The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 28, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    ' PAOKn
The Days before the 4th are Always Busy Days at Beyer's
Our Summer Goods Sections Report Very Heavy Business
People are Preparing for Hot Weather
Our Grocery is Fixed With
Picnic Goods for the 4th.
fanned Goods, Bottled
(foods, Fivsh Fruits, Fivsli
J'mons. In Bast you run
Find Anything Ymii Wish at
Vcrv Reasonable Prices.
You an looking for Bummer
Underwear and You Will
Kind Right Here the Laraaot
to Make Your Selections
From, Every Style, Every
Material. Wry Reasonably
cery Department is Offering
Attractive Prices on Fruit
Jar Fixtures. Also Jars for
Pickling and Preserving.
MEN -Is it Underwear,
Shirts HutH, Nnkwcur,
Hosiery, Suit or Shoes
Renieinber. Weal Yalues Ht
This House.
New Neckwear, Nmv Sura
iuer Skirts. New Hummer
Millinery, New Parasols,
New Waists, New Middies.
New Vails, New Gloves,
(Continued from flrnt Page.)
...inn. I 11, IH.-.I I ,.i mm i ll.-. Imc-
lloulc I'cuslhle unit II if NiHiiml
Oullei Kmni Jordan Val-
thin land to-day It going torth Hie
prayer, -(Jod Have Columbia.'"
Orand Knight p. J Osllagher, who
liiirnilii I the speaker, told tin-
iiHcmhlugn of the work hoi
hy the Grand ( ouncll In pro
$1,000,000 for Hi.- hulldlilK of re. rt
hiiiim rooms at. the various army
cantonments Mo also declared that
' County Knglticer II r Kiirmer. ""' Orand Counrll had alxo adopted
with a number of IIoIh en, spent a rule that any member who taken up
last Suniliiy Inspecting the proposed armii against the United Htalea, Ipso
route up Huccr troek to Jordan Val- facto. expelled from membership
i. .1 which tin- i. U .iMirt ha "INI VOI It lilMNKIIKMT."
bMD waked to appropriate 14,000 to "At this hour the duty of every
complete iinrtlnii or the road Iihm Knight of Columbus, of every Cath
been hullt liv llw iiIu.iim companies Uc. "f evsrw American," aald Jense
fur their own . nm cnlem e, MIM wl,l 'I"1")' "r Uolse, "la Brat to Mm
-Idcuta or Jordan Valley they rountr The Culled State-. In nm In
re aakiiiK the muniy court t ,11 n Ulh r to light for Kngland. The
the work Culled Ststes In not In title war to
Ktiglt r Kitrni.r ilerlare. Unit nm '""" ",r J"P"n TS I'nlted Ht.ttea la In this I In. most feuHll lltlcl "'" ' ",l" w,,r '" "K1" '"r t
fr Vi.ll.-v, lull IhHt H will f"r l,,,m,'K '' B"1 SU,"K ,H '"
be the most , highway In II.- ,I,H W1" '" r,,r Amerlra TIiIh
.-..unit-i nm n MM "" A " "r "'"' " H "'
I .,11 Ml in. I kl .. rj stn.,11 """' ''' religious duty ..I ever)
eoal, comparatively, tin' highway can
7irE recommend
" Arrow Shirts
to our customers
because we would
ZZ rather have per
manent customers
than transients.
he llnlHhed Wln'ti completed
Valley rc-ldi-nt will mil he i
pxlli'il in in.iki. in.- trip met
1'oIhtiii Cii'i'K Miniiitiilli to .! mil
the Interior
rnim as
in. in i hnl iIiIm wur In fur
rli'il to ii niii'i ..HHful ronrliiHlnn
"There lire mull) of un here who
me Inn nl, I In (in In the Hunt to II till
il hear uriiiN Inn we iiiiinI re
in .Inn In Ma In II IhHt tliONe
I who ilu go ure properly c.iilppcil i,.
UlKliI our luii ll.-- W (let finance
Mills war. We iiiiinI crre fin ilie hlrk
' iiinl tho
W W llrnwti. th 1,1k -link mall I on out like the expri-Nlnn, '.In
of the llni'k (leek it ml (Ml Neillun Miur till I wnnl HiimethltiK Unit
wiih in low n WiMltieNilm unliN wn MiSeM mil xntiinl no KiikIInIi ami in-
Mnllieiir t' ly where nne nl hlx innre I would ilo your itUM
men hail ruptured MVWBl he.i.i of i Hy that I mean that thoee of un win,
Mr llrown'n iMTarti that IihiI heen !" not en Hal uiir liodlea muat enli-i
Ntolen anil aUu had three men In Mf ifttMl It la up to tm in give rharaeil with the theft to ou country."
Mr llrown Nttited thwt he did not. Mr llawley'i. fervid appeul to the
know ahuut the matter hut pmrlotlc aeallinent of the aatherlnK.
waa koIiik uut In bMMtlgaM There u WB tiat of the HIhIiop inel wth
area minuter oi mm enaraciera man i hunileidiiN applaiiMe, while tim iiian-i
IpulatlllK ou I he .leerl. er III which Jain.M, i Mnj ', noiik,!, i gm .
Ini to Informal Inn received h) Ml r v,.n Don't I.Ike V I i, . i. s..n. llOOCl VylOtlieS IOF
llrown. anil he nuvn he Iiiin IhnI itnlle ,.,, ,4-H greeted with an ovation i
a niliillior of ln. k hy the 'which tatlle.1 the eelling Jtllltm C
lion- nf Hie vhiik lie hnieil tu hml 'suillir "Mother Machree" and
HUUltlclerit arid in proaecute Ilie ,,l her -oiih. loo, inailn a ill . lilt
men who .ire h, 1,1 .,1 .InnlHti Valh shurt mMMMM Ml IM made
tonether with the aloleii BONN I.. Minituy William llealy ami At
awaiting but arrival Hiiiiin 'linn- i,,,,,,., j j m,.c,., i,.,t , ,,i h,,i ,
Herald II, e ilenree leant of the llui i ,,,in
Herald. ell pot lormeil the work ui the third
-tee un, let- ilu ilire, imn nf Jeaae
After July I, I '.' I . the Oni.iiin lawle ami iheir perlurmunce whh
1'iililn- Library wllllie open nnly on ,1, s,tii,e,l a- the IicnI ever wltueaaed
Are jjood shirts they'll
stand wear as well as wash
iiifr and they DQSSS in so
many good pattern that
we are sure to be able to
please you.
ar $1.60
Saturday .v.-iiiiiks from T to
Portland, Ore.
July 7 to 14
Kt unions via
Union Pacini System
Ask dgents for raNf
soiling dates .uul
further detdils
VtunllK the Itol-e ilel. .gallon wer"'
Jewie Haw ley Win Ileal). J J
Met 'ue. J II Maw ley. Jr. Iltck Imn
.nan, V J Dunn. Jiih l.awli.t, li.lni
t t'uiiiinit. ,! 1,'niii nr-l I'mce.)
ticlea that ure i utiNpieuuii- hy their
uliHence from "chow " Winn real
lucky a, -i.nul:. Kuuil chuuee
01 BCtllllK lu the canteen In lor
the milk ahum iwne ., u.ek In the
itteriioon there ere two mure drill
peilinU hul we ure through at
I malty men ,10 uut quit Iheu
hut uppointina their own leejler go
Murray Joe Kearney. M Avuiub... j ,,ru home of the hurder drilla in;
Harry liuwl... II. gajj Wander. J,.e.ers Hork ,niX all ,lour (,r M1 (u he
Welch AtiNlin .woody IIUIiop Hell-' vninliiiu i,il ...i,r. hik. -, a
ly of Itakei wun alo preseiii
The following were I he iiien.h.i-.
of the claaa iulttaie.l. hone udilliinii
bring- the total membership of the
lot ul i nun. I up to I -it
John M Joyce. J. lonwav I'hil
ip I'uyue. Michael O'Toole, John J John O'Tunle. I'll o in a- li...
Mn haei M .loyi-e, Juntura: Joliu II
Sunt. Patrick K llayden. Joseph
Ilay.teu. .Ontarie: Owen Mulligan,
lain.-.- i Murphy, Juiucn William-,
a.-l , 1. 1 li ii Murph). Heulah. Krne-i
Vim. lit.,. W.-llall. Melirtck III-hop.
N.vnnu, Martin I llanigan. New I'h
in, uitli liluho I i n ceu i Moan, I'ay
elte, Idaho
We I an uppl luiir Neel
nil-: MMivm n it in it sHoe
The place where I hi Servlca i
" " - re the Baths are
. -- the New eat
the i-laml Nearly eieiyune hit- i!,
old shower e.ery duy
The drill, in uddllloii to the march
lug and wrestling l( these men ate
lot of gy mna-itc drills, including box
Ing and wre.tllng In there men are
i boaen In tnt-t men Iroin other -ee
tloaa and -obie real competition re
-una i ne mn.-t -I tenuous ihiug we
haie la the "Swedish,' a put ti. ului ly
lioleut i.irm of truluing
The liiHtruclnrs .ire writable bear
eata und sure make us ntt the paie.
Jti-I when we all get into -nine twist
ed ,n. I agonuiug po-lllon. the in
.Iruct usually decided in give a rtve-
lllinute lecture In -otue iluh" wlHI
ian'1 ,lo it right Hut in spite or its
-eieiity itt the lime "Swedish ' Is
a greut developer and helps greatly
to get the men in line physical trim
"ClMWH u fairly good, especially
from Ihe -luii it put ti i ui pru. i. in
fo r the engine, but from an jtii-ti,
I'vipuiul we nei-r hale a t
a!! The food U usually vrslt
and wholeaonie and there is uut mm h
complalut. Moet ol the men la the
tenia are well aatlsfled with thn out
door life and few of them would
prefer to be In the harrarka.
We have, of course, men from
nearly every trade and profession In
the ramp, but most of them are com
paratively young
There are many college men in the
marine corps, several hundred com
Ing here from the I'niverslty or Min
nesota alone. There are four or five
members of last veor's I'nlverslty or
Or.ignn foothsll team, Including the
Ihe captain. Johnny lleckett. I h. re
are also prominent athletes rrom
many other universities and athletic
clubs and a number or professional
boxers an wrestlers. A msn six MM
tall and weighing a hundred ami
eighty or two hundred pounds Is
scarcely .ititlred because there are so
many t f them The men here live
Just rtiotit the same as (hey do else
whe.e Many nf them do not -moke
or drink while iuliers do, though, of
course there i- no liquor on the Is-
I. llui .ili.l III., ..Illllill gel II el-ewheie'
w IiiIm iii uniform
For u tiiuti wlin In going bJM the'
en h e i.N u private, I think Ihe ma
il i p. Is the utn- he-I I" I Niinlie
ninler Iw.iily vi-ir. ul tlge Is IicIiik
admitted now The height require
ment is two lin lies greater t In. ti
iiritiy or navy anil II .i m t..n Is.j
in Ki'iicrul, iniir ute In n.lili '
lion, the training Motived I MOM
ilile The ni.irliie- will llglil ..n
eltliMr n.-u or Inn, I In '
alwaya bean In the thh k m it and the I
present war will doulnlos n i
' any exception. The men In MJBS
here talcs Insiructioi n hut
' talk very llttl. nf the war.
There Is one thing I shuiilil like to
' urge upon the lolks at home and that
Is iii lie prompt In w riling to all the
j the boys who are away. I am sure all
the ni iters feel the same aa I do a limit
this There are a lot of fine fellow .
I in ouiup here and I am kept lairly
busy I aupp.uMi It la the same with
tin- mi her Ontario hoys in their
.snip- Hut tm matter how goott the
conditions the people are nl III Strang
I ers and letters rrom home are the
ones nee, led lu l-.iske lur i 1,1
, ineiii This seems a small enough
thing to ask of thuse who slay at
home while we are away preparing
fur the actual righting As long aa
we are In camp we can answer the
letter we receive, hut when we un, ,
get on board ship m on the firing line
I- prol, utile thai we Will llUle '
I printed curds It will lie then.
.it course, iliul III., letters will he
most uppre. laleil. ami we will en
, pect our men, I- to write nuiro then
than now. even thougn they get mu
highly uiisutlslai'tory cards in re
turn All or the old meu In the service
and the uflrers thoroughly believe
that we are In a real war and that it
will end only after two years or more
and that our losses will be severe be
fore ll is uier I have found the moat
optimism so lar among the people
wbo have nol had Ihe opportunity of
smi tin hrst hand Inlormuiluu
There are plenty of other things to
write about but 1 thin this la enough
for out e ir anyone there g thinlng
or Joining ihe colors and is -Kill an
decided about which branch to join
I shall be glad to send any further
information posinle
Sin, erely,
Beginning July 1
The Millinery and Art Store will:
make this offer during July.
AH Millinery at a Great
Sacrifice--Every hat must
20 per cent off on Stamped
This includes luncheon clothes, ta
ble runners, dresser scarfs, doiles,
pillow - tops gowns, corset
covers, children's dresses, etc.
Take advantage of this wonderful
Qatoa Salea,
Small I'rollts
ii, ni)
Siamese Music.
The I so or nm iiiein statu have aa
Interesting uncut which is
msite up with foil lie,-n Imiuboo or hnl
low reed pipee -yuiein, ally naasva'
s ilh .. mil i ail . hauiiiet aad tumuli
lu the .a.le ii war theater there are
Itiili. aiiuiik that important righting
may again xhui be under way
opi tuiiiin- in Kiissiu and (Jullcla
still haie not risen In inipurlame
shun- patrul engagement and ie. .m
Ualsauns Ihese have heen lin-lj m
Ualu la
III Ihe Ma. edoni; theater only mall
Hiigagt'iiicutN by patrol paitio haie
been repurieil ..llliuugh eatl of Lake
I'resba the ninui has uoletni, .hell
ed entente f rem In -
While the Italians haie let up u,
Ibelr attacks in the Treutlno. Ihe MB
cess of their rei etu assault shnh te
suited in (he capture of the important
height or lu i, ie Ortlgara. is eiupha
sUed in (he .un,. ni, en, eat that tbe
Ausii'iaiis lost some of iheir heaiy ar
itilsti as well as suffering other loss
f magaitude in the uperatiou Kour
guns wars takeu by Oeneral faduiuus
l.iUlt aelivlty of a major son is
visible m any of the war theaters
ex. epi along the front in the iane re
Siou of uurihera Irs nc Here ihe
Ueraaa -rowa prince la engaged la a
...... u, .inn. im ibc neiuh lines.
aloag ma near ihe weatera end aj
the i hemla Des I nies the
eur.tng rroal protects the tieriusu
fertrass ,,f which a further
Trench adraace would awuice I
attacks at one or two places met with
some sincaas. uotably gear Kim.luuini
reriu where a considerable salient
nrncn uue rell lulu tier
ha n da.
Appsal Mads to Baker.
t'hl.ago Kiel, haker 111 III. l-.ll
I Sd Slataa is I.. l. .l. . ... ..
.. . " " 10 uis. oiiuuue
"" " "" "" " .....j. , atier .iu i lu
MSJfMhJ metal plate is ltiseiled lu a
silt in c.i h pipe and the Julius lie
twecu the pipe and the air chamber
are ampins! wnu wax The tone of
this Instrument Is described aa pecu
nailt sw.ti, aud i holds may be pro
duced ujiou it.
as a measure tor r.u.a
consenaiio,, ,he practice uf taku,
hack insol.l hrea.i trntu retailers This
was announced by ih(jj-e,ni.:
'...inel ,,f the imkim iFduaTry, meel
ttig here.
July 4th
Union Pacific SyHtent.
Sale JLuly 3 and 4
Limited. July 6th
See Agents for
Kurther Details
man io give up
Hi Own Fault.
The miser iu Ihe story wbo drop
ped u the dollar gold piece la the
plate a church, mistaking It for
ulvkel could get un great aetlsfaclioa
out r. ihe ilea -on, as will be recalled.
uut he was i, ,. ii,,.
A....,, iilli;u lle sought legal advice
wiih a kiew of instituting, suit at law.
Stll Un- laiii.-i whom he consulted
was one of those lau- aud gifted soul.
Who ll.iiild much lalher la. u..
rich or alm.iM any thing lo for thai
said lie at once, "you bar aa
at. Vou weie gulltv of contribute
attligeuce." isicUaiii