0niMi0 &v$m. mm vol.. .i ONTABIO, MALUKU. COUNTY ON, TllTl.NDAY. WW 24, 1917 NO. 20 FIFTY CENT WOOL IS PURCHASED HERE 1-lliST lilt; RAAT1 u ORMOOM I. IP to DO AT mint Mt.i M TAKK.1 BV Lot . HI I I o HosinN KIHM. SHEEP MARKET HAS BIG DEAL Tut ii I 1li of County Will Reach Two Million Pounds or Itotinil Million Dollars for Wool Alone. . Klfly rent per pound waa the fig urn numwl In two purchase of wool rroni loral sin . p mill thii wk hy A. E. Kraxler. who made th deals for Boston tlrm. Mr. Frailer de clined to give tin' mimes of the local neller bill It In understood that each of thrm received approximately flit), 0U0 for their rllpa. Thla Is the tlrst purchase of Ksstern Oregon wool in thene prlrea. Only a few of the local aheep men ' liave disponed of their rllpa and all urn holding for the fifty oant price. A few rllpH of fine wool have been sold ai II mihI 4.1 cents but uniform-, ly I lie ileinand ha kepi the price hUh. In view of these fact men who are conversant with condition eetlmate that the value of the wool clip i.r Mulh.-ui rmiiity will lie close to $1,000.00(1 since It I estimated I loil not le HiNii 2,000,000 pound Will be taken from the back of the sheep of IhlN suction Make .iKI.iMMI Never Maw Mieep P. II O'Nell wa one of the Nheep men who made a neat profit on a band of wethera which lie never Maw after purchasing them, accord-In- to report on the atreet. Mr. O'Nell bought 5.000 wethera from J. I). HlllngMley lat week and old tin-in at an advance of 14 per head. - Me Hunger Sign Ahead. That Ilia high price for wool to- j gather with a linllar condition for Lay ha beside polbllllla of big, profits for the ertllra community, alio; pnaalhllltlee for heavy toaaaa later on. la the opinion of A K. Kraxler who discussed the situation with a nuui har of man ilila week. "Thar la a limit at which theae price muat break," aald Mr Kraxler. "So long aa the price of wool, aheap mid rattle penult the alock men to pay a good it Iff price for bay aad ..till make money there Is no d.ager " ; ' ... stzsrwMnn. :;rmrr prices get to a point wher. they did ' American boy. and girl, are . lL..JUHnnu.l In Ihlu Li. III., hv lllM til aevural year ago here Ihe sheep and cattle men will not ome to this sec w eases vn rnrw i Year ago the sheap and cattle I from the Welaar territory win - tared about Ontario Then one year the hay prices -Ml an high that they had to Mil out or so elsewhere This tl.ev did and Ihe hay niarkel for years waa bad. There la danger of that recurring ami the raiubers i should take it Into leratlou. gUOd prices1 The it led to t.iAU,Aa I,. Hia litfht of ureseut condl s, but n,.r, ,, g limit and hlla L0HM a jm4 tUPBt tor thenva.lv. , ,., well look to ...tore S . ,, take rare of ihelr market created by preaenoe ot the lo p and cattle n,. ii YOUNG COUPLE COME FROM DAICC TA PPT U1DDIFH DUIOL lu ULI rlririlULI At ihe home of Mr and Mrs C P I Cuiuiiilng last Wedueeday eveuiiiK the .addltUJ ol their only daughter, Mia l-:ia t'uniing, to Ueorge M Jeffr ..I Bols was celebrated In the presence of the Immediate families of the bride ami groom Itev W W Brewa of (he I lined Presbyterian cnirch perfonned the ..reinoiiy, fol low iiik which a vi willing supper wu aorved. The bride, who Is au accomplish; ' liiUHiclau, came to Ontario wtlh her parents set. oral years ago from her native city, Monta Vista, Polorado AHer remain lug here for some time he went to Hoim- to engage in musi cal work and there she met Mr Jeffrv who is with the Idaho Electric Supply compaiiy Mr. and Mrs Joffry left the moru , i. ihH weddiua for It. .... ..-. ... their future J j,om0 IHsiMMUM' i MM, IS sTIVDIslI ioMI-S TO ovrtlllo To i mi- i liewey Standlah, formerly of Onta rlu hut paw a resident a nurghnff, Idaho, came to n tarlo Wednesday to enllNt in the navy. Blessed with such a name the young man would not be denied. I'nllke hi lllus trlou ant-ester, Captain Mile Stnndlsh, this young man It Id the courage to peak for him self.. He had been denied ad mission to the army onre before the war owing to slight de fect which has since been cor rected snd he persisted In his effort i Ho Is eight generations removed from the Purltsn hero snd as his name Implies was born not long after the battle of Manila Bay nnd named after Its hero, thus he has a record of achievement constantly before him In hie service for hi coon-, try. Young Htandlah waa en listed by I'oMtmaster Jake Oregg and after taking a physical ex amination hy Dr. Jacob Prlii Ing secured Portlsnd. iransporlstlon to CLASS OF '17 PASSES NTO SCHOOL HISTORY MkVOQVKlIT DIIHKHH in (.HUM ATKS MAN HY DH. OHMS I'. rCaHMIR OV KKKH COI.I.KtiK DR. E. 0. SISSON SPEAKS MU,ar1iitrmle..t K. i. Halle, Present. Ills 1-N-t I lass lo Hoard for Dlplo- iiins. Which Were Delivered bj Pcr-hlenl Itailer. Al the high school auditorium which wa crowded with the nianv relatives and friend of the gradu ates last Frldsy evening! the largest class In the history of the looal high , school received their diplomas. The address of tht availing was de- llvered by Dr. Norman F t'olainan of Head foliage. Education, aald the speaker, wa but a1 training for Hie boy or girl for Hie battle of life ftuch I L.ttl.. 1. tm itiaiiLu.l ItM -en -- dulsence of their parents, who In I their well-intentioned effort to give their children every advantage deny ,""" " privilege of self-develop- The easy road In boyhmid and . young manhood Is mora often than I .. !.. noiilailiiitlnir nalluli tit ihn Til I I - " - . urea of later life, he aald He also -. .A .WS -.aaASilu rv-iemlt I 1 1 at I r Willi. ra-u mm n.vr, , . . t. . t J .. u. ... n ItiKK n.illuuu "' w"r inoir o a " - "" "'U develop their Heir-reliance During the course in ins auures -"- -P- occas.on to dl the pget IntornaUonal .1 uaUon ' -" -"""' II,.I,, ,., ,,11,11. unit a-llKI 11111 1 "- "" -lai.-m.-ni ot lh. imiticeof th-- for which i In- luitiil Stule ha en ; ih, sr Sup.iinleiidelil lUih-y who with ih. pr.--.-ntaiiiiu M lh. 'lass to tin- si-liool board. -i..-rci! hi- conjn el inn with 1"' '"Cl nmtiiutloii spoke of ,lt, growth oi education in Ontario durliiK recent yeufs In -.uc int talk to the members of the das- I'., innt Frank llader of ihe School bounl told th.-iu af tin- hopes enlertalned for them by the board ami hy their iriuudn who know that Ilk.- those who have gone kotor. them they will lie wormy in ine - fort speut In their education The then pr.-.-elile.l the diploma. f. H. S. GRADUATE WAS MARRIED ON WEDNESDAY The home of Mr. and Mrs A. H Worth of r'ruitlaud waa the scene af a wry punt wedding. Wednesday at .clock, when thekr ilaughlei Margar.u l.ucile was married to Har- Hull of Ontario. itoutinued on Page Pour. REGISTRATION DAY TO BE FITTINGLY MARKED mi who txnoi TO Ol I I I. SKItVH M TO imvi: M'PltO- ItXTION Ot r'KI.I.OW CITI.KNS. WILE CONSIDER FAIR NATTER Matter of I niirtli of July t'elelirullon I'nsetlleil Hecrrtnry Ntenrn s.u- Plan for Fair Will He lmnieri. ItegiNiratlon Day, June 5, will be appropriately marked In Ontario The citizens who come lo register will he accorded honor and a pro arum of piitriiitlc nature Is befng ar ranged. The committee which ha In it srharge the arangements for fjjsj Memorial Day celebration will also care for Itrglutrntlnn Day. The committee haa not fully determined the nature of the celebration. The iiueNiiou of the Fourth of July wa another of the matter which ociupled the attention of the "him in re I it I Dull at It meeting Mon day night and Mesr II. I.. Peter son and It. M Parry were appointed lo determine the sentiment of husl neaa men In the matter. The com mittee In Its trsvetlH found the bust ness men undecided on Hie aa; and that matter Is ntlll pending. Secretary Steam of the club In formed the members at the club meeting that at the next meeting a plan for conducting the .o-inty fair would lie proposed III detail. Ha ,,, ,,,, ,he d)re,tor, 9i0i9A i1(,,i , soma eases declined to serve and t hat others had been found who would tske their places. He Indicated ihui the plan contemplated reducing the niimliiT of day from four to three and latead of bringing horse from other states to have the aclng feat ured hy entries from Malheur and adjacent counties. Numar0UB comunl. atlona war. p,ceni.Nl to the cluh hut no actio $t ,,,.,. WBH Mm , HOLY ROSARY GRANTS ,,.,, -as imnrn DIPLOMAS TO NURSES "" llliMT t'l.AHM IIKIM I.IK Al TKAIMSt, St IIOOI. m t.HAIM ATKH AT PHKTTV t'KIIK Mom Tills i TKRNOON. BISHOP LAUDS NURSES WORK k. !.. . I...- 11. ....... ir. . ihkuik - Hull. lint of Hospital Dr. eel lor o MciIiIm I - III I I vVee I rges tdltllx I lie i In- truiuilig snd vocation of uraing i- otiual in linportau nlat ol Hi- laaohlaul .mil i raining of ii- and prteata; and tlat u,,. lullliliin-nl ol ihe obllgu- t a ,,i ,, m-. ..ill- i.h u iavotlOO ,,, ,11( g ibi- d liiiiuanilv Hgllul to lliat ol theae pun. -,i,,i ciiristllki In Its character was tin- muHHiige glvu to tb. tirst , Kradiiatc ir.nu tl-.- Holy Ito-ao -ruining MaaMl b Hi Raw, llishop ir;.-ill this afternoon n,. Itiwhop's address waa a fc ,lf ., vt.ly p,,.n coininen. .ui.nl pi.. t., ,,,, Kn, ,,t u,e W iImui hall I. uu an. Inn. . ot marly uu, ol which tr It. O Payne, d.an ..I the facility. pr.-.-i.ed. Dr Jacob l'rliuing, Hie llrst speaker of the afternoon, re viewed the i.iu,.i-. ol the hospital . ii. I recounted the aid which the in stitutioii had been to Hie medical profession In Its effort to rell. and promote the welfare of in unit) Dr w J Waeae Hpoke of tile V.ilUe ol the ', it'ainiUK and de. lared thai III Its work to serve humanity it also traiu ..mng women whop course for their proper relation to life and fitted them the more com- SCHOOL BOARD NAP! NEW SUPERINTENDENT H. It. BOVOLAH OK HlfHMosu. mippoi hi, caoncn to wo, till) K. (. HAII.KY--vVIM, WIHIYI-: HRRK At tH ST I. HAS RECORD OE ACHIEVEMENT l.ont List of Candidate Canvassed MM Choice Wa Maale Board Alan Name Manual Train- Ing Teacher. H II. Douglas of Blchmond. Mo.. will he Ruperlntendent of the On tarlo public schools next term. This announcement was made hy th school board this weak. At the same I tape the board announced that It hajl elected 8. M. Boucher, a gradu ate of the University of Wisconsin as teacher of the new manual training department. Mr. Douglas, the new hesd of the local schools, come to Ontario ilih a record of achievement wherever h. has been He was chosen from u list of II applicants recotn mended hy seven of the Institution, of learning In t Miintr.v lli .-lection bdasj due lo the fact that his credentials. In the Judgment of the board the best presntd. Mr I 'ii u In ha rcelved two de- Hi..- Ii. mi Hie Pnlversnty of MIk sour! and has a teacher and super Intandent of schools both in Wyoming and his home state has made aoo.l. whsMi, together with his scholastic attainment, recommended him to the hoard. Having taught school In Wyoming ha la no stranger lo Western people or Waetern Idess. He bus a wife and faintly who are expected to i rlvu with him In Ontario about August 1. Mr. Boucher, the manual training man, has taught similar depart lueiite for the paat three year In Wis. opsin. He will install the equipment and organise and leach the subjects to be offered here next yaar. a SCHOLASTIC REMEDY iHil Kystems ol Kdiicailnii Declared I'nsultad for Serine of Pupils Following the dinner at the Men Brotherhood meeting w-dnssday evenlni I'rof Ma. lioka .1 Bole. gave an addreaa on t'ocalloaal Train ing in the public school Mr Host who Is a tralued specialist In agri culture ami has charge ol the Boise .i i ,i ,. pn sled the Miii Jed in a lei y nun UV iiik inn "Our old system ..t education," he I uid, tilled pupils for the prole- j ot any but oni eight out of avarj liiimlred who graduate from the schools enter t h professions, com.- fanners .' . 1 1 id. -men, '.' I nils Out ol a thousand men .-we, I only IS percent would acknowledge thai their school train- Ipad I hem --. ure poaltloo I illness In eer ui-i.in.- Tbare vocational training has been given a fair trial it hail succeeded in H the studtiils interested In their school work, decreased tl leliniiuency. Increased Ihe i age of graduatea, aud the number win. entered college. "The principal JuMHleatioii for vo cational training is that It trains siudeuls for usefulness helps them lo nnd locations aud increase the ....! pi o.l II. iitenea ol our citizens llolse high school lias a farm, on which the work of d lug and constructing the building has .! udsiils, a cafe lari.i in which Ihe eatables ar. pi pared by the class In Don Scien. u." The Men's Bruthei hood will dla-l loutiiiae ins monthly illnn.-r until i Wilo ISfTfl -i ft It . i sl t.ooii I Hi n Pit RHUS? Wll on of Wlraoa llrni. has turni'il over to the Argtia a letter front sjeju In i who W.BU to com.' lii Ontario for the -unun.'r to pick fruit. ass. will bring with h.-r llc chil dren, all able to assist, iin.l wants work for tho entire sum hut. starting with Hie straw berry season. , According lo her letter, which commends Itself for Its frank expression, the family wants to help save the crop while getting some fruit for the winter. Two of the boys she says are large enough to he of aalstance In the haying fields. A n v one who desire tho services of i hi family can get In touch with them by applying to the Argus. HEADQUARTERS FOR RED CROSS TO OPEN COMMI I II I - LIMA I HOII I TWW III II. HIM, s III W ..I I I i H l ilWMI I s S MI Ii TO I I IIMSII III HIM,. UEU UCUDEDeUin 10 OnilPUT PltPI rlLrlDLnonir 10 aUUuIII . t no I'iii.ii Donates luioini for lables Plan-, t oiii.h i . .1 i..i Italslng Fiiml. Henehts to (liven. He Down town headquarters ol ItM Out. ii lo It. .1 iross will In soon iis the . oiniiilltee determines Which of Hie two hulldlllKs olTered by K l.ees can be put lu c II Hon tot octipait.y Owing lo neeae slty for utmost care In Ihe prepar ation ot ihe building In will lake some tluie to do Ibi work. II 0 Mow i. Miss lasV Smlili and W. B I-ees have Oils work In hand In the meantime a committee nig of Mis Hmlth, Mrs K M. Orals. Mrs. Frank Radar and Mrs Bay Wilson will arrange for fur Dialling the building. psliillns the flours, kalsoiiilnlng the Inierloi .m-l other work The flrat contribution to thl work waa made at the meet ing of the director Tuesday ei.-ultii; when K V. Van Pellen gsve the lum bar necessary for Ihe building or the Utile. Men's Membership I'atnpulgn. On Saturday of this week II I: I'ockruiii. V W Wood, K 0 Pett.-n. tin- men uieiiiberslllp com mil i.e. assisted hy volunteer, will i it. -H..II i. et and Hie down town district tor ineinbershlp The woni.-n loo will work Mrs I. A MM in Is lo have charge of a head quarters in the l'" t nib.. ,unl Mr Trovi-ll will have .barge of a tnfcfc in It.idet Urns' store, where on that I it In pet cent of the gross receipt Mill he K I .-Ii lo Ihe I: uilli'.iii I unil I n-i hl i laaaaa Wart, The hrst aid .h ...i I nieiit has organised The ci.i-- m. -t I geada) evenlni; bill owina lo the ,!h-i Dr W J Weeas no work wa- doat Two . las-e- ol Hid i roas iii. tiltd llolio liiiar. I :u- pbinin-.l ,i. both will he al work next week In porta I Is high and ilio want Hie complete ...HI should siKiiify their desire al one. FLYING LEVER HITS MAN WORKING ON ROCK CRUSHER .-k While Kd llll i working Ihe liner mi the rock ciu-ioi wi.i.i i." erttaateg roak rm the oad leading in the bridge, !!y dropped int., Valor as II was carried up II to. i.-v.-i- i..,ck. sirikiuK Mi Berry on the cheat, throwing him - back agallist a post A few day he was taken violently ill and I aid called. It wu. roiiud (but his heart waa badly atlectcd II. .-1 ill fin -eveiai lor several day. but i. Uaprovlai ui.ely at present, tin. -till i.inilned Ui : DECORATION DAY IS ; TO BE COMMEMORATED COMMI III l, I M II I t'MMI in i; nil n wii i t:i no -i II III I s in CI1 It IHK.WIZ. ATKINS l-l.ANs I Hi SKH BASKET DINNER IN THE PARK .Morning F.xen lies at Cenieteri Af. l.i-noon Program at Park Husl. ness Houses Will 1oc Dur ing Part of Day. W In. day Ontario will ' i do linnor to the dead. Mem orial Day exerrlHi-N will take place at tha Cemetery In the morning and In the afternoon a lilting program will lake place st th park. District At torney II W Swagler will deliver 1 the oration of the day. At the rommeclsl t'luh Monday i n k a committee headed by Rev. lb i hen Livingston and composed of 'Attorney W W Wood, J. M l,ewla. llov. W. M llrnwn and A . Itlddks was named lo lake charge of tha ex- . rclse-, This committed met with rspreaan- ii.nves of the w. C. T. V. and tha i ild Soldiers snd together they pre. program. The procession " oam.t.ry will torn t tb 0M Hull at ' lock and III tblt the imlltee hopes that every organ- city will be represent A. MeVI!llsms and DanKerfoot have been selected aa Marshals ot th- Day. The committee expect ihe lodge, tha Honor Ouard, Hoy Hi outs. Idaho , National Uuurdsiuen In the city, .High Si I I t'ndet and all other to Join the old soldier. Committee i.i pr.nide d.-corailoiiN Include, Mr. M. K iisbi.tii. Mrs i' K Hecoy aad and Mrs. IHiikIibiu J. M. lwls and A. K. Kiddle will srange for autna to carry I hose who rsn not march to Ihe grounds unil ihe ICed I'roas will be reprc-.iii.-d hy Mra. Hay Wilson wllh s n ii in Ik-i or little girls. Al Hie psrk lii Hie afternoon fol lowing a picnic dinner a program will be given commenting al 1 p m Included in ibi will be . program by the lisnd, mush hy s young peoale chorus, the reading of l.neohx'al Osttyshurs Address by Mis. Bthel McWIIII.m and Ihe addreaa of the day hy Dlsirlci Attorney It W Hwag ler. Itev Km lie llsmis will pro nouiice the Invocslloii. The buslnsas houses of I he city will arrn- fnv the hours of closing during the vx- SENATOR HARRY LANE DIES Siei ulalloli III.. oil Itife g to Wl t lioieiiior Will Name a- His su,.i Had Pollllcul t'aieer, I tut. died h.-l I.I,- i tal a. tin "u" blood pn hi. is way- Il fled b .. huh III Men who lor 1 !t 1 III ! Ill etui wsr ill win I I. .'hi to balk i!.. Praaldanl I im 1 1 lltiil.-il to bis llluesh .mil hastened Ilia dcalli illutioti over Ihe stale Is rife a- I., .linn, Oovernor Jama. vitb- eoiiibe will ll. Hue as III- sue .-publican leader are being sound ed out ilna.H I. ate this allernooii Alloriiei II Brook, w.i- iin-.d 111 wire 111 ll. I 10. .!l..lld.ul ol one Sen. it. n l..un raj hoin nt toii.i, g , n ,:, h. iwilMlad m umi I was supn inieiidciit r n,,- inaana uapUal at lalem Iron lsi to 1 s y 1 He was mayor of Portland trap iur '" ll"' i"11 u I ; wail tlecled to thl I nited States .1. i . ..t m.- Hen Selling ol Port- i.i,,, Aiiiouk lbu.se who are nieutloln d ,,,, ,,. mccaator are forun Seiialo. i liaile I-niton, and K H I'lpi r. of Portland, hll Kaslern I K, public. m.-, may pn-i.eni lite names i.thiued on Page Four i bar. lkHl i. N Slanheld of PeudUuni