Pun 4. THE ONTARIO AROITS, ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1917. I.KfJAI. NOTICES. I I .l NOTICES. I.KOAI, NOTICKH. I.KO.AI, NOTICKH. MtXInl. NOTICKH. I.KOAI. NOTICKH. SUMMONS IN THP. C1IUTIT COIHT OP THK mn or ommoob por m.i.- IIKIK DM NTY. AUmn OOUNTTi a Munlrlpnl Corporation, Plaintiff vs. FRED J BROWN, JAMES Fl.AO- knh. CHURCH OF JMUI CHHIST. JOSEPH F SMITH, TruKt. , OHARLM caiitkii ii J BENSON, I), w. cai.dwku.. tii.i.ik I PIERCE, C I) DUNRIN, V M RASTRRDAT, J H DUNCAN, F J PALMER, IM.MK, iiinfohd. HOWARD MAVIS. I F XX 'HEELER, BOWBNA I' id: KM an. NTBBA IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, MR1 i.l'i.i M llox IK. Mils r I QILMORB, PRANK IIKill. IIICII HKOTTIKUS. XX II MAMBLOCK, T l) HONBTMAN, wm IOHNBON, ALBBRT i.KU'is. MARTIN BCHAVB, DORA LABflA, WILL HKHKii. vm A MARTIN, ii N num. ii CHEBTBR, i MeNART, JAMBB MeOUIRB, JAC Oil BTONBCRBR, ANNABEL KBL LET, ISAAC BEADS, ,SADIB BRBBDLOVB, WILLOW UIVKH LAND A: IBRJOATION company. a Corporation. J ll OSBORNE, lASPRR wkstfai.i.. JOHN west- PALL. 8BI.BY. VOOl'K, c. A POWRLL, HKNIIV N STICKNKY. I I ITAUI KI JOHK 8AVAI.A. I II I'KNC.HA, ii v BICHARBBON, N 0 white, joiin c mii.i.kh. WM ii isxxcs. AI.IIKHT SHKHMAN, WM J M. i. Kuii. g. h. SHEPHERD. MRJ W J. PRESTON. EDITH I) TATLOB A. I boiiiNBON. MART I BOB INHON, MltH. JI'I.IA MARTIN, CLYiiK 0 BOBDfBON, n : si ni RLAMD, 0 a ii mi BLLRR, and ALL WHOM IT may CONCERN, DEFENDANTS. To h'ml J llrown. Jnnii'i Plagens, Church of Jesus Christ. Joseph F Hnilth. Trustee, Charles farter. II J Henson. l W. fiildwell, Tllll- K Pierre, c O Dunkln. W M Easter ,l.n J II Duncan. P. J Palmer. Place, llln ford. Howard Davis, K F Wheeler. Itowona Freeman. Nyssa ImprOVa. infill ' puny. Mm l.ulu M llnic Mr i' (iiiinore, Frank Rich, High Druthers, V II lluinlilu.il. T II II vmiili. Win Johnson Albert I .owls. Murt in Eehave, Mora l.aasu, Will 0 Heher. Win A Marlln. II N Ford. A II Chester. I. A McN'ary. James Mcliulre, Jacob Stonecker, Annabel Kelley, Isaac Heinle. Sadie llreedlow. Willow River Land anil IrrlKiillon Coinpiuiy, a corporation, J. D. Oaborne, Jasper West fall, John Wee t fall. Belbjr. Vogue. C A. Powell. Henry N St Irk ney, I. K Slausel, Jose Savala, I ll Pengra, II W Richardson. N 0 White. John C Miller. Win II Isaacs, Albert Sherman Win J. Me l,eod. 8. II Shepherd. Mr, XX .1 Preston. K.ltili H Tii lor, A K. Hub Iiikoii, Mary K Robinson, Mm. Julia Martin, Clyde C Robinson, I1 Sutherland. O A 11 Mueller and ALL whom IT MAY CONCERN IN THK NAMK OK THK STATE OK 0RB0ON, miii ami each ill ou r lierohy untitled ihal Mulhi'iir County, Oregon, Ik the HMf and holder of Ceilllicntes oi I icliiuiui nc for unpaid taxes, due and payable to Malheur i ountv. Oregon, " "' year 1910. and al-o lui tin- fttMt 1911. 1912, 1111, and IHH i by the Tit Collector oi Malheur tViunty. Oregon, which BBrUll are hereinalter Ml lorth, showing I In uumhers iheicul. together Willi tin' (jails of lun 1 iiimmiI tli,'rli. the amount of tuxrs, Interest, ami pin ally and no i md ml Included in .ml certificates, dad' ol i-snaine ul ,nnl rate of Interest mi said i-i-ilih. also the amoiiiii ut i.ims ilin- .nul il' Itinj utiii on lui- n.i.i ni I.in.I i.h wed by aald ivrtH'u-atea im I In ..u hllllMMIUt'lll to tin- lIIUIUr ni .1 1 'I certltiratrs, QghW WRI IM niir nl inliTest. i -1 . , I ( . and MiVtrlUlBg coat thereon, which ainounls an- lien on the land dr.-iriliiil in -.ml ivr lilii'utea. In which Is KiM'n lln- Mw n If town property, llli Inl and hUnk. and the legal lUMlVlaiOM, Willi lion, tOWBabip ami range. It ini.il uruuei'O. all !' tin- nanu- il tin- DM ' sun to whom HMHMl, lb di-scripiion of each ol winch MVMml I raits of land arc kki'H ni.iicr tin' nninln i I 10 '" h rein Anil inn art' IiiiIImi iiii i ln-,1 lliat ilii'in i due ami ililiniincnl and u lieu on the sevci.il (rails ol laud, taxes which are pa.ihle to planum l,u die ii, si( fortll anil assessed lo (he ii 'iis named herein iinni Ihe lands ile-criheil in said c.i'Uli cataa oi dellnqueno or some portion thereof, each ol which several amounts and the Minis wilh interesi iheieun ,ue due and ilelliuinetn from 1 del. 'iidnnt- i" pl.t int ill iipini .a.". ..( i several nail- al h, r.ni u I n ., aid several tracts balni itoaerlbed at I follow s i Ke lo Ahlnei Igtions H C , P, ' llnijuenry Cnrtlflcmto; P., Penalty; A. 0.i Advnrtllng Coat I Tr , Tract; II., Hlork, L, Iot; Sm-, Section; Tp , Township. Hg , Range, 8 , South. K. W. M . Kant of Willamette Meridian, A , AnaeKaed to. ) Tr I, La. IS IB, II r.9. Oreena Add To Nyaaa, A Joneph K. Smith, Truoteo; 1910 I). C 1072, $fi 2.1, IS per cent, 7-1-16; 191 1 I) 0 1130. M.Pl, IS per rent, 7-1-16; 1912 D. C 1217, $4 49, IS per cent. 7-1-16; I9U D C 1:147. la. 10. 15 per cetil. 8-1-16; 1915, $1 95, I'J per cent, f 20c, A C .-.(lc Tr I See 17, Tp 1 fi S . It 411. K W M . Klve aires more or less In ,i trlnngiilnr -liupe In SV corner of M; ', . A to II J ll'iisnii. 1910 n. C KIT:',, Ml " : ':' Per rent. 7 I It) 1911 I) C. 1111, $24 90, II per cent. 7 I H.. Tr I, I,h 1 1 A II, II 274. City of Ontario, A Tlllle I Pierce. 1910 I) ( I 141. M Hi ll per icnl. 7 I II Tr. 4. Is 2fi. 27 A- II, II 4. Karl ley's Second Add to Vali . A to W. M BMllflMri 19111 I C, 1075. $7 ll, p.r cent. 7 l-lfl; . i. I, BfANWHi Nv 14 SW 14, sw )4 BW 14, s.c , i'p s , it 4. I W M . A W'.Wh See 11. Tp. an S , I 4. K. W M ; A. K. J. Palmer; hum Ii r 1076, $45 11. II per rent. 7-1-16; Tr , NKNBW SM. 36, Tp. 19 S. II 44. B W M ; A Howard Davis A f Wheeler; 1910 IV C 1077. II.BT, IS per rent. 7-1-16; 1911 0. C 1140. $2 00. per rent. 7-1-16; 1912 l. C. 1229. $2 17. 15 per rent. 7-1-16; 1914 I) (' 171.1, $4. SO. IS per nnt. 1-1-16; 115. $3.77, 12 per rent, P 20, A. 0, 50o; Tr. 7. II. 28. Tautach'a Add. lo Nyaaa, A. Mm l.ulu M lloxle; 1910 I) 0 1079, $17 45. IS per rent. 7-1-l; Tr ft SK'iSK', S.r I.",, Tp. 16 8.. K. 47. K W M . A Mrs f B till more.; 1910 I). C. 10H1, $14.09, IS per cent, 7-I-16; Tr. 9. La. 2. 3, A 4, It 21, Origin al Town of Vale, A. Prank High High llros ; 1910 I). C 10K4, $52 90, II per cent. 7-1-18; 1911 ll C I 151. $54 4'.. II per eent, 7-1-ltt; 1912 l C I2:IH $124 94, II per cent, 7-1-16; 1914 II. C 1763, ltl.1t, 15 per rent, R-l-ll; Tr. I N',NK'4St . :il. Tp. 17 S . It 4. U l . f Ii Id ii -maii. Itll D C ln5, $4 It, If. I ut. 7-1-16; 1913 I). C. 1241. $4 L'!, 15 percent, 7-1-16; 1913 II C I3SS. $6 10, 15 per cent. N-I-16; 1913 ll c I4IT, l.4t, IS per cent. I lit;. 1914 II 0 1762. $9.61, IS per cent. S I -lli; 1915. $4 47, 12 per rent. P. 45c, A. C S0c; Tr. II NHNK'.SK', Her. 20 Tp. 18 8. R. 47, K W M ; A Win Johnson; 1910 I) c 1088. $69 34, per cent, 7-1-16; 1915, $3. 14. 11 per cent, P 31c, A C SOc; Tr 12 8U8K1,, Hue 29. Tp 40 S . It 40 K V M : A Martin Kchave; 1910 I) C. 1090, $13 11, IS per cent. 7-1-14; Tr 13 Ileginnlng at NW cor. of 1.. 1, thence K iinn', thence 8. 896'. i In ni w I4', theme norlhwestvi I) along the reservation line to place ol l winning in Sec 19, Tp. 41 S . K 43. K W. M . A Horn l.assa; I91n H C 1091. $1"4N. 15 pT rent, 7-1-16; 1914 ll. C. 18.19. I14.IT, II l" I cent. I 1 lti; Tr 14 l.s :'7 K It, It tl. A U A. lli. It It, Hope's Add lo Vale; A A. II Che-ler; 19HI ll C 1092. II.IT, II per cm , I Hi; Tr SW'.SW 14 Se, art, Tp 111 S , It 44. B W M A I. A Mc Nary; 1910 I) C 1094. $1 94, 1 1 per cent, 7-1-Hi; 1913 ll C 1395, 41, I . .i i .. m. I 1 HI. 1914 I) C 1877, :' 9s. per cui. I l in, Ittl, 4 0. per lent. P He. A Tr Hi K S'K1, Se, 12, Tp 1 - . It 45, B W M ; A Jam. K Itll D C Itll, -' 4 1. l". per .em. 7 1 111; 191 I U C lit!). 70. per cent, 7-1 Hi. 1 9 12 l i $L' till, per rent, 7 I 1 1, . 1913 D C 1396. $4 It, II per cent 1 Hi, 1914 H C 1ST;:. $8.39, per . enl I 1-16. Ittt, II It, 1-' per Mai P . tta, -V i ..in Tr 17 NK'.SK1, Sec la. Tp. 16 , It 47, W M . Mmahel Kel 'Pi ' " ' " " 109. $9 I .1. pel cent. ," I Hi; 19111. H C Ml 44 II Per cenl. I I Hi; 1915. 10l If, 1-' pel .enl. P III. II A r .ii,. Tr in Undivided oae-nall iBlaf aa in I. , SW ', NW ', Sec .to. I'p I :. U 43. B W M I Sadie llreedlove, 1 9 1 n ll I' 1 llln. per cent 7 1 1 ti ; 19 14 ll C 19:15 1J per cenl. P 1 7n A r :,0c; Tr I 'i 1 acre in SW cor NW W K '. Sec 14. Tp II s. it 45, l V I II llslioine. I) 1 ' lnM7 4 21) 15 per cent. 7-1 Hi, (111 ll C 11T." 11.11. II p.r cent. , 1 Hi, HI 1 a H ' I III, $!il4. ! per seat, Mm, iiii". i ii7. II per l - elll P I ., . ,n. . I i .ii U ', K '. S, c 14 1 p S, It 4fi, K W M; A. Wra J Mc I.eort; 1910 1). C. 1112, $10.80, 15 per cent, 7-1-16; 1911 D, 0. 1188. $13.05, II per cent, 7-1-16; 1912 I). C 1275, $10.71, IS per cent. 7-1-18; 1913 I) C 1420. $20 40, 15 per cent. 8-1-16; 1914, I). C 1974. $14. SB. IS per rent, 8-1-16; 1915, $12.98, II per cent. P $1 .10, A C 50c; Tr 21. LA 5, ', 78. II. 3. Kid ridge Add to Vale; A Mrs. W. J. Preston; 1910 D. 0 1113, $21.55, II per rent, 7-1-18; 1912 1) C 1265, lll.lt, II per nnt, 7-1-16; 1913 I) C 140.1,' $3.1.84, 15 per cent, 8-1-16; 1914 1) C. 1905, $11 It, II per rent, 8-1-16; 1915 $10 15. 12 per cent, P $1 02, A C. SOc; Tr 22 SW1, Sec 1 fi, Tp 28 I , It 45. K W M.; A. Kdlth D Taylor; 1910 Ii ' 1114, $21 00, 15 per cent, 7-1-16; Tr Nllf Sec. 20, Tp 16 8, R. 47, I W M , A John 0 Miller. 1910 I). C 1 I 19. $1 l4. I :. per cent. 7-1-lfi; 1915, $13 13, 12 per cent. P. $1 31. A. C 50c; Tr 24 8W4 8W4 8ec. 15, Tp. 23 1 1 , It It, W. M ; A. W. II Isaacs: 1910 D C 1120. $1.86. IS pet ..-ni 7-1-16; 1911 D C 1210, $1 90. U, per cent. 7-1-16; 1912 D 0. 1300. $1 75, IS per cent, 7-1-16; 1913 D. C. 1603, $2.84. IB per cent. 8-1-16; 1914 I) 0. 2049. $2 10, 16 per rent. 8-1-16; 1915, $2 02. 12 per cent, P. 20c. A C. SOc; Tr 25. l.s 11, 12 ft 1.1, 11. 263, City of Ontario, A I It I'engra ft H. W. Richardson; 1910 I). C. 1141, $11 15, 15 per cent, 7-1-11; Tr. 26. WHNE4 8er. 14. Tp. 19 I , I 14. I W M. A. I E. Btausel; 1910 I) C 1110, $56 00. 16 per rent 7-1-16; 1911 D 0 1205. $32 46. 16 per cent. 7-1-16; 1916, $62 13, It per rent, P. $6 21. A. C. SOc; Tr. 27. 8HNWVi8WV4 Sec. 2, Tp. 30 S . It 46, E. W. M . A. Jose 8a valle. 1910 D. C. 1111. $80 40, 16 per cent. 7-1-11; Tr. 28. U, 1. . 3, ft 4. R. 1$, Hope-Holland Add to Vale, A O. tf Powell; 1910 I). C 1105, $11 00, IB per ent. 7-1-16; 1915 $7.22. 12 per cent. P 72r. A. C. SOc; Tr 29 NW'.NK', Sec Hi, Tp 26 S , It 4 4, B W M : A, Henr N Stlckney. 1910 D C. 1106. $12 83. 15 per rent. 7-1-16; Tr 30 1. 3, 11 8. Jordan Valley, A Clyde C ItohlniMin. 1910 I) C 1102. $15.71, IB per rent. 7-1-16; 1911 D C 1179, $30 05, 15 per ..ni. 7-1-18; 1914. D. C U67, ft . an, is per cent. 8-1-16; 1915. $89 94, 12 per cent. P, $9.00, A. C. lie; That the following named per sons are the owners of the legal tit lea of the atiteral tracts herein de scribed: Tract No. I. Joseph K Smith. Trustee; Tract No 2. H J. Itenson; Tract No 3, Tllll.- I Pierce; Tract No. 4, W M Kast.rda) , Tract No 5. K. J Palmer; Tract No ii, Howard Davis, and E K Wheeler, Trait No 7. Mrs l.ulu M Ho vie Trad No s. Mm P, K Gllmore; Tract No S, Prank High and High Rros ; Tract No 10. T. I) lloneyman; Tract No 11, Wm Johnson; Tract No. 12, Mar tin Ki have; Tract No 1.1, Dora l.as sa; Tract No. 14. A. It Cheater; Tract No 15, I.. A. McNary; Trart No 16, James MeCiiIre; Tract No 17. Annabel Kelley; Tract No is, Sadie llreedlove , Trail No 19, J 1) Oshorne, Tract No 20. Win J Mc land. Tracl Nu. 21. Mm W J Pi. ton; Truct No aa. Edith D Taylor Trad No 2.1. John C Miller; Trart No 24. W II Isauc; Tract No , 1 Pengru and II W Itlchai dsou . Tract No 26. I K Stausel, Trail No 27, Jos,- Savalle; Tract No 2S, C A Powell; Tract No. 29, Henry N S(lckne , 'll.u I u It, I lde 0 rlobinaoa . That all of the dcteudant I alioie iiained and all persons iulere-led or whom It nuiy conctrn. are herein notllieil 1 1 1 a t plaintin will apply to Ihe ( ire ii it Court of the State of Ore gon for a decree foreclosing the liens against the property above dei rihed and mentioned in said certificates and each and all thereof, and you and each of ou are herein tnrther sum ' nioiied to appear within sixty days af ter the tlrst publication ol ihis sum nions. exi lusive of the irate of the Hrsl puhllealliin, and defend this action or pay the amount due as shown almw together with the costs and dishume inenis herein and m crulng interest and co-Is, and ill case ol vour failure lo do so, a decree will he rendered forecloainf the liens ol said taxes. Interact, penally, eoata and eipenaee againsl Ihe scleral (rail- of land ahine descrihed Dale of tirsi puhlicution, March 1Mb, 1917 Xll pimes and pap.i- in this pro Mating aiajt ba aarTat upon it xp Bwaflar al liis offlee and poal otaat address at Ontariu. tli'enoil Hen I Itruwii. Shei -in It W Swagler, I il ni, t Xttol'lie Plral I'lihliiatiun Mar II, 1 1 T i. a-i Publication Mai 11 1917. SUMMONS. IN THK (1IMCIT tXHIRT OK THK BTATH K OMMPOR POMMAI iiki it oovRvr. Malheur County, A Municipal oor- Porathm. Plaintiff, VH' r xv A,lon. NVIb " Anderson. J. " Anlhony, I. C llPr. H. II llarton, " Heck. Ceo K ll.sk, I K Btt l. w ' Ih'iineti. Kdw I. Illelman, aph C llhiha. Han Hliikenhlllor,, Hnm Hlnkenhlller. Uiula It llostwlcli, wm. i iiiiswortii. h. r nowman, Isaa. N liraib.. It I' llrlckner. K. 0 llrown. P, V llrownlng, Oru K ,,r AiiKtist .1 lliiihtn, J A. Itry son, t hurles tl Hurl, O II CarlHon, Khen Carlson, II T llrlckner. W (1 H'"nK. II .1 linker. O P llucl- land. I. I, lllngnman, D J I'ahlll. John H Carey, C. N. Carpenter (astla, Ander son. Ilerl II Cave, llert II Cove. Italph Christy. MB.le t'hrlsty, S It Clark, II. M Clemens. Merle I. Columbia, Hoy C ( rahlll, C. C Creamer. Owen V Crenth, Creek, Rttrkland, It K Creel, Mrs I II (rln, I V I'utii berford, 0 B Cunningham, C C. Cramer, Flora O. Clyrtge, J P. Crltch low. Italph Christy, Krtward Connell, Wm II Dannevlk. A. O Darcy, I) C Da Is. Daniel J. Davison. Denla IV- Autenll, A Dlfanl. ('has. II Doorley D 0 Dowart, Stephen Douglas, John Doyle, Sim Duck. Jean II Duren, II. llorrters, J 11 Maxflelrt. O Darcey, August Dahl. Wm II Den ,,, r Mfcy Mr A Mllhourne, nerlck. Noah Kggers. Jr.. Samuel g.,, j Miller, J. W. Mitchell, Em Paler. It L Paulkner. J I. Kelgh- ,nR , rei Mm,rii OBftflv A Moore. A. C ner. J. C. Plree, Fred P. Pillion, John Morrow. J. S. Mundls, J. P Murphy. Fleming, N. W Fletcher. Hattle M. 1 Mycr. Orr, Perguson. Clara A Flynn, Wm. A. E L McDonald. 8 P. McNew. H. E. Olfe. Qeo. C.llhertM.n. M c tllllette. MoNttttt W. r. Negley. Mary P. Nev- Wm K. (Jibe. Mrs. C. V. Ooforth, Ole , Orenrter, Charles A f Jordan. John K Hamilton, Mary K Hamilton, Krert K Hauklns, P 8 Harlan. 0 S llepler. Kstate or Pat lleslln, Jas. W. Hesnian Ida M Hodge, Wm. Hovelter. W A Howard. II II Hudson. Mm Nellie Hume, J Hewitt, Lena May (last Inge, Albert Helling. Antone Jaeoh- son, lllcharil Jenklnson, J W John-ig son, Alfred Johnson, t haries Jiiim nll .1 Ii Nell lulies. I'eler It Jung les. XV M Kanonr, Phil Jurlsh, T S Kin. I .eder. Thus V King. S. A Knerht. f J Knott. Prank l.an bourni', XX' D. Kanoff, Arthur Ken nedy. J Kay l.aiie. Mrs Ida .. l.andy, Qeo Eighty. II F. I.e..n.,n. l.-ah l.lchtenherg. t has F. I.ucas. Jno ( l.urke, Charles A Mader, Jno J Mak In. J. Mautel, Martin Borders, J. II Maxtleld. Milton V May. Mm A Mllhourne Saiiiu, I J .Miller. J XV Mlt. hell, Em ms I.ec Moore, ('has A Moore. A (' Morrow. J 8. Mundls. J P Murphy. Meyer, rr' E. L. McDonald, 8. P. McNew, H. ' M.Nutt. XV E Negley. Mary P. Nev- Ins, T. J. New... n.h. Walter Newell, Herbert Newell, k.-.L ."sorin. Cl),le. Joseph Ohrlner Hubert Newell, E. S O'Day. Fred I. Olmatead.OW Palmer. Fremont Pat- ten, Joseph O'Rrlen. J M Peterson. John K Peterson, (J F Phillips. Man- ml Purler. Leslie C Poor. Mattie Preston. S (i Keisl II A Kelchen ham h, S It Iteed, C Iteynolds C Hewiil. John XV Kolaud. XX'm Kosenhurg, F N Howe, Antone Sach .1. Ilarrv J Saline. 8. P Sanders, i Vou and each of you are hereby no Sershey llros, J c Shaford. Jose titled thut plaintiff Is the owner and phine T Smith. J W Snilih, llertha holder of Certificates of Dellnuueiicy Smithhisler, Carl Sonntag, Uustave number 2072, for unpaid taxea, In A. Spaniel, ll It Slandley, A T teresl and costs due and payable to Stewarl, f XV Stivers, Nick Sloos plaintin Tor Ihe year 1910, Issued l Ki.,1 Taihov, I) S Smithhisler, the Tax Collector of Malheur County, il.orKe M Sn.ooi. I.ouis P Snilthhls- Oregon, on March 27, 1917. anil cov ler. (Jeo ll Salyer, TIioh M Sheehan. ering tracts numbered one 1 1 ) to 183 Oeorge J Siiiltli. J K Trinnler, Win Inclusive; and that said certificate J Tucker. M. K Turpin. Evelyn M of deliuiiuency Is filed In the office of lyner. J C Thompson. I. Thomel-' the County Clerk of Malheur I'oun sath, A F Van Dlnter. Thomas C ty, Oregon, and Is a lieu and charge Vaugh, II G Votaw, Theodore C -upon each or the several tracts here Walker. Ball Walllne, Hoy N XVel inalier described and for the sever lington. C, F XX'erseen. It II XX'est, al amounts hereinafter set forlli, lo I l. II XX'hlle. F XX Wieland. F J gether with Interest at the rate of Wilkins, Sarah XX mans. Chas K 1 5 per cent per annum from the date XX' i mi, I. ihas f Woodward. Delhert ot -aid certificate. You are further A Wright, Jacob Wylor, lua It notified that there is now due, ow Voung, Ernest Zoeller. Jacob Wyler, lug and payable to plaintiff and a lieu A J. Westergreen. Hlanrhe Wood-, and charge upon each several tract ward. Asa A Wallace, I. M Young, Oregon Valley Land Company, a cor- poratlon, Jumes P Anderson. Iiereiidants, To C w Allen, Nels H Anderson, J (5 Anthony, I. t Haer. II H liar- ton, II E Heck. (Jeo I He.k. S K Heghtol, W 1. Itennett. Edw I. Itiel- man, Joseph C Hlaha. Dun ltlaken- hiller. Sam Itlakenlnll. r. I.ouis It lliislwick. Win T Ho-worth, II f llowman Isaac N llrad It f llrick ner, E C. llrown, f XX llrowiiiua Ora E Hruce, August J Itruhn, J A Hi yson. Charles Q Hurl, 1) II Carl son. Elien Caiison. H T Urn kn I Q Bowling, II I Baker, 0 P Hiickland. 1. I. Hingaman. D J Ca bill, John 11 i any C Carpenter, Castle. An derson, llert ll cave. Hen H Cine. Italph C!irisi. Malta Christy. S K i lark. II M Clemens Mel lc I. Cu liiiiilna. Ko) Ciahill. ('. (' Creamer, uwen W i reath, Creek, Ilucklan, It. K. Creel, Mrs I II Crln. K. V Cumberford, C. O. CunniUKlintn. C. C. Criiiner. Klorn O. Clyrtge. J K Crltchlow Ralph Christy, Krtward Connell, Win II Danntvlk, A O Darry, I). 0 tlavla, Daniel J. Davison, DenlB I)' Autnnll, A Difnnl, Chns H Doorley, D ' Howiirt, Stephen Douglas, John Doylo, Sim Duck, Jenn 11 Duren. II () Darooy, August Dahl, Win 11. Den nerlck. Noah Kggera, Jr. Samuel Kl,,r m Knlkner, .1 I, Kelghner j (, Kr,)p Kr,,(1 f Kinioii. .IoIki t Klomlng, N. W. Klelchor, Until,. M. KcrgUBOt). Clara A Klynn. Win A ,;lr(. ,.,,,, ,j,ert on. M C tllllette, Wm K ,,, MrB r v. tloforlh. ()le Orondor. Charles A (lordon, John K Hamilton, Mary K llainllton, Fred I lliuiklns, F S Harlan. 0 S Hep Icr. KstBteof Pat II ei lln. Jbm. W. lies man, Ida M. Hodge. Win llmeltei W. A Howard. II 11. Hudson, Mrs Nellie lliinie. V J ll-wltl. Lena May Hustings. Albert lleltlng, Antone JacotiKon, Kiel, aid Jenklnson, J W Johnson, Alfrert Johnson, Charles Johnson. J It Nell .loties, Peter R .lungles, W M Kniiofl, Phil Jurlsh, T H. Klnrtserten thus W King. S. A. Knecht. P. J. Knott, Frank lan bourne, W D Kanoff, Arthur Ken nedy, J. Ray l.ane. Mm Ida 7. l.andy, (Jeo. W. I.elghty, H. P. I.ennon, lah l.lchtenherg. ('has. P. Lucas, Jno C l.urke, Charles A. Mader, Jno J i Makln, J. Mantel Martin, , T j Nwor,,h Walter Newell. n,,r.r( ,.w,.. North. ri,le. Joseph Ohrlner. Robert New ell. I. 8. O'Day. Fred L. Olin-leart, o W Palmer, I'retnont Patten, Jo seph O'llrlcn .1 M Peterson. John I i .ii. ii P, Phillips. Manuel por ler Leslie C Poor. Mettle Pres ton. 8 ti Reed, II A llelclienhaui h. ,.,.,, K , ,,,., ll(l,,lM, )w. Itt. John W IJoland. XX'm E. Ilosen burg, P. N Itowi'. Antone Sarher, Harry J. Saline. S P Sanders, Sersh ev llros J C Shafot'.l. .losephlne T Smith, J W Snilih. Ileriha Sinlth hlsler. Carl BKWtaB, !ustave A. Sminlol. D H Standi- . A T Slew- ((r ,., w ,,,,,,., N,,.K rtll)llh, Kred I rt,r,M)X ,, H 8mllhblsler. (leorge M Snioot, l.ouls P Sniithhlsler, (! I) Salver. Thus M. Sheehan, (leorge J. Hf)l , R Tr(nlll,.r Wlll j Turk. ,r. M K Turpln. Evelyn M Tiner, J C. Thompson, I. Thorselsath, A P. Van Dlnter, Thomas C. Vaugh, 14 VoUw T,llol,ore , wlker, Emll Walllne, Hoy N. Wellington, c F. Weme..n, It II West l I. It White. ... u.,.,.nH v , unwins Sarah Wlnaiia, Cbas. E Wood, ('has w A , i),.!!,,,! A Wright. Jac- ., VVl.. ,.,. Vniin Km., i 7.o- idler, Jucoh Wyler, A J. Westergreen, ,, Woodward. Asa A Wallace. , ., Voun ore0n Valley Land ((.ompanyi a .orporallon. James P An- i demon, DEFENDANTS IN TDK NAME OF THK 8TATK OF OREGON taxes for years subsequent to 1910, In the several amounts hereinafter specified as to each several tract. together with Interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent per annum from April 1. 1912 for taxes of the year 1911; and from April 1st, 1913. for (axes for the year 1912; and from September 1st, 1914. for taxes of the year 1913, and from September l, 1 915. for taxes of the year 1 91 4 . and from October 5. 1916, for laj the ear 1915, and dial (here i a I so due and pavable and a' lien and charge upon each of the -eieral Iracls of land a penally of ten per cent upon all laxe- deliniiient and unpaid uml advertising costs in the -uui- hereinafter set forth and in specifying the anuuints due on the each se.ieral tnicls the following ah- 1,, .- i.iii..n.- ..i. Tr means Tract No . Tp means Towli.-hip, I mean- South , It means Itange; A. C meuils advertising cost. P means I'enally Tr 1. BWWNKK Sec. 29, Tp. 36 S. It 37. K W. M.; A. C. W Allen; 1910, $125; 1912, 83e. P. 08o; 191.1, $2 04, P . 20c, A 0 .. 50c; Tr. 2 KK4 8W4 See 3B, Tp S, ll. 37. E W M ; A. Nols H. An rteraon; 1910, $1 IS; 1911. $ .82, P. $ .08; 1915, $2.30, P. 23c, A. C, SOc; Tr. .1 8EKBW4 Sec. 5 Tp. .17 8.. I W. M.; A. J. 0 Anthony; 1910, $1.25; 1911. $ .97. P. 10c; 1112. $2.04, P. 20r. A C 50r: 1914, $1.S, P 21c, A C. 50c; 1915, $2 30, P. 23c. A. C. SOc: Tr 4 NE48Wt Soc. 33, Tp. II S , It 41, K W M ; A I C llaer; Itlti $125; 1911, $107, P llr; 1912, 70c. P. 7c; 1913, $2.24, P. 22c, A. C. SOc; 1914. $1 70 P. 17c, A. C 50c; 1915. $1.78, P. 18r. A. C. SOc; Tr. 5'8W4NWV4 Hec. 3,1, Tp. 32 s, It 40. I W M , A H ll Rarton; 1910, $1 26; 1911. 97c. P. 10c; 1912. 70c, P 7c; 1913, $2 04, P. 20c, A C SOc; 1914, $2.06, P. 21r. A ( 50r; 1916. $2.30, P. 23r, A C. 50c; Tr. 6. NW4 See II. Tp .16 8, It. R. P. 36 17, E W M ; A. II. K. Oeo He.k: 1910. $6.05; 1916. $9.18, 92c. A. C. 50c; Tr. 7. NRI4NWU Ber. 25, Tp 8 , It J7. E W. M.; A. 8. K. Heghtol; 1910, $1.26; 1912. 83c, P. 8c; 1913. $2 21, P 22c, A. C. 50c; 1914, $2.05, P. lie, A C. 50c; Tr. 8. SEX Sec. 36 8., It. 37, E. W. M . A. W. la Menu. ti. 1910. $5 05; 1912. $3.32, P. 33o, A. C SOc; 1913, $K 16, P. 82e, A. C 50c; 1914. $8.20, P 82c. A. ('. SOc; 1915, $9.11, P, 92c. A. C. 50c; Tr 9 SVtjNESEVi Sec. 16. Tp. IS 8. I W M .; A Kdw I. Illelman; 1910, 62c; 1111. 41r. P. 4c; 1912, 35c, P. 4c; 1913. $1.02. P. 10c. A. C. 60c; 1914, $1 03. P. 10c. A. C. SOc; 1915, $1.08. P. tic, A. C. 50c: Tr 10. N'.NW'i.HK', Sec. 25, Tp. 31 8. It. 41. E W. M.; A. Joaeph c Hlaha; 1910, 62c; Tr 11 NK'.NK". Se.-. 17. Tp 3;'. S . It 40, E W. M A. Dan lllanken blller; 1910. $1 25; 1911. 81c. P. 1912. 70c, P 7C; 1913, $104; P. 20r. A. C. 50r; 1914. $2.05, P. 21c. A C. 50c; 1916, $2 31, P. ISc. A. C 60o; Tr. It. NV4MV48B4 Bao. IS. Tp 31 S, It 4 1, E. W M ; A Uiulw It Host w lik. 1910,62c; 1911, $1.14, P 1 1912. $1 40. P. 14C. A. C. 50c; 1913. $2 99. P. 30c. A C 50c; 1914. $2.04. P. 20c. A. 0 50c; 1915. $2 13, P 21c. A. C SOc; Tr 13 SW'4NK(4 Sec. 33, Tp. 33 8. II. 40. K XV M ; A Wra. T Hosworth; 1910. $1.25; 1911. 97c. P I9c; 1912. 70c, P. 7c; 1913. $2.04, P 2llc, A C SOc; 1914. $2.08, P. llo. A. C. SOc; 1915. $2.30. P. 13r. A. C. SOc; Tr. 14. 8WX4NE', Sec. 25. Tp. SI. E W. M . A. B. P. 1910, $1.26; 1911. 81c. 33 8 , R. llowman ; P P c; 1912. 70e. P. 7c. 1913, $2.04. 20c, A. C. 60c; 1914, $2 05. P. 21c. A. C SOc; 1915, $2 30. P 3Sc. A C SOc, Tr. IS. 8XSE'4NW'i Sec. 19. Tp. 33 8.. II 40, K. W. M ; A Isaac N Hrady; 1910, 02c; 1911. 4Kc,P So; 1912, 35c, P. 4c; 1913. $1 07, P. llr. A C SOc; 1914, $1 03, P. 10c, A. 0 SOc; 191! Tr 18 Tp 31 S llrlckner, $1.08, P lie, A C. 60c; N4NK';NW', Sec. 11, R. 41, E. W. M ; A R. P. 1910, 62c; 1912. 35c, P 4e; Tr 17 SEUSW'i Se,-. 25. Tp. 30 S . It 41, 1 XX M.; A K C llrown; 1910. $1 25; 1911, 99c, P. 10c. 1912, 70c, IV 7. . 1913, 08. P. 21c. A. C 50o; 1914. $1 ti.'., P 17c, A. ('. 60r; 1915, $2 00, P 20c, A. C 50r; Tr. 18 M-.N'E'.SXX ' ', Sec l.i. Tp 31 S . It 4 1, E W M . A. P. W. Browning; 1910, 62c; 1911, $147. P. 15c, 1912, 63c, P 6c, 1913. $1 59, P 16c, A C 60c; 1914, $1 20. P lit, A C. 50c; 1915. $1.18, P 12r, A. C 50c; Tr 19 BEMNWI4 Sec. 33. Tp 31 S. It 4 1, K XX M ; A. Ora E Bruce; 1910, $1 25; 1911, $1.07. P. 1 1. . 1912, 70c, P. 7c, 1913. $2.24. P 22c, A C 60c; 1914, $1 70. P 17c, A. C. 50c; Tr 2il IWIA8WH 8cc 29. Tp. 36 8, It 37. E W. M ; A. August J Itruhui; 1910. $1.25; 1911, 81c, P. 8c; 1912, Mir, P 8c; 1913, $2 04. P 20c, A C SOc; 1914, $2 06. P. 21c A C 50c; 1915, $2 30. P 23. 1, A. C :.oc, Tr 21 NV4SK'NW4 Sec. 19. R. 40, I W M ; A J A Tp ,13. S ll i v .11 ; 1910, 1913. $1 02. I 62c; 1912, 35c, P. 4c; 10c. A C 50c; 1914. $1 03, P 10c, A (' ',0c; 1915, $1 23. P 12c A 0 Itt . Tr 22 SW',SE See 23. Tp 30 S . It 41. E W M ; A Charles O. Hurl: 1910. $1 1911, It P It9 1912. The. P 7c; 1914, $1 66. P 17c A C ,11,; 1915, $200, P. 20c, A C. 50c; Tr SE', SE', Sec. 31. Tp 32 .It 4 1. K W M A. O II Carl son, 1910. $1 25; 1912. 70c, P 7c; ft 24 SE',SV, See 29. Tp. (Continued nu Page 9.) t