1 THE ONTARIO ARGUB. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 24 , 1917 PAGE 7 BOULEVARD. Several pumping plants have been Installed thin spring. Holden and Harry Clement will pump water from Snake river on their ranches. Nelson Orover has a alx-borse engine and will pump water from the Owyhee and water several aores of high ground for himself, Ed Kone and ('has. Adams. Chas. Ieavltt Is also pumping ou several acres above the) ditch. Harry McOregor and family motor ed down from Roswell Friday for a week end visit with Mr. McOregors' vs renin They were entertained Sun day liyAmly McOregor and wife. Valley View district has signed a contract with two teachers Mr. and Mrs J. ii Dunn for the coming school year, the consideration 1s 110 per month each. V Donald Conklln returned Sunday evening from Coriallls havlgg re reived his credits and been sent with several others "back to the farm." Ivan Arnold and family and Boh Arnold of Ontario and Mrs. J. A. Welter motored to Emmett on a pleasure trip Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keller. Mrs. Ben Rose, an. Mrs. I. A. Walter were callers at C. B. Amldon's sun !uy. Tom Downs Is Installing several new head gates in the Owyhee ditch st different places. The Kennedy, and Burrles famil ies moved to the B. B. Wood bouse Monday of this week. H. I,. Patton was over from Little Willow Monda) looking after busi ness Interests. A. H. McOregor and "Uncle nick" Rutherford were calling on Ed Berry Sunday. E. K. (ngle and son Curt, were liisiness visitors at Vale Tuesday. An Illusion. Touch your forebesd with the fore 6ngcr. Keep the latter motlonleas and slowly rotate your bead and you will bare an Irresistible sensation that it tie tbe finger tip that is moving and not tbe head. BUSINESS CARDS v PHYSICIANS DM. PRINZINO A Willi Onl-eto, IH-egou Office in New Wilson Block. Office hours 9 to II I to 4 I.I MISIH DR. W. O. HOWE DENTIST Phone. Office 117 Wilson Bldg Res. 1171 IN UKKTAIU.NO J. H. FARLEY Funeral director and ombalmer. Lady assistant. Phone 13I-W. Ontario. Oregon. TRANSFER TRANSFER, BAOOAOE AND EX PRESS Meets sll trains. JOHN LANDINQHAM ATTolIM W H. BROOKE, c l10 "" Attorney at Law. Wilson Bldg. Outarlo. Ore jC. .lUGONAOll.'. .. . Attorney at Law JpV Will Practice lu All Courts NoUry I'ulitic office Over PostoBos LESLIE J. AKER LAU I Room . First National Bank Bldg. Ontario, Ol.-gOU. SIcCULLOUUH Wool' LAW VI Rooms 1-2-3 rtnt Nut I Bank Bldg Ontario, Oregon. B. W. SWACLEK Attorney at Law Rooms 13. 1. 1 6 Wilson Uldg Ouurio 0t-w p J. GALLAGHER LAW VCR Rooms lu Wilson Bldg. Ontario, Oregon. UDOAIi KOTICBft. SUMMONS. (Continued from Page (.) Tr. 142. NEViNE Sec. IS, Tp. I 8., R. 41, K. W. M .; A. Wm. E. Rosenburg; 1910, $1.25; 1916, 12.01, P. 20c, A. C. 50c; Tr. 142. NEtfNWK Be 23 TP It 8., R. 40, D. W. M.; A. F. N. Rowe; 1910, 11.26; 1911, 97c, P. 10c; 1911, 70c. P. 7c; 1913, IT 04. P. 20c, A. C. 60c; 1914. 12.06. P. 2le, A. C. 60s; 1916, 12.30. P. 23o, A. C 60o; Tr. 144 NWSEVi Sec. 19. Tp. II 8., R. 41, E. W. M.: A. Antone Sacher; 1919, 11. IC; Tr. 146. NWfcBW Sec. 9. Tp. It 8., R. 41. B. W. M.; A. Harry J. Saline; 1910, 11.11; 1911, 12c, P. to; 1911. 70c. P. 7c; 1913. 12.04. P. 20c. A. C. 90c; 1914. 12.05, P. tic, A. C 50c; 1115, 11.30. P. 23c, A. C. 60c; Tr. 14 NESWV 80. 16, Tp. It 8.. R. 40. E. W. M.; A 8. P. Saun ders; 1910, 11,11; 1111. lie, P. Ic; 1113. $2 04. F 20c, A. C. 50c; 1914, 12.05, P. tic. A. C. 60c; 1913. 12.30 P. 2tc. A. C. 60c; Tr. 141. NW48W See. 31, Tp. II 8., R. 37, E. W. M ; A. 8erehey Bros.; 1910, 11.15; 1911, 83c, P. tc; Tr. 149. NWHNW4 Sec. 19, Tp It8.. R. 41. E. W. M ; A. J. C. Hha ford; 1910. 11.25; 1911. 11.07. P. lie; lilt, 70c. P. 7c; 1113, 13.94, P. 20c. A. C. 60c; 1914. 12.05. P. tic. A. C. 50; 1915. 11.19 P. lift, A. C. 0c; Tr. 159. NEViSWVt 8ec 6, Tp. 10 8., R. 17. E. W. M.; A. Josephine F. Smith; 1919. II 16; 1911. Itc. P. le; 1911. lie, P. tc: 1113. 11.04. P. 20c. A. C. 50c; 1914, It. 05, P. lie. A. C. 60c; 1911, ft.10. P. tic, A. C. 60c; Tr. 151 NEi8EU See. It. Tp. If S . R. 41. E. W. M.; A. J. W Smith; 1910, 11.16; 111, Itc. P. Ic; 1911, 3o. P. Ic; 1913. 12.04. P. 20c, A. C. 60c; 1914, 12 01, P. lie. A. C. Ite: 1915. 11.30. P. tic. A. C. 50c; Tr. ISt. SfeVWiiflWH See. II. Tp. 31 8.. R. 41. E. W. M.; A. Bertha iiiihki.u, isin si 9R- tail fe P. Ic; 1911, 70c. P. 7c; 1911, 11.04, ' P. tOc. A. C. 30c; 1114, 11.05, P. lie. A. C. 10c; 1911. II 30. P. tic. A. C. 69c; Tr. 153. NHNENWU Sec It. Tp. II 8.. R. 41. E. W. M.; A. Dr. D. S. HmlthhUler; 1910. 2c; 1911. 64c. P. 6c; 1911. 35c, P. 4c; 1913. Il.lt. P. lie. A. C. 50c; 1914. He. P. 9c; IMS, 84c. p. le; Tr. 164. NW'.SWVi 8C. II. Tp. ! S.. R. 37. V. W. M.; A. Carl Sonn- lag; 1910. ll.Mj 1911. He P. Ic; lilt. 83c. P. Re; 1113. 12.04. P 20c. A. C. 50c; 1914, 11.01, P. lie. A. C. 60c; 1916,. 11.30, P. 23c. A. C. 50c; Tr. 116. 8HNWUNWU Sec. 13, Tp .11 S, It. 41. E. W. M.; A. Oua tave A. Spanlol; 1910,63c; 1911.54c. P. 6c: lilt. 86c, P. 4c; 1913. Il.lt. P. lie. A. C. 60c; 1114. Itc. P. 9c; Tr 151 8EVBW',4 Sec. It. Tp. 30 8., R. 17, E. W. M.; A D lley; 1910. 11.16; Tr. 167. NEK8EH Sec. tl, Tp. 30 8, K. 41. E. W. M.; A A. T. Stew art; 1910. 11.26; 1911, 11.07, P. He, A. C. 50c: 1913, 70c; 1113. 1.01, P. lie. A. C. 60c; 1914, 11.15. P. 17c. A. 0. 60c; 1916. 11.01. P. 10c. A C. 60c: Tr. lit. NEViNWli Set- 11. Tp. IS a, R. 40. B. W. M.; A. F. W. Stivers; 1110, 11.15; 1111. Itc. P. tc; 1912. 70c. P. 7c; 1911. $1.94. P. tOc. A. C. 60c. 1114. It 05. P. tie, A. C. 50c; 1115 It. SI, P. 13c. A. C. 50. ; Tr. 159. SVsSEVtNEU Sec. 16. Tp. M S . It. 39, E. W. M.; A. Nick Stoos; 1910, 62c; 1914, 11.03, P. 10c, A. C. 60c; Tr. 1C0. BEHNWtt See. 1. Tp. 16 S.. II 37 E. W. M A. Fred 8. Tar box; 1910, 11.15; 1911. Itc. P. te; lilt. 70c, P. 7c; 1913, 12.04. P. 10c. A. C 60c; 1914 12.05. P. tic. A. C. ISSj 116, It. 30. P. 23e. A. c. tie; Tr 111, NfcNWKNE See. tl. Tp. 31 8. R 41, E. W. at A. J E Trlunler: 1910, 2c; 1911. 64c. P. 6c; 1912. P. He, A. C. 50c; 1914, He, P V ; 115. 95c. 10c; Tr 12. SftHW ''SK' : ll Tp. St 8. R. 39. E. W nil A. Wm J. Tucker; 1910, He; 111. 4c. P. 6e; 112. 36c. 4c; 113. 11.02, P. 10c. A C 60c; 114, tl OS, P. 10c. A. C. WIS tl 08. P U. A C 60c; Tr. US. NHSWUHK See. 1. Tp. 31 8 , It. 41. E. W M.; A. M. B Turpln; 110, 62c; 111. II tl. P. 12c; 112, 1.40. P. 14c. A. C. oue. Hit, l . P. 30c. A. C. 50c; 114. J 1.4 f Oc. A C "; 115. 12 13, , it a i Ms; Tr. 164. SVBW',NW' See 15. Tp. SS 8, H. 3. E. W M ; A. Eve lyn M. Tyner; 110, U2c; 115. tt-08. P He, A. C. 60c; Tr. 115. SEUNHH Sec. I5 TP S3 8. R. 3, E. W. M ; A. A. F. Van Dialer; 11-'. ' 3": tl2, 70e, P. 7c; 1913, 1 04, P. 10c. A. C. 60c; 114, 12.05. P. 2lc. A. C. 60c; 116. .ll, P- 23c A. C. 60c; Tr 1 SWNBH See. II. Tp. 31 S-. R. 37, E. W. M ; A Thos. C. Vaugh; 110, 11.28; 111, Ite, V ljmiajl noticeh. lo; 1911, lit, P. to; llllt -H.04.1 the Circuit Court of the State of Ore P lee: A. C. SOn: 114. 12.05. P. 21c. con for a decree foreclosing the A. C. 50c; 1115, 12.30, P. 23c. A. C. 50c; Tr. 107. NH8W49EH See. tl, Tp. 33 8., R. 17. E. W. M.; A. H. O. Votaw; 1910, He; 1911. 41c, P. 4c; 1911. 70c, P. 7c; 1913. 11.01, P. 10c, A. C. 60c; 1914. $1.03. P. 10c. A. C. 50c; till. 1108. P. 11. A. C. 60c; Tr. 188. NW48WK Sec. IS. Tp. 41, B. W. M.: A. Theodore C. Walk er; 1910. 11.25; 1911. 1.07. P. lie; 1912, I 70. P. 7c; 1113. 11.14, P. lie. A. C 60c; 1914. 11.71, P. 17c. A. C. 50c; 1915. 11.78. P. II, A. C. 60c: Tr 18 8WtNWH Sec SI, Tp 31 h H 41, E. W. M.; A. Emll Walllne; 1910. 11.15; 1111. H.07, P. He; 1113, It. OS, P. 31c: A. C. 60c; 1914, 11.70, P. 17C A. 0. 50d 1918, 11.71. P. lie, A. C. 50c: Tr 170 NWU8EV Sec 3. Tp. 33 8., R. 39. E. W. Mi A Roy N. Wel Wel lingeon: 1910. tl 23; 1914. 13 05. P. lie. A. C. 80c; 118. 81.31, p. 5Sc. A. C. 50c; Tr 171. 8Ei;NEi Sec. 3. Tp II, 8. R. 41. E W. M. A. 0. F. Werseen; 110. 11.11; 1112. 70c, P. 7c. A. C. 50c: 116, 13.81, P 13c. A. C. 60c; Tr. 171. SEfcNEtt Sec. 7, Tp. Ill 8., TV 41. E W. M . A. R. H. West; 110. 11.26: 113. 12.04, P. tOc. A. C. 60c; 1916, 8181. P. 23c. A. C. SOc: Tr. 173 8H8WViSEVi Sec. It. Tp. 31 8., R. 3. E. W. M.. A. J. I.. B. White; 1910, He; 1911. 41o. P. 4c; 1911. 36c. P. 4c; 1913. 11.01, P. 10c. A. C. SOc; 1914, 11.03, P. 10c, A. C. 60c: 1116, 11.01. P. lie. A C. 51c; Tr. 174. NEH8EH Bee. I. Tp. It s . R. 41, E. W. M.; A. F. W. Wie laid; 1110. 11. tl; 1111. 11.97. P. lie; 112. 70c. P. 7c; 111. 11.04, I. tOc. A. C. 60c; 114, 12 03. P. tic, A. C 60c; 115. 13.3. P. He. A. C. 50e; Tr. 171. 8EHNEV4 Sec. I. Tp. tt 8.. R. 40. E. W. M.; A F. J. Wtlklas: 110. 11.13; 111. He. P. le; 113, 70c. P. 7c; Tr. 171. NBV.8EW Sec. 16. Tp. 33 8 , R. 40. E. W. M ; A. Sarah Win ans; 1910. 11.15: lilt, 70c. P. 7c; 1118, PI. 30, P. tic, A. C. 60c; Tr. 177 8EKNWM See. 26. Tp. II 8.. It 41. B. W. M.; A. Chas E. Vood; 1910. 11.15; 1111. 11.07. P. He; 1113. 70c. P. 7c; 1913. 13.08. P. lie, A. C. 50c: 1914. II. H, P 17c. A. C. 89c; 1915. 82 00, P. tOc A. C. 60.-: Tr 171. 8H8WUSBH See. tS. Tp. It 8.. R. 11, E. W. M.; A Chas F. Woedward: 1110. He; 1911. 41c. P. 4c; 1913. 11.02. P. 10c. A. C SOc; 1114. 81.08. P. 10c, A. C. 60c; 1115. 11.01, P. He. A. C. 60c; Tr 179. 8K8WH8EK Sec. IS. Tp. 11 8.. R 41. E. W. M ; A. Delbert A. Wright; 1910. 2c: 1911. 11.10, P. lie; 1111. He, P. 7c; 1113. 11.13. P. He. A. C. 50c; 1914. H. P. 9c; 1118. 15c. P. 10c; Tr. 110 SfcNEUNWH Sec 16, Tp. 81. 8.. K. 41. B. W. M.j A. Jacob Wyier; 1910. 2c: 111. 64c, P 6c; lilt. He. P. 4c; 1913. 1113. I' n. A. C. 60c; 1914, He. P. 9c; 1915. 84c. P. Ic: Tr. 111. SttSEUSEU Bar. 17. Tp. 31 8.. R. 41, E. W. M.; A. las B. Young. 110. He; 113. Il.lt. P. He. A. C. 50c; 116. I6o. I. 10- Tr. ill. 8KNKV4NWI See. 17,1 Tp. II 8.. R. 41. B. W. M .; A Kru est Zoeller; 1910. Ho; 1111. 64o, P. 60; 1911. Sic, P. 4c; 1913. 11.11. P. lie, A. C 60c; 1914. H, P. 9c. A C. SOc; 116. 5c, P 10c. A. C. SOc; Tr. 183. 8EV4, NWU See. 16. NW 4NWK Sec. 16. NK'NW Sec. II, NWUNW.NWUSWSi Sec. SS. Tp. 3 H , R. 47, B. W. M.; Le. 3, 4. 6. 0. 7. 8, 9. 10, 18. II. 17. IS. 19. 80, 31 and tt. Sec. 7. Tp. 17 8 . R. 17. E W M : 8WK8EU. SW448WK Sec. I. NWW8W14 Sec. 11. 8HNW HNEW Sec. IS. NW'.iSWfc Bee. SI. SfcNByNB Bee. tl. Tp. II B. B. :ti, w". M.; EVsNW'i.8WKNW4 snd W8WW Bee 29, Tp. 32 S, R. 49, E. W M ; 8H8WVNE'4 Sec S, 8WBWK Bee. 11. SEfcBWl See. II; 8VNW'8W Bee 17, L 1. Bee. 31, Tp. It 8.. R. 40, E. W. M.; BWNWti Sec. 1. NH8EK8WK Bee. 13, IftJMfl nee. 15, BW fcBW Bee. 2. 8E';8W' See. 88, Tp. 11 8. R. 41. E. W. at; 8E. NHSW'A. 8WV.8WU Bet S, Tp 11 8., R. 42. E W. M.; Aaaessed to Ore gon Valley Luml Company. That all of the deacrlbed iy is attuated in Malb-ur Couu- ty. Oregon, nil tli.t all parties io aIh, in i-kltl laud has been M i .in i , ii atnS pnrtla d u beril.r that James P. A i I right, IBM "' ""' .mil to (onto of tbe . real property by virtue of tax cats Issued subsequent to 191" MB lit, title or interest is uojr U) and subject to plaintlE' lions, aud Jaiue P SB dots nn party defendant herein That all of the defeudants above named and all persona interval- 1 H whom it may concern, are hereby uotiOed that plaintiff will apply to LSOAL NOTICES. llens against the property, and each and all thereof, and you are hereby each summoned to appear within six ty days from the date of tbe service of this summons upon you, to de fend this action or pay the amount due as shown above, together with costs and disbursements and accru ing Interest and costs, and in case of your failure so to do, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the Hen of aald taxes, internet, penalty, costs and expenses against the several tracts of land. All process and papers in this pro eeexJing may be served upon R. W. Hwagler at his office and postoffiee ad dress at Ontario, Oregon. Ben J. Brown. Sheriff. R. W. Swagler, District Attorney. First Publication. Mar. 39, 1917. Last Publication. May 31. 1917. XtvTlCE OK PRIVATE SALE OF RF.AL KHTATE. IN THE COUNTY COl'RT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOB MALHECR COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Jane D. Patch, Deceased. Under authority of an order of tbe County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for Malheur County, granted. on the 21st day of April, A. D. 1117, we the undersigned executors of the estate of Jane D, Patch, deceased, will sell at private salt the following described property, to-wii The EH of 8WV4 of SK". of 8EV4 of Section 39, Township 16 South. Range 47 East of Wil lamette Meridian, containing 5 acres, and situate lu Malheur ty, state of Oregon. Also an undivided one-halt In terest In and to the following de scribed reel property situate In Malheur County, State of Ore gon, and described as follows, to wit: All of Lots 70. 71, 71. H. 14, as the same appear on th of ficial plat thereof, according to the second survey of the Town alto of Annex, Malheur County, Stat of Oregon. The sale will be made on or after Mar 36, 1917, and bids will be re cetved st the fsrm residence of Edwin J. Patch. Malheur County. Oregon aad whose poxt.ifnce address 1 Welser, Idaho. The terms of ssld ssle will be. oaah, lawful money of the United State of America, ten per cent of the amount bid to acompany the bid. ami (lie i balance on confirmation of the aale b aald Court Dated April tSrd. 1917. i.nwiN J PATCH, WILMElt 11 PATCH. utors of the Estsle of Jsne D. Patch, Deceased Klr.c publication April 1. 1917. LsVM publication May 24. 1917. NtrTU-K OF HMK.IUH-'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of an execution In foreclosure duly laxued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Malheur Coun ty. State of Oregon, dated the 14th day of May 1917. In a certain act Ion la the Circuit Court for said County and Slate wherein Frauk ltadr sh Plaintiff recovered Judgment ugainat Patrick Kulkner aud A. M. Moody for the aunt of Six Hundred Dollars (100.00) with interest thereon troin the tlth day of April. 113. at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and the further sum of Thirty- six dollars and forty-seven cents (136 47) with nterent thereon from April 2th, 115 aad the further uui of Sixty Dol lars (0.00i a attorneys teen and the further sum of Seventeen Dollars and Fifty Cents (117.601 sa costs and disbursements therein. Therefore Notice is hereby given that 1 will on the 18th day of June, 117, st the north maiu entrance of the Court House In Vale In aald I'uusr t at the hour of 2 3 o'clock in the afternoon of aald day sell at public auction to the highest bidder for rash the following described proper! tewlt: The 8WV4 8W', ,,1 S..H011 Four (4), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Forty-four (44) B. W. M In Malheur Conn ty, Oregon. Taken snd levied upou sh 1 1 . ' of said Patrick Faulkner and A. M. Moody, or so mu h (hereof aa may Ix ry to satisfy tbe said Juilg gient in favor ol Frank Itailer ami sk-.i.im said nwlSagt with Ii thereon together with " co ' ilifhur. -in' i.i i ii or may ao- Dated at Val B, this lOfh r May. 117 lir:s BROWN, Sheriff. . First publication May 17, 117. Lata publication June 14, 117 Satisfactory Job 1'riutiug at th Argus office. CLASSIFIED These little ads. are reed by thousands of want seekers both to buy and to sell. Price per line, per Insertion 5c. Phone 4J for results. Griffin Sanitary Dairy la the clean- eat dairy In Eastern Oregon. Out of thirty .ox dairies In Eastern Oregon, including the cities of Baker and La Orande, Griffin Dairy has the highest score. He got 19 points out of a possible 20 on cleanliness In milking, bottling, washing and handling his milk. When you want clean, rich milk, phone Griffin Sanitary Dairy 86 R. and you will get It. 9-tf ADVERTISEMENT. The summer term of the Oregon Normal School will begin June 18; the fall semester September 10 For further particulars write to the Reg istered "Prosper Jr." (he ton Percheron Stallion will be at the K. 8. A D. Ranch every Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Terms, 815 00 bring colt. "Prosper" sires the kind of colts that bring the big money at maturity. Tou will make no mistake if you decide to use this stallion. 1 7 if Wanted Hid. for fleering. Eastern Oregon Lahd Company asks bids for clearing 187 aorss of land In Kingman Colony. For Infor mation apply to Thomas W. Clsgett. Ontario. 14 tf If you want sed potatoes, absolute ly clesn and pure. Netted Gems and Kurals. call J. A. Williams. Phone Hint. tf FOR PAINTING, Paper hanging, and Calclmtnlng- First CU Work. Price Reasonable Phone B. A. Wisdom. 305K4. t-tf WANTED -Capable girl to do house work. Applycall phone 30-k 4. It tf Mrs. E. Cops Ladles' Tailor and Dressmaker, Phone 1-M. CONDENSED REPORT OK FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of ONTARIO. OHEOON l MADE TO THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY AT THE t MIME OV BUSINESS MAI I. II7. GOVERNMENT CALL' KKMOIIUEM: I IMUI.ITIES: Loan, and (llscouiita 1403.442 2 Capital . $50,000 00 Overdrafts l.H . ,aulM , ... ..... Surplus sml Pronts 61.110.17 Bonds and Warrants . 31,14.11 " l s Honda (pari 11,600.00 circulation II. 100. 00 Realty aud Fixture . 9.413 48 Stock In Reserve Rank 3,00 00 DEPOSITS :vim..4U.im CASH UE8EKVE m,7Wf.u.i IH6.IH.I7 M4l.lrt.l1 II at uau- desire to aid w ! taw elet oar mouree warrant ami guud buxisWM and efr l.aukii.K Jswllfy. SEE THE EYES OF THE WORLD By Harold Hell W right STAR THEATRE. WEISER JUNE 1 AND 2 Friday AN,,Saturday MATINKK KACH DAY AT 2:30 Telephone orders for reserved seats to Kllinjomi Drug Store, Monday, May 28. MATINKE PRICES 25 AND 50c. NIGHT PRICES 50. 75 AND $1. ADVERTISING FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Mo tel, only one located at Adams, Ore gon. 500 Inhabitants. 13 mile from Pendleton, comfortably furnished. CM give Immediate possession. Prlr 84,800. Will exchange game for Im proved or raw land In Malheur valley. Address F. G. Lucas. Weston, Oreg on. Hit. FOR QUICK SALE Sample piano shipped here by mistake. A beauty and a bargain. Liberal terms on quick disposal. Address or phone A. N. Cooper of Ellers Music House, cam of Moore Hotel. Ontario, Oregon. FOR BALE OR KENT Furnished house, six rooms, lawn, chicken park, berries, garden, barn. Terms. Ad dress Box 333. Ontario. ll-tt FOR SALE - A number of roost ers for frying, one to two months old, 35 cents each Apply to J. J. Dleee, 'Box 61. Ontario. l-4t FOR BALE Duroc Brood sow and Is pit J- l Ward, tour miles west of Ontgrlo. r-Adv. 11 -tf. ' r i , ' FOR RENT 30 acre ranch., all In alfalfa, Just across from the Fair grounds, Ontario, apply V. B. Staple, Val. ll-tt FOR RENT Furnished modem, bedroom. Inquire Cop the Tailor, three blocks south of Moore Hotel. 7-tf. FOR RENT Twenty acre on bench west of Fair Grounds. V. B. Staples, Vale, Or. Adv.tf FOR RENT 4-room Cottage. Furnished J. O. Staples. ll-tf. FOR RENT Good Furnished house cheap. Phono It-W. 15tf. Seed Potstoes for Bale-Netted Gems and a few Rtirbanks. apply B. r Hurler, or phone lit J. Adv.lttt