijoitig oter to Ibe Art urn srum yen lel.iuy II. .it ,nl you like Uf" til. the .n line-, ti. 'oud. ' i . ., i ., .. neieu't any joke-, nmiei tin . late Blalu In h i Mr. and Mr. I.. I.. Oswes sad dau f Weiser drove to Oii'olo Hun day to visit wltb tholr ton. Joe Oswea of the Ontario Pharmacy. O Klohard Adam lett l.iti week for n vait with hi nlstec. Mr. Kloyd Hag ar In Cambridge. Idaho Mra Jessie Scott came down from lleulab on Friday of last weak to visit with her mother. Mrs Con Itysn. o A. I.. MATHKHOV PlovMOR ,0V owviiKt. i Aii, m m in hi II 8. Kuiiierford. ar received s copy of the Aberdeen Wsahlngton World, containing Ihe ttory of the death of A. U Mslheson a promlnenl luiubarrusa or the Grays Harbor country; whn was forever, a pioneer of tha Owyhee country having taken u homestead on the Owyhc In 1881. After living In this section (or eight fars Mr. Matheaon went to Kverett Whlngton, whart) ha eutered the lumbar bualneaa and In 1888 weal to Hoqulau where he lived until hi death. Mr. Matheaon was wall known In this taction He wa a Nova rtcotlan by berth aad waa 7 years of age when ba died . . Ooat MutllaW Yr C. It Is s cHme to atatilata or defsce old or sllVei eln, ml J ton were la Sb a waler ven lo punch s bole lu s .i gold plact so ihui tun could . err It oa your watch iiu.n you probably aoultl oe (old lo 40 about your bum uea. tat, strangely enough, if , a,.,r tu mutilate a goal pie. e uutil It bad lost all reaetuhla.i e In a coin you Mould uul be i-iiin. 1. ii Wust ibe gov muit-m aliua al In to pieti-ut in, nil INilnueat of the vtna of iu gold ami sliver tokeua by plugging, drilling, "wsatlug" aad othci pfaeglggg it in unlawful to cui even a uiouogruiii uu eiturr gold or ailver ...iu New ..rk Curl 0 inihl- of the Tribune force at 1 . Id well wan In Ontario Huudny. I M K Bain returned Saturday rrom Hpokane where he spent the first of Ihe week on business. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS Kurnlnhed quire of Mra. Houee for I. Ilelle Real: la- -Adv tf 'Pronper Jr '' the ton I'erc heron Stallion will lie at the K- 8 AD. Kanch every Thursday, Friday and Baturdsy Term. tlS.tt bring colt. "Prosper" aire Hi kind of oolt. that bring the big money at maturity You will make uo mistake If you decide to use this tulllou 17 tf KOR PAINTINO. Psper hanging. and Cslcluilnlng- I lrt lias Work. J'rlvea ilranonable Phone F. A. Wln.lolil 211.. K4 g-tf lolt SAI.K A number of roost ars for frying, one to two mouth old. 25 tenia each Apply to J. J. Oiaaa, Box SI. Ontario 18-4t KOR RKM i'lirnhthed modem bedroom Inquire Cope tha Tailor, three blocks touth of Moor Hotel. 7-. FAMMKRK Bring yaar eraam to Iho Cold Storage Company and gat your check tttf - - , 1 Ktmt F. OF FIVW. MFTTLKMICNT. IN THI COIIM CO0RT OK MAI. HKI K COUNTT, TATK OK OHEOON , lu Hie Matter of the Kalalc ,, It. Paicb, llereaaad. Mill r kalief .mm Howeifi, where s n-rcnulal cott-r erou -11 h sa alfalia g growl other control lueanui't - .at protection ,,,., M secured by Ini. nuh . ,111111 bst- .- tlicky t u lis; u nee. lu rti'i'iimi'iiio t.y Hie tlcpun incut au il-'lil Huh strip el cotton PaltUig WHS 1 ihe liuuL of rath tree 1 11 it!, a . 'The up Ihi'ii 1. a "i ei the I it 11 pi dy lug in ilu- truuki .1' the in.n baud in. li 1I1I, k und il, ItUlba or th Well up fr. 111 Hie graund, and uut uld ba bandsd liauds abould b. , tin. latter Part oi , it on until after the fruit U 1 o Jou Wilson spout cSunduy with his at N'm-a .wturuia Monday uiouiug WANTED Cherry Pickers At Shank's Place, Near Payette, Car Leaves Moore Hotel each morning at 7 J. F. ORR NOTICK I r, illllKN, that Hie undersigned, Kdwm J Patch and U ilnier Ii CmIi-Ii. the duly appolntad, tin. .lined and acting execulore of tha nlillod enlale. Iiutt.- tiled thalr third and final aocouui. and report. MM I - iiiion for dintrlhution, herein, an. I I. tlnlor of the nalil Court duly made and eutered herein on the 8tth day of June. n l 1 7. the hear ing of sunl a, louni report and pati lion win he :,.,d ai the Court room of ine aiaite eniitl.-.l Courl in tba ounly i.nrl House at Vale, in said CoajH) ami Sluli. on the UMh day j of July, H 1H17, at 2 0 M on said day, ai tv HI, h time and I any and all objection 10 said jtlnul an omit, report and petition lot distribution will be heard snd aetll 1 ed, ami all , , are hereby further notified to be pres ent Slid sboa cause, If ant they may 11I report and 011 lor distribution should not ba appi.,.. ..mi allowed, ud tin unum ilgni ,Kej M 1 1 roin any furth er duties or iiubilitiea her-in is 27th ilay of Jan. 1 1) 1817 KDWIN 1 i'.r, ,1 Wll.MKK 1). PATCH. - of the Sstat Jane n Patch, Daceasad. First l'uhlicaliou. June 18. 1817. Last Publication. July 81. 1817. f Dtraotora.