THE ONTARIO .Mail's. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1917. PAGE II. ) CLASSIFIED A DVERT181 NJ l II I UtUi ads. are road by thou .uuIh of want lOOneM both to l)iiy and to Mil. MM H He. H lOOOTUOg fir. phono 49J fur result. (iriitin iMltary Dairy la Um oleaa-l POH BALI a bangalon on Main i rl.ilry III nntOfl Oregon. Oil of Hlrcet, thron blocks north ol the thltt) tU dalrlaa in Baaf on, Moore Hotel, addroa Boa 141, on. iDi ImlliiK tin' rlifi'H of linker nnd La't.irio, Oregon. t Irtinil . Ctlllln tiiilry liu the IiIkIkI Ha K"t ii'4 pointo out of P0RSALI I n p Itorori poHHibif It mi eleealtaeea in milking, gina al a bargain. bottling, era hlng and hiinillliii; till milk. Wln'ii yon want clean, rich milk, phone lirlltln Hiinitiir Dairy SC It and nn will get It. 0-lf Kgga for hatching rrom my care fully Ki'h-i till pen of White Ply mouth Itoi'kh, 1,M per In i'i - Mrs. C M l.nckcv, Itiuiii' l. Pajrotte, Idaho Phone 7-21, Krtiltland Kx change. 11-31 iiiiiKimm Ontario, III, llll , Adv. Cliillilr i on RRNT Small nouaa and gar dan plot, in tin' eonntry lien Roaa, Ontai !. R i D Adv. 1 1 ANTED Man on raaeh, onenrho andaratuda leveling aad Irrigatlni Mux 1 1 , Ontario it t i PARTNER WANTED With II. ."00 to help put water on 400 acre if deep volcanic iihIi land. Dam and ditch allready filed on. Address C. V. Carter, Harper. Oregon II 3t If yon want aed potatoes, ahsolutc ly clean and pore, Netted ticiiiH and IturalK. call J A. Williams. Phone .12 in 9-tf. rOfl I'USTINU, Paper hanging, aud I'lilclmlniiiK lirst Cla Work, I'rlre Iteasonxhle IMinna K. A. Wledom, :o:,i J-tt WANTED You to know wa are inlppeil to I. .hi, lie your Jol print ing, and raady at all times, lo give yoa the uioat reasonable price poa Ibla. lOlt IlKNT Klve room houae, In MUlre Joe Htaplea at M.MCo Adt 10 If Poll It I-NT Kurnlahed modern bedroom ln,iilre Cope the Tailor, three block h houiIi of Moore Hotel. 7-lt K'E If roa want Ice call up J. A. William Phone llJ-m ir Wanted A few stand-, of beea, addreaa Ttox 474 Vale, Adv. 9 St. OMOOD KAHITKItN HltANt II WeM Itounil No. V.l Mixed Ieavea Ontario 10.00 a. m. Dally except Sunday; Arrive Vale 10:D0 a. in., Juntura 2:00 p in ; Itlvnralde 3:20 p. m. Crane .' 2u p. m. No. 372 Mixed Leave Crane, Ore 7:30 a. m. Dally Kxcept Sunday, Hlverxlde 9:30 a. m. Juntura 10:35 a. in . Vale 1:16 p. m , Ar rive Ontario 2:00 p. m. ItltOGAN BRANCH No .173 Mixed- Leave Ontario 1:30 p. m Daily Kxcrpt Sunday. Leave Vale 2:30 p. m , Arrive Itrogan 3:30 p. in No .'17 4 Mixed Leave Itrogan 3:50 P m.. Vale 5:05 p. m., Arrive On tario 5:60 p. m. BLona fro . L-LhfcLicrs. Down-anJ-ou'.ars Form Tranafuaion Auxiliaiici for dltimortana. Bnltltn Hi i i tin ii u uuudn J dei eUcta i rout Hi I i Ii n,:i. luu her., aai t llll'lei nue blOOll ' ! .ii (in I winter m I'roteefaul luflrm my. ii brancb of John tlopalna, fori rai m, nr tbo hundred t ,ciit.i fjvo bare boefa new rted ami bare been paid Kifl for robwlttlng t, tr ifualona, In ! It 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 t,i the :!2."., time WOO nie c ' 1 1 ,i i i , paid iii ina rata ol $i ii di tbetnaelvea i: ondl Hon nntll i led Tba plan i imber et i bo lead- in:.' rarg i I, I he city, ni I i by tba a blatorj , f i he i ni illlea ol i ha men blood i- ui il i atudli !. and ,,i I Ibo e ,,f gOI il lih '"I me ,., , , plod, Tiie blood "f t:., e in, .ii m,in lot ii'ii'tnii.v inn now connaa tbroogta the veins of ii number of promlneui men nnd women of Baltimore LDi.AL MM It IS. .'. l 0 and 40 :,' upward nld aba ndonmt n not can i bj i of nn n lltni v i, in , m The Children FINDS LONG LOST RING. Wtddina Embltm O.tcovartd on Farm Whara Owntr Formarly Lived. Peaaugtou, n. I. Mrm p. il Van-1 noy W weiu iin; n';,m the wedding ring ' ulic hist t hin.v yen is agg on tier fiiiin at Cedar Qraea, near atea, Mis. Vgnnoy :is cIcauiiiR house one day mid laid nnldc her wyddinu llnl.' Later she waa aaabla la law n. MIhm Sophia WllkitiN waa walking tiiioiiirti the yard wfcea her attaaittag hi Httno tad ay gteaaakag aajaat un der a kitchen in, low hIII. She walked I toward It, duif It out of the aoil with j her heel ami u moment later was tele- pbOBlng to .Mrs. Vumioy (hat the rluC had baan found I.KOAL SOT1CKK. no lit i: ,i. K KHTH.tY. I.I.I.AI, NO 111 IS. npy , order be par on ill i HpOB the helra, and .noun aad reaidtng wit h in iba gtal ion; aad it i hereby further neotloo with operation In Meal o, oi rdared thai oopy ol this order be along the bordara th i iof, or In no pabllehed for four m bill lion i .nn I, el owhere or any In the Ontario Argon, week!) naval or military service in the I'nii paper printed and pabllahed Ii ad Itatea of the National Guard ol ' ' raral Btati , n You nr,'. therefoi a, rnrther notified thai the ni'i allegation! a III be taken ii eeni mi ,i. nnd your aid enl ry will I,,- eaneelad without further rittiit o Ii" Ii vir, I. . Iilier bafol 'ice or i.ii you fall to nia In I iiin twenty dayi after the ii publloatloa oi tbut notlet . bh shown below, our un wer. under oath, peelfloall) rt ipondlna to tl i i allagatlona of oonteat, together with I daa proof that .Mm bare MfTod opj of ,inr aaewer on the said eon lestiint i-ilher In patBOg or by regis tered mall. i You should st n tc in your answer the name of the post office to which you desire further nolle M to be arnt to you. THOMAS JONKS, Rawjator, Date of first publication, March 22, j 1917. Pile ,,r Magna' publication March 29. 1917 Date of third publication April fi. 1917. Date of fourth publication April 12 1917. lk;.l Mint is. I cit illation in day of February, County and in tld i !oant) I lilis 27tl I 1 1 I '.I I 7 010 v MeXNIOHT, Couiit Judge I I'uidi. at ion March 22, 1917. Last PaMloatloa irii II, 1 in ; - HOMKDALK HltANtH Rxtrn Mixed Leave Ontario 8: IS a ni. Daily Rxcept Sunday. No. 33 Mixed Leave Nyaaa 1:31 a ni. Dally Kxcept Sunday. Ar rive llotuedalo 10:35 a. ra No. 3:: 84 Mixed Leave llomedale 10:55 a. m. Dally Kxcept Sunday, Arrive Nyaaa 12:05 p. ut. Kxtra MixedArrive Ontario 13:30 p. m. I 00 two barman und , NOT,,r: TO ONTAItlO ISKKH. ATr:it 1 in: s one our 1.. mesa nil at.l antomiillc fly shuttle aarnoi looaaa, almost new Meat sell by April 11: Ii Mrs S There will be a m 'etliiK at the City tlurk''t. WnoiiiIiik AVOOJM, n".ir lli'11 "" "" nr"' M'"ida In April nl I.1.111I Si OatariO I" 1 s "eh,, k p in, for Ho ,iir ,,1 electing offlcerx anil the hlrlnu ol roll SAI.i: s r White i.egborn water man. .it. hlng cku 201 A II Cain Phone 1 11 If (OK SAI.K .Modem house, six rooms, sewer connection m-ll proved, paiiiini like rein amall payments don Call. it till .'the COlt HALK Alfalfa seed, adilre Box 303, Ontario or phone No 201 n 3. lit KOH HALK all plga. J. J of Ontario Dunn food Mi and Ward, four ml lea weat Adv. 11 tl m v ardor ol the board or dm-, i.,i I A WISIIO.M. S 'ii. Henttt, Anyhow. There i a . onng i" a er "f thi towp w bo l us lni. -t us he U w Itty, ii,iw inn, h. naked cilanl ad hh "will your opinion he wollh In tills en-" " Keslly," said the yOOOg tOgOl lluht. i OMl aay. II111 1 au tell eg what I am tfuiutf to cbai'Ka you fur It." Kv aaaaoo, Notice is hereby given that on the Ilk day of January, -1917. I took up the following eetray animal at my farm one and one-half miles south east of Ontario, Oregon, the owner of which Is unknewn: 1 Itonn cow, weight about HO0 Ihs with stub horns, branded J I. on left hip The owner may have aamc by prov ing his property and paying all costs , Incurred, damages suffered by me through the trespass of aald animal That on (lie aaid 14lh day of April 1917. the above animal will be aold I at public auction ut the hour of BM o'clock I1 M on my premises as aforesaid, about one and one-half miles soutlieust of Ontario, belna known us the Ontario Packing Coin pain slaughter hou.e, in .Malheur Couut. OrogOB, ander and by virtue of liuipter Igl or the tienerut or Drogaa tor Lilt, tg the ing' 1 bidder i"i 1 a 'i to al h f) aaaucoa, costs or keeping, aad all axponaaa as Ilia) have he. 11 l.-Klllarl), in eluding jii 1 1 cost ol ad-1 vertlatng this nolo II II TI'.NNV First publication March 29. 1917 Last publication April 12. 117. IN TDK OODNTT COURT OK THK STATK Of ORBfJON, IN ANII KOIl MALIIKCK COUNTY. In the matter of the Kstat- tif Jane D. Patch. Deceased OHUKl: lo ahow cause why Order of Sale of Ileal Kstate Should not he made The c'lililren ui' today Will he Hi' men and wo men of tomorrow, doing th" a 1. rids work as 1 they 1 an Isn't It Important that they be glen ns nun h training as possible to perform the tasks sure to be aaalgned them? Of cour e You prove thin by Bending the youngsters to school. You want them to have a good education. Are you making that education complete and practical? Is the child be ing taught much ubniit KeOnOJ milters or the sav ing habit? Many parents have Induced their child ren to open little savings accounts at our bank and they are quick to loarn. and proudly band In their paat books and pennies for deposit. You should aee to it that your hoy or girl learna these Import ant lessons also We will gladly assist them. First National Bank Ontario, Oregon "A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COITNRRY" VintK TO CHKDITUIIS. THE OUTLOOK F..r liiisintss during tlu coming jretr li twy o.iod; il' we can be of any help to y'ii, caU on u; we i'fiilif tiiat the Mivc' banker must Indeed be lire to the oeedi i' ii rjonunuuit) end patrone, and to mmM In every way eonaiatenl with t,""l judgernenl and lafety. lome and tee us; If we do oof help you we will not hurt y0U. Make our hank or.. 1 irfvi nen i' tliat ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Vale Hot Springs SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Board, Rooms and Baths. Massage, Diet, Rest RHEUMATISM OUR SPECIALTY DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent Notion I" hereby given Ihut the no ilersigneil baa been appointed auiiu I Istrator of the estate ol Arthur W I Trow, deceaned, by order of the Couu . t) Court of the Slat.- of Oregon, fot the County of Malheur. Any aad all j persons having claims against tin i said estate are hereby noltlied to art ut ihe Mime, ituiy rartnen u by law required, to ihe iin.lerMgaeU ad I miiilhtrator at bis residence in on I tario. OmgOOi within six iiidiiil.- Hen the iota ot the liisl in hi n .1 1 Ion ol this nol It Done ami dated and Iret gnMianad thai ltd tea ol Marea, cit clinton w. raow, A.linini Halm 1.1 ' ! Ar - ii.ur w, Troa . Deot pnnllaatlon M lull .l II I 1 "I MlMI-l 1 Km Publication. ' hKI'MClMKN 1 Of I in INTI 1 Ml ELI gTATEg 1-ANU . ; 1I1..I till n out . 1 'III. Ills ..i.l.i all. ill I 14 1 l . ill- aineii, , i. Idlau. .111.1 m grouud I'" bin com' 1 iiai iii. aid antrynian Bllja U Coamaa died, lear hik no aldoa 01 citildran, aboul into ra ago, aim JerenUab a Coanian, Pajrotta Idano, and Cariatogaar w Coamaa. fomaorlp of Poyetta Ma at law of said eiilryiuan have abaudoned tin- said liomi entry and removed the dwelling I., aise ami oilier improvements That Jeremiah B Coanian aad Chrlalopbei It appeariug lo this court, by the petition this day presented and filed by Kdwln J. Catch and Wdmnr D. Patch. the executors of Ihe estate of Jane I). Catch, deceased, praying for an order for aale of real estate, that It la necessary to aell the whole of Ihe real estate of said do cedent In order that a tlnal settlement ; and ill- intuition of aaid estate may he made according to Ihe terms of the will of Ihe said deceased It la therefore, ordered ,y this Court, that all persons ini.ii' ie. I in the estate of said deceased, appear before Ihe said County Court on the 311 day of April. A. O. 181", at UN hour ol I I 01 In. k In the forenoon of said gttjr, at the Court room of said County Court, at the Court il..u -Ihi'Citj of Vah'. CoiiiiO ot M.illieur. , Slate of OrOgOO lo show lause why .hi .. gar should not be grunted lo the said executors lo sell the hrrclniiiiei . riheil real estate ot the -.Cit ,te . ii, noil w mi h s ml real ,., 1 ies rlbed as follows. IOWttl The K, of HW, of SK KK's of Swtiitn St, Township 11 South. Itange 4 7 Kasl ot II lamette Merldlao, eontalnliia He IS) acrea, situate in MnlhOOf County. Stato of Oregon. Also an nl.-il one half in terest in and lo the. following described real property slrnate ill Malheur Coiinly. State ol Ore Kim. and de-.criliei as follows, 10 hii 1 Ail ol Lot! '. 7I-7J--64 us Ihe same appears on lite ottlclul plat thereof, hi cording to the naantnl ngpeop of the Toamaiie of Anuex, Malheur t ouiily. Slat" of Oregon And it is further ordered that Drugs DRUGS Drugs Willi. I WK CAI1UV STATIONKKV AND MANY OTIIKIt I. INKS Hit II AS AKK P00M0 IN AI.I. Dill i STOItKS, WK MAKK Ollt SIKcl l. TTi THK TIIINti WK KM I'll SiZC. MOST, Ollt llltl'US AMI ol I: Villi 1 1 TO si ri'i.v vorii MU1 Cel: PBnWCaiPTIONI 0. 6. Luehrs, Druggist Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatmentSteady imora deaerve Is the principal upon which wi do business. Horses Wanted U'jir lioi'sc.s M.:: to lf liainl high, ritl-. era, eobe and ertUlery animaTii, Full airctl. five ! nine ;tr.s jnound. Also iiiiilis. PraTailing prieea, Bee A. McWILLIAMS ONTARIO OREGON "W"' ' nnfnnannw efgnnnnnana'. carried kinds of tars, , llll lliH.IM. IMillistl. IIIU Tlllt foi , cllll l.ll Hi;.' , I I I Ii tO li for all '"" '"'' "" '" '' a'HiTi e vi'icaNHi i -i mi. i..ii.. . iHnai Lubricating oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. VEIEDI FORI), Ft op. Phone IN Good Nursery Stock Cheap POLL 1.1 1 itshin gTOt K, hi. in --r v.utn I'ltl'll', SIIADK TKKK.S. HKKISIKS Vi ICS. 1 c 1,1 M Al Kl 1 id this co 1 iitv. vVRITB POi OK 1IL8 OR CALL AND KX A If IN I 1 v 1 uiti tiiisi. K ini Klin n .M snt xwmintiis 111 m; ALL nn o Inter-Mountain Nursery II rf WAYNE, Proprietor. PAYKTTK, IDAHO