THE ONTARIO ANGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY. JlTNE 7, 1917 PAGE 7. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Theee Hill ads are ntd by thousands of want seekers both to buy and to mil trice per line, per inMrtlon 6c. Phona 4J ror results. KltTIHKMKNT. Die Hummer term of the Orr-gon rmal School wilt begin June 18; full semeelor September 10. For ther particulars write to the Keg- Irer. I'niKpnr Jt" the ton Percheron Hon will e at tb K S. 4 D. rh ever rhuradny. Friday and unlay. Ter is, Wlb. 00 bring colt. tixper" sire tip kind of colts that k the big i cpay at maturity You make no tHstake If you decide to I Oil ataltlcfh. 17-tf you want aed potato. aftolute- lli'.m and pure, NfttedJGdnis and klR, .all J A Willi. Phone km. -tf. FOR PAINTINstf, Paper hanging, and Calclmtn4ng-Flret Class Work, Price iw4am- Phone v. v Wisdom. 20 IK 4. 2-tf FOK 8AL.E A number of roost ers for frying, oneloUfo months old, 25 cent each Auf to J. J. Dless. Box 61, Ontario. r l-4t FOB ItKNT tioo.l Furnished house cheap. Phone 61 -VV. 15tf. Mrs. ki. lot Dressmaker, Pd r and FOB RENT Jumlsbjfl modern bedroom Ininl Com the Tailor, three blocks soutBotafnonre Hotel. 7-tf. McFadden s Flight A Story For St. Patrick's Day By ELINOR MARSH HKfactory Job Printing at the Argns office I I I ill ' HLt ' B '" C-WWfcsfSSSSSS?B gjt"seBsBBpriVBBT' I LESS WORK , K No coal, wood or ashes to log. No waiting for I BE the Are to barn up. I y K Meals In a jiffy and a cool kitchen all the time. I isf K Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. Better cooking be- k cauM of the steady, evenly-distributed heat. . 8? More convenient than a wood or coal stove for k, all the year 'round cooking, and more stono.n- Q The long blue chimneys prevent all smoke and fS smell. In I J J and 4 burn.r tilt, with I 01 wiihuui uvtn aio laseaet X enolsli. Ask year daslsi ivAiy. m r- I NEW PERFECTION I OIL C$piyOVE " Broessin Harness Co. A. L. McDowell. i othtng like it on earth- Tie sensatjon of the year See it at IREAMLAND THEATRE ondayAND Tuesday June 11 and 12 ,000 LEAGUES UNDEB THE SEA b kotographed at the Botton of the Deep Blue Sea le Picturization of a Dream that has come True. More Real than the facinating story wo Nights Only! Mike M?Fadden was the moet popu lar young msn In all Ireland at the tlnir r the revolution. He rode about mi horseback, carrying a green tag with a harp on It, calUng on the Bo l'le to arm and shake off the yoke of K mland This was wry well eo long as the revolution lasted, but when It was put down Mike was one of tbe persons marked for punishment. But hie pop ularity stood him In good stead. Where there wim one person to hunt for him ther wee a hundred to conceal him. He was talking to a crowd of listen era In his native town, exhorting them "not to. giro up tbe ablp as long aa there was a stick of timber left In Bat;" tliat ft. Pntrlrk was with them ami would nrnnt tboin tbe victory, when a win. in from su iiipcr window triad eut: "Tlio Hojera! They're comln'." Aud ao llicv were. They were conn ing for MILr, and then- tMI I fill chan.'o of tlielr taking bitu. sod If took liiin be was siirv to hang. The queatlou of the moment was how to protect Mike. Iroland wa forgot, ten. Mike was all In all. Om of the girls present beckoned him to follow her and darted Into a house. As lootl ai Mike waa Inside ah shut tbe door. A M inlniiici later the aoldlera rode into towu ami began to look for thej reliel "All the men come Into the street f cried the aergeaut In command. Home of the men were already there, end the) rest thought It best to obey tbe order. They were lined up, aud the sergeant as lil: "Lag Mike McFadden step to the from ." Mike did not materialise. "If Mike McFadden doesn't atep to (In- fiont. every mother's son of you will be takes to DwMsi and lodged la Jail."' This produced no effect. Mike, dree il In pottlOOata, waa circulating uiuong the irlrls snd when mllcl on to step forth waa HtnudiiiK lielw.-cii two girls with an nrui uroiiud each In true fem inine etylr. With the aergeaut waa one who bad even McFadden, aud he told the aer geaut that the culprit was not In line. Tln'ii the order waa given to search ev ery house In the place, tbe men mean while Wing obliged to sUud where, they wet. "I'll show y where Mike McFaddoa la." said one of the girls whose waist Mike wsa eucircllng. "IH It snd I've got something ale for yon " The girl led the sergeant a abort die tetic down tbe afreet, and aa eooo aa they reached open ground Mike pulled his aklrta above bis knee aud rau like a devi I'nfortunattlv for the fugitive, ho baur been loo liaaty. He alionld bate aHpgeal away quietly before making au eilillillloii of his masculine leg. aud what I hey could do Hut Mike waa never given to forethought One of the eoldlers who had beeu lefi to watch the wen atniidlng In Hue took sfler the BBpoaed girl. Mike was swift of foot and. ei. ept for tbe ln uiubrauce of I ne skirts, was more then s match for the soldier, who cs cried a knapsack mi tils shoulders, and a musket lu bis hands. Be JMu'i kuvw why the girt was running. He supposed that there was some plan on foot to outwit him self and hit comrades Not gaining la the bae, he called on the fugitUs to atop or lie would ore. Mike kept on, and the soldier, uot relishing about lug a woman, dealated. During bis flight Mike saw a atout cudgel iu Ids way, aud, picking It op. he began to think of a ui.ue mauly de feuse than flight Heacblug a slight rise In the ground, he etopM-d, tinned alul aud faced hla eaeiuy A number of the girls bad broken gwaj and run sfter tbe sergeaut. eager to lea in the leaull of Mike's flight. Those In advaaOO were nually treated to I he slglil of a man In woman's ap pare! defying with a cudgel a soldier with a muaket Hut while the latter waa far belter aimed than lu former he waa handicapped by the belief that hli enemy waa a girl. When a abort i ,- from Mike lie paused end Bid i ,,in, bask with me. I don't waut to hurt )oii young wouiau." InvU a bit do 1 go back with ye .me near enough to me I'll bruin i,. id this shUlakthr gBM'l. Mho had aeeliig like hud la-en uilslilkeu by the tie of them, now .nine up lilug Hi,- soldier for lli;lii . i. I he. Wlll, 111 -el' tween Mike uii.l the sfldler Fortu uatcly foi their protection, Mike was on the edge of the Wod, aud there men to m . afl and this time in I round the soklfer and began t,, push i iiii bark tonm-.i the 1 1 One of Iheiu tin.illy gol BUI DIUBkOl and ufiei thui be was helped gloug , mean-, of it. bayonet. The MM.jihin. when it a evldeel tlmi he had hi in aaal on u fool's er mini, hurried ba k to where II till standing lu line n j nil woiusu thai ,a no such pemou as Mike Ui- Faddeu among tbeiu, and, being con ilne.1, hi- took hiui.-clf and hi men away. Mike never stopped till he reached the .oust and eeiaped to America. He baa always attributed hla escape not to tbe girbt, but to bi. Petri QUALITY SUPREME Every ounce into of material that . ffoe a Sludebaker wagon or buggy has the "Shidebaker Reputation" behind it Over fifty years experience has taught us how to make vehicles that lasl. Every axleevery spoke -every hub- tire and bolt is made by experts. The reiult tht finest wagons possible to produce has made the Studebaker the Largest Vehicle Factory in the World. The absolute reliability of the Studebaker line appeals to all careful buyers, those who want honest value. We want you to visit our store the firi time you have chance ; let us tell you more about the Studebaker line and show you some of these splendid vehicles. " A Complete New Stock for Hale By y Ml Dl II KI It BOB. t OKIMHttTIIlN III ITVH I uVS" M.M. Ht -h. Branch Manager Ontario, Oregon. BUSINESS CARDS 000) I'll Hit It N'S DR3 PR1NZIN0 tt WEE8E Ontario, Oregon Office lu New Wilson Block. Office hour I to It 2 to 4 in nvi- "SaelQ PPffMQ DR. W. C. HOWK DENTIST Fliunes: Offlro 117 Wilson Btdg R H7I t Mil Itl'lhlM. J. H. FARI.EV Funeral director and embaltner. Lady assistant Phoaa I3I-W. Ontario, Oregon. THWHFKR TRANriFKK, BAGGAGE AND EX PREM Moots all trains. JOHN LANDINGHAM TWO 2 diu snuwo a Rinos COMBIIvIO $TAoei ATTtHlNKVH C. McOONAOILL Attorney at Law Will Practice In All Courts Notary Public Office Over Postofflre W REAL VJ LJHISTORICALJJ i i jT Vi sKi I s aw-a TSlAINtO aWIMAL CXeXaiTIQNB stooicTv hossc rit or 1.1I..C i.imi ,, J US. TnAINtO ANIMAL CXPOOITION SSOOIKTV MOW C rAIBI cowoatss or aaiwic sraas I WOSLO'S SIKT CCOWJaV TWO 9 BIG SHOWS Rinos COMBINED Staoi k. MIQTOPirAL T-S a tunsi TWAINCO ANIMAL CX-OOITION sooic'rv hosh riei coMoatsa or sarnie svsae oauo OICT CLOWNI Mcfl'LLOl'OH ft WOOD I.AWYERH Rooma l-J-S First Natl Bank Bldg. ! Outarlo, Oregon. R. W. 8WAGLER Attorney at Law Rooms IS, 14. 1 Wilson Bldg. Ontario Orfgon il 1 1 j. . lnff7ul ' -.'B Wr'mlv?tiMm s' '. ' I Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatmentSteady customors deserve Is the principal ujxn which we do business. A GIGANTIC COLLECTION Ri note, barbaric and uiipcoeiod Ur.Js.from the ft lei the polga to m is oi the hiu.itnr, l.lrrl t burning deMft. mount.. I tlif bioul plains havecontti their Straltgr Member of the Animal W.i.J In i COMl'l I IK (iHiANllv COI I i hi-, never before been seen lm : the hitorlc deluge, wliea the Pii.i.itJi N le his gr.ind cnllect' n in the AiU, to preserve liom the iLiu'iinuur. tlie HirJ-,. Bej.t-, jnd Der .1 of the e irtll. Oblrtt le - aniin.itcd njture brnuglr . i r very , ,.n. All cirth'i treasures, embracing fameJ for their, nut) or be miv. n men alive of the h'. bl..n-,u. phants. Ferocious Carnivorous Lions, li I Striped Zebra, ani ill of the;e in Strme forir-. ot life 'rom reniole :ma. is ' i irniiuu pnimage ironi ; .. island of tiu Sojtli, and thousands o trangeand Lurtou animals. the linest spea- v . r iftr, IHonstrr rn from India. H-aulii.4 sea. jnnnle and forrt. plumage tioin Accessories carried for all kinds of cafe. Gasoline. Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PE1EDVFORD, Prop. Phone 134 n ti CAGES-DEMS-LAIRS ANIMALS AHE NECESSARY TO HOUSE THL 1,000,000 WORTI! OF TAh WitD THIS SEASON FIVE TlfiES LU& THAN EVER NO OTHER SHOW e'Vt--" DDCO SO 'a,riV ATTRAC'IONS IN ON SEASON. AS th . B. . 19 HAVE r"OR THIS YEAK S.'.'.INO O If! SHOW MOW THE iaARGBST HI MTIRE W0RIJ) YOU CAN NiV ': I GRAND STK. PAGEANT In the Faranoon. Wil Wa WO SHOW OAlUY at l enJ It, k-s...uj ,u sTIfufs IS' ' ' ONTAR AITKKMMlS MI I Thursday, June 20 J It LlStlaftC w seeeeeOoe lUtwUN I M v him uro id ! tilt SHOP. . iTjirtCVKv- uLHfnnl of rcufclr work , . I yl , to tlm ,d jfl uuachmery. norflnajiaoielfl-ir .lurjssrrr aaHgaa v. w. m I : II, Mil It the heuM' le Ke Autoiuol mi i condition. l laiwu Mower t.iindiiig a HecUlty sseeeeeeee so ran also in good Our puri- I lltuwluy) wl of 117 at u and one an of Ontario Color li pounds. Terms I Cosmo aad look hli son Bros a ism . I llursruteu , II JT.,-.ije7i inn Acienou II stand aoErfrc aoauon 1 1 ir r.tiujarrnit- mile, II psjeafiiiifrili iiilloa west! I lek, weight l5u I a A A 1 hk u a saa 1 assl ,p.VV inauiUt.r aa li tTW MtDltT II 15 li I THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago the telephone was a liunfy.'i Today, through personal Initiative and private eutuiprpie'. It Use, become a ueceeeity within the roach of everybody Where oucoi a bual uoss had but ouo telephone with a limited talklug range, today that bualneas baa service with a range; three-quarters oi a conti nent broad, aud every branch of every bualnoea Is llnaed to ev ery otltoi ai mi nil 'li'cuuiuiunicatlBg telephone ayatosBJ The ttilophone hau earned its responsible place and there arc hum , ouo. nut) bell telephones lu this country, over which go ab, uuu.uuu talks daily. river) Ikll Telephone in a Look Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone M).