The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 05, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    PACIK 7.
LKiMI, Mi'I'll IS.
I. IGAI. Mill! KH.
(Continued from Pane 6.)
Tr 142 NRViNR'i Sec 2C, Tp.
It fl , It 41. W M , A Wm. E
ROMMbtrgl 1 ! I II . l III 1915,
$2 01, l. 20c, A (' 90
Tr. 14:;. NK'iNWU Se. 2:i. Tp
II it, It. 40. I V. M ; A. K N.
Kntte; I 01 11, $1 2:; HI I 1 . !i7c. P.
10c; 1812. 7i)r, IV 7( , Lilt, $2.04,
P lie, A C MIc; 1014. $2 II, I 21i
A. 0. r,0o; 1015, $2:10. I- 22c. r
Tr. 144 NW 'SK', Sec.
... h It, I w M
BUI her. Hie, i II;
Tr. 1 tr. N ,sw ', Bee
II, Tf
1 1.
. 2 s . it II, E. W. M.i A 11 irrj .1
Saline; 1110 11.15: Hit, '
it . iii ro p To; mi, 2.i)t.
P lie, 1001 1114, II I P
1 i 1111, 10, IV
A. 0.
Tr. 144 ' '''
1 IV. M.: A.I P S.iuii
UK ; 1911, lie. P Ic;
111 ;, 11 1 p. 10 1
, ...
Tr. 141 NW .
II s . ft .. 1 W
1110, 11.18; llll
Tr I II NW ', NW t, Bl
2H .11 II. I. M Hi' Sim
lord; mm. 11.18; llll, 11.07, P
I 1. . mi .... P 7c llll, t: 114. P
lie, a 1 '. Ill I, II I P ll .
r,0c; 191.-.. $2 HO I'
..0. ;
Tr 1 ...
xk',hw Se.- :.. Tp
It IT, I W M
Hi. 1:1 i 11. $1
A Joanphlne P
; 1911. lie, P
s, ; J.. HI I, 04, P
I0e, I l " 1114 I II. P 2ic.
llll, p. 1
Tr I.. I N'K'.SK', Sec 29. ,p .
I . It II. K W M . A .1 W Sinltli;
1910. $1 II; 111 1. lit P ' llll
1 in, $.' 114. P lot , A. C
ii, lt.ll, P lie, v C. 60-;
llll, j 1. F, tie, A 1 " .
Tr. Ill S' ' W 1, m , - . ,
Tp III H. It 4 1, K W M . llertha
Smlthhlalrr. 191". l II; I ! 1 1, IM,
llll, Vnc. P 7c; llll, J 114.
P 20c. A i .it. I'U 1 .0 p lie,
A l Mli . HII, $2 ::". P lit A I
.". I
Tr 111 N '. NK', NW, Sec II,
Tp ., It 4)1, I W M E A Mr D
f Sinltlil.i '"I llll, lit Ill '
llll, lie, P 4. llll, $1 II,
p tie, a i " 1114, " . P li .
I .1 ., sir. p
Tr. 1.4 NW ',SW ', Se, 2U. Tp.
.:., s , It :i7. U M . i .ul Soiin
lag nun. $i mi, lit P Mi
llll, lie, P s, , 191.1, $2 114. I' 211c.
I . .... 1914. $2 II, P 111 I 0
.Mle, llll, $2 , P J :.' 1
Tr III S'jNW ', NW
Tp 31 s , it II, I w M x One
tnre I laaatel; llll, III III
I' 5c; 1912. lie, P 4c, llll, $1 12.
p 1 lr. A I ..'. MM '" I
Tr 111 si.'.SW ', 94M
S . It IT, I W M . A U It
uadte) ini". i
Tr III N'I'.SK'. S..
I , it 41. k W M. A. A 'i Hen
art; ioi. $i II; llll, ' IT, P lie,
a 0, '" III I, Tool llll
lit, A C "in . 19 14. $1 II, I' 17..
v . .... iiii, 2 111. p lee, a tv
Tr I . s N I ' , N W , Se. I I . Tp
It 40. I W M ; A P W
Silvern, llll, It. II; ri I 191 . t
80; 1912, 70c. P 7c; llll, II 14, P
v , mi,-, inn ii.ii p lie,
I , '.. llll 11.11, p
Tr I IKM NK', See I I, T
H i v Ni.K Itooa;
1110, Oli 1014. 11.01, P. lie, A. (
1 1 inn MM nw , s. , 1 Pp l
s . it IT I W M Fred
1110, 11.11; llll. I P -
, .. in .4, P I0e,
, ..., 14 2 "... P Hi
lee; I I '
101 ', NW , nk' Bat
Tp II s . It 41. K N M J K
.. , 1011 lie llll, la, P "" .
HI, p ne 1 ,.., 1014, III .
He, F H" .
Tr in 2 BMjIWMIBM s,'c I,
I ,, I I I . It , I W M . A W i'i
J Tucket . llll, III . llll, lit P
.,,, in ia; 1111.11 II, i' loe,
A . 1494 . 1114, 11 II, ' '" x '
Ill 11.11, P lie. A ''
Tp ill S . It 4 1. K W M A M I.
I.irpiu. 19 Hi. e; 1911. $121, I'
LIU, 41 Id. P 14c A ,
.,'. p li, , l I'M I.
P ii, a . ..a, . i '..i , $2 ,
P He, A ' '"
Tr Hi4 S'.JSW'',NW', S.c ll,
1 ;, ; , . , K W M . V Kte
iM. m r t.e, mi lie; III ' ll,
p iic. c loo;
Tr. Ill, IIMNBM Bee II, T
Hinter. S1. $1 Hi llll,
y Vai
fOe, P
7. . llll, $2 04, p, 0e, x '
. a p. lie. A. C 80c
$j 10, P. 13e A. C
rr HI sw ', NRM sec , ip
I . s.. i; IT I w m . a Tboa. r
j.,iiikIi; 1110, $1.25; 1 1 I , X2c, I'.
l 1912, He, I' 8r; 1912, 12.04.
P -II. , A C, BO. ; 1914, $2.05, P 110,
A ' 60c; 1810, $2.r,0, 1 2:tc. A ('
Tr. 167. NH8V'4SK' 91 27,
Tp. :t:t ., it. ITi I w. M.; A H Q
Votuw; 1810, 02c; 191 1, 41c, V 4c;
llll, 70c, IV 7c; llll, 1 02. p,
I'" ('. r0c; 1914, $1 II, P I".-.
C,-. 1915. $1 (IS. p I la, A 0
Mi, .
His NW'.SW
11. k v M. a Theodore C Walk
111, 1. li; 1111,11.07, P lie;
, $ 70. P Tei llll, 11.14 P
V 1 0C 1914, $1 TO, I' 17c.
&0c; llll, $1 7v p is. C.
S . li
'A ', ', .-. 1. Tp II
11,1 W M;A Kuiii waiiin. ;
11.18; llll, 11.07, i'. 2ic.
P. 1. . A. ( ic; 1114,
l 70, P 17. I
p lie, A 1 lot
I 1 170 MV',SKi, I . :. Tp I I
I . 1: , I w M . A Hot . W'. I
llmrti.n. 1040, $1 IS; III I, II 08, P,
Oe; 1011, 11.11, P
, NK', S.'i
I I! II K W M I C. P w
1110, II llll, 7iic. p 7c, I
-..., 101 A. (
.N'K.'l Sec 7. Tp II
s . it 11. 1: w M.i A ' 11 w. 1
till, $1 ll llll, $2 HI. P 21'c. A
ill, l.ll, P I la, A. c
Mi. ;
Tr 171! S'jSW SK', Sec , Tp
ui., u .... k ay m. a .1 1. 11.
aytilti llll It llll, lie, P. 4.-;
p.; 1, III 1,11.1 I, P inc.
V r Mir. 1914. $1 II, P Hi. 1
li III . 11.11, P lie, A. C "
I I "I NK'.SK', Se. I . II
1 1 It. 41. I W M V P W Wlc
land; llll, n 2:.; llll, $1 "7
ih. ;i:
7. . llll, $2 01.
I 1114, J n... P 21c.
i .... . llll, l II i . i
Tr. 17:. SK,Ni:', Sec , 1
s . i; II, I w . A. I i wilkliih;
1910. $i 2;.. llll, lie 1
le llll,
Tr I7H NK'.Sr. ', rli-i . Tp
I s , it 411 I w m I - irata IVte
ana; I9in. $i II; 1912. Too, P ?c.
Ill .. $j , iv lie, C
Tr 177 8KXV' Sec 25. Tp
MiS It 41. K M . A lha. K
Woo. I. llll, $1 II 111 1. l "'7, P
I I. . 1912. 7. , P 7c. llll, $2 OS,
P Jle A . IK 1114, $1 '
1 ., . 10a; 111 . $2 mi. p lie,
n . I . II " .
17s Si,HW'4HK'i See 2.1.
Pp S , It
I, I w M . a ciitiH
llll, lie; i9ii, 4ic.
K Woodward
F. 4c: I9i;i. $1 02. F, ioc. a I
1914. 11.11, I. 190, I I 1049 1915
4 1 us. p He, A C 50. ;
Tr 179 BHBWMMM iOI 15. Tp
;i s , it 41. I w i A Pel hen
Wrlahl; mm. ii2c; 1911. $1 10, P
1 k 1912. 5c, F. 7c; llll, $1 12
P I Ic. C Ml. . 1914. II, P .
HI .. 95c. P 10, ;
Tr I sn S'.. NIH, NW ', Sec II
Tp 11, H. It 41, K Of M . A. Jaculi
uyter; i9io. 2i . mi. lea, P te;
19IL-. lie. P 4c: llll. $1 12. P lie;
, .,, ; Hill 104 P 6c; 1915.
He 1
Tr. 1 s 1 . 8V4HK',SK', S. . 17
l, :l s . It 4 1, K W N. A Ilia II
reano; llll. I $112. r
Hi , 11 llll. I la, i'. i'i. 1
Tr I s-' SUNK 1. NW '. Bee 17
li, HI,. II U I W MA K,
.i Boeller; nun Hi llll,
HI P I. . llll, 41 II,
p I ic i '.,'. 1014, 81 P
, . p ii, , i loe;
Tr. I . - . nw
i.nw . bat ll,
NW ', NW ', .NW i,SW '. Se. ; I lp
i: 17. K W l . I.- i .
I" I .. II, 17. is.
II end II,
i: w i . sw ',SK', , sw MBWM
s.- I, NWMSM '. s.c ll,
', NK', lei I : NW ',SW ', Se, 2 1
. ' , N K ' , si;
, W M K'j.NW ', SW ', NW ',
end w BW ', ii II -s
l: in K W M . S'SW ', NK', Se,
I, SW '.SW i, Sec 1 1. SK'.SW ',
Sec I ", IM NW ',SW ', Sec 17. I.
I Sec 11 Tp III., K 4U. I 9, M .
SW'.NW', Sec I. N',SK',SW',
Se. , N NK ', NK ', Se, ll, SW
', sw ', Bee II, sk, sw ', It
IT. II S , It 41. K W M . SK', ,
S . It II, K W M . ,i.i.
Kon Sallet Land l ompatit
That ail ol the allow- dearth", I
priipert) laattaatedla Malhvttr t'ouj
m. Oregon, nd tin 1 all partial lo
aIioiu -aid land lia- heel. . - ad
baVi I I mail, 1 nil" tl , I m.i
i,i,ni that jame- i' An.'ei .,,:
.'.in.- lime I'lKlil tnl""t in' " in
Mi, I to I0BJM ft) I " ah,, , I,- . -i I bed
real property lit rtrtUC Of lax .erlih
"i '" 1910, hut
such right, mi" "i latcree! la ubor
,,,.,! to and suliject lo plaintiff'
iu pa, Mid James l' Anderaon i
part) defendant ben
1 all of the defendnnta above County Court, al the Canrl Hauae li
earned ami all pereone utlereeted ..i'h," CM) .t Vnte, Coanty .t Malhenr,
,'. 'hum it may ciimorti, mi' hetei,
! notified that plaintiff will apply t.
It.' circuit Court of the Stale ol (11
;on fur 11 decree foreclimlnK tin
llc-tlt HKnlriHt the property, and carl
mil nil thereof, anil you are hcreht
lull iiniiiioneil td nppear within (dx
iy .lays from the ilate of the Nervier
Ol Hii- Miiiiimons upon ynti, to ili
fenil till. actlOO or pay the aim. nut
'Iii'' 1 itlQWV alnn.'. together with
M I .iini dlebureaaieute ami Men
inn Inlere it and .osls. ami in eatM
el your failure ao to do, a deeree win
'.. i.-i'.i. r.-.i roraoloalai the IkM t
wld tii.-. Intert t, penalty, .imtn
imt ."i" n . . the evoral
trurt or laml.
mi pi papt n in thl pro
Htm ma) he net t. .1 upon H v
Bwailar at hla oflloe and poa toll
ilraaa at On) m
it. ii .i Brown,
RPW Swai;ler.
ii.'t 'i.i
I'ulilicaiioii 10, IM:
Publication Ma) It, II
Mil li i in HOXTKM1
i i-'or Public "
artel No 91111 Conteet No III
..ic Oracan,
Marrli 12th. I ! I 7
In .1 r' ; ii I :. 1 1 ll I i. hum. n of unknown
addraaa, and ail other unknown
aatraal Bija n Oeaaaan, iecpHi'ii.
ou arc aaraaj aellwd taal ak-
lu. Hit Sulton wlio kIick I'liyetle. Ida
ho, hm ii ih paat-afJtee addraaa, iiii n
Mai I, ll'l .'. Ill"' ill this olti.e III-
duly corrohoiiMe.l npplli atlea la BOa
lHt and Heme Hie ciincellatlon ol
Eatr) Serial No III S I S !
mini. M.n 12th. 1911. by KlIJa i
Io-iii.Mi .leeeiiMod. for N SNW I, Sec
1 1 iini I'. '.. NK', Section 16, Town
' hip 17 loath itanxe 4ii eat, wiii-
. mi. tie. M. rl.lliMi ami a aronndx for
hi teat he allaajai that "the mild
entryniaa tiiij.i n 1'umunn died. iea-
in no Nidus 01 1 hildren, uhout two
veiirH alio, ami Jereuil.ili ll Oe man.
of Payette, Idaho, and t'lirutopher
:n. mi. I .rim rl or Pnette. Iila
ho, the helih at law ol nulil etitryinaii
hate ahan.loiieil the huld liolneBtaad
entry and removed the dwellliiH
I, on.' ami other Improvem.-i.t- That
I, 1. mi. .li I: 1 ".man and 1 I111 lopln-r
u loHinan are hrolhem ot cut r man
and 411 yiurn old ami upwurdn That
Haiti uliamloiiiii.'iit wan not . iiiihciI lit
i-imni ui 1111; , 1 , ,.-. ,,..
rcanon ol ant tnilitiiry him vice in .011
unction with operation.- In Mexico, a
alone the honied reot. or III IIIO-
hllKalion catupH BtaOWhere or att.t
BBV9J or mlliturt nertlce In the I'nll -
0d Htat.-H or Ike National liuard of
the BOTOral Stale
Yon are. thereto,,', ruril... 1. ted
that the ,al, I alienation., will he taken
. ui a.d, and tour .m.I enl it will
he canceled wllliolll lu.lher riRllt till
he heard, ettnoi hatefe thai aaaoe orl
,, .., i.l ,, t teU to l.le . thl of- NOtteO I- hereby llteu that lhe un
li.ewlHM.. twentt .lats alter H ' dfalnd nan hecn uppoin.e.l ami,.
FOURTH puhllcalio.l of tlfln notice
ae atenra batew, ...,. fw.r. .....icr
th. BBlltlMtll reioilinK lae
allenationn of oonteKt. toK-lher wltl.M'8 '"' of Malheur At.) and all
due Brand thai tou i.i.t. Barred
copt ol your aii-wer on the (Bid .01.
1 en he. 11. p.r-.ii, or by real"-
tere.l mall
TOO -ho. ,1.1 Mate In your an tun
the name oi the po-t eatee te whi. i.
"' desire further notice I ...
to ton
ol In -I publleal I. hi. Match
of aeeoad publication ni r-1.
19 17
1 1 te i.r third publleetloa vprii I
Date of fourth pablleatloa i i
I.N TIIK 1 ol N I N , ol HI OP TIIK
BTATI OF oin:i;oN. IN xn n
POM M u.HKii; ' oi N i I
In the matter ol the K-Ii ol Jam
H Patch, I" ' ' I
i.i anon eanai nh) Order ol Bale
K.'.ll" S "lid l.ol h" II, ..lie
It appeuriiiK to this null!, lit lie
petition hm- da) pn ated and Ited
by K.iwin j Pateh and 0Uatai D
Cat. h. i he .t." utora ol i In
estate of Jan.' ll Patch, deceased
pri,yiiiK f,,, .,,, ,,,,.i m ..le ul i ,-,i
u,ai n ui neeeeaar) la eall ih
whole oi the real aetata ol inld da
, ..l.tit in ,,i d-r i a 1111..I m-i I . iu Ul
ilh, di-lrihuiiiiii ,,l aetata mat
1,,. ,,,,,,!,. eaaordtei te tne lerau ol
11,, will ul lhe aid deceased
ii 1- therefore, ordered by ilil
i.iurt. that 1.11 person- latere ted In
..te 01 aald daeeaaed app
before the aald Count) Conn on the
-. . M ,av ol April. A 11 . 1 9 1 7, at lie
hour of 11 o'clock la the forenoon ol
Mid dn) al the ,1.1.1 r a al
l,i;..l, so l U :
II ii" of (irrKou 10 linw caUl C h.
ii ordai ikoald aol be oraated to the
jiii executors to 'ii ii" herelnaftai
Ic . i iheil real entale of tW i.ii.l .Ic
and will h s ilil real ....
ihed a;i followa, 10
The of SW , of Si:', of
si:1, of se, Hon L'iir Tnwaahlp
II South. Hmikc 47 KtiHt of Wll
lawatte Martdtea, eoatalalni Bra
1 5 acren, sltuat" in MalheUI
( oiinly. Slate or DntuN
Also an Undivided one half In
ter... t In ami to the follOl
i id' 'i n ii property situiie
In Mallear CoBBt) . Sl.i I it.-
Kon, and de -criheii ai lotlowa,
iii it . All of Lota ' n 7 1 t -1.4
aa I on th.-
.i plal t en
to the m .n'.l aurye) ..t
.i Am
' ..ant . Btal n
And .t I-1 lurtlier on!
. 09) Ol Hi order be per- onall)
i.r ( it . on . .'ini
d ii. it a . op)
' Oil. ii ;.. . akl) IH-w
paper printed and pobll
i oant) and tlon in
Kiiid Count) .
Hated tkla 27th da ol I '.lit uar
A D 1917.
Coaat) Ju.ine
Pital I'uhll, at Ion Mar. It II, 1917.
I'uhllcatioti April 19. 1917.
Notlc i hereby ftvoa taal ao I bo
.'.Hi day of Janunry. 1917. I took up
Hie lullouiiiK eatray iinlmul at my
farm one and one liulf mile. outl.
M of Onturlo. Oreton. the owner of
la unknown
I Itonti row. wi-litIM 11I11111I sun ,m
wiih Kiiiii beraa, br lad i ' ao left
The owner tua h..'e -..iiiie l. prin
1 11 K Ii Ih piop.i t and pay Iuk I
1 1 ad, ii.ini.iK' a laced b) bm
tlirough the trcxpuHH of xald unluial
That on the Kilid 14th dJ "t VptH
1917 the aBOVe anlinal will h. ..1,1
at . ul. hr .111. Hon at the limit' ..1
o clock P M on in) premheit an
.id. ..In. in one and one-lialf
""" "" "' "' oniur.o. ...iuk
-. .,. .... , .... . ...
known ax Hie Ontario PacklBI Co
pant hlattKhtiT hoiiM. In Malheur
( .'iiuly. OraajaO), under and lit virtue
of Chapter :tjs ot Hie I ..nt
of firearm for 191.1. to the hlajMel
' "" ' '" ',"'" ,l'"'"'''
U'""" ' KleplHK. and all expeilHVH ll
""" hate he,.,. reKularlt made. in
c,ttd,n ""' '"' "'"' COHt ol "'
vertHlna thU Ball
nnt puhlUatlon Marcli 29. 1917
'-' puhllcatlon April 12. llll
i"""! 01 the MM M Arinur
Trow, deceaaed, by order of the roun-
' X ""' "' "IH """ '" rK'n. fo
ueraona hatlna .laluiK ikimi.-i the
aid aatata are hereby aetlled te
praaanl the aanie. InJ) rarlfted a by
law re.juireii, t, H.e Baderetenad d-
mlalatrntor at bli realdeace iu on
tail.. Oregon, arlthla ate month- from
tin- date of Hie nrM puhllcatlon of
, thin notii I
i lone ai,,i anted and "' -i pabllahed
nils iu ,i.,t ... Marah HIT
AdiiiliM .-Ifatof id the , .lata ,d i
l bar W' Trow . He, eased
I'i.-i iHiiiiicatii'ti kterel I,
i , ,.i, in .,, .ii April . 1917
oltl I. OS I -. II ItN IHtS II
OYeal it,, in, i
,, :7 i Mixed Lean I tal u b
1 1, un a in Dalit except Sunday,
t i it.. ,ii. i a a in , Jaatura
.' nil p III ; Kiteli.le :: p It:
( rail" : p iu
No 272 Mixed l.eate I . or.
I .i in l.aih I.Mepl Sundat
lllver nie hi a m. Juiiiuri,
i a. . Fate i i'i1 n. U
the Ouialio 2 mi p in
llltM.N Hit Will
; hftaad 1 a." Olilal lo I
p ii. ii.Mi.t Bxeepi sundiit Ueari
Vain 2 :;u p n. , Arrite llrogau
:i p in
No :;74 Mned I. .at" 11,'ok.m, ".."t,
p u. . 'aic l:l p m . Arrive On-
tario 5:70 p m
n. mi i. m i i.i; v ii
Intra Mined Leave Oatarte s ll a
in Dell) Kx. . pi Bund ly
,, .., : Mined Leave Kyeaa I II
a in Daily Excepi Buuda) ki
rite 11, i, in -dale "l II 18 .i l
No :: '. I Mix, .i Leave llomudal.
"' " '" "'"' "aeant aunoa)
Arrlve '- l,sM "'
Bstra Mixed Arrive Ontario 11 ll
' p m
,,!!;" ll!,,
Ji.JLJalJKIJ ::;;
:::; ;...
all ike
''k .. .
It: Km
4 ilafilMrBmW
llttlO ad" are read h thOBMBda or wall! BMkri l.ol li to
hay and to Ball 1'ine per line, per Inxerllon ... I'heuo 49J for
1. nit
tirlltln Saiiilart Dairy 1m the 1 I. .11
Bel dairy In Kiiftern Oregon Out ol
tblrt) -ix dalrlei, in Kaiei 11 1 .
IncludiiiK the .111.'- i.r linker and l.a
Qraade Qrtffte Date) baa the hbjbeai
core He Kill 10 M point, out of a
i,, 11. i. 10 on etaaalteeai in miikiiia.
i.ottiitiK. vaebtai ami haadltel hla
milk When ton want .lean, rich
milk, phone lirllllii Sunlfim
St! It and tot, will H 11 9-lf
Kkk for hatchlnit lr. ..."
fully Beteeoad paa r 0aHe Fly-
mouth Ho. ka. $1 II pat ll eu.
Mrh C M l.acket, II, ml. I. I'
Idaho I'hone 7-21, Krullland Kx-
haiiKe. II It
FARTNU WANiKii wm. $1.
Mill to help put Wl'let on 4..0 a. re
,H deep unh lull. I Ham and
.lit, I, ullready tiled on. A.ldt.--C
F tarter. Harper. Oregon
lr you want aad potatoes, Bbaolelo
It ami pure. Netted lieu.', am I
Kl - -all J. A WTIIIa,K, IM...,..-
112 iu -tf
r.nt I'AiNTiNi;. i'ap. , kaaatel.
and k I lr-1 I la Work,
PHcea Phone I A
atedon I0IM i I if
POM sai.i: Ml k !, liver) waoun,
;,i o I H. F "'i''1 i aglae
,.ri time . hut i, n., ,,i
oil i. and " No i sni.,11
i,., r Perker, Vale, Oregon
Adl I I
i', , iiii
oi,. ..'ii In 1 1" ui
i t ii i,i April Itk Mi
11,11 Vl.'l.T Wtollllli.' l -,r
(Irani Bi . Oatai ,
,'..l; s ILK A in. in'. ilon mi Main
St i eel , three hint k m.rl I, ol the
Hotel ddre - ii. , ii Oi
i, mi.,. Oregon
POM SAI.i: Modern liuu
.,,,,111-. -euer"Ct,,,l-. well 1,11
proved, paymanti like rani una II
payment! down Cell al ll '- ofnee
P0fl BALM mi. .ii.. aaad addraea
Hm ill, Oatarte or phone Me 101
i ;
KOit SAI.i. Iiimo' II, o. ..I -ow an. I
I I W III liulf I. ill"- w.-i
..I . lo dv llti
roi; s tl.i. s . w lilte Loejioru i
had li ini. - ii i Phone
1001 ll" j
POM I mi ' ii p .- ' Altorae) ii i
tea al ' baranla laqalre Claud ,,; , . vVllaon I'.'eik-'
Bingham Oatarlo dt i . li ontai Oraioa
POM IM.. i I'm a rn'P J U xLL 0I
,,.,i,i ii,.j.iM" Cope Hie Tailor, law .
Hotel Rooma In vVllaon B
7-u. Ontario, Oraioa.
I 'I
4 I It
KOit RKNT 100 acre wheat
ranch, In Adam 1 ..unit. Idaho, near Me. (t I i.-i m, ace W
P Huchner, Ontario. . 11. 1 . It
FOR KKNT Small house and uar
dan pioi in the eaaatr) Ban Rataa,
Ontario, It P I, Adv I2l.
i'i,.' room artel boa a fui al
for rent kpad) Ml I. It. die 1
Hate in,,... I,,n- ha) lor will.
A II I all,, i'hone 2tl., I
Mi M "i" 1 "i - Tailor and
HreHxniaker. rhone 91 M
DRI PR1NIINQ w kksi;
Oiilarto, Ort'uoi,
III New Wll-..,, lit,., k
))l(t, iiu. , , ,
to 4
Hii W ,; Howl.
I ibt
Phow Ofaca 1 1 7
0lteM BM Hen 1172
i m t;i vi,im.
' H I tRI,K Fubi tl din
and embaluiei i-"i- . ini I'bona
Olll.lllo. I ., .
i II Nsi m;
l ill tl
.loll i LA I'I -i.llAM
w ii iik
wti-., i, hi, Ik Oatarlu Ore,
I . . .1 l Vllll.l .
Altorae) al i
Will Prnetlce la All Co
Nourt Public Otdea Over Poatofaee
i.ksi.ik j akkii
in '., in .i National Bank Hld.
i mi:, i in. 1 1,
M, . i '.l.ol UN I w ooi.
Room i lM in ' Mat'l Bank Hid.
ll IaMV '&