Buiti& v$m. e w. ONTAUIO. MALUKU,' ('PINTY, OUKOQ.V TlirUSPAV. JUNE 14, 1917 NO. 23 ILL START SEWING TO U N HUDOI TtRTKRH kill l TIM I till :s I.- M.I. YVIIITK AM titrnit. RJCAD1 mi! mi ooon wniiK HAL ARRIVES FROM BAKER lain VnlPil hi Omr Mr!. ll lied lo Member In lli'lil hi H ,i,t,iimlei- .iinnl. Miri.KH.n. ONTARIO IS AWAKENING 70 THE SERIOUSNESS Of WAR -LIBERTY LOAN INVESTMENT URGED BY BUSINESS MEN CATKOLie SOCIETIES BUT LIBERTY BONDS I .mil dean wlih tin- mx li while mill dean. Mini Iiihi nil In white. llM Rod Irii-r In rendy for ihe work- hliiK l needed now. Thai I "lil In) .it least I Inn H,.-re ere but li mhi liar an extra chair i. tin. Rod Ogggg. MHtrrlal Ik Here m material uml pattern li li Mirloim articles aft In, -III chapter rfh baan make a number of different Including puJaniiiH. Iiohpiih! kandagea, wash cloi the nee la there will be re- i ili'ill of Mliuly work mi i .i i.imi' ntimhar oi t i.l Meet Inn Hnluiil.il. I I 1 1 ..." 1 1 ti m of nil (In a In. al ;. ,l Croat ll f-Hllril I' in Sal in dn ut Hit' load-ti,.- pnrpoaa of iiirita- iil K lllrll must ! iliili. .il man) im-inhers ua p, preeent. gj,'( knliilil-. nl Columbuv the i alholii iliiirrli aaxl Altar Horlely art Among the I. tat of llnnil Porch PORTLAND'S FLYING SQUADRON VISITS CITY SOUNDING ALARM TO AWAKENING CITY TO IMPORTANCE OF ACTION. i lone lln punhaaera of Liberty Tlnnd In In Ontario were the various Korlrtlra of the Catholic church. The Knight of nl im Ipiix took a 1100 bond an illil tin- local i liurrli niiiin' i.iMi.ii while the Altar society took a fifty ilollut limnl l.nrnl members of lli' KnlKhl of i iiliiiubim have been notified Hint (he flrantl Lodge of the order haa author Iriil tin- -expenditure nf several mil linn dollar tor llio equipment of regimental club hiiuaea tor embolic soldier similar to those of the T. M C. A. WOMEN "PEDDLE BILLS" URGING SUBSCRIPTION Local Committee Sends Wire to Out of Town Citizens Asking Them to Help Keep City From Slacker List Railroad Men Swell Total. K. M. (Irolc In the aklppoi on .1 newly Isunrlwd Kurd frvim which h Ik viewing the ecenery between On inrlo and the Siioamrina pumping plum MILLER GETS PAID FOR ORCHARD SALE Multnomah lounl Jury Kind" Tlinl I'm flic I 111. 1 ..ml (In Inn il Coin. Bggk) Musi I'ay Agent Kiir Deal. Attorney R. Ttiesdny frniu caao of Ol 1 11 1 ' Klat, vs The uiiKlcr rcinrni'il Cortland where I lie Miller of the Dead Ox Payette Valley .t,, Or and Mra. W. J Weoaa uml Dr. J Prliutng left Tuesday night for Portland, where ihog were galled to loatlfy ' pending In tliui alt) Mm W W l.em went to Port Inn. I Saint.: I.Mtaun and Mrs loeh win' in attend 1 Star . Orchard nniipnny waa trlcil Krlilay. Saturday aad Monday. The artlon waa for the recovery of 12, 1 ii' mission for Hie alo of the company' big orchard to Mr c. J. Smith of Portland Mr. Hwagler with Judge I.iiiiKiitb of Portland represented Mr. Miller, while lirlt'ilih Allen l.-llir 1 k 1' 'iidiinla. Tin' 'iirv coiKlileriHl (be caae for a short lime mnl rcinrni'il n verdict m II, .100 outright for Mr Miller anil by Ntlpiilnllon the gueatlon of the nihil llnniil Mini aafcUl wan left fur nrbl trailo.i MORE BOOTLLGFRS CAUGHT IN INTERIOR SH Kill IT HltOWVH MIA TO THI LIST 01 1 API; 1:1 s WITH I It INK KIM AMi III SHY 11 tier ah tiii 1 ri ht irrrniH. COLLECT BIG SUMS IN FINES llluheai Kexinl I'ur Mimrhir) ci Irlhiiiluno Item bed tfala Month Alreaih pftM lint 1. olli'l IcmI. The alrlH of the Kplncopal rinirch mot at I he huine of Mr A1I11 Itlilille. May 30, 1917. uml orcanlxed u Jiinlnr Ciilhl TI..' .Iiinloi' t; 11 1 lil nieiHH ovary Thin da) iii.'i Miion ami at preaent Witt End on American Soil Uuless We Act Quickly Htniemeitl M.nle Hi I'. t lull ol I'lil'll.inil III I.IIH'M) IUiiiiI l,i Meet Inn MkI.i. riiapiiiiill, nlii. 'I 1.1 die Oreg- K. A Kroeinan of the Luin- n'ruat cumpauy; Mark Wood- llie Chuinhar nl riiinineroo; 11 II iniilllei, iiiuiiager of 11.. in. il. Hotel arrived In On- iiiil.iv rum Hie Interior oil IK trip for the Liberty lxiau. Chapman, Kreemau and rtililiesHid a meeting at the. Hal club and Mr Woodruff the gathering at Dream- Mill 1 ml In lb.- I . H. A. v war will be fought to a Ilia I'ulieil Siatea unleaa iwaketo act. now. waa the MM AL AND PKItMOMI. MeiHil.rl Brown who left lat week to Join t'nelo Saina foroea ret fed huine thla week having failed to pan the physical examination due to de fective vlaalon, of which !. hail hllh erlu not been aware. Mlaa Loulee Itlldle arrived In On tarlo Saturday from Seattle where ahe haa been atteudlng the I'nlveralty of Waahtiiglou for the paat nine iiioiillia Hhe will vlnil lii-i lumber Mra. Ada Kiddle. o Owing to the liberal duiiuii the people It became neceaaary for the W 0) T. U. to aew one afternoon of aacii week. June It they will aew Iven by Mr Chupmuii wholal Hie home of Mra A. JaquUh. er aent out in baiiibera or by the Natlouul Chamber ne arnlug iieclared that the ..le have paaaed the apeg ittii power .mil that Kug- leachiug that poiui I u u hold the Ueriuan power ik .11.111 the I 'ulted Stale army In France, there ex- Utility that by the downfall ami Kram uml with their 11n.u1 wniilil html 011 A II and here the nnal battle man wur woillil be lollgbt man explained what a I. lb I ami eiiplniiieil It vurloua j hlle Mr Woodruff made a Mia JJuby Waldron, of the cla of Beal to the loyalty of the -n ), aoaeptad poMtion for the ucb a meaaure that Ibey rmnlni imr sin. win nurli In the - ! - " up the boy who have Halfway at-hoot, ""ut. j ,, Mlaa Irenu Kader came home from Aiken and 1 hlldreu Itit cnlmid Saturday where hv haa been attendiug St Mary durlug the paat year. I Mr. and Mra. William Luxun and children left Suuday evening for Port land where they will eujoy the roae carnival and viait relative. pit) 111 The Char:. I leu .1 1 I UK el t, v ice prealdi nl . Iiiinhar. ecrvlary "Help Ui ! keep Ontario from the Slacker last." Tins was the mcsHum1 which the ..eal Liberty laian ecliiniittee uf the '1 Humeri ial eluh senl mil t.. 1111111 lier Of the leaililio insii r.-ris eltiens who are .Hit ut tile city this week. The lies.s;M,. waH t. ,rsl,t ,,' ,1 llleetillo -llelil at the f. ,mM. , ,;, flub 'i 1 1 1 ics. la evening where the total Hiibst'i-iptiniiH of Ontariti t the laian were ji.iiinl to be less than $40,000, while the eit 's qnoi ilaeei at from $50,000 to .u.fKM) II. H. ('..ekiTiiii of the Kiist ilii.nal an.l W. P. Ilu- niaii nf the Ontario Nation tm.k the leadership in the f t it tn lm I Ontario's share ,t' the issue ami followillH the meeting Rommittees woe oirajilzptl to seek Nnhm'riptionM both in tin city and In tl otintr' immedintelv adjaeeiil to it. Members nl' tie aiiuiis lain itv Loan Semits were: Frank Under. Uin Wilaun. P. ..I (Jallnirher. W. P. I Ionian. II. U. t'oekriiiii. II ' . M,i,'i- : .1,,.,. si'. W ll.iwli.i.il .1. If. Ulaekal,v.San,Ci,e,n. h. II. II. Whit nev . S 1 1. Dor- J" .'"' """ ." lltllH ' ' I . . Women "Peddle Bills." All this 1 tiiiil: and alten Women of the have "peddled bills" from dooM t I . i - ami nidced ,.iih I.. .... ii 1 ..I,, i- tu thi' bank to eiii. ei il.e fur a limnl reception which these women received was very Hfratlf Ulg sii ulie riillilllittt e ie 11 Uteil. l'i to llooll t. ila tile total subscriptions were (40,700. The total subscribers were a proximately 136. This afternoon, however, the list will lie frreatly increaacd and the eonunittee hopes that the ttal amount will be boosted to $50,000. Whole Family Subscribes. Tile eollinilttee wlliell Woikeil slollg the Holllevaiil toiiav found one interesting ease, that of the A. Von Bead on family where cm i . -iiiL-le member, seven in all, of the I'alilih possessed a IhiImI. Railroad Men Swell Total. The railroad men working in and out of Ontarii bought over Jc;. M M ) worth of the I ds but the 'itv ".et- credit with only half that amount which was purchased di recti at the m al banks. The balance was purchased bv nun thru the companies partial payment plan and that purchase will be made direct from Salt Lake. Local Banks Depositories. The nioncv for the bonds will not all have Ontario at Sheriff lien BTOWfl waa In town thla week from Vale ami repor. the addition i.f Knuik June ami Henry Unit to the IlKt nf loot lender cap liireil thi. month TheHe men when taken before Jut- H r i ifoheri I. vile war aaaoaaed nml came ncroaa with the Hlipeml euiklng the xi total of In. . nlhi li .1 i Ins in. hi: Ii for ihe violation ol IM liquor inwa in Malheur coiinly Juki tSS. If the ra tio of the ili-Mi half of Hie imiiilli ba lilllieil 1 1" vp. n ..I i her- iit and iiHirici ittornoy'a office will bo oared forfrom bOOM tinea N.. SI. ii k. i . ItciHirteil. Sheriff llrown al rod (hat. i no Mucker had been in him. DlHtrht Mi vrlwHgleral- o derlarnd, that so fur no one bad been reported in Mhi Both ofllclnla il. I I hit all i Hie .iiltli. .i 1 1. IihI hi thi h..u.. in M i . ri P'T- would be a few r.purt ..nl. I hi i. linetlgllled ami If loiltlil guilty uted. Vale to Have Big Chautauguu Program One Worth Hearing MM II. M PKHHON tl. MiiIi , leeiiires, I ii.i.hi Niiinborn I ulle in Mnke Hie Week One in. ii aialham i m win lleoi. inlter. Mra. It I Hall of Prairie City, who ha been vlaltlng her parent Mr. ami Mr J W. McOoe of Kruilland, pent Tut-aday afternoon mill her aunt Mra. Kdua lirlfrlii. b o. alt Ned Itoydell of Nyaaa waa brouglit in oniurio lor an Xray examination lollowiiig injuries he received In aa wbeu he was atrurk by an Mta mobile. o Miaa Dorothy Jaiiulah gave a hIiow er for auuouucemHilt of Mi Kthel Healup' marriage which lake place sunn al her home Friday afternoon I'nr ihe purponc of Inveatlgatlilg the need ol a new church edifice mr At a meeting of the hoard the Con g regal lo. la I deiiomliuttlon in m nl ihec ii.-ni.il . lull thu week (tularin (be llev. II II WlkllY Held official endoremenl wu given the repreaimtalive of the CuiiKregaiiomil Vain Cliuutuugua which hold the Church Hulldlutt Society waa Hi town hoard ut Hie county eut neil week. Monday. The gentleman ep" td Next Thurilm i Ontario liny at biinaelf a much pieahml with eomli Hie ChaulauiiiH ami a big ciinwl In Onlarlo ami a foeliug that xhoiilil iii.n.l II wunn n of Vale the t'cngregatlonal work deaerved will he here thla week on a ticket aell- and iliimanded a more moileii. build lug campalKii and tlioe who enjoy a lug. oijulped for Sunday achool and aood Program will no doubt cone fur- -nihil center work lie thoi that a ward to andorae Mali, m little later hi aoclety would be able first i'hnuiaiiii;. week. lo put Mime money into m new church In local the weak building at thla place. Vale band vhitiu Ontario 'I'ueaday ui. i played mi the down town atreeta Mr It I. HcQit arrived In Ontario uj r H.h. ........ - . once for the Ontario National bank has alreadv made ap iat eveuiug rroaj N.'uipu. vhajaj ,,, plication and qualified for a government depositors, and ;,K ' ' ""' "- Mr M" kmaat iha naltoi mrttlM the Fimt National will i.iobablv do so in a few flavs, s'"" "M"" """ '' """" the ch.a,.,.,a .,. n., wipeuk.-s ', , . in oniurio mr a winie Hear From Telegrams. As the result of the mesnages sent out last mlit J. It. uaiph WMa ,,r Po-uteiio i in Uilli....vl..v .oisu-.i'iil lii, iii Portland and lllllebased a ."MI Ontario today on blllns c,.i,ne, i. ,i bond. None of the others have been heard from but will iirche-Ha. S I'latl 11, Hie Hawaiian iiiliil,ll, und ii,..n other fine fi ii ii t probahh be before himiii toinoiTow t Friday when the nih Hcription IxMiks close. , OLSON BUYS UDICK STOCK IN OLD EIRM iy for Chicago and other lluta for the auuuuer ea- Ju Imwil luine home tiat- Si Marya at Portland, I utlemieil school. o iruer left for a viail il- in lloise, Tuesday luorn- uik Itader wa the I i hdaeday Bridge club thla . o klene Shirley uf Baker waa of Mra Jacob Prinxlng the we.k Mia Mildred Koenig left for home in Hoi.'e, Tuesday morning, after two weeka visit with Ontario frlendi. Mr and Mra. T. T Kahout ami daughter Katherliie returned M in i heir hdBe In Jordan Valley. lolonel W U lUnley of Burus paiwasd thru Ontario Tuesday routed for Salt Lake I Parliiers In I . H. PluinlduK A Meat- iiiK Coinpunv lls.die Hi in Ha Made Hup III Progrraa s, I onilug Here. A husllie change raOBTded Hie week la that by which I. (I Olaou i -.1,111.! the ole proprietor of the I 8 I'ltlliihiliK It llealilll! lompaiM lb having purchased Hie interest of II It I'.li.k. Durlug the past seven year since the firm wa established here il ba made rapid progress and spread it activity ove a great deal of territory bavin secured the roiilracls for Ihe Installation of plumbing and I plant thro uk !m a i Malheur county and ill Ban) "I Hie adjacent I Idaho. It ba recently established I brumh shop ill Kin met t, Idaho, and ia now working ou a big contract ut During the . week, too. on haa purchased two lots ,,u ,. venae, i, in. ii aud Is remodeling the building mi. veil lo the lots thus perinitllug u great increase tla the capacity al l he tirui lo cure for the growing ileiuainls of the business. on W.-iIiicmIu Ihe ladlee of ihe i loimeaatioual church will have a .ociul gathering at (he home uf Mr. McNullv Il I). .Stevens was in Ontario Bat-i-1 .lay and Sunday ou business, but It II Suuday eveuiug lor Shu Shone where he is worklug i W II LagOg be for Portland. As toria, Seaside aud other coast point Sunday. - Dr II. II Whlllio went lo Boise Sunday, to accompany Mrs. Whitney In.nie II. U Peterson returned Saturday ii., in a business trip lo Kinim-u. iloiae aud other Idaho polul. o iso Ktsbiir and lla Hum-more of II urns , aiue iuto Ontario Tuesday to drive souie cars iuto the Interior o c rt Watsoa left Saturday fin I with the o i god iiHiibiii.iin m calliiiK old Hines wlih District Vitoin ey H. W. Swagler. Mrs S II Slab-., ol Montpeller. Ida ho la1 today for In r home after IMIIM.-- Ill IIOMHI e tJTIIIII. ai the mooting ol tin Kills Kriiluv alieruoon. Honor (Jusrd it wa de.eiil- aMMkdlng a few day. with her sou gad .. , .,,, ,,,, , . ,,,1V ,,. mr ami vis .11,1111 iiuswu da UK In r MM Iti.hert Siuilh left f .1 Idaho K.ill Idaho. Friday, l. . vpects to work Ihe , in a in. lei of the suiiin,. , and ki to m I ool there nexl wlui. . o Mis Kiiiuiu Clark left Kuu.l... im V.inipa where she will reside for son,. time. She w., .led mi KnUav bv in r 1111, t her. I TkU inoruiug Mr.- ligl Hrlflin left for John Duv. where ahe wilt I her vacation 011 Ho ranch with Mr. liriiiin o Misses Nellie ami Hlailys Pott) ! Wels-r relumed home Monday alter a few dav visii with their slsier. Mra. Kred L. SI.- Mr and Mrs J H Hlackuln ami Lain.- in, ,1, .nil in lloniedale where they spent s, 11, .I,.) with Mr. aud Mra. Mlackaby. i 10) ami Mrs W. W. iu Portland this week. W. tl lav OVOnlngl Tin- Kills are taking legular ,li II. tin- .,1,1,1 us the cad.it s 1! Hie Oiiiurio HigA si hool, 1111 dot 1 1- up p , lloq ,, Vi thur Cock- III 111 'The iii -.1 i ! lii.nor ; Dirls up . , log al 7.4.. .11 w ia It Dr Weese gj Inotri of tin ' al,,,,c (hi dm ,r , who me la tc have lo return bogle n.-u tun, ,i 10 In aptl) "ii I he .11 it in . , 1 j(( aoorvfotoa of Mr- c. c Dodge, ,1 some bog go; IJgg'ftrH r-uiue the iinport.ime ol going out in the garden spot ug ill,, Ogjajj , nllk each inn , wlou the ,,., Itav llnrvlu came In, me Saiuoiay voolag from the C'ojbertson' ra,, Sunday with tin home i.dka. Miss 1 laud,;, Hurtou ol HH-e, in 'loiii uaiioii with friend In I Out, 11 I,, and Mi L. Stewart aoogt Mrs. it o Pay 1, k ) Bridge club this wuok.