The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
ttlljr (Ontario Argus
(Betablished 1896
GEO, K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thuradaya ;it Ontario, Oregon,
and entered al the Ontario po1 office for
distribution an 2nd clau matter.
months gl.OO. Three months 90c.
50. Six
jopy rc
. 9
The Pledge. I pledge my allegiance to
My Flag and to Um Republic lor whisk
it stands; our nation, nttivisibls, with kfbtl
ty and justice for all.
"Over the pages of British History tor
the past three ycfiis have been written two
words." recently declared Herbert Hoover,
and those words air, "Too Late".
Their is lint too much truth in that
Statement, for ttl that indictment ean he seen
the asnse of the JsfsaJ of armies In (lain
olli, mid the first expedition in Mesopot
amia. Likewise because "too late" did tbej
recognise the Importance of Immediate and
adequate action, there resulted the failure in
the HalUans which permitted the destnic
tion of Serbia and Boumania. "Too Late"
everv where in going to the assistance of
tlnir allies the British Annies carl.v in the
war suffered enormous losses. Thousands
i j thousands of hrave British Tommies
now rest in unknown graves, 'somewhere in
Prance," somewhere in the Balkans, " i
where in afcaopotania"
The British public would not aeknowl
adgt tliat old fool ball axiom that, "the lust
drfense is a mighty H I offense". The man
who can hit hardest is the man who yets hurt
the least, especially if he hits first. John Bull
W.lltcd ten lolly, he sell! troops 'Moo late" to
the support of (lejieral Townsend and made
the capture of Kut-el Asian possible, and
with it SPl bsefc tin campaign J ear hesides
aerlhVing thousands of suldlen to the old
Hpint of procrastinalioii.
Por three yean tin people of the Tnited
Stat. 1 have witnessed this fatal weaklieaaon
the pari of the people of Greal Britain. Brit
iah leaden have visited our eountrj to tell
ii- of where and DOW they have ii mud. Milt
these truth-. U yet, appear to have made no
krapreaaioii on our niiuda. Wi . are eertainlj
Rugiiall in our attitude toward this war. We.
at least it is apparent that the most of us he
lleVe. that we'll hlllllder thill HOUM boW.
Judging ft the apathj with whleh
the people arc Hlllwerilliug to tile l.ihelt;
,,,aii. and the oiislernat ion svhh which
(iumi v i'W the hht Ontario will he call
ed upon In ral "" for the Red ' 'n
one i- compelled to believe that the le
nt l he war hae not vet bcetl learned and
thai Home .lav .i II i w ill Baj . "for J I
two words bave hen wriitcn oil the '
of Amerie.ih Hiatory,' and those word- are
"too I. He"!
Which will it be Mr. Ontarlanf Especi
ally, which will it he you who have money.
arc Ineligible for conscription and have no
-on-to offer for your count rv I s
The damnable shame this count rj will
suite'- if the Liberty Loan in not mberibed
should bring disgrace to those who in then
oi.oleiice could have made it a success. All
the slackers are not to be found among thn
who avoided registration. The man who litis
from the taxes he will have to pay. is a wor.-e
money and who does not do his part, aside
lacker than he who fml.s to register
Have those wealthy citizens who have
not done their full share ever .-topped to
think that the government which can son
script men can also conscript property Is
it not more reasonable that propert) be sm
Bseated than men conscripted 1 Human life
is mora sacred than mere money.
If the rich men of this nation do not
perform their duty and dedicate their wealth
to the service of the nation instead of, as
some are doing, complaining of the low in
terest rate, thev may find such a revolution
of public opinion against them that it will
not bf hard for congress to take a step to
ward eommandeering the wealth of the na
tion. It is Striekly up to those who have
money to do their dut.v . If the rich men fail,
that failure just helps make socialist- ami
Fortunately, however, most of the men
of wealth thrUOOt the nation are demons
trating their loyalty liv activi work and bj
large subscriptions to Liberty Bonds. Thev
should he the leaders ill the movement for
the up building of the defense id' the nation
They gel the greater benefit therefrom.
There, is too, another reason why flu
wealthy citiens of this section particularly
should had the movement for the Lihertv
Loan. The wealth they have accumulated
in the past three v cars is in a large sense
dyed in blood of millions of victims of tin
awful German war. Our prosperity Iss war
prosperity. There is no dinv inur of it. 'I he
war has made wool go to its present prices.
The war has sent cattle to the top. and like
wise hav and every pi-oditet of this region.
By purchasing a Libert) Bend those
Who have thus profited would he showing no
thing more than a sense of decent apprecia
tion for the protection which has made it
possible tor them to continue to do business
and accumulate wealth under such lav.n
aide circumstances.
.voriri-: oi BOSD i MiTloN i
pwkttk-obwjon BLOTS in- .
NoMM i- hereby Riven hut an lec
tion will be held T the elector of
Payette-Oregon Slope Irritation Dl
trtet on tl' ninth day of July, 191.
in il-irmlnp whether or not bond
of Mid district shall be huued as fol
Tw.Mitv year, nix per MM., union
in tin sum and amount of
lltt.MI "o tn refund, retlro and
cancel all mitiitandlng lm l of the
dl-ttict a welt an all outstanding
(MftoM on bund and all warrants
lor the pnymnut of kabWMl N
bonds, said refunding bonds to bear
interest at the rate of six per rent
per annum Inter! payable the first
day of January aud July of each
year, the bonds maturing serially
after the fifth year la annual amounts
so as to be approximately equal,
principal and Interest
Twenty year, six per cent., coupon
bonds In the sum and amount oflSS,
000 00 to refund, retire and cancel
ill uutMtandtng warants of Hit- .lis -trlct
other than warrants Issued for
the payment of interest on bonds
Said refunding bonds to bear Interest
at the rate of six per cent, per annum,
payable the first day of January and
July of each year, the bonds mat ur
ine serially after the fifth year In an
nual amounts so as to be approxi
mately equal principal and Intereat.
For the purpoiie of aald election
the said district shall comprise a sin
gle election precinct, aald precinct
having for It exterior boundaries the
exterior boundarlo of the district
and the polling place shall be at the
office of the Hoard of Directors of the
District at aud in the one story frame
dwelling house located near the
pumping station and power house of
the district, which said dwelling
house is located on SK -, of the NW
of Sec !. T 17. S It 47 K W M . In
Malheur county. Oregon
The polls will be opined at 8
ii vim lb mi ii. morning of the day of
the election and will be closed at S
o'clock In the afternoon of said day.
0. A'. I. ATTIC. Proa..
A. A OI l.l.l. KltKIDOE.
hoard of Directors of Payette-Oregon
Slope Irrigation District.
P. M no vi.s.
Secretary of Payette Oregon Slope
Irrigation OUirn t
First publication June 7. 117.
Iast publication July S, HIT.
Your government has called Upon yon to do your share toward
makinir the"Liberty Loan of It'lT'a rousing succesa-and with
out delay. Have you Riven the matter a serious thought? Do
you fully realize the Importance of Immediate action?
Soldier must be clothed, ho trained, armed and
transperted: and it takes MONEY MONEY MONEY to
carry on tie gigantic undertaking.
Our Allies are doini their full duty tow arils the cause of jus
tice and freedom. You must not he found waiting. You
should dive freely of your MONKY to the tfreut cause.
We will count it a privilege to enter your subscription to the
"Liberty Loan of 1917". We make no charge for this service.
few week ago Ontario In t -red vv lillr
a handful of Ihi.vh left for the army. The cit proud of tin in. i thai pride of the kinl
hat will also see thai the aw provided with
vervthtnn the) ueed in east' of illneaa or
njui-v it it i the lo l I'Hi.l will be
This m w bul souic
are bomid nxM thereby Lei those prof
ii he ai -i of i1"' nation
,1 f,,- tin ' ' ' t i w ho arc ilf
funding Uutl weulth.
,il dia iali draw in- int. :
put a Red l donation mark.-- what you
art willing TO GIVE U the eauae of btuuun
ml ilclll. I .H .
.'t ,.k i U'c.l (Yos wt-i-k. IK. our
Lit foi the btyi at ih.- trout.
n iiiau is t poor to lu-lp the Red Croaa
ii.. i i aii.v man too rU'li to do Likewise.
. t week is Red C'roai week. DurinK
thai tinir tli.i. must he raised 100,00K0H0
I'oi til. .i. .1 i .,n. thia oi uani.atioii reprv
.iit-. Of tin- va-t Klinl Ontario i oaked to
-.. iii i tt i 10, Thia $.").iMHt r. . i . -
sent-. ,ic iliii-j. t. iiiKiiruiicos ri"ka tin-
ii. of -'in man. And uat people lu-li.vr it
is no bt i mat.' t.. plact' on the a I tie
of a man.
I'Iuti I. .! it all t .it i , n.s of Ontario
vv ho 1 with m .1 . than tlic u .1
tor their iiivhhiI conifuH of this worlds
U I-
Will '.r il , -. I nan
a mii-Ic laimlv wlovli lia .M-nt a oii lo tin-
I f i In Ani.i i. an Ruldii r
who dies from lark use the Red
'toss had not it funds, i hat lift
In- rliari'.. .1 lo the iiiutfardlineHs or eaivlt
To .i M i nt ion for an iin:i
.ii.iiimi the K'.il I
(MHI ,. Up I'of tile
tiist j . ar. Ontario hl i 5U ix s
to tho arm ainl III thai tht v .
an asked i i lie Red n
soot i i -t inii and . .
An- not tl Ontario worthy ..f
that I -;.. and
t.. ilic. if , tin . the
I'oiiuti . ., ho remain
In. in.' wild- ' : may be io iil-
.il with iv.'itlium that thotful .-an .
jjeneiMii ., think of .'
When put to 1 1 1- teat Ontario will uol
i on her bo;
Stair Trecliern' examloatlona will
b lu'l.l at Hie Court Hnue In Vale
on June XT. IS. and SO. 1117
I'.illowliix Ih the procram for Mal
heur county ,
WetlneHrtay Arithmetic. Al.-hr. . 11. i I' iholofr.
'I'IiuimU) Orauiuiar, Algebra. Ilrl
Mir. I'h'.ii ami I'rui'tl.r. VNrliii.K
ami Annii.uii l.llf mliir..
Krhlay - t'lvll Ooterument, Or-
thoaratihy. Iteadlui. School Uw aud
I l.lllpllMlt l 111
Saturday I'liytth-al Oeogrupliy,
ill.l l'i li.'I.IK)
Teach.T uIhIiIiih to write for I'rl
mary, Life or apeclal certillcatea Will
pleaae rii- to UM OaHMtJ Suinrii,-
i.'iiili'iit mil later than June 20 Hi M I
lirnnr.uii may In. arraimcl
rat i i.vitK.
Iniilili Supl S Iu.oIh
Malheur SMI
Ni.ii.. I.. I ii in. i .,ii,l 1 1 in Allien
ii BUlUOB,
(Haw lay) will tau,l fur the kouiaiu
i.t' I !U 7 .,. ,nii- ranch, one mile aouth
iii.l mi. fend Ki" . alee weal
r black, weight 1K5U
poiwiu 10. dl liiHuruuie.
Broa. 18-tf
Have Kiiiiiiiu- bargala i'1 ,wo
raln biudera. Sea (bam wa
ll ii .! niuke iuony. Thr,'..
uhwhi u( iiospiial. 1 R
llanfurd . Adv. tt
Doing It Right
"Hut. my thai. If I buy you thta
gown It will 1 nit me $50 la uVht."
If j on are going In debt
why nut g" In Mka a gentlemuu and
to I... r
ira, J vv m.i alia
i I'.irtUml
That Save Your Eyes
Just the thing for wearing
when the dust blows or the
sun shines brightly.
0. 6. Luehrs, Druggist
Ma.v 12, Ii,. 19,33,36,30;
June 2, 6, 9, 13, 16,20,23,27,
lul.v I. II. is. 25;
August 1. 15, 22, 29;
S. iitiiiilirr o. and 12, 1 t IT
Special low fares to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Onialiu, Kansas City, Chic
Louis, st. Paul, Miiuieapulis,
einphia and many other poiuti
1 H litnit-; diverse routi i;
atop overs
I . s. I.. Aui-nt for ratea
ami further detaila
HMaCaV ,,,v .
aVrGoat Milk m
I Ike iV;..l tooJ 2
H . uaJra iat rclnfaaig BMOatii SawawH
' -uWywhtaai M
k fu Mf) i ft M. TaaM F
,, ' 'i -
a" r,w- CtL
ALL THK i:lt 1U1 NO.
Oregon Short Line week uml ami
Buuday rates Iiuoj been h.. ponular
hat they will he aaaUatad lnd
on sale every weak, all the
They are fur ycur eoa
hem requeotly. Aak O S 1.. agentl
N'.iiii .1
purluer.ihlp of I.. 0. Olson and II. Ii
I'dick, ban i
having acquired all of tl
Mr I dick in the tiru knowu aa the
.'lunihiiiK eoaapan
The bukiueaa will continue in
the uaiiu- hi a
I'luiubiug aud Heutiug compan
tiilU payable by the company, prior
to June 5, 1017, will L .
" '
I" -
Down Town Ofli.
I I'lumlm,. nui Co.