PAOE 4. WU CENSUS REGISTRATION UST f MALHEUR COUNTY . (CoutlniWMl Irom Vane I.) Ounderion. Theodore Nelson nnnderaon. Aimer I'hwi. idrls, Kdmuml I'hllo lirman. Clinton l.ewt Hon, Mar;ln Cornelius rlsnd, Clifford Hsrry rrett. Vernon Tystes II. Jacob I'ctar, Jr. tinnon. Tiios. Andrew K, Benjamin Krnnklln r. JnniPH Edward t J' Blsch, CIii-b. clay Klanr. Joseph Wright Keele, Kdward I'rsnklln Kinney. Loratne Jm-ph laun'.u'lh. Claude S.imue M Morrla , Mottart, Cliua. Itae Mettart. Geo. Karl I atuttad, l-ovenno Atlee, I Mover. Karl Win tMcI,ay, Howard Harrison Peterson, Andrew Prewntt, Alpl'on-o l.utlinr f I'arker, Win. Tims. I'liloiimn. HehiT cii 9 li. i it tTlrteh I Klrhmoi'd, JnineN Weaver t Itirhiuiind. IrWn Washington Robbing, Btgsnr Win. I nil. , I -ilvln , HuHitell. Harrison Morton Humpel. Joseph Bullena, Clarence Albert atar.v. James Ctlaten r rrank Hi, Klnur tv. il Sitill. Chinm - Irvln Trenkel. Frednrbk Win Tlmaon, Joseph Kdward Tnna. Jonn Henry .er. Merlon llurold Ine. John lienr Vines. Clarence Klnier Worlhlv. Ile-I Sewall Will on Claud Hubbard Will. on. I'rederlck llradley RAIll-IK I'llKi'l.VOT llaril.i). l,oa:i i ii in .. HOD ml llohaOTt III, I ' il I Klolrhi r bat i . Paml ;ii-tiii 1 1. 1 i tun Km II Hart. Henry I, nylon I. Wayne Klnu-r Miller. Paul Conrad Mally. Klrby ItumniiTK. Win flhaw, Jaaa H. li I ii p.-. w. n Mfred '" RpauldhiK as rl M ' " Washington, In Iiik IitiiNsiiii: Mil unit Anthony. Cites. A. CrewH. Miintir 0 I'. Cape. James Henry lllllieiin. Mil) l( I'enlik, Illllii'il Smith lib Khoii. (lorilon It. ' Ha via. Arrblr James l'nii-1. Il irlner, Cliirenri' llruntiell Hill. I .a re Krank Hill. Arthur K. Hill. Cinis. A I In it lllntou, Walter J Howard, r'loyd Miuiier June", John II Jo.'ii a, Murk (Irant laiurunce, Walter K. LaaranOS, I.'roil II UaiNit. John Alvey loll.. I. I ".I I I Une i ' imllloaa I' Law i ii wiikiiiMin May Clyde H Powara, Robert Karl fop-. Ralph W CJulnn. Win Mi nry -. Win Kdilie Kim e. Jama MeJJ Hose, Hylventer Idine. Lewis Hniltli. Buniiucra 8. Tureman. I'ha i Tureiuan. Carrbon A. W.l.h. Hon Noel Wise, (iuy Cbaa. 0 Welch. Hoxi'iie MeMii Wlae. Itay Kraacls Wise, Coy Ji.iin Woodcock, Win Kruuk " JAMHsiiN I'lllTIMT Atkln. Otto ' riher Carl K s . Alien. Wayue II .. lluKart, JewiK I" " ChrmteiiM.n. Kred I'. -s Wnli. i It i'n I-. 000 ( Henick. 1-eMi.r J. . I Ii'k. Claude A Faulk mi. Iternard I. Field:. IV ii. I.L.. I'l.HlWIlll, Char II V t. tiriiy. Klinei Rao J -v Uwllllam, Joseph ii v HaMllllloit, Uoiiiaiulu K s lla. Klinei vi. x T t - Marlon ate man, Cliai ' l, Uisirge ' " Haw, Kn ' V) C. a . It. HI. I.ewlH I.. ii .. .i t'haa s loaepli K I iTellor, ii. baa. C. I. aiife. .M.i v. .ilulkey. Krank Moi .ii I'l.uii i l i . lulacloa, Win. i'. Scot I llu.. i II S rii.i. i. i-i. i jnltiiw n.n i'iu:ci.iT j ... M.ixlino 1 io Viilenllii i.i-i.l. l.m.i .l-ionillio 1 liillo. n.i' it.. i. TUiioieo . ii.ual. I o:i: i i.. IiiikIi-kui. Kiiinoii Vii ilnu.'K ill . S.ililno Aianiberrt. .In -e iiloiilo Ul, l.lleii. Arm' , i l.i i .eblo Arriiolu. li ii n ii. . ii. i rojalbta, Iom Maria Bum lallnu 'Hi . i. s II I Hubert Whlt iiiii.i... S'li bolaa . wioiii, Qrajrduu c i luran Bontfai , .. i i HUka. William t oluuibua , l.e:,.. ..bu lquorloa, 1'e.lro Maria Laca, Victor 1'aullno I.yo is.nlMi. JoHenh Frank l.yonnniltli, Anton Joaeph lequerlca, Antonea Uioiiey, Harry F. Iovejoy, Frank r r Montoya, Heglno Molb.y, Richard Nlcl.iilann, Jamea Franklin I f Orttt, Vletorlano Olufaen. Christian Vlrlck Parks, Our O. Rosado, Jose Cabaiaa Btoplcs, Walter Font Sangronla, Juan Staples, Orano(J, Sbnston, Ranrranls, Joae Maria Totterdell, Jean Bumstt I'rrurlia, I'lo Yturrlaca, Juato t Vi urrl nil. Hernplo Vrueta. Blaa Wleklu ;i!. Albert Victor ',. il.. .1... Kxleban JI.MI'KIt I'llWIMT n iiol.i, Dlonlalo Hi riilon ilo. Antonio Brown. Chas. A. Ilnlttor. John W. Carl. on, Kobert I. Druiiiiio'.'l Krank D. Denk!iH, Charles W. I Daagqr, Rmet Kalen. Clias. F. fnwtoki Joi'i Qoli n i on, VenaucM tlraban', Frank II. (iolroeliiMl. Juan Oraliam. Verner K. liliiiir, .Ii im T. i: uii. ii Ho) K. Hawortb, Oavid L. Iraran. Slinin Jnalyu, Hon I) KulR.t. Ilryoti J. LmiOBi LeattM' W. MeOli t ii. Thomas 4 Mbm.ii. OrtM H. Sniai .., Clirla II Skinner Silas K. Smart. Johnie Hkluner. Thomas II. steel. Charles Somervllle, Ralph Rwlsher John S. siniirt. I'errr W. Halalier. MenJ Htaplm, Harry w. Tuck in km. John A. Trea-BNkb., Milton R. y.allca Joae Jt NTt lt I-UKCIN'CT Acton. John Kdward A lea la. Joae L. Illavlork. (leorite llm kin r. Win lllakley. Clay Roy Conroy I'm rick Joneph ' rlmniin. Price Claude. Aiuell T oy Cavlneas, John Berlin llalKKira, Oeorge I el iile. Uiuls Patrick ibioiimiiii. Deane tiiilliiKber. llHiilel ll.illiii.iii John lleunlnr llodgeii, John llodg a, Aleck Menjuinln li"f Mnliael Martin Jmce. Michael Henry JohiiMiu. Karl W. Jones, Ren June.. Fnreat Knun. Iota Kiihne. Itoberl Kred M in. i. Under! Henry Nash. Porter I' .s. mi -inini. tiuataf Klaea iimii.iii. Kruuk Cllft, in lllches. Win Charlea KobcrtHoii, l.e II. i lerney, John Joseph V IHIunm. Ivor Kvuus MHKIIMITT rilHIMl Itoiueu, Abollls Achabal, Joaa Ai'balial. YgiiBMbi , 2k Aibaval, Cle; Achavul, Fermln Albino, Joaa v Alblau, Pedro Alcurlu. Tomas Alegrla. Joae Alegrb .fun n Amucliaategul. Francisco Ancolegul. Jiiuii V'uclorlo V AuMitngul. Joae ArungU'Ba. Jaaua Arrliuntiilu. 1'edro Arrliabalaga. Joae Aacavay, Marcelino lb. I.b Frank Millliga. .lauuel Baascochi'B, Pedro lloiigoa. Alilonii. Ileiigorlira, Mullilel illlboa. .Vnimlaelo llilbou. Chni'loH Brush. Floyd W r. uh. art. Jame.-. J. liic Corta. Miguel in. km.-.. n llilliard Kobainoi.-. An Kchuve Koalo l ii, Vllarlo Kja. ' Qobania Polleyra II. ililml.l Qoroatlia i .H tlorrluo. Victor liurldl, Mlguoll Curiili Ra Cll.n... , I! i illlo Jaott. J ii. in Audi . Maibu i. i.i ilaroaj ill. -. i it. Nil iiiiieilaa Mancbacu, Juan Mandlola, Frani M.i 11110..0I.1. Sllbenire MoJbiH Cerhuxio Nai' Ii.uiato urn. lo, in 'inn. i Julian lllabairi.i Fullk Drba, i P.IM' l lull Bodln. Antonio Rodin Ii uii.-ii-o.) Kill. Juan hi. il nUmpaon, Lnlnnd T. nUtupaon, l.eou.inl IV rla Krunelaco Till.iux. Mare Troumiiie. Kr.d W. I'garrsa 1'iiihio I'rlsai Ul-Handro Wilkinson, cheater A. Worth, J.. Vhorlaeee, vgnmio .t.ikaga, Mauuel Yrns.ihal. Juuu Ytuiriaga, Manuel THE ONTARIO ARflnS. ONTARIO, Zatira, Juan MAI.HKl H PBM INtT Anderson. Frank Peter Anderson, Jease Banks. Richard Edward Barber. Clarence Sylvan Bybee, Ralney Arvllle Coyle. Roy Beeeoprets, lno Albert Faashler. Von Alvln Fllati. William Olbbons, Bernle Infenthron, Jake Peter Morfltt, Albert Wallace Morfltt. Albert Walllee Moudy. Mortoa Oliver, Earl William Reed, Jerome Kerkwood Hhelton, Marvla Jay Laird Hmltb, Oeorge Wlngfield Stonthack, Carl Tracy, Merrick Francle Vellkay. Joaeph Woodcock, John Birch Woodcock. Oitv Knox Woraham, Delbert James Waters, Roy Woodcock. Oren Wnrshnni. Robert William Wilson, George Martin Wheeler. Harry Wlllard Woodcock. James Henry Wooileock, Carl NORTH V.I,H PRECINCT Andernon. Haie Kdwnrd Brown. Vtaeenl irn Bart let, Carl Jiiekson Batcbelnr, CharleH Franklin Clark. Hoy Ie I'lMllKII, Jllllllll Currey. Oeorge Huntington Q ri-anough, Ralph M... uly, Arthur Malcolm Morlarlty, John Parke, Warren Htewart Parker. Itoy Itol.ini ii-. Conlcy M. Itatclin. Frederick Walter Rumpel. Henry Sorensen, Hartley Erhart Saaaer. William Frank Smllli. Jamea Austin White, Tllghman Michael Wheeler. John Howe NYHH.t I'llKIIMT inliTHon. Osborne I-owary Blsschop. Hcnrlcus Burhlilge. Hldnnr Hamuel lllalr. William Holmes Baaaett, Everett Howard Bnaaell, dray Bralnard, Paul Porter Boydell, Artliur Henry Cook. Charlea Ieroy cblpmuii. Volney Itay Coleman. Ollln Mackey i ..Ionian. William Tell Cosgroie, )r Thomas Colin Caldaetl, J. Cecil de Vrlea. Oerrllt Huiilier, Frank James Fenn, Klsmere James Fenn, l.elund Thomas Fenn, Stanley Warren Fields. Anhl.. W Oarland. Floyd Elbert Olbaon. Iielno William tloaherl. Harry Amoa Harper. Italph Bolton Harrla. Ora W Hammock, tleorge Klmer Howard. Willie I leu n Is Jumna. Leo Jorgenaon, Jnhnannea Ingulf Nedry. Henry sii.nn k Nedry. Karl Brltt Powell. Kiidie Jay Poundn, (llenaooil It bodes, Charles Kdwln Itlley. Andrew Sum. John 11. Tenaen Cornellua Martins Warren. Karl Hiivaue W.iu.-n. Kdiiiiinil m, Wilson. Oble le Yta, Pedro Young, Martin Caatle ' UN I UtlO NO. I PltK INCT Andrews, Lawrence Julian Andrews. Ueorgo Ellis Conway. Janie Henuln Havld. Knill W Kldrldge. Leon Kluier Fields. Carl A Orady. Hanlel A Miller, Heiuge l.eroi I COMFO fl bbbbbbbbbbJ nBBBBBBaAaatBBaBBaVl BM nagaaV V T Cook in a cool, comfortable kitchen this sum mer. An oil cook stove is comparatively inex pensive to buy ami it will soon pay tor itself in comfort and lower fuel expense. Meala in a jiffy, and a cool kitchen in summer. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking be cause of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. More convenient than a wood or coal stove for all the year 'round cooking, and moie econom ical. The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smell. la I. 1 ) 4 kurar BaWB, wilh or without uva. Aisa castast modsis. Ak your uti today. NEWP OILC FOR i KroefMin Harness Co. LXsJjitS OREGON. TIH'KSDAV. .. . a Studehaer wagon of buggy rui tne -iuaeoaur Mpuuuvu ""IU V ?' experience hat taught ut how lo make vehicle, that lait. Every axle every spoke every hub tire and bolt is made by experts. The result the taest wagons possible to produce has made the StuMaktr the Largest Vehicle Factory in the World. The absolute reliability of the Studebaktr line appeals to all carelul buyers, those who want honest value. We want you to visit our store the nrsl time you have chance; let us tell you more about the line and show you some of these splendid vehicles. A Complete New Stock for Sale By BTVDKBAKRB BBOS. CORPORATION OF UTAH MM. HI Ml. Branch Manager Miller. Stanley Claude Peteraon. Harry Rutherford, Adrian Karl Test, Owen Hancock ONTARIO no I PRKCINCT Adrian. Jese II. Aker, Mslle Jefferson Arnold. Arthur L. Parens. Arthur H. Bona. Thomas M. I .uiiguard. William C. Bender, Oeorge A. Benson, William A. Illn. Chlng Bly, Thomas L Burrll, Charlea C Brendel. Oeorge i -an Ii-Id. Fred W. Carter. Charlea M Chambers. Verne W. Chrlstensen. Albert T. Clemo, Fred J. Coekriim. Harry II. i o.'krum. Loe II. Crawford, Charlie A. i r ii nun. II. Fred Currey, Hiram M Draper, Albert Jerome Draper, John Ingeraoll Ollham. John A Jones, Thomas 0. King. Fong Lackey, Fred Oeorge Lackey. Herbert Klanson Lee, John M. Lee, Samuel Newell i .o .in i Hector W. Miller, i.. M. Mongon, Itoberl W. Moore, Theodore II. Morrow, Harry A Mousley, Orover C. Much, Italph W. Nelaon, Holier i Orcult, William C. Page, Arthur Ralph Puraons, Kay Continued on Pae Ii.) IT IS A JOY To get a hair-cut or a -have, a shampoo or a niaauge and especially to get your bath where everything Is clean and neat. Vou will enjoy that pleas ure If you i.oiir lo The Sanitary 5diter Shop Chrlsteuaen Bros . Props. At-roas street Cross "Cade HnW ACTION TOVE SAl.t BY McDowell's Exchange Store J. OIL M JUNE U, 11)17 Ererv i .1 uo. J L 1 D a-al JjMQ PPMG JUNITED RAILWAYJ L i wo '"J TWO p DIU 3nuW3 9 Rinos COMBINED $taom A GIGANTIC I kflHISTORICALJaj kJHISTORICALi ,- .JT ls,' nWj snajaw- ...-.rb ank lar.w fyTPiAiNgo anibsai. ceoaiTioNl rrmmto animal txPoniTioNal eocnTv Hoaac raviai iooiitv mobsc riai cuwaataa or sawic svsaa eeweaiaa er aacwic avsae TL wowupo eesT oi.oysum WaWa wosldh aigpT OLOwm f HvvaM bbPbvCjsbbIaI I nLaaaaA ' r Mr- faTV Xaw an, fc J . laVnaaD F-O'-wv iw '-;. .x;:ThS3 Ki nntc, baibaik and utipcoplij In K iro n the f. ijcij no of the poles to the not clime of the Euiutor, direst fastness, inpcnetr.-i le Jungles, binning drr.l. mount.iinii.its;ind the bro.iJ pl.ilns havecontrl sited pt. tu-wly and thnr Sli out Members ol the W,.rl.l in r num nc i.icimii' COI.LkcriON has neicr belnre been seen sin. the In-toik deluge, when ; the P.itii.n.h Noah assemMe Ins Krand Cillccf in in tin: preseive from the i phivi.m d.mnpout,the Bii--., B--.ibts and Ver .. t the e.irth. Obirvt lesvwiN In nun. era n.ui.ic nruugn . n r t Anunils fumcj tor their let i aliens .dneol the In -e Hog vi. iline , taursj Lions. ph.nil, leriKioiis t. Striped .rln i BIlJ .ill ol t slr:iu'r Str.ine forms of life from re m t- I ,nds. B plumage from V... islands of the South, and Hiou.inJ of o:lu-r ttranftand :uriou animals. CAGES Arlt NtCESSAMY TO HOUSE THt, thmm WORTH w,Vo ANIMALS nns mm mt times larger than evei MA..INO O'lR SHOW IOW THE iaARCEST IH THE ENTIRE WORJJ) VOU CN NEYER ATFZr.? T? VISC THE GRAND" STRfciti PAGEANT In to Foraooon. Vail wortn J jarn . i 100 Milu to lotpscU laaaaia?, WAi,LXa"V ' and 7 ! IPs 3 U ' " " ' - "aj ONTARIO AKTKH.MMMi AMI Mi.H I Thursday, June 20 THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago the telephone was a Usury ToOay through personal initiative and private enterprise, It has become a neeeaaity within the reach of everybody. Where once a buai-f-"! . bUt M te,h" w'th a limited Ulklng range, today that businea. has .orvloe with a rang, three u.rt.r. of a conti nent broad, and every branch of every business 1. linked to ev ery other by an UUorcomu,unlcating telephone system The teluphone has earned Its responsible place and there are una s.ouv.OOU Mell telephone, in thi. country, over which go J.0O0.U0u ulks daily. " Ktrery Bell Telephone m a Lonjf DinUitce SUtioa. Malheur Home Telephone vo. QUALITY SUPREME ounce of material that goes into L-L:.l .t a,., Ul. .....' Ontario. Oregon. TWO o oio onwwo o Py VJ WORLD'S f kwJMjNITED RAILWAVVJ L i wo r "J Rinos COMBINED Staom COLLECTION ours. All e.ntii -. tre.Tsures. embracinc whiih Indialea the finest spn ( li i itely t ourtr, Moiisir Treacherous Tm.-rs (rum India. H-.miii m..,..,... ..f ,i ....1 -.l 4.... - DENS - LAIRS