The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, April 05, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Home weeka ago wb linnded our
rurul mail carrier, ) F. Neece, a
hiii 11 1 1 bouquet for Miii regularity ov
r iiliiiiiHt 1 1 1 , ( . ; i . : 1 1 . l roads, hut alnce
thinking llio mutter over wp believe
ho dneorves a much larger one Fri
day March Oth lip complptpd eight
yoara iik rnrrlpr on t no lloulpvunl
route 1 During that tlmo Iip haH
! only hIx trips on anount of
woalhor cnndllloiiH When we IN
nlder tin- Tart that for several mllei
IiIh rotilo la ovrr the worst, road our
county afford In wet weather and
that mimic of IIiohp win tan Inn i' B4MM
prnlty komto lhl leegM iiii MVUkbll
record Again wli"ti hi MBi IdBT that
Mr Nccci' Iiiih tn keep hutli car and
liorm'H lo I"' rpad) nl all II nflB and
with high pried giinlluo. bay at $25
por ton and Kniln high a I afl
r - .1 nil i ho bonqaaHa can pa Is
him If ho slays on th Jot
Q P I : .. l, nm'.cd his nitth MOB
day to Iholr BOBBBBBr rHiigc mi llM
Owykn arfcll .1 i Bllllniala
his ahecp to pnrly range mar Jun-
lura ami tka w ilof Bkaaaj 1 a k fl
thplr food ground in'nr I. A Walker
Mr. WH'oti from near PtyOttO
brought IN head of stork I attic M
far bh I, A Wnlker'a corrals Friday,
whore he ,1 upp-'il for the night pro
curing hay from I. II ration Sutur
day Ihpy wore taken on to I ho range.
Mr. and Mr K K. Ingle alt. n.l. .1
tka funeral of Mrs. Clayton near
Km It tn lid Monday. The two famllloH
were close neli'hhorH Home year fo
In Kn 11- .-
The play, Hack to the Farm. was
enjoyed by a good crowd last Friday
night. Everyone pronounced It bh
splendid" each one performing their
part In a moat creditable way.
Unite Itutheiforil of O11l.1t In iiiom d
IiIh family Monday to the II It Woml
ranch on the lloiileard for the aum
mor. We welcome, them heartily.
Mr nnd Mm Hidden clement ac
cmiip. nihil by Mr and Mm. C. D.
siomt and Mm Helen Clement mill
uri'il to Fayette Sunday.
Mm. lien Itoae. Mra. Adam RJM
1 inl .lrn C I Stover wcic iit'i
tallied at Iho Herbert Stewart home
John Wood iiIho shipped a large
hand of ewea which had been fed at
II. I Mccarty's to h Isriuich III the
tiny Stover went lo Parma Monday
for a abort visit with his brother lien,
who In employed at the K Imbrougll.
Koakl kI p camp.
MIkk llorleime Wella came out from
Outiirlo an dspent the week end with
her Hitler, Mm P F I outnryiiian
(Iiiih llugood or Cambridge. Ida
1 ,, p. lit lb- ili-k end III III-' III
of IiIh aughler. Mm CaMu Taylor
The Hiuilevard Women 'a luh will
m.-ei inaailar vi"" ""' w'"'
Mrn Vena HoHwell.
Mr. and Mrs Mitchell af SI Paul
neighborhood w.i. caller- .it J A
Walton Saturday
karri Jakgng ami wtfo, Fred
Puller and Mr Whlt.d wor- Jamie-. ,n
u iltora luadaj
III HAI. Ctltltlllt EWMIWTloV
The Intl. .1 SI. lies I'ivll riel'Mc-Coiinnii-sloli
has aiiiiiiutii -ed an BUB
malum tor tka I oiiuu -i Mai
Ore , to he held at Ontario at II I .
mi April , I17, lo nil the position
of rural carrier at Nyiut. und maag
, les (lull BM) l.ii-r occur .m rural
routes Iroin other post ill tin'
alioM- inelillolieil county 'I 'lie I vain
Inutioii will he open only to male cltl
ens who are actually domiciled hi
the territory of a post oltlce in the
county and who meet the other re
iiilreineiits hpI forth in Form No
1B77. Thin form and application
blanks may lie obtained from tin -t
flees mentioned above or from the
1 ml-, I SI. II. I'lll! Service CiMllllll-
sion at Washington. II C Vpplicu
lions should he forwarded to tka
Commission at Washington al the
aal III ! I'1'" ncalili- date
llr M II Fleming the II..;
sp-.iali-t and npi-m-li'isl will he la
Ontario at the omano Pkaratac)
April 7th and 8th. If your eyes are
troubling jroa, U roa ara karlai
lieadachis. the ciiaiices are th- Iron
hi- is wilh your I -- O-i l hem I ..i
now Ml work
M li FI.KMINi;
l.l;M. NOTIfKH.
RAfl Of OMMOfl MM mai,-
iikih oovimr.
MALHKI'K OOUNTT. a Munlrlpnl
Corporation, I'laintiff.
D W CAI.I1WKI.1,. Til. I. IK I
PALMBK, i'i.ack.
iilNKoidi. HOWARD
DAVIS, I k whkki.kii. now i:
HIOH, mtiil BROTHSRt, v B
H Mim,ock. T D HONBYM KN
II v Fonn. A H OHMTRR, L A
I Ci.riui ration. .1 D. OSIIOKNK.
ivsiki: WBSTPALL, JOHN wkst
viKirn, c a POWBLL,
IOHN C Mil. I. Kit. WM H ISA M S
Fred J Urown. Jaine Flagena,
Church of ItMH chrlal, JoMeph F
Smith, TriiHtee, ChnrleH Carter. II
.1 H-iison. II W Caldwell, Tlllle K
0 luinkln. W M. F.aMer
day. J. II Imuran, F. J. Palmer.
Placa, Ulti-
foril. Howard Davla. I F Wheeler,
llowena Freeman. N'hhb Improve
menl Company, Mm I.ulii M Hoxle,
Mm F illlmore, Frank High,
High itrnthem. W II llainhlo, k, T
H Hotieymau. Win JoIiiihoii, Alh-ii
l.-wts. Martin Kchae, Horn I. ansa.
Will 0. Ileher. Win A Martin. II N
For. I. II Chester. I. A McNary,
Jnme MiOulre. Jacnl. Sionecker,
Aiinahel Kellev, Isaa. Ileade. Sadie
llr.-edhne. Willow Klver Land and
Irrigation Company, a corporation.
J I) Oaborne, Janper Wenlfall, John
Weatfall. Balky.
Vogue, C A Powatl, Henry Stick
nay, I. K Stauael, June Savala. I II
Pengra, II W HIchardKon, N 0
White, John C Miller. Win II
Isaacs, Allien Sherman, Win J Mi'
l.-ii.l S II Sh-pherd. Mi's W J
I. Kdith II TaWnr, A K Kob-lii-on,
Mary K Itohlnsim. Mrs lull.i
Martin. Clyde C Itohlnson. I) 0
Sutherland, 0 I Mueller and
ALL whom it m xy CONCBRN,
OP OR BOON, Mm .Hid each of you
...l, nolllie.l Ihal Malheur
count Oraajea, is tka oaraar and
holder of Cell ln .it-- Ol I eliii.U-nc
for unpaid, due and
to Malheur Oiiiiiu Oreuon. lor the
year IIII, and iiIho for lh.
IIII, llll, IIII, und 1 it I a
In n,- ft loll-, lor of Malheur
County. OriK.m, which cerlitie.itcs
are lii'ii'iii.ili. i ' - -i lorth, showing the
numliers thereof, loirether wilh Hie
,.i i.iii.i coM-red tkarkpi tka
amount oi tav-- lataraat, aad pm
li 1 1 ami ,ut i n-, I , ,. i mi hid-. I
aartlBoataa, data of li ma
rate oi int. lest oil -.hi . -I I lllc.ite-
al-.i It,, .iniount of taiaa .In- and d-
HiMiiieiit on tka it." ' "' Maid aai -
ci-.l l. ahl . -inticat-'- mi tkl
.-nl. -,uini lo the isMi.ui.- oi' aald
cerllli. ales, lofelher wi'h the rale ol
interest, penally, and adMin inn
coat thereon; which uuioiiiils are a
lien mi the land described in said BBf
in w hicli iH ghen the town.
If town propcrtv. witli loi and Mock,
and tin- bagal subdivisions, with se.
lion, lowiiship and ram;.', ir rural
properly, after the name of the pri
koii iii whnm a scssc.i. tka daaarlptlon
of each of which aawwal tnu
laud are kIm-ii umhr tka nuinhers 1
in ii h r-iu
Ami you ara tartkar aotllad that
tliare Ik due and ieliniii. nt and a
li.-u on tka M ill ir... I il land,
,i,i- in plaintiff
for Hi. al forth and a
to iii- p-i'-niis Hamad aarala upon
il.- I,, n, 1- d-. i rih-.l la sun I c-rtih
of datlaquane) n aomt i
,.), ..i which
amounts ami tka Minis with iui-i--t
I Ik-i-.-i.ii ar- due and .l-linii. nt from
d '1-1111.1111 - lo plaintiit upon ..oh of
said seieral trails ..s herein given,
rani tracts being ile-arihed as
(Key to Akkn n C, Da
i,va;i, notion.
Ilniiuoncy CertlflcBte; P., Penalty; A.
Ci AdvertlHlng Coat; Tr , Tract; B.,
Mloik. U, Ixit, Sec, Seitlon; Tp.,
Township. R . Hnnge; H , South, E
W. M , Eant of Willamette Mprldlan;
A , AHHPKHed to 1
Tr I Km. I f, & 16, II r.9, (Ireen '
Add To NynHB, A. Jowph F Smith,
Iiii I . Ifll i C 1(172, .r. 23, II
per cent. 7-1-16; 1911 I) C. I III,
l . per cent, 7-1-16; 1H12 I)
C. HIT, $4 49, ir. per cent, 7-1-HI,
llll li C 1H47. .T 10, IS per cent,
I I ll llll, tl 9n, I J P-r -nt, I
Ml . . C. 50c.
Tr : Sec 17. Tp 1 (i S . It II, B
W M . Pltfl inres more or I-hh In n
triangular ibapa In SW rurmr Dl
NK'i . to II .1 Heii' on. llll I)
c in?::. Ml.ll, I '. p-r -em. 7 I II;
111 li C 1 III, III M, I I I" r cent.
7 1 HI;
Tr I, I. 1 I A- I I, II .'74. City of
Ontario, A Tlllle I Fierce, mi D
C llll, 11.11, 11 par east, 7-1 Hi
Tr. 1 17 '. II, 11 I
leyn Second Add. to Voir. to W.
M Kii'terdny; 1910 D C 1 0 7.-..
$7 IJ, 1 I pat cent. 7-l-lfi;
SW 14 SB li, S. . , I'p III S . H 411.
I W M . A W'aWt3 Sec II, Ip
I S , II II, I W M : I r I
Palmer, llll D C I It I, 14'. II. II
per rpnl, 7-1 ll
Tr. 6. NE'iNE', See. 36, Tp 19
S . It 44. K W M ; A Howard Davlii
I F Wh-eler; 1910 D. (V 1077,
$1 97, II per cent. 7-1-16; 1911 I)
C. 1140, $2 00, IS per cent. 7 1-16;
1912 II 0 1229. $2.17. 1 I p.r n nt
7-1-18; 1914 1) c I7H, $4. SO. II
per cent, 8-1-16; 1916, 13 77. 12 per
cut, P. 10, A. 0. 60c;
Tr 7 11 2. Teularh'B Add to
NywiB. A Mm. I.ulu M Hoxle; 1910
I) 0 1079. 117.45. IS per cent, 7-1-
Tr H. SE'4BE'i Sec IS.Tp US,
It. 47. B W M : A Mm. F E. Oil
more; i9io ii c mm, $14 09. II
p. i . .nt, 7-1-16;
Tr. 9. LB. I, S, A 4, B. 22. Origin
al Town of Vale, A Frank High A
High MroH ; 1910 I). ('. 1084. 162.10,
IS per rent. 7-1-16; 1911 I). C 1151.
Ill li II per cent, 7-1-16; 1912. 1).
'. 1288. 1124 94. IS per cent. 7-1-16:
1914 O 0. 1763. $18.70, IS
per cent, 8-1-16;
Tr. 10 N ...NK'.si 16. Tp.
17 S , It 4ti. I W M . A T D Hen
pmall. 19lu i 108.',. $4 If, 1'.
per ceni. 7-1-16; 1912 I) c 1141,
$4.23, 15 per cent, 7-1-16; 1911 D 0
1356. $8 10. II per cent, si II
Ifll H 0 I4U7. $s 4X, l per cent.
8-1-16; 1914 II 0 1762, $9.61. 16
per cent, si 16; 1916, $4 47, 12
per cent, P 4.'.c, A C 50c;
Tr 11 NHNK'4SK', See 20 Tp
18 8.. It. 47. E W M ; A Win
Johnson; 1910 II C. ,
II ,.i 7-1-16; 1915, $3 14,
per cent, P. 31c, A. C .
Tr 13 SHSKt,. Sac. SI, Tp 40
S , It 4 0. K W M ; A Martin
Echave, 1910 I) C 1090, $13 22. 16
per i int. 7-1-16;
Tr 1! Ileglnnlng al NW -m -f
L. t, thence E. 600', tkajM I III
the W I 4'i', th. in e north .
I limit- il, i ion line to place
of beginning In Sec l'.l, Tp 4 1 . K
43, E W M : A lima I ... . kill
I) C 1091. $Hi IV 1 nt, 7-1-
III mi ii c llll, $14 r.7, i i i
cent, SI ll
Tr 14 l. '7 . IB, II I, LB
a , II in. Hop- .ld lo Val-;
ii i haatar; llll o C llll,
11.11 i . . . . .
Tr. i". BWHSW '. Baa II. Tp
S , II 44, K. W M ; A. I. Ml
Nary; llll l 0 lo4. 91
at, M-lli llll D '
, par '-in, sin;, mi p. t',
i , par ant, -
., l 40. II per .eiit. P. Ill
Tr. Hi M'.'i.M.1, I p 1
S . It. 4S, I W. M I I " '
Oaira; mi i I 1095. $: 41, 1 1
,-i in I 1 Hi; llll I), c. Ill I,
. I- t, 7-1-16; 1911 H .
, IS per cent, 7-1 K.
Hit 1) C 1396, $4 60. 15 per
I I i, mi II C lift, $8.39, IS
I,. , . nl. s 1-16; 1915, $2 SO, 1 : par
,. Ill P , ., - .".
Tr i" NBI4BBM s-c :;., Tp i
, 1 1 1 M M , A Annabel ! I
ley; 1910 I), c l , $y , l . ,
cent, M'lli llll, l C
II 1". p.-r c-lll. Sill.; HI ,,
' per , ,11'. P 111
I i- is I 'minified mo half Lstl i
est in I. , SW ', NW '. -
i . s , it (I, W M A
lil.-lllove; I !. 1 II II C. 11ml.
I . p-r nt. 7 1 1.1; I'M 1 1) r
1 ' per cent, P 7" ' . '"
Tr I ...i. in SW ' DT NW 'i
sw 14 SB '. Bm II Tp l s s , i; 41,
W M ; A I li ( "in I
. inn. . jt ii, 1 1 pat i cut, 7-1-I'.
mi : ii c. 1 1 1 1, II II, II par ant,
7 1-Hi; 1!1 - n C i III, D 14 i ".
at, : i Hi li'i-".. i II i- par
,eUi. i' i ; . . .Oc;
LROAL nti-fx
s, it 4. K W M.; A. Win. J. Mr-1
LiHid, 1910 I). C 1112, $10 SO,
per rent, 7-1-16; 1911 O C, 1188,
$13.05, 15 per cent. 7-1-16; llll 1)
C 127S. $10 71, IS per cent 7-1-16;
1913 1) C 1420, $20 40. II per cent,
8-1-16; 1914. Il C 1974, $14 65. II
per lent. 8-1-16; 1915, $1296, 12
tier cent. P $1 30, A C. Sdc;
Tr. 21. M. 6, fi, 7 8. H 3. Eld
rldgo Add. to Vale; A Mm. W .1
IT' l.m. llll II. C Ull, $'J1 ,
I m r cent. 7-1-16; 1912 I) 0. 126S,
If, per ml, 7 1-16; 1 !l I 3 11
C 1403. $33 84. 15 percent, 8-1-16;
1914 11 C llll, f 1 1 , II per nl.
1-1-1 1 ; Ull $10 ir,, per cent. P.
i It, 0. 50c;
Tr SW', BM II, Tp S . H
i I i w M ; a Kdiih i). Taylor;
1910 H C lilt. $21.00, II P-r
7 I I I! ;
Tr 20. Tp II
II. 47. I W M ; A. .1 ,,l ii C Miller;
1910 li ' II , $1 64. II p.
7 I H '! '., ll , 1 p-r -in,
P. 11.11, A C sir;
Tr 24 SW'.SW ', BM If, Tp
I , II. 46. I W. M ; A W H I I i.
II D c 1 120. $ , 15 per cent.
7 1 j 191 I 11 C 1210, $1 90, 15
nt, 7-i-n;; llll i C llll)
$1 75, I . p. r ,. nt, 7-1-16; llll H
0 1MB) $2 84. II per rent. SI 16;
1914 11 C. 2049. $2 10. IS per renf,
8-1-16; 116, $2.02. II per nt P
20c. A 0 INI
Tr 25 LfV 11. 12 & 13. II 263,
city of Ontario. A I I Pengra & H.
W HIchardHon; 1910 11 C 1142,
$11 15. IS percent, 7-1-16;
Tr. 26. WHNE4 Sec. 14. Tp 19
8, II. 44. E W M A. L I StailHcl;
llll D ' 1110, $56 00, IS percent
7-1-16; 1911 D c I20S. $.12 46, 15
par cent. 7-1-16; 1915, $11.13. It
per cent. P $6 21, A. (V 50c;
Tr. 27 SttNWtiHW'i Sec 2, Tp
30 S , It IB, E W M , A. Joe 8a-all-.
till H 0 Itlli $80.40, 16
per cent, 7-1-16;
Tr 28. L I. 2. 3, & 4, D. 38.
Hope Holland Ad'l to Vale, A C A
Powell; 1910 I) (V 1106. $11 00, 16
p-r i. .in. 7 1-16; 1915 $7.11. 12 per
cent. P 7 2c. Ac
Tr. 2 NW'.NE', Sec 16, Tp 26
S . H 44, I W M ; A Henry N
Stlckney, 1910 I) C 1100. $12 63.
15 per cent. 7-1-16;
Tr. 30 I. , II s. .1, .i.lan Valley;
Clyde C Uohlnon. 111! I I
1102, $1572, IS per cent, 7-1-16;
llll li 0 1179, $10.05. 15 per
MBA, 71 16; 1914. D, 0 BIT,
$45.20, IS per cant. 8-1-16; 1915,
$89 94. 12 per cent, P $9 00, A. C
50i ;
Thai the following named per
hoiih are tl, of Hie legal IP
leu of the aeveral tract herein de
Tract No 1. Joseph K Smith,
Trustee; Tract No , H J Ilensim
Tract No 3. Tlllle K Pierce; Tract
MB I. W M Kant-rd,.. I i.i. I No ,
F J Pali:,' v.. '. Hot ".I
I)bIh. and E F WtMOlarj Ira.; No
7. Mi- i iiiu i HosJa; Tm t v.. I,
Mm F I tlllinoie; Tract No 9
Friuik High und High Itros ; Tract
No 1 ii. T D II'MMA man . TlBBt N"
II, Win Johnson, Tru-i No 12, Mar
liu K. have, Tract No It lint.. I r
hh: Tract No 14, A II I
Tract NO II, L I Ml ar I ..
Nu iii, M.i.nlre; Trad ,
17, nnal.-l k-ll- 3'rael No Is
Smile MreedloM', Trio t NO I!'. J D
Oshiirne. I'riict No :'o. in I Ml
No II, Mra IV J Proa
ton; Tract No ::', Edith H i
Tract No ;, John C Miller; I i . i
14, W II Isuiie; Trad No ,
1 l-iicr.i and II V Ulcliaril m,
Tract No II, I. I I Trai ' Na
Tni i No II, ' v
Powell; Trad No , llenn
Stlckney, I lad No ill. Cl,. I
1 ull of th- defendant akora
named ami .ill paraon t In
w horn it may i on I in.
in, llll. , I thai plnintilT will BPPll "
tka circuit court nt tka si.ii. ol On
gnu for a decree foraoloalBI tka lien
against the property above des. nh-d
and nieiilioned in said cerlilicates ami
each and all I herein, and you and
each nl Mm ..I - I ei Bk) ''ii' ler suiii
imineii io appaar within siiv .1
ter Hi- lirst puhll, atuni ol Mils illn
mi ins, -. In- . . i,l 1 1,- date ol I he lirst
publication, ami ,1-1. ml this action 01
PB) the amoiini due as shown gbOVB
ioieiher a lib t h- i aal and dl bur .
herein and B cluing inl.-i. I
und aOBta, and in CB B of vour f.iiluie
to dO " I decree m i 1 1 he rendered
the Ihl, I l,i . .,
traeti of laad
.ihove daaorlkad
1 1 lie i.r ti i publication, Mi 1 1 :
Ml pl'.ei
ad upmi II w
and post nfflca
nidi- - a! I II,1 00.
lien i Brown, sh.
it w BwaStai
.i.i tttonaj
fir ' Pahlicalion. Mar , I
Publication, Ma 11 llll
stxti: of iiitEtJON POR HAL-
Malbetir Counix. A Municipal eor
porntloii. Philntin.
C W Allen Noll It Andcron. J
'I 'nthoiiy. I. C liner. II II Ihirton.
II 1',-ch, Co lie, I, s K Hegh
tol, W I. Ilenneti. BdW I.
.li-i pli c lllaha. Han lllnkenhlller,,
Snm lllnkenhlller, LOatfl H Boatwlck,
Wm T lliiHworth. 11 F How man. I'leinlng, N W Fletcher. Il.ittl. M.
Isaac N llnifiv,, II K llrlckner. K IPaTfJUMi Clara A. K'miii, tn A.
C Hrown. K W Hrownlng, (Ira B. Olfl 0 PHI Brian M V illlldte.
Ilni.e. iii:ust .1 llrnhtn. J A BTJ Win K. OlkO, Mrs C V OofOltk,
bob, ciuiries i; Bart, 0 n Carl on, Ola Omdar, Ckai I rdoo, Joka
Khen Carlson. H T Hrh kn- r. W C Ihtnlltmi, Man I lltOD, Pni
Howling. II J Maker. O P Itii-k I' Maiikln". P S lliilui. i Hop
land, I, I, llliiKaninn. D J Cahlll I., r.n II- , .1 - w lles
.lolin M. Cur-'. C N larii-nte, ,;,;,. 1,1, , M Hoilc. Win Ho . Iter,
asil- Ander- w Howard. II II Hudson, ttt.
-ii. i'.i' ii Can, Hen it Cora NatlloHama, W J Howttt, Lana Map
Itnlpli Christy, Majtta Cfcrl 'v " in, Mhert HelH.ig. An'ono
s h ciark, H M h on, Richard Inktaaoa. J W.
Merle I, Columbia. l(o C I'rahlll. i l.lm n. Alfred .lohimon,
C. Creamer. Own W ' i-ath. lohnmni. f II Nail Joii.w. Pi im It.
Creek, IliicH.n.l R .luncb". w M Kanon Phil Jurl-h.
I i i-.l. Mrs I crin, I V COBB-It I Kltul- e,, r. CkU W Mm
herfonl, ' 0 ' uiitiliigham. C 0 K'n-cht. I' .1 Kimtt. Krank l,an
i 'r .i in. r. Flora 0 Clydge, J P Crlti h- bourne. D Uiiimli. Arthui- Ken
low, Itnlpli ChrlHty, Kdwnrd Connell, nedy, J lla l.ane, Mrs Ida ' l.iindy,
Win II Hannevlk. A o llarcy. H c i;,.,, W l.-hthiy. II K l.eimon,
Davis, Daniel J ll,ilon. DciiIh D' LIchtiMibPrK, Iiiih F MNMi Jim 0,
Autenll. A Dlfanl. CkM II lloorlev, l.ucke. CharleM A Mader, Jno. J.
I) C llowart. BUpkn Hoiigla'". John Makln. .1 Mantel, Martin.
Doyle. Sim Hii.k. Jean II Huren. II. I llordiTH, J It MbIIbII.
0 liarcey, AugiiHt Dahl. Win II Den Milton C May. Mra A Milhonrne.
lierlck. Noah Kggers, Jr. Samuel ' Samuel J Miller, J W Mitchell. Kin
Faler. II I. Faulkner, J I. Felgb- ma la- Moore. i'Iibh A Mooic c.
ner. J C Klrec, Kre, K Kllllnn, John Morrow. J S Miindln, J P Murphy.
Fleming, N W Kleicher, llnttle M. i Mrtt, Orr,
Ferguson. ClBrn A Flyiin, Win A I. McDonald. S F McNew, H. E
(life. (leo. (lllbertHon, M C (llllette, MoNutt, W. K. Negley. Mary F Ne
Wm E Ollie. Mth C V Uofortb, (He Inn, T J Newoomb. Waller Newell,
tiren.ler, Charlen A (JordBn. John E Herbert Newell. North.
Hamilton, Mary K. Hainllloii, Fred E civile. Joseph ohrlner. Itohert New
HaukliiH, F S. Ilarlnn. c S Hepler, ,il. I, s ODay. Fnil I, olinMead,
Filiate of Put lleHlln. Jhh W HeHinnn.jO W Paliner. Kreinonl Patlen. Jo
Ida M llodge. Win lloveller. W A sepli O'llrlen. J M Peleraon. John K.
Howard. II II HiiiIhoii, Mrn Nellie ',.l,.ri1, O F PhllllpH, Mnnilel I'm
Hume, w J lleuiit. Lena May Hhn- r, ,wlii. c i'.ior. Main- Pren
Inga, Albert ll-ltlng. Antone Jacob ton, S (! Rajai, H A Kelchcnhaurh.
i. Itlchnrd Jcnklnmin, J W John s H Heed. E C Reynolda. C Dew-
HOli. Alfred Johnson, CharleM John-iM, John W Itoland. Win E Hoaen
min. J I! Neil .lone- I'eter II Jung hurg, F N Uowe, Anlone Sarher.
Ion, W M rfaitff. I'll II Jurlab. T S Harry J Saline I P Sanders. Serah-
Kln.l-eder. Chan W King. S A
Knedii. F J Knott. Frank lain
bourne. W H Kanoff. Arthur Is. n
ned .1 lt.i l.ane, Mrs Ida I l.ainlv.
Baj W l.elgho. B F l.eniion l.eah
I.lchleiiherg. CkM F Lilian, Jno C
l.ucke. Charles A Mader. Jno J Mak
Iii, J Mantel, Martin,
Itordera. J II Maxfleld.
Mllton C. May. Mra A Mllboiirne.
Samuel J Miller. J W Mil. loll. Km
ma I Moore. Chan A Moore. A. C
Morrow, J 8. MiiiiiIIh, J P Murphv.
Mayer, 0l,
I. Mcllouald, S K McNew. II K
Mi Null, W E Negley, Mary F Nev-
Ills. T J Newioiiil. Waller Newell,
lleiheri Newell, North,
Clyde, .losepli Ohrlner.
Itohert Newell. I. S O'Dll Pnd I
film ,ie.,,l (i W I'aluo i. Kr.iiioiii I'ai
ten. Joseph O'llrlen. .1 M IVt-ison
John B Peter-. in. li P Phillips. Man
uei p.nier. Laalla c poor. Maine
ci. i ,ii. g rj Road, ii io lehi n
hain B, S l( Heed. I C lleynohl .
c H-wiit John S' Iii. land. Win I
i: barf P N How-, tntooa Bach
er, Harry .1 Saline. S P Samh i
lira i c Shaford, Jose
pliin. I' Smllh. J W Sinilh. Ihrlhi
Bmltkklalor, Carl BonatM OaoUra
A H II Slandley, A T
si.w, ,ri. p H siu.-i Nlok II
Prod s Tarkox, D I Bnltfcklalar,
Oaorga M I t, i.ouu c imlthhl
II Sal. I B,
Oaorga Bmlth, J H Trlaolar, W m
j Tucker M R Tnrpla, Kvalra M
Tjmar, J ' Tkompaon, L Thoraal
Bath, A P Van I Mill . I . Th. Mi..
ii Q Theodore V
Walkar, Bull B ui Ro) N
llngton, c c w.i-. .ii. it ii tt'i
.1 i. n White, c w i-i..ii,i
Wilkin. Sarah Winai. I ., K
aood, Oka P Woodward. Deibari
A Wright, Jacob Wyli. li,, B
,,,niic Bm ' ..eii. r. Jacob Wylt
A. J. Wealergreen, lllanche Wood
ward, Asa A Wallace, I. M Voting.
iii.-Lon '.i II. Land Company, a nil
p.ii.iilnii, James P And, n 00
I itl- n. I, ml
i W Allen, N'eU It i Dl
.1 t; Anihony, I. C Han . II H
i,,n Ii K Back, Oeo E I'.c It, B K
liegbiol, W I. P.. nu. ii. Bda I. He i
niun j, i epli ' Blah t, Dao Biol n
inn. r. Blaki i . i..,
Boatwiak, Wm T H P
,, i nt s Bi ) B. P. Brlcl
ner. K c Hrown. I' ' llrowinm'
lirnce AUfU t J Hriihn. I v
in ) 'harla ' Hurt, i n I irl
laon, B T, Hri. knar, W
0 Bowliag, H I I'.akil II I'
iiiicki.imi. I. i. Bingaman, n J c.
hiii. John ii t'aray, c N Carpenter,
i i
It II Cave. I!ei III I .,-.-.
Ralph chrisi . Maale brlaty, I 'i:
ii i i "i' Marl i. t'u
liliuhi.i l(o i r.ilnll
Oweu W i . ..Hi, ' 'i at NOTICES.
llucklan, It B. Creel,
Mrs K II frln. K V. Cumberford,
I, - rj c,,nnlngham. 0. C Cramer,
I Flora fl Clydge, J F. Crltchlow,
Itnlpli Christy. Kdwnrd Connell, Win.
B, tlnnnrvlk. A O. Ilan y, D '.
liivlw, Daniel .1 Havlson, Denla l'
lAntenll. A lllfnnl, Chai II Doorley,
li .' Iiowirt, St.phen llouglaii, John
j Doyle, Sim Duck. .! in II Duron, H.
0 liarcey. Atiguat l"ih!. Win II. lien-
laariak, Noah Bnara, .ir , Samuel
r H I. Kaulkn-r, .1 I. Fclghner,
I C Plrea, Fred K Killhm. John
ey MroH J C Shaford. Josephine T.
Smllb, J W Smith, llerlha Smllh
hlsler. Carl Sonntag. (luatave A.
spanlol. I) It Slandley, A T Slew-
, i K w Stivers, Nick Sioos. Fred B.
Tarbox, D S Smlthhlsler. (ieorge M
Smool, l.ouls P SiultbhlHler. tleo D.
H,,yer. Tho- M Sheehati. (Ieorge J.
Smllb. J E Trliinler, Win J Tuck-
,.r M r; Turpln. Bntpa N lyner,
j TbompHon, I. ThorseUmli. A.
p Vim lilniir. 1'hoinas C Vnilgli. II
(; olaw. Tl lore C Walker. Eroll
Wulllne, lloy N Welllnglon C. F.
,., ... , West. J I. II White.
y y Wlehnnl. K .1 Wllklnn, Sarah
WlnailH, Chun K Wood. CImih K
Woodward. Ilelheil A Wright, Jac-
,,i, Bfiiar, Ina II Voiini!. Bf I B"
eller. Jmoh U lei J Weslergreeu.
uiaurt,,. Woodward. Ash A WiiIIbC.
. V,,ung. Oregon Vnlb I) I .not
CanPMJM ;i..i allon. Jam. P All-
in the NAMI "i YHB SI vr K OP
on an i aai h ol you " tank) ao-
llflad thai plalntlfl i ma oaroi
I,,,1, I.r ,,i Cart 1 6 I i-llii.'i-nc
aoakar lift, (or unpaid 1.0. la
t-i' ' BOd '" I dUB Md pay. ill- I"
plalntlfl for the year llll, laauad k
lha ru Col aw I ".4
On ' IT, ' nt
I ring tl 11) to 111
ol dalloquen
tka Fount) Clarl -i Mali, i t'oua
upon - han
al amount
at lha i
1 . per
ol You an furlhi
DOtlBod thai now dn
and .l,a:ce ap, ' trul
lae, I,,i yi ..ii. : .. I !i I ti .
in the aeveral I""1 uerelUBCtOT
pe. Ified
logatl li
i .it, oi I ' pi i ,,i,l per ami II Bl 1 nun
Api il I llll i.i tax Ol ' 1)8
llll; ami in. in April I lor
mi from
Septeiiih. r i i. llll, (or taxi of lha
ear 111 and fni
116, for i I; and
from n i r-1 1 l, llll foi
iko yaal 111 ad '
BO dttO Md p..ilie u, I
charge upon each of
trad ol land a pen., I' I par
ni upon i'1 llnquenl
nd ' 1 1 -ii i Ing co i
i in
paclfj imounl du i tka
Tr maaai Tnat No . Tp
Towndiip I maan South; II ueaaa
i ' 'mil inm d on I i )