THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 31 1917 PAGE 3. BOULEVARD A pleasant and successful surprise was carried mil on Tueaday evening. May 22. when l v.n Knight and their ladle from Ontario motored out td the home of Mm. A. tl. McGregor, and with cakes, Ire cream and lota of good cheer, entertained and look pea seaslon. After a Jolly evening they praeanted Mr McGregor with a hand eome water net and returned to their home. The occonlon wan Mra Mc Oregor's hlrthday, which aha had for gotten Those present were; Mr. and Mra. Poormnn, Mr. and Mra. Parley, Mr. and Mra Connor, Mra. Mllllken. Mra. Wellington, Mr. Wagoner and Mr. Wright Mr. and Mra. Harry Wlllty of Grand Junction, Colorado, on motor ing through to Moacow, Idaho stop ped over for a several day vlalt with their cousin, Mra Vina Boawall and other relatives. Mra. Harry Tague and daughter of OwyhM and Mra. A. Derrick of Jamleaon are alao vlaltlng Mm. Rnswell. The neighbor and friend wlah through thee rohimn to thank Mra. ' Ed. Berry for the many beautiful flowera o freely given for the decor-1 atlon of grave. Wednesday. I Jesse Brown hied himself to Port- HENRY N 8TICKNEY. I. E. 8TAU8 land laat week and returned "not a-. EL. JOSE 8AVALA. I. B. PBNORA, lone". We have not learned nny par-' H. W, RICHARDSON. N. O. WHITE. hut extend heartiest congrat- JOHN C MILLER. WM. H ISAACS. ulatlon. Mr. C C. Stover returned to her home Tueaday after helping car for her father. Ed Merry, In Ontario, the pat two wcok. Mi Clement ..f Notus ww vljH- Ing hi on. Waller and Jim. Friday after which he went to Ontario for a vllt with hi lter. Mr Edna Boyd. Mr. and Mr. Adam Hose who ln laat week for k.n.lrlrk. Idaho, re- ....... .... u,....i.v .,,.1 ..,,... i ,,.iin iii in -" " "' r -- to Indian Valley, Idaho Mr. Billiard of New IMvnioiith Ida- ford, Howard Davla. K F. Wheeler. 1,0. arrived Saturday evening for a Rowcna Preeman. Nya Improve few daya visit with hey daughter Mr, ment Company. Mra. Lulu M lloxle. Hex Murquls. Ml Jean Conklln returned Satur- day evening fiom Cove. Oregon, where ahe taught achool the paat ynar. Mr. C. Tague who waa III at M hoKpltal laat week I staying with hi- sister Mr. Vena Hoawell. B. B. Conklln left Tueaday for Wal lowa. In the Intereat of the food cam paign. Gay Stover went to Little Willow, Idaho. Tuesday for a few daya visit t L. H. Patton'a. Mr. and Mr 0 J Laraon were gueala at J. A Waltera Monday. Judge C. H Brown waa down from ! ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Mallen Saturday vlaltlng Ed Berry. ' in THE NAME OP THE STATE . .. iOP OREGON, yoa and each of you Notice to Fanner aad Hoi soman ar hereby BollBad that Malheur Our pure bred Feroheron stallion. County, Oregon. I the owner and t Rowley) will stand for the season holder of Certificates of Delinquency of 1917 at our ranch, on mile south for uupald taxes, due and payable and one and one fourth mil watt0 Malheur County. Oregon, for the Of Ontario. Color black, weight 1460 y-r mo, ad also for the yaara pounda. Terma 110 00. Insurance, mi. 1012. 101.1. aad 1014. Issued Com and look blm over. McPher-: oy ,i,e Tax Collector of Malheur son Broa. 16-lf Couuty, Oregon, which certlflcatea i are hereinafter set forth, showing the AM. THK YEAR 'ROUND. numbers thereof, together with the Oregon Short Line weekend and 'ran. of land covered therby; the Buaday rat- have a, popular amount ol " ?? hat thy will be continued Indefinite- y. On aale every week, all the time . Ia , MiavMisnNC Use hem raqnently. Aak O. 8 L. agent. : ; ees Mak remltaace payable loll II Cockram, Ontario, Oregon. Apidlcwliow for Membership. A-tartoaa Naikmal Red One. HaMfc-a-ters, WaMhtajrto, D. C. , - - .nnl fnr iiiaanih-aruhi-l - . u-r, .ww .s a -... ,.! --lla mv ad, lb. au. of e a . therefor. dollars (1 a Plaaae check class desired and be sure to write aame legibly. e Chock Claaa of Membership ,.,. Dues ...Annual ( no magaxlne I $ ..1 . . .Subscribing, per annum a . . .Contributing, per annum e ...Sustaining, par annum t .. .Life (one payment omly) ...Patron i one pint only) 2 i 10 II 100 ... le . i Home Addreaa a .. I city and State lifOflAL NOTHTeS. SUMMONS. IN THK IIRCITIT OOl'RT OK THK STATE OK MR tot .ON KOR M4I IIKUR tXU'NTY. MALHHUR COUNTY, a Municipal Corporation. Plaintiff. va. FRED J. BROWN. J MBS FLAG EN8, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. JOSEPH P. SMITH. Trustee. CHARLES CARTER. H. J. BENSON, D, W. CALDWELL. TILLIB E. PIERCE, C. O DUNKIN, W. M. BASTHRDAY. J. B. DUNCAN, P. J. PALMER, PLACE, BINFORD. HOWARD DAVIS, E. F. WHEELER, ROWENA FREEMAN, NYB3A IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. MRB. LULU M HOX IE, MRS. F. E. GILMORR. PRANK HIGH, HIGH BROTHERS. W. B. HAMBLOCK, T. D. HONEYMAN. WM. JOHNSON. ALBERT LEWIS. MARTIN ECHAVE. DORA I. ABBA. WILL O BEBER, WM. A. MARTIN. H N. FORD. A. H. CHESTER, L. A. McNARY, JAME8 MoGUIRE, JAC OB STONECKBR. ANNABEL KEL LEY, ISAAC READS, SADIE HREEDLOVE. WILLOW RIVER LAND ft IRRIGATION COMPANY, a Corporation, J. D. OSBORNE, JASPER WE8TFALL, JOHN WE8T- FALL. 8ELBY, VOGUE, C. A. POWELL. ALBERT SHERMAN. WM. J. Mc LEOD. 8. H. SHEPHERD. MRS. W. J. PRESTON, EDITH I) TAYLOR, A. E. ROBINSON. MARY E. ROB INBON. MRS. JULIA MARTIN. CLYDE C ROBINSON. D. O. SUTH ERLAND. O. A. R MUELLER. AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, DEFENDANTS, To Fred J Rrown, Jame Flagen. church of Jeau Chrlat. Joeph P Smith, Truatae. Charlea Carter. H. J. enon, D. W. Caldwell, Tllll E. Pierce. C. O. Dunkln, W. M Eater- day. J. B Duncan, Palmer, Bin- Place. .Mr, r. r.. uiiinore, rraus nun, High Hrothera. W. B. llamblock, T. D. Honeyman, Wm. Johnaon. Albert l.wls, Martin Eclmve. Mora Laaaa. Will O. Heber. Wm A Martin, II. N. Pord. A II. Cheater, L A McNary, r James MrOulra. Jacob tftonecker. Annabel Kelley, Isaac Iteade. Sadie Breedlove. Willow River Land and Irrigation Company, a corporation, ;J. D. Osborne, Japr Weatfall, John Westfall, Selhy. Vogue. C. A. Powell. Henry N. Stick nay, 1. E Stausel. Jose rtavala. I. II Pangra. II W Itlchardaon. N. O. Whit. John 0 Miller. Win. H. Isaacs. Albert Sherman, Wm. J. Mc Leod. 8. H. Shepherd. Mra. W. J. Preaton. Edith D. Taylor. A. E. Rob inson, Mary E Robinson, Mrs Jultn Martin, Clyde C. Koblnaon. D. G. Sutherland. O. A. R Mueller and any ana a a a - .ertineaiea, uai. ui i-,.- v. rale of Interest on said certificates; - " ' -"" u, "ad d' linquent on the tract.: of land oov- ered by said certllleates (or the years subsequent to the laaaanc of said c-rtiB.stes, together with the rate of Interest, penalty, aad advertising coat thereon; which aaaoaafs ar a lien on the land described la aaid cer tlncatea, In which Is given the town. .. . ll llF-a r vwei , ".. - ----tlal... rlth aac- i lien, township aad range It rural property, after th name nt th per- soa to wham asaswited. th description of each of which several tracta of laad ar give ander the aambers 1 to 30 horeta.. And you are farther aotltlecl tlisi there t dae aad delfaqaent and a lien on th several tracta of land, taxes which are payable to plaintiff for the yaara eat forth and assessed to the persons named herein upon the lands described In aald oertill- cataa of delinquency or some portion thereof, each of whWh aeveral amounts and the suma with intereat thereon are due and delinquent from ; defendants to plaintiff noon eacb of I iaald several tracta aa herein given, I aald several tracts being deaorlbed as follews: (Kay to Abbreviations. D. C, De- MMAL NOTH'HH. llnquency Certiorate; P., Penalty; A. C, Advertising Coat; Tr.. Tract; B. Block, L., Ixit; Sen., Section. Tp , Township; Rg , Range; 8., South, E W. M . Baat of Willamette Meridian; A., Assessed to.) Tr. 1. La. 16 ft II, B. St. Green' Add. To Nyaaa, A. Joseph F. Smith. Trustee; 1110 D. C 1072, (5.23, IS per cent. 7-1-11; 1011 D. C. 1130, I5.8B. 16 per cent, 7-1-10; 1012 D, C. 1217, $4.40. 16 par cent, 7-1-10; 1013 D. C. 1347, 13.10, 16 par rant, -l-16; 1115, IMS, IS par cent. P. 2ffc. A. C. 60c. Tr 2. Sac. 17. Tp. 10 8.. R. 40, E. W. M : Five acre mora or leaa In a triangular shape In SW corner of NEU; A. to H. J. Benson. If 10 D. C. 1073, $42.03. IS par out, 7-1-10; 1011 D. C. 1131, 124.00, 16 par cant, 7-1-10; Tr. S. La. 11 A 12, B. 274, City of Ontario, A. Tlllle E. Pierce; 1010 D. C. 1141, 10.06. 16 par cant, 7-1-10; Tr. 4. La. 20. 27 ft 21, B. 4. Had- ley'a Second Add. to Vale; A. to W. M. Eaaterday; 1010 D. C. 107S,, 16 per cent, 7-1-10; Tr. 6. L 3. SHNW'4. NWViSWV,. SW'.aw,, See. 2, Tp. 30 8., R. 40, E W M. - W4WU Sao. 11. Tp. tO 8., R. 40. E. W. M.; A. P. i. Palmer; 1D10 D. C. 1078. 146.11, 16 per cent, 7-1-10; Tr. 0, NEViNEVi Sec. 31. Tp. It S.. R. 44, K. W. M ; A. Howard Davla 6 E. P5. Wheeler; 1910 D. C. 1077, $1.17, 16 per cent, 7-1-10; 1111 D. (V 1140, 12.00. 16 per cent, 7-1-10; ltlt D. C. 1220. 13.17, 15 per rent, 7-1-10; lt!4 D. C. 1713, ft. 60. 15 par cent, t-1-10; 1015. $8.77. 12 per cent. P 20. A. ('. 60c; Tr. 7. B. 28. Teulech's Add. (o Nyaaa. A. Mra. Lulu M. lloxle; 1010 li 0 1070. $17 45. 15 per cenl, 7-1-10; Tr. 8. SBViSEH Sec. 16. Tp. It 8.. R. 47, B. W. M ; A. Mra. P. E. Oil- more; 1010 li C 1081. 114 09, ir, per rent, 7-1-10; Tr. f La. 2. 3, ft 4, B. 22, Origin al Town of Vale. A. Prank High ft High Bros ; 1010 I). C. 1084. fll.tO, 15 par eenl. 7-1-18; 1911 D. C. 1151, $54.46. 16 per cent. 7-1-11; ltlt, D. C. lltt. flt4.l4. IS per cent, 7-1-II; 1914 I). C. 17lt. fit. 70, 15 per cent, 8-1-18; Tr 10 NVtNK4SE4 Sec. 31. Tp. 17 8., H. 4B. V M .; A. T. D. Hen eyman; 1910 D. ('. 1086. f4 32, II par cent. 7-1-16; 1912 D. ('. 1141, fl.ll, 16 per cenl, 7-1-18; ltlt D. C 1166, to. 10. 16 per cant, f-l-ll; ltlt D. C 1467. $8.4$. 15 par cent, t-1-10; IBM I) 0 1701, ft.01. 16 per cent, $-1-14; 1015, $4.47. 11 par cant, P. 45c, a. c 50c; Tr 11. NV4NE148EK Sac. 10 Tp. II 8.. R. t7, E. W M ; A. Wm Johnaon; 1910 D C. 1084, $60. $4. II par cant, 7-1-10; 1116, ft. 14. 11 par cant, P. tie, A. c. 50c; Tr. It. SUBS. Sac. II. Tp. 40 8.. R. 40. E. W. M.; A. Martin Behave; 1910 D C. 1090. fSS.SS. 16 per cent, 7-1-10; Tr. 13. Reglnnlng at NW cor. of L S, thenoe B 000', thence S. Stl'. thence W. 140', thence north wester ly along the reservation line to piece of beginning in Sec. 19. Tp. 41 8.. R 43, E. W. PJ.l A. Dora lssa; 1110 D c 1011, $10.4$. 16 per cent, 7-1- 10; 1014 D. C. 1839. $14.67. 15 per cent, $-1-10; Tr. 14 La. 27 ft 2$, B. I, ft La. 16 ft 10, B. 10. Hope's Add to Vale; A. A. II Cheater; 1910 D. C. 1002. $$.$7, 15 per cent. 7-t-ll; Tr. 15. SWViSWU Sac. 31. Tp. 10 8 . R. 44, E. W. M.; A. L. A Mc Nary; ltlt D. C. 1004. $114. 15 per cant. 7-1-10: 1013 D. C 1316. ft. 46, 15 par cant, t-1-10; 1014 n c 1877. $2 0$, 16 par oaat. 8-1-10; ttll. 11.41. It par cent. P. 14c. A. C. 50c; Tr. 10 NKHNKI4 Sac 31. Tp 1 8. R. 45. B. W. M ; A Jama Mc Guire; ltlt D C 1016. 12.41. 16 per ceat. 7-1-18; 1911 D. C. 11.9, ft. 70. 16 per cent. 7-1-11; ltlt D. C 1361, ft 18. 16 per cant, 7-1-10. 1018 D. C 1300, $4 00. 16 par aant. $-1-10; 1014 D. C. 1873. ft. SO, 16 per cent. I 111; 1916? ft. 50, IS per ceat P.. 2Jo. A. 0, 60c; Tr 17. NBliSEl, Sac. SI. Tp. 10 8.. R. 47. B. W. M ; A. Annabel Kel ley: 1110 D. 0. U0t, ft.13, 16 par cant, 7-1-10; 11'.. I 0. 063 44. 16 per cenl, 8-1-14; 1016, flOt 46, 12 par cent. P.; A. C. fte; Tr 18. Undivided one-half Inter est In L 2. SWNW4 Sec 30. Tp If 8.. R. 4t, B. W. tf.'l A. Sadte Breedlove; 1910 I C 1100, fit t4. 15 percent, 7 1-14; 1014 D. C. 1035. IS par cent, P. f 1 70. A. C. 50c; . Tr. 10 1 acre In SW cor. NW Ki HV'8K4 Sac 20, Tp It 8, K 4!. fj M ; A J D Osborn; 1110 D C iot7, $4 20. 16 par oaat, 7-1-18; 1911 D C. 1176. $1 33. 15 per cent. 7-1-10; 1012 D. 0. IMt. $t-14. IS per ceat. 7-1-10; 1015, fl.17, 11 per cent, P 17c. A. C. 5$e; Tr 20. NWNBH a tf, Tp. 17 i,m;ai. NOTICES. IS. R 46, E. W. M ; A. Wm. J. Mc- Leod, 1910 D. 0. 1112, flO.80, IS par oaat, 7-1-10; 1911 D. C. lilt, f 13 or., 15 per cent, 7-1-11; ltlt D. C. 1275, tl0.71. 16 per cent, 7-1-11; ltlS D. C 1420, 220 40, 15 per rent, (1-1-103; 1914. D. C 1174. 114.16. 15 per cent, 8-1-11; 1915, $12. tl, 12 per cent. P. fl 30, A. C. 50c; Tr. 11. Ls. 6, I. 7 ft I, B. 3, Eld ridge Add. to Vale; A. Mra. W. J. Preaton; 1110 D. C. 1113, ftl.65, 16 per cent, 7-1-11; 111! D. C. 1205. $2:1.66. 15 par cent, 7-1-11; lilt D. C. 1403. IS3.S4, 15 par cent. $-1-11; 1014 D. C. It06, $1118. 15 per rent, 1-1-10; 1015 flO.16. 12 par cant, P. f 1 02, A. C 60c; Tr. 22. 8W4 8ec. 10. Tp. 21 S., R 45, E. W. M ; A. Edith D. Taylor; ltlt D. C. 1114, $11.00. 16 per cant. 7-t-ll; Tr. IS. NEH Sac. 21 Tp. II 3.. R. 47, E. W. M ; A. John C. Miller; ltlt D. C. lilt, $1.14. 15 par cent. 7-1-11; 1115, $11.13, It par cent. P tl tl. A. C. SOc; Tr. 24. 8W4SW4 Sac 15, Tp. 23 8.. R. 41, E. W. M ; A. W. H. laaacs; 1110 D. C. 1110. $1 85, 15 per cenl, 7-1-11; ltll D. C. 1110. $1.00. 16 per rent, 7-1-10; 1912 D. C. 1300, 11.75, 15 per cent, 7-1-10; 1013 D C. 1603, $2.84. 16 per cant, 8-1-18; 1914 I). C 2049, $2.10. 15 per rent. t-1-10; 1015, $2.02, 12 per cent, P. 20c, A. C. SOc; Tr. 26. I. 11. 12 ft 13. B. 218, City of Ontario. A. I. B. Pengre ft II W. Rlchardaon; 1910 D 0. 1142. til. 15. 16 per cent, 7-1-11; Tr. II. WttNB1 Ser. 14. Tp It S, II 44. E. W. M A. I. E Stausel; 1910 D. 0 1110, f5I.OO. II per cent 7-1-18; 1911 I). C. 1205. f32.4l, 16 per rent. 7-1-11; 1115., 11 per cent. P. fill, A. C SOc; Tr. 17 SV4NW'48W4 Sec. 1, Tp. 10 8.. R. 46, E. W M . A. Jose 8a-vail.-. 1110 D. C llll. 680 40. 15 i 1. Tr. tf. La. 1, 1, 3, ft 4. B. 3f, 1l,.,.- lli.M.iml il.l to Vale. A I V Powell; 1010 D C. 1105, $11 oo. 15 per cent. 7-1-11; 1115 $7.21, 12 per rent, P. 72c, A. C. 60c; Tr. It NWUNE4 8c. II, Tp. 18 S . It 44, E W. M ; A. Henry N Stlrkney: 1010 1) C. 1106. 11263. 16 per cent, 7-1-11; Tr. 30 L S. R. S, Jordan Valley; A. Clyde c ItolihiHon. 1910 D. C. 1102, 116.71, 16 per rent, 7-1-11; 1911 D. 9, lift, $30 05. 15 par in, I. 7-1-11; 1014. D. C. 1807. $46.20, 15 per cant. 8-1-18; 1016, $8194. 13 per cent, P. $9 00. A. C. SOr; T'ie.i the following named per sons are the owners of the legal til la of the several tracts herein de scribed: Tract No. 1. Joseph F. Smith. Trustee; Tract No. 2. H. J Benson. Tract No 3. Tlllle E. Pierce; Tract No 4. W M Eaaterday; Tract No. S. F. J. Palmar; Tract No. I, Howard Davla, and B. F Wheeler; Trait Ma 7, Mra. Lulu M. Hoxle; Tract No K. Mra. P. E. Oilmora, Tract No t. Prank High and High Broa; Tract No 10, T. D. Honeyman; Tract No 11, Wm. Johnaon; Tract No 11, Mar tin Kchave; Tract No. It. Dora La aa; Tract No 14, A. II Cheater; Tract No 15. L. A McNary; Tract No. 11. James MeUuIre; Tract No 17, Annabel Kelley; Tract No 18. Sadie Breedlove; Tract No. It. J. D. Osborne. Tract No. 10. Wm. J Mc l..oil Tract No 21. Mra. W J Prea Prea eon: Tract No. 23. Edith D Taylor; Tract No. 23, John C. Millar; Trait No. 34. W II. Issai ; Tract No. 25, I B. Pengra and II W Richardson. Tract No SI, 1 B. Stausel; Tra I No 27. Jose Savalle; Tract No 28. C A Powell; Tract No. 29. Henry N Stlckney; Tract No 30. Clyde C Robinson; That all of the defendants above named and all persons Interested or whom It may concern, are hereby BOtiBed that plaintiff will apply to the Circuit Court of the State of Q$a gon for a decree foreclosing the Hens against the property above described aad mentioned In said certificates and each aad all thereof, and you aad each of you are hereby further sum moued to appear within sixty daya af ter the first publication of this sum mons, exclusive of the dale of the first publication, aad defend this action or pay the amount due aa shown above, together with the coats and disburse ments herein and accruing interest sad costs, and lu case of your failure to do so. a decree will be reodered foreclosing the Hens of aald taxea, Interest, penalty, costs and expenses against the aeveral tracta of laad above described. Dale of first publication, March 29th. 1917. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon it W Swagler at his office and post office addreaa at Ontario. Oregon. Ben J. Brown, Sheriff It W Swagler District Attorney. Plrst Publication. Mar It. 1117. Last Publication. May 31, 1117. LEtiAL NOTICES. SUMMONS. IN THK CIRXT'IT COURT OK THK STATK OP ORKGON KOR MA1- IIKIK COUNTY. Malheur County, A Municipal cor poration. Plaintiff. a, C. W. Allen, Nel B. Anderson, J. G Anthony, L. C Haer. B H. Barton, H. E. Beck, Geo.E. Beck, 8. K. Bagh- tol, W. L. Bennett, Edw. L. Blelman, Joaeph C. Blaha, Dan Blakenblllnr.. 8am Blakenblller, Loula R. Bostwlck. Wtt. T. Boaworth, B. P. Bowman. Isaac N. Brady,, R F. Brlckner, E. C. Brown, F. W. Browning, Ora E. Bruce, August J. Bruhm, J. A. Bry- !non, Charlea O. Burt. o. H. Carlson, Bben Carlson, B. T. Brlckner, W. O. Bowling, II. J. Baker, O. P. Buck- lland, I L. Blngaman, D. J. Cahlll, John H. Carey, C. N. Carpenter Caatle, Ander son, Bert H. Cava, Bart H. Cove. Ralph Christy. Mails Christy. S R. Clark, H. M. Clemens. Maria L. Columbia. Roy C. Crablll, C. C. Crwamar. Owen W. Creatb, Creak, Buckland, R. E. Creel. Mra. E. H. Crln. E. V. Cum berford, C. O. Cunningham, C. C Cramer, Plorn O. Clydga, J. P. Crltih low, Ralph Christy, Edward Conned. Wm. B. Daanevlk, A O Harry, D. C. Davla. Daniel J Davison, Denis IV Autenll, A. Dlfanl. Chas. II. Doorley, H c Dowart, Stephen Douglas, John Doyle, Sim Duck, Jean II Huren, H. O Darcey, AugURt Dalil, Win R Den nerlck, Noah Eggera, Jr., Samuel Paler, R. L. Paulkner, J. L Pelgh ner, J. C. Pirae, Pred P. Pillion, John Fleming. N W. Fletcher. Ilattle M. Ferguson, Clara A. Flynn, Wm. A. Olfe, Geo. Gllhertson, M. C. Gillette, Win E llllw. Mr. C V. Ooforth. Ole tirendor, Charlea A. Gordan. John E Hamilton. Mary E Hamilton, Fred E liauklna. P. 8. Harlan. C. 8 Hepler, Estate of Pat lleslln, Jaa. W. Hesman, Ida M. Hodge. Win Hovelter. U Howard. II II Hudson. Mrs Nellie liiiini'. w I Hewitt. Lena May Haat Ings, Albert lleltlng, Antone Jacob hoii, Kit-hard Jenklnsnn, J. W John son. Alfred Johnson, Charlea John son. J R Nell Jones, Peter It .Iuiik lOS, ay M Kanoff, Phil Jurlsh, T. 8. KlndMeder, I has V King. S. A. Kn.clit, K. J Knott. Frank lin hourne, V li Kunoff. Arthur Ken nedy. J Ray Lane. Mrs Ids . Lsndy, Geo. W Lelghty. II P Lennoti, i..-.ih Llehtenherg. CIihh F Lucas, Jim C Lucke, Charlea A. Muder, Jno. J Mak- In. J. Mauiel, Martin, Borders, J. II Maxdeld. Milton C. May. Mra. A. Mllbourne. Samuel J Miller, J. W. Mil. hell, Em ma Lee Moore, Chas A. Moore. A f Morrow, J. 8. Mundls, J. P. Murphy. Mayer, " B. L. McDonald. S F McNew, II E McNutt. W B. Negley. Mary P. Nev Ina, T. J. Neweomb. Walter Newell. Herbert Newell. North. - Clyde, Joseph Ohrlner, Robert Newell, L. 8. O'Day. Fred L. Olmatead. O.W. Palmer. Fremont Pat tan. Joseph O'Brien, J M Peterson. John E Peterson. G F Phillips. Man uel I'orter. l-oallo C. I'oor. Maltle Preaton. 8 G. Reed, H. A Relchen bauch. h It. Reed. B. C Reynolds. C. Dewltt, John W Rolaud. Wm. E Hosenburg. P N. Rows, Antone Sarh er. Harry J Saline. S. P. Sanders. Sarahey Broa., J C Shaford. Jose phine T Smith, J. W. Smith. Berths Siultlihlsler, Carl Soniilag, Gustave A Spsiilol. I) H St siul ley. A. T. Stewart, P W Stlvecs. Nick Stoos, Fred 8 Tarbox, li S Smlthlilsier. George M Smoot, l-oul I' Smlthhln ler, Geo l Salyer. Thos M Sheehan. George J Smith. J E Trmuler, Win J Tucker, M. B Turpln, Evelyn M Tyner. J. C Thompson. L Tliorsel salh. A F. Van liluter. Tliouiaa C. Vaugli. II I Vot.iu. Theodore C Walker, Kmll Walline. Roy N Wei llngton, C P Werseen. It II West. J I. B Whlla. F W Wlelsnd. F J Wtlklns. Sarah Wlnana. Chas Wood, (has P. Woodward, Delbert A Wright, Jacob Wyler. Ina B Young, Ernest Zoeller. Jacob Wyler, A. J. Westergreen, Blanche Wood ward. Asa A Wallace. L M Young. Oregon Valley Land Company, a or poratioo, Jaiuee I' Anderson. Defaudants, To C. W Allen. Nets B. Andersun, J G Anlhouy, L. 0. Baer, II II Bar too. II K Beck. Geo B. Beck. S. K Beghtol, W I. Uenuett. Edw. 1. Blei mini. Joseph 0 Blahs. Dan Blaken blller. Sam Blakunlilllor. Uiuls H llo-i.lck, Wm T Bosworlh. B. P. Bowman. Isaac N Hrsdy. B F Brick ner, E C Brown, F W Browning, Ora B. Bruce. August J. Bruhn, J A Bryson. Charlea G Burt, O II art son. Eben Carlson. B T. Brlckner, W ito.llng. II J Baker. O. P. Buckland. L I. Blngaman. D. J. C hill, John H Carey, 0. N. Carpaatar, Caatle, An derson Bert H Cava, Bart II Cove, Ralph Christy Masl Christ y S R Clark. H M t'lemena. Merle L o lunibla, Roy Crablll, 0 C Creamer, W. Creatb, Craak, l NOTICES. Bucklan, R. B. Craat, Mra. E. H. Crln, E. V. Cumberforft. C. O. Cunningham, C. C. "ramar. Flora G. Clydga, J. P. 'crltchlow, Ralph Christy, Edward Connell, Wan. B. Dannrrlk, A. O. Darcy, D. C Davis, Daniel J. Davison, Denis D' Autenil, A. Dlfanl, Chaa. H. Doorlaf D. C. Dowart, Stephen Douglas, JoM Doyle, 81m Durk. J;in H Duren, B O. Darcey, Anguat Dnlil, Win. B. Da nerlck, Noah Egger. Jr . Sanaa Paler, R. L. Paulkner, J. L. Felghaat J C Flree. Pred P. Fllllon. Joba Fleming, N. W. Pletrher. Hnttle M. Ferguson, Clara A. Flynn, Wm. ft. tllfe. Goo. Gllbertaon. M. C Ollletta, Wm. E. Gibe. Mra. c V Ooforth. Ola Grander, Charlea A. Gordon, John E. Hnmllton, Mary E. Hamilton, Fraft B. Hauklna, F. S. Harlan, C. S. Hep ler. Eatate of Pat Hei tin. Jaa. W Hag man. Ida M. Hodgi . Wm. Hovaltar, W. A. Howard. II H. Hudson. Mra. Nellie Hume, W. J. Hewitt, Lena May Hastings. Albert lleltlng. Antona Jacobaon, Richard Jenklnaon. J. W. Johnaon, Alfred Johnaon, Charlea Johnaon, J. R. Nail Jonaa. Pater R. Jungles, W. M. Kanoff. Phil Jurlsh. T. 8. Klndseder, Chas. W. King. 8. A. Knecht, F J Knolt. Frank ln- hourne. W. D. Kanoff, Arthur Ken nedy, J. Kay I. aa.. Mra. Ida 7.. Lsndy, Geo. W Lelghty, B. P. Lennon, Leah Lichtenberg. Chas. P. Lucas, Jno. C. Locke. Charlea A. Mader, Jno. J. Makln. J. Mantel. Martin. Borders, J B. Maxfleld. Milton C. May. Mrs. A Mllbourne. Samuel J M'ller, J. W Mitchell. Em ma Lee Moore, Chaa. A. Moore, A. C Morrow, J. 8. Mundls, J. ,P Murphy. Myer. Orr. B. L., S. P. McNew. II. I. McNutt. W. B. Neglay, Mary P. Nerv ine, T. J Neweomb. Walter Newell, Herbert Newell, North, Clyde. Joseph Ohrlner, Robert New ell. L. S. O'Day, Pred I. )lmlead, O. W PalBMfi Freniiint I'litten, Jo seph O'Brien, J M Peterson. John B. Peterson, (I. F Phillip. Manuel Por ler. Laalle c. I'oor, Mattle Praa ton, S G. II.'.. I. II A Itelrhenhauch. S It Reed. C Itcynnlils. c Daw Itt, John W Roland. Win E Kosen hurg. F. N. Howe, Antone Sachar, Harry J. Saline, 8. P. SanderM. Serah 'V llros. J. 0. Shaford, Josephine T. Hinllli. J. W Sinllli, Bertha Smith hlsler, Carl Sonntag, (lustava A. Spunlol. D. It Sisnilley, A. T Stew art, P W HllverN. Nlrk Stoos, Fred S. TarlKix. I). Smlthhlsler. George M. Smoot, Louis P Sniltlililsler. Geo D Salyer, Thos M Shet-han, George J. Smith. J. E Trlnnler, Win J Tuck er. M E Turpln. Evelyn M Tyner, J. 0 Thompson, I. Thorxclsalh. A. P. Van Dlnter, Thomas C Vaugh, H. 0. Volaw. The., do re C Walker, Emll Wallllie, Roy N Wellluglon. C P. Werseen. It II Wivst. J I. It While. F W F J Wllklns, Sarah Wlnana. Chaa. E. Wood. Chas. P. Woodward. Delhert A Wright, Je oli Wyler. Ina B Young. Ernest Zo eller. Jamb Wyler, A. J Weatergreea. Blanrhe Wmidward, Asa A. Wallace. 1. M. Young, Oregon Valley (onipsay, a corporation, Jumei P An derson, ,. gX- DEFENDANTS' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON You and each of you are herafcv no un..! that plaintiff Is the o waver and holder ol Certllleates of DeltaqBcncy imi in her 207 3. for unpaid tax In terest and rot due mid payable to plaintiff for the year 1910. leaned by the Tax Collector of Mulhear County, Oregon, on March 27. 1917, and OS. erlng tracts nuinUiid one ( 1 I lo lit inclusive, and I li-1 -fid cert Ideal of ilelliHiliii. v Is died in the olfloe of the CoiiiUy Clerk ..I Malheur Coub ty, Oregon, and Is a Hen and charge upon em h of U.e several tracts here inafter desi ribed aad far th sever al amouu' ner set ferta I -gether with Interest at the rale 15 per lent per annum from the 4' of said eerildiate You are fartht Botided that thwre is now due. 0 lag and payable in pin inllff and a lie and .-barge upon e.irh several ira4 taxea for years subsequent to 1010, In the several amounts lierelnaJW spe. Ided ur lo ..ii li Iracl. together sllh tnlerest thereon at the rate of 12 per cenl per ausuiu from April 1. $t lor taxes of tbe year 191 1, and Irom April 1st, 101:1. for uies for ibe year l$l$ sad from September 1st, 1014, for taxes of the year 191 I. and from Sipu tub. r I, 1015, for taxea of th year 1914 aad from April 5, Itlti, for taxes of the year 1915, aad tint there is al ao due and payabl and a Hen and charge upoa each of the several tracts of land a penally of ten per cant upon all tax delinquent aud unpaid and advertising costs in the inn hereinafter set forth and la specifying tiie amounts due on the each several tracts the following ab breviations are uaed Ti means Tract o . Tp inaaas Township, S means South; R wean I Coat lulled on Tugi blx )