The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 29, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    l(iK S
Investigator Explains Benefits
of the Plan.
Robert H. Whltten Advocates the Es
tablishment of Setback Linea In Con
nection With the Laying Out of Street
Syateme In Undeveloped or Suburban
Residence Sectiona.
A report luis BOOB pfOOIBtfd l tho
com in It t -i ill" i il I'Iiin of llu- BOOrd
of iHlliniili' if ROD Y"rk i It y li.v Its
MNKqr, It. .Lett II Wlilttcn. fur the
(atnlillalilliehl of Nolhui k lllii'N In 'Oil
!- 1 1, in wllli tlio lining out of street
Bjati-uia In I lip undeveloped or aulitir
linn resilience acrHuha. The 1011111111
too dclrc to at" uri' criterion of tin
plan b) land devchiperi and property
owner lii'!"i.' taklaj any in lion. Ii
la mi I' I tii f tlio ni'll'io k ilnn
Would. In 1 crl.ilu ' iivi" iiilm r
opening mill pitting inatl 10 ! DOTM
BJ proper) ..Hi,, ii. iil'.i reduce
flil-.i" Street '.i i.i nltlg c M Imth
In tlir ott in is iihil In tin' 1 It.v.
.Mr Written minis iii tin' tlirro rl
him r inhaiiliik'ra of the 1 Inn 11 r . I
f "First. Id mill. foil mill amen
MV in a I'th iito 11 -iil"i 1.. a :,
uniform m thin k fn in ill" BtroOl line
Inrrrnai-a iln iiitrm ilvcnc of tin
ti"u in. .I 11.' i" ii." in a lth Mini
foit of tin Inhabitants, it Inproroa
light mi up 1 "ii'lltl"! . 1 on
all. I.' (In. In. nt In" 11 Willi tin., mi. I
aha. i", removes iiio dwelling further
from tin- n Joe, funic" imd dual of the
atroi't. Where I..-I.I. ii. 1 ii.- 1111, fi mii
y nit I.. 1. I. In. in II, MI11I wltl I tlir
establishment f 11 Ii gully lilndlDI set-
;. iii.. n it owBtr I nt lbs 11. ' n
of bla BOlgbl
iII-icl-iiiiIIii. tho setback Um iimy ruin
Hi.. iMi in
"H ml I "ii"iny of In It tn I devel
opment I'uiili I. . 11I reahlet
ii.n lag a hi'iiui. I. lino eon 1 a pet ojltto i
Borrower n iii iii 1 1. mi 1 . 1 1 1, rwloa
I." al red This 1 nii'iit
. i."t 1 1 l.i i y of
land. I. ill BJOtO i.nirl.i dly In lbs de
iiiii'i.l nullity fof piitlng. Willi 11 11 11
foot mti'ii'k a tnodard miv foot
elicit 1 1 1 1 1--1 1 1 I . 1. . . .1 to f.. J fot I
'rids nielli 1.0 adequate for at roots na
lIlT " fort III Ii nglll If llOt '
wiib otegta i.uniiy honor if lator too
slm le fiillilll limi-p. weic Mi'liirrd by
three or four ! n aptirtiinnts tlir
street ..11I1I cusllt bo I. trio d in sixty
fci-t I" III! 1 I III. I I 1 . ' 'I 1 llltll. II-
quire incnls lin lib ntul lu tin' 1. 1010 In
hiikIm' boajolag
"Thlnl l..oii"iny of ulilinati' devel
opment Tin- extension of Ibo aotbarli
lllll' Mill I'll lllll till !l 'lilt III Wllll'll
ins of iniin ai'iii. arbenever tniiti.
ni'i'da n. lulu- Ii Intioilii' rs a measure
f adaptation ml r last I llj In alrr-rt
design (lull In of limn lni"'i luii'i'
in nam of Uh ai -i problbttlTo
pense of widening elicct "ii i' laid
out and lini'i.'M .I
"The iltag of 1 hi- .itl.n.k llni- 11 'W
la tlio only pr.ictluil im-ilml Bf which
Hie m Moiling Of BOD) inilllr iirtiius
"Bit bo Mi" u n. I In I In- future, w Inn
grooios widti. win 1 ro
liilri'il," explains Ml Whltten "These
arteries mi' BOO rOOtdOBtO streets, and
iiio bouses bsvs 1 'i 1 u m 1 iiio 1. in order
to ir"i'l" lawn tin. I BBOllo mid '
ni'.i " 1 in-ill 1 1 out 1 1 . i" s and
lii'l-,. of III" Si nil. Tl" . ali'.ot I'"
wldilu'd ill 1 11 -si '.!. lis lln rllllUg "IT
of tin1 front law lis would In la
in.' di'siio.i 1 1." Him- .f lbs dwoUloca.
In n li..w "iii-, Itiilli. lias s,, In
.oil Hint tin- hln . t MUSI bO wnli-ii
nl it Is in, Hi- ikon iiio ) t hut tin- bii.'.i
will In- no Ioiik" r ilislnil'l.' fof priTOtO
1. -nliin " I 'I . ITS and M h ill.- ilw.-l
Ingi win ba i' Clio i-.i iiiinr by span
llll Ul I'll!'
aotbtch H'"' 'mi. llni. r..!. ba soub
Ibibod w iiiin ibs fuiuio tiiitti.- iboroogb
."I Willi
M In n till'
II mi- . "ii. s lu w Idin ilu- .-.' 1. "I I" in.- 1
irniii. 1 . 1 mi bai 1. . an bs lakeu
for in hsi iiiii'..s,s ami tins, loci a
Wo o ilu' 11 di 11 11111 t:c of Ilu- o III I s
" strsol onus ulabltohod Is out of
ilu- I,. 1 1 1 1.1. 11, . ni and uuvbsnjceabls
ft-aliii's ol ilu- .ni Mi u.liiii' lluilil
Iukh Inn I . .nit' anil gOBOi bill tin' atni't
lines of l"Wi'i- MaiiliaMHi, liavo nlaln
d liii'-l of tin I r origlUOl IiII.h.v 11.111 nrl
TtUa, n', in suits of tin- fo t t iiu. iii.
burdrii Inipnssil dlffsra grsstlj in . iim
BjtOOf mid inn mill iiili- from any ibm
i-otilil uSVS I... n '-i.i in !ii tcil at Hi.'
tlnir ilu -! iirsoti wiio o.iiiitl Tbl
(Milliis o Hi" d. slli.l.llily of lUtrodUCtBg rglgri
udni tai. nil . 111..1 1'i.isii. it In stroot 60
sign Iiio aft back Una Is nipans f I
"Iii VVaablii Hon and In n nuiulipr of
ths .lu.'.- iiinl town of 1 'oiiiH-tl. lit and
Ma--. 1. I01-. 11- Mii'.'i. !. lines an
ilar 10 thai
ii-".l In ilu- la: "i". iilnK and
uivi'l'i.ii . "i -ii.. - Huston lias
lusdi- . 'oiisiiipruiiip uss of tin' aotbach
hi" but Ilu M lias
lllll I
town lias adopted a pulicjr of niablng
I mi ill . f 11 scit.n. k 'uio 11
. I'lain i'
'f II" I tip low 11 "
Tli" StOCknOB Bra bOlBg linrd
prooood iiy hip Iouk wlotor, and la
"m inn" i-i'ii rooortod in soma plot
It Is 11 BOjM of tOO tnlicb ntork nnd
iml i'iiiiui'Ii I I, mid inoro ll
' 1 11 1 inn ni tin. probloni
Slln linn lin. 11110 Hi" v.iiili word of
II," porn boll i. I. m - 11 and II must
I, ....lin ui'h in this vnllpy 'Ihlnk ol
tin' tofrlblo ai to last rail of hip
stalk Holds, and now wIIiiosh tin'
in lit and lilitli prliis nl liny Truo.
.1 to iboopaaoa booa looniod Um oJ"
up of alliiKi- nnd BfW inukliiK BStM ItTO
Uhp of It. Init moat of tlioin ;n
ili'lii'inliuK iiion tin- Hlralabt bay rn-
Many lambs Iiiivp dii'd t Ii It yoor
nnd In fiict cvpry ypar Iippbusp ot ItM
Inik of Hump fppd llkr sllr.ap Slippp
tnoii know that an iihiiinlan. I of milk
that I In- lamb 111 h" in nod
ami irnirly nourisliPil, and hIIiirp
la lbs fi'i il that will lirlntt It ahout
loo nun Ii I kill". I a tiuin
Iiit nf nwm this winter, ntnl Ihla
would I1.1t" BOM aviildiil If mIIiikp IiiiiI
boon anbotltutod ior port of the bai
Tlio Dosorot Shoi'ii in Inii I on 11 .1
that tln't inn nut afford to not I 1 1
nllilK" Till')' nrp uiivt inakliiK plutlH
to build two Inrgp atjooj on tholr N'js-
in rnnrli Mr norninn of Ontario Ima
.1 the in ' i' of iiu"
nnd Ik BjOO iiI.iiiiiIiik n silo Mr t'lln
ion ol BOOM, Idaho, wrlli's thill nil -iikp
fid to hla pwpm mad" inori' milk
and BOttOT ImnbH, and more tviml
I... 1'i'iiilni'.l In i"
OH hat" hum bOOO workod nut by
ipriiu' nt Htutions The rinh st -
llon loiind tiinl two " .tin il i
and I wit iioiinds of all 1 It
in roonlta as fonr poBBd o(
hut w Iipii foil iin it diillv rat Ion to
"- Figure th" iiiiioi'
and ri'Hiilts
Shi'i'iiini'ii sluiiild In "d Hi" " 1.
nil .mil nn I glgOlO 100 "llo na it
it Ion Thoy .1111 not
afford to bo without a -iiu
1 tMf K. 1 ii 11
mot:. .a . good oanpolgn has
l.iiii I. nun hod Thp
I'm llli'p of KlKbt, Ihrio 'iiiii"t
and lit" ni"' . iil.illvos, bus liikoll
ohorgo. roiitribiitiniiH or tin onon
t"i" in. ido by all initiibprs ol tlio
1 oiniiilltoo. anil till lornuil rpiIIPal
ol" of I In prosH of Hip atuls
Hint kiiIim rlillon llitls In oii'ii"d In
Hon iiiluuins for Ibo nilliition of
1 and 101 1 in- 1 "iin' ami
p. llni 11 nit 11 trloUoni as to
sul, hiripi ions atva that nono froiii
paving 1 iiinl.. mil's may I" itpipptpil
All Hiilisriipt Ion- mud" lor Hie atale
OSJBOOjIgn -it" in I"- ti 1 iiti I to Si'ltn
lor K I) lu-li k ITPHHiirpr of Hip Ipk
Islniuro I'oiuinltli-o. at Albany, )rp
gOB i'oiiiity imiipalKii siib-i 1 Iptlolis
hip to BO inttri'ly by t In- In
1 nl bM
Il ttna Hip -nisi- nl Hip OOBaUlttOO
unit orgBaUattoo ol somt Mm
III lilt "lllll ill I III III' llilllils ol
I oiiiitli'-, and tint th"
nli- Inn. 11. ,11 ol ll." 1.1 1 li".td,uai I
to bo tlio ili-si'inliial Ion of such
ii'oi.ii 1111 . 1 11 111 rmm ion . adti-rtlaliiK
and nt hi r ii it in- a- 111. n bo 1 'nuirpil
lit i in- fiiiin t orgonliottona Tl
boadquarlon also iii oo-oporoto nt
-I'liiint tnookora lot loonl rnootlnga
1 1 ii" bonding bill. Th
111:1111 lAtoiii'iit agookori in iii.- differ
ent oonntloa vtim are ooll roi ad bj
tho pint, ion ol tho bill and ill 1 11
inn anil 1 Ii" -1 1 v 1.
will bo piiii-ipii to visit Bolgbborlog
oountli to bo paid
1 Him iiio -tato eonpolgo luii'i
To null" all Hip OOUBttSS III Hip
.'latp . ainpaiKli, 11 rout PiiHon ul sup
pOTtOra nl Hip bond i-siio ha- luss-n
lulliil to iiiipI at I'ortlitnil. Saliirdny.
inl 7 Mp.iiiw blip. iI.p l.i'Ki-latun
11 in 111 1 1 1 -' will I'luirK" of the
tale iipiiiiiiiartpis. iiu 1 in iin-ii 1.11 1-
work In lip undpr Hip -upiiti-ion ol
,111 "VP'Ulivi loniinilli'i lonsistinu of
Son. il.U' U 11 Wood nl' llillsboni,
rhulrinan, Sonalor ll t'uslrk of
Alluint. Tl Pii-ui'ii . and Itopi p-pita-V0
ll") W UlliiPr of I'Pitait-ton. S.-r-
warn m .,-...- . sammmA
We Have to Move Out of Our Exchange
Room Monday, April 2.
Room Has Been Rented For Other Purposes, And For the Present We Will
Have to Show Our Exchange Goods Along With Our New Goods. But We
Must First Reduce the Exchange Stock; It is Too Large For Us To Handle
With Our Other Goods, We Have Not The Room.
MAKE PRICES DO IT. Here is a List of Some of the
Goods that Some One is Going to Buy and They Will Buy It
Nicely Finished Birch Mahogany Bed and Com
mode to match, two pieces 08.50
Bungalow Ivory White Wood Bed with Com
mode and Chair to match, three pieces $7.50
40 inch Hard Eastern Elm, Base, with a 20x24
French Mirror $7.00
34 inch Hard Eastern Elm Base with 14x24 good
Mirror $.O0
44 inch Solid Oak Dresser, 18x40, French Bevel
ed Mirror SI --H5
43 inch Eastern Elm Dresser, 18x40 French Bev
eled Mirror 13.50
A Quartered Oak Finished Dresser, 14x24 Bevel
ed Mirror $S.05
38 inch Solid Oak Dresser, New, with 18x24 Bev
eled Mirror 911.75
Three Washing Machines, in good shape, Sale
Price $5.50 and $0.00
$40.00 Spanish Leather Couch, Guaranteed,
Spring Construction $15.00
Good Oaken Davenport with large storage draw
ers $12.85
New Solid Oak Spanish Fabricord Leather Dav
enport $21.75
Couch, Spring edged, Upholstered in Valore, on
Sale at $5.75
Six Foot Extension Pedestal Table $7.00
42 inch, Six Foot Hardwood Extension Table
at $8-50
Bookcase, Elm, Nicely finished, 15 foot book
space 6.86
Quartered Oak Sectional Bookcase, 14 ft 6 inches
book space $1 2.75
For The
For We
Move Out
April 2d.
New Royal Sewing machine, in good condition
at $6.50
Bartlett Sewing machine, Drop head, a Bargain
at the price $12.50
Ruby Machine, made by New Home People,
Guaranteed 1 1 5.00
Rotary White Machine, Good as New 21 .50
Solid Oak Roll top Desk, Good shape $10.50
S3R (C Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, Big Value at the
Price SI 1.85
Seven 1 Go Carts and Sulkies.Cheap, Two Sulk
ies Willi hoods $3.95
Six Large Quartered Oak Finish Arm Rockers
New $2.85
Fifteen other patterns of Rockers, all in good
shape, Big Values.
Iron Beds, worth $8.00 to $9.00 for $3 $ l-$5
Two Three quarter Iron Beds for only $2.85
Three Good Steel Baby Cribs in Good Condition,
for $-1.50 up
5 Galon Barrell Churn for $2.75
Another dandy Churn for $3.00
Several Heating Stoves at from .$ 1 .50 to $6.00
One good Six hole Bridge Beach Cook Stove, a
Bargain $12.50
Two whole Gasoline Stove $1.50
A Dandy National Oil Stove with oven $10.75
Gasoline Range, three hole $5.00
Bed Springs from $1 .00 to $5.00
A 11 ft. 3 in. by 13 ft. 6 in. Axminster Rug, Good
Condition 888.88
Axes, Pitchforks, Hoes, on Sale, HALF PRICE
rilMMIS.slllV i.IVIn ismimmi:
Civic Mediators.
Ths i i-uiiamlttoo of tllp
i of rods i tajrod
milt nf ro-
: '- '.III .'
i . ' llj.
Krii mis ul i In- ruail lionil issin- .ill
,mi Orngoa .ni' much lioortonod iiy
tho attituda ni tho boo ItoU ni;ii
wiy t iiiiiiiiissiuii
ThO I'liiiiiiiissiiiii lias come for
arard nimiy and mhipiI tool no iiiutue
imtiipiup will in- axorctaod to (now
inn' M'llion ol tlip titulp OVOT UOthOTi
ni iii Favor ona Ijroo ol aovomonl ov
it another.
It I. as Btods il i li'.U' lliat it ill BO
oju rat.' tilth all Hip COUBtMM I
ol 0 it Ii only a tOO
l " it Mail's It I'.lllt I .ll'lol's'
I ,,l (of BBVlBg ami OtBOf run
atruciton no too high it "Hi aor
obom tho aoooooorj Biocblnorj and
I'oiiHtruct mails anil BBVBBI B tV
labor un iii r tho auoorslaton ami i i
iiilion ol ilu- stall' iiii;iiippi
No nelt'i Hon of u State HiKliuay
KllKllmer lias Iippii niailp. us tin i on,
mission shows tint! it intends to cut
It Kami tin BOOprdlng lo the ilolli A
.liiiiiiiit type of I'liKilieer lliuy he
nipili'.l in I lip iient the homls ilo mil
pass. a there would he hltle or no
paving work to he done, and
BtlVOl) little nnuii-t would lie atail..
Bla for other highway oiistrurt ion
I'oini.ii ottieiiii atotooionta ol tho
( .iiiiniission's policy will he imorpo
r.tleil in the otliiiul arnument in the
stale pamphlet to he sent Iiy Ihe Sii
relary of Slate to all the tolers prior
lo the BBOaial OlOOttOO I'oplos of
Ihoas Formal itatomenta will bo pub
lished in advance b) lbs stats i.un
potgo eomnllttoo, arith aogtoa ol lbs
bonding act and such other official
Information as is noodsd to prosonl
to all Ihe public tin uupoi taut facts
The OfOgOO StOtS (iooil Roods iam
pOlgB heuil.iuiirter.s will prepure ul
the earliest poootWo ilute informstion
as lollows, to answer ggOOtiOM Ubked
with referem e to the proposed lionil
Mileage ol loads that can he pa tin
with tin- funds utailuhle under the
bill. I'ost to the ciiuutits ul BTOBOJf
nig the roadlied tor paving.
.,ge of Foroal and pool
I., hi- oonst nt' tod
Souriis of rewnue for puyiiig in
IitpsI ami piinripal on .ill tl.p lionil
moiini of mono) avallabla tor otb
or road oonatruotlon i lbs itoto
Amount Of couuty taxes released
from cool ol constructing and
ui permit-
llni their u e in Improving couuty
and lot al roads and laterals
i inTeiiioii ol the mistaken
mads b enemies of tht
- 0 .I'"!!
iiiiii iiiiii ni ! i
work sppiiiiid in thO lioniling uct
These aiatenu in WBIIBBlOd
hy the facls Unu 11 will In- eun lo re
fute llieiu Iiy a lair and square pre
intatioii of tin- fuels.
We want so much to put one of
our electrically operated Apollo
Player-rianos in a home in Ontario
tllllt UTA Will l.iuLu a I.I.. J. .
. .. - ..... ,unv tt ui lllsrouill on
first one, knowing that enough
I he
lorreciion of other
statements made bust d hie fly on
mhtunderstondini of tho inn Ib relo-
lion to I lie oilier loglalotlvi aOtl gut
erning slate high tat i vpendiliires
i-.Iisj .iilll r. . i i ... a .
u.utno nut tuiiiitv to warrant the aac-
orroaoow rince i, plavg by hand amd u ...
also. A letter of Ujulry will do no
hurm. Or you nmy ask Mrs Weese
in Ontario Wise Piano House,
Boise, Idaho. 47
Other ' information SUCli
y piiiperl.. re ,:iii.'
InfOI iiiition w ill In
rupioly 1 it can BO compil- d alii!
' funds gulliered (o defray the cost oF
It preparation nnd dlasemiu itiou
Mis (.. c()pe Ladles' Lulor
aher, 1'hone 91-M.
ILL Tin: nil; koi ni.
11 Short Lias wpiki'iid and
Sunday i.itt-s hai- BOOg so popular
hut thi't will lie BOntlOUOd ilidi'linlte-
y. On il thO nine.
If vim eo ; use
In ii' reiuently. Ask 0 B I
Down Town Offite
of I lie i