OXTAUTO. MALHKCi; OOUNTT, OKKCIOX. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1917 ti ; r: WAR CENSUS REGISTRATION LIST FOR MALHEUR COUNTY i i ontiniied frum 1'age 4.) Hedsull. George J UediMitl. Whltton A nelrnen, Cnorge 9. Hagakls, Joim HlcuklK, Klgas Huberts It.. I. , Rom, Chester Ward Suites, Oeorge Snndy, Ernest A. Bchtaiar, ( barley A. Uelle. John Fred HhliiM.k. William V Mtenslrtini. James V. H. mar, iiei.ois J. land, our L 8wngler. Itslph w Test, Juw II Trow, Clinton F. Ota. Frank P. Walker, Burton V. Wolfe. Homer A Vou. Kong I. In ONTARIO o. :i rim IMT Arnold, Ivan Franklin Analla, Pedro Agullar, Jesus Ulackaby, Karl Blackahy, Larue Oampboll. Paul W. Creem, Samuel I.ouls Olement, Hugh Crawford OrvIh, ()porK Di'i Oefreos, Clarenre CliPKterflold Hernandez. Joe I. Hernandes, JbhIiiIo Howe, Harry Judd. Maurice Ieroy lawrence. Thomas ('ana Lyelle, Lyreno lliirnett i.h in. Walter Piatt Don Barl Peterson, Hens Peter Perk Inn, William Law'.a Itainho. Ray Rated, Prank Ranford Kndrtguea, Isabel at Riddle. Arthur Fuller Spieler. Pred Albert Nc.uit, Robert Lorle Smith. Uordon l-eslle Smith ,Roy Jay Staples. Joaeph Orati Stewart. Frederick I-ee Smith, Manuel Smith. Hoy Milton Thompson, Karl Kdmund Vincent. Doyle Welgel, Qua m White. Ray Leon OWVHRR riiM'iMT Boyd, Robert lee Huaaell, William Oscar Duncan. Jearl Dallaa .... Orimaa, Urief .owe, Julian . McOlnnla, James Alvon KeEwen, wtlltum McOlnnla, Willie Moaes. Archie Day Morgan, Prank Theodore Moore. Joaeph Italia Ulley. William Aahtoii Robert eon t - Schwelier, t i ward Slippy, Henry Honett Schweiior, Umirae Karl Sinll. Adrlanua Jacobua Slam I. lut Szyniunowlcz, Walter Stanley Stain. Klaua anwelaer, Otto Herbert ... , Hani i Robai i .ha. George Colrad unileri I John Wallace, IIIUw 0u RIVKRHIDK PBHt'lMT Aronnotegui, Joe Avera. Hex bat i Richard n, Saiiiue Dali Aautita. ' .ii I" Arrlen. J ul tun Arnold. Jarelt .oka. George Minefield ..i i:lollil t rs I. ml. Joaeph ciiriu. Don) iik.' jreart, Jeaao Ah lit 1 . r, Adolpli Guslar in l.udo , i Roman ihn Durrell Ed a la Jtttri igo, John til UoK -I" '-I'll Patrick Lloyd William Manning, Martin irtm. Krueal Alvln Hamilton vhiii.i J, .1,1. ... Whltton i ilTor, Ira Tontlln . lffwpna, . i rsuii i ibert v. ... s Uvea tar ruatui afl illlam ii Stewart ior i ie McRae t. Albion 1'alvtu Barr Smith, George Vurdlman Smith. Jesse Stevenson, James P. Tracy, Omnr B. Wood, Petet ROME PRIM llt Aldecon. Angel Aldecoa, l.onu Davla, Scott Cnnley Klguren. Paacual Elgurea, Pell .I'TikliiHim. i.nrrett W Ix)veland, t'liarlea Harold I. in eland, Isaiah l.ovelnnd. Krvln l.arrucea, Sebastian I .it i Tin-en, lleriianli. I.egarxa, I.ula l.arrucea. Sebastian McDonnell, Robert l.nch McDotini'll. Himiih'II Kdmund Navarra, Manuel Kiililnton. Karl Roaa, William Oeorge SMoltrm. SI Stephenaon, Ray Wledenman. William Yaaae. .lose sp.1 I ISI'lUStiH I'lllHMT lltinnnr, William Perry Runyard, James Gaston Cnpnland, Robert Baall Foley, Michael Gin tola. Ray Gordon. Jamee Manning. Robei t .1 inn NNAkK RIVBR PHKCINCT Andnraon. John Wheeler Attebery. Lawrence Marahall Battel. Walter George Brown, Jonaa Llewellyn Bartshe. George Washington Brown, Kdmund 1. Benson. Rverett laaac (banner, Cecil John Cearley, Grorer Wayne Cox. Charley i.e Crow. John Clarenre Chatlleld. Orville Coa. Grovar t row, Waalay Ira t onner, Oliver Garland (iilp, George Wilson t'rowley, John Helgeatm (row, Chaa. Henry Douglaa, Burpee Eugene nir.kerson. Warren Klrkbam Douglaa, Clayton Orville Plnclier. William Bdward Pry, Joaeph Arthur Puller. Ralph Waldo Grace. Charlea Christopher Griffin. Howard Francis Gorton, Arner - Hall. Guy Clifford Hill. Prank Elmer lUtalup. Tliomaa George Hyde. Joaeph Franklin Hanaon, Oeorge Wlllard Jensen. Wllford Franklla Johnaon. Ixyd Kenuetli Joseph. Thomas Paul Jaques. John Ricks Kyto. Allan David I.uttlg. Harry Klrkbam I. tike. Clifford T. 1 Lamb. RufttH Franklin McNeal, Vordle McDonald. Guy Rutland Maxfleld. Vernon Luther Matsan. Albert Murk Maifl-I'ti Uusjtall Lowell. Jr Mllheur. Klhert Preatoa lirop. Frank Ford Nolhrop. H.niion Orcutt. William Jay Ciitiiam. Chi) Melt III Peaaa, Leonard Paaroa, Luther Oaa lieu ben Somaa Parker. Loroy Jenkins I'liinaui. Ray Dell Pearce. Francia Marion ivmilngtou. Thomas Leonard Raney. Jul. ti Low . Hugh, Tom Walter Rlckals. Nolan Daan Raney; Emtneii llransford Thomas. Herbert Warren oinaa, Jobn laiun I inner. John Allan Varcoe, Oeorge iHeiiian. Laudrum l.eon Wilson, Untie lleiinell v berry. John llenjtmau White, Vernon Warden. Karl Sucinl Win iie Daaford Wolf. Archie Dea Yettnu, Samuel I'. riOlTH .it: rilHIMT i, HiH, Hberman Ellis itilyen Carr. Wllliain 1 Dillon i " Warren Dillon, Kiwin lee radarlch i, i. -mi. Cbarla Glenn, i (bur Thomaa Q nn r ' Harris. William Marlon Holton. Jay G'Hlll Join IvlU Johuson, LawTaaoa Roa ii d Lewis Mi Kl Morion. Murray it. M,i ran. William Morfltt, i Ml.il.l irlae Kiluaid I-oslle lioloil. aval ... Angell, ' Hrainloi Ion, Edward I jg l Ham iyaaa. J iward i , lllllli Barkli-y. William Blacl. Boiu'burd ilgtor e Bd wards, Joseph Aimer Elley, Walter l Elliott. George T. Gataraa, Joa Gibbons. Michael Qrafforj . William Hart, Edward Hi mi. Harvey Janm-" Heaa, Charlea Lewis Hill. Clinton Meet hot en Ilmker. Albert William llticker. Loula Frank Hughes. Robert AH . Wayne Hyllon. Iaa Irby. Jobn Edward Irby. William Bertman Jackiin. William VTooejaoe) Jone, James Jorden. Arthur Warren Jeyaa, Martin .li'.ii', Michael Joyce. Patrick Francis Kitne, Albert Jamee l.uberniiiti, William Franklin I .utid. Hans Frederick McCnnn. Iester Mi-Carty. Roaooe MrTimmonda, Charles Vern Maggine. Chaa. George Mansfield, Oua Manning. Thomas Mendazona, Orogorlo Mugarllqul. iionatco Morgan Janice , Morton, John Alfred Morton, Eatla L. Mustard. Water Glenn Myera, Adam Orville Orntaccha, Pedro Payne, Edward I'ltimtneri lOrneal William Hoetbler, Amos Matthew Sterling, Benjamin 8tlngle. Guy Lloyd Slough. Clayton N Thomaa, Roy Ward, Claud Levearn Wilson, Edgar Carl Woodard. Otli Caleb Zarandona, Victor Zorrosina, Juan Bantlsta NOTICE OK MHKIUI't-H HALE. BV VIRTUE of an execution In foreclosure duty Issued by the Clark of the Circuit Court of Malheur coun ty. State of Oregon, dated the 14th day of May 117, In a certain actloa In the Circuit Court for aald County and State wherein Frank Rader aa plaintiff recovered Judgment agalnat Patrick Pulkner and A. M. Moody for the sura of Six Hundred Dollars (1(00.00 I with Intereat thereon from tba Jtth day of April. 1013. at Ilia rata of 10 par cent per annum and the further sum of Thirty- six dollars and forty-aevan centa (ISO. 47) with nterast thereon from April 19th. 1016 and the further aum of Sixty Dol lara (160. 00) aa attoruaya faaa and the further aum of Seventeen Dollars and Fifty Cents (117 60) aa costs and disbursements therein Therefore Notice Is hereby given that I will on the 18th day of June. 1017. at the north main entrance of the Court House In Vale In aald Coun ty at the hour of 2: SO o'clock In the afternoon of aald day aell at public auction to the hlgheat bidder for raah the following described properly, tewlt: The 8W 8W '4 of Section Four (4), Township Seventeen 117) South of Range Forty-four (44) E. W. M. In Malheur Coun ty, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as property of aald Patrick Paulfner and A. M. Moody, or so inui b thereof aa may be neaaeaary to satisfy the said Judg ment in favor of Frank Rader and against aald defandaata with Intereat thereon together with all coals and disbursements that hate or may ec iraat. Hated at Vale, Oregon, Hil lath r May, 1017 MM intow.v Sheriff publication May 17. 1017. iast publication June 14, 1017. M'lii l (ii HHKRII I'D MM HV Mil I K ul ion 111 -are duly Issued, by tin of the Circuit Court of Malheur t .nn, ed the Suil day of Jane, 1017 in a certain ac tion in the Circuit Court for aald county and state, wliereiu Cry at a I District luiproveiin-iil & it Ion, recovered Judgmi illKU'l COULTER, i"t nn- 'nn "i Threw Hundred and Tueuty Six Dollar, with Intereat thereon from n day or January 1017, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, uud for tin luilluT Mini of One Hundred lioilai Allon,. fill Hie lurllni .-.inn oi Twoaty Seu and liuli.ii- p.-u..li . .mil ior Hit further -.il.ii ,., ..ml Til HHI Dol lara as costs ami dlaburat I In. ghen that I will on 'In- inin day of July. 1017, ut tl irt houaa In Vale, in Hie said i atatc at tliu Iiiiin . , . . u, lion to lb' All Of t a i IS i 1 I, i I' i outh Range Forty Elgbl illamette Maridlan. .1 bjaaOd upon aj IsV erty of Coulter or ho much ihertvn aacaaaar to aatlaf) ti.- Jadgi i let luipr... a BUSINESS CARDS I'llVMt it DRS. PRINTING WEE3E Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. Office hours In II 2 to 4 in mi -.r-. DR. W. G. HOWK DKNTI8T iiea: Office 11" Wilson Bldg. Ree. 1172 I M.I III VMM. J. H. FARLEY Funeral director aad embalmer. Lady asalatant. Phoat 1SS-W. Ontario, Oregon. IK W I It TRANSFER, BAOOAOE AND EX PRESS Maats all trains. JOHN LANDLNGHAM ATTOHNEtK C. McGONAOILL Attorney at Law Will Practice In All Courts Notary Public Office Over Postoffloa McCULLOUOH WOOD LAWYERS Rooms 1-2 3 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon R. W. 8WAOLER Attorney at Law Rooms II. 14, 1 I Wilson Bldg. Ontario Oregon Develop Your RA W LAND FARM LOAMI MADE POR THAT PI -RI'OSE ON IRRIGAT ED LAND FOR A THREE TO TEN YEAR TERM THIS I fl.CDES LAND UNDER THE ONTARIO-NV88A DITCH A8 WELL A8 LAND UNIH.I1 OTHER DITCHES. Special re payment privileges. Apply to Harry B. Cockrutu, First National Bank. Ontario, Oregon, or J. Hutnteld. Gener al Agent, Mortgage Company of America, No. St Alnsworth Bldg., Portland, OrSJJM Expert Service Reasonable Charges and Tht kind of treattnentSteady customors deserve Is the principal uMjn which we lo business. Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. oline. Lubricating Oils anil Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PEJSDUfORD, I'rop. r ho nt 184 MAKSIM N N HIM. lll HI PAIR -.HOP. V . MuiUii, I'rop. I We do all kin. la of repair work I from a pair of ai lha Hit. heaviest kind of Ba)ehl Bloycle Repairing well as ; Autoinobiio wort i put your gas enmnw in I .am. Mower l.rliiiliuu a MsM I .. and agati i. crue at Vale, Mi . . J lildi. I it Oil II, .il l.'S foist publlealiou Jul CLASSIFIED These little ads are road by thousands of want seekers both to buy and to cell Price per line, pet in-ertlon 5c Phone 49J for results. VD KltTlSI MKN I The summer term of the Oregon Normal School will begin June IH; the fall aemeater September 10. For further particulars write to thej He. Isterer. "Prosper Jr." Uefl t'n Perchiron Stallion will be at the K. 8. D. Ranch every Thursday. Friday and Sal unlay. Terms, 115.00 bring colt. "Prosper" sires the kind of colts that bring the big money at maturity. You will make no mistake It you decide to use this stallion. 17 if If you want sed potatoes, absolute ly clean and pure, Netted Gems and Rurala, call J. A. Williams. Phone 112-111. !t If j , "i CONFIDENCE IN THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM played SJl iiuportiint part in the recovery f husiness fi-iiin the atlveise iniiilit inns follow ing the onthrcak of the Knnpe;iii war, ami till helpinir to keep lnisiiiess m an even ' keel. Tins Ijstein, with its iminense resourei is tuui i o .sti'eiith tt the hanks which are int'inhers of it. ;iml will assist them ill am linaiieial rt'tpiiriinents which they may be iilt'il upon t meet. a - , H dtpositiiiK your money with us m.h itriixc the protettioii ami the new faeititieS which our liieinhership in the system en allies ns to offer you. Member Federal Reserve System ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK NEW SUMMER GOODS ARE IN THE COPE PRESSARY PHONE 105 W. AlWamJI the lust, li.nu ept riiiii. m.ik. s it SO. I'niieh DfJ Cleaning, Party Dresses ami tin finer faliie s our Sp" -eialtv . FINE TAILORING - SUITS MADE TO MEASURE FROM $20.00 UP. Vale Hot Springs SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Board, Rooms and Baths. Massage, Diet, E RHEUMATISM OUR SPECIALTY DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent WHY DON'T YOU SAVE MONEY when in want -.i Tabli ' 'hbutwaitt, Ha wan-. Enameled and I .. " '''. and 15c i n il.i USi i ul reds of other items I"- hu m THi: VAUICTY STORE Ontaiio, Ore. 1 1 J-. Moi I M ill.llill IllVtlt-lt for plowing, harrowing, plaut Inff, aalUratiag. haxtng , harveatini aid work tad H to 12 horaa power on bell VMIIU .v Q11CKKK1 i.lelmker t .. AIVKUTlSl(r FOR PAINTINO. Paper hanging, and Calclniliiiim First Class Work, Price- Reasonable Phone E. A. Wisdom. 205K4. S-U Ft lit SALE- A number of roost ,r frying, one lo two iiiontha old, SS cants each. Apply to J. J Dlesa, Box 51, Ontario. is 4t i -t ) It R ENT Good Purulahad) v house cheap Phone 01-W 16lf. FOR RENT Furnished modern bedroom. Inquire Cope the Tailor, three blocks south of Moore Hotel. 7-tf. Mrs. K. Cope ladles' Tailor and Dreaamakor, Phone 01-M Pi the low Skeltui m ftfetftfal