TUTS ONTARIO ABOU8. ONTARIO. OHEOON, THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1917 PAOXi BOULEVARD. Then 1 1-1 1 ipofl the houne a BUd- ll' II gloom A shadow on tjiosc features fair and thin; Anil softly, fnim that hushed and darkened room Two Angels liaued, where hut one went In. A shadow of gloom spread over the neighborhood lam Saturday morn Ing when th message passed mourn! t nit Org, l he 'in.r daughter ot Mr I'lid Mrs JaBI Waller, hud pass ed away. Always kind, geoOroar and loving, ponwnwl of n henutlful Obll buddlBI into womanhood Ker death will be ni nil mod by all v ho knew her The Boulevard Womone' Club met , in. Mi i i i hompeoo odi limenti v. ed and a pleasant afternoon spent i meeting will he held with Mrs. Donald McPberaon Ed I'ntton of Utile Willow was I taller at C. U. Stovers Monday II" was returning from Vale where lie had taken Mrs J. A Keefer who Is a p.itlent at the Dot Springs sanitar ium. Mrs. ('. IT. Stover Is spending a few days In Ontario helping care for her father Mr K. .1 lierr; who was Injured by a leu r on the rock crush er east of town, one day last week Mra. Joy McClelland Is a patient at Holy Itoaary hospital having baan I operated on for appendicitis the flral . of the week. C. V. Btover and Arthur Maglll de livered a bunch of beef cattle to 8. Dlckerson of I'ortland. Monday. Ouy Stover left Monday fur llrogan where he la employed In the Urn drover shearing plant. Miss Kdlth ('apron In spending the veek with her sinter Mrs Harry Mr arty Pred Hut lei lth a party of friend ii otored down from llolse Sunday Smith and family were Sun day visitors at Sherry la ( MID (l TH INKS. Words fall If CD) I 01 K alltuile to the i ' hors who so kitnlly dearly loved ilaiu liter and during her alckin also for the kind sympuiiiy uu.l heiiuttlul flowers given. M.i limls rl blessings be yeu: Mlt AND Mil- .1 I rTALTI AND PAMII M. II I I I MMIM. OKU Ml I I RUT Optometry Means Kye Servk-a. Our specially Is making weake vis ions strong, poor eyesight batter. We fit glasses and do It right, exactly right. 90 percent of headaches are oausad by soma character of BYB STRAIN'. If you are affected with headaches have your ayaa examined. It will oust you Uut'uiMt auu KM uiy loara MU4 tiling about them which may be to your advantage. We change lenses within oua year without any additional cost to you. providing they should need (hanging We are registered In two states. Idaho and Oregon, which coupled with an experience of IS years makes It possible to care for extreme rases We make your town regularly every mouth Call and let us get qualuted Will lie at Ontario I'haruiaoy oa Irida), Hstunlsi ami iimU Ttiree !), Mm) IH, ID ami uiv. 11-11 lOTICa Or KVl AI.IX. IHI.N. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Director of the I'ayette OfOflM Slo.e Irrigation District will meet beginning ami on Jum- 6th. 1917, at the offi. e ol tha Di-triit win. k in the pumping plant ' wtthln thi M t. fur the pin i of equalising that oartslo I aabeaamuut on the l.,i i wilaJll rial iiioi,' p:r tii Hi. ii i as fcillowh, tewit: A special assaasmeut to provl llll I. ,1 I. . B Mill KllMd and ll,lll ou for the which said umum.i- In lieu of the regular 191t made pursuant to a ,le r mi ba eral Court of the D e dis trict tor Oregon ami under thu laws and statutes of the state ot Oregon I' M HKAL8, Seviii.w- I " Kon Slope Irrigation Distt. AJv 18-3t LEGAL MilKl.S. SUMMONS. IN the C1BCXIT (WBT ok THK NT.U'i: Ol (llll,(.(i HIIOIA II I.I It COl'NTV. MU.HKPH COUNTY, a Municipal ,'orporatlon, I'laintlff. vs. i RED J drown. MUSI ii. ; ions. CHURCH OK Ji.si s CH JOSEPH P. SMITH, T: i IIAItl.KS ' VUTI'll. II .i I) W I' AI.DW Kl.l,. Til ,1 '... V 0 DUNK1K, W M I RDAY, .1 R, DUMl a .. r. I PALMER, BINPORD, HOWARD i: 1' W HKK.LKR. Id'' UAftl viua lUBBnl-MlDVf COMPANY, MRS LULU ! i . r i OILMORE PRANK IIKIH. li'cii BROTHERS, W HAMBLOCK, T D im- kvma.n. rOHttBON, ALBERT I MARTIN hvii.wi:. DOB WILL ( liKHKlt. WM A MARTIN II N PORI), A. 11 CHKSTI.lt. I. A l.V JAM I 'in:. JAC OB ITONECKER, ANNABEL ki:i I.KV. ISAAC RKADE. 8AHI1. BBEKDI.OVK. WILLOW RIVKit LAND . IRRIGATION COMPANY, n Corporation. J. D, OSBORNK. .1 ASI'KIt WKSTKAI.K, JOHN WKST- PALL. MLBY, VOGUE, P. A riiwrii IIKMIVN IT1CKNBY. I K. 8TAKS ED. JOSE 8AVAI.A, 1 II 1'KNGRA. II w RICHARDSON, N 0 whitk. IOIIV C MII.I.ER. WM II ISAM ALBERT SHBBMAN, WM J Mi I I iiu. S II SIIKIMIKRI). Ml .1 PRESTON. KDITI1 I) TAYLOR. I i ROBINSON, MARY I ROB HfSON, MRS JII.IV MARTIN. ( I.YDK ( ROHINSON. I). d. SCTII BJUsAHO, 0 A It Ml Kl. I. Kit. AND ILL W 1I()M IT MAY CONCEI DEPENDANTS. To Pred J Brown, Jamee Plagens. Church of Jesua Christ. Joseph P Smith. Trustee. Charles Carter. II J Helicon. It R Caldwell. Tlllle E Pierce, C. O. Dunkln. W. M. Easter day, J. tl Duncan. P J. I'almer. Place, Bin- ford, Howard DavU. I K W'iiaaler, Rowena Freeman. Nyssu Improve ment Coinpsin, Mrs. Lulu M lloxle, Mrs P E Ollmoro, Prank High, High Brothers. W II Hamhlo, k. T 1 1 Honewiian. W'm Johnson, Albert lewis. Murtln Echave, Dora Lassa, win c R a Mortis, H N i ',,1,1 II ii" :.'t. I. A McNary, Jamas MaOllaTO, Jacob Stouecker. i Kelle, Isaac Iteada, Sadie Willow Rrvtf I-md and Irrigation Company, a corporation, l D Ooooro, Jasper Wettfall. John all, Salby, Vogue, C A Powell. Henry N. Btlck- i E Stausel. Jose Savala. I. B. Pengra, II W Richardson, N. O. John C Miller. Wm. H. Isaacs. Albert Sherman, W'm J Mc- I I s II Shepherd. Mrs R J ii. Edith I) Taylor. A. E Rob luson, Mary E Robinson. Mrs. Julin Martin, Clyde C Robinson, D. U HiitherUnd. O A. It Mueller and ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN THK NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON, you and each of you are hereby notified thai Malheur County, Oregon, Is the owner and holder of Certificates ot Delinquency for unpaid taxes, due and payable to Malheur County, Oregon, for the year 1911. and also for the years llll, lilt, 1I1S. and 1914. Issued by the Tax Collector of Malheur County. Oregon, which certificates are hereinafter sat forth, showing the numbers thereof, together with the tracts of land covered therby. tba amount of taxes, interest, and pen alty and accrued cost included la said certificates, date of issuance of and rate of Interest on said certificate. also the amount of taxes due and de linquent on the tract, of land cov ered by said certtneetee for the yeare subsequent to the Issuance of aald OBfMSoMBR together with the rate of Interest, penalty, and advertising cost thereon; which amounts are a hen on the land described In said cer as, In which is given the town, if town property with lot ami block, and the legal subdivisions, with sec tion, township and rauge, if rural property, after the name of the per son to whom asaeaaad, the oaacriptlon of each of winch anjraral tru laud are given ui numbers 1 to .;u borate. Aud you are fajrtko OOUlOd that there Is due ami delinquent and a Ilea oa tha several tracts of laud, taxes which are payable to plaintiff (or tha years net forth and assessed to the persons nuiued herein upou the lands In said certitl- ..t dallaquenc) or some portion thereof, each of which several amounts and the sums with Interest thereon are due aud delinquent from I. tViul.iuts to plaintiff upon I aald aaveral tracts as herein given said aeverai tracts beiug described as follews: (Key to Abbreviatiens: D. C. De LEGAL NOTH is. linqnemy i 'ertlilrate: !'., Penalty; A I'. Advertising Cet: Tr . Tract: II. Block, i . i.ot. No., Boctloi alp, IlK . Range; S , South, R, W. M . Last of Willamette Meridian; IO.) Ir l .. 16 l 16, B. 69, Green's Add To NfMk, A. Joseph I'. Smith, HI 1) I 1072. r, it. 7-1-18; 1911 1). C II'IO, $5.96. 1 per cent, 7-1-16; 1912 D. r, $4 49, 15 per cent, 7-1-Ki; i 'i.: it. i lit?, $a 10, 15 p( S-1-H-. lilt, I1.M, LI per cent, IV lie, ' Tr 2. Boo, 17, Tp. 16 S. R 46. B. Tlri acres mora or less In a pa in su inrtier of NRfl ! A to II .1 lloll'.oll I '.' I I' I1 C. 107.1, $ I ,-1-lt,. mi D I ILLS. $24.90, 15 p. M I II . Tr .:. Ontiirlo, C 1141. I i I I. 11 . .74. City of A Tiiiie I Plana; 1910 D. . : i LI; II - 2.S. II 4. Had- leya Second Add. tp Vale; A t.. R M. Enstorday; 1910 D C Iflfj i ". POT lent, 7-1-16; Tr. 5. I. I, SHNWtt, NV',SWV. SU'.SW',. Sec 2, Tp. 30 8.. R. 4';. I w M . . w 14 W'M, Sec. 11. Tp 10. B., R 46. E W. MA K .1 I'almer; 1910 D 0 1076, $45 11, 15 imt c ent, 7-1-16; Tr. 6, NKV4NEK Boo. 86. Tp. 19 K. R 44, I W M ; A Howard Davis & I-. P Wheeler; 1910 D C. 1077, $1.97, 15 per rent. 7-1-16; 1911 D C. 1140. $2 00, IS per cent, 7-1-16: 1912 D. C. 1229. $2.17. 15 per cent. 7-1-16; 114 D C. 1713. $4 60. 15 per cent. 8-1-16: 1915. $3 77. 12 per cent. P, 20. A C f.Oc; Ir I II 2R. Teutsch's Add to Nyasa, A Sirs Lulu M lloxle; 1910 D I 1079. $17.46. 15 par cant. 7-1-II: Tr. 8. SEUBEH Sac. 16. Tp. II 8.. R. 47. E W. M ; A Mrs. P E Gil more; 1910 D C 1081. $14.09. 15 per rent. 7-1-16; Tr. 9. La. Z, 3. 4, B. St, Origin al Town of Vale. A. Prank High & High Bros.; 1910 D. ('. 1084. $52.90, IS par cent, 7-1-16; 1911 D. C 1161, $64.46, 16 par cant. 7-1-16; 1912, D. C 1238 $124.94. IS per cent. 7-1- 16; 1914 D. 0. 176S. $18.70, IS per cent, 8-1-1$; Tr. 10. NHtNEUBEK Sac. 86. Tp. 17 8.. It. 46, I W MAT D. Hen- eviuaii, 1910 D C 1085. 14 32, 16 per cent 7-1-16; 1912 D. C. 1241, $4.23, 1 i" 1 .' in. 7-1 16; 191'. D C 10. II per cent. tM1 llll 11 c hi;;, II 4S. if. pet oajrl 8-1-16; 1914 D 0 1762, $9.61, 16 per ...lit. 8-1-16; 1916, $4 47. 12 per cant, P. 45c. A. C. 60c; Tr. 11. NHNEI48EM Sac. 10 Tp. 18 8.. H 47. E W. M.; A W m Johnson; 1910 D c 1086. $59 34. 16 par cant. 7-1-11; 1915. $8 14. 12 per cent, P. 31c. A. C SOc; Tr. II. 8H8EV4. Sac. 89. Tp. 40 8. R 40. E W M.: A Martin Echave; 1910 D C 1090. 113.22. IS per cent. 7-1-16: Tr It, Beginning at NW cor. of L. I, thenoe B. 600'. thence 8. III'. thence W. HI', thence northwaater- ly along the reservation line to place of beginning In See. 19, Tp. 41 8., R. 43, E. W. M . A Dora lJiaaa; 1910 D 0 1091, $16.48. 16 par cant, 7-1- 16: 1914 l) c 1I39. $14 67. II par ceut. 8-1-16; Tr. 14 La. 17 II. B. . A La. IS A II, B 10. Hope's Add. to Vale; A. A. H. Chester; 1910 D C. 1092. $8.87. IS par cant. 7-1-16; Tr. 16. 8WU8WV4 Sac. II, Tp. II 8.. R 44, E. W M ; A. L. A. Mc Nary; 1910 D C 1094. 11.94, It par caat. 7-1-16; HIS D. C. HIS. 11.41, IS per cant. 1-1-16; 1114 D. C. 177, $28, IS par cant. 8-1-16; 1916, 11.40, 13 per cant. P. 14c, A. 0c; Tr. 1 NEVNBV. Sac. 12. Tp 14 U, R , E W. M.; A. Jamaa Mc Qulre; 1910 I) C. 116. 1141. US par rent. 7-1-11; 1911 D C llbH. $3.70. 16 per cant, 7-1-11; IRIS D. t 1858, 12.96, 16 par cant. 7-1-16. 1918 D 0, 1396, $4 60, 15 par cant. 8-1-16; 1914 D 0 1873. $8.89, 15 per cent. -l-16; 115, $2.50. 12 per 1. at P., 25c. A. C. SOc; iv 17 WBUMti l'c. 85, Tp 16 8 . R 47. K M M ; A Aunabel Rel ies 1 '1 1 n 11 r 1 1119. $: 1:1, 15 per cent, 7 1-1(1; 1913, D. 0. 1 1 8-1-16; 1916, ,ut, 1" $10.86; A. le; Tr. 18 Undivided 01. half Inter est in I. I Sec. SO, Tp. II . R 4:!, E W, M ; A. Sadie llreollovi ; !910 D C 1100. $13.84, ceut. 7-1-16; 1914 1 C per cent. P. $1.70, A. 0. 60c; Tr. 19. 1 acre lu BW cor NW, JO, Tp IS 8 . It 4?,. I W M , A J. D Osborne; 110 D. C. 1097. $4 20. 15 per cent. 7-1 -16. 1911 1' . $3 32, 15 pei 7-1-16; 1912 D. C. 1262, $9 14, li ,t, 7-1-16; 1916. $1.17, 12 per ceut. P 17c. A. C. 60c; Tr. 30. NWKNEK Sac. II, Tp 27 II, OTIl S. It 46, I .1. Mc 1910 I) C 1112. $10.80. 15 i.t .opt. Till',. 1911 I) C. 1188, . II per cut, 7-1-16; 1912 I). 0 Ittl, $10.71. II percent. 7-1-16; i C. 1420, $20 40, IS p I I in; 1914. I) C 1974,114.66. 16 . . t . .' t i i . . 1915, $12.96, 12 l"i t. I' l ::'. i r,oc; Tr I.s. 5. 6, 7 & X, II X, Kld- rldge Add. to Vale; A. Mr, w .1 II'IO n C 1113, $21.55, II per rent, 7-11''. I !' 1 :.' I I I per i i,i. 7-1-16; 1918 D. C. 1403. $33. K 4, tl percent, SI I I ; 1014 I) ('. 1905. $11.16. 15 p'-S-l-16; 1916 $10.1.-., 12 per J I 0L', A. 0 Pi II.IR II, 4.-,. K W. M : i'Mtn I. iayior. 1010 D. C. llll. $21.00, 16 p. ,.,,, Tr R. 47. 1 R .lolm c Kim 11 t M I I p.r 0001 P. $1.31, A. 0, 50c; Tr II - V I Sec. 15. Ti. II .. R 46. I R M I A H II toSS; 1910 D 1 ! ' 10, $1.88, 15 per cent 7-1-16; 1911 D C 1210, $190, II per cent. 7 1 It;: 1912 D 0 ll, 1 i 7-1-11; 1913 D C. 1803. $2 M. 1" per cent, 8-1-16; 1914 1). C 2049. $2.10, 16 per OOBt, l-l-ll; If 12 per cent. P. 20c, A. C. SOc; Tr. 25. La. 11. 12 13. B. 263. City of Ontario. A I II 100.110 H W. Richardson; 1910 D C 1141, $1115, 16 per cent, 7-K18; Tr. 26. Via MRU Sec. 14. Tp 19 8 , R 44. E . W M A. I. E Stausel. 19HI D C 1110. $56.00. IS par cent 7-1-11; 1911 D ( 1206. 132 1 par canl. 7-1-16; 1916. Ill . 1 par rant, P. $6 21, A. C. 50o; Tr 27 8VNW'VBW4 Sac. I, Tp. 30 8.. R. 46. E W. M . A. Joaa 8a valle. 1910 D C llll. $80.40. 16 per cent. 7 1 16. Tr 28. La. 1. 2. 8, A 4. B. 88, Hope 11-.!!. ,11.1 dd. to Vale, A I Powell; 110 D C 1105, $11 00. 15 ir rent. 7-1-16: 111 17.11. 12 per cant, P. 73c. A. C. 10c: Tr 39 NWHNEH Sac. 11. Tp. 26 8 . It 44. E. W M .; A Henry N Stlcknoy; 1910 D C 1106. 112.63, 16 per cant, 7-1-11; Tr 30 I. 3. II. 8. Jordan Valley. A CI) .le C Robinson. 1910 D 1102, 115 72, II per OOBt, 7-1-11; 1911 D I 1179. $30 05, IS per c.-iii. 7 1 16: 1914. D ( 1867. ceut. 8-1-16; 1916. $89.94. 12 per cent. P $9 00, A. C. That the following numed par sons are the OWMfO ( the legal tit lee of the eeteral tracts herein ih scribed: Tract No 1. Jos. ph K Smith. Truatei o 2, II J Benson. Tract No I, Tlllle IMerce; Tract No 4. R M Easterday; Tract No I, IV J I'almer; Tract No. 4. Howard Da via. and E. P Wheeler; Trad No 7. Mra. Lulu M. lloxle; Tract Ho I, Mra. P. E. Gllmore; Tract No . Prank High and High Bros.; Tract No. 10, T D. Heneyman: Tract No 11, W'm Johnson; Tract No. 13, Mar tin Echave, Tract No. 13, Dora Laa aa; Tract No. 14, A H Cheater. Tract No. 16, I. A McNary, Tract No 16, James McUulre; Tract No 17. Annabel Kelley ; Tract No. 18. Sadie Rreedlove, Tract No 19. J D OslMirn; Tree No 0, Wni J Mc Iod; Tract No. tl. Mra. W J. Prae ton; Tract No. tl, Edith D. Taylor; Tract No. S3, John C MlUar; Tract No. 14, W. H. UaaA-; Tract No. 36. I B. Pengra and II. W. Richardson; Tract No. 26, I E Stausel; Trait No 17. Jose Savalle; Tract No 28. C A Powell; Tract No , Henry N Stickuey; Tract No 31, Clyde 0 Robinson , That all of the defendants above named and all parsons Interested or whom It may concern, are hereby not (tied that plaintiff will apply ti the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for a decree foreclosing the liens sgalust the property above described und mentioned In ssld certificates sud each aud all thereof, and you and each of you are hereby further sum mone.l to appear within sixty days af ter the first publication of this sum mons, exclusive of the date of the first pollination, aud defend this action 01 pay the amount due as shown above, together with the costs and disburse ments herein and .0 1 ruing Intere.-t and OOOtO, und In ruse of your failure to do so, a decree will lie rOBdarod -Iiik the liens of said taxet . penalty, costs and ex asalnat tha saw n of land above de Date of flint publication, March 29th, 1917. All process and papers In this pro ceeding ma Ot upon R W Bwugler at bjg office aud post office address at Ontario. Oregon Ben J Brown, Sheriff. R W Bwagler. District Attorney. Pirst Publication. Mar 29. 1917 Last Publication, May 31, 1917. I - il. NO! If I S. SUMMONS. l. TIIK CIHIKIT COURT OP THK STATE OP ORKOON FORMAL III. I It (tl ATI. HI I oiinlj, A Municipal oor- loo, I'latntifr, (' W. Allen. Nl II. Anderson. .1 0. Anthony, I. BOOT. II II liarton, s K Begh- lol, w. I. Ii tini'H. M i, itlelman. BlObO, Dim llliikcnhlllor,, Sam lllakenhlller, Louis It BoOtWtck, Wm. 'I n, II K Bowman, Inane N. Brady., 1! K. Brlikner, E. ,wi. I'. W. Browning, Ora K. Ilruie, August J llruhni, J. A llr ' let, O. M. Col ' Karlson. 11. T BriCKBOr, U H. J BAkOt, O K Ruck land. L, L RltiKamnn, D J. Cahlll, John ii. carny, c n i orponwr CoatlO, Ander- ,oti. Bart H. Cava. Bert II 1 BTO, Ralph Christy, Matte Christy, S It Clark, II M Merle L Columbia Roy C. Crablll. ( inter, Owen W ''math, 1 reek. Buckland, R. 1 t rool, Mrs. E. II Crln. I V I ntn 1. C Q t'liiitiltigham, C. 0, Cramer, Plora (i "lydge, J. P. Crlt. h low, Ralph Christy, Edward Connell, W'm B Di.iunlk. A. O. Darcy. D C Davis, Danhl I DktlOOS, Denis I)' Aulenll, A ll:..nl. CkM II Doorley, I) Q Downrt. Stephen Douglas, John Doyle, Sim Duck. Jeun II Duren, H. roojr, August Dahl. Win It Den- . Noah Eggers, Jr., Samuel Kalor. R L Kaulkner, J I. Kelgh ner. J C Klre.- Kred P Kllllon, John Klemlng. N W Pletcher, Hattle M. Kerguson, Clara A. Plynn, W v Glfo, Geo. Gllbertson, M. 0 Gillette, Win I t;ihe. Mrs. C V. Goforth, Ole Orooder. Charles A Gordan, John E Hamilton, Mary E llatnlltoti, Pred E llauklns, P. S Harlan 0 I Hepler. Estate of Pat Iteslln, Jas. W Hesman. Ida M Hodge. W'm Hovelter. W A .1. II II Hudson Mrs Nellie llu W I Hewitt. Lena May Hast ings, Albert Helling, Anione Jacob ton. Richard Jeuklnson, J W John son, Alfred Johnson, Charles John OSS, J R Nell Jones, Paler II. Jung l,s, W M Kanoff. Phil Jurlsh. I I KluiUoiler. ('has W. King, 8. A. Knecht, V J Knott, Frank Lsn bourne. W D Kanoff, Arthur Keu OJOtf, J RS haao. Mrs. Ida luidy. QOO W I ..-1 k I t v . II K l.iunon, Leuh l.lclitenherg. Chus , Lmss, Jno C I.urke, Churles A. Muder, Jno. J. Mak R .1 Manlal. ,Marilti, RoodjOfg, J II Muxneld, Mlllon C. May, Mrs. A. Mllliourm. S.imu.'i .1 Miller, J R Mil. lielj, Km ma Laa Moore, ('has. A. Moore. A. C Morrow. J. 8. Mundls. J. I' Murph . Mayer, Orr, E L. McDonuld. 8. P. McNew. II I M.Nutt R I Negley. Mary P Nev Ina. T. J. New comb. Walter Newell. Herbert Newell, North. . 1 L,l.. h.H.-,li ohrlner, Koii.it Newell, I. rt ODay. Pred L. Olmstead. O W I'almer, Kremonl Pat ten. Joseph O'Brien. I, M Peterson. John I I'.teraoo. O. P. Phillips. Man uel porter, lslle C. Poor. Mattla Preston. 8 G Reed, II A. Itelcheu Imiich. H It lled, I C Reynolds. C Dewttt. John W Roland. Wm. K Itosenburg, P. N Howe, Anions Sadl er, Harry J. Saline. 8. P. Bandera Serahey BBSS', J ' Sbaford. Jose phine T Smith. J W. Smith, Bertha Hmlthhlsler Carl Honntaa. Guslave A. Spanlol, D R. Htandley, A. T. Stewart, P. W Silvers, Nick 8Kms. Pred 8. Tarbox. D 8. Sinlthhlaler, George M. Smoot, Louis P Siulthhls ler, Geo D. Salyer, Thos. M. Bhoahan. George J. Smith. J I Trmnler. Wm J. Tucker. M. E. Turplu, Evelyn M Tyner, J. C Thompson, L. Thorsel satb. A P Van Dlnter. Tbomaa V. Vaugh. H. 0, Votaw, Theodore C Walker, Eunl Walllue. Roy N RJOj llngton, (' K. Werseen, It H Ws(, J 1, It While, P W Wlelsud. K J Wllklns, Sarah Wlnans. (has 1: Wood, ("has. P. Woodward, DoMtOft A Wright, Jacob Wyler Ins It Young, Ernest Koeller, Jacob RTvtOP, A. J. Weelergreen. Blanche RTSOi ward, Asa A. Wallace, L M. Young Oregon Valley Land CSOSPSB porutloii. Jame, I' Amh 1 To (' W Allen, Noll H An 11lh011y, 1 II II Bf ton. 11 1 ' R Beak, s K lleghtol, W I. Ileun. It, RdO L Bfc I 111 ,in, Jo-ipli V BlObO, Dan Rl.iken l.iller. Sam Hl.il' bWII r, I" rick, Wm T Boowortk, I f Uowman. I.aac . Bff ' RHol r lir.iun K R BrOWOlOV, BrOOO, An. , I Kriilin, J A . ( hartoa t; Hurt. 0 H on, Bboo 1 arlaoo B T Rrl. kner, W rUng, II J Itakbr, 0. P llueklaii.l I. I. Iliugauiaii. D J ( a hill, John H. Carey, C. N. Carpent.i. Caatto. Ao- derson, Bert H Cave, Bert H 0Sw Ralph Ckrtety, Maile Christy, 8. R. Clark, II M Clemens, Merle L Co luiiihia, Roy ( rahill. C 0. Creamer. 000 W (Tenth, Creak. I,i (. tl, .vol ii i i Bucklan, I: I (real, Mrs H Crln, K. , Cumhorford. Cunningham. C. C. Cramer, I'loi.i t; t lyd;e. J P. (TltchloW, Ralph Christy. Edward Connell, Wnm, !'. 11 .mm vlk. A. O. Darcy, I). C. Davis, Danhl J. Davison, Danla D' Autenil, A. Difanl. ('has. H. Doorley D (' Powart, Stephen Douglas, Joht Doyle, Sim Duck. Jean II Duren, H 1 1 Hi,..-. v nun . Dahl, Wm R. Dee '.. Noah Kggera, Jr., Samua It L. Pniilkne, t 1. ceighnar J C Klree. Fred K Hill ton. John lleinlnir. N. W I'M hOT, Hsltle M. Clara Ptyno, Rfa A, m. M. C ciiiotte, Wm Mrs C. . Goforth, A Cor.loii, Joun Miiiton, ,i 'ii, l-Ted I. llauklns. K. Hurlan. C S Hep- Htnte of Pat He Up, Jas. W . ilea man. Ida M. Hodgi w m Hovelter, R a Howard, il II. Hudson. Mra. Nellie Hum.'. W .1 HOWltt, l.-tin May ngs. Albert Hotting, Aiitoua Ja. olcuii, Richard JooklnaoD, .1 W. Johnson, Alfred Johnson, hurlea ' Johnson. J K Nell ,loii"a Peter R. Junglei. W M. Kanoff. Phil Jurlsh, T. 8. Klndsedar, ('has. W. King, 8. A. Knecht. , J Knott, Prank Lan hournc R i Knnoff, Arthur Ken nedy, J. Ray Lnne, Mrs. Ida Z I.andy, Oao. w i.eigiitv 11 i' Loonoa, isMh l.l.liienherg, ('has. P. Lucas, Jno. C. I.ticke, Charles A. Mader, Jno. J. Makln. J Mantel. Marti. Borders, J. B Maxfleld. Milton C. May, Mrs. A. Milbourne. Samuel J Miller, J W Mitchell. Em ma Lee Moore, (has A. Moore, A. C. Morrow, J. 8. Mundls, J. P. Murphy, Myer. Orr. I I. Mclioio.1,1. s P. McNsw. H. R. MoNutt. W E. Negley. Mary P. Nev- Ins, T. J. Newoomb. Walter Newell, Herbert Newell. North. . Clyde, Joseph Ohrlner. Robert New ell. 1. ft 0 Day. Prad L Olmstead, o W. Palmer. Fremont Patten. Jo- O'RllaO, J M Peterson. John E. Peterson. (1 K Phillips, Manuel p,o ter. Leslie Poor, Mattle Prae- ton, S. G. Road, Il A Kelchnuhaurh. S It Reed. I C Reynolds. C DOW- Rt. John W Roland. Wm E Rosea burg, K N Kowe, Autotie Sarher, Harry J Saline, 8. P. Sanders, Sersh- ey Rros J C Shaford, Josephine T. Smith. J W Smitli. Bertha Smith hlsler. Carl Sonntag, Gustavo A. Hpanlol. D II Smiidl.-y. A. T. Staw urt, K. W Siiwi ., Nick RtOOO, frOU 8. TarlKix. D. S Sn.it l urge M. SiniMit, atah I' Si'ilthli I D Salyer, Thus M, S1 '..urge J. Smith, J I lilnnler, Wm I Toj ar. M I 'I'm p. a. Rroi) j c Thomp on, 1. Tl . A I' .111 I Mill. 1. II 0. Volaw, Theodore C. mil Wslllne, Km. M I I. Werset.11, R II RTOOl J I. White, r R 1. lot 1 1 J Wllklns, Surah Wlnans, Chi. . 1: Wood, ('has P. Woodward, Delhiit A. Wright, Jac ob Wyler. Inn II Young, Ernest allar. Jacob Wyler, A J W'eatargraan, Blanche Wood anl Asa A. Wallace, L M. Young. Oregon Valley Land Company, a corporation, Jamas P. An derson. DEPENDANTS: IN THK NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You and each of you are hereby no tified thai plaintiff la Hie owner and bolder of CerOOrales or Delinquency number 8072. for unpaid taxes. In terest and ousts due and payable to plaintiff for the year 111. Issued by the Tax Collector of Malheur County, Oregon, on March 27, 117, and cov ering tracts numbered one (1) to 13 inclusive; and that said certificate of delinquent y Is tiled in the office of the County Clerk of Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, and Is a Hen and charge upou each of the several tracts here in r desi rlbed and for the sever al amounts hereinafter set forth, to gether willi Interest at the rata 1 15 per cent per annum from the dat of said oprtlflnoU TOR are tin ih, notified that there is now due. o ing and payable to plaintiff and a lie and charge upon OOOb mm eral trai taxes for years subsequent to 110, lu 1 he several amounts hereinafter each icveral tract, together with Iniei. tl ih icon at the par 1 'Hi I" 1 annum from April I I'.H ' (ill bj u ul I'M 1 ,,11, 1 11, ii. is I 1 for for the year 1911 gad f "''" Beptombai I I, 1SI4, ,u" I :i I !; and Iroin Si ptOUDOr 1. 1915, for taxes of the war I Iroin April of the year llll, and thai there i al so due and pa is4 charge upon each of the ol upon oil 'ml IB ROM '", '" "" lu apootfytai ' "" ,n- each severul ii tollOVtBI ul- are used Tr mc. 1, irait No . Tp nieana TovBoklp; . h, It meauo 1 ' oiitiuue.l on Page Six I