The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 28, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I 'AUK --,
Noltliw I luwn-.lle Co. to KIw.MI
I Dunlnp. I-nt ... lilk 21, Vale;
May 23, 1918; II
u'nlpli (lramii et ux to Kerl Urlf
tn; i.ot it. in k. 4. Twi mi Katgbta
Ailn . Ontario; Feb 18, 19U; $12fi
Kills H RmjW at ii" t' tEdna
Urlffln; I-ols II unil 16, Hlk 4, Ter
r:ic HolKlitH Ar1i lo Ontario; Juno
I, 1916; 1900
" U I, A to hrlrs of John V
.4W1-4HWI-4, I Kl 4. Wl-2
VWH. 24, 2.1. 27; March I, 191B
Frank C, Miller et ux to Harry 0.
Kdwarda; hki-4Svi '4, II, ir,. j
May 28, 1917:)""
Win 1 ' n 'i "ii. Truatr-e
liy and I
8K1-4II1 4. II, 19, 49;
Frank Koliler et ux lo M
IIb, E1-2NU I 4NW1 -4,1,
In J l(.
May 2 1 .
June 12. 1917; $1.
Inventors' Hecurlty Aasorlathni to
Karl DDIcklnaon and I F Shaw;
NK1 4HE1-4. 16. 38, 39; May 3,
1 M 7; 1,
Hon J. I'.rown, Sheriff, lo Bear
Broa. Mercantile Co; W1-2BW1-4,
HsWl 4, SWI 4HF.I 4. 14, 17,
M; June IK. 1917; 11,100.
Waller F Motown ot ux to f'ather
llr1i Nil 4SU I 4, Nl-l
it. 2f, 17, 49. But I. 30, 17, 47;
June 18, 1917; 31,900.
(ynilila I llartnian lo U. R.
nekten: NKI-4. 13. 1&. 18. part of
:. It, 89; May 34. 1917; 91.
I 8 A lo Alfred It liflon; Nl-3
swi-4. :i4. 14. .is. .,v 2. is 1
K.I win J Patch at ux lo M H.
Nl -2.NWI IS! 1 4. 19, 16,
Jim 20. 1917; II.
Ooo. W. Htanahurv M nx lo M. II.
NI -1NWI 4SK1 4. 29, 16. 17;
I 4, 1917; II.
J Drown. SlnTin, in J. R.
liackahy A K I l.oea; N1-1BWI-4.
VI 4. M 1 2HK1 4, NK1-48EI-4
14, 30, 44, 812, 36. 29. 46; June 23.
HIT) $10,446.84.
inl.irlu Aih.iiu nl A'm I.'
. l. Ku.lrec, NK14SWI 4 9, 18.47;
M rll It, 1917; 11.760.
folia W t'airoo at u 99 Acm M
l.lvatock ft l.aml Co all 9. 30,
44. May 21, 1917, 93.0(111
M .rrliign l.l n
11 Ktuint'xlii ami Kiuin.i
,111, Ji 1 1
.inliii Tucknoea ami lna Anawalt.
J 11 110 31,
at ptMi Ml Wall
June 23.
I.t man M Maron.h- rt Kiiiiua
M Miir.imiu. iihoroe, June 11.
N..IK r NAli NU1U l"
(a OIlKCdN
In I lie Uller ol Um- relate of Jaue ,
II Patch, Ikeceiwetl.
th underslg e.i m J Patch and '
V) liner I) I'utch. the duly .appointed
.tu..lllled and ailing ex, utors ol
ra enlltlml eslute, have Bled their
third and final aecount. and report,
ai .1 piiuioii for distribution, herein.
1 Order of the said Idurl dulv
Ml ami watered herein H "' 26th 1
.,, t. a l 1917. Hie hear-'
lug of said aiei'iini report and pell-'
tu.n will be had at the Court room of
no- above entitled Court In the
1 i.iinty Couri House at Vale. In said
1 .. iiii and Siale, ea tha lltb. day
Ii 117, at 2 O.lock I'
M on said day, al which time and
place any and all obj. said
account, report ami petition foi
.li-irlbutloii will be heard and settl
ed, and all persons eonotrned therein
1 mititltMl to b pree
and ahuw oause, If an; I
vgy said account, repwi inn
m for dlttribuU
. approved and all
WII.MKK I- 1 . .
utors of .
Washington. l l , Junt II Many
nilHiiiidfTBtan llnR.v hare arisen with
regard to he official Htilletin, whlcn
is bolng ixxuixl l the Conimltte on
I'lilillt' Inl'orniatlon uikI.t order of
the President. Thin publication It
not a newspaper in aoepled neniif
of the word. Its dingle purpose Is to
asure the full and legal print Inn of
the official minim 101111 ill I of i;v
rnni.-iit ht-ads In culm thm with
ki" "in mental huslnees.
Kx. I u.i piihllratlon Is not Us
thnuiclit or ambition It will mil In
terfore with the lenlllinati' fund lOSM
of I lit pr.''. in am niatiinr. nor will
official news he delayed or withheld
in order to Rive th'- llullelln any
special newti sic '
In ll.e column-, of lb- Hulleli-i ,.
It prop.,.0,1 i pnl.llHl, iirorla.nat.ons
and executive orders of the Pn-i
dent; rults and regulations which
the various hnads of the executive
ind otlo't goiernntent
establishments are authorized and
directed liy irlous statutes lo make (
and premulgate: administrative or-
dors and ruls framed and Issued by 1
each department or government es-
tahllshtueut for the conduit or Its
own business tad the rerjulatlou of
Its own offices; official bulletins and
official statements of policy or of
to 1 issued by heads of depiiitin-iii
and other responsible .netnini'iit
officials; statatea enatl i.-lutiiii.
lo war maters of whli h the public
should be officially Informed, and
other matters which from time to
time It It deemed advisable to pub
The uiiuial Hulleiia uill he sent
without charge to the President of
Hie 1 oiled Slate 1 n. m. members of
the IT Ideal s I'sliln.t and oflll
all gin 1 1 11 1'., nl departments, to the
iimm Imt of the Cnlleh Stales Sen
ate and House nepresentallves. mom
hers of American diplomatic and con
sular eerYlce. the forelsn diplomatic
and consular service: officers oi the
urio ami n.i. evrrv post-orIlc4 In
Ho 1 oiled States (to he i.o.led dal
ly); governors of all statts, miiyurs
of all cltlea; nil dully newspapers and
prttw ai-i-o. lalloil.. of the rountry. all
uisgailues. colleges and universities;
trade: and other public Institutions
To I he general puhlti and lo hi
vale Institutions a charge of $6.00 a
year will 94 B&atlt a-' the provisions dlsorganiieil Ikroagta lack of a cab
under which II.. Iiilletni puhll.hed ,,,,! W,I.- I...- various governiaeiii de
make Ii linpo oUa at dlslrlbiile free parlmenls have a maaa of documcu's
ooplos Neceoaarlly the l.tsue la litis -, regulrtuu answering
lied, and were there no other binding
lions 11 mechanical Imposslhll
lt) toiild pretent u goneral free olr-
ulatlou Therefore, the same plan
now oh:iied in ronneclloii wllb the
-.ile ol the loiigreHslonal Itecoi
he followed by the I 011111.
ll lilt HIUvT
There are places I kaow where I'd
love to go. .
TIiam MfM IhlaVH lltMl I l,,l,ir lo fill
Thar, .re llmes wbe. my heart. wh
. KStt nS. u through. '
., the distant shore., where the. 04.
non roars.
name 1 may long 10 be.
Hut III lake my stand In freedom .
land America first for me.
untold 1.1 th.- woild
of ol.'.
.. ire minor . -d d.i'K tVMl
And lla l.oi- in'.iil till If blool
And ... v. iv m.ui resn
now my letMl lor Hie ii-iutiesi
A 1 pray upon bended knee,
To blaaa each grave by him who gave
Through the darkest night
It waa
fieedoiu V light
; showed me the way to go
! followed near and It lead me here
ml 1 klll
1 .11 lie that hind
VllJ i , m Liberty's
I Amerli..
60 8snsitiv4jl
.1 by a wo-
.1 1
, .f th.
Lj ul j,
Loan Oversubscribed Nearly
52 Per Cent and Most of
Buyers Are Small Ones.
Washington. Liberty loan suhscrlp
tiom tii 1 J .'i :,.'.';. H50. an over
tttbacrtptlon .if n.-arly J2 per 1
The final tabulation showed that
t.'iM.'iiw persons bought
bonds Ninety three per cent of sub
acrlpthma. or those of 1,996.009 per
sons, were for sums vuryitu D
to 110,104), while 2Vsobscrtbers'ap
.'.... Ml each
or in
New York federal reserve dla
trn 1 led the list with subncriptloni
t. t m : i 1 1 1.- i: 1 i; . or i.ior- than
lhrwj Umm tii. mow gllD,cr:
Al.. mucins will be rotary
d. as foil
On subscriptions up to and Includ
n lDa.tl4)0, M t ti amount
tub rib"d, bill no1 4Mt tbu 410,'h'O
U an liut.. Mm thai J
uu to 1Ui.l InellMtlna 46 pet
cent 01 Ikt amount subscribed, but
not less than MtjlM in any Instance
Han Urn; l.'.in. ) up to and Includ
lu HMO, N per cent, but not
kaW than in M la any Instance.
More than 2.00u0 up to and includ
lua W.OOO.OOO, It per cent, but not
less thn HH.OOO tu any our Inslam e.
"uu i, uiiii.'iim up to and Includ
lna ea.'h. JI por cent
Pekln All proMtues which de
ciared tli.'n imlepenileuie of the pre
oat I'ekiti ovenimsnt have now
ceased their warlike preparations.
Leaders 01 UM soiilhern prov luces
slil.h were iti revolt telegraphed Pe
kin that tbev wore willing lo com
1 ' providing a new election were
soon held stlhoul military inlerfer-
lieueral 1 haaa llsiiu the military
Ul,VIIlll)r , Allllel province, who am..
to raala alter Hm otwaMatal dissolved
parllaiueut, expreae.l hope thai a
ill ol Ika irlsia will be reach
nilslratlve allairs have beioine
Co-eparatlon Setween Powers ana
New Greek Kinf la Ispeeltd.
Washington l.ifllug of Um allied
blockade ol QftJOM was auuouueed In
a brlel cablegram to lie- stale depaii
teai from Mlulaler Uroppera al
Athens. 'Ibis Is lakeu here lo mean
that Ihe allies are satisfied with the
Greek situation aud that there la no
further ueed tu apply repressive ur
puulllve measures
Cordial cooperation between the
mm ; mnrmmm
Inally was Imposed as a result of ex-
k(ub ,.ou.tlu... .nl.ioulillc ,
(( WM y-r a(rU.tly fort..( uur
lbe demobu,t,on of lne Oraak
fmy mnd he w,l(,r., , UrMk
Hm 'roui all northern Greece Into
the iviopouuemia and was one of the
-truU4M, measures of repreaslou used
u believed now that allies can count
-t lrttl ul))11 B friendly, and possibly
upu1 to operating, Greece.
Neutral Ships Will Be Taken Over.
wasblngiou The government will
begin al ouce ti) commandeer neutral
lnpe ao umlr conslru.tion 111
A,ue,iiaii yard About l.aoo.uoo tout
will be obtained 111 Ibis way. The
federal shipping board will do the
work The loulractora or ownert will
be paid a lair price for their title.
covering '. 1 hey have speut
on Ihe vessels
Irlah Rioters Shot Oown-
Cork Mailiiiie guns acre used OB
Sinn Keiners in disturbances here.
gllov v.. re hroushl (1140 scliou alter
UM police with clubs had failed to
resioie ordei one rioler uas killed.
"' "' uuu.Ih-i ol persons lujuieii
or less seriou-i) la given as
kbuul .11
Explosion In Austria Kills Many
1 li, liup man II'ihi per
I or souinled 111 the
elates 11 1 01 a group or auiuiuulliou
tria, accord-
,111 1 ,. una HliU-h
,. nt from UM
tOO.OOO Enlisted in Three Months.
Walnn" BMM 9-6M -UO.OOO
1 111 me AuierT
Ol araiy anl nav in the period of
lea tha- three months thai has
e lapsed alaoe war waa declara4 ta
Tliis is the 1st Authorized Mid-Summer
Hoosier Cabinet Sale on the Hoosier $1 Plan
This mid-summer sale is authorized for the first time, because
so manv Hoosier agents were unable to get Hoosiers for their
spring sales, and many more could not get their full allotment.
But even now, only a limited number of Hoosier Cabinets can
be turned out of our new factory building in time for mid
suramer delivery an average to each sale of less than twenty.
So only you who enroll early can count on delivery during the
hot months, when you need your Hoosier most.
THE HOOSIER IIPG. CO.. New Castle, Ind.
I gsjUti Tyi JJiJ rr
" -?:4fc.
I 1 1 , - '. : s ;-iMy
Tomorrow, Onl $1 Puts This NEW
HOOSIER in Your Hwne Don't Wait!
Tlic mid-inmm ten
1. You may chowe any of lit new ilujmrt-"Whilt Betaly," ar "Oak
lalrri'jr" al iluh'lv !ji prirr.
2. $1 P'Jtt vojr H vot:r Lone at ob,
3. $1 weekly quickly pays lor it.
4. The low cult price fixnl by ike factory prevails strictly.
5. No interest ,io txlia ires.
6. This sale is aadrr direct supervision of the Hoosier Cosanaay.
7. Salt is strictly limited to our small simmer allotment of new Hoesiers.
8. Yoav moaey back if you are not delighted with yoar Hoosier.
This h your .,. -In owu ih
on Hie
nothing thai i ,i:r kllelsan a this uw Ii -
While But it a wonder of .. Il combiwes three
roomy cwpboard., a Urge work table and package penlir
esse spot so yew tea m down al wurk aad save eailes ei .t.
Vi.ii have ' i " llaWtt1 atsit 1
1 the vvea.jr hours other women spend la their kttebt
This new Htatltr oa inaaa isuu It tiie siele-t kitchen cabloet uargy
lu.r rver eeu The tew we have will be sold in n. time at all Oalv those
women who gravsgi this upportunitv tomorrow cau be sure of gettiug out ol
Ure tji'iuc. ou tin- liberal 1 1 - et .
Hun driest wyetera are a delicacy la
J.lau la becoming Interested In sheep
8wa keep water completely tree
from weeds.
Duu-h children of leu use their woodeu
shoes at toy boats.
The chun hi- f New Vork city are
valued at ai'.l.VniW.oW.
Wooden aboea are frenueuily used In
Holland as flowerpots
More ralluret are due to lack of will
tbau to lack of atreuglb.
In I-alUi A in. 'ilea sun dried beef la
stretched for ttflm
A telephone wli swlugs for 1,300
yards auroea Ihe Yukou river.
I'ortugal makes ability to read and
write a requirement for suffrage
Japanese bread Us thtrrf1 toast what
like a alick or!..., btUSg sold 111
all lugs.
Ih. great limn aapttrta i thing of
bini.ell; the omall UMB i v c i
thing of olbei.
The reformatory school system orlgl
uuted In lii ' and was adopted la
Kugland in
An liilcgiul nrtM a
i,..i v . sled frame -weighs
marly ceu t"
r'orly one won
I) ami l. '
gv,l a new roof
i eohl at
which i,i i-l '
Organ, were kuowu before the time
as) er.,1 wt -ligloua
mm vices early lu Ihe era.
The Present Prices of
Should Cause You to Inves
tigate the Merits of
Electric Range
lhey are Clean .ind Sofa, also Read) foe Sor-
ite at a Moment's Noli
Idaho Power Co.
Get in Touch With the Man Who has
Wants Through th Argus
Read about
these conveniences that
made the HOOSIER neces
sary to over 700,000 women.
(t Mm Chrittlnt Fftdtrlck'a laiaaat
"Hontekrep It" on
,ht upp . ibt eletaal
preblem: "What ihatl wt have Cof
(2) T1,e oo,-uo01' " "lc'" o;i '!ra
' die upper disjr holds MSM l
book tt n ii"' lo use. When
rou are eooklac, simplv open up the
book to the proper page behind the
holder It it on n level with your eye.
icr iu tilt way.
There are 40 special cojvtaicocca
in die NEW HOOSIER-17
are entirely NEW.
ro Mm roaakwUt4ainawavmas)Mi
' lifty u.ijudi. Il ihI..w and easy lo
IU Tht sli.llii. glass fr mt enables you
: the entire hln eailv. The In
ule Is rtr.irel) ( metal, wuh no
.. bold .: I-; I .Iwayt
(A Tna New : obi suter is
V the must wimdrrlul ot all Ihe new
Kw 'ter lataatsoat, it Is il i
m'terevri ntadaoa a kltcbea cabti
thaket flout th h .!
: t tar nigh !'
:i .t grind Ibrough any grit r I .reigu
be In the fl.iur.
the talk of the town come
and tee it.
C A BSHS feature i I Cup
W .
lb located tor I nystw
.in win triii this
. ..iiveiiieme us an "cr.i.Teoc
shell. " It will si
TOMORROW YOU may examine all
(he new features. You incur a
obligation. But you should come
early. You may be too late to gel
one on the HOOSIER PUN if you
delay Come aad SEE this remark
tMe NEW Hoosier tomorrow.
Classified Colu . es
ia u, --uuj.