THE fiNTAIilO Agggg, ONTAKIO. OH EPOS. THURSDAY, MARCH l'l'. 1(117. PAGES YITE invite You to " inspect our new quarters opposite the Dreamland theater. Our New Spring Shoes are arriving every day by ex press and it will be a pleasure to show you the new ones. Jiewtcns Ontario, The Week With ( Local Mr and Mfl D 0 Hooth roturuod -1 ii )m week I r 1 1 1 1 California B hero theil pont the winter III Los Angeles and afler spending the Inilan f the be- 1 .1. .1 prills at the Moore hotel will ii. h we-. ,, town The) lad not planu.'d on reluming north go Boon hut ho impending railroad strike and the ponsbllll of being Mranded in Laa AajaMl Hi i" P peal lo llioiu M Ifcaj hurried home i n-ii c.iliiornlu lias foil Hie rigors of ,, i-ol.l iilnli'i- lm thiil e Hon. sal. I Mrs lloolli Ion the How. ! and frull trees were In bloom or In frull when they left. J II. Seaweard oieull purcliUsoil head ol registered Durham Short horns for which be paid 11109 and lth these as a nucleus of a herd Is going Into the registered slock bu aiDOas Tho stock was purchased ut Caldwell but Is from I famous short Horn farm In Missouri Mrs E J llerry outeiiMn.-.l .h dinner Sunda The guests were Mr. and Mr. II. un lilfford. Mr ami John Stiiilohakor, Arthur Gilford, . ,,,'ll.e mid Italph Oyer The eielil In honor of Mi Cirtnrd 's hlith d.iv Old mends and neig I. U.i 1 Bl Ml and Mrs J It Ilia, kahi ,M,. i gelhor and made i i ill on iliem I ,la . BBtaaf l "oi leln nations and hear uboilt the latteiV i. -. . ni I- ip lo llouolulll i- and Ml Will Mahel ol JM .Ian Valli'y pas, ed through Onlain. .sandal on llo-ii way home Hom the , i where i hoi havi iidlng i inter, .... ...... .el.,, has n vis- til s I (,,,i j.,,.- . xj.u niu.tUa re-: ning her mother Mi ii.i" i. t-.i.. ,,,,,, law turned lo hoi home in VBla Minilajg i. i,.,r aa I lier mother accoiupuning her for u "er "cl w" Mullotl was recently named . , , .nre.iors of the1 to the board of direitois oi iim , ,, ,niri,t to VV.irnisiii-liia's lrrigutlon dlsirni in Warmspili.g. " " I he taoanoy Caused by the deal ii in a- i- Trow . ... , ,i,w Miss Kvelvn llrown ulio La. near Vale spent the week end with her mother alter attending grsmi opera at I- Ontario has tackled it.- tklrd coal, shortage for Hie winter, just w h. -.. ,.,i. ,,,.. ih.i ucli a thing impossible Ml K M Grelg is r.coterlng fmnC a severe attack of grip und is able: ti, ho ii ho lit again Mis Paul OBJJPM aajdj daugliler. Martha, left today for California A vUlt iel ... 1V.W...W-. J W. MoCullocli is confined to his .. -.. . .......i.l home with a severe attack of neural 8 la .Mrs. Arthur Moody of Vale paaaed thru Sunday on her way from Boise Dave ktagHU ha gone d'p to ktaad wa to look after cattle. Oregon. Ontario Citizens Personal ) Kdltor iiiul Mrs 1' MoPurllu liough of the Midvale lli.p..ini ..Mil l.n tiny in i Oil. ii in ii oi in ami Mrs A 0 Moor.- Tliev wer i route home Ii a w Oil. i i ,o .ill. hi in California in. I having boon i. , ,i inn ii ii. lm- mars ago , stopped io Malt friends. Mrs Herbert I. IMngston ami daughter arrlieil Monday from Cali fornia In Join her hush. mil it ho was leienlli in Mailed apslor of llo- giegalloiial ili ill ili II..-1 are hollo In the mails, II II Seawvard of llarron Valley1 'ought lo Oiiturio 'I'uosday for me Ileal uttenllon He will robulily have to undergo an operation for an -u bee as S I) lol in.. n i e.i: Iroiu his third session with Iho grippe for this season aud declares that lie lias h.ol enough for one wtul.-i J. A Wallers of Cairo was uain.d load supervisor of tills district hi the iiiiinlt court and Is assembling crews for tho spring mud work The elhodlst I. ado , Aid mil give a Sllier lea ut I lie api'souagc TV4M day. Mar. h J:i To this tea et.rione Iromcd lloiiie) John W Blggg "I Bl In Ontario Ihls teel, on loisii I SOCIETY. o MM M. l III HON MM It I io mi in LOCAL iilHDs L'ader tka taoAaraklp ..i Mn Tartla Head and Mi- I. u. y IVi social) for ... , , lie study ol birds bus been organized the members being those ol their classes in the grammar si hool who ired to join At the initial meet "m ihla a olhc-is .,.- . I. . '"ll"- I'm . Hugli Higgs; Sect. Mary lackey; Trous , Claire Clirls- j r. ,,as, The first held meet will b. 00 Kridav ulleiiioou alien the stud) of llif bird In III naiuial haunis will ''" lak''' uu Mrs. Jacoh eiiienained W . flati da avataOM la honor ad kaw daugliler LaOi'l tenth birthdav 'In en n lour little boys and gills enjot.-.i themselves Willi gillies and mil If lealure ol tho ret reshiiienl s wus a big birthday cuke with ton candles. Up- blowing out of which caused much excitement The Remnants met Monday even- I1IC 1VVIUUWMM. .M ...s,....-. ,nK wl(ll jjr BIld Mrs Krank Rader . ..... Mrs c It Km Mini carried off lite hou or. Star chaaiar, of.Egstera 8tar ai aatertain with a nodal tonight (Thuriidgy i Husbands of members no do nut belong in ! 1 1 chapter and ho local Mucous anil their wives will M guests. A proRriim will bo given and rorn slitnenlH served Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wood enter i a I n oil tlio Cariintlons Tucsdny even ing. First rliow wore won by Mm. K. A. Krnaer nnd K. ('. Van I'etton Mr'- .1 II Kortlor wns hostess this wook to I ho Wodnc ilav llridgc rluh. Mi II ii luiiiio won the honorii. Mrs Hen. Kellog entertained the ! Tuesday Bridge rluh this wook. Mm. (I II Tout carrying "T "rat prize Tlio Chant. iiniun circle met Tuea- .1 .1 . it llli tluu 1l.iV.1i1l ..l lire CiiiiiiiR tTiinn "'"' " tin- horn' of MIhh I Hi (Mow. i t aAh srru vj. MiilCK Or' rONTKST. ( I'or Publication I DIPARTM HI INTBRIOR, i'MTKI) BTATaM I, AMI OrTII I I -I NO III S N ( null'. I V .1 1 . OroRon, March Itthi I I ml ih Ii o-miii of unknown addreaa, Md nil other unknown in of Elljn H i o n, doroii od, Von aro herein BOttftad Unit Alt.' n out Sutton, who give I'.i el i -. In ho, as lilt piot-oltlce .nlilri"', did on ith, 1917, til.' In this olll.-o II, roborntad application lo 000 Bd ti anoellallon of lloinestond liniii Sirlal No n h D lilllde Ith. l!'l I. hi Ell L I' 'o in mi. til-roused, for NVtNWVi r M and i -I Son Ion IS, Tom. ship 17 South II Will . Mori. Han and M Rrouml ti" "'. i ho iiMorom that "tho said ntrymuu KIIJu D Cosnian dlod. loin- lug no widow or rhildron, ahoiil two inn un, nt Iiriiliti f rirwiiti. of Paotto. Idaho, aiol Cl.rl-t.M.ho, H i osmaii. formrrly of Payette, Ida ho, the heirs at law of said enlryinun have abandoned Iho miI.I homeatoad .ntr and raawrad tho dwelling, ",l"'1 toptawamenls That ..ih II OaaaBM and Christopher W. OaaaBM are liriithcrs ol outrvinaii mid 40 yours old and upward Thai' hiild iilmiidoniueul was not cuused h i roiiMin ol any military service In BM niTlliin with operullons In Mexico, or along the border-, thereof, or In mo camps elsewhere or any nivul or milltury service In' the I nit od Stales or the National (iuanl ol Hie seveial Stales. Votl IIH Iherelore, lurlhel III, lllle. I that the said allegations, will be la I an .".I, and i laid .in i w-lll l.i i-.iin.-li-, I ult hoi! I lurlhel right in be heurd. cither before this oh., ol on app. a I II ton fall I" M m this of III , 11 llhltl I ueiilt - ..It.l the KOI Kill piildnalloii ol I HI in. i,. . as show li lielon, loin an iter, in oath i ..ill. ' i "io nog to Hieee ullegation ., oonlesl, logothor with due proof lliut you have served a copy oT your answer on Hie said , ,m loHtunl either in person or by r. . lered mall. You should state in your answer Hie name of the post oftl. . to which ton desire further nolle- t,. be sent (, B I THOMAS JONES. Itegistor Hate of lust publication. Man I ... of second publication March ,, Hate oi third publloatloa April -.. 1 1 1 T Hal. ii I, on ih piih licali. Hi Apl ll I - 1I7 otii K in i Rl niioits. Noli, , Is hereby glten thai the un Igaod kaa b. . u apaolatad aula- iir ol th. .--tale if Arllnir W Trow, ili-'-u.i.'.l, by order ol the I'oiin ii Court of the Stat.- ..I Oregon lm Hie Count.! of Malheur Ant and all .us having i lulins against the. ' estuie are li. -relit notified lo i.l i in the same, duly terified uu hy law reunited, to the under. igued .id iniiiistraloi at his resilience in On lalio lllegon, wilhlli -It inolilh- floin the dale ol I he hi ll publlea I loll of I this lei Hone and dated and Rr t iuhlished liiis 9th day ol Man-ti, 1111 CLINTON i-' TROW. Adiiitnislralor ..i ih. .'state of Ar thur W. Trow, 1 1. . .1 i en i pulilii.itlon March 8, 1817. I .1 piililiciitioii April ".. 117. IN TI1K cot n i Ol I! I Of THK BTATI ol" 0RR0ON, IN AND POR MAI.HKITl COI NT V In tka niaiier ol the Rstat- of June i Put. li. Iieioused OHUKU in sliow cause why Order or Sale of Ileal Batata Should not be made. ll appearing lo thta court, by the petition this day presented and died ky Edwin J. Patch and Wilater D Patch. the execntore of the estate ef Jane 0 Patch, deceased. CLASSIFIED A DVERT1S1NG Thosn little biIh. aro road hy thousand of want seekers both' lo buy and to soil. Prlco por line, per Insertion M. 1'hono 49J for result. (Jrlffln Sanitary Dairy Is tlio rlen ohI dairy In Knutorn Oregon Out i( thlrtv-Hlx dalrioH In Knstoni Oregon, Including Iho elf's- of Hakor and Li Urando, (Jrlflln Dairy ban tho highest M'n- llo got I II 14 points- out of a possible 20 on olounllnoss In milking, bottling, wnHlilnR and bimdlliiR IiIh milk. Whin mi Mil loan, rich milk, phono (irttHn Sanitary Hairy SB It. and you will Rot It !' tf Eggs for hutching from In; fully ill . led p. n of While Ply mouth Recks, l mi por In eggs. Mrs (' M l.aokei . Kootc I, Pi Idaho PhOM 7 2 I . 1'rint laud Kx hiii . PMtTNElt WANTKii Win, $i. IM I i PHI u.itir on inn ,,,,, oi ,i.., loio.inir ah land Dam and ditch lilnl on Addross ' H tar, llnrpor. Orogon 1 1 ii i ..ii m .mi ii potatoea, Bhaolata ii and pan . Nattad Qama Bnd l: in ,1 I. A. ) 'liniii. I'lionr IIIhb. I tr , for PAINTINO, Paper hanging. and t'atclmlnlni i ir-i (las Work, Prtma Raaaoaabla 1'hono K A 2-U w j WANTBD Vou to Kn.. we aro euulppad I" h.indlo ..our Joh pilnl ing, and raady at all tlme- lo give ou the most reasonable prUea poa- Btbkl - ron nmm Hv" r""IM '"'" '" ! RUpkM Bt MHOO Adi In It KOIt SAI.K -Hay. mlloK est of Ontarln A. II (an 7 tf yuH KNT KurB)lh,d ,u n. nmlroom. Inuulra Copo iho Tailor. ,,,,,. , k .,,, f Mr tH 7-tf. ch; f you want Ice call up J. W illiatns Phone 1 I 2-m. : if Wauled A few stands ol boaa. address llox 474 Vale. Adv. 21 . KOIt SAI.K H ' While Leghorn hutching eggs A II Cain Phone I I I ti I.M.AI. Miiil'l. io list for an order for BBla "t rasl estnto. Hist it Is necessary tO soil lie in, .!. oi the real estuie of said .! i -.l.-nl In order Hull a final till and distribution ol suld estate mat h, made accord lug to the terms ol llj ol the suld do. eased It is therefore, aaajaagd by this Court, that all persons limn- n-.l in Hie estate of said deceased, appear n. i. .re Hie said County Court on the .'1st da of April. A D. HIT, at Hie hour of ll o cioos in me inrn. i m '1 d". "" 'n '","'1 r ""l,i t'ouuly Court, ul the Court lli.ui in he City of Vale, Counit of Malheur, Stale of Oregon lo how cause why i order should u B grant.. I III the ,l,i executors lo sell the ll 1 1 e I II .1 1 I ;' MPlbad real BaUU ol 11 ''' Ul . . ,i. ami w..i, b sini ratal a ' I " r1 i sw ', oi BRVi "i BR ', ot Bat lion 'J, Township ! . South. Hang.- IT K is! ol II it. viei Id Ian, eontalatni ,,, i, ll. ll' III tl,:ln or 1 Olllllt - III lllegoll v,'',', t3WW rOR "ETTER GARDENS ',-'y 4y .ti vVSBy" nvf Sewl are properly t.n, cd in i!Mujj0naR EMI thin ti.suc p.p. i i..s- I lay -' - "" WS gcrniiiiaie uii kci and In lier Jf Ajk .j-" -ffe bacauet the paper absorbs and '','x sB BobJa moiaiure, Theyai sSu ( :i keakhier and mora beauiifuj ,(i lV jt,-;, il. mis, uioic even itanil ami ,. LfB line .Iraighl lows. Then in lo9 adiliiion, there ia a great av- jSf M ing oi time ami labia you S 9& plant a whole low ul a time, ' -I H ami no thlnningeaui is nacaa. ,', M aary. Aiuairuii get expert ra- 4H I suit with fskio rdtape. ifc M Sed'. ii adf, t'" SI 111 B9H 7IWMttt4a .NtvVwfc MS I ut IMAttt One fggflT en.. Ui .isi y-urdl jtg j 1 7T laai , j ,1, p,c, ac par jlAi Sg EOH SAI.K (i two liarnuia and ono our l::rnoim all atMl n'ltotii.itle fly shuttle rarpot looms, iiIiihihI new. Must hoII by April Ilk, Mia. 8. Burkhardl, Wyoming A Omni M . Ontario, 10-ni KOI! SAI.K :i Reed young BlllfM, coining I yours old also sonic mam niolh Unitize Turk. Cobblers. A II. Uunioy, I 'ru It In n 'I RachBBgQ. 8-31 KOIt SAI.K Modern house, six rooms, '.. r oonnoi-tiuii I, v .-11 Im proved, paytnonts llko ronl. small .I . dm, n Call at this office. POR SAI.K 100 tons of rholco nl - falfa hay. four miles south of Nya- mi Fred Wood 2tf wnuAun unroi urooa aow ana six pigs. J J Ward, four mil. v . of Ont.irlo dv ll-tf OI!l I.ON I s UN IIIIIM tTaal iiouii'i N.. ..7 1 Mind ! ontarln 1 n no a in Hulh i'i"ii Sunday; Arrive Vale 10:19 a in.. Jiiniimi L' 99 p in ; Hhersldo :: p m Cl'.i: II Milt ! i Be, ore 7:110 n in i i.l Sunday. Itlverslde 9:19 n B. Jutitura 1" 91 I to. Vale till ! m. Ar- rive Ontario 2:00 p. in Hltot.W lilt Will .So ITI MtMd I . Ontario 1 : SO ,. hull l. vi. ,t Sunday. !,eave Vuio I :n in , .Mthc iirogan . in No. 074 Mixed Leave Itrogun 1:90 ... p in . BM ii.. in , Arrive on lario u: . p. in. HOMKDM.H HltAM H Extra Mixed Leave Ontario 8:15 a m Dally Kxrepl Sunday. No. 36.1 Mixed Lento N'tssa ;25 a. m. Dally Except Sunday Ae , rirOf Hoiuedule I0:nri a. m ill Mlx.-d llomedale 10:11 a. m Dally Kxcepi Sunday, Arrive Nyssa 12:0a p. m. EM ru Mixed Ail He Ontario 1 I ::n p in LKU t. NolHKS. Also an undli tiled one hull In I Hi anil lo the following described r'.l properly BttBttta In Malheur Count) . Slat. ..I Q gun. slid described as tollous, i., .ut aii oi Lata I I M4 as Hie same ap..n- on Hi. ..ll rial plat thereof, a. cottllng lo MM se, ond stirvcv of I he Towiislle of Annex, Miilheur Count). Slulo of Oregon And It Is further ordered thai I copy of Ihls order be personally seried upon the heirs, and devisees known mid residing wlthtu Hie Slat- of Oregon, and it Is hereby further ordeled I hat a copt ol this order he published lor four successive weeks in Iho Outurlo Argus, a we.klt news paper pilule. I and published in BM Count! ami In general in. illation in .H.I I olllllt Dated tkl hruary, D i ii 1 7 w MeKNIUHT, I Olllllt I iti -I Piihii .hi. .0 Man h ' '. 1011 I ... I Publican. ni .i 10 i 0. O LUEHRS Drufist BUSINESS CARDS PHYSICIANS DM. PRINIINO & WIMI Ontario, Oregon onion In New Wilson Hlock. Office hours 9 to 12 2 to DKNTISTS ,.,, u. ,, ,.,..,,(, DKNTIHT Phenes: Wilson nidg. 117 Rea. 1173 l MDKKTAKINU .1 II. KAItl.KY PlUnl dlrorlor tad M kal BM ' I.ady assistant. Phone 111 -W Ontario. Oregon. Tit si Kit 1 TRANBTBR, lAOOAQI AND EX- PHK88 , Moot nil tralnn. J JOHN I, WhlNCMAM ATTtlllSms a) ii BROOKB, Miornoi at Lav, II on llhlR. Ontario, Ora. c McOONAQILL ii,iriiov nt I Will l'i mi.. In Ml Courts Notary I'uMii Offlea Otw Paatottot LESLIE J. m.i i; l. u , li; I Koom , first National Dunk Illdg oiiiailo, oi.mui. . Mill I III CM A. WOllll LAwrnu llootiiN l' I Klrst Nat I Hank Illdg Ontario, Orogon R u 8WAOLKH Alloraey at Ijiw ItooiiiM , 14, 1 f, Wilson Illdg i n. i rlii OI.'KOII P. J. OAI LAOHSR law V Kit Itooius In Wilson Illdg. Ontario. Oreaou. Expert Service Reasonable Charges and Tin- kind of treatment Steady custonioi-s (li'Sfi-vc Is the principal upon which in do business. Accessories canifd for all kinds of ears. GMOliM, Lubricating Oils and Supplit's. Ontario Auto Co. PB1EDUF0MD, Prop. rhone 134 Tht Stiiiildry BcirbtM Shop Is tka place lo gal .mill t,.n si, I l,i ui-i-d H.i,i' d a - 'tell o- plana I ike pe i loil.i ni neb and shuv ,ni' in. ii, rial l.i. o!, i,. Revolt iiik sign vini Inn new bath ROOD! lhe xStinittiry Biirber xShop I'll! Islelisell Bma . Pi "I Whisker " The attar effaota naiattaMa are worse than long whisker. We make a specialty of the care of your fa.. i Qjtva in a trial a aad If qot Hulisued tell . e MOOJW H.UIRUt HHor A. K. JOHNBO.Ii. Pmpr f