0ntati0 tan. e VOL. XXI STATE OF CLEAN-UP WEEK SET FOR APRIL 16 TO 21 I'lTI.KNS OK uM'tltlo I l.l.l l TO XSIST I III M II. IN (,l ISO OTV in VI IL SI'KIM. i. RASING. . NEED FOR STREET WORK URGED Mtinv Mallei-, mine llrfon- CH Kiilh em for 'oimlilemttiiu hikI are lli Mb HmhI of ifii n itaa .iMin.-iii- Tln week of April Hi 10 21 will M .ili. -Lilly known ii n "eleuit -up week " At ltn meeting IiihI Mom In nil.' Ill the eoiinell tunned Hint in ri.nl nn tin- ..n. In whlfli the citizen mIiiiuIiI attaint In Klvlng the oily a imw tlreim liy remnv Iiik I In' trim in Iiikh of axil liriipK. tin i inn nnil other evemireN wlilrli .1 rati' i In' IihhIm npi at prenent. Till' ciiillifll will lili nl h till' li'illll'. lull tin' prnpirty MMI ur renter iiiuat liavi their n-fime wlni. n ran ihhII)' In' reached anil It 111111 he at the pmpiT place on lint" Kvery Itl- T.IIII In UTKI'll til I'll OpiTlltC III HlC I'ltll that Ontario may In' miiile the clean est city In I In- ynlli v I'.tiiiIhmIoii waa nliui itlveti the i oiuiui rrlal dull or BUBMOM men 10 put Illtrll r.i. k for tlialll oil Itlrli.ml noli atreol III the block between Wnahlngtun Htreet anil I'ulirornlii Mreel Major W f Human culled Htlen iimi in tin- iniiiii.il. iir iiii'il lor BtfOOt work ami after MM if uhhIoii llM nlriHi i .iiiiiniii.'.' .lin. til i.i rum lln- iim' ot the fount) luin'litm-i i nl lln- Hun' It I ni'iir tlniarlo to work on the roail to the lirlil jci. ami to pro ewnl to repair the Htreet rroin I lie rlty limit h on lilaho Htreet to Oregon atret, alum Oregon Htreet to ('llfm Ilia atreet ami theme vv.-M to lln- In. pltal The i oiniiilttee wuh also In Htrui teil io pui Hie mini approaching the bridge on the hill 'on the Idaho Hiile'of the river In good roiulllioii for the Miininer B) i .ninilliig It up mul la) ini: ii piwl rartMi Attention mm c.illeil to the pri mil lug llcetiHi-H for iiiovliii! picture -Iiiiwn which made no provision for Um git lug of vattdiiv ille performam ' in . ouiiei-iioii ili.r. ulili instruction gfM given thai the Oft) iittoruev pr. i an tip-to il.ile onlliiaui invering t he ililcMlon A regUHHt for a licenne to operate a hull. I It'll, h between hotl gBll Hie -.i.iiioii was ii.-nii it. n. opinion i I thai I lie ilr. is In MM should nol he . halo;. .1 II S It ill lit-1 lord prenenterl a t ilie-l lor in.- Ill .i menu-Ill of I he block on (Melton -Heel in front ol all il..M'il ,iii. I wan lolt) that It would lie BOOBBOBl 1.1 haw a loral improve inenl di-lricl loi'iin d Mure the mill. Mold nol he iione from tha lauaral futiii LOCAL CHURCHES WIL OBSERVE EASTER DAY S.e. iai MarvkM ri.uim-ii hi vii r.isi- m- Muu lo he I HUN of I'l'ii- HIMlll Hcstii lei lion 'I'opli ol Sicritliills. All ol (Milan. i - . ItUrOhM will hold opot nil Ml !) in i oinineni oration of the tteaurreotlon 1 oholra ol tha ahurehMl wllproae ,n lhe churches will ;. kuealal inualoal proi id the pa (on aill ail dtaanai la i iei pi 'elation - tha Immb iii Iha Sea- Mite.tii.n All ol (he chureli. temi invitation to tha publli to it i iriiiii.ir i lit in H ; i 'athollc tha HIGH SCHOOL CADETS PLAN TO JOIN U.S. REGULAR AIM MANY ATHLETES INCLUDED The arrival or regular arm irnltliiK olliier III Ontario IVadBI It r ultl. n Mergeinl M taiii'ii iroiii Coropani i Idaho Nation al muiril, both BMklBI reeritllH for Hell' .. .,HM netll wave '.1 p.itiinii in thru tha rouni n if Hie city. This win. i"ii Ily BMTkad nniring the ineniher of the IIIkIi School I'llih 'I i. the tlrnt III II tl it ry or Kiiiilallini .iiiioiiK the high hcIiooIh of I he tatv. An the ri'Miilt ol the rtaM ol Hie ol loan BlfOnl caileta Hlgnllle.l Hielr In teiillon of enllHllng All of Ihei i akOM H. I regular army In preference lo the guard, nnil with aeveral yean of training here they ate pr.pnre( i.i take ihilr placea In Hie ranka iih item cotnnilHHlnneil aaBOBfl Among Hiiihi' who have either eullMteil already or MBOCl lo .1 .ion are l.ee Mini .lux. illenii llrown. Iliirohl Kiroule, Curt Im HiiiIHi. Alfred Holland. Ar I li il r Moore, I'hiirleH (ronln, ami Hen ry CiihhIiIv Keveral of tBOM left for llnlne Weilue iilav night lhe V lie. riillliig BBBUUf de- i-lareil to the Argus Hint the hoya he examined here were phyalrally the . Htiperlor of any e.iial nuiiiher he lia.lj examined In yearn "If I could gel three aguada from that cadet cm pany and lake iliem to I'orilanil I .1 , would ar.iu asni " he km Ml illy with authual- COUNTY CONTEST WON BY VALE'S SPEAKER i.ltl iltuwii ITVKMINt MKKV IM. Ill SI III m ii s V Hltl M MMI HI I. II I l TIMIN I Hltl Is Ml I lilt .11 III. I CONTESTANTS ALL DO WELL i--ii (.lien se... nil llioioi- anil I'aJa lei View Tllllll 1 Mil, II Ml- It. ire. seillilllle St call hell loi I lln.; Time I In. II i . .i i hi ii thai hi lalion oi'riipie.l more than : ae pre l i il" . I nun ill el. m ii iiiinul. Ml Kthei MoWIIImmm rapraaaotlBi Oa t.irio, a aol i on ildi i d by ( pa 111 (he eniuili i!' . 1. ill. at.. I ) held ut I n .-.. in I a I.I la. I S.uili.i eiiini; Word of tilt- rullaa QUlU el t al 11 l a ailill. tl. e an. I Ii liei.il the many dlaappolntod Irien.l. of the Hide I out. -lalll Who llinl ilel).- hn well ii ii i. ei prtnu tai Ion of, ' Tba tor) Potaj " n.-pite iha raol thai aha .lid noi win than Ii no doubl of (in- inpraaaloB aha mada upon the allili.'lu it It I Mr. n a. e nol oonaldarad tha Judges, Mlaa Chene) ot I'ayette and Miss Olive I'.t i of Wotaor plaeod ua othar pMkori , .1.1.1 !in.i Kurpt. 'ale, lirm ; I Baaala Aotliuon ol aeoad; Jnnifs I'lt'.-r of Willie Si'ltli-tni'iit. third; ami ina Andaraon, ..1 Valloi ,, fourth. I'll,' OMtMl VM . I. -lav.. I I'm ONI .Ui bout' ,.n a. ...mil ..I No II Mini lata on wiiiiii a ludfa trooi C'aldwall ipaotod Md wbM aba did Ml two ludiaa Mloetod tba wn. During (hi delaj moving pi vara rui Md Um Oatarto 1i1h.11 MBtrlbutad arblla 1 !" orowd iivv.iitfil the Jini lot 1 oiinty Tba aumbei Ontario in, in, 1. . 1 a 1 . i. Ruth third ai while it al thai Oi olnted 11 , in' rati.- ... T ill ONTARIO, MAUIKI'K COUNTY, WAR IS CHINESE TONG MEN SEEK REFUGE HEREr' "'rfT"""'. i I I Ills IM II HI I li.HIISi. ix(,s run i:m sun i:im si MnitMM. m in m RHH i i;mi it LOCAL MEMBERS HUNT COVER l...il tnlliiil Hie Hon IgJBBBBl Tin I liiriiltt ol Oiienlals mul Mine lll II. nln (.rllliiu liiloi iiiiillon I n n ii ili l lleuihil.il(rr-. KclmeH ol the lung war which Iiiih re-nlleil In the death Ol num. t. in f'hlnniiieti In I'orilanil. Heatlle I .a (irande and llnlne were heard thin UTOOl In tlniarlo Kuril In the week refugee front 1 the warring rlllea began lo drill In here and Marahal Harry Farmer ami Night I'ollceman William Alllaon qui etly put I In-1 ii under sin i ill, Hire MiirHlial Kamier made an Inveatl giitlnn of tlie Wong t hong laninliy on Nei ii.la Htreet Monday and found that eleven chinamen WON houaed tlioro. where una MM lived before and ,, .,,, 1M, a uuihIIoiiIiik niiild ,.. It lhe iiiihou for the In.i... . i, M,,(, ai Kong llro- rehtaiirani t WIIH ,,,, I that the nlgln cook, who a.litiitteil being a member of a long lal.ltlK hl oil ', .111.1 . loJOM In BOOM Kurlher quoOtlOOilBfl revealed lhe fact Hint he waa wonhil Hue rival long hi ml a gun mai to (Miim In I on Momi.n amilui (he Botoa pa j lire nolitieil Mii-hal Tanner dial four Chilli II ill a ear driven h a white mail had left that cllv ami were probably coming lo Ontario duly (wo of them mi. n Sing and l.o Ming rearheil here MOM I line I u.'-ilay linn ulni; ami m-h Bl ami aeul lo lloUe i tin. in hill i I. Mil. I I lull III."..' lie II Mill' hai . I nl vv II I t he null dOf ol a i hill atniiii l.ini week in la. know n .MiiihIihI I'.iiiner wan not con . ei n. ,l ah. mi .in- nl lhe local I'hlna nieii telling on a war path lull look lllB) being p. rillens were not ailiil.e.l hi anv mil side no nil., i ..t a i.nig FARMERS WILL SEEK FEDERAL FARM LOANS tetlU ' -llleil loi I .illlialli.il ol - aurlalBia at Ootorio, im-iav, tprll hi W. I'- iioiiiuii 10 I x 1 'I.i in I A in. 1. tin. ,, 1 aiifii im 1 in p m : nii Kiib.ni tba Ob tarlo Clt 1 1. iii for tl aalaloa ' Kodorol rara Lou o elation A luri;.- Bumbar ol lormi ara dMlroua ol laklat ad van) 'iii-s bob bo) la oroor thai thoj bbi ( UOM) for ImBfOViOl I n-n lomt or for sojtIbi oS om high pftaoS awtt i- n la propoaad to Includa tba lorrl ""' if tha bboUm Um two nllat '""''ll '" Nl '""l BOOOOOd M I "' ' l,v Kiw''' "" ""' ",,n '' :' Salheur Hlvat Md lo fo fat anouih 'w ' '" "tolttoo tha laooa uodor ibt NoraSa iltoh, OurfhM ahd " atrlB ' dlti sa"' - " ln"' '' " "'llk' I "" 'tn ' I home en i'i ant, while but one ganlied In Malheur County, tl lull li tno 111 be applli iinniiier m farmer huvc ad to il. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRILS, L917. .Vaf3VtlTWl40 aPTf0400 af? OK WOMEN'S CLUB PREPARES PLANS FOR RED CROSS WORK i altl I II - ahotil to enter lln- ereal war the women ol I he .ily ate rolllg I 'line their allure of lhe work by lining what they can for the men WBO will go in the held A meet ing of Hie cluli wiih held al tht illy hall hint Monday allernoou In iIIhcuhh what i mil. I be done I'miiintinlciitlotiH have BOM Htarted with the alale Iteil t'riiMH work In I'oilhitnl unking for ilir.Htloti . for pro ling in in operation with Himllar organ Untlona tin lionl the atate. Already there ban been a rail for handy kiln for HiildleiH and in women here are planning on iihhIhIIiib 111 the making of (bene in A ennui, llleo will iiIho he appointed to Hoiiclt fumlH i.u ii ited CroM and It mav he. when ihe time cornea to aecure niiiHiH for the front that BOOM of lhe member', will MOOMOf voliinieerlng their Hervlci'H No mailer i'Ii il happeiiH, however (he WOOMU ol (iiitarlo are going to be pi. .. ii., I to do (heir purl E DEVELOPMENT OF CAS I'ltllMlll I It III MIM UK. Clio- Hit- V tslis nVIWtltl Ti l I slll.MI i iiMHIIiiNS IN litis I II Mi HAS LONG SUCCESSFUL RECORD MUOl iii Meeting of I iiniiiieni.il I tub Hi hi TiifH.lnv I. veiling lallh in I .. Id shown hv ole. ii.i . ii-. oi alumbarlBi n It'll- I lint in IM mar i', a 111 la t..k.'ii in davolofl tba luppl of natural BJM k'toun lo i t-l in at. I 11...111 Ontario J.IIIM Millet IIO'l ill V. lollll l.tllle WlllOW I'roji-l I 111 l.lali . t .111 11. 1 1 .-.I Willi a 1111111 ti. 1 01 .11 oil in BBUI 1 KM 1 ikinii" in Ontario i Into 1 Im M ' dti i'lo.in .. a 1 . hi A 1 n iiii'.iiiii- oi 1 i .in. rcliii 1. ib I'm --iiav avanlcii Si Millar $n - ' I hlu propoalllou li ' CooUouod on P i I - UNLESS WATER USERS ACT LAWNS WILL DRY """ I I illen- Inlet, -nil lo l - leuil Meeline I iiilaiiy, i. I III all 1 -1 stein vv tllllll I II v Limit-. I nl. . ' ) liiiiM walo up anil alt, Mel I III . 1 ni' the n aoohttlun : . dad for Bt . . .Ir.. up 1 tl IM .ell QUI Vl . eliilil Hie. al " In, ' "I in ,i Monday nlgln and r DECLARED House Will Vote Tonight SENATOR LAFOLLETTE AND REPRESENTA11VE COOPER OF WISCONSIN LEAD FIGHT AGAINST FATEFUL MEASURE. ONLY SIX SENATORS OPPOSE, LANE OF OREGON IS ONE OF THEM NATION PREPARES FOR ACTION. ( Special Oorrctpondence. ) Washington, April B 1 1 p, dl There wu no quenl in i lull- tins afternoon iboui the ultimate outoome in the liuiisc. It will vote probably around l or 11 o'clock .ur war. The president is expected i sign the reaoliitiou .1 Boon us it c.'iii be sent to liini. 'liaii'in.iii Flood t" the home inn in committee, called up the war resolution at 10:15 ami the membership proceeded lo consider it. On Wednesday nighi the Senate, by rote of - t.. ii passed tlie resolution declaring war to cxisi and diii d mo tin. I'rcsidfiit tti use tin- armed forces of the nation to . i , hriii"; the tmperial German iN Scitatuis viitiny; auainst tin- mt'asui'f Wfi't-: LaFolli'tte, Wisconsin; Gronna, North Dakota) Lane, Oregon; Norris, Nebraska; Stone, Missouri and Vardaman, Mississippi. War in Defense of Rights of Humanity. "We aif a greal iiatimi," said Representativi Harri son, s dcntoeratie leader 'n 1 1 - eommittet1 tlii Thursday I afterrsNin, "WC glory in its history and prieeless liciit agt'. I ri't'iisc tu believe that ire have degenerated In our national ideas, thai are have Forgotten the teachings of our lathers and aw iait now urilling i" tilit For those principles the) so courageously defended and upheld fn the early, histniy of the ci'iiiiti-v. f urge "in tu war in de fense of our national rights and for preservation of 1 1 -rights of Ininiaiiitv The barge that wv are going to arag war for profit In the Interest of munitions nianufai turers is as despicable as it is unAmerican and it is unworthy ot anv American who loves his country bettei than u dis i in- land of an insidious foe," HANDSOME GIFT AIDS ANNUAL BOOK SOCIAL 1 hil.lt. I. . 1 'ii foul) illini um 1 II - I lull tllllll. lilt OVI'I Id ' oi MB Hooha 10 1 ii 1 I 1. li.illi v H.ila- (.III ol I I.i olillll''.. ..I 1 he .. tllllll p it profitable oi In all 1 . 11 .: ever on e 1 oniini to Outario I itt mi. 11 11 land ol I iisinii. and , for thi' -n an 1 ' U al e III. let I with the addition "i tba new booh 1 . n efulaeaa of tha llbr u .11 hani 1 in a largi dt it Km Ina tin- eveiilliK B till" nol MOklBI 0( ( tin- in-" mi. n iha - ... 11, il Klv. 11 1 . 11 mi tiiiiii -he. I hv I. Turn, r .in.i 1111, I. 1.1 -eiv.il h) the loiiiinit tt a In ehat ge a hieli Ini ludad h H I I III ane, I I. .ill tn. ill Itupli . (Jeo 11 ' ' 1 ' Van Hal 1. 1. 1 '; 1. I II. II AFTERNOON AUDIENCE HEARS CflllEGF SONCS i an at ternoon ' forroani il event Which tOOll il" 1 in amland NO. 13. li S W government to terms. The '0lM'll'l I,, I.O III t II Flood '11.. iha Booot "Wal 1 MM in.i'le iil'on 1 ..II li I l ..Mil U I I'h' OUI l' ' bain ' on Hon 1 I, im In. In, i; 111. 'i. ninii.'ii run. la, 1 1 ' Im i" 1 uhi." . .;. 1. 1 iil'Mli il ' 11, n 1 l-'lolltl lellel I. Ill, I " lllllll ' ' I. Britain I i Ufa iim I. Kvi iv ... by a 1 in .1 , Itt 1 11. 1 1 i.,ii. . 1 . u Appl ' 1 about Iha adulenc u 1 in adi w F. Hoi ' lo N'.i t tonal (Contlnusd on Pbib Pour ) . 1